English Test M3 ข้อสอบ

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แบบฝึกทักษะวิชำภำษำอังกฤษ ชั้นมัธยมศึกษำปีที่ 3


1. แบบฝึกทักษะวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ จานวน 200 ข้อ ประกอบด้วย
Part I : Conversation ข้อ 1-60
Part II: Grammar and Vocabulary ข้อ 61-100
Part III: Reading Comprehension ข้อ 101-195
Part IV: Error Recognition ข้อ 196-200
2. แบบฝึกทักษะชุดนี้มีรูปแบบเป็นข้อสอบปรนัยแบบ เลือกตอบ 4 ตัวเลือก 1 คาตอบ

แบบฝึ กทักษะภาษาอังกฤษแบบเข้ ม ปี การศึกษา 2562 ชันมั

้ ธยมศึกษาปี ที่ 3 หน้ า 8
Part I: Conversation (1-60)
Directions: Read each situation and the dialogue carefully and choose the appropriate
expression to complete the dialogue.
1. Situation: Tom and Adam are talking in the park.
Tom: Do you know David Copper?
Adam: I recognize the name but I can't picture him. ______________________
Tom: He is very tall and he's got quite short brown hair.
1. What does he look like?
2. What is he like?
3. How is he like?
4. What does he like?
2. Situation: In the office
Addy: Would you mind if I switch on the air conditioner?
Tim: __________________________
Addy: Thank you
1. No, go ahead.
2. Oh! What a shame.
3. Yes, but I don’t like it.
4. Mind your own business.
3. Situation: Henry is talking to Dan.
Henry: When did you last go to a football match?
Dan: ________________
Henry: What did you see?
Dan: I saw Chelsea against Liverpool.
1. I saw my friends last week.
2. I went there three weeks ago.
3. I’m a big fan of a football match.
4. I have never been to a football match.
4. Situation: At Peter’s house
Peter: Hi Jeff. Come in. Was it difficult to find my place?
Jeff: __________ You gave me really good directions.
1. Not at all.
2. How come?
3. Where was it?
4. Yes, it was difficult.

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้ ธยมศึกษาปี ที่ 3 หน้ า 9
5. Situation: At home, Adam is talking to Peter.
Adam: _______________________
Peter: I suggest using groundnut oil for cooking steaks. It has a mild flavour
and can withstand very high temperatures without burning.
1. How do you like your steak?
2. What is the best cooking time for steak?
3. Could you recommend side dishes for steak?
4. Can you tell me how to cook the perfect steak?
6. Situation: In the kitchen
Mom: Betty, you should learn how to make creamy corn salad. It is very easy.
Only 5 ingredients are needed.
Betty: How can I make it, Mom? I want a quick and easy recipe.
Mom: First, mix whole kernel corn, diced tomato, green onions and mayonnaise in a
small bowl. ___________ Finally, cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.
Betty: Oh! That’s easy.
1. Then add salt and pepper.
2. Season with the basil at last.
3. Serve with chips or over grilled tuna.
4. After that, spread on softened cream cheese.
7. Situation: Tom and John are at a convenience store.
Tom: _________________
John: Um, I’d like to buy a bar of soap.
1. What would you like to buy?
2. What do you want to order?
3. Where can you buy a bar of soap?
4. Why do you want to buy a bar of soap?
8. Situation: A tourist is asking Kate the direction.
A tourist: Excuse me, I’m sorry to trouble you, but could you tell me ____________?
Kate: Yes, no problem. Walking straight ahead, after you pass the library
you have to turn left. Take your first right and it's across from the bus station.
A tourist: Thank you so much!
1. which bus I can take
2. how I can take the bus
3. where the bus station is
4. how I can get to the train station

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9. Situation: Bob and Michael are talking about the movie that they’ve just seen it.
Bob: How did you find the movie?
Michael: ___________________
1. It’s awesome.
2. It’s found by accident.
3. I found it on the internet.
4. I didn’t know how to find it.
10. Situation: Jane and Tanya are talking about their plan this weekend.
Jane: What shall we do this weekend?
Tanya: _______________
Jane: Let’s go to Iconsiam.
Tanya: That’s a good idea.
1. Do you have any ideas?
2. What about going to school?
3. What time would you like to go?
4. Would you like to go to the movie?
11. Situation: On the phone
Tim: Hello! May I speak to Jane, please?
Mario: ______________________
Tim: All right, thanks.
Jane: Hello, Jane’s speaking. Who’s on the line, please?
1. Hang up the line, please.
2. Hold on the line, please.
3. Could you leave a message?
4. I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.
12. Situation: At lunch
Jane: _______________________
Kathy: No, thanks. I’ve just had it.
1. Do you like a sandwich?
2. Would you like a soft drink?
3. Can I have some orange juice?
4. Could you pass me a dish, please?

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13. Situation: At the hospital
Jack: Hello, I’d like to see the doctor.
Nurse: _______________________
Jack: No. My stomach really hurts.
Nurse: Please wait a moment.
Jack: Thank you. That’s very kind of you.
1. What’s your problem?
2. Do you have an appointment?
3. Why do you want to meet him?
4. Do you have his telephone number?
14. Situation: Jim is opening a present.
Jim: ____________________
John: I hope you like it.
1. Oh! I’ve had one.
2. What a beautiful ring!
3. How do you like this ring?
4. What do you think about my earrings?
15. Situation: George is asking Kate for donation.
George: Would you like to donate to our Heart Charity?
Kate: _________________ I never miss it.
1. Certainly.
2. I’m afraid.
3. Definitely not.
4. Of course not.
16. Situation: At a clinic
Doctor: ___________________
James: I’ve got food allergy. I couldn’t sleep well last night.
1. Are you OK?
2. What happened?
3. How have you been?
4. What seems to be the problem?

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17. Situation: At school
Nathan: You look sad. What’s going on?
Marry: I got F on the math test.
Nathan: _____________________.
1. Oh! You deserve it.
2. Really! Shame on you.
3. Don’t worry. You’re making a storm in a teacup.
4. Cheer up! There’s a light at the end of the tunnel.
(18-20) Situation: On the footpath
Veera: Why did you give money to that beggar?
Vicky: ______18______ I can't pass with ignoring him.
Veera: You are just encouraging him to be lazy. It is a bad habit.
Vicky: He looks old and sick.
Veera: ______19______But there are organizations helping people like him.
Vicky: And what are they doing to help him?
Veera: All right. ______20______
18. 1. I dislike beggars.
2. He's always there.
3. I feel sorry for him.
4. He should get a job.
19. 1. All right.
2. I think so.
3. I believe you.
4. You may be right.
20. 1. Let's go.
2. Forget it.
3. Do what you like.
4. Let's not argue about it.

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(21-24) Situation: In the canteen.
Jeffry: I heard you won the first prize on the Music contest. ______21______
Tony: Yes. I got a second prize last year.
Jeffry: Wow! How did you do that?
Tony: Well, it took ______22______. But, to be honest, I like music.
Jeffry: ______23______ It gives me a headache. And when I don’t get the prize,
my parents give me a headache too!
Tony: They just want you to be successful. ______24______ You know that, right?
Jeffry: Yeah. I want them to be proud of me.
21. 1. It’s a pity!
2. That’s great!
3. That’s awful!
4. It’s embarrassing!
22. 1. high spirit
2. a short break
3. huge courage
4. hard rehearsal
23. 1. I doubt it.
2. I guess not.
3. I wish I did.
4. I wonder about it.
24. 1. It’s out of sight.
2. It’s over the limit.
3. It’s for your own good.
4. It’s a dream come true.
(25-27) Situation: In the kitchen.
Mother: ______25______ Don't touch it.
Daughter: ______26______ I'll use a holder.
Mother: Could you set the table for me?
Daughter: Of course. ______27______
Mother: That's all. It has been done.
25. 1. The pot is hot.
2. The pan is dirty.
3. The dish is heavy.
4. The knife is sharp.

