OwensCorning Insulation Best Practices
OwensCorning Insulation Best Practices
OwensCorning Insulation Best Practices
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ELECTRICITY used to produce
Via Renewable Energy Credits in accordance with SCS Global Services’ certification protocol. www.scsglobalservices.com owenscorning.ca/PinkNextGen
Total recycled content for unfaced fiberglass insulation products in North America based on current third-party certified
recycled content certifications for Owens Corning, Knauf, CertainTeed, and Johns Manville THE PINK PANTHER™ & © 1964-2021 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc.
Based on savings per pound of fiberglass insulation in the first year of installation. All Rights Reserved. The colour PINK is a registered trademark of Owens Corning.
Company-wide total; Owens Corning Sustainability Report, 2020 © 2021 Owens Corning. All Rights Reserved.
Published by
Kenilworth Media Inc. 5 Insulation In the Extreme: Weather, Regulations,
15 Wertheim Court, Suite 710
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 3H7
and Critical Missions
(800) 409-8688 This article considers insulations’ role in commercial roofs and other areas of the enclosure subjected
www.constructioncanada.net to extreme demands. Insulation will be viewed through the lens of extreme weather, more stringent
Advertising sales: regulatory requirements, and specific performance concerns posed by mission-critical buildings.
[email protected] Tiffany Coppock, AIA, NCARB, CSI, CDT, LEED AP, ASTM, RCI, EDAC
The information and contents in this
publication are believed by the
publisher to be true, correct and 13 Best Practices for Masonry Wall Systems
accurate, but no independent
investigation has been undertaken. and Insulation
Accordingly, the publisher does not To provide thermal efficiency, airtightness, and water resistance in masonry cavity and adhered
represent or warrant that the masonry walls, architects must effectively co-ordinate numerous criteria. Designing walls with
information and contents are true,
materials working together as a functioning system is therefore more critical than ever. Find out how
correct or accurate and recommends
that each reader seek appropriate complete wall assemblies can reduce the risk of complications and allow design professionals to
professional advice, guidance, and install sustainable, affordable systems in a fraction of the time.
direction before acting or relying on all Herbert Slone, RA, and Art Fox
information contained herein. Opinions
expressed in the articles contained in
this publication are not necessarily
those of the publisher. Identifying Watertightness of Low-slope
© 2021 Kenilworth Media Inc. Roof Membranes
All rights reserved. An accurate assessment of the watertightness of new and existing roofs can potentially save building
owners hundreds of millions of dollars annually. The challenge for roofing specifiers is choosing the
Brought to you by most effective exterior-to-interior watertightness evaluation techniques because there is no single,
straightforward method to accurately evaluate water ingress. It is, however, possible to obtain
reliable information on the watertightness resistance and condition of an existing roof system by
combining water-detection methods.
Dominique Lefebvre, P.Eng., and Bas Baskaran, PhD, P.Eng
www.owenscorning.ca/PinkNextGen RE CYCLE
THE PINK PANTHER™ & © 1964-2021 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved. The colour PINK is a registered trademark of Owens Corning. © 2021 Owens Corning. All Rights Reserved. 73 | PINK® FIBERGLAS® Insulation
How weather, regulations, and critical missions
can influence the insulation specification
ould events of the past year be considered anything other than
extreme? Beyond the global pandemic and events in the news, both
episodic weather events and new environmental regulations are
placing extreme demand on building materials, including
insulation. This article considers insulations’ role in commercial roofs
and other areas of the enclosure subject to extreme demands. Insulation
will be viewed through the lens of extreme weather, more stringent
regulatory requirements, and performance concerns posed by mission-
critical buildings.
In Europe, United States, and around the globe, designers must consider
many extremes when it comes to the roof. The compliance standards
are also rising, and safety is non-negotiable while improving impact on
the planet. Innovations to familiar materials such as XPS are supporting
growing sustainability efforts. Meanwhile, designers are innovating
roof assemblies using time-tested cellular glass to meet extreme roof
performance requirements.
Materials may be considered for their ability to create better roof drainage
or even retain more moisture on a roof to relieve increased pressure on
storm sewers. They may require a material to provide high compressive
strength to accommodate fasteners and traffic. Or they may need extreme 4
Consult www.astm.org/Standards/E84.htm. Historic wildfires in the West, tropical
resistance to moisture and chemicals to support an entire community with 5
Read more at www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/water/supp_info/education.html. storms in the South, derechos in the
vital services. Regardless of ‘extreme’ demands, these materials can reach 6
Visit www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/water/supp_info/education/ Midwest, and an infusion of artic air
devastating parts of Texas are just
new standards without compromise. water_treatment.html. some of the recent climate events
underscoring the need for commercial
Notes roofs to be able to withstand extreme
Tiffany Coppock, AIA, NCARB, CSI, CDT, LEED moisture, wind, and thermal conditions.
