Stability of The K-12 Program in Philippine Education
Stability of The K-12 Program in Philippine Education
Stability of The K-12 Program in Philippine Education
Journal of Interdisciplinary Perspectives Print ISSN 2984-8288 eISSN 2984-8385 Vol 2(3), 2024
Recommended citation:
Ansibey, S. (2024). Stability of the K-12 Program in Philippine Education. Journal of Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2(3),
This meta-analysis study examined articles written by various researchers that investigate the K–12 program in Philippine
schools from the perspective of different stakeholders. The study aimed to assess the stability of the K–12 program in
Philippine education based on the perceptions and experiences of students, teachers, parents, and other stakeholders. A
systematic and logical approach was employed, considering both the inclusion and exclusion of relevant data to understand
the challenges and potential improvements of the program. The findings reveal both positive and negative aspects of the
programs’ stability, providing valuable insights for future research and recommendations. Most respondents’ experiences
were viewed positively, indicating a considerable level of stability in the K–12 program. However, there were also negative
experiences reported, suggesting areas where the program needs improvement. The study serves as a valuable reference for
understanding the stability of the K–12 program in Philippine education and provides actionable recommendations to
improve the quality of education.
Education holds significant power to impact individuals' lives, serving as a crucial tool for personal development. It
facilitates the acquisition of knowledge, skills, personality traits, and attitudes, collectively enhancing one's quality of life.
Furthermore, education cultivates logical and critical thinking skills, transforming weaknesses into strengths and
empowering individuals to make independent decisions (Black, 2021). Additionally, it equips individuals with resources
and approaches to comprehend and resolve problems, fostering mental flexibility for wise decision-making (Black, 2021).
The Philippines, before the introduction of the K-12 system, had a ten-year pre-university education curriculum,
distinguishing itself as one of the few Asian countries with such a structure. The implementation of K-12 programs
demonstrated commendable educational quality, aligning with global standards, enhancing employability, and improving
overall skills (Dizon et al., 2019). This initiative aimed to produce well-educated individuals with foundational skills for
both employment and lifelong learning, promoting mutual recognition of Filipino learners and professionals internationally
(Dizon et al., 2019).
The K-12 Basic Education Program seeks to establish a functional fundamental system, producing responsible,
productive, and knowledgeable individuals prepared for job opportunities. The government emphasizes the value of high-
quality education to reduce poverty (Department of Education, 2020). According to the K-12 Education Vision, graduates of
the Enhanced K-12 Basic Education Program are empowered individuals who have acquired knowledge through a program
rooted in solid principles and geared towards excellence (Department of Education, 2020).
Despite stakeholder engagements, policy discussions, and education summits in response to the shift in the
educational cycle, the K-12 program faces ongoing scrutiny. While positive feedback has been received on its execution,
various challenges and issues have been noted by parents, teachers, students, and other stakeholders. To synthesize this
information, a meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate the evidence's quality and assess any potential effects. Despite
challenges, many stakeholders hope for long-term benefits for Filipino graduates, suggesting the need for continued
research and development projects to refine the K-12 curriculum in Philippine education. The data collected can serve as a
foundation for future initiatives aimed at improving and sustaining the K-12 program.
Stability of the K-12 Program in Philippine Education
This meta-analysis study employed a systematic and logical approach to assess the stability of the K-12 program in
Philippine education by analyzing relevant research studies. The identification of pertinent studies was carried out through a
comprehensive search of databases and academic journal sources. Inclusion criteria were agreed upon to ensure the
relevance of the studies, while exclusion criteria were determined to address any identified gaps in the research.
The process of data extraction involved capturing details from the selected studies, including information on
respondents, research methods, key findings, and recommendations. Respondents' responses were then subjected to
frequency counts and percentage analysis, providing valuable insights into the stability of the K-12 program in Philippine
education. This methodological approach enhances the rigor and reliability of the study, allowing for a comprehensive
examination of the available evidence and contributing to a nuanced understanding of the program's stability.