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26. 1. I'll be careful.
2. I'm not stupid.
3. I’m able to do it.
4. I've done it before.
27. 1. Is it alright?
2. May I help you?
3. Can you help me?
4. Anything else I can do?
(28-31) Situation: On the phone.
Caller: May I have extension 124, please?
Operator: Yes, I’ll put you through. ______28_______
Secretary: Hello! May I help you?
Caller: Yes, I would like to speak to the manager.
Secretary: Sorry, he’s at the meeting now. _____29______
Caller: No, I want to speak directly to him. _____30______
Secretary: About 6 o’clock. Could you leave your name and telephone number? ___31___
Caller: Yes, I’m Narong and my cell phone is 081 654 3210.
28. 1. Call me later.
2. Wait for a few minutes.
3. Hold on a minute, please.
4. Hang up the phone, please.
29. 1. Could you wait for him?
2. Can you call him back again?
3. Is there anything I can do for you?
4. Would you like to leave a message?
30. 1. When will he be back?
2. How long does it take?
3. What time is the meeting?
4. Where is the meeting room?
31. 1. It’s my own business.
2. I promise to take it down.
3. I hope I won’t forget to tell him.
4. I will let him know when he comes back.

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(32-34) Situation: At the cinema.
Anna: Two adults and one child for Rampage at the 7 pm showings, please.
Ticket seller: I’m afraid _______32_______
Anna: Oh, right.
Ticket seller: We still have tickets for the 9 pm and the 10 pm showings.
Anna: OK. Make that the 9 pm showing then, please.
Ticket seller: That’s £8 per adult and £5 per child. ______33______
Anna: Here you are.
Ticket seller: Thank you. Here are your tickets. _______34______
32. 1. it’s cheap.
2. it still has.
3. there are a lot of tickets.
4. the tickets were sold out.
33. 1. That’s £13 altogether.
2. That’s £16 altogether.
3. That’s £21 altogether.
4. That’s £26 altogether.
34. 1. Thanks.
2. Oh, I see.
3. Take care.
4. Enjoy the film.
(35-39) Situation: It is 11 p.m. Kimberry observes a robbery and she telephones
Briston Police Station.
Police Officer: Briston. Police Station.
Kimberry: I…I..er.. want to report a burglary.
Police Officer: Yes. ___35___
Kimberry: It’s happening at my next-door neighbor’s house.
Police Officer: Yes. ___36___
Kimberry: Oh..oh.. yes. It’s on Eleventh Street in Briston.
Police Officer: ___37___
Kimberry: No, no. Eleventh Street.
Police Officer: And ___38___
Kimberry: It’s 12. The house is one block away from your station.
Police Officer: I see. ____39____ Don’t let the burglar know you watching him.
Kimberry: No, I won’t.

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35. 1. Really?
2. Where is it?
3. What’s happening?
4. Are you kidding me?
36. 1. How do you see that?
2. Why do you tell that?
3. Do you want to tell me?
4. Could you give me more details?
37. 1. Do you live in this area?
2. Could you say that again?
3. Are you passing that street?
4. Did you say Seventh Street?
38. 1. when it is happening?
2. what’s the house number?
3. how far is it from the station?
4. how long does it take from here?
39. 1. Stay clam.
2. Take it easy.
3. We’ll be there right away.
4. You have to call me again.
(40-44) Situation: At the airport
PASSENGER: Here's my boarding pass.
SECURITY OFFICER: Please step through the scanner.
SECURITY OFFICER: Please step to the side.
PASSENGER: ____41_____
SECURITY OFFICER: Do you have any coins in your pocket?
PASSENGER: No, but I have some keys.
SECURITY OFFICER: Ah, ___42____ Put your keys in this tray and walk through
the scanner again.
SECURITY OFFICER: ____43_____ Remember to unload your pockets before
you go through security next time.
PASSENGER: I'll do that. Thank you.
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้ ธยมศึกษาปี ที่ 3 หน้ า 17
40. 1. What's going on?
2. What should I do?
3. What do I have to do?
4. What do you think of the scanner?
41. 1. Certainly.
2. Terribly sorry?
3. I can’t do that.
4. Absolutely not?
42. 1. Be calm.
2. No problem.
3. Don’t be serious.
4. That’s the problem.
43. 1. Sure.
2. Really!
3. Excellent.
4. Of course.
44. 1. Never mind.
2. See you later.
3. have a good trip.
4. That’s very kind of you.
(45-49) Situation: At a clothes shop.
Assistant: Can I help you?
Lisa: Yes, _____45______
Assistant: It's $40.
Lisa: ____46______
Assistant: Yes, what size do you need?
Lisa: ____47____
Assistant: OK, try a size 10. The fitting room is over there.
(Lisa puts on the skirt.) It's too small.
Lisa: ____48_____
Assistant: Yes, here you are.
Lisa: Thank you. (Lisa puts on the new skirt.) It fits her.
Assistant: How is it? ____49______
Lisa: I'll take it.

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45. 1. is it too expensive?
2. how about this skirt?
3. do you have tany discounts?
4. what is the price of that skirt?
46. 1. Can I buy it?
2. Can I try it on?
3. Would I like to try it out.
4. Could you let me tchange it?
47. 1. I’m not sure.
2. I’ll take the right one.
3. I don’t think I like this one.
4. I love this one but it too expensive.
48. 1. Do you have another one?
2. Do you have a bigger one?
3. Have you got a newer one?
4. Have you got a smaller one?
49. 1. How is it?
2. How was it?
3. How did you find it?
4. How about that one?
(50-54) Situation: Robert and Jane are talking about a party.
Robert: Are you going to the party on Saturday?
Jane: I am thinking about it. ___50____
Robert: Yeah, I heard that it's going to be a lot of fun.
Jane: ___51____ Well, what time does it start?
Robert: It starts at 8:00 pm, and I really think you should go.
Jane: Well, ____52______
Robert: Everybody from school.
Jane: How do you know it's going to be so fun?
Robert: This party is going to have a DJ, food, and drinks.
Jane: Wow, _____53________
Robert: So, am I going to see you at the party?
Jane: Yeah, ___54_____

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50. 1. Isn’t it?
2. Are you?
3. I’m not sure.
4. I’m afraid not.
51. 1. Really?
2. So boring!
3. Who told you?
4. WondI don’t believe.
52. 1. where is the party?
2. how far is it from your school?
3. who else is going to be there?
4. how long does it take from your school?
53. 1. I don’t think so.
2. I’m afraid I can’t join the party.
3. you should stay at home on Saturday.
4. that does sound like it's going to be fun.
54. 1. I like it.
2. I’m not sure.
3. I will be there.
4. I’m afraid. I can’t.
(55-57) Situation: Making a Deposit
Teller: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you today?
Mark: ________(55)________
Teller: Cash or a check?
Mark: Cash, please.
Teller: ________(56)________
Mark: $300.
Teller: _________(57)_______
Mark: I want to deposit it into my savings account.
Teller: Do you need anything else?
Mark: No, That’s all. Thank you.
55. 1. I want to loan some money.
2. I’d like to open my account.
3. I want to deposit some money.
4. I’d like to withdraw some money.

