1.widdowson 2007 (1) - 1
1.widdowson 2007 (1) - 1
1.widdowson 2007 (1) - 1
Language in use
A sample of language
Given a sample of language, there are all kinds of things we can
say about it. Take, for example, a familiar public notice:
What is a text?
A text can be defined as an actual use of language, as distinct from
a sentence which is an abstract unit of linguistic analysis. We
identify a piece of language as a text as soon as we recognize that
it has been produced for a communicative purpose. But we can
identify a text as a purposeful use of language without necessarily
being able to interpret just what is meant by it. It is a fairly
common experience to come across texts in an unknown
language which we nevertheless recognize as public notices, food
labels, menus, or operating instructions, and to be frustrated by
the inability to understand them. Clearly we would generally
need to know the language a text is in to be able to interpret it. But
this is not the only condition on interpretation. We may know
what the language means but still not understand what is meant
by its use in a particular text.
Consider again the public notice ‘keep off the grass’. We
may know well enough what the word grass denotes (and should
we be in any doubt we can consult a dictionary to find out). But
what the word denotes is not the same as knowing what it is
meant to refer to when it occurs here in the phrase the grass. The
definite article the signals that what is being referred to is a matter
of shared knowledge. The grass. But which grass? Obviously, one
might say, the grass in the vicinity of the notice. So what we do is
to establish reference by relating the text to the context in which it
is located. But then the question arises as to how far this vicinity is
meant to extend. Does the grass refer just to the particular patch
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