Tugas 1 FRD
Tugas 1 FRD
Tugas 1 FRD
Arranged by:
Jl. Prof Sudarto SH, Tembalang, Semarang Telp. (024) 76480785, 76480788
E-mail: [email protected]
Open Source Software for Close Range Photogrammetry
It has minimum requirements such as: Windows x64, Linux, or macOS Operating
System, recent Intel or AMD CPUs, 8GB of RAM, and about 400MB of hard drive for the
software itself plus space of your data.
Meshroom requires an NVIDIA GPU card with a CUDA compute capability. In case
you do not have a CUDA GPU, you can use the draft meshing option which uses the CPU
for meshing. Meshroom can be got from pre-bulit binaries or from the sources on Github.
Meshroom supports most image formats, including many RAW formats such as
‘.exr’, ‘.rw2’, ‘.cr2’, ‘.nef’, ‘.arw’,… However, it is recommended to use ‘.jpg’, ‘.jpeg’, ‘.tif’,
‘.tiff’ or ‘.png’ at the moment.
Result examples made with Meshroom:
The software is suitable to every type of objects of any scale: from small object or
statues with acquisition from the ground, to church, castle through drone acquisitions, to
buildings, cities or natural areas through aerial or satellite acquisitions. The tools also
allow for the georeferencing of the end products in local/global/absolute coordinates
system. Some complementary tools open the fields of metrology and site surveying.
One of MicMac strengths is its high degree of versatility. It can indeed be used in
various fields: cartography, environment, industry, forestry, heritage, archaeology
MicMac is an open-source project that aims at being cross platform. Very few
dependencies are mandatory to have the core program work. it is possible to install
MicMac on most x86/x64 platforms (Windows Xp-Vista-7-8-10, Mac OSX, Fedora, RHEL,
Ubuntu...). All results produced by MicMac are exclusively in open data formats (tif, xml,
Agisoft Metashape
Agisoft Metashape was introduced in 2010 and last updated in 2022. It has 2 kind
of license which are Node-locked and floating. You can access this software for free using
the free 30-day trial.
There are some computer system requirements that need to be fulfilled, such as
Windows (XP and higher) / Linux / Mac OS (10.6+) Operating System, 4 - 8 core Intel or
AMD processor, 2.0+ GHz CPU, 2096Mb of RAM, 64-bit version of software available,
Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 or GeForce GTX 1080 graphic card, and minimum 1Gb of data
storage capacity.
The price for Agisoft Metashape Standard Edition license is 179USD and for the
Professional edition is 3499USD.
Bentley ContextCapture was introduced in 2013 and last updated in 2017. It has
several computer system requirements, such as: Microsoft Windows 7/8/10 Operating
System, preferred to use Intel I7 (4+ cores), 4.0+ Ghz or higher, minimum 8000Mb of RAM
with preferred 64000Mb of RAM, and preferred to use NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti or
TitanX, GTX1080 graphic card.
This software supports All kind of digital RGB image (digital camera, airborne,
UAV/drone, smartphone), and Thermal imagery Video Frames Up to 300Gpixel as image
source. It also supports JPEG, TIFF, RAW, JPEG2000, ECW (RGB and thermal) video frames
extraction from: MP4, WMV, AVI, MOV and MPG files as input image formats (Geo-
matching, n.d.-b).
It has several computer system requirements, such as: 64bit machine with at least
8GB of RAM, 64bit Microsoft Windows version 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 or Windows Server version
2008+ Operating System, NVIDIA graphics card with CUDA 3.0+ capabilities and 1GB
VRAM, CUDA Toolkit 10.2, minimal driver version 441.22. It is also recommended to use
a machine with at least 4 CPU cores, 16GB of RAM and 1024 CUDA cores. If you do not
have the NVIDIA card, you will be still able to run the application and register images, you
will not be able to create a textured mesh. The CPU is required to support SSE4.2
(Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.2) or higher.
In this software, Images / photographs can be loaded in all file formats recognized
by Microsoft Windows, e.g., .bmp, .gif, .ico, .jpeg, .png, .tiff, .dng, .wmphoto, .dds, raw
formats (if Microsoft Camera Codec Pack has been installed). You can import a list of
images as a text file with .imagelist extension. Current laser-scan supported formats are
PTX and E57. For now, only ordered point clouds from terrestrial laser scanners are
supported to import. Ground controls and flight logs are importable in all text formats
(correctly formatted). Components may be imported as Reality Capture Alignment
Components (.rcalign). Image selections can be loaded as .imagelists. Bundle-outs in the
.out format through scene open. Camera poses in .txt. Metadata with the .xmp file
extension. Mesh in .obj format for re-texturing (RealityCapture, n.d.-a).
Price for RealityCapture is listed below.