Iso 1456 1988

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IS0 1456 :1988(E)

IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to

the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the IS0 Council. They are approved in accordance with IS0 procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.

International Standard IS0 1456 was prepared by (

Technical Committee ISO/TC 107,
Metallic and other inorganic coatings.
ISO 1456:1988
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (IS0 1456 : 1974) and Inter-
national Standard IS0 1457 : 1974 of which it constitutes a technical revision.
Users should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time
and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its
latest edition, unless ,otherwise stated.

0 International Organization for Standardization, 1988

Printed in Switzerland

Metallic coatings - Electrodeposited coatings
of nickel plus chromium and of copper plus nickel
plus chromium

1 Scope and field of application IS0 2019-1, Metallic coatings on metallic substrates - Review
of methods available for testing adhesion - Part 1 : Elec-
1 .I This International Standard specifies requirements for trodeposited and chemically deposited coatings.
nickel plus chromium and for copper plus nickel plus chromium
electrodeposited coatings that are applied to iron, steel, zinc IS0 2059, Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by
atiributes. , ’
alloys, copper and copper alloys, and aluminium and aluminium
alloys to provide an attractive appearance and corrosion
resistance. Several classes of coatings are provided that differ IS0 3497, Metallic coatings - Measurement of coating
in thickness and type and guidance is given in selecting the thickness Y X-ray spectrometric methods.
coating class appropriate to the service conditions to which the
coated product will be exposed. IS0 3769, Metallic coatings - Acetic acid-salt spray test
(ASS test).
1.2 This International Standard does not specify the surface
3770, Metallic coatings - Copper-accelerated acetic acid
condition required by the basis metal prior to the coating pro-
spray test (CASS test).

IS0 4519, Electrodeposited metallic coatings and related
1.3 This International Standard is not applicable to coatings finishes - Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes.
on sheet, strip or wire in the unfabricated form nor to threadedISO 1456:1988
fasteners or coil springs. I SO 4526, Metallic coatings - Electroplated coatings of nickel
for engineering purpose.
NOTES 06366b0f04c9/iso-1456-1988
1 IS0 4526 and IS0 6158 spec,ify requirements for coatings of nickel IS0 4541, Metallic and other non-organic coatings - Cor-
and chromium used for engineering purposes. rodkote corrosion test (CORR test).
2 Requirements for similar coatings, except for the absence of a top-
I SO 6158, Metallic coatings - Electroplated coatings of
coat of chromium, that can be used for appearance and protection are
specified in IS0 1458.
chromium for engineering purposes.

2 References 3 Definitions

IS0 1458, Metallic coatings - Electrodeposited coatings of For the purposes of this International Standard, the definitions
nickel. given in IS0 2064 apply.

IS0 1462, Metallic coatings - Coatings other than those

anodic to the basis metal - Accelerated corrosion tests - 4 Information to be supplied by the purchaser
Method for the evaluation of the results. to the electrqplater

IS0 1463, Metal and oxide coatings - Measurement of 4.1 Essential information
thickness by microscopical examination of cross-sections.
When ordering articles to be electroplated in accordance with
IS0 2064, Metallic and other non-organic coatings - Defini- this International Standard, the purchaser shall provide the
tions and conventions concerning the measurement of the following information :

IS0 2177, Metallic coatings - Measurement of coating 4.1.1 The number of this International Standard.
. thickness -- Coulometric method by anodic dissolution.
4.1.2 The basis metal and either the service condition number
IS0 2361, Electrodeposited nickel coatings on magnetic and (see 5.1) denoting the severity of the conditions to be
non-magnetic substrates - Measurement of coating thickness withstood by the coated article or the classification code (see
- Magnetic method. 5.2) of the particular coating required.

IS0 1.456 : 1988 &I

If the basis metal and the service condition number are quoted 5.2 Coating classification code
and not the classification code, the electroplater is free to sup-
ply any of the classes of coating corresponding to the service The coating classification code comprises the following :
condition number, but he shall inform the purchaser of the
classification code of the coating which he has selected (see a) The chemical symbol for the basis metal (or for the prin-
also 7.2). cipal metal if an alloy) followed by a stroke, as follows :

4.1.3 The finish required, for example, bright, dull, or satin - Fe/ for iron or steel;
(see 7.2). Alternatively, samples showing the required finish or
range of finish shall be supplied or approved by the purchaser. - Zn/ for zinc alloys;

- Cu/ for copper or copper alloys;

4.1.4 Significant surfaces, to be indicated on drawings of the
parts, or by the provision of suitably marked specimens. - Al/ for aluminium or aluminium alloys.