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56. 1. What is the rate today?
2. How much money do you deposit?
3. What type of account do you deposit?
4. How many accounts do you want to deposit?
57. 1. What do you want to deposit?
2. What type of account do you accept?
3. What account do you want your money in?
4. Where do you want to deposit your money?
(58-60) Situation: Clara and Jill have just seen the talk show.
Jill: ______(58)________
Clara: It’s really funny. _______(59)_______.
Jill: Me too. I am glad we saw it. What time is it?
Clara: It’s three o’clock.
Jill: _____(60)________. There’s a coffee shop here.
Clara: O.K.
58. 1. Was it the best one?
2. Did you like the talk show?
3. What was the talk show about?
4. What did you think of the talk show?
59. 1. I loved joking.
2. It made me crazy.
3. I couldn’t stand talking.
4. I couldn’t help laughing.
60. 1. What can we eat now?
2. Why don’t we go shopping?
3. Let’s get something to drink.
4. How about going to find something interesting?

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้ ธยมศึกษาปี ที่ 3 หน้ า 21
Part II: Grammar and vocabulary (Items 61-100)
Directions: Complete the following passage by choosing the best answer.
New York, August 20
Dear Aline,
I’m writing this postcard in English, because I want to practice ____61____. New York is a
wonderful city, but it’s really hot in August. There are hundreds of tourists from all over the
world. Yesterday, I ____62____ to the Statue of Liberty. It’s ____63____. Tomorrow,
____64____ students in the group and I will visit the Empire State Building. Some people
planned up the 1,860 steps to the top (like in the Eiffel Tower), but you cannot do that
anymore. You have to take the elevator. I am having a ____65____time. Wish you were here!
Your friend,
61. 1. reading 2. listening
3. handwriting 4. communicating
62. 1. went 2. reached
3. stretched 4. climbed up
63. 1. intensive 2. aggressive
3. quite expensive 4. very impressive
64. 1. other 2. others
3. another 4. the other
65. 1. great 2. awful
3. terrible 4. horrible
For many people, the tiger is the most beautiful and most exciting member of the cat family.
But these creatures are in ____66____. A hundred years ago, there were 100,000 tigers. They
lived all over Asia. Today ____67____ only 5,000 tigers.
In some countries, the local people hunt the tiger and sell its body. And the forests where
tigers live are ____68____, so they are losing their natural homes too
Many ____69____are trying to save the tiger, but it isn’t easy. If we aren’t careful, the power
and beauty of the wild tiger ____70____in our memories.
66. 1. good deal 2. good order
3. great danger 4. great demand

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67. 1. there is 2. there are
3. there was 4. there were
68. 1. spearing 2. appearing
3. disappearing 4. reappearing
69. 1. generation 2. decoration
3. immigration 4. organizations
70. 1. only exist 2. will only exist
3. would only exist 4. would only have existed
Movie watching all over the world is ____71____ —and very quickly. Film companies are
releasing DVDs a few months after the movies are in the theaters, and people are downloading
movies ____72____the internet onto their computers.
The art of filmmaking is also changing. People ____73____ their own movies up on the Web.
Everyday millions of video clips go on the air for ____74____by millions of people all over
the world. Some videos show ____75____ shots of people who don’t know they are going
to be on the web.
71. 1. showing 2. changing
3. improving 4. developing
72. 1. by 2. for
3. with 4. from
73. 1. will put 2. had put
3. are putting 4. were putting
74. 1. ranking 2. playing
3. viewing 4. checking
75. 1. snap 2. selfie
3. candid 4. plandid
Sepak takraw is a very popular sport in Asia and is growing rapidly. This sport is a ____76____
of soccer, volleyball, and gymnastic and that is played in a badminton court. There is a
sport like this! The name ____77____two languages. Sepak is “kick” in Malay, and takraw is
“ball” in Thai. The three players stand on opposite sides of a five-foot high net. Each team
____78____ the ball back over the net to the other team. Players can use their feet, knees,
backs, shoulders, or heads, but they can’t use their ____79____ and arms. Players jump float
in the air, flip upside down, and ____80____acrobatic stunt to block or smash the ball.

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76. 1. relation 2. connection
3. imagination 4. combination
77. 1. links to 2. connects to
3. comes from 4. differs from
78. 1. try sending 2. tries sending
3. try to send 4. tries to send
79. 1. forehead 2. elbows
3. hands 4. legs
80. 1. present 2. perform
3. confirm 4. conclude
British families usually have their main meal of the day ____81____, between six and eight
o’clock. In the past, it was always meat or fish with vegetable or salad, but these day the
British ____82____ is changing. People eat more pizza and pasta, Indian, Chinese and Thai
food. In supermarket, you can buy all kinds of frozen ready-made meal which can be
prepared in a microwave in a minutes. There are many restaurants and it’s quite ____83____
to eat out in an Indian or Chinese restaurant. Or you can order a “take-away”. A take-away
is a meal that you can buy and ____84____, or you can phone the restaurant and ask them
to ____85____ it to you. British people eat a lot of fast food, take-away food and ready-
made meal.
81. 1. in the morning 2. in the afternoon
3. in the evening 4. at night
82. 1. diet 2. life
3. way 4. style
83. 1. large 2. cheap
3. luxury 4. modern
84. 1. eat in 2. dine in
3. drive thru 4. take home
85. 1. mail 2. order
3. cook 4. deliver

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According to Dr. Wellmore, head of ____86____ division at the University of Wessex, kids
who follow health rules at home are likely to do better at school than those who do not.
Here are some five easy rules to make sure you grow up fit and ____87____. First, drink lots
of water, about 10 glasses a day. This also help you lose weight, if you have a couple of
kilos to lose! And you will have beautiful skin!
Second, sleep well! With tests, and problems with friends, you could have ____88____.
You shouldn’t go to bed late and get up early! This will make you feel tired and could get stressed.
Third, eat well! You should never skip breakfast because it is the most important meal and
give you ____89____ to kick off your day. You should eat one or more of the following: fruit,
egg, milk, cereal, or toast. You shouldn’t eat junk food.
Regular exercise improves your immune system, so the fourth rule is walk or cycle for about
twenty minutes. This will help you to keep your weight under control and will also cheer
you up! If you don’t like exercise solo, you could exercise with friends or …… why not get a dog?
Last, keep ____90____! You should wash your face in the morning and at night before you
go to bed. Brush your teeth three time a day. Remember: if you look good, you’ll feel good!
86. 1. study 2. survey
3. finding 4. research
87. 1. safety 2. lively
3. healthy 4. happily
88. 1. trouble 2. violence
3. insomnia 4. nightmare
89. 1. power 2. ability
3. strength 4. energy
90. 1. clean 2. cleans
3. cleaned 4. cleaning