3. Perspective on Used a systematic approach • Learners were able to • Make possible recommendations
the and review design to come master the skills and that help improve the curriculum
Implementatio up with a general idea that develop core to make sure that quality
n of the K-12 answers the main objectives competencies which education can be delineated to all
Program in the are essential things to the learners who will be part of
Philippines meet the demand of the this new program.
global market
Journal of Interdisciplinary Perspectives Print ISSN 2984-8288 eISSN 2984-8385 Vol 2(3), 2024
5. Research The analysis used a • It described the various • The important thing is to
Review on K- systematic approach and problems that arise establish that development is
12 Curriculum review design to come up because of the present because of the new
Implementatio with a general idea that implementation of this program.
n In the answers the main objectives new program and the
Philippines: A of this research review. action plans established
Generic by the government to
Perspective address these issues
6. Teachers’ Randomly selected took part • Results reveal that • Higher education institutions
Perceptions of in this study by answering although mathematics (HEIs) in collaboration with
Integrating the survey questionnaire on teachers had a positive DepEd may design a long-term
Technology In their level of perception of perception of term training-workshop on
Mathematics using technology in the integrating technology integrating technology in
Classroom classroom in mathematics mathematics classrooms.
Among School classrooms, they still Technology must also be
Teachers In need to be trained on integrated into the curriculum to
Cagayan De the use of different attain the desired results.
Oro City, technological tools that Research may be conducted on
Philippines are effective in the effectiveness of the program
improving students’ to be implemented most
achievement in especially the impact of this
mathematics training on students’ mathematics
performance and teachers' level
7. The effects of Systematic approach • Distance education has • Given this expansion, assessing
Distance Educ. random-effects model become a platform for the effectiveness of distance
on k-12 the delivery of education within the context of
students education around the traditional classroom delivery of
Outcomes: A globe. Nations are instruction is expedient. This will
Meta-Analysis seizing the better inform educational
opportunities. This institutions in planning a distance
learning tool is offering education program.
and thereby providing
anytime anywhere
forms of education to
bridge the educational
gap in respective
9. Usability Study This paper presents a series • Discovered issues that • Augmented Reality can
of an of usability tests. Used to compromised player contribute to effectiveness and
Augmented investigate the target enjoyment, including enjoyment in the context of
Reality Game audience fatigue during history-game-based learning
for Philippine gameplay, hurdles in
History learning AR-specific
game mechanics, game
repetitiveness, and
outdoor safety
concerns, in addition to
minor technical issues
10. The effects of Twenty-five peer-reviewed • The reviewed research • Future research into
Blended studies published between indicates that student implementing blended learning in
Learning on K- 2008 and 2016 were selected engagement, student K-12 classrooms was
12th Grade for analysis in this review. achievement, and recommended.
Students positive student
perceptions of learning
increased when
blended learning was
used. Students also
developed additional
skills using blended
learning, such as the
ability to self-pace and
Table 2 delineates the inclusion and exclusion criteria employed in the study. Inclusions, such as addition,
attachment, agreed, effectiveness, and effective, capture positive responses from respondents. Conversely, exclusions,
including eliminating, and prohibiting, barriers, disagreements, and problems, address negative responses or identified gaps
in the study. The central issue or criterion revolves around the escalating technological advancements and industry demands
for a skilled workforce. Four respondents expressed that the alignment between curricular offerings in academia and
industry needs has been globally addressed in the K–12 educational system, mirroring the situation in their own country.
However, five respondents contradicted this claim.
Journal of Interdisciplinary Perspectives Print ISSN 2984-8288 eISSN 2984-8385 Vol 2(3), 2024
Among the reviewed articles, "Provide a comprehensive review of the spiral progression approach" garnered the
highest agreement from respondents, with a frequency of 7 out of 10. Students exhibited a positive attitude due to the
"learner-centered approach" (Perez, 2020). Following closely are the articles "Department of Education Agrees with
Industries for Employment Opportunities for K–12 Graduates" and "The Effects of Blended Learning on K–12 Grade
Students," both receiving support from six respondents. In contrast, experts in teacher professional development
acknowledged various limitations. The proliferation of online and blended learning, while facilitating growth, also
introduced complexities, particularly in the diverse learning models. Respondents identified this as the most common
problem in professional development for K–12 online classes, with a frequency of 55.