4.1.5 The type of corrosion test to be used (see 7.4). b) The chemical symbol for copper Ku), if copper, or
brass containing greater than 50 % copper, is used as an
4.1.6 The type of adhesion test to be used (see 7.3). undercoat.

c) A number indicating the minimum local thickness, in

4.1.7 The extent to which defects tolerated on non-
micrometres, of the copper coating where applicable.
significant surfaces (see 7.1).
d) The chemical symbol for nickel (Ni).
4.1.8 The positions on the significant surface for rack or con-
tact marks, where such marks are unavoidable (see 7.1). e) A number indicating the minimu m local thickness,
micrometres, of the nickel coating.
4.1 .S Sampling methods and acceptance levels (see
clause 8). f) A letter designating the type of nickel coating (see
4.2 Additional information

The following additional information

may be provided by the
g) The chemical symbol for chromium (0).

purchaser, when appropriate : h) A letter or letters designating the type of chromium

ISO 1456:1988
coating and its minimum thickness (see 7.2.4).
The tensile strength of the steel and any requirement for
Example of a complete classification code : A coating
on steel
heat treatment either before or after electroplating06366b0f04c9/iso-1456-1988
comprising 20 pm copper (minimum) plus 30 vrn bright nickel
clause 6).
(minimum) plus 0,3 pm micro-cracked chromium (minimum)
has the classification code
4.2.2 Thickness requirements on those areas that cannot be
touched by a ball 20 mm in diameter (see 7.2.1). Fe/‘Cu20 Ni30b Cr mc

4.2.3 Whether or not a copper undercoat is required NOTE - For nickel plus chromium and copper plus nickel plus
[see 5.2 b)l. chromium coatings, the minimum thickness requirements apply only to
those portions of the significant surface that can be touched by a ball
20 mm in diameter unless otherwise specified by the purchaser (see
5 Classif ication 7.21 j.

5.1 Service condition number 5.3 Coati ws aPP rvice

condition number
The service condition number is used by the purchaser to
specify the degree of protection required, as related to the Tables 2A to 5 show, for various basis metals, the coating
severity of the conditions to which a product is to be subjected, classification codes appropriate for each service condition
in accordance with the following scale : number.

4 - Exceptionally severe
3- Severe
6 Heat treatment of steel
2- Moderate NOTE - Work is at present being undertaken that may further
the contents of this clause.
1 - Mild
0 - Exceptionally mild If the purchaser specifies that heat treatment is necessary (see
4.2.1), before and/or after electroplating, it shall be carried out
Typical service conditions for which the various service condi- in accordance with the appropriate recom.mendations given in
tion numbers are appropriate are listed in annex E. annex A.

IS0 1456 : 1988 (El

7 Coating requirements Type of nickel coating .

The type of nickel coating shall be designated by the following

7.1 Appearance symbols : . . i .

Over the significant surface, there shall be no clearly visible b for nickel deposited in the fully bright condition;
plating defects such as blisters, pits,, roughness, cracks,
unplated areas, stains or discolorations. The.extent to which p’ for dull or semi-bright nickel which has been mechanical-
defects may occur on non-significant surfaces shall be ly polished;
specified by the purchaser. Where rack marks on the significant
surface are unavoidable, their position shall be specified by the s for dull, satin, or semi-bright, nickel, which shall not have
purchaser. been mechanically polished; ‘,

7.2 Thickness and type of coatings. I d for double- or triple-layer coatings; the requirements for
such coatings are given in table 1.

7.2.1 General ‘_ 4.
1 The test method for the determination of specific .’elongation is
For a specified service condition number, the thickness and specified in annex B.
type of coatings shall correspond to the classification codes
2 The sulfur contents are specified in order to indicate the type of
given in tables 2A to 5. The minimum allowable thickness for nickel plating solution that is to be used. No simple method exists for
the metal coatings shall be required on any point on the signifi- determining the sulfur content of a nickel deposit on a coated article.
cant surface that can be touched by a ball 20 mm in diameter However, an accurate determination is possible on a specially prepared
and the purchaser may’also specify that other points shall’ meet test specimen using. either of the .methods specified in annex D.. L
those thickness requirements. Test methods for determining
3 It will usually be possible to identify the type and to determine the
coating thickness are specified in 9.1 i ratios of thicknesses of’nickel layers by microscopical examination of a
polished and etched section of an article prepared in accordance v&t-i
IS0 1463.
7.2.2 Thickness of copperiTeh STANDARD PREVIEW