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New Zealand is a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean. There are two main islands: North
and South Island. New Zealand’s ____91____country is Australia, 1,600 km away, so it may
get lonely! New Zealand is 23 million years old! It has about 50 volcanoes, and some still
____92____ today.
Nature in the island is very beautiful: it has high mountains with snowy peaks and rocky
shores. New Zealand has unique ____93____. For example, you will not see the famous
kakapo and kiwi in other countries. There are a lot of birds in New Zealand and many of
these birds cannot fly. The ____94____ people are Maoris, and the Europeans brought new
animals to the island; they killed the flightless birds – so many of these beautiful animal are
now ____95____.
If New Zealanders ____96____ more forests, more birds will ____97____ extinct, even the
kiwi. There are about 75,000 wild kiwis in New Zealand if you protect their ____98____, they
and kakapo will survive and grow.
New Zealand has two million tourists a year. People come for the sandy beaches and the
incredible ____99____: volcanoes, lakes and waterfalls, and fjords. New Zealand is the home
of bungee jumping: if you like adventure, you ____100____ the crazy sport!
91. 1. sister 2. border
3. trading 4. neighboring
92. 1. active 2. explode
3. eruptive 4. dangerous
93. 1 reptile 2. wildlife
3. mammal 4. amphibian
94. 1. native 2. common
3. majority 4. immigration
95. 1. plenty 2. extinct
3. disappear 4. existence
96. 1. cut in 2. cut off
3. cut out 4. cut down
97. 1. look 2. turn
3. appear 4. become
98. 1. home 2. forest
3. habitat 4. residence
99. 1. nature 2. landmark
3. landscape 4. destination
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100. 1. silly 2. crazy
3. funny 4. clumsy
Part III: Reading Comprehension (101-195)
Directions: Choose the best answer.
101. These labels tell you how to use the medicine.

A. B.

C. D.

Which is FALSE?
1. Label A: Mixing alcohol and medicine can be very dangerous.
2. Label B: This means you can swallow it or put it inside your body.
3. Label C: This helps the medicine work right and avoid side effects.
4. Label D: May make you sleepy or dizzy. Do not drive or use dangerous machines.
102. Which sign tells you that there are cameras recording what people do in this place?

1. 2.

3. 4.

103. What is the correct order of steps for making pancake?

A. Heat the frying pan to a medium low flame.
B. Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat until creamy.
C. Cook for about two minutes or until the pancake is golden.
D. Melt the butter in a microwave and then add the butter and milk to the mix.
E. Pour about 3 tablespoons onto the hot frying pan.
F. Cook the other side until golden and remove.

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1. B-A-D-E-C-F
2. A-D-B-C-E-F
3. B-D-A-E-C-F
4. A-B-D-E-C-F
104. According to the sign, which is FALSE?

1. You can’t pee in the pool.

2. You can’t swim in the toilet.
3. You shouldn’t pee in the pool.
4. You aren’t allowed to swim in the pool.
105. What does this sign tell you about?

1. Someone opens the door for you.

2. You have to stop and wait for the door opened.
3. You don’t need to open the door when entering.
4. You should stop before entering and exiting the gate.

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106. According to this sign, which is NOT true?

1. Ken holds it carefully.

2. Bob stores it with other drugs.
3. Danny throws it away in the red bin.
4. Park keeps it away from his children.
107. According to the washing machine instructions. Which is CORRECT?

Instructions Manual

1. Put clothes in the washing machine

2. Put washing detergent in detergent compartment.
(you can use liquid or powder)
3. Add bleach or fabric softener in the proper compartment
4. Choose programme
5. Choose temperature according to the fabric type.
6. Press ‘Start’

1. You shouldn’t use liquid detergent.

2. The fabric softener can be controlled by the fabric type.
3. Clothes are put in the washing machine before detergent.
4. The door can be opened while the washing machine is working.

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108. According to the map, if you go up Palmeria Street and take the first turning on the left,
go to the roundabout, turn right, which place is on your right?

1. the cafe
2. the park
3. the hotel
4. the post office

Directions: Read the following bar graph and choose the best answer. (109-111)

ที่มา: cse.dmu.ac.uk/~mit00gh

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109. According to the bar graph, which is NOT true?
1. Top Thrill Dragster is the fastest roller coaster.
2. Top speed of Steel Dragon is about 95 miles per hour.
3. Superman:The Escape is faster than Millenium Force and Tower of Terror.
4. Dodonpa is faster than Tower of Terror, but slower than Top Thrill Dragster.
110. What is the fastest roller coaster outside the United States?
1. Dodonpa
2. Millenium Force
3. Top Thrill Dragster
4. Steel Dragon 2000
111. Which two roller coasters have the same top speed?
1. Top Thrill Dragster (USA) and Dodonpa (Japan)
2. Dodonpa (Japan) and Steel Dragon 2000 (Japan)
3. Top Thrill Dragster (USA) and Millenium Force (USA)
4. Superman:The Escape (USA) and Tower of Terror (Australia)
Directions: Read the following chart and choose the best answer. (112-114)

112. According to the chart, which is TRUE?
1. The objects will be heaviest on Saturn.
2. A sofa on Pluto weighs 210 pounds less than on Earth.
3. A baseball bat has the same weight on Venus and Mars.
4. A watermelon on Mars weighs 9 pounds more than on Neptune.

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113. On which two planets does a watermelon weigh exactly the same amount?
1. Jupiter and Pluto
2. Mercury and Mars
3. Venus and Uranus
4. Saturn and Neptune
114. On which planet do things weigh the closest to what they weigh on Earth?
1. Pluto
2. Jupiter
3. Saturn
4. Uranus
Directions: Read the following bar graph and choose the best answer. (115-117)

ที่มา: https://profile.id.com.au/australia/language?EndYear=2006&DataType=UR
115. Which language was increasingly spoken?
1. Greek
2. Italian
3. English
4. Mandarin
116. According to the chart, which is NOT true?
1. Italian is more spoken than Greek.
2. Hindi is increasingly spoken at home.
3. Greek is 0.7 % less spoken than in 2016.
4. Sinhalese and Vietnamese are 0.4 % increasingly spoken.
117. What is this information mainly about?
1. Top Australian Languages
2. Local languages in Australia
3. Top 10 spoken Languages in Australia
4. Local Australian languages in top ten years
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Directions: Read the following pie graph and choose the best answer. (118-120)
Favourite Food

118. According to the pie graph, who will get benefit from this information?
1. a barrister
2. a diplomat
3. an archaeologist
4. a restaurant owner
119. If Park Jin Young wants to have his own business, which food might be his interest?
1. Pizza
2. French Fries
3. Cheeseburger
4. Taco and Chicken Strips

(120) Ponies are small horses. Ponies have thicker manes and tails than horses. They also
have proportionally shorter legs, thicker necks and shorter heads. Well trained ponies are
good for children while they are learning to ride. As well as for riding, ponies are used in
driving and working roles. Young ponies are called foals. Shetland ponies are small but very
strong. Pound for pound, ponies are stronger than horses. Miniature horses are even smaller
than ponies. Hackney ponies were first bred to pull carriages. Ponies are easy to look after,
requiring half the food that a horse would if it was the same weight.
ที่มา: http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/animals/pony.html

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120. Which of the following is a picture of a pony?

1. 2.

2. 4.

The Statue of Liberty, which is located in New York Harbor, is the largest statue in
the world. It was a present from the people of France to the people of the United
States, celebrating the country’s independence. The statue is a figure of a woman
holding a torch. The figure measures 151 feet from its base to the top of the torch. It
weighs 225 tons. The torch, which the woman holds in her right hand, stands for “the
light cast by the rays of liberty.” The statue is made of 1/8 of an inch thick copper , and it
stands on a pedestal 154 feet high. The pedestal is an enormous mass of concrete
reinforced with steel beams and covered with granite. By climbing the 142 steps inside
the statue, visitors can reach the observation area.