Visit www.constructionspecifier.com/xps-building-science-three-high-
performing-roofs. AP, ASTM, RCI, EDAC is the Commercial Building
See static1.squarespace.com/static/58e3eecf2994ca997dd56381/t/5d84df Systems Specialist at Owens Corning. Tiffany
c371cf0822bdf7dc29/1568989140101/Green_Roof_and_Wall_Policy_in_ resides in the Dallas Fort Worth area.
Go to www.owenscorning.com/en-us/insulation/commercial/foamular-ngx
to see a real-time map detailing states’ adoption of the regulations is available.
Owens Corning Edmonton plant started producing Fiberglass insulation.
In September 1978, Owens Corning opens its ISB Toronto Plant and begins production of R20 23”.
Earl Mogk is the Toronto Plant Leader.
Owens Corning starts packaging batt insulation in pink bags.
PINK PANTHER® rights from MGM worldwide in the building industry. The iconic MGM character and company
“spokescat” has grown to become one of the world’s most recognizable and beloved brand mascots. Owens Corning
began partnering with The Pink Panther to promote sales of PINK® Fiberglas® insulation on August 15, 1980.
Superpink II is introduced, the plant reaches 240 days without a lost time accident and the second Nodulator is
installed. The Canada-arm is deployed aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia for the first time.
® 1987
First company to register a colour in the world PINK®. After demonstrating decades of widespread use of the
colour PINK®, Owens Corning became the first company to receive a trademark for a colour, on May 12, 1987.
Owens Corning becomes the sole owner of Fiberglas® Canada. Canada eliminates one-dollar bills and switches to the “Loonie”.
Toronto plant started producing R19 and R30 for the U.S. Roberta Bondar became Canada’s first female astronaut in
space. And the Toronto Blue Jays become the first Canadian baseball team to win the World Series.
Received certificate of appreciation from Mayor and Council of Scarborough for development of significant
environmental initiatives.
Fiberglas Canada officially becomes Owens Corning Canada. The Pink Panther becomes the new mascot.
Toronto plant employees participated in first Earth Day, the maple tree becomes Canada’s national arboreal emblem.
The Toronto plant diverts 61% of its waste from landfills. Canada signs the Kyoto Accord, limiting greenhouse gas emissions.
76 per cent of ISB Toronto plant’s waste is diverted from landfills.
Owens Corning conquers the South Pole.
Canada wins its fifth straight gold medal at the world junior hockey championship, defeating Sweden 5-1.
Owens Corning launches EcoTouch® PINK® FIBERGLAS® Insulation with PureFiber™ the new benchmark for insulation
performance. The result is an entirely new class of high-performance, formaldehyde-free residential and commercial
insulation containing 73%* recycled content.
In January, Owens Corning (NYSE: OC) today announced a new product line: FOAMULAR® NGX (Next Generation Extruded).
The proprietary blowing agent in this new line of extruded polystyrene (XPS) foam products delivers a 90% reduction in global
warming potential (GWP) without sacrificing product performance.
Owens Corning launches PINK NEXT GEN™ FIBERGLAS® Insulation It’s not just the next generation of PINK® insulation
– it’s the new standard. And the right choice for safety, precision, comfort and sustainability.
THE PINK PANTHER™ & © 1964-2021 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved. The colour PINK is a registered trademark of Owens Corning.
© 2021 Owens Corning. All Rights Reserved. *73% recycled content is based on the average recycled glass content in all Owens Corning fiberglass batts, rolls and unbonded
loosefill insulation manufactured in Canada. SCS certified.
Best Practices for
Masonry Wall Systems
and Insulation
By Herbert Slone, RA, and Art Fox
All images courtesy Mortar Net Solutions
oday’s high-performance building market is driven by increasingly stringent energy
codes and a growing demand for greater building efficiency, sustainability, and
affordability. This means specifying and building masonry cavity walls and adhered
masonry walls with materials working together as a functioning system is more
critical than ever. When designing a highly functional masonry wall, the list of wall system
performance criteria an architect must consider is daunting.
