Chapter 2

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Review of Related Literature and Review of Related Studies

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies on the
Effectiveness of New Shifting Schedule on Academic Performance Among Grade 12
HUMSS Students in Bayambang National High School. Different related literature and
studies were shown and illustrated to support and strengthen the present study.

Related Literatures
Effects of Class Scheduling and Student Achievement on State Testing

Fisrtly according to Childers, E. (2018). Entitled of “Effects of Class Scheduling

and Student Achievement on State Testing”. The purpose of this research study was to
determine the effectiveness of four different class schedules on students’ academic
achievement on end-of-course testing and whether a specific class schedule is more
conducive to student academic achievement on statemandated standardized tests.
Georgia Department of Education provided archived public data for the 2009–2012
school years for a high school with an approximate population of 1,400 students. This
high school implemented different class schedules; a 4x4 block schedule, A/B block
schedule, a mixed block and traditional period day, or traditional period schedule. The
main research question was focused on students’ state standardized end-of-course test
scores performance (N = 8,972) between students instructed using 4 different class
schedules. Data were analyzed using an ANOVA to determine whether there was a
significant difference attributable to a specific curricular schedule. Students’ academic
achievement on state standardized testing showed a significant increase in math for
students instructed on the block and A/B block schedule. The results were viewed
through the theory of constructivism, as it is used to advocate for forms of block
scheduling to promote increased instructional techniques and student academic
achievement. Although the schedules taken in totality not show an improved student
academic performance based on the schedule under which instruction occurred, the
individual course analysis reflected statistically significant differences in the content
area of math. The findings of this research promote positive social change by adding to
the understanding of the effectiveness of different schedules on student academic

How does class schedule affect the satisfaction of students?

Secondly according to SCISPACE (n.d). Entitled “How does class schedule

affect the satisfaction of students?” Shifting class schedules can have an impact on the
students academic performances, research shows that students tend to have cognitive
fatigue when they have multiple courses in a row leading to low performance.
Additionally the time of classes plays a role as it shows that afternoon classes students
perform better than the morning class, the scheduling is more pronounced to single
classes schedule compared to multiple class schedule. Overall, restructuring daily
school schedules may be a promising and potentially low-cost educational intervention
to improve student achievement.

The Effect of School Start Times on Academic Performance from Childhood

through Puberty.

Thirdly according to Heissel, J., & Norris, S. (2020). Entitled of “The Effect of
School Start Times on Academic Performance from Childhood through Puberty”. We
analyze the effect of school start time on academic performance. Sleep patterns are
determined in part by sun rise times, which vary across time zones. Because school
start times do not fully reflect this difference, we instrument for the hours of sunlight
before school with the time zone boundary in Florida. We find that moving start times
one hour later relative to sun rise in creases test scores by 0.07 and 0.05 standard
deviations for adolescents in math and reading, respectively. In math, the effect is larger
for older children and co-varies with entry in to animportant pubertal stage. School
districts can improve performance while maintaining the currentdistribution of start times
by moving classes earlier for younger children and later for older children. (JEL I21,I28).
The Impact of Class Scheduling on Academic Performance in Quantitative
and Qualitative Business Disciplines

Furthermore, according to Cordis, A. S., & Pierce, B. G. (2017). Entitled of “The

Impact of Class Scheduling on Academic Performance in Quantitative and Qualitative
Business Disciplines”. Recent research indicates that class scheduling influences the
academic performance of college students. Specifically, it finds that grades for early-
morning classes are systematically lower than for classes held later in the day, all else
being equal. Building on this research, we present evidence that class scheduling has a
larger influence on student performance in quantitative business disciplines, such as
accounting and finance, than in qualitative business disciplines, such as management.
We also find that the scheduling effect is more pronounced for single-section classes
than for multiple-section classes, which is consistent with a self-selection effect that acts
to mitigate the adverse impact of early morning classes on grades.

