CBCA106 Week5 Set3
CBCA106 Week5 Set3
CBCA106 Week5 Set3
Q1 √
Q2 √
Q3 √
Q4 √
Q5 √
The MIPS assembly language simply refers to the processor's assembly language. Microprocessor
without Interlocked Pipeline Stages (MIPS) is an acronym for Microprocessor without Interlocked
Pipeline Stages. It's a MIPS Technologies-developed reduced-instruction set architecture. To begin,
you first require an excellent Integrated Development Environment to compile and execute your MIPS
assembly language code. MARS (MIPS Assembler and Runtime Simulator) will be used in this lab for
this purpose.
You will learn how MARS MIPS works and will simulate some sample assembly programs. This will
help you to learn assembly programming in depth. MARS MIPS
1. Write the assembly language code which will check a number whether it is even or odd (input
should be given by user).
2. Write an assembly language code that takes your name and birth year as input. Your program
first computes the age of a person and then display the output as follows.
Example: Enetr the name of a person and Year of birth is 1999, then the outputshould be
School of Computer Science Engineering and Technology
3. Write an assembly language code that will take Employee name, Basic Salary, Dearness
Allowance, Special Allowance as input, compute the salary, and display the same on the console.
Example: Employee name: XYZ
Basic Salary: 66000
DA: 11880
SPA: 22000
4.Write an assembly language code that will take two numbers a and b from the
user, display the greater number at the output.
Example: Input a is: 89
Input b is: 33
Greater No. is: 89
5. Write an assembly language program to compute the sum of N integers, i.e., 1+2+3+…+N=?
Submission Instructions:
1. Submit your .asm files in your respective batches in LMS. Save all the files as
per the format RollNo_Lab#_QuestionNo.asm (Example:
2. Write your Name and Roll No. as comment before starting of each program.
3. Make it sure that in each program, you have mentioned enough comments
regarding the
explanation of program instructions.
4. In the LMS please submit in your respective batch’s submission portal.
Submission in other
batch’s submission portal will not be checked.
5. Write your Name and Roll No in the .asm file itself (Use # to insert comment
6. Without this you will score zero for that question.
7. Late submission will lead to penalty.
8. Any form of plagiarism/copying from peer or internet sources will lead