1 Hour) : (Students Will Stand Silently) (In Unison)

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Pre-Service Teacher: DONNABEL B.

AGANA Subject: English

Teaching Date: March 4, 2024 Quarter: Third
Grade & Section: Grade 7-Banzon Time: 9:55-10:55(1 Hour)
I. Objectives:
A. Contend
B. Performance The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Philippine
Standards: Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture.
C. Learning The learners…
Competencies: Use the appropriate oral language, stance, and behavior when giving information and
instructions, making explanations, and narrating events in factual and personal
recounts.EN7OL-II-g-2.6.2/ ENOL-III-b-3
D. Learning At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
Objectives:  identify the appropriate language used, stance and behavior in a given situation;
 stated beliefs/convictions about the significant scenes from the material viewed; and
 appreciated the virtues portrayed by the character/s from the viewed material.
III. Learning Resources
1.Teachers’ Guide NA
2.Learners’ Material Learners’ Activity Sheets
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional NA
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
A. Other Learning Resources
1. Instructional Teacher made PowerPoint Presentation
2. ICT Integration
IV.Procedures Teacher’s Part Learners’ Part
A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer Everybody stand, let us pray. (Students will stand silently)
2. Greetings Good morning, everyone. Good morning, ma’am. (In
3. Checking of May I know who is/are the absent? Either of the two responses is
Attendance expected:
1.The following students are
absent ma’am:
2. All are present ma’am.
4. Revisiting the Let me remind everyone of the class house rules. Yes ma’am.
Class House
Rules. 1. MINDSET (arrange your chairs, seat properly and listen
Indicator 7. Manage student carefully)
behavior constructively by
applying positive and non- 2. Raise your hand if you want to say something
violent discipline to ensure
3. Be respectful
B. Review (ELICIT) The following answers are
(Extracts or draws expected from
attention to prior the students.
understanding of 1. It refers to historical, geographical, and familial factors that
knowledge) are embedded in a selection or a story that we read. 1. Cultural influence
2. These are events experienced by a particular culture at a 2. Historical influence
certain period of time. These events create an impact in the
3. Environmental
lives of writers and these impacts become evident in the texts
that they write. influence
3. It refer to external conditions that shapes the mind of the

How do we identify the kind of influence depicted in a We can identify the kind of
selection? influence depicted in a
selection by carefully looking
into the details in the
selection and determining
whether it depicts the culture,
environment and the history
of the writer.

C. Motivation The students are expected to

(ENGAGE) Activity follow the directions.
(Activity which will The teacher will flash on the screen, different pictures and let the
focus student’s class identify it.
Laughing and arguing about
attention, stimulate Based on the activity, what do you think is our lesson for today?
their thinking, and their answers with their group
access prior Very good! mates are expected too.
knowledge) Ma’am our lesson for today is
Introduction of the learning competency and objectives. all about appropriate language
used, stance and behavior in
a given situation;
D. Activity The class will be grouped into three. Analyze and explain what The students are expected to
(EXPLORE) the picture tells. follow the instructions.
(Activity which gives Group 1 & 4 Laughing and arguing about
students time to their answers with their group
think and
investigate/ mates are expected too.
solve, and collect
information) Group 2 & 5

Group 3 & 6

E. Analysis (EXPLAIN) The answers to the questions

(Discussing information and
may vary, but the following are
explaining the concepts The following questions will be asked: the possible answers:
associated with the student’s
1. Did you enjoy the activity? How did you accomplish the 1. Yes ma’am, we enjoyed
task? accomplishing the task, since
2. At some point, how are these outputs related to each everyone in the group
other? participated.

3. Do we need to use the appropriate oral language, 2. These outputs are related to
stance, and behavior when giving information and each other since it’s all about
instructions, making explanations, and narrating stances.
events in factual and personal recounts? Why?
3. Yes, for us to be clearly
4. Cite situations wherein one failed to use appropriate understood.
oral language, stance, and behavior in
communicating? What happened?
Indicator 1. Apply
knowledge of content
within and across Going back to the activity, the teacher will discuss
curriculum teaching areas. comprehensively the appropriate skills, postures, gestures,
techniques in public speaking, and behavior in sports the same 4. There was one time that my
with the virtues in real life setting. words were opposite with my
Within the Curriculum: Techniques in Public Speaking. actions. My mother got mad at
English 8 Q2 week 2 1. Know your audience.
Use opinion-marking
signals to share ideas.
2. Prepare me.
3. Own the space
Subject Integration: 4. Be confident
F8PN-IIId-e-29: 5. Enjoy yourself
Napag-iiba ang Baseball game can fundamentally be broken down into three
katotohanan (facts) sa
hinuha (inferences), primary skills: throwing, catching, and hitting.
opinyon at personal na
interpretasyon ng kausap Throwing- this term comes from the Knickerbocker Rules.
A pitch is the act of throwing a baseball toward home plate
to start a play.

Catching-occurs when a fielder gains secure possession of a

batted ball before it bounces, and maintains possession until they
voluntarily or intentionally release the ball.

Hitting- a hit is also called a base hit, is credited to a batter when

the batter safely reaches or passes first base after hitting the ball
into fair territory, without the benefit of an error or a fielder’s

In ESP, there are types of virtues, intellectual and moral virtues

we need to know.
Virtue is moral excellence. It is a trait or quality that is deemed to
be morally good and thus is valued as a foundation of principle
and good moral being.

