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LP For Grade 10 Laura

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Detailed Lesson Plan

in English 10
I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the period, students are expected to:
a. identify the feelings of the persona of the poem "Laura" by Francesco Petrarch. ;
b. appreciate the message of the poem ; and
c. write a quote out of the poem "Laura" by Francesco Petrarch.

II. Learning Content

Francesco Petrarch
Celebrating Diversity through World Literature
Cartolina with the poem Laura by Francesco Petrarch and translated by Morris Bishop
Pictures of different kind of Courtship
Picture of Francesco Petrarch and Laura

III. Learning Experiences (4A's)

Teacher's Activities Students' Activities

A. Activity
Good morning class. Good morning Ma'am.
Everyone, please stand.
Lead the prayer, Marcus. In the name of the Father...
Again, good morning class.
Before you take your seats kindly arrange your
chairs and pick up the pieces of dirt.
How is your day, Max?
It is great Ma'am.
That is great!
I wanted to ask a question for the girls. Ladies,
if a man courts you in the future, how would
you want him to do it. Yes, Gloria?
If someone would court me in the future
Ma’am, I wanted for the boy to ask first my
parents before directly saying that he will court
It is good to know that you are considering
your parents first before you entertain a suitor.
I want another answer from other ladies here.
Yes, Jamaica?
Of course Ma’am I also want him to be liked
by my parents and I want him to be not to
perfect but learn to respect me and especially
How about the Gentlemen, how do you plan to my parents.
win the heart of your ladylove someday, yes,
I wanted her to feel that she is very important
to me as well as her parents. I plan to do my
best just to win her sweetest "yes."
I also want another answer from other
gentlemen. Yes, August?
I planned it to like me as who I am and what I
am and vice versa. I also want to serenade her
an I do not like to court her through text, fb, or
other. I want to court her personally.
I ‘am happy that you are planning for that
already but I just wanted to say for the ladies
and gentlemen that now is not yet the time for
that. I am just asking your side about courtship.
I wanted you to count one to five.
All group one stay at the left front seat, all One, two, three, four, five…
group two stay at the left side back seat, all
group three stay at right side front seat, all
group four stay at the right side back seat, and
all group five stay at the middle.
I have here five puzzle pictures that you are
going to arrange by posting it to the given
manila paper to each group. The first group
that will finish the task will post it on the board
and will be given five points, followed by four,
three, two, and one. Each group will choose a
representative to discuss the picture that you
formed. Is it clear?

Yes, Ma’am.
I will only give you three minutes to arrange
the given puzzle.
You may now start.
Time is up!
Arrange your chairs to its original place before
we start the discussion.
As we can see group one is the first one to post
their work on the board.
Let us call in the representative of group one.
Yes, Andy?
The given picture to us is a man kissing the
forehead of the girl. It shows that the man is
courting the girl in the picture and giving a
Thank you Andy. I see that you are very balloon as a surprise.
observant about the picture. Your group will be
given five points as promise. Let us move on
the next group. Group representative?
The picture that we arrange is a man
serenading the woman and also gave her a
stuffed toy, I can say that this picture also show
the courtship of the man to the women.
Let us call in the other group.
This picture that we arrange is a man
serenading the woman and also gave her a
flower, I can say that this picture also show the
courtship of the man to the women.

Next group.
We do not have an idea who is this man in the
picture Ma’am.
That man is very important to our topic for
today. He is Francesco Petrarch. We will
discuss it later on.
We also do not have an idea about this lady in
How about the next group. the photo Ma’am.

That woman is Laura also an important person

in our topic for today.
All the groups will receive a point according to
your respective order.

B. Analysis
Today we are going to discuss the poem
entitled “Laura” by Francesco Petrarch. This is
one of the poems in Petrarch’s Canzoniere.
Let us see the story behind the creation of this
poem is.
Kindly open your books on page 171 and read
the poem and find out what is the genre of the
poem and how deep is the emotion in this

You may now start.

Time is up!
Who can read the poem, yes, Sarah?

Translated by Morris Bishop

She used to let her golden hair fly free

For the wind to toy and tangle and molest;
Her eyes were brighter than the radiant west.
(Seldom they shine so now.) I used to see
Pity look out of those deep eyes on me.
(“It was false pity,” you would now protest)
I had love’s tinder heaped within my breast;
What wonder that the flame burned furiously?
She did not walk in any mortal way,
But with angelic progress; when she spoke,
Unearthly voices sang in unison.
She seemed divine among the dreamy folk
Of earth. You say she is not today?
Well, though the bow’s unbent, the wound
bleeds on.