For copper plus nickel plus chromium coatings, the minimum
thickness for copper is indicated in’ the classification codes
7.2.4 Thickness
- and type of chromiymxoating ’
, : 1

given in tables 2B and 3B. The minimum copper thickness for a Thickness of chromium- coating :
system of nickel plus chromium on zinc alloys is 8 pm. (See
ISO 1456:1988
table 3A.I
The thickness of the chromium coatings shall be as follows :
NOTE - All the nickel coatings given in table 3A are applied over an - Regular (conventional) chromium (designated Cr r) -
undercoat of copper having a thickness of at least 8 pm [see 5.2 b) and minimum thickness. 0,3 ‘pm.
7.2.21. However, for articles of complex shape., the minimum thickness
of copper on the significant surface may need to be increased to IO pm - .Micro-cracked chromium (designated Cr mc) 2
or 12 pm in order to achieve adequate coverage on low-current areas
minimum thickness 0,3 pm (see notes 1’and 2).
outside the significant surfaces.

- Micro-cracked chromium (desig,nated Cr mc 0,5) -

7.2.3 Thickness and type of nickel coatings minimum thickness 0,5 pm (see note 2 and note in

- Micro-porous chromium (designated Cr mp) - Thickness of nickel coating : -minimum thickness 0,3 pm (see note 21..

The total minimum thickness of nickel shall be that designated - Micro-porous chromium .(designated Cr mp 9,5) -
by the classification code (see-5.2). I minimum thickness 0,5 pm (see note 2).

Table 1 - Requirements for double- or triple-layer nickel coatings

(type of
nickel coating)

Bottom (s) >8 < 0,005 > 60 > 50

(high-sulfur) (b) - > 0,15 - IO
Top M - > 0,04 < 40 <40
and < 0,15

Is0 1456 : -1988 (El

NOTES The X-ray method specified in IS0 3497 may be used to

1 With some processes a substantially greater thickness, ap- measure the thickness of the chromium. It may also be used to
proximately 0,8 pm, will be required to achieve the necessary crack measure the thickness of an undercoat prior to electroplating
pattern. with nickel.
2 There may be some loss of lustre after a period of service in the
case of mp or mc chromium deposits which may be unacceptable in The microscopical method specified in IS0 1463 may be used
some applications. This tendency can be reduced by increasing the to measure the thickness of each nickel layer, where the
minimum chromium coating thickness to 0,5 pm in every case where minimum thickness is 10 pm, and of a copper or copper alloy
micro-porous or micro-cracked chromium is specified in tables 2A to 5. undercoat, when present (see 7.2). Type of chromium coating NOTE - The thickness of the individual nickel layers in double-layer
and triple-layer coatings, as well as the electrochemical relationships
The type of chromium coating is designated by placing symbols between the individual layers, can also be measured by the STEP
after the chemical symbol, Cr, as follows : testill. Because this test can be used on production parts, it is being
evaluated intensively and being incorporated in company and national
Cr r for regular chromium; standards. The optimum value of the potential difference between I
bright and semi-bright nickel layers to assure good corrosion perfor-
Cr mc for micro-cracked chromium which, when tested by mance is still a matter of controversy, but one company has specified
the method described in annex C, has more than 250 cracks that it shall be not less than 125 mV. It is recommended that users of
per centimetre in any direction and form a closed network this International Standard become familiar with this test and begin
over the whole significant surface; using it, because it has the potential of greatly improving the quality of
electroplated production parts.
Cr mp for micro-porous chromium which, when tested by
the method specified in annex C, contains at least The magnetic method specified in IS0 2361 may be used to
10 000 pores per square centimetre (see the note). measure the total thickness of b, d, s or p nickel on zinc alloys
and copper alloys and on ferrous materials, if an appropriate
NOTE - This type of coating is often achieved by depositing calibration can be made. Other methods may be u.sed if it can
chromium over a special thin nickel layer which contains inert non- be demonstrated that the uncertainty of the measurement is
conducting particles, the special nickel layer being applied on top of b, less than 10 %.
s, p or d nickel.
In cases of dispute, the coulometric method shall be used for
7.3 Adhesion (
measuring the thickness of the chromium coating and for nickel
coatings of thickness less than 10 pm, and the microscope
The coating shall be sufficiently adherent to the basis metal, method shall be used for measuring the thickness of nickel
and the separate layers of a multilayer coating shall be suffi- ISO 1456:1988
coatings and undercoats of thickness 10 pm and above.
ciently adherent to each other, to
pass the appropriate test
specified in 9.2.
9.2 Adhesion
74. Corrosion resistance
Adhesion of the coating shall be tested by either the file test or
Coated articles shall be sufficiently corrosion-resistant and the thermal shock test specified in IS0 2819-1. There shall not
pore-free to pass the appropriate test specified in 9.3 for the be any detachment of the coating from the substrate, or any
particular service condition number. The performance rating separation between layers of the coating.
shall be determined in accordance with IS0 1462. The
minimum acceptance rating, after testing in accordance with 9.3 Corrosion resistance
9.3, shall be a rating of 9.
Coated articles shall be subjected to one of the corrosion tests
shown in table 6 for the stated time that is appropriate for the
8 Sampling particular service condition number. The particular test to be
used in any instance shall be specified by the purchaser.

