C2d Contemporary Global Governance

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This chapter exposes the learners to economic and political arenas as

structures of globalization.
Section 1. The Global Economy discussion focuses on making the world
economy an integral element of a whole. Also, it elaborates on the important
players of economic globalization.
Section 2. Market Integration covers the position of international financial
institutions in global market integration.

Section 3. The Global Interstate System, discussion tackles the

consequences of globalization on governments and institutions that govern
nation-state relations.

Section 4. Contemporary Global Governance presents the United Nations’

role, function, and challenges of global governance.


1. Define economic globalization

2. Identify the actors that facilitate economic globalization
3. Define the modern world system
4. Articulate a stance on global economic integration
5. Explain the role of international financial institutions in the creation of a global
6. Narrate a short history of global market integration in the twentieth century
7. Identify the attributes of global corporations
8. Explain the effects of globalization on governments
9. Identify the institutions that govern international relations
10. Differentiate internationalism from globalism
11. Identify the roles and functions of the United Nations
12. Identify the challenges of global governance in the twenty-first century
13. Explain the relevance of the nation-state amid globalization in the twenty-first

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Lesson Outline

I. Global Economy
1. Economic Globalization
2. Actors that facilitate Economic Globalization

II. Market Integration

1. Role of International Financial Institutions in the creation of a global
2. History of global market integration in the 20th Century
3. Attributes of Global Corporations

III. The Global Interstate System

1. Effects of Globalization on nation-states
2. Institutions that govern international relations
3. International and Globalism

IV. The Contemporary Global Governance

1. Roles and functions of the United Nations
2. Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century
3. Relevance of nation-state in the midst of globalization


Economic Globalization – expanding interdependence of world economies

Global corporations – companies that have expanded outside their home


Global Governance – the totality of norms, laws, policies, and bodies that
defines, comprise, and facilitate transnational relations between citizens, states,
cultures, intergovernmental, and non-governmental organizations.

Globalism – an attitude that seeks to understand all the interconnections of the

modern world and highlight the patterns that underlie them

Global Interstate System – seeks to form collaboration among nation-states

through the establishment of intergovernmental organizations

Globalization - the expansion and intensification of social relations and

consciousness across world time and world space.

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Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) – facilitators of connections among

Internationalism – a practice of interdependent collaboration

Nation-state - a political community that emanates from civic society to

legitimately execute peace.

LESSON 4 Contemporary Global Governance

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to demonstrate the following:

▪ Identify the roles and functions of the United Nations (UN)

▪ Describe the challenges of global governance in the 21st century
▪ Explain the relevance of the nation-state in the midst of globalization

Today, global governance makes world affairs systematic, secure, and

formulaic. Weiss & Thakur (2014) describe global governance as the totality of
norms, laws, policies, and bodies that define, comprise, and facilitate
transnational relations between citizens, states, cultures, and intergovernmental
and non-governmental organizations. Rules and norms put everything in order.
Though global governance is rule-based, it has no central authority. However,
there are systems for international relationships that bind the states, people, and
society together.

Since the United Nations (UN) has the most number of members among
the established global systems, this section discusses its organs, roles, and
functions. UN is composed of six organs. The General Assembly is the central
deliberative and the only organ where all member-states have equal
representation in discussion consideration, and policymaking. The Security Council
is the organ that has the commitment to preserve peace and security. The
Economic and Social Council is the main organ for cooperation, policy review,
policy dialogue, and advice on social, economic, and environmental issues. The
Trusteeship Council is the organ tasked to administer international oversight for 11
trust territories and to make sure that adequate procedures are taken for
independence and self-government. The International Court of Justice is the UN’s

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prime judicial organ. The Secretariat is the organ tasked to execute the daily
activities as assigned by the five other organs.

The United Nations was established after the Second World War with one
central mission-to maintain international peace and security. Currently, with the
world being faced with numerous issues that threaten peace, the UN serves as an
actor in confronting these. In 1948, the UN was responsible for bringing human
rights into the realm of international law through the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights. UN is also a space for its members to manifest their perspectives
through its core organs and committees. The organization has become an
instrument for governments to identify spaces of agreement and resolve problems
collectively by enabling the exchange of opinions between and among its
members and by hosting consultations.

Aside from maintaining international peace and security and protecting

human rights, the UN also carries the functions of delivering humanitarian aid,
promoting sustainable development, and upholding international law.