121. Why did the people of France give the Statue of Liberty to the people of the United States?
1. to guide French ships into New York Harbor
2. as a popular tourist destination in New York
3. as a symbol of freedom of the United States
4. to be a house museum of French immigrants
122. What material covers the pedestal?
1. steel
2. granite
3. copper
4. concrete

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123. Which of the following is NOT true?
1. The Statue of Liberty is a statue of medium size.
2. The Statue of Liberty measures more than 100 feet tall.
3. Tourists are allowed to climb inside the Statue of Liberty.
4. Tourists can easily spot the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor.
Covering your mouth when you sneezing! That’s what most children are taught. In
fact, most people try to hold back the rush of air when they sneeze. It’s the polite thing
to do, but it’s not the safe thing to do. A sneeze means the body is trying to force
something harmful out. If you have a cold, your body is trying to force germs out through
the nose. In a sneeze, air leaves the nose with great speed and force. That’s why it’s
dangerous to hold a sneeze in. The air will be forced out into the sinuses and ears. The
germs can infect the eardrums. It’s true that sneezing can spread germs to other people.
But even covering your nose with a handkerchief can’t stop that. Germs are so tiny that
they go through the cloth.
124. What is the main idea of the passage?
1. Holding in a sneeze is polite, and it’s good for health.
2. Sneezing is what most children are often taught to do.
3. Holding in a sneeze is polite, but it’s not good for health.
4. Sneezing is a rush of air out through the nose and mouth.
125. Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?
1. Why holding in a sneeze is dangerous
2. How sneezing spreads germs to people
3. Why kids are taught to hold in a sneeze
4. How adults try to avoid holding in a sneeze
126. Why does covering your nose with a handkerchief still lead to spreading germs?
1. Germs are powerful.
2. Germs are very small.
3. The air leaves rapidly.
4. The cloth is very small.
127. From the passage it can be inferred that ______________ .
1. sneezing is not good for health
2. germs protection is very difficult
3. holding in a sneeze is the safe thing to do
4. you can stop germs to people by covering your nose

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Like its relative the whale, the dolphin is not a fish but a mammal. A dolphin is
warm blooded and feeds its young on the mother’s milk. It breathes air through a
“blowhole” in the top of its head. The blowhole is the first part of the dolphin to break
through the surface as the animal rises from the deep.
Dolphins have torpedo-shaped bodies and smooth, rubbery skin. A strong tail
sends the dolphin cruising through the water at speeds up to 25 miles an hour.
Dolphins often race with boats. They may come alongside and then rush forward to the
bows. There they take their place in front of the boats. They may hold this spot for
several minutes, as if daring the captain to race.
128. Which is TRUE about a dolphin?
1. It is slower than a boat.
2. It has a blowhole to breath.
3. It cruises through the water by strong fins.
4. It is a fish, but feeds its young on the mother’s milk.
129. Which part of the dolphins help them swim well?
1. rubbery skin
2. a strong tail
3. smooth skin
4. torpedo-shaped body
130. What does “They” in paragraph 2 refer to?
1. bows 2. boats
3. dolphins 4. torpedo-shaped bodies
Honolulu will soon ban people from walking across the road while using mobile
phones. The new law starts in October. It says no one can cross a street or road while
looking at mobile phones, tablets and digital cameras. There is a $15-$35 fine. People who
break the law for a second time will get a $99 fine. Honolulu's mayor said the law because
there were many injuries and deaths when pedestrians use mobile devices. 5
People who text while walking are called phone zombies. The ban is so people
know more about the dangers of texting while walking. The mayor said there were too
many accidents in Honolulu. He added that if people had more common sense, he would
not have to pass this law. Another lawmaker said we have a lot of technology today but
we forget about staying safe. The new law is like one that bans texting while driving. 10
ที่มา: https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1707/170731-phone-zombies-1.html

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131. Which is the main problem in Honolulu?
1. There were many people use a lot of technology.
2. There were so many people who didn’t pay the fine.
3. There were so many accidents and injuries on the road.
4. People break the law and stop using the mobile phone devices.
132. What does the word “It” in line 2 refer to?
1. phone
2. new law
3. Honolulu
4. walking road
133. Which is NOT true?
1. The new law will begin after September.
2. The person who texts while walking is in danger.
3. The people have to pay the fine for breaking the law.
4. The legal action is to look at mobile devices while crossing the road.
134. Which is the synonym of the word “pedestrian”?
1. a person who is calling the lawyer
2. a person who is walking on the road
3. a person who is texting the messages
4. a person who is driving the car in the street
135. Which is the best headline for this news?
1. Safety First
2. The Pedestrians
3. Phone Zombies
4. The New Coming Law

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Date: June 26, 2005
From: Personal Manager
To: All supervisors
Subject: English Usage
Recently it has come to the attention of higher management that on average
the standard of English in this company is too low. There have been too many cases
lately where the meaning of faxes and phone calls in English has been completely
misunderstood. These mistakes can have serious financial effects and in addition
affect the prestige of our company. 5
It is essential that we train our staff in English, the international language of
business. As a first step, supervisors are requested to form staff members into groups
consisting of not fewer than five and not more than ten. These groups may then
decide on which evenings they wish to learn, and whether they wish to learn on one
evening a week for twenty weeks or twice a week for ten weeks. 10
Furthermore, supervisors are requested to set an example by speaking English in
the office and explaining any term their staff members do not understand.
Thank you for your co-operation.
ที่มา: Expanding Reading Skills Book 1
136. What is the purpose of the memo?
1. to improve English usage among office staff
2. to train the staff in using fax and phone machine
3. to blame the supervisors who have low English ability
4. to announce the average standard of English in the company
137. Which is NOT the supervisors’ role in this memo?
1. to arrange the workers into small groups
2. to be an example by using English in the work place
3. to answer the staff members about any term questions
4. to train the communicative English course to staff members
138. Which has the different meaning from “prestige”?
1. dignity
2. property
3. reputation
4. importance

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139. What does the word “they” in line 9 refer to?
1. the trainers
2. the supervisors
3. the office workers
4. the company employers
140. Which group needs to attend this English training?
1. the staff members
2. the higher managers
3. the company owner
4. the personnel managers
There is a new scam on the internet for those looking for love. Criminals are trying
to trick people by using old love letters and romantic language. Conmen can easily buy
"scam packs" to help them trick would be daters into their scam. The pack is available
online and only costs a few dollars. It includes love letter templates, photos, videos
and false identities. This is all that is needed to pretend to be someone looking for love. 5
The criminals pose as potential partners and contact people seeking romance on dating
sites. After a period of correspondence, they start asking their victim for money.
They use many different kinds of excuses and reasons why they need money.
The police force in London reported 3,900 people being scammed online in 2016.
The average amount of money they lost was $12,500. The average age of the victims 10
was 59 years old. More women than men were scammed, with 61 per cent of
the victims being female. A senior police officer described the damage the scams do to
victims. He said: "These crimes destroy lives and the emotional damage often far
outweighs the financial loss. He advised people against giving strangers money. He said:
"Never give money to people you meet online, no matter what emotional sob story 15
the person uses." He added that to be safe, people should always be on their guard
when communicating with a stranger online.
ที่มา: https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1712/171214-modern-society.html
141. What is the purpose of the reporter?
1. to disclose how criminals scam the money
2. to describe how to stop stealing money online
3. to persuade the reader to be careful with buying items
4. to negotiate the criminals to stop hacking the information