The corrosion tests are described in IS0 3769, IS0 3770 and
IS0 4541 and provide a means of controlling the continuity and
quality of the coating. However, the duration of these tests
9 Methods of test bears little relationship to the service life of the finished article.

After the articles have been subjected to the appropriate corro-

9.1 Thickness sion test, they shall be examined and rated in accordance with
The thickness of a coating and of its component layers shall be IS0 1462 (see 7.4).
measured at any part of the significant surface that can be
touched by a ball 20 mm in diameter. The coulometric method 9.4 Ductility
specified in IS0 2177 may be used to measure the thickness of
the chromium, the total thickness of the nickel, the thickness of The ductility shall be such that the elongation will be not less
the copper and the thickness of a copper alloy undercoat, if its than specified in for nickel when tested in accordance
composition is known. with the method specified in annex B.

IS0 1456 : 1988 (El

9.5 Discontinuities in the chromium deposit 10 Bibliography

The density of cracks or pores in micro-cracked or micro-
porous chromium deposits shall meet the minimum re-
quirements specified in [ll HARBULAK, E. P., Simultaneous Thickness and Elec-
trochemical Potential Determination of Individual Layers in
A method of measuring the discontinuities is specified in Multilayer Nickel Deposits, plating and Surface Finishing, 67
annex C. (February), 49 (1980).


ISO 1456:1988
IS0 1456 : 1988 (El

Table 2A - Nickel plus chromium Table 2B - Copper plus nickel

coatings on iron or steel plus chromium coatings on iron or steel

Service condition Service condition

number Classification code’) Classif ication code’)
Fe/Ni40d Cr r FeKu20 Ni30d Cr r
Fe/Ni30d Cr mc FeKu20 Ni25d Cr mc
Fe/Ni30d Cr mp FeKu20 Ni25d Cr mp
Fe/Ni40p Cr r FeKu20 Ni30p Cr r
Fe/Ni30p Cr mc Fe/Cu20 Ni25p Cr mc
Fe/Ni30p Cr mp FeKu20 Ni25p Cr mp
Fe/Ni30d Cr r FelCu20 Ni30b Cr mc
Fe/Ni25d Cr mc FeKu20 Ni30b Cr mp
Fe/Ni25d Cr mp
FeKul5 Ni25d Cr r
Fe/Ni30p Cr r FeKul5 Ni20d Cr mc
Fe/Ni25p Cr mc FeKul5 Ni20d Cr mp
Fe/Ni25p Cr mp
FeKul5 Ni25p Cr r
Fe/Ni40b Cr r Fe/Cul5 Ni20p Cr mc
Fe/Ni30b Cr mc FeKul5 Ni20p Cr mp
Fe/Ni30b Cr mp
FeKu20 Ni35b Cr r
2 Fe/Ni20b Cr r FeKu20 Ni25b Cr mc
1 Fe/NilOb Cr r Fe/Cu20 Ni25b Cr mp
\ 2 FeKu20 NilOb Cr r
0 Fe/Ni5b Cr r
1) s nickel may be substituted for b nickel, and mc or mp chromium i Fe/CulO Ni5b Cr r
may be substituted for r chromium for service conditions 3,2, 1 and 0.
p and d nickel may be substituted for b nickel for service conditions 2
and 1.
0 FeKu5 Ni5b Cr r
1) s nickel may be substituted for b nickel, and mc or mp chromium
( may be substituted for r chromium for service conditions 3, 2, 1 and 0.
p and d nickel may be substituted for b nickel for service condition 2.

