Math 1 Group Theory
Math 1 Group Theory
Math 1 Group Theory
1. If a I b we say that a is a
a. divisor of b b. multiple of b
divisor of a d. none of these
+ Engineering + Junior College + Entrance Guide Diploma 3. If a, b, c are Integers such that a I bc and (a, b) = 1, then
a. cla b. bc I a
c. alc d. none of these
4. GCD of 243 and 198 is
Molecular Biology
a. 8 b. 1
Business Intelligence
5. The value of 15 mod 3 is?
a. 1 b.
c. 3 d. 2
c. (3.4, 6), {7) I. Give an exampleof a relationon a set A = {1, 2, 3} which Is reflexive,
(5.6). (5.7) symmetric but not transltlve. (Apri12017)
9. The linear comblnatlon of gcd(243, 198)= 9 can be written as
Since A = ( I, 2, 3} then the relation
a. (243) (9) + (198) (-11)
b. (243) + (198) (11) is both reflexive and symmetric, but not transitive.
c. (243) (11) + (198) (9)
d. (198) + (243) (-11) but (1, 3) e R.
a. Co-prime numbers
=9 (mod6)
b. Prine
? = 16 —a(mod 6)
c. Rational numbers
Convosite numbers . x = T, S, satisfies x
S.Y. Theory• Integers
S.Y. Mel Groups and Coding Theory Integers
4. addition table for Z modulo 4. (October 2015)
—bc = a (mc)
f« Z = (ö. i. . }nndulo4 is
.,öiää %al bcV c EZ
8. Write addition table for (Z3, +3).
Z3 = {6, i, i} and +3 addition modulo 3.
2. Show that 4999 and 1109are relativelyprime. Also find m and n such that
4999m + 1109n 1. (April2017)
axbs =
Here a -4999 and b = 1109
(ab) (xs) + I
First we find g.c.d. of a and b by using Euclidean algorithm.
Applying division algorithm successively. till we get zero remainder as gcd (ab,c)
4999 = 1109x4+563 (1) 4. Find the greatest common dlvlsor d of 7677 and 4647. Hence find integers m
1109= 563x1+546 (11) and n such that:d = 7677m + 4647m (October2016)
563 = 546x1+ 17 Solution
546=17x32+2 We have,
17= 2x8+1 7677 = 4647 x 1 + 3030
Let a, b, c e Z
If gcd(a, c) = gcd(b, c) = 1, then prove that gcd(ab, c) = 1.
(By using (3))
gcd(a,c) = 1sax +cy = l, x,yeZ
gcd(b, c) = bs+ct = 1.s,teZ = 189x2-[204- (By using (4))
[1413-204 x 6) x 27-204 x 25 (By using (5)) S.Y. Groups and Coding Theory • 1-9 Integers
(By using (8)) 6. Find the greatest common dlvlsor d of 6162 and 1213. Hence find Integers m
4647 x 401 + 3030 x 401 and n such that: d = 6162 m + 1213 n (October2015)
3030x 615- Solutlon
[7677-4647 x x 615- 4647x 401 (By using (9)) First, we find g.c.d. 'd' of
3 7677x 615-4647 x 615-4647 x 401 a = 6162 and b = 1213 by using Euclidean algorithm
Apply Division Algorithm, to 6162 and 1213. we have
3 7677x 615-4647 x 1016
6162 = (1213) (5) + 97
3 7677 x 615 +4647 x (-1016)
Here remainder = r = 97 0,
Here m z 615 and n = —1016
apply Division algorithm to 1213 and 97
5. Find greatest common dlvlsor (gcd) of 7260 and 1638. Express It In the form we get 1213 97 (12) +49 (2)
7260 m + 1638 n where m and n are Integers. (Apr//2016) Again apply Division algorithm to 97 and 49, we have
SolutJon 97 49 (J) + 48 (3)
Using Euclidean Algorithm. Apply Division algorithm to 49 and 48. we get
7260 z 1638x 4+ 708 (5) 49 = 48 (J) +1 (4)
1638z 7002+222 Lastly 48 = 1 (48) +0 (5)
.•.g.c.d. 'd' of 6162 and 1213 is L
708* 2220+42 (3)
d = I = (6162, 1213) i.e. these integers are relatively prime. Now, we find mand n.
