The document provides information about renovations and additions made to Portobello College. It summarizes that the old school was completely renovated and expanded, with a new sports hall added. Key additions and renovations included a newly built indoor sports facility, renovated classrooms with modern technology and adjustable lighting/heating, two newly renovated computer labs, a music room, art room, and general purpose hall in place of the old PE hall. The library and common room were also redesigned with students in mind. The overall aim was to create an improved environment that students would enjoy returning to.
The document provides information about renovations and additions made to Portobello College. It summarizes that the old school was completely renovated and expanded, with a new sports hall added. Key additions and renovations included a newly built indoor sports facility, renovated classrooms with modern technology and adjustable lighting/heating, two newly renovated computer labs, a music room, art room, and general purpose hall in place of the old PE hall. The library and common room were also redesigned with students in mind. The overall aim was to create an improved environment that students would enjoy returning to.
The document provides information about renovations and additions made to Portobello College. It summarizes that the old school was completely renovated and expanded, with a new sports hall added. Key additions and renovations included a newly built indoor sports facility, renovated classrooms with modern technology and adjustable lighting/heating, two newly renovated computer labs, a music room, art room, and general purpose hall in place of the old PE hall. The library and common room were also redesigned with students in mind. The overall aim was to create an improved environment that students would enjoy returning to.
The document provides information about renovations and additions made to Portobello College. It summarizes that the old school was completely renovated and expanded, with a new sports hall added. Key additions and renovations included a newly built indoor sports facility, renovated classrooms with modern technology and adjustable lighting/heating, two newly renovated computer labs, a music room, art room, and general purpose hall in place of the old PE hall. The library and common room were also redesigned with students in mind. The overall aim was to create an improved environment that students would enjoy returning to.
Reading 1 Which is NOT TRUE about the sports hall?
1 Przeczytaj tekst. W zadaniach 1–5 A It will be used for assemblies. z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, B It is newly built. zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl jedną z liter: C It is a renovated PE hall. A, B, C albo D. D It includes a gym. PORTOBELLO COLLEGE 2 According to the text, the classrooms GRAND REOPENING A are all newly built. We are delighted to announce that the rebuilding work has been B each has a modern computer. completed in time for the new term. At the heart of our school C have interactive smart desks. there is now a fantastic, newly-built, modern building. During the D have adjustable lighting. redevelopment the old school was completely renovated and 3 Which is NOT mentioned as a benefit of the expanded with a new sports hall added. We are very proud of creative wing of the school? this new indoor sports facility with its full-sized basketball court A Students can learn to play musical and overlooking fully-equipped gym. The large hall will serve all instruments. students for assembly and PE classes as well as other after- B Students’ creativity can develop. school sports and activities. All of the classrooms at Portobello C Students can learn an academic subject. College have also been renovated to the highest standard. The D Students can do their homework there. windows are all new and the lights can be controlled to ensure the ideal brightness during classes. The heating in each room 4 The general purpose hall can be independently adjusted to get the perfect temperature all A will be where assemblies are held. year round. Information technology is also part of every B will be where the school play is held. classroom thanks to the interactive whiteboards and all of the C will be redeveloped. desks and chairs are of a modern design to promote student D will be closed during lunchtime. comfort and health. 5 From the last paragraph we can conclude that Another addition to our school is the two newly-renovated A the redevelopment is designed to make computer labs. One will be used for formal teaching of ICT students happier. lessons, while the other will give students the opportunity to B the general purpose hall is bigger than the study independently and do research for homework or school sports hall. projects. Located next door, in the creative wing of the school, C all of the computers at the school are new. our music room provides an elegant space for students to D special guests visit the school every week. practise instruments as well as learn about the academic theory of studying music. The room is home to a variety of musical 5 x 1 = 5 points instruments and special equipment. The highly attractive art room provides a colourful and inspiring space for students to develop and express their artistic and creative talents. The large Listening desks and artist chairs provide a comfortable environment in a 2 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dwa teksty. wide, bright, open, space. W zadaniach 1–6 z podanych odpowiedzi The large space at the front of the school where the old PE hall wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. once was has now been redeveloped into a general purpose hall. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C. It will be used for hosting a variety of events including student competitions, parent-teacher meetings and school music and Text 1 drama productions. The space is also used as an indoor canteen 1 Which subject can you earn a certificate in? during lunchtimes. Last but not least are two rooms especially A business studies designed for students to enjoy spending time in. The spacious B sports science library is a quiet and comfortable place where students can C computing & IT browse Portobello’s large collection of books. The space is also equipped for class groups to read, make presentations or host 2 What disadvantage do the certificates have special guest speakers. Ten new computers also allow students compared to the diplomas? to access research materials. The common room has been A They’re not recognised. redesigned with students in mind. It is furnished with comfortable B They follow a European curriculum. cushions and modern built-in storage and facilities. Overall, our C They have a higher price. aim at Portobello College is to make our students’ experience a positive one and create an environment that they honestly can’t wait to return to.
zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia 3 Which does Jeremy say he enjoys? obydwa zdania. Wymagana jest pełna A international relations poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych B debating wyrazów. C chess club 4 What is Jeremy NOT interested in? 1 ………………………. A artificial intelligence • Ross didn’t mean to … Tony’s calculator after B virtual reality borrowing it. C computer programming • During the lunch …, students are not allowed 5 Vicky will try out for to leave school grounds. A field events. B martial arts. 2 ………………………. C track events. 6 Where will they go next? • Karl got … results in his exams, doing well in A the museum B band practice geography but badly in maths. C to class • Ann will transfer from a same-sex school to a 6 x 1 = 6 points … school this summer. 3 ………………………. Use of English • I’d say you got a(n) … score than me on the 3 Uzupełnij zdania 1–4. Wykorzystaj w business studies exam. odpowiedniej formie podane w nawiasach • Will you be carrying on to … education after wyrazy. Nie zmieniaj kolejności podanych you finish school? wyrazów, ale, jeśli to konieczne, dodaj inne wyrazy, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i 4 ………………………. gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna • Meet me in the … room between classes to wpisywanych fragmentów. Uwaga: w każdą talk about chess club. lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery • It’s not very … for a student to do so well in wyrazy, wliczając w to wyrazy już podane. both science and foreign languages. 1 The class ........................................................... 4 x 1 = 4 points ..................................... (start/hour) later today. 2 Danny ................................................................ 6 W zadaniach 1–4 spośród podanych opcji (is/go/to) the nurse’s office for his cut hand. (A–C) wybierz tę, która najlepiej oddaje 3 I hope I ............................................................... sens wyróżnionego zdania. Zakreśl jedną ............ (understand/maths) lecture tomorrow. z liter: A, B albo C. 4 Is Ian .................................................................. ........... (compete/school) sports day this year? 1 Sam has trouble staying focused. 4 x 1 = 4 points A Sam cannot see properly. B Sam gets easily distracted. 4 Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–3) C Sam can’t decide what to study. jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna 2 I can’t stand doing business studies. poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna A I strongly dislike doing business studies. wpisywanych wyrazów. B I’m not allowed to stand up in business Outdoor Dining studies. Principle Farrell and all of the teaching staff are delighted to C I feel that business studies is easy. announce the opening of a new outdoor dining area right next to 3 I have to get changed after PE. the cafeteria. The old bike yard has been given a major upgrade A I’m going to a different class. with new picnic tables and rubbish 1) ………………….., plus a B I don’t like doing PE. pleasant grassy area with trees, flowers and a drinking fountain. C I will put on different clothes. As before, you can get your meals from the dinner lady and then go out to enjoy your food in the fresh air. All we ask is that you 4 Mr Keogh let me off the hook for turning up bring your tray 2) ………………….. to the cafeteria after you late. finish your meal. It’s in yours and everyone’s best interests to A Mr Keogh didn't punish me for arriving late. 3) …………………... care of the new picnic area so we can all B Mr Keogh threw me out of class for arriving enjoy it for years to come. late. C Mr Keogh gave me a punishment for handing 3 x 1 = 3 points in an assignment late. 4 x 1 = 4 points
A Rope of Mass 0.65 KG Is Stretched Between Two Supports 30 M Apart. If The Tension in The Rope Is 120 N, How Long Will It Take A Pulse To Travel From One Support To The Other?