The wall must provide thermal efficiency, often with several types of insulation. In
addition, it must offer air resistance while also managing moisture with properly designed
and placed water-resistive barriers (WRBs). Further, the assembly must resist water leakage.
However, when water does get in, it must be able to drain out of the cavity or from behind
the adhered masonry veneer.
Due to their porous nature, masonry cavity walls are considered ‘rainscreen walls,’ and
are expected to allow water into the cavity. Therefore, they must be designed to allow
drainage and drying. Modern building science has shown high-quality adhered masonry
walls such as stucco, stone, and thin brick also need to include drainage. The wall should
resist vapour permeation, but when vapour penetrates, it must be able to dry, even when
wetting and drying conflict with each other.
Structural connections are required to securely hold the entire system together, and
at least three different modes of fire resistance should be considered, with multiple
product warranties managed with these modes. Architects must provide the contractor
with a complete list of material and system specifications to ensure the project can be
bid accurately.
In masonry veneer walls with wood or steel stud structural backup, batt process of XPS causes it to be inherently water-resistant, meaning it does These mesh pieces
insulation is normally specified in the stud cavity. However, since the stud not rely on facers for this purpose. Facers are easily damaged onsite so they are compressible and
framing creates a ‘thermal short’ through the cavity insulation layer—as much cannot be relied on to keep water out. expandable weep opening
devices with the ability to
as 50 per cent through steel studs—the batt insulation value is often effectively Sprayed polyurethane foam (SPF) is sometimes used in stud cavities or as ci. completely fill weep holes
cut in half. Therefore, ci is routinely added to the cavity in cavity walls and Sprayfoam has the advantage of being able to seal small cracks to limit air in wall systems.
behind the lath in adhered masonry walls to conform to energy codes such movement, but it requires careful control of in-field installation conditions
as ANSI/American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning to achieve the necessary insulating properties. Additionally, the application
Engineers/Illuminating Engineering Society (ASHRAE/IES) 90.1-2016, temperature, nozzle pressure, and speed of the applicator wand must be precise,
Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-rise Residential Buildings. When and the installer must be very careful to use proper personal protection and
properly installed using thermal break fasteners, ci minimizes thermal overspray control.
bridging so heat transfer is dramatically reduced. When considering other insulation materials, water penetration, impact
Water inevitably gets into the air space in cavity walls and behind the lath in on thermal properties, fire resistance, and effects of site conditions on the
adhered masonry walls. Therefore, ci in the cavity or behind the lath should performance of the product should be examined. XPS is a factory-made board
be highly water-resistant. In Tech Note 28-B, Brick Veneer/Steel Stud Walls, product, meaning its insulating properties are quality controlled in the factory
the Brick Industry Association (BIA) recommends the use of water-resistant, and proper installation is not as dependent on site conditions as sprayfoam.
closed-cell, rigid foam insulation sheathing such as extruded polystyrene The architect must also consider the installation method for ci. With
(XPS) to prevent water penetration. The chemistry and manufacturing board products, corrosion-resistant, ceramic-coated screws with air and
water sealing washers offer long life and limit air movement and energy loss. moisture, compared to cool air holding less moisture. In northern climates,
Sealing washers are available with prongs that insert into the foam to enable the vapour retarder typically goes on the ‘warm-in-winter’ side or inside,
the contractor to be more efficient by pre-spotting washer locations. The while in the south, it goes on the outside.
washers must be large enough to distribute the stress of pulling the water- Current practice utilizes modelling software such as WUFI to make
resistant XPS insulation tight against the air barrier/sheathing to effectively detailed hourly simulations of moisture migration and accumulation over
seal the screw penetrations. Small details like this can make a big difference multiple annual cycles to assess designs and predict performance. All
in how the wall assembly performs and should be part of the specification. building materials, such as gypsum board or brick, absorb water, hold it,
and then release it as conditions change. WUFI analysis takes those dynamic
Moisture vapour retarders characteristics into consideration. Section 1405.3, “Vapour Retarders,” of the
Placement of a vapour retarder depends on several factors. Vapour generally International Building Code (IBC) provides guidance on the use of vapour
flows from high to low pressure—high pressure being warm air holding more retarders in different climate zones.
Water gets into a cavity wall through the brick veneer, which is normal
and expected. Getting water out of a cavity wall involves the installation of
multiple drainage planes, requiring numerous products including mortar
dropping protection, through-wall flashing, and weep vents. Water also
penetrates adhered masonry walls, and their proper design requires a WRB,
drainage plane, and weep screed.