Thank you, Sarah.

C. Abstraction
After reading the poem, how do you find it
and what do you think is the feeling of the
persona or the person who is writing the poem,
Pedro? The poem is about describing a woman, girl, or
lady. And it shows the love of the persona to
her. Also it shows that the persona is hurting
but at the same time he still love the girl.
You are doing great!
Another observation about the poem, yes,

I find the poem beautifully constructed except

for the difficult words. Also it shows an
undying love of the man to the lady. I can say
that this man is a loyal man when it comes to
the relationship. Because the poem shows so
much love and a little bit of hurt, when I am
Before we discuss the poem “Laura” by reading this. But all in all I find it beautiful.
Francesco Petrarch translated by Morris
Bishop let us unlock the difficult words and
then I will tell you the story hoe Petrarch
comes up with this poem. Shall we begin?
Yes, Ma’am.
We begin with the word, Molest.
Molest is to pester, bother, or disturb a person.
Another difficult word, Yes, Aldwyn?
The word tinder Ma’am.
Tinder is a material that is easily combustible
and can be used for lighting a fire.

Can anyone read the next word posted on the

board, yes, Jowelle?
Heap is a large number of things on top of one
another, or a large quantity of material,
forming a roughly rounded shape.

Yes, Ma’am. At first reading I find it hard to

Thank you, Jowelle. understand the poem, but now it is a bit easier.
Is the difficult word easy now and
understandable, Josie?

It is good to know that you are attending class

attentively and willing to learn new words.

Let us move on to who is this man in the

picture really is and what is the story behind
the creation of the poem “Laura.”
Love has been around us from the very
beginning. In the 14th century, an Italian poet
named Francesco Petrarch celebrated his love
for his muse-Laura through a collection of
poems called “Canzoniere.” The English called
him the greatest Italian poet of the 14th century
by setting a pattern of lyric poetry.
This was also the time when people starting to
rekindle their relationship with God and other
men and women brought about by the
rediscovery of the classics. This period is
called the Rebirth of Renaissance. I think he is Francesco Petrarch, Ma’am.
Based on the information above, who do you
think is this man, Arlene?
I think it is Luara Ma’am.
And the other picture, do you have any idea,

Marvelous! You are correct.

The story behind Laura is Francesco is a
bachelor when he first had his love at first site
to Laura in a church. But, sadly Laura is
already married. That is why she cannot give
back the love for Francesco. Francesco begins
to write a poem all about Laura. Others say that
some of the poem of Petrarch is showing his
love to Laura and others are poems that are full
of anger for not returning the love that he gave
to her. And he created the “Canzoniere”, it
consists of almost 300 or more than, and all of
that is about Laura.

That is the story behind the poem “Laura.”

Let me read once again the poem, and all you
have to do is let me borrow your ears. Because
I will throw some questions after reading the

Translated by Morris Bishop

She used to let her golden hair fly free

For the wind to toy and tangle and molest;
Her eyes were brighter than the radiant west.
(Seldom they shine so now.) I used to see
Pity look out of those deep eyes on me.
(“It was false pity,” you would now protest)
I had love’s tinder heaped within my breast;
What wonder that the flame burned furiously?
She did not walk in any mortal way,
But with angelic progress; when she spoke,
Unearthly voices sang in unison.
She seemed divine among the dreamy folk
Of earth. You say she is not today?
Well, though the bows unbent, the wound
bleeds on.

This poem is obviously about the love of

Petrarch to Laura as we discuss earlier.
All you have to do is interpret the poem based
on your understanding. Everyone should be
ready because I will be the one to choose the
person who will give their interpretation. Yes, Ma’am.

Is that clear? Good morning Ma’am, good morning

Let us start with, Leah? This poem talks about the characteristics of
Laura and I think the poem also shows that the
persona is somehow hurting . And that a
person in love can only see the good things
even if he is hurting.

It is correct that a person in love can only see
the good sides of the one they love they often
see the bad side of their love ones. But I hope
you will not be like that in the future you have
to always open your eyes wide so that you can
see what is bad or good to them. It shows the unconditional love of Petrarch to
Laura even if she cannot give back the love for
Another answer, yes, Lay? him he will still show how he love Laura even
only in his masterpieces.