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142. According to the news, which is NOT true?
1. The love letters were used by the malefactors.
2. The scam packs were bought by the malefactors.
3. The malefactors pretended to be someone’s looking for love.
4. The malefactors stole a 59- year-old woman’s money from her pocket.
143. According to the news, how can the readers prevent themselves from the crime?
1. Stop seeking for love online.
2. Never trust the people that you meet online.
3. Choose carefully date matching online website.
4. Send love letters and pictures to the strangers by email.
144. Which of following has the same meaning as “destroy”?
1. harm
2. advise
3. protect
4. confront
145. What does the word “He” in line 14 refer to?
1. victim
2. criminal
3. stranger
4. policeman
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 20) the signs are that loved ones and relatives must be
handle with cares otherwise you risk upsetting them. Fortunately, a positive link between
Mars and Venus in the 16th shows that you know when to be soft and to be hard. In fact, all
relationship will improve once Venus enters Cancer on the 21st.
Virgo (Aug 24-Sep 22) you must learn to be more aggressive where your ambitions
are concerned. Stay on the path you have chosen and refuse to be pushed aside. Listen to
what colleague tell you but don’t be afraid to disagree if you believe that your way is best.
There comes a time when actions speak louder than words- and this is it.
146. Which of the following is NOT mentioned for the people who born on Dec 25?
1. Everything will be fine after twenty-first.
2. They should take special care of their friends.
3. They will have problems with the love ones in short term.
4. Since twenty- second, they will have no problem with their relatives.

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147. What is the advice for the people who was born under the Virgo sign?
1. Attempt hard to attain their goals.
2. Make an effort to achieve peace of mind.
3. Try hard to stop worrying about their aims.
4. Struggle to stop being ruled by their desires.
New research suggests that our DNA helps us to decide whether we prefer coffee
or tea. Researchers from the University of Queensland in Australia studied how our
genes affected our taste and why we like some tastes more than others. Following
the research, researchers believe they know why some of us prefer coffee while
others like tea more. The researchers found that people who like more bitter tastes 5
are more likely to drink coffee. The researchers said they found something strange in
their research. People who were more sensitive to the bitter taste of caffeine were
more likely to prefer coffee to tea. They were also more likely to drink more coffee
than those who were not so sensitive to caffeine.
Researchers looked at data on more than 400,000 men and women in the United 10
Kingdom. They also looked at an Australian study that compared the tastes of 1,757
twins with their siblings. The researchers said genes aren't the only factors affecting
people's tastes. Other things like our changing environment, social factors or the
effects of taking medicine can also turn us on or off coffee or tea. The researchers
said we can learn to like coffee. Dr Liang-Dar Hwang said: "Bitter taste perception is 15
shaped not only by genetics, but also environmental factors. Even though humans
naturally dislike bitterness, we can learn to like or enjoy bitter-tasting food after being
exposed to environmental factors."
ที่มา: https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1811/181125-coffee-or-tea.html
148. What is the passage mainly about?
1. We can learn to like bitter-tasting drinks and food.
2. Sensitive taste people enjoy drinking coffee than tea.
3. People like more bitter tastes are more likely to drink coffee.
4. Genes aren’t only factor to decide whether people prefer coffee or tea.
149. What is the strange founding in the research?
1. People naturally dislike bitterness.
2. Environment is one of the factors of the research.
3. People in Australia prefer bitter taste than people in UK.
4. More sensitive of bitter taste in caffeine likely possible to prefer coffee.

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150. Which factor doesn’t affect to coffee preferring?
1. social factor
2. taking medicine
3. psychological factor
4. changing environment
151. Which of the following is CORRECT?
1. The data collected from 400,000 men and women in the UK.
2. The data collected from over 400,000 men and women in the UK.
3. The data collected from nearly 400,000 men and women in the UK.
4. The data collected from less than 400,000 men and women in the UK.
152. Which of the following can be “siblings” ?
1. sisters or brothers
2. sons or daughters
3. fathers or mothers
4. nieces or nephews
The march of technology may seem unstoppable, but all things digital may
have a way to go before they replace the traditional bedtime book - the paper one.
A new study shows that paper books are better than e-books for bedtime reading.
The study suggests that the good old printed book, with real pages that you turn
with your fingers, makes parents and children interact more than they do when 5
reading with an electronic book. Researchers from the University of Michigan studied
how 37 pairs of parents and toddlers interacted with e-books and paper books. The
researchers found that with electronic books, parents asked their children fewer
questions and made fewer comments about the story.
The study involved observing parents and children (aged two or three) 10
reading from three different book formats. These were printed books, basic e-books
on a tablet, and enhanced e-books with features such as animation, graphics and
sound effects. The researchers discovered that the parents and toddlers interacted
with each other less with both types of e-books than they did with the printed
books. A researcher said that when they did speak, they were far likelier to talk 15
about the device and the technology rather than about the story. Children were
likelier to say things like, "don't push that button" or "don't change the volume" than
ask questions or make observations about the story.
ที่มา: https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1903/190328-paper-books.html

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153. What is the main idea of the article?
1. We can’t stop the growth of technology.
2. Using e-books, parents asked their children fewer questions.
3. Parents and their children likely prefer e-books than paper books.
4. The study suggested that paper books lead to more parents-children interaction.
154. What should be the best title of the article?
1. E-books Better than the Paper Books
2. The Role of E-book on Reading Interaction
3. Parents and Their Toddlers Reading Preference
4. Paper Books Better Than E-books for Bedtime Stories
155. What does the word “toddlers” in line 7 mean?
1. newborns
2. kindergartens
3. preschoolers
4. primary 1 students
156. According to the story, which is NOT true?
1. The age of the children in this study is under three years old.
2. Observing the experiment, parents talk to their children less when using
the devices.
3. Children were interested in the devices before asking the questions about
the story.
4. Three different types of bedtime storybooks were used in the experiment.
157. Which weren’t used as the research instruments?
1. laptops
2. tablets
3. e-books
4. paper books
158. From the result of the experiment, we can infer that _______________ .
1. printed bedtime storybooks will not be used anymore
2. e-books with animation and sound effects will replace the printed book
3. parents will keep going on using the old printed books than the e-books
4. children will prefer learning through technology devices than the old printed book

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Fran Romero to Simon Allen
Subject: Re: How’s it going?
20 August, 10:37
Hi Simon
Sorry I haven’t written till now. Since I got here I’ ve been really busy with the course
and making new friends. I’m speaking English all the time and going out in the evening with
my classmates. We’re a real mix of nationalities: Chineses, Russian, Thai, Italian, Spanish,
Brazilian… We all talk in English but I’m learning loads about other languages and countries too.
My host family are really nice. The parents, Susan and Paul, are very friendly and kind.
The children are called Lewis and Amy. They’ re both in primary school and are very sweet
but they can be a bit annoying too. If I have to watch the film Frozen with them one more
time, I’m going to go crazy! I know all the songs by heart now. Ahhhhh!
We live pretty near the school so I walk there every day. It’s only a short bus ride from
Edinburgh city centre, and ther are loads of shops and cafes there. There’s an ancient castle
too and we’re going there on a school trip next week. Edinburgh is a really interesting place
to be and there’s a festival on at the moment. It’s awesome but a bit expensive for us
students, so we’ve been hanging out in the streets watching the free street performances
from actors and musicians. Yesterday I saw a magician doing card tricks – it was so much fun!
I’ll send some photos of Edinburgh Castle next time. Take care and let me know how you
are doing.
159. Which of the statement is TRUE about Fran’s letter?
1. Susan and Paul are Fran’s next door’s parents.
2. Amy and Lewis are Fran’s host family’s children.
3. Fran and his classmates go to Edinburgh on his holiday.
4. Fran really loves to watch the film Frozen with Lewis and Amy.
160. What does Fran mean about the movie when he says “I’ m going to be crazy”?
1. He prefers to watch the film again.
2. He’d rather watch the film with his host family.
3. He thinks the film is very awesome but a bit boring.
4. He’s disinterested to join the children watching the film again.