A complete wall design provides multiple pathways for drainage, does not A factory-assembled
allow the water to build up in the wall, and enables air to circulate to enhance mesh drainage plane
drying. A reliable, high-performance wall system also has redundancies built and metal lath system
in so if one aspect of the wall is challenged, there is another to back it up. offers faster installation
and fewer wall
To keep weep holes open, mortar-dropping protection must be installed. penetrations than when
With some proprietary three-dimensional, trapezoid-shaped porous fibre installing the drainage
matrixes, falling mortar is suspended at different levels above the flashing, plane and lath separately.
making it nearly impossible to accumulate a complete drainage block and
thus keeping the weep holes open. or down the face of the insulation to the bottom of the cavity, where it is directed
Weep holes used to be simply an open head joint at the base of the wall, across the shelf angle or foundation out of the wall by through-wall flashing.
but they allow a path for insects and debris to get in. Rope wicks allow water Traditionally, masonry cavity walls have often employed field-assembled
to leave the cavity, but they do not let air circulate. Rigid inserts preserve the through-wall flashing. However, a newer, field-proven alternative is an
opening and let water out and air in, but they may not fit the joint tightly or integrated flashing system, which comes preassembled with all necessary
protect the opening well. components, including the membrane, termination bar, drip edge, and a
Some weep opening devices are both compressible and expandable, so they drainage mat with weep tabs—a component often omitted entirely when
compress into the head joint and expand to fill irregularities. This type of a field-assembled. One-piece, 355-mm (14-in.) high corners and end dams
weep vent is a simple mesh tight enough to prevent insects and debris from are also available to complete the system. With field assembly, all these
getting in, but open enough to let water drain and air circulate. components must be provided at the same time by different suppliers, and
it takes experienced professionals to assemble the flashing system correctly.
Flashing systems Since flashing failure is one of the primary causes of water damage, it is vital
In cavity walls, through-wall flashing is installed at the bottom of the wall to catch these components be installed correctly in every detail throughout the building.
water and direct it out. Water drains down the air barrier/WRB layer behind the ci However, with current labour shortages, finding installers with enough experience
n accurate assessment of the
watertightness of new and existing
roofs can potentially save building
owners hundreds of millions of dollars
annually. The challenge for roofing specifiers
is choosing the most effective exterior-to-
interior watertightness evaluation techniques.
The fact is there is no single, straightforward
method to accurately evaluate water ingress
from the exterior roof membrane to the
interior of the building. This has led to
confusion among specifiers as to which
method is most appropriate for a particular
type of roof, and what information each
test provides.
This dilemma has led the Roofing Industry
Committee on Weather Issues (RICOWI) to
review existing water-detection techniques
to identify:
• methods of operation;
• capabilities of the tests;
• test compatibility with various
components; and
• benefits and the shortcomings of each test
RICOWI’s Moisture Control and Green
Committee led this investigation, as the
group focuses on moisture-control issues
and identifies specific roof performance
According to the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA), flood Flood testing also is not appropriate for identifying potential leak sources.
testing is a membrane-integrity test conducted by plugging or closing any Roof systems are designed to be weatherproof and not waterproof. While
drains and erecting temporary dams where required to retain water on the a weatherproof roof resists the passage of water with a minimal amount of
surface of a waterproofing membrane. The surface of the roof is then flooded hydrostatic pressure (flowing water), waterproofing systems prevent the
to a maximum depth of 51 mm (2 in.) at its highest point. This water must be passage of water under hydrostatic pressure (standing water). For example,
retained for a minimum of 24 hours or as long as required by the manufacturer. water leakage may occur at roof drain flashings with flood testing that
NRCA does not recommend flood tests as part of a routine quality control/ exposes drains to hydrostatic pressure. It is important to note roof drains are
assurance (QC/A) program for a new roof system. One reason is flood tests not designed to be leak-free under such unrealistic imposed conditions.
