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Developing a Project-Argumentative Learning

Model with Blended Learning Approach

for Junior High School Students

Neni Hasnunidah(B) , Dina Maulina, and Ismi Rakhmawati

Biology Education, University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia


Abstract. Project-based learning was becoming popular during at the end of

school from home since Covid-19 pandemic. Although much research about
project-based learning has been published, discussion in the learning process was
still limited especially on argumentation. This study aims to integrate model of
project-based learning (PjBL) and argument driven inquiry (ADI) with blended
learning. This research developed project-argumentative learning model which
integrated the syntax with worksheet that can be access online or called e-
worksheet. This study used 4D research and development design (Define, Design,
Develop, and Disseminate). The trial subjects included eight grade junior high
school students in South Lampung, Indonesia. Project-argumentative learning
model syntax in e-worksheet is valid and reached 90% of implementation to
limited subject of observation. This development is expected to give students
learning experience of making science project and having structured discussion
of argumentation.

Keywords: argumentation · blended learning · e-worksheet · learning models ·


1 Introduction
One way that can be done in carrying out the policies of the Ministry of Education and
Culture of Indonesia in dealing with the situation of the spread of Covid-19 is blended
learning. This learning is web-based or commonly called web-based learning because it
utilizes a computer connected to the internet as a tool/device that presents information, the
content of subject matter, exercises, or both in the form of tutorials, drills, and practices
(exercises), simulations, or instructional games presented on a website (internet site).
The use of information and communication technology (ICT) in learning is currently
developing. Nevertheless, many teachers have difficulty in packaging learning through
strategies that can facilitate learning activities to take place properly [1].
The problem found especially in junior high school students in science subjects is
that they feel bored with online learning which is often monotonous. Students only
listen to the explanation of the material via zoom meeting and get the task of reading
the material from the internet. These barriers can cause most students to have difficulty

© The Author(s) 2023

R. Perdana et al. (Eds.): ULICoSS 2022, ASSEHR 740, pp. 990–1000, 2023.
Developing a Project-Argumentative Learning Model 991

in assimilating and elaborating concepts into their thinking, hence their argumentation
skill ability is low and has an impact on their learning achievement. Argumentation skills
are essential to be empowered in science learning. Argumentation skills improve critical
thinking patterns so that they can increase a person’ deep understanding of an idea or
ideas [2]. Argumentation skills can improve students’ thinking and understanding of the
material being studied because it improves logical and rational reasoning [3].
The argumentative-project-based learning model through a blended learning app-
roach in junior high school is suspected to be effective in improving students’ argu-
mentation skill. However, research on the development of students’ argumentation skill
through this learning model has never been carried out, so this research needs to be car-
ried out. The PjBL model has revealed advantages in its application, namely being able
to provide great opportunities for students to explore their creativity, increase motivation,
problem-solving ability, critical thinking skills and improve collaboration skills [4–6].
The PjBL model has enormous potential to provide an engaging learning experience for
students in studying science materials. However, student activities to solve problems by
applying the skills of researching, analyzing, making, and presenting learning products
based on real experiences are not accompanied by statements (theories) that are true
or do not refer to the facts and evidence shown. Therefore, this learning model that
uses project activities as a means of learning has not contributed to increasing students’
understanding of concepts because students will only master one particular topic they
are working on while other topics are neglected [7].
Another learning strategy is needed that is expected to be able to overcome the short-
comings of PjBL that effectively improves students’ argumentation ability is ADI. In the
learning process students can substitute their knowledge about the topics by discussion
process through visiting other groups. Discussion used argumentation procedure consist
of claim, grounds, warrant, and backing. The integration of PjBL and ADI learning model
can complete each deficiencies. Student involvement in argumentation contributes to an
increase in the understanding of the concept [8]. Argumentation activities are part of a
social process that can develop scientific discourse in learning. Argumentation plays an
important role in the construction of knowledge, because by arguing knowledge is com-
municated to obtain recognition and justification [9, 10]. Argumentation can provide a
strong foundation in understanding a concept as a whole and correctly. The object of the
thought process in argumentation is the truth regarding the subject being argued [11].
Through argumentation one can show statements (theories) that are put forward to be
true or do not refer to the facts and evidence shown.
Science subjects in strategic junior high schools are used to train students’ argumen-
tation ability. Through learning innovations with project-based argumentative learning
models through a blended learning approach that is in accordance with the characteristics
of science, research to improve students’ argumentation skills is urgent to be carried out.
To produce a project-based argumentative learning model through a blended learning
approach that is in accordance with the characteristics of science learning, it is necessary
to carry out several tests that include material expert tests, educational expert validation,
and learning model effectiveness tests.
992 N. Hasnunidah et al.

Fig. 1. Research flow chart.

2 Method
This research design uses a 4-D model with modifications that include three research
sequences, namely: define stage, design, develop (development and validation), and
disseminate [12]. The design of this study is broadly depicted in the research chart
(Fig. 1).

A. Define: Need Analysis

Needs analysis is carried out through surveys using a one-time method (Cross-
Sectional Survey). The survey is aimed at revealing the needs of 2 teachers in Lampung
to obtained data about learning problems and needs. Data mining in survey research
through questionnaires, interviews, observations, and document data. The literature
study is intended to find references regarding PjBL and ADI learning models, the ability
to argue, and include the results of previous research related to science learning. The
survey data were analyzed descriptively from questionnaires and interviews that had
been conducted. The data from the audio-visual recording were analyzed descriptively
qualitatively from the learning transcript.