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161.What does the word “them” in line 7 refer to?
1. the songs
2. the children
3. the parents
4. the movies
162. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
1. There are ancients castle in Edinburgh.
2. Edinburgh is far from where Fran live.
3. Edinburgh is a wonderful places to visit.
4. Most of people take the bus to Edinburgh.
Do you skip breakfast? Millions of Americans do and if you are one of them, you are
putting your ability to think and learn at risk. Skipping breakfast can cause you to be hungry,
tired, and crabby by the middle of the morning.
Why is that? First, when you wake up, you have not eaten for about eight hours. Your
body’s fuel, called glucose, is low. Eating breakfast raises the level of glucose in your brain.
Your brain requires a constant flow of glucose in order to do mental work. So eating
breakfast will give you a mental edge at school.
What if you don’t have enough time for breakfast or if you are not hungry when you
wake up? Having something for breakfast is better than nothing. Drink some milk or juice.
Then catch a nutritious snack later on in the morning. Yogurt, dry cereal, cheeses or fruit are
good choices.
What if you don’t like breakfast food? Then eat healthy foods you do like. Even cold
pizza or fruit smoothie can power your morning. Any way you look at it. There’s no reason
to skip this important meal.
163. What is the body’s fuel?
1. fat
2. water
3. glucose
4. breakfast
164. What shouldn’t you do if you don’t have enough time for breakfast?
1. eat nothing
2. eat some fruit
3. drink some juice
4. catch a nutritious snack

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165. What is the best reason for eating breakfast?
1. Breakfast makes us get up early.
2. If we eat breakfast, we can skip lunch.
3. Breakfast is not expensive and easy to make.
4. Breakfast can raise the level of glucose in our brain.
166. According to the passage, which is NOT true?
1. The brain needs energy to work at its best.
2. Eating breakfast raises the level of glucose in your brain.
3. Cereal, cheeses or Yogurt are not appropriate for breakfast.
4. If you don’t have breakfast, you will be hungry, tired, and crabby.
167. What is the main idea of this passage?
1. Healthy food is important.
2. The function of glucose is important.
3. Breakfast is the most important meal in a day.
4. The level of glucose is raised by eating breakfast.
Yellowstone National Park is mainly located in Wyoming, although three percent is
located in the state of Montana. The Continental Divide of North America runs diagonally
through the southwestern part of the park. The park sits on the Yellowstone Plateau, which
is an average elevation of 8,000 feet above sea level. This plateau is bounded on nearly all
sides by mountain ranges. There are 290 waterfalls that are at least fifteen feet in the park,
the highest being the Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River, which falls 308 feet.
ที่มา: https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/574867fd35da9d01225babe6/main-idea
168. How high is the lowest waterfall in Yellowstone National Park?
1. 15 feet
2. 290 feet
3. 308 feet
4. 8,000 feet
169. Which is NOT true about Yellowstone National Park?
1. Some parts of the park are located in the state of Montana.
2. The highest waterfall is an average 290 feet above sea level.
3. There are a lot of waterfalls in the Yellowstone National Park.
4. The park is an average elevation of 8,000 feet above sea level.

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An average hurricane releases as much energy as several atomic explosions. Its power
output in a single minute could keep the United States in electricity for 50 years. The hurricane
that struck Bangladesh in 1970 produced a tidal wave that killed 200,000 people. In 1900,
in Galveston, Texas, a hurricane created storm tides that swept 6,000 people to their deaths.
ที่มา: https://www.wsfcs.k12.nc.us/site/handlers/filedownload
170. What is the writer’s purpose of this passage?
1. to present factual information about hurricane
2. to inform readers the dangerous places to live
3. to compare the weather in Texas and Bangladesh
4. to entertain the reader with a story about hurricane
171. What is the writer’s feeling that can be described this passage?
1. sarcastic
2. frustrated
3. humorous
4. straightforward
Global warming is causing major change in our world. Animals and plants are trying to
live with these changes. If we do not do anything to stop the speed our planet is heating up,
many of these species will become endangered or even extinct.
Galapagos penguins will not be able to survive because the fish they feed on are moving
north to cooler waters. Rising sea levels will destroy the places sea turtles lay their eggs.
Birds that live in wetlands will lose their habitat as global warming dries up their
homes. As fish won’t have food to eat, they will die. So, seabirds that eat fish will die too.
Deserts are expanding. This means birds that migrate long distances will be in danger as they
won’t be able to find food on their way.
Elephants will have no place to live because their home will get hot and dry. Polar
bears will get thinner and may die of hunger. Because of the melting ice, they won’t have a
place to hunt of fish to eat.
172. Which of following statement is NOT true?
1. There will be more fish.
2. Birds won’t have any food.
3. Elephants will lose their home.
4. Fish will swim to cooler waters.

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173. Which is the best title for this passage?
1. Endangered Animals on Earth
2. How Animals Survive on Earth
3. Some Animals Become Extinct
4. Global Warming Effect to Animals
174. Which has the same meaning as ‘extinct’?
1. exist
2. endangered
3. disappeared
4. advantageous
William Henry Gates III (Bill) was born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington.
Bill was the second of three children in an upper-middle class family. He enjoyed playing
games with the family and was very competitive. He also loved to read. Bill became bored
in public school so his family sent him to Lakeside School, a private school, where he
excelled in math and science and did well in drama and English.
Gates became interested in computer programming when he was 13, during the era
of giant mainframe computers. His school held a fund-raiser to purchase a teletype terminal
so students could use computer time that was donated by General Electric. Using this time,
Gates wrote a tic-tac-toe program using BASIC, one of the first computer languages. Later he
created a computer version of Risk, a board game he liked in which the goal is world
domination. At Lakeside, Bill met Paul Allen, who shared his interest in computers. Gates
and Allen and two other students hacked into a computer belonging to Computer Center
Corporation (CCC) to get free computer time but were caught. After a period of probation,
they were allowed back in the computer lab when they offered to fix glitches in CCC’s
software. At age 17, Gates and Allen were paid $20,000 for a program called Traf-O-Data that
was used to count traffic.
Bills Gates is one of the richest men in the world. In 2012, his $61 billion dollars in
assets made him the world’s second richest man according to Forbes Magazine. In 2006,
Gates announced that he would cut back his involvement at Microsoft to spend more time
on philanthropy and his foundation. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation supports many
causes including the quest to eradicate Polio, fighting AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis;
providing vaccinations for children; and even reinventing the toilet among many other things.
ที่มา: https://sjo.prz.edu.pl/download....