The results in the table indicate that respondents perceived and encountered issues, as indicated by the frequency (f
= 49, 54%). The frequency or percentage results demonstrate that over half of the respondents viewed the stability of the K–
12 program in Philippine education as significant (f = 54%). In contrast, exclusions (prohibitions, barriers, and
disagreements) mentioned in the table results fall below 50%, specifically f = 46, implying that the outcomes contradict the
perception of stakeholders and suggest that the stability of K-12 in the Philippines may not be as robust as perceived.
K-12 N (f,
Criterion Inclusion Exclusion N (f, %)
Program %)
1. Evaluating With • The introduction of the 4 44 • Several groups have 5 56
the Academic growing K-12 educational system strongly opposed
Performance technological in the Philippines has the implementation
of K-12 advancement induced mixed remarks in of the curriculum
Students in s, demands the country. The match primarily due to
the for industry between curricular diverse opinions
Philippines: A with a skilled offerings in academia and regarding the
Standardized and equipped in the industry has been success of the
Evaluation workforce addressed in many curricular change.
Approach are countries across the globe • Mismatch between
proportionate through initiatives such as coursework offered
ly rising. the K-12 educational or expectations set
system, in some countries for the program in
like the Philippines. Philippine K-12
• The Scholastic Abilities educational
Test for Adults (SATA), a institutions with
standardized test for industry demands.
measuring the academic • Lack of research
competence of adults, is • Lack of student
used to measure interest/long years
scholastic abilities to • High-cost
address current gaps in education/socio-
the K-12 educational economical factor
system of the country.
Stability of the K-12 Program in Philippine Education
Journal of Interdisciplinary Perspectives Print ISSN 2984-8288 eISSN 2984-8385 Vol 2(3), 2024
Stability of the K-12 Program in Philippine Education
Journal of Interdisciplinary Perspectives Print ISSN 2984-8288 eISSN 2984-8385 Vol 2(3), 2024
Overall frequency 49 54 42 46
The results illustrated that most of the respondents, including the authors, encountered and perceived inclusions
and exclusions at rates of f = 49 (54%) and f = 42 (46%), respectively. The inclusions exceeding 50% (f = 49) indicated that
the respondents and authors believed the stability of the K–12 program in Philippine education is substantial. Conversely,
the results of exclusions—prohibiting, removing barriers, and eliminating them—suggested that the implementation of K-12
in the Philippines may still lack stability.
The analysis of respondents, including students, parents, teachers, authors, and other stakeholders, led to the conclusion that
the stability of the K-12 program in Philippine education is perceived as not yet fully established. The frequency count of
seven gaps highlights an insufficiency in preventing potential issues, suggesting that it is premature to make a definitive
judgment on the stability of the education transformation. The transformation process requires more time to develop fully.
Regarding proposed action plans, it was determined that a policy equivalent to "no child left behind" should extend to
teachers, ensuring equal opportunities for professional growth and global competitiveness through access to fast and high-
technology resources. The assessment of experienced and perceived stability in the K-12 program in Philippine education
revealed significantly higher frequencies than those in the exclusions categories. Proposed action plans aimed at addressing
identified gaps, such as the lack of professional development, recognized limitations in the field of teacher professional
development. Challenges include the wide disparity in learning models, the use of Augmented Reality, and the government's
insufficient facilities. The synthesis of categorized results from various articles provides a baseline for future research in
alignment with the study. It is highly recommended that all education agencies and stakeholders collaborate to rigorously
implement the K-12 system policy. Parents are encouraged to actively participate in their children's education, guiding them
in selecting tracks and strands to avoid misalignment with industry needs during tertiary education.
Contributions of Authors
There is only one author for this research.
Stability of the K-12 Program in Philippine Education
This work received no specific grant from any funding agency.
Conflict of Interests
The author declares that they have no conflicts of interest
The author extends her gratitude to those who have shared their means and skills towards the accomplishment of this study.
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