Effect of shift-based scheduling on student learning, satisfaction and capacity in

obstetrics and gynecology rotations

In addition, the result of the conducted research of Nelson E. (2023) entitled

“Effect of shift-based scheduling on student learning, satisfaction and capacity in
obstetrics and gynecology rotations” Determine how a shift- based schedule to
accommodate more students affects learning, performance, and satisfaction with the
Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBG) rotation. The study was conducted among third year
OBG medical students with a triangular convergent cross-sectional approach. A new
shift-based schedule was implemented. After each rotation, an online survey was
conducted using a convenience sampling. Student scores on the National Board of
Medical Examiner (NBME) OBG subject exam were analyzed using paired t test.
Survey data was analyzed using two sample t test. The relationship between survey
responses and exam score findings were described. Data from shift-schedule students
was compared to traditional schedule students from the prior academic year. A
statistically significant improvement was seen for average NBME score for shift-
schedule students during the beginning portion (groups 1-3) of the academic year
(M=80, SD=6.9) compared to traditional (M=75.7, SD=7.3) [t (145) =3.69, p =.001]. A
similar pattern was not seen in subsequent groups (groups 4-6). Shift-schedule students
also showed a statistically significant improvement in their perception of learning
(t (183) =-2.54, p =.012). Parallel results were seen for belonging, manageable workload,
time to study, and engaging meaningfully. Using this model, we increased rotation
capacity from 24 to 30 students per group (20%). Shift based scheduling allows 20%
increase in capacity. Exam scores and student learning outcomes were similar or better
than traditional schedule controls.

The effect of chronotype (morningness/eveningness) on medical students'

academic achievement in Sudan

On the other hand, Mirghani, H. O. (2017). Stated in his research entitled “The
effect of chronotype (morningness/eveningness) on medical students' academic
achievement in Sudan” There is increasing awareness about the effects of circadian
misalignment on health and work. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the
effects of chronotype on academic achievement among medical students. A cross-
sectional comparative study was conducted among 140 medical students (64 who
averaged an A grade and 76 who averaged a C grade) completing the clinical phase at
the medical college of Omdurman University, Sudan. The participants were asked to
sign a written informed consent and to keep a diary detailing their bedtime, wake-up
time, sleep latency, and sleep duration during working days and weekends. Then, the
participants were invited to respond to a questionnaire. The chronotype was calculated
from the mid-sleep time during the weekend and sleep debt. Various sleep parameters
were then compared between the two groups. A t-test and logistic regression
analysis were used to test the statistical significance. The medical students with
average grades were more of the evening chronotype than the students with excellent
grades (p < 0.05). Significant differences were found between the two groups regarding
weekend bedtime, wake-up time, and sleep duration. In addition, significant differences
were evident for weekday bedtime, sleep latency, and wake-up lag between weekdays
and weekends. No differences were observed between the two groups during weekday
wake-up time and sleep duration, chronotype between gender, and bedtime delay
between weekdays and weekends (p > 0.05). Students whose average grade was a C
were more likely to have a later bedtimes during weekdays and weekends, sleep more
during weekends, and were more evening.

The Effects of Blended Learning on The Academic Performance Ofgrade 12

Humss Students Of Aclc Tacloban

Furthermore, according to Alberio E. N. & Bautista, J. P. (2022). Entitled of “the

effects of blended learning on the academic performance ofgrade 12 humss students of
ACLC tacloban”. The current COVID-19 Pandemic, which has halted the
majority of humanoperations, has presented humanity with huge and inconceivable
obstacles. One of theaffected sectors was education and it resulted in the suspension of
classes to avoid thespread of the virus. Despite these challenging situations, the
Department of Educationstill managed to continue the classes through blended
learning. We concentrate onthree questions in this paper as we investigate the effect
of blended learning modalityon the student’s academic performance among the Grade
12 HUMSS students of ACLCCollege of Tacloban. First, what are the demographic
profiles of the respondents interms of age, gender, and general average? Second, what
are the effects of Blendedlearning on the academic performance of Grade 12 HUMSS?
Third, what are the copingmechanisms of the students in the Blended learning setup?
The study adopted a quantitative, non-experimental research design particularlya
descriptive design of research. The respondents were the 178 HUMSS students
inACLC College of Tacloban. The result revealed that students put an effort into
theblended learning setup. The researcher also found out that students used various
ofstrategy to enhance their academic performance, it was found that students
researchfurther references regarding a certain topic, they down notes on the lessons,
they log-inin OED regularly to read and answer, they dominantly use their listening skills
duringonline class, and they read their e-learning modules. Students are encouraged to
focusand listen to the discussion, and take down notes as it has great help to their
Scheduling for Schools: Why Is It Essential?