Intellectual Virtues- are qualities of mind and character that

promote intellectual flourishing, critical thinking, and the pursuit of

Moral Virtue- shows high moral standards: doing what is right and
avoiding what is wrong.
F.Abstraction When you instruct, explain, or narrate, observe the following:
(Discussing 1. Give clear instructions, explanation, or narration of events.
information and 2. Provide examples to further illustrate your points. Demonstrate
explaining the whenever possible.
concepts 3. Speak at the right speed. Pause to give your audience time to
associated with digest the information.
the student’s 4. Involve your audience. Ask them questions as needed.
exploration) 5. Use open gestures, such as upward-facing palm gesture. If
Indicator 2. Developed and
you’re standing, bring out your hands where the audience can
applied teaching strategies to see them, usually over the belly button. By doing so, you will
promote critical and creative exude confidence when speaking. (Aha learning is expected after
thinking, as well as higher
the teachers explanation)
order thinking skills. In defining terms, the learners will solve the puzzle.
Teaching Strategy: Inductive
Teaching including inquiry
and discovery learning]
Literacy Focus: Define terms
such as posture, gesture,
pitch, volume, speed, and

Good body gestures and attitude you should observe and

incorporate to oral language skills:
• Have a positive posture, relaxed and open facial expression.
• Avoid unnecessary gestures or distracting mannerisms.
• Maintaining eye contact helps you gauge audience’s attention
and adjust your language, volume, or the organization of speech.
This will help you better understand, communicate more clearly
and successfully interpret nonverbal cues about their clarity.
• Be natural, spontaneous and conversational.
• Speak loudly and articulate clearly.
• Remember how tone of voice—which includes pitch, volume,
speed, and rhythm—can change the meaning of what you say to
avoid misunderstanding.
• Listen attentively when someone is speaking or giving
• Let your body mirror your feelings.

G. Application For the mastery of the concepts regarding the appropriate oral
(ELABORATE) language, stance, and behavior when giving information and
(Provides an instructions, making explanations, and narrating events in
opportunity for factual and personal recounts, the students will be grouped
students to apply The students are expected to
using the e-3Cs Research-Based Model.
their knowledge to follow the instructions and
new domains, which Group 1 will present a procedural text.
may include raising Group 2 will present an explanation text. asks questions to clarify
new questions and Group 3 will present a narrative event which is factual recount. something.
hypotheses to Group 4 will present a narrative event which is personal recount.
explore) Group 5 will present an information using a graph. (Numeracy focus)
Indicator 5. Exhibited
Group 6 will present a role play.
effective practices to foster
learnig environments that
promote fairness, respect The teacher will encourage everyone in the class to be fair, to
and care to encourage
respect those who will present and being careful with their words
and actions to encourage learning.
(EVALUATE) A. Paper & Pen Activity 1. The students are expected
(Allows the teacher to to answer the correct choice.
assess student Directions: Determine the correct responses to the
following situations. Write the letter of your choice on 1. d
performance and/or
the answer sheet. 2. d
understandings of
3. d
concepts, skills,
processes, and 1. Can you tell me where the market is? 4. b
understanding) A. Go straight! 5. c
B. Find it on your own.
C. Go straight ahead and turn left.
D. Sure, just go down the street and turn left. It’s next to the
laundry shop.
2. I want to cook steamed banana. How will I do it?
A. Ask my mother to cook it for me.
B. Request my sister to do it for me.
C. Leave the banana in the pot and heat it.
D. Put the banana in the pot and pour some water then let
it boil for 10 to15 minutes until it is cooked.
3. Why are you late in our class today?
A. Why ask? Just let me in.
B. It is none of your business so let me in.
C. My mother went to the market and buys some food to eat for
our lunch.
D. Please forgive me. My alarm did not ring that’s why I woke up
and came to school late. May I come in?
4. You want to borrow your new classmate’s pen. What will
be your best statement for such situation?
A. Can I use your pen?
B. May I borrow your pen?
C. Give me your pen please.
D. Hey Dude! I will borrow your pen.
5.It’s dinner time and you have noticed your sister’s hands are
dirty. What will you say?
A.Eat your dinner without using any utensils.
B.You will not eat until your hands are clean.
C.Go to the sink, wash your hands with soap and rinse them
D.Look at your dirty hands. Are you not going to wash them
before eating?

Valuing the topic through real life application.

A video will be played and the following questions will be asked:
1. What have you observed in the video?
2. Do the actions of the main character affect her customers?
3. Do you have the same experience as a student and as a
4. What do you think is the importance of using appropriate oral
language, stance and behavior?

I. Assignment Directions: Narrate personal experiences during the

(EXTEND) December 16-17, 2023 typhoon. Write a paragraph with at
(Learners will least five (5) sentences in it. Apply the proper sequencing
apply the of events by using correct sentence markers/ transitional
concepts and devices. Share it by reading it aloud in front of the family
skills in new but members and be sure to observe proper body gestures.
situations) 5 4 3
All ideas are relevant All ideas are Some ideas are
Ideas to the topic. Strong relevant to the relevant to the
and topic. Good topic. Few
details are details are
included. given.
details are
The introductory and Introductory Appropriate
concluding sentences are and concluding introductory
strong. They contain sentence are and concluding
Organization sequence markers and in quite strong. sentences are
a logical order. Sequence markers not used.
are evident Sequence
however some markers are not
ideas are not in properly
logical order. observed
and ideas
are not in
Correct spelling of There are few Many errors in
words, proper errors in spelling,
Conventions punctuation, and subject- spelling, punctuation and
verb agreement are punctuation and subject-verb
observed. Errors do not subject-verb agreement.
interfere with agreement. Errors interfere
meaning. Errors do not with meaning.
interfere with
Take a video and send it to the teacher in English.
Prepared by: Noted:


Master Teacher I Principal III

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