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Cot-Q4 Science 6

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Republic of the Philippines

DepEd Region VIII

Schools Division Office-Tacloban City
District Learning Center VII
---------------------- SCHOOL
School ID: 195003


Teacher MANESSA B. PESCA Grade Level & VI-EDISON
School Grading Period Quarter 4-Week 2
Subject SCIENCE Date & Time 10 May 2023

A. Content Standard The Effects of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions

B. Performance Standard Design an emergency and preparedness plan kit

C. Learning Competency / Describe the earth changes on the Earth’s surface as a result of earthquakes
Objectives and volcanic eruptions.
Write the LC code for each.
K-12 CG Code S6ES-IV a-1 MELC P.510
Value Integration {Preparedness During the Natural Calamity}


Changes that Occur on the Surface of the Earth as a Result of Earthquakes.

III. LEARNING RESOURCES *Learner’s Materials Science 6 Mod.1 Lesson 2 page 16-28
*MELC page 383
*google search for the set of pictures
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOd7PRJMkkQ
*PowerPoint Presentation
Preliminary Activities The teacher will ask a student to lead the prayer.
1. Prayer The teacher will check the attendance by roll calling.
2. Checking of the
attendance Before starting the class, the teacher will present the class rules.
3. Class rules

A. Let the pupil listen while viewing on screen the Layers of The Earth rap
A. Reviewing previous lesson or song (unofficial music video}
presenting the new lesson B. Let the pupils name the parts of the Layers of the Earth

B. Establishing a purpose for

the lesson Text Twist!
Rearrange the scrambled letter in each number to form a word by
answering the question after it.



C. Presenting A. Directions: Look at the pictures below.

examples/Instances of the Raise check mark [/] if it shows an
new lesson effect of earthquakes and raise the [x]
mark if not.

B. Describe the effects of an earthquake.

Choose the letter of the correct answer
in the description column. Write your
answers on your answer sheet.

Table 1: Effects of Earthquake on the Surface of

the Earth

Indicator 3.
D. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #1 Earthquake has many effects on the Earth’s Select, develop, organize
surface. Surface effects and use appropriate
include ground shaking, tsunami, landslide, teaching and learning
ground rupture, and change in the resources, including ICT,
flow of groundwater. It can bring significant to address learning goals.
damage to buildings, bridges,
roads, and other infrastructures. It can also
indirectly cause fire on people’s
homes. Read the following descriptions of
some of the effects of earthquakes
on the earth’s surface.
A tsunami is a series of huge waves, which
is an effect of underwater
sea earthquakes or undersea volcanic
eruptions. The waves become bigger
and taller when it reaches shallow water
near the land. When it sweeps inland,
it causes damage to properties and loss of
A landslide may happen when an
earthquake affects or occurs on hilly
or steep slopes. It is the movement of a
mass of rock or earth down a slope
due to ground shaking.
Ground shaking is an effect of earthquake
that loosens rocks and soil
which causes landslide and bury the area
below the mountain. It can cause
damage to properties and loss of lives.
A ground rupture occurs during an
earthquake. It is caused by the push and
pull of rocks underground causing the
surface to tear apart that form gaps or
cracks on the ground. Ground rupture can
damage buildings, bridges, houses, roads,
and other structures.

E. Discussing new concepts Indicator 1.

and practicing new skills The learners will have a role-playing activity that will Apply knowledge of
#2 depict the four effects earthquakes on the earth content within and across
surface. curriculum teaching
Instructions: Divide the class into four groups. Each
group will be given one effect of earthquakes on the
earth. Each group will show how this effect happens
and what should the students do before, during, and

F. Developing mastery leads

to formative assessment Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose your
#3 answers from the words inside the box.

1. A series of huge waves caused by undersea

earthquake is called __________.
2. __________ are cracks or gaps on the ground
caused by an earthquake.
3. Movement of mass of rocks or soil down a slope
due to ground
shaking and bury the area below is an effect of an
earthquake known as __________.
4. An effect of earthquake that causes soil and
rocks to loosen is ____________.
5. An earthquake can indirectly cause __________
on people’s homes.
G. Finding Practical
applications of concepts Earthquakes often come without warning. It will
and skills in daily living bring many changes to the surface of the Earth.
Most of the time, it is destructive. If it happens,
people in the area of calamity will be affected. They
might become homeless, injured, and might even
How you can help earthquake victims?
A. donate clothes and other things they need
B. let only the government help them
C. donate money to buy their basic needs
D. donate food for them to survive

H. Making Generalizations Enumerate four effects of earthquakes on the

and abstractions about the earth’s surface.

I. Evaluating Learning Assessment

Read and answer each item carefully. Write your
chosen letters on your
answer sheet.
1. Which of the following conditions happen when
the ground shakes and
loosens soil that slides and bury the area below the
A. ground rupture
B. sand bows
C. landslide
D. tsunami
2. Which is a series of huge waves caused by
earthquakes under the sea?
A. tsunami
B. earthquake
C. storm surge
D. ground rupture
3. Which of the following effects of earthquake
loosens rocks and soil?
A. ground shaking
B. ground rupture
C. tsunami
D. flooding
4. How do landslides happen?
A. due to a very strong tornado
B. due to huge waves from the sea
C. due to ground shaking that loosens soils and
D. due to typhoon that originates in the Pacific
5. Which effect of an earthquake happens on steep
slopes due to the
movement of a mass of rock down the slope?
A. tsunami
B. mudflow
C. Landslide
D. ash clouds
6. Which of the following is caused by the push and
pull of the ground
causing the surface to tear apart?
A. tsunami
B. landslide
C. ash cloud
D. ground rupture
7. Which effect of earthquakes most likely affects
people living in a hilly area?
A. tsunami
B. landslide
C. flooding
D. fissure
8. Which of the following results will happen when a
tsunami sweeps towards
the land?
A. cause mudflow to the area
B. give people water for home use
C. more ground rupture to the place
D. damage to properties and loss of lives
9. Which is a sign of ground rupture?
A. gaps or cracks on the ground
B. discoloration of the soil
C. water on the ground
D. flooding in the area
10. Which should a family prepare for any
A. emergency plan
B. list of donors
C. nice clothes
D. appliances
J. Additional Activities for The illustrations below show some of the effects of Indicator 2.
application and earthquakes. Name each Plan and deliver teaching
strategies that are
remediation effect by completing the letters to form a word in
responsive to the special
each number. Write your educational needs of
answers on a separate sheet of paper. learners in difficult
circumstances, including:
geographic isolation,
chronic illness; displacement
due to armed conflict, urban
resettlement or disasters;
child abuse and child labor


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