ISO 1456:1988
Table 3A - Nickel plus chromium Table 3B - Copper plus nickel
coatings on zinc alloys plus
06366b0f04c9/iso-1456-1988 chromium coatings on zinc alloys [see 5.2b)l

Service condition Service condition

number Classif ication code’ ) Classif ication code’)
Zn/Cu Ni35d Cr r ZnKu20 Ni30d Cr r
Zn/Cu Ni25d Cr mc ZnKu20 Ni20d Cr mc
Zn/Cu Ni25d Cr mp ZnKu20 Ni20d Cr mp
Zn/Cu Ni35p Cr r ZnKu20 Ni30p Cr r
Zn/Cu Ni25p Cr mc ZnKu20 Ni20p Cr mc
Zn/Cu Ni25p Cr mp Zn/Cu20 Ni20p Cr mp
Zn/Cu Ni35b Cr mc ZnKu20 Ni30b Cr mc
Zn/Cu Ni35b Cr mp ZnKu20 Ni30b Cr mp
Zn/Cu Ni25d Cr r ZnKul5 Ni20d Cr r
Zn/Cu Ni20d Cr mc ZnKul5 Nil5d Cr mc
Zn/Cu Ni20d Cr mp ZnKul5 Nil5d Cr mp
Zn/Cu Ni25p Cr r ZnKul5 Ni20p Cr r
3 Zn/Cu Ni20p Cr mc ZnKul5 Nil5p Cr mc
Zn/Cu Ni20p Cr mp Zn/Cul5 Nil5p Cr mp
Zn/Cu Ni35b Cr r ZnKu20 Ni30b Cr r
Zn/Cu Ni25b Cr mc ZnKu20 Ni20b Cr mc
Zn/Cu Ni25b Cr mp ZnKu20 Ni20b Cr mp
2 Zn/Cu Nil5b Cr r ZnKu20 NilOb Cr r
0 and 1 Zn/Cu Ni8b Cr r The coating systems given in
1) s nickel may be substituted for b nickel, and mc or mp chromium table 3A for service condition
may be substituted for r chromium for service conditions 3, 2 and 1. number 1 shall apply here.
p and d nickel may be substituted for b nickel for service condition 2. I) s nickel may be substituted for b nickel, and mc or mp chromium
Thinner coatings than those given for service condition 1 are not may be substituted for r chromium for service conditions 3, 2 and 1.
specified for service condition 0. p and d nickel may be substituted for b nickel for service condition 2.

IS0 1456 : 1988 (El

Table 4 - Nickel plus chromium Table 5 - Coatings of nickel plus chromium

coatings on copper or copper alloys on aluminium or aluminium alloys

Service condition Service condition

number Classification code’) Classification codel)
Cu/Ni30d Cr r AVNi5Od Cr r
Cu/Ni25d Cr mc 4 AVNi35d Cr mc
Cu/Ni25d Cr mp AVNi35d Cr mp
Cu/Ni30p Cr r AVNi30d Cr r
Cu/Ni25p Cr mc AVNi25d Cr mc
Cu/Ni25p Cr mp AVNi25d Cr mp
Cu/Ni30b Cr mc AVNi35p Cr r
Cu/Ni30b Cr mp AVNi30p Cr mc
I AVNi30p Cr mp
3 Cu/Ni25b Cr r
2 Cu/NilOb Cr r
I 22’ I AVNi20b Cr r
0 and 12) AVNilOb Cr r
1 Cu/Ni5b Cr r
1) A copper undercoat in addition to the specified nickel coatings
0 Cu/Ni3b Cr r may be used on certain alloys and for certain applications.
1) s nickel may be substituted for b nickel, and mc or mp chromium 2) p, d or s nickel may be substituted for b nickel, and mc or mp
may be substituted for r chromium for service conditions 3,2, 1 and 0. chromium may be substituted for r chromium for service conditions
p and d nickel may be substituted for b nickel for service conditions 3 numbers 2 and 1.
and 2.