According on the literature entitled Scheduling for Schools: Why Is It Essential?

Written by Kelchner, L. & Orren, J. ( 2017). Stated that Scheduling for schools plays a
crucial role in any educational institution. A schedule provides a framework for the
student while also ensuring the availability of teachers. Scheduling requires attention at
the district and school levels. Student enrollment, course requests, staffing, and
curriculum changes all have a significant impact on the academic goals of schools. And
there are numerous method of schedules it depends on the needs of the students and
requirements of the school, there are three major categories of scheduling: Period
schedules This is the traditional method of scheduling courses used by the majority of
secondary schools. Classes in middle and high schools generally last around 50
minutes. Next is Block Schedules This type of scheduling provides longer class periods
in middle and high schools. These longer periods, generally 90-120 minutes, provide
the instructor the flexibility to include other instructional strategies such as labs,
projects, assessments, and discussions along with direct instruction. And lastly Modified
Block Schedules In a modified block schedule, a variety of different combinations of
longer periods and/or alternating days may be incorporated. Some classes may meet
every day along with other courses delivered on alternating days. These schedules are
usually set up as A and B days.

Related Studies

Foreign Studies
The Impact of Class Scheduling on Academic Performance in Quantitative
and Qualitative Business Disciplines

In the study made by Cordis, A. S. & Pierce, B. G. (2017). Entitled of “The

Impact of Class Scheduling on Academic Performance in Quantitative and Qualitative
Business Disciplines” Recent research indicates that class scheduling influences the
academic performance of college students. Specifically, it finds that grades for early-
morning classes are systematically lower than for classes held later in the day, all else
being equal. Building on this research, we present evidence that class scheduling has a
larger influence on student performance in quantitative business disciplines, such as
accounting and finance, than in qualitative business disciplines, such as management.
We also find that the scheduling effect is more pronounced for single-section classes
than for multiple-section classes, which is consistent with a self-selection effect that acts
to mitigate the adverse impact of early morning classes on grades.

The effect of blended learning model on senior high school students’

Moreover, Utami, I. S. (2018) stated that the purpose of this research was to
determine this study used experimental research method with randomized control group
pretest-posttest design. The study was carried out with 63 students attending
information and communication technology course, where 31 of whom were in the
experimental group and 32 of whom were in the control group. In the experimental
group, teacher used blended learning as instructional model, while in the control group,
the course was taught based on traditional teaching model. Data collected from the
result of learning objective test with 35 questions. The research showed that the
learning result of experimental group is higher than the learning result of control group.
Based on the result of this research, it can be concluded that the blended learning
model contributed more to the students’ achievement. Keywords: blended learning,
instructional model, students’ achievement in there research entitled “The effect of
blended learning model on senior high school students’ achievement”.

Course scheduling and academic performance

Furthermore, according to Dills, A. K. & Hernández-Julián, R. (2008). Entitled of

“Course scheduling and academic performance”. This paper examines the relationship
between course scheduling and student achievement, controlling for student and course
characteristics. The literature in psychology recognizes that performance varies by time
of day and that spacing learning out over time may foster greater long-term memory of
items. We use student grades as a measure of performance and find a small, positive
time of day effect partly driven by student selection into preferred course times. In
addition, we find that students earn higher grades in classes that meet more often.