It tells about unconditional love of Petrarch to
Laura. It shows that when we are in love we
are doing unusual things like Petrarch he
created 300 more or less poem that is dedicated
to Laura.

For me the poem is all about praising the love

of his life Laura. And also he uses the most
beautiful words to describe Laura as well as his
love’s tinder heaped within hid breast. It also
talks about that he cannot control his feeling
that he feels that is overflowing and burning
with passion. And that loving is painful even if
it is already in the past.
None, Ma’am.
Any questions or clarification about the poem?

D. Application
The same groupings.
We have here Manila Paper and marking pen
for each group.
All you have to do is write a quote out of the
Five minutes will be given.

You may now start.

Time is up.
Group one be ready for the presentation. Good morning, this is the work of group one.
Afraid to love someone who is not worth it,
Let us start with group one. but as long as God is with me I will never stop

Nice work group one.

It is correct that we may find it hard to love
someone but as long as you believe in God you
are always protected. He will never leave us
whatever happens in facing our problems.
In times of trial and challenge,
How about the work of group two, Soledad? I never quit nor drew back to avoid pain.
I may not know what might come,
But I am not going to be afraid that whatever it
may be.”

That is good.
Just remember class everything that is
happening in our lives has a reason.
In this place of love and anger
Happenings cannot prevent,
Can we hear it from group three, Bravo? But I am always ready unafraid to face the

Marvelous! Whatever and whoever throws challenges in

I will insert a quote there which is “ God is my life,
always with us” so why would we be afraid. Still I am the master of my fate and soul”.
How about the work of group four, Olive?

It is somehow related to “Invictus” by Henley.

It is like whatever happens in your life it
“Challenges and Heartbreaks are meant to be
depends on how you handle it and overcome it. felt. You just have to savor every moment and
wait for the right timing and someone to give
And lastly the work of group five, Geliane? you light and shelter.”

It is correct that we need to wait for the right
timing and someone to erase all the heartbreaks
that we encounter. We don’t need to rush.

Good job class.

Kindly pass your works.

E. Generalization Today we discuss one of the famous works of

It seems that you got your brain in gear today, Francesco Petrarch entitled “Laura” on which
could anyone sum up our discussion today, Cj. he wrote this poem when he was so in love
with Laura but cannot give back the love that
he gave.
The poem tells about how much love can done
to a person. As for Petrarch he created poems
that are still famous nowadays. Also it tells
about the heartache of Petrarch but it never
lead him to stop loving Laura instead He
created masterpieces.

I think the poem relate to real life situation

because there are others that are doing unusual
How about we relate it to real life situation, things out of being in love. Like practicing to
yes, Krizzia? become a good player of guitar, singing,
making letters, and giving flowers. All of this
is being done when someone is in love.

It is also true that when we are in love we can

Very good! make or compose a poem or song by just
How about an answer from another person, remembering the person that we like. Also
yes, Jennilyn? some that are rejected are continuing to love
the person even in a distance and some that are
hurt are using rebound, focusing on school
stuff, some are receiving low grade, and sadly
some are committing suicide.

That is correct! It is okay to fell in love but
when you are heartbroken don’t think of bad
stuffs instead focus more on doing your best to
show to that person that she or he is not a loss
instead it is vice versa. Also, guys you have to
fell in love in a right time. Nowadays just
focus on your studies. None Ma’am.
You are really making me proud class. Are
there any clarification?

F. Evaluation
If it is clear and there's no question, kindly get
a one whole tablet paper, copy and answer the
questions that are posted on the board. Each
item will three corresponding point each. Your
answer will be in sentence form and only
consists of three sentence. Pass it before the
class ends.

1. In the poem "Laura," how was Laura

described by the speaker?
2. Though years passed, what aspects in the
poem "Laura" remain unchanged?
3. What image/s did Petrarch use to compare
4. He/she is the greatest Italian poet of the
14th century by setting a pattern for lyric
5. "Laura" is one of the collections of
Francesco Petrarch in his work ___________?

IV. Assignment
A. Make a poster base on how you interpret or perceive the poem “Laura” by Francesco
Petrarch. Use bond paper, pencils, pen, and other art materials.
Impact 10%
Creativity 20%
Concept 40%
Hue 20%
Neatness 10%
TOTAL: 100%

B. Read the other poem of Francesco Petrarch, “The White Doe”, and “Spring”.
Celebrating Diversity through World Literature
Prepared by:
Carmela Joy N. Lucena

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