The organization utilizes good offices, diplomacy, and meditation. It does

peacekeeping processes in countries with domestic conflicts and peace-building
tasks in nations freed from conflict, lessening the risk of reversing into conflict and
setting the groundwork for sustainable peace and development. It agrees on the
global battle for the removal of nuclear weapons and other instruments of mass
destruction. All of these are executed to maintain international peace and

In order to protect human rights, the UN scrutinizes situations and issues

reported to them and oversees the exercise of international human rights
agreements. It takes responsibility for reviewing, monitoring, reporting, and
commending human rights from a country-based perspective. It approaches
human rights energy within the UN development system and boosts awareness of
the reasons and acts of genocides, warns relevant players where there is a danger
of genocide, promotes, and mobilizes for relevant action. Ultimately, it governs
the conceptual, institutional, political, and operational advancement of the
Responsibility to Protect.

In delivering humanitarian aid, the UN is responsible for coordinating

responses to emergencies and supports rapid humanitarian response for people
affected by natural disasters and armed conflict.

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The Millenium Development Goals were set to promote sustainable
development. In 2015, this was changed into the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs). These goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable
future for all. This collection of 17 global goals covers social and economic issues
including poverty, hunger, health, education, global warming, gender equality,
water sanitation, energy urbanization, environment, and social justice.

In order for international laws to be upheld, the UN settles legal disputes

referred to it by the member-states. It also accords advisory opinions on questions
that are of legal nature submitted by legitimate UN organs and particular

The Security Council’s veto power over resolutions is one of the challenges
that the UN has been facing since the organization’s foundation. For example, the
UN resolution in December 2017 required US President Donald Trump to withdraw
the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel was vetoed by the United
States in the Security Council. In effect, the resolution was not passed. Some
states refuse to adopt resolutions and statements especially since the membership
is on a voluntary basis. The new government of Lebanon openly defied the
Security Council’s many resolutions on the Israeli -Lebanon conflict. In 2017, the
Philippines voted against a United Nations General Assembly committee draft
resolution on the human rights crisis in Myanmar concerning the Rohingya people.
These challenges seem to hinder some of the functions of UN. Furthermore, Weiss
and Thakur (2014), in their article titled, The United Nations Meet the Twenty-first
Century: Confronting UN Based on Knowledge, norms, policy, institutions, and

1. In terms of knowledge, the UN is underappreciated regarding how its

convening capacity and mobilizing power are utilized to help funnel and
consolidate knowledge from outside and ensure its discussion and dissemination
among governments.

2. The contrasting moral structures of social behavior in different

member-states complicate the formulation of a normative standard that can be
applicable to all.

3. In formulating propositions, problems occur when only the

member-states are heard. UN belittles the helping hand of non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) and global public opinion. Sometimes, recommendations are
not executed.

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4. Institutions can also be places where ideas are cornered and left behind.
The modality and processes for enforcing compliance with international norms
and laws are not present. In fact, some UN staff members
violate, cheat, and challenge them.

Despite the establishment of global norms and international laws that

nation-states should follow, the nation-states are still relevant for there will be no
intergovernmental organization without them. Also, international and
multinational agreements are designed by the states and propelled by the
initiatives that they undertake. As Bertucci & Alberto (2018) affirm, the
sovereignty of nation-states in the midst of globalization has not been diminished
for the cooperation and concerted action among nation-states represent the
greater exercise of their sovereignty. Furthermore, the nation-states remain to be
active agents of local and transnational realms of concern.

To conclude, contemporary global governance defines the political scope of

globalization. Cooperation among nation-states is the only way to reform and
advance the roles and functions of interstate relationships despite real challenges
being faced by the United Nations.



Research any agency or branch office of the United Nations in your locality.
In essay form, write a short description of its background, its objectives, and the
challenges that it has encountered in the Philippines.


All this talk of large about globalization, and intersecting processes may be
confusing. Indeed, it may be hard to assess globalization or comment on it
because it is so diffuse and almost fleeting. Some scholars have therefore; found it
simpler to avoid talking about globalization as a whole. Instead, they want to
discuss “multiple globalizations,” instead of just one process.

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Further research on Giuseppe Mazzini, Woodrow Wilson, Karl Marx, and Vladimir
Lenin. Conduct an imaginary interview with each one of them. In this interview,
have your selected figure answer the following questions:

1. What do you think of nationalism?

2. What is necessary for the development of an international order?
3. What do you think of the League of Nations?
4. What is the role of revolution in internationalism?


Brazalote T., and Leomardo R. (2019). The Contemporary World. C & E Publishing, Inc. Quezon City

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