Local Studies

Academic Achievement Across the Day: Evidence from Randomized Class

In the study made by Shapiro, T. M. & Williams, K. M. (2018). Entitled of
“Academic achievement across the day: evidence from randomized class schedules”
This study expands our understanding of how school day schedules affect achievement.
We focus on three aspects related to scheduling: student fatigue, time of instruction,
and instructor schedules. Data cover five academic years at the United States Air Force
Academy, where schedules are randomized, grading is standardized, and there is
substantial variance in schedule structure. Analyzing over 180,000 student-course
outcomes, we find causal evidence of cognitive fatigue brought on by scheduling
multiple courses in a row. The expected performance of two students in the same class
may differ by as much as 0.15 standard deviations simply owing to their prior schedules.
All else equal, students perform better in the afternoon than in the early morning. We
also note that instruction improves with repetition. Heterogeneous effects by ability
suggest that overall gains are possible. Prioritizing certain schedules would be
equivalent to improving teacher quality by one-third of a standard deviation. A
reorganization of students’ daily school schedules is a promising and potentially low-
cost educational intervention.

Shifting ng klase, solusyon sa malaking bilang ng populasyon ng SNHS

On the other hand, Recebido, B. A. (2013). Stated in his research entitled

“Shifting ng klase, solusyon sa malaking bilang ng populasyon ng SNHS”. Despite the
increase in the number of students at Sorsogon National High School (SNHS), the
school administration has taken steps to maintain the quality of education provided to
the students. According to Dr. Blanca Rempillo, the principal of SNHS, they decided to
implement a two-shift schedule for students at all levels. The goal is to ensure that the
education of over five thousand enrolled students in their school is not compromised.
The shifting scheme also aims to avoid overcrowding in classrooms, which could hinder
effective and efficient learning. The first shift will run from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM, while the
second shift will be from 11:45 AM to 6:00 PM. Additionally, 38 new teachers have been
added to their teaching force this year, which will help reduce the number of students
per section and open up opportunities for new sections. According to Dr. Rempillo, when
classes started on Monday, they opened a total of 114 sections, each with 45 students.
This number may increase depending on the enrollment of latecomers until August of
this year. SNHS is a public school with the largest student population in Sorsogon, and
their measures aim to uphold a high standard of education for their students.
(BARecebido, PIA Sorsogon).

DepEd: Shifting schedules, blended learning being implemented to address

classroom shortage

Moreover, Consebido, K. G. (2023) stated that the purpose of this research was
to determine The Department of Education (DepEd) said on Tuesday, Aug.23, shifting
schedules and blended learning are being implemented in various schools to address
the classroom shortage in the country. In a radio interview, DepEd Spokesperson Atty.
Michael Poa said various schools have ways and strategies to address classroom
shortages, including dividing classrooms and implementing shifting schedules and
blended learning. “But with the strategies being implemented by most of our schools, we
have lowered the shortage to around 40,000,” Poa said. “We had a meeting with the
regional directors to map all those resource gaps in terms of classrooms… In most
areas, meron po tayong shifting schedules, we are also employing blended learning,
wherein blended learning can mean three days in school or two days out of school, or
sometimes for other cases, one whole week in school, and another whole week at
home,” he added. Poa said those are just their short term plans and they have already
proposed a budget of P86.5 billion in building new classrooms in 2023. “That’s a short
term intervention, but with the long term plans, we have allocated around P86.5 billion
for our 2023 budget. Because we’re hoping to use that money para po mabawasan na
natin ‘yung classroom shortage so we can start constructing new classrooms next year,”
he added. “I think the P86.5 billion is allocated to build around 34,000 classrooms in
there research entitled “DepEd: Shifting schedules, blended learning being implemented
to address classroom shortage”.

The second chapter of the research focuses on exploring the Effectiveness of

New Shifting Schedule on Academic Performance Among Grade 12 HUMSS Students
in Bayambang National High School. The literature and studies reviewed cover various
aspects related to class scheduling, shift-based scheduling, blended learning, and their
impact on academic performance.