are sometimes solely and incorrectly relied on to determine the quality of When using the Low Voltage–Wet Method per ASTM D7877, Standard
a roof system. Flood testing alone does not forecast a properly designed or Guide for Electronic Methods for Detecting and Locating Leaks in Waterproof
installed roof system. For example, the test will not provide information about Membranes, a conductor cable loop is installed around the perimeter of the
service life or evaluate a roof system’s ability to resist wind or impact loads. area to be tested. The cable loop is connected to a low-voltage pulsating
generator and the upper electrical plate is formed by dampening the area highly conductive materials such as steel or structural concrete deck. Infrared imaging is often
within the loop. By grounding the conductive deck, it acts as the lower Low-voltage evaluation with existing black ethylene propylene diene used at night when the
electrical plate, and the roof membrane acts as the insulator. When a breach monomer (EPDM) and butyl membranes or assemblies with aluminized roof begins to cool because
the wet insulation (higher
is present, current will flow through the opening of the membrane to the protective coatings is ineffective due to the high electrical conductivity mass) retains heat longer
deck, completing the circuit. of these materials. than the dry area (lower
The low-voltage method can identify the leak source. It cannot detect At the same time, roof coverboards will block the electrical field unless a mass). The infrared camera
moisture accumulation in roof insulation or measure the moisture content conductive material (wire grid or primer) is placed directly under the membrane. is able to capture the
in the roof system. Therefore, this technique is not applicable to roof systems Not all roofing manufacturers have approved the installation of wire temperature differential
between the dry and wet
containing insulation because it blocks the electrical field. Similarly, low- grid directly under the membranes. Additionally, when using conductive roof areas as illustrated
voltage detection is inappropriate for use in roof systems containing a vapour primers, some manufacturers have not performed compatibility testing in these images.
retarder that will mask the breach by blocking the electrical field. with the membranes.
This technique has historically been of greatest value when investigating On roof systems where overburden has been installed, only low-voltage
protected membrane roof (PMR) assemblies or inverted roof membrane evaluations may be specified, as high-voltage testing requires direct contact
assemblies (IRMAs) or when the membrane is applied directly to with the membrane.
7. Infrared Roof Moisture Surveys Accurate Assessment of Roof Condition. Visit www.iranalyzers.com/
infraredroof.htm for more information.
8. Nuclear Roof Moisture Surveys. Retrieved from IR Analyzers Vector Mapping at www.iranalyzers.com/
Readings cannot be obtained if water is present behind flashings or under the 9. “A Comparison of Three Different Technologies for Performing Nondestructive Roof
membrane from adjacent surfaces such as windows, storefronts, porous masonry, Moisture Survey” by J. Robinson, D. Bradford, J. Mitchell, and P. Majkowski, published in
and unsealed base flashings. the Proceedings of the North American Conference on Roofing Technology.
10. The American National Standards Institute/Single Ply Roofing Industry (ANSI/SPRI)/RCI
Many factors can adversely influence the accuracy of low-voltage testing. NT-1, Detection and Location of Latent Moisture in Building Roofing Systems by Nuclear
For example, vegetative roofs and other assemblies with overburden are Radioisotopic Thermalization.
typically fitted with on-demand leak detection systems. Part of the process
includes the installation of conductive wire loops on the surface of the
membrane after the overburden is applied. Connection boxes are used above operator is required to interpret the relatively subtle patterns achieved with
the overburden to provide access to the wiring at a later date. These existing low levels of voltage.
electronic detection devices can interfere with low-voltage watertightness When using the High Voltage–Dry Method per ASTM D7877, an electrical
evaluations. Also, the membrane surface must be wet, which may create lead is connected to the roof deck, while another is attached to the device
serious difficulties with some overburden systems. (resembling a push broom with copper bristles). The membrane acts as an
When used under ideal conditions (i.e. highly conductive materials insulator. When a breach is present in the membrane, the electricity will flow
below the roof membrane), there is still the potential for false positives. The through the defect and ground to the conductive roof deck.
operator’s experience is important for interpreting results accurately. This is Drains provide good grounding components, as the drain lines are secured
particularly true when low-voltage testing through overburden, where the to the structure. However, those with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) piping are
Infrared thermography
The infrared thermography method uses infrared imaging to identify
temperature differentials between dry and wet locations to indicate the
presence of water in the system. This method operates on the principle wet
insulation has a higher thermal mass and, therefore, retains heat longer
than dry insulation. Although this method is not time consuming and
allows the operator to sample the entire roof, it can provide misleading
information. Since the testing relies on differences in temperature,
mechanical equipment, heating/cooling systems, and shaded areas can
adversely influence the results.
Infrared imaging per ASTM C1153, Standard Practice for Location of Infrared thermography can be specified to analyze the presence of moisture This photo shows water
Wet Insulation in Roofing Systems Using Infrared Imaging, and Testing in all types of roof membranes. However, it is incompatible with ballasted roof below the roof membrane.