222 12 (2)
42. 12x 3+6 (1) d = J z 49-48 by (4)
12 -49 - (97-491 by (3)
% (72"), 1638) 6 -97+2 (49)
To find integers m and n we consider --97 +211213-9702))by (2)
6 42-02>0) 20213) + (-25) 97
(Using (J))
42 - (222-42 x (Using (2))
- by (1)
6162 (-25) + 1213 (127)
Integers "8101
S.Y. u-l Groups and Coding Theory S.Y. WI Groups and Coding Theory
and only If 3x + 4y Is
= 6162 m + 1213 n. 9. Let R be relatlondeflnedon set of Integers.xRy If (April2015)
dlvlslble by 7. Show that R Is an equivalence relatlon.
m = —25.n 127
7. If a b(mod m) Since R is relation on set of integers Z defined as
(October 2015)
c d(mod m) xRye 3x + 4y is divisible by 7.
then prove: i.e. 3x +4y = 7k, k e Z or 7 1(3x +4y)
ax + cy = bx + dy(mod m) R is reflecxive: Since 3x + 4x = 7x is divisible by 7
Solution • xRx R is reflexive.
If a z b m) and c E d (mod m) R is symmetric: If xRy 3x + 4y = 7k
m I (a b) and m I (c —d) Consider 3y + 4x
. a —b = rnkl. c —d= mk2for kl, Z = 7 (x + y)—7kby(i)
Consider (ax + cy) —(bx + dy) = 7 (x + y—k)
= (a —b)x + (c d)y
. 7 1(3y + 4x) —yRx
= mklX+ mkzv by (l) R is symmetric.
= + k2Y)
R is transitive: Let xRy and yRz
= mk k = klx + Z —3x+4y = 7kand
m I [(ax + cy) —(bx + dy)J
•.3X+4z = (7k—4y)+(7m—3y)
. ax + cy bx + dy (mod m).
8. Find g.c.d. (greatest common divisor) of 2210 and 357. Express g.c.d. In the 7 1(3x + 4z) —xRz
form 2210 m + 357 n. (Apri/2015) R is transitive.
Hence R is an equivalence relation on Z
Using Euclidean Algorithm
2210 =
10. Prove that a = b (mod n) If and only If a and b have same remainder r,
O r < n when dlvlded by n. (April2015)
357 = 17 (1) Solution
68= Let a = b (mod n)
. (2210, 357) By definition, a b is divisible by n.
To find integers m and n we consider. i.e., a—b = knforsome integerk (1)
17 357-68 x 5 (From Suppose r is the remainder left after dividing b by n.
= (From Then by division algorithm,
b = nq+r,OSr<n
From a = b + kn = nq + r + kn = n (q + k) + r
S.Y. "-l Groups and Coding Theory 1-12 Integers
By division algorithm,
Multi le Choice Questions 1 Mark Questions .
a = nql + r
OSr < n
b = nqz+r
Is not a blnary operatlon on the set of natural numbers.
• a —b= n (q —O s n la—b a = b (mod n)
a. addition b. product
11. Show that Nß Is Irrational for any prime p. (April 2015)
Solution c. difference d. algorithm
If p is prime and suppose that '{p is rational number 2. Is not a binary operation on Z.
(1) a. b.
c. d.
p= a2= pb2 (2)
3. If a * (b * c) = (a * b) V a, b, ce S then * Is said to be on S.
pla2 by definition of divisibility
a. closed b. commutative
c. associative d. distributive
pla by Euclid's Lemma
4. (S, t) Is said to be seml-group If
2 2
a2 = p k a. * is binary operation on S b. * is associative on S
pb2 = p2k2 by (l) c. both a and b d. S has an identity element with respect to *
a- lla b. 2.1a
c. Ya d. 41a
10. Which sentence Is true?
a. Set of all matrices forms a group under multiplication
b. Set of all rational negative numbers forms a group under multiplication Since I is multiplicative identity in A
c. Set of all non-singular matrices forms a group under multiplication Element Its Inverse
is associative
iii. Let e e G be identity element of G; e e G 1
2xe = x 2e
1 1
1 1
b G is inverse of 'a' in G.
multlpllcatlon. 1 1
e G is inverse of
Solution 4x 4x
2xy 2xy
Then AB = . (G, is a group. It is easy to verify that AB = BA so that G is abelian.
2xy 2xy
because 2xy O, 2xy e R as x, y O, x, y e R
. G is closed under multiplication.
S.Y. Mel Groups
Ond COdlng Theory
4. Lot z bo 0,
of Integers. Define
an operation S,Y. WI Groups and Coding Theory • Groups
a •b a + b —6. Show on Z
that Z Is an abellan (October2015)
Solution %(10 a) is an inverse of a in Z.
group w.r.t.