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175. Which is NOT true about Bill Gates in the first paragraph?
1. He was competitive.
2. He was involved in drama.
3. He preferred public school.
4. He loved playing games with his family.
176. Which following statement was the effect of Bill’s hacking into the CCC computer?
1. He met Paul Allen.
2. He lost computer privileges.
3. He wrote a tic-tac-toe program.
4. They were allowed back on the computer eventually.
177. Which is the last paragraph mainly about?
1. the rising of Microsoft
2. Bill Gates and his software
3. Bill Gates and his philanthropy
4. the business practices of Microsoft
178. Which is the best title of this passage?
1. Bill Gates’ Life
2. Microsoft Evaluation
3. The Richest Businessman
4. How IBM Company Run Business
People say the early bird catches the worm. This means people who wake up early
do many things. They also say: "Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy,
and wise." This may be true. Scientists found that people who go to bed early do better in
tests. People who sleep and wake up early have an advantage over people who sleep and
wake up late. They found differences in the brains of early birds and night owls.
The scientists tested 38 people. They answered questionnaires about sleep and
tiredness. All of the people had MRI brain scans and did tests during the day. The early birds
said they felt less sleepy. They did the tests quicker than the night owls. There were big
differences between the groups. The researchers said night owls have to get up early for
school and work. They always want to sleep late, so they have to fight their natural rhythm.
ที่มา: https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1902/190218-night-owls-reading_100_1.htm
179. Which is the purpose of the story?
1. to tell that getting up early is good for the birds
2. to give information that going to bed early is good for human
3. to describe how to make a man healthy and wealthy by sleeping late
4. to compare the results of brain testing between the early bird and the night owls
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180. According to the passage, which is NOT true?
1. The early birds made a man healthy, wealthy and clever.
2. The persons who went to bed early do quicker in the brain test.
3. The scientists found that people who got up late felt less sleepy during the day.
4. The researchers said the result of brain scanning between two groups is different.
181. What does the word “they” in line 8 refer to?
1. the people who did the research.
2. the people who took the brain testing.
3. the people who slept and got up early.
4. the people who got up early but stay up late.
182. What is the meaning of the word “night owls”?
1. a scientist who uses MRI scan
2. a person who always goes to bed late
3. a researcher who answeres a questionnaire
4. a person who wanted to get up early for school
People have donated over one billion dollars to help rebuild the Notre Dame
cathedral in Paris. The 850-year-old cathedral was badly damaged in a fire on Monday.
The UNESCO World Heritage site is one of the most important cultural buildings in France.
Wealthy people from all over France and around the world have given hundreds of
millions of dollars to help restore the cathedral to its former glory. French president 5
Emmanuel Macron told the nation in a televised address that he would make sure the
reconstruction would be finished within five years. This would be in time for the opening
of the Paris Olympics in 2024. However, architects say it could take decades to rebuild the
world-famous landmark.
Some of the donors that are handing over cash are French billionaires. They 10
include the owners of the luxury brand Louis Vuitton and the cosmetics company L'Oreal.
The French oil company Total is also pledging 100 million euros. Apple CEO Tim Cook
tweeted that his company would donate an unspecified amount. He said: "We are
heartbroken for the French people and those around the world for whom Notre Dame is a
symbol of hope. Relieved that everyone is safe. Apple will be donating to the rebuilding 15
efforts to help restore Notre Dame's precious heritage for future generations." However,
many people are asking whether the money would be better spent on helping the world's poor.
ที่มา: https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1904/190419-notre-dame.html

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183. Which of the following is the best headline for the news?
1. Power of French billionaires
2. The damage of Notre Dame
3. The donation for rebuilding Notre Dame
4. Notre Dame “The world - famous landmark”
184. Which of the following is NOT true?
1. Paris Olympics will be held in 5 years.
2. It was eight hundred and fifty years old.
3. Notre Dame would be finished within 5 years.
4. Rich people have donated money to restore it.
185. Why do people donate a large amount of money to rebuild Notre Dame?
1. Because it is a symbol of hope.
2. Because it was badly damaged in a fire.
3. Because it is the oldest landmark of France.
4. Because it is the one of UNESCO World Heritage site.
186. What does the word “luxury” in line 11 mean?
1. glory
2. wealthy
3. precious
4. expensive
187. What is the purpose of the writer?
1. to tell how important of Notre Dame
2. to persuade people for more donation
3. to report the news about Notre Dame reconstruction
4. to inform how important of Notre Dame for new generation
188. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
1. An oil firm promised to give 100 million euros.
2. A lot of people think the world’s poor should get money instead.
3. Apple offered to donate one billion dollars to rebuild Notre Dame.
4. Some of donators will give a lot of money to reconstruct Notre Dame.

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Easter Sunday and Easter Monday are public holidays in the UK. As well as being a
religious festival, Easter is also the celebration of new life and the arrival of spring. That’s
why there are so many symbols of fertility like eggs, chicks and rabbits. Soon after
Valentine’s Day, the shops start to sell chocolate eggs, wrapped in colorful boxes and
ribbons: some of them are huge! These are given to children as presents if they are well
behaved. Some parents tell their children that the Easter Bunny has brought the eggs. The
Easter Bunny is a fantasy character that arrives in secret, a bit like what Father Christmas
does in December.
Another tradition in the UK is the Easter Egg Hunt. Towns often organize these parties
during the Easter weekend: lots of chocolate eggs are hidden in local parks and children
have to go and collect them. It is a lot of fun for everyone. Some families organize their own
Easter egg hunt in their garden, if it is big enough.
Apparently, nearly 90 million Easter eggs are sold in the UK each year, and each child
receives an average of 8 large chocolate eggs. This is obviously a lot of sugar and sometimes
doctors and dentists warn people that this tradition is bad for children’s health. That’s why
some families decide to give their children presents like toys and games, to stop them
eating so much chocolate and ruining their teeth! However, Easter is not complete without a
bit of sweetness, as long as it is in moderation.
ที่มา: http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/magazine/life-around-world/easter-eggs
189. What should be the title of this passage?
1. Colorful Painted Easter Eggs
2. Children and the Chocolate Eggs
3. Easter Celebration in the United Kingdom
4. Easter Bunny: the Symbol of Easter Festival
190. Which of the following are NOT the symbol of new life?
1. chicks and eggs
2. rabbits and chicks
3. eggs and chocolate
4. presents and rabbits
191. Why did the doctor say Easter tradition is not good for children’s health?
1. Because it contains of a lot of sugar.
2. Because chocolate is bad for children’s health.
3. Because chocolate eggs are too much sweet.
4. Because Easter eggs can cause the children’s teeth decay.

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192. According to the passage, which is NOT TRUE?
1. Easter is celebrated after Valentine’s Day.
2. Children enjoy hunting the chocolate eggs.
3. Well-mannered children will get presents from Easter Bunny.
4. Parents give toys and games to stop children eating too much chocolate.
193. What is the writer’s purpose in paragraph 3?
1. to show the bad effects of Easter celebration
2. to warn parents to take care of the children’s health
3. to tell the readers that Easter festival is incomplete without chocolate eggs
4. to suggest how much sugar children should consume during Easter festival
Part IV: Error Recognition (196-200)
Directions: Choose the answer which is grammatically incorrect.
194. If you (1) prefer snow, you can (2) try skiing or (3) snowboard in the Alps (4) or even

195. Shark (1) skeletons are (2) make of cartilage, (3) which is the same material that
(4) gives human ears their shape.

196. You’ll meet (1) much people when you’re (2) travelling but one thing you must never
do (3) is giving your address to a (4) complete stranger.

197. (1) An oil spill in the (2) Indonesian port city of Balikpapan has (3) kill four people and
one person is (4) missing.

198. Pla ra, (1) ferment fish seasoning in (2) northeastern food, will be (3) certified by
(4) the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives.

199. Tomorrow will (1) probably be (2) cloud in the morning, the sun will come out
(3) around midday, and (4) maybe it’ll rain in the afternoon.

200. The (1) amount of water on the Earth stays (2) nearly the same because water is
always moving and (3) change from liquid to solid to gas (4) and then back to
liquid again.

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