Application Standard (TAS) 126-95, Standard Procedures for Roof Moisture assemblies or PMR/IRMA varities. During testing, the membrane must be dry
Surveys, is used to determine the location of wet insulation in contact and devoid of condensation. This test method is not suitable on insulations
with the membrane in the roofing system. This test method is often used that do not absorb water, such as expanded polystyrene (EPS) and closed-cell
at night when the roof begins to cool because the wet insulation (higher sprayed polyurethane foam (SPF). Additionally, infrared thermography should
mass) retains heat longer than the dry area (lower mass). The infrared not be specified when the existing roof deck is capable of retaining significant
camera is able to capture the temperature differential between the dry amounts of water. These wet-applied decks include lightweight concrete and
and wet roof areas. poured gypsum.
Unlike electronic leak detection, infrared thermography is unable to Similar to other methods of moisture detection, infrared thermography
identify the source of the leak. However, moisture content can be measured can generate false positives, and the operator’s experience is important for
using core samples. interpreting results accurately.
emit high-velocity neutrons and measure backscatter. Although this method
is directly detecting the presence of hydrogen, and therefore water, in the roof he federal government has initiated a mandate to increase the
assembly, it requires operation by licensed personnel due to its complexity resiliency of the built environment through the Climate Resilient
(e.g. unit angle sensitivity and baseline reading requirements). Buildings and Core Public Infrastructure project at the National
Radioisotopic thermalization (TAS 126-95 and American National Research Council Canada (NRC). The initiative includes two major
Standards Institute/Single Ply Roofing Industry [ANSI/SPRI]/RCI projects relevant to the roofing industry.
NT-1-2017, Detection And Location Of Latent Moisture in Building The Guidelines for Commissioning and Certifying the Resiliency of
Roofing Systems by Nuclear Radioisotopic Thermalization) involves a Roofs Subjected to Extreme Weather Events project involves developing
process where a nuclear moisture meter emits high-velocity neutrons field protocols to perform in-situ assessments of wind uplift resistance,
and measures backscattered ‘slow’ neutrons that have lost much of their watertightness, and thermal performance. These tools will allow the
energy in collisions with hydrogen atoms. Thus, higher levels of slowed industry to assess the capacity of a new roof, ensuring it was installed
neutrons are recorded at wet areas, as water contains a significant amount to meet the design requirements and withstand climatic events. The
of hydrogen atoms. guidelines will also provide the industry with a method of assessing the
Nuclear leak detection is also able to identify the accumulation of moisture remaining roof capacity after either an extreme event or field aging.
in insulation, but cannot pinpoint the source of the leak(s). Core samples may The Codification of Material Properties for Building Adaptation
be taken of dry and wet locations to determine moisture content. to Climate Change project includes evaluation of the properties of
This technique is applicable to all conventional roof assemblies except more than 20 common building materials for various climatic zones
metal roofs. Nonconventional PMR (upside down) roofs are incompatible to develop a database of climate-dependent material properties. One
with nuclear watertightness evaluations. Roofs with overburden may be of the major outcomes of this initiative is the development of an
tested only if the ballast or pavers are removed from the test area. In most online database tool to improve access and ease of use for the building
cases, the practicality of using this time-consuming method of watertightness envelope community.
detection beneath vegetative roof assemblies would be of questionable value Both NRC projects are aimed at increasing the resilience of the building
to specifiers. envelope and roofing. These initiatives were identified through an industry
As with other methods of watertightness detection outlined here, there consultation on building resiliency held in 2016. The methodologies
is the potential for false positives. derived from the climate adaptation projects are scheduled for inclusion
Typically, a baseline reading to calibrate the nuclear meter must be taken in the National Building Code of Canada (NBC).
in a known dry area of the roof. The nuclear meter samples about 0.6 m2
(6.5 sf) at each grid point in a 0.9 x 0.9-m (3 x 3-ft), 1.8 x 1.8-m (6 x 6-ft),
or 3 x 3-m (10 x 10-ft) pattern. The equipment has a depth limitation It is important to note areas of ponding water on the roof surface will result
of 1.8 to 2.4 m (6 to 8 ft). However, unlike several other methods of in increased readings from the nuclear meter. Readings can also be affected
watertightness evaluation that are employed, nuclear scanning is not by inconsistencies seen among roofing components, such as joints where the
dependent on climatic conditions. different elements meet one another.