Operation defined on . (Z. *) ig a group.
Z as
a Commutative law: For any a, b e Z
a + b —5 for a,
be Z
c. Closure property:
Let a. b e Z
. a • b •a + b —5
e Z C.i a + b —5 is an
. closure property hold.
* is commutative
Associative property: Let
a. b, c e Z (Z, *) is an abelian group.
Consider a (b c) a (b + 5. Let QI = Q —{1}. Define on QI as a b = a + b— ab Y a, b e 01. Prove that
c —5)
(QI, In an abellan group. (April2015)
Let Q = Q— (l) and * is defined as a * b = a + b —abV a, be QI
because a, be Q, a * l, I
. Associativity holds,
then a + 1 a *be QI
Existence of identity element:
QI is closed under *
For a e Z. we have to find ee Z such that a *
e=a ii. Consider a * (b + c) = a * (b + c —bc)
Consider.a e a = a + (b + c —bc) —a (b + c —bc)
adding —aon both sides = (a + b —ab) + c —c (a + b —ab)
wc get. e —5
.e 5 is identity element of G.
Existence of inverse element: t. * is associative.
a +e—ae=a
be 10 —a
0 e Qt is identity.
La bE Q eQ H APTER 3
Finite Groups and Subgroups
Multi le Choice Questions 1 Mark Questions .
. (Q, isa
I. Let (H, be a subgroup of (G, then whlch of the following Is Incorrect?
a. Ha and aH both are subsets of G for a E G.
= b •a Va.bE Q b. HiffaH=H.
c. If G is non Abelian then every subgroup of G is non abelian.
* is in QI
d. None.
(Q • ) is abeliangoup.
2. If H = (O,3} and G = (Z, +6)then how many dlstrlct left cosets of H In G?
a. 1
.O(G)= n = 3
of order n,
23 =<a> be a cyclic group
But we know that G
G iff (m, n) —l.
b. (1 34 5) Then amis generator of
c. (1 234 5)
Since (1,3) = 1, (2,3)
4 2
8. 1 S, thon f can be written as The generators are a, a
G = 2.
a. (1 23 4) b. (1 34 2) The number of generators of
Questions •
d. (432 1) Answer the followin 5 Marks
4 to 5. vary from
Marks for these Questions may
find the order
Answer the followln 1 Mark Questions : given permutationIs even or odd. Also
Marks for these Questions may vary trom 1 to 2. 1. Determinewhetherthe 123456789 (April2017)
ofcando-l.o= 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 9 8
Consider tho group G (o, a, a2, as) with usual multlpllcatlon. Wrlto order of
each element In G. Solution
(October2016) as
product of transportation
Solution first we express permutation o as
Since G (e, a. a 2. a)) is a group with usual multiplication. (1 23456789 h
• ' G is cyclic
group generated by 'at with a4 e.
= (1 2345) (6) (7) (8 9) — product of disjoint cycles
Element Order of element number of transportations)
= (15) (1 3) (12) (8 9) — product of 5 (odd
4 •.0 is odd permutation.
a 2 l, by interchanging ISt and IIDdrows and then rearranging as
Now we find c
a 4 (23451679
234567 8 9)
2. Find order of tho followlng permutatlon:o (1 2) (3 4 5) (6 7 8) In So.
(October 2016) = 1 23 4 67 9
2. If G = (4+4) and H ä}. (April2017)
Since given pennutatjon is
Wrlteall leftcosets of subgroup H In group G. Show that G/H Is a group.
which is a product of disjoint cycles of lengths 2, 3, 3 respectively.
Given G = (Z, +4)is a group and
. order of o lcm (lengths of disjoint cycles)
(ö, i) is a subset ofZ4
•lcm (2.3, 3) —6
. subgroups of ZIOare
(0. 5}, (0. 2.4, 6, 8}. zt+
G = sa Eft(r ä+Handä+H 4. Let G = (Z4,+)and H Write all the cosets of G related to its
of H in G
of in G•'H is. The coets of H in G are as follows:
Gerve an e.Jaæms in thS table a19
lies in G / H- There are two distinct coset of H in G and thee are H +
. G 'Hisagoup. H + or H + H + S.