Table 6 - Corrosion tests appropriate for each service condition number
ISO 1456:1988
I Duration of corrosion test, b
Basis metal Service 06366b0f04c9/iso-1456-1988
CASS test Corrodkote Acetic acid
condition (IS0 3770) test salt spray test
(IS0 4541) (IS0 3769)
Steel 4
23 y 1 ‘“‘” ) 1:

Zinc alloy 4 24 2 x 16 144
3 16 16 96
2 8 8 48
1 - - 8
Copper or 4 16 - 96
copper alloy 3 - - 24
2 - - 8
1 - - -
1Aluminium or 4 24 2 x 16 144
ialuminium 3 16 16 96
ialloy 2 8 8 48
1 - - 8
1 The duration of tests is less when the basis metal is copper or copper alloy than when it is iron or steel, zinc
alloy or aluminium alloy. This is necessary since, for the same service condition number, the nickel deposits on
copper and copper alloy are thinner than those on iron or steel, zinc alloy or aluminium alloy. The use of these
thinner and less corrosion-resistant coatings is justified by the slower corrosion of copper and copper alloys
when the coating are penetrated.
2 Dashes indicate that there is no test requirement.
3 There are no corrosion test requirements for service condition 0.
Is0 1456 : 1988 (El

Recommendations for heat treatment of steel

(This annex forms an integral part of the Standard.)

Heat treatment is normally necessary for some steels to reduce the risk of damage by hydrogen embrittlement and can comprise

a) stress relief before electroplating;

b) heat treatment after electroplating.

Recommendations for such treatment are summarized in table 7.

Table 7 - Recommendations for heat treatment of steels

Before electroplating After electroplating

Steel components Components that have been severely cold- Components that are made from severely cold-worked
normally requiring worked or that are made from steel of steels or from steels of tensile strength of 1 000 MPa (or
heat treatment tensile strength of 1 000 MPa (or corresponding hardness’) and that are subject to fatigue
corresponding hardness’)) or greater, that or sustained loading stress in service.
have been ground or subjected to severe
machining after tempering.
30 min at the highest temperature within
the limit imposed by the tempering Tensile strength
Minimum period
at 190 to 210 OC
temperature but not higher than 50 OC
a) General
below the tempering temperature MPa
of component
mm h
dations > 1 000 and < 1 150 < 12 2
or ISO 1456:1988 12 to 25 4
> 25 8
1 h minimum at a temperature of between > 1 150 and Q 1 400 < 12 4
190 and 210 OC 06366b0f04c9/iso-1456-1988 12 to 25 12
> 25 24
NOTE r Heating to
commence within
16 h of plating.
b) Restrictions Steels that have been carburized, flame- or If the components have been surface-hardened, they shall
induction-hardened shall be heated at a be heated at a lower temperature for a longer period,
lower temperature for a longer period, e.g. provided that these conditions have been shown to be
more than 1 h at a temperature of 170 OC. effective for a particular component and are acceptable to
the purchaser.
1) 30 HRC, 295 HV, 280 HB (approximate values).

1s0 1456 :,I988 (E)

Ductility test
(This annex forms an integral part of the Standard.)

B.1 Scope and field of application Polish a sheet of the appropriate basis metal, similar to that of
the articles being coated, except that the sheet may be of soft
This annex specifies a method for determining the specific brass if the basis metal is zinc alloy. Use a sheet that is suffi-
elongation of the coating on an electrocoated test piece and ciently large to allow the test strip to be cut from if after trim-
provides a means of assessing the ductility of the coating. ming off a border at least 25 mm wide all round.

NOTE - The test is used fo check that the type of nickel deposit com- Electroplate the polished side of the sheet with nickel to a
plies with the coating requirements specified in and may be thickness of 25 pm under the same conditions and in the same
used in assessing the ductility requirements of other types of coating bath as used with the corresponding articles.
(see 9.4).
Cut the test piece from the coated sheet with a guillotine or flat
shear. Round or chamfer the longer edges of the test strip, at
B.2 Principle least on the plated side, by careful filing or grinding.

Bending a nickel coated test piece around a mandrel in order to B.4.2 Test
produce a minimum elongation in the coating of 8 % and visual
examination to observe whether or not cracking has taken Bend the test piece (B.4.1) with the coated side in tension, by
place in the coating. steadily applied pressure, through 180° over the mandrel (B.3)
until the two ends of the test piece are parallel. Ensure that con-
tact between the test piece and the mandrel is maintained
B.3 Apparatus
iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW during bending. Examine the convex side of the bent test piece
visually for cracks.
Mandrel, diameter 115 + 0,l mm.
ISO 1456:1988 B.5 Expression of results

B.4 Procedure
If there are no cracks in the nickel
coating on the test piece
which have propagated completely over the convex surface
(see note), the coating is deemed to have a specific elongation
B.4.1 Preparation of test piece of 8 % or greater and is deemed to have passed the test.
Prepare a coated test piece 150 mm long, 10 mm wide and NOTE - Short cracks in the nickel coating at the of the test
1,O + 0,l mm thick as follows. piece do not indicate failure.

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