Soal Us Bahasa Inggris
Soal Us Bahasa Inggris
Soal Us Bahasa Inggris
1. Bacalah Basmalah sebelum menjawab pertanyaan
2. Kerjakanlah soal yang mudah terlebih dahulu
3. Bacalah Hamdallah setelah selesai menjawab semua soal
4. Bekerjalah dengan penuh kejujuran dan rasa tanggung jawab
I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada pilihan A, B, C, dan D di bawah ini!
Quations No 1 to 4! D. play games
Read the the text beside to answer question below.
Sekar is a journa list. She works at a Quations No 5 to 8!
multinational newspaper publisher. I've got a friend named Halim. He's a compulsive
eater. He likes all kinds of food. He eats anything that
Sekar is very busy. She often visits is served to him. He weighs 85 kilograms and is a
many places, even remote spots, to very chubby-cheeked, funny and friendly person.
gather news. Occasionally, she is
sent abroad to cover international When he is absent, everyone will miss him as he
events. While covering an event, she always makes people laugh with his jokes. That is
always carries a black backpack why people love him very much.
containing her laptop, camera,
tripod and smartphone.
5. What is the text about?
Sekar has been interested in A. Halim's physical appearance
journalism since she was in junior B. The hobby of the writer's friend
high school. At that time she joined C. The family of the writer's friend
her School's newspaper agency. Her D. The description of the writer's friend.
interest in journalism continued
through her time at university. 6. From the text, we can conclude that Halim .....
A. is very fat
1. A journalist is a person who ..... B. has few friends
A. gathers and writes news C. likes to play tricks
B. writes and edits news D. likes playing sports
C. interviews people
D. reports news 7. What is Halim's character like?
A. Kind C. Diligent Generous
2. Sekar always collects news for her ..... B. Helpful. D. Generous
A. printing house
B. school agency 8. "He's a compulsive eater
C. school organization The underlined word can be replaced by .....
D. newspaper publisher A. creative C. uncontrollable
B. sensitive D. competitive
3. Sekar has been interested in journalism since she
was ..... 9. Look at the following graph. Choose the best
A. an OSIS member answer for the question.(Lihat grafik di samping
B. a junior high student untuk menjawab pertanyaan berikut).
C. a senior high student
D. a university student
4. Sekar needs a smartphone during her work to .....
A. chat with her family
B. interview people
C. listen to music
please step forward-for high five! You are the
best.Congratulations !
Uncle John
Read the following text to answer questions number 31 One day, when the father went around the village. He
to 33. met his friend. They talked about many white birds
Long time ago a remote village, in central China, was which came to the lake. They said it was good time to
inhabited mainly by farmers and hunters. One day, a hunt the bird. The men asked the father to hunt the
poor farmer lost his entire livestock because of a birds. The father couldn’t help himself. He forgot his
flood. He prayed hard to God for help or his family promise not to hunt anymore. The father went home
would die of starvation. to take his gun.
A few days later, an old man with a long grey beard, Knowing his father’s plan to go hunting, the eldest
passing by his house, took a pity on the farmer. He daughter said to her sister that she would wear long
gave him a goose and said “ I don’t have any white clothes and go to the lake. She pretended to be
expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will a white bird so that the father would kill her and
help you to ease your hardship.” A week later to his would stop hunting. When the eldest daughter went
surprise the farmer found an egg in his yard. It was away wearing long white cloth, the younger daughter
not an ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was wearing the same clothes, followed her sister.
suddenly filled with joy.
The two daughters ran away to the lake. The father
Thereafter, his livelihood had rapidly improved but who had already in the lake saw them. He taught that
the farmer had forgotten his earlier hardship. He they were birds. He shot both of them. How shocked
became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift. Strangely, the he was, when they cried in pain. He ran to them but it
goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The was too late both of his daughter had already died.
greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his The father was shocked since then he never hunted
goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs animals.
than the cost of the damage caused by periodic
34. What does the text tell us about? flooding.
A. The regret of father
B. The sadness of two daughters. Great flood myth is a story of mythological great
C. The effort of two daughters. flood sent by God to destroy a civilization in
D. The love of father to his daughter. retaliation for the great and often appears in the
mythology of various cultures in the world.
35. What was the main problem of the story?
A. The father hunter animal again. 39. From the text above, we can conclude that .....
B. The daughters were shot by the father. A. Flood is always caused by heavy rain.
C. The daughters pretended to be white birds. B. Damage caused by flood cannot be avoided.
D. The father raised the daughter by himself. C. People prefer moving away than staying in
the flood-prone area.
36. How could you describe the girls? D. Flood is natural phenomena that occurs
A. They were animals lovers. when water on land is not normally
B. They obey to their father. submerged
C. They hate their father.
D. They dislike their father’s friend. 40. What is the benefit of reading the text?
A. We can enrich our knowledge about the
37. How long is the sale? flood and its danger
A. Seven days C. Six days B. We can avoid from the flood damage
B. Five days D. Eight days C. We can take advantages to make a living in
38. What gods get 25% off ? D. We can protect our life from the disaster
A. Necklaces and watches caused by flood
B. Bags and briefcases
C. Bookcase and chairs. 41. Dear Lisa,
D. Dining tables and leathers sofas. Congratulations on your winning the first prize of
the English debate competition. I hear about it
Read the following text to answer questions number 39 from your Mom.
and 40.
FLOOD Love,Ella
A flood is an event that occurs when the flow of The correct statements is .....
excessive water soaking the mainland. EU directives A. Ela has joined a competition
define flood as a flood of temporary submersion by B. Lisa got a present from Ella.
water on land that is not normally submerged. In the C. Lisa is a winner of English debate.
sense of “flowing water”, the word can also mean the D. Lisa's mother teaches her about the English
inclusion of ocean tides. Flooding caused by the debate
volume of water in a body of water such as a river or
lake overflow or break down the dam so that water 42. Dear Mrs. Karen,
out of its natural limits. Our prayers and good thought to your whole
family. Hold on tightly to each other always! We
Size of the lake or body of water constantly changes are so blessed to have met Mr. Bram and will
according to changes in precipitation and melting always remember his most generous heart. Your
seasonal snow, but no major flooding unless the father was a great man, because he raised such a
water reaches the human uses such as villages, kind and noble son.
towns, and other settlements.
Warm regards,
Floods can also occur in rivers, when flow exceeds Mr. Smith and family
the capacity of the drains, especially at the bend in
the river. Floods often cause damage to homes and Who has just passed away?
shops were built on natural river floodplains. A. Mr. Smith’s father
Although flood damage can be avoided by moving B. Mrs. Karen’s son
away from rivers and other bodies of water, the C. Mr. Bram’s son
people living and working close to the water to make D. Mrs. Karen’s father
a living and take advantage of low costs as well as
travel and trade near the waters smooth. Humans 43. Happy Mother's Day
continue to settle in flood-prone areas is evidence Your smile brightens each day just as the
that the value of settled near the water is greater morning rays shines on the hills and it’s with
doubt that this gives us the courage to face the
new day with joy.