5. Let a and ß are permutations In Ss:
3. FIM an of (ZIO, +).
(October 2016)
(1 234 (1 234 (October 2015)
ii. (1234
10) = ZIO
and gcd (5, 10) = 5
2 413 $ (1 234 $
1234 5) = k 3 142 5)ess.
We write a as a product
of transpositions.
3-6 • Groups end Sub...
and Coding
(1 3 4 5 2) -4 Proåjctofdisjointcycle. Groups
c. 1
.•.o •(1 34) (25 6B pro&ctofdisjoint cycles.... ..... ..... ..
3. Consider (2, 6) encoding function e
(I. 3). (l. 4). (2.5). (2.6) of transpositions
0) = 000000
Now. oret ofo = o(c) = I c m of lengths of disjoint cycles
e(10) = 101010
• l.c.m. (3.3.) by (i)
-3 e(ll) = 111000
...I(3 5416 (1 2345 6) what will be minimum distance of e?
2345 6)=k4 61325)
a. 2 b. 3
S.Y. GroupsandCodingTheory •
• Groups and Coding Theory
Theory 018101
Groups and Coding
S.Y. and Coding Theory • Groups and Coding Theory Groups and Coding Theory •
minimum distance 3, then how many
If •e'Is a (2,5) encoding function
6. If the encrypted letter is P under transformation f(x) = 5x + 7 (mod 26), what (Apri120f7)
Is the original letter?
detect? How many errors can It correct?
errors can this code
function with minimum distance
Since 'e' is a (2,5) encoding
7. In RSA algorithm, = In terms of p and q. %e can detects k = 3 or fewer
k + 1.
iff its minimum distance is atleast
error if it is necessary
code e will detect 2 or fewer error and e can correct 3 or fewer
codeword is 3 2 2k + l.
Answer the followin 1 Mark Questions : the minimum distance between any two
Mans fot thæe Questons may vary from 7 to 2.
1. If etc.B2 BS is the encoding function defined by parity check matrix H as. . it can correct single error.
distance between the words
4. Define weight of a word. Find the Hamming (Apri12017)
0 0 then find eH(10)and eH(11). (April2019)
is defined as the number of 1's in
Solution Let x e Bnthen hammingweight is denoted as w(x) or IXIand
Here. nrssage length = m = 2 x.
Also, if x, y e B , then the hamming distance between x and y is
codeword length = n = 5
ö (x, y) = The number of positions were the codeword x and y differs
parity bits = p = n —m
We compute xo for IS i' 4 5. Use RSA methodwlth pairs of letters and p = 19,q = 23,s = 41 to encode the
ö(xfl) message word "GO". (April2017)
Here p = 19, q = 23, s = 41.
6(xC), xo = I x(2) x, I = 19 x 23 = 437
100001 p, q are primes
ö(xf3), xo = I O x, I =
-1010111 = 396
• • Groups and Coding Theory S.Y. M-I Groups and CodJngTheory • and
S.Y. &oup•
Now. the tt*ssage GO'
x2=O.l+ =I
14 e(01) = 01011
-170 Next e(10) = 10 x,
So •GO' is number 170.
form of integer, where = 1.1 + 0.0 = O
Now we to calculate ( 170)'i (mod 437), get the encoded message in the
1.1+ 1.0=1
We have.
437) 1.0+0.1
381(mod437) . e(10) = 10110
437) Similarly verify e(11) -11101
z 248 (mod 437) The composition table for in BSfor given 4 elements
e 00000 01011 10110 11101
96 (mod 437) 00000 00000 01011 10110 11101
01011 01011 00000 11101 10110
E96x 170 10110 10110 11101 00000 01011
E 16320E 151 (mod 437) 11101 11101 10110 01011
Observe that every element in this composition table is again an elenrnt of the set
The encoded nrssage received is 151.
10 Set {00000, is a subgroup of BS.
011 It is a group code.
6. If: H = 1 0 0 Is a paritycheck matrix, determinethe (April2017)
010 Now the minimum weight of non—zerocode word is 3.
01 The minimum distance of group code is 3.
group code eH : B2 -+ B5. Show that It Is a group code. Find the minimum 7. Use RSA methodtripletsof lettersto encode the message 'RUN', wrere
distance. p = 17, q = 41, s = 19 with usual notation. (October 2016)
Solution Solutlon
Wehave (00, 01, 10, 11} Given p = 17, q = 41 ands = 19
Then e(OO)= 00 x2 x3 m=pq= 17 x 41 = 697
where —0.1+0.0=0 then n = = •(pq) = p. q are
= 0.1+0.1 -o