Effects of Class Scheduling and Student Achievement on State Testing (Childers,

2018): Explores the effectiveness of different class schedules on students' academic
achievement. Significant improvement in math performance for students instructed on
block and A/B block schedules. Advocates for block scheduling to enhance instructional
techniques and academic achievement. How does class schedule affect the satisfaction
of students? (SCISPACE, n.d): Examines the impact of class schedules on students'
cognitive fatigue and performance. Indicates that restructuring daily school schedules
may enhance student achievement. The Effect of School Start Times on Academic
Performance (Heissel & Norris, 2020): Analyzes the effect of school start times on
academic performance. Later start times correlate with increased test scores in math
and reading for adolescents. Suggests adjusting start times based on age to improve
overall academic performance. The Impact of Class Scheduling on Academic
Performance in Business Disciplines (Cordis & Pierce, 2017): Demonstrates that class
scheduling influences college students' academic performance. Grades for early-
morning classes are lower, especially in quantitative business disciplines. Scheduling
effects are more pronounced in single-section classes. Effect of shift-based scheduling
on student learning in obstetrics and gynecology rotations (Nelson, 2023): Investigates
the impact of shift-based scheduling on learning, performance, and satisfaction in OBG
rotations. Shift-based scheduling shows a significant improvement in average NBME
scores and student perception of learning. The effect of chronotype on medical
students' academic achievement (Mirghani, 2017): Explores the relationship between
chronotype and academic achievement in medical students. Evening chronotype
correlates with lower academic achievement in medical students. Effects of Blended
Learning on Academic Performance (Alberio & Bautista, 2022): Examines the impact of
blended learning on the academic performance of Grade 12 HUMSS students. Despite
the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, students adapt to blended learning
and employ various strategies to enhance academic performance. Scheduling for
Schools: Why Is It Essential? (Kelchner & Orren, 2017): Highlights the crucial role of
scheduling in educational institutions. Discusses different scheduling methods, including
period schedules, block schedules, and modified block schedules.

The Impact of Class Scheduling on Academic Performance (Cordis & Pierce,

2017): Reiterates the influence of class scheduling on college students' academic
performance, with emphasis on the differences between quantitative and qualitative
business disciplines. The effect of blended learning model on senior high school
students’ achievement (Utami, 2018): Investigates the impact of blended learning on
senior high school students' achievement, suggesting that the blended learning model
contributes more to students' achievement compared to traditional teaching methods.
Course scheduling and academic performance (Dills & Hernández-Julián, 2008):
Examines the relationship between course scheduling and student achievement,
considering time of day effects and spacing of learning. Academic Achievement Across
the Day (Shapiro & Williams, 2018): Expands understanding of how school day
schedules affect achievement, emphasizing cognitive fatigue, time of instruction, and
instructor schedules. Shifting ng klase, solusyon sa malaking bilang ng populasyon ng
SNHS (Recebido, 2013): Discusses the implementation of a two-shift schedule at
Sorsogon National High School to address the increasing student population and
maintain the quality of education. DepEd: Shifting schedules, blended learning being
implemented to address classroom shortage (Consebido, 2023): Reports on the
implementation of shifting schedules and blended learning by the Department of
Education to address classroom shortages in various schools.
In summary, the reviewed literature and studies provide comprehensive insights
into the various factors influencing academic performance, such as class scheduling,
shift-based scheduling, blended learning, and the timing of instruction. The research
findings suggest the importance of considering these factors to enhance the
effectiveness of educational interventions and improve student outcomes.

Research Framework
A schematic paradigm was presenting the research framework of the study. The
inputs included age, gender, and section. The process are what will be the researcher
will do. And output was the level of satisfaction on new shifting schedule on academic
performance among Grade 12 HUMSS Students in Bayambang National High School.
The study focused on assessing the level of satisfaction on new shifting schedule and
academic performance among Grade 12 Humss Students In Bayambang National High

Research Paradigm

PROCESS Level of Satisfaction on
New Shifting Schedule
● Profile of the I. Making a question
respondents: II. Validating the and Academic
a. age question to PR Performance Among
b. gender teachers Grade 12 HUMSS
c. section III. Letting them to Students in Bayambang
answer the National High

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