B. Design: Learning Model

The design stage aims to produce a learning tool design with an argumentative-
project-based learning model through a blended learning approach that can improve the
argumentation skills of junior high school students. The implementation of this stage
consists of 4 steps, namely: preparation of test standards (criterion-test construction),
media selection (media selection), format selection (format selection), and initial design
(initial design). The preparation of the test standard is the first action that connects
between the define stage and the design stage. The benchmark reference test is prepared
Developing a Project-Argumentative Learning Model 993

based on the results of the formulation of learning objectives. The selection of media
is carried out to identify learning media that are in accordance with the characteristics
of the science learning material and the characteristics of students. Format selection in
the form of lesson plans accordance with the learning model. Format selection is carried
out by reviewing existing device formats and adapted to the learning model used. The
initial design is a syllabus, lesson plan, and e-worksheet.

C. Develop: Learning Model and Validation

At this stage, the goal is to produce a prototype of a project-argumentative model

through a revised blended learning approach based on expert input. The initial stage
carried out is the validity test of the syntax, lesson plan, and e-worksheet. Revision I
was implemented based on the corrective record of the validator. After the model is
declared valid, it is then continued with a limited trial conducted on several students.
The validated and revised learning model products are then used in a limited test to 15
students in a junior high school in South Lampung, Indonesia.

D. Data Collection and Analysis

The distribution of questionnaires is used at the stage of preliminary studies and

product development. In the preliminary study, the questionnaire used contained written
questions that revealed information about the needs of teachers and students in learning,
learning problems faced, learning models that have been used, student’s response on the
worksheets, and the obstacles found in the implementation of learning.
Validation questionnaires are used to determine the quality of learning model devel-
oped and to get suggestion. This validation instrument is in the form of a list containing
a series of statements regarding pedagogical validity, content validity, and design val-
idation. The validation results are processed in the form of a percentage of the score,
then categorized and interpreted.
Lesson plan used curriculum competence: Applying the concept of biotechnol-
ogy and its role in human life and eco-friendly technology. This instrument refers to
Toulmin’s argumentation analysis framework (Toulmin’s Argument Pattern/TAP). The
framework for the analysis of students’ scientific argumentation is a kind of argumen-
tation assessment rubric based on the completeness of the argumentation components.
Tap argumentation assessment rubric adapted from Hazeltine [13] (Table 1).
Observations are made to uncover project learning, argumentative discussions, and
blended learning. In addition, audio-visual recordings are also carried out to support
the observational data. Through this observation, it can be known the complexity of the
evolving pattern of argumentation discourse. Each group and individual student were
observed and recorded during the learning process of 3 meetings. The rubric used to
analyze the skills of students participating in oral argumentation in this study was a
rubric of assessing the quality of argumentation according to conceptual and epistemic
categories using the TAP (Table 1).
Furthermore, using the results of the analysis to understand the research problems.
The rationale of this data analysis design is that the shortcomings of one type of data
will be complemented by another type of data. In this case quantitative data provides
994 N. Hasnunidah et al.

Table 1. Analysis of the quality of argumentation of contextual and epistemic aspects

4 3 2 1
Claim Claims are easy to Claim is well Claims are not too Claims are
distinguish and written, but could good and need to be indistinguishable or
well written use some developed non-existent
Grounds Ground clear, Ground is easy to Ground is unclear Ground is not
compact, and identify, but needs and needs displayed or is
efficient some clarification development irrelevant
Warrant Warrants are well Warrants can be Warrant is unclear, Warrants do not
written, easy to clearly identified, but there is link claims to
identify and but need some something linking ground or are not
connect claims and clarification claim and ground easily identifiable
grounds efficiently
Backing Backing supports Backing supports Backing in favor of Backing that
warrants the warrant, but the warrant, but the supports the
could use some relationship should warrant, but cannot
clarifications to be clearer be identified or
show the does not support
relationship as the warrant

a way to generalize, while qualitative data provides information about contexts and
settings. Qualitative data (preliminary study data, expert test data, practicality test data,
and student response) will be analyzed using a descriptive qualitative approach. Through
this analysis, an overview of the needs in the field, the needs of teachers and students
in learning, problems faced by lecturers and students in learning, the availability of
learning model, components that need to be revised, the level of validity and practicality
of learning model in the form of lesson plans, and the level of student satisfaction with
project-argumentative learning model.

3 Result

The results of the research on the project-argumentative learning model with a blended
learning approach are learning model syntax, syllabus, lesson plans, and observation

A. Define: Need Analysis

At the define stage, needs analysis is carried out through a survey with a one-time
method (Cross-Sectional Survey) to reveal about the needs of teachers and learning
problems faced. Questionnaires are given to teachers in the form of open questions and
checklists to find out the learning that is usually applied in schools which includes the use
Developing a Project-Argumentative Learning Model 995

Table 2. Syntax of project-based argumentative learning models

No Learning Model Syntax Procedure

1 Providing Fundamental References and Questions Offline
2 Production of Argumentation Offline
3 Session of Interactive Argumentation Online
4 Design Project Planning Offline
5 Creating Schedule Offline
6 Implementing Project Offline
7 Writing Project Report Online
8 Testing Results and Reflection Discussion Offline

of teaching materials, learning models, and the empowerment of argumentation skills

in schools. The results of the recapitulation of survey questionnaire data from 20 public
and private junior high schools in Lampung Province showed that as many as 40% of
teachers used worksheets as teaching materials in the learning process. However, 55%
of the worksheets used by teachers still come from existing textbooks and no teacher
has developed worksheets that are oriented towards improving argumentation skills. As
many as 80% of teachers already know about the PjBL learning model, but teachers state
that it has not been optimal in applying it to learning.

B. Design: Model, Product, and Instrument

At the design stage, researchers make initial designs, media selection, format selec-
tion, and preparation of test standards. The results of the needs analysis are used as
the basis for creating an initial design syntax of a project-based argumentative learning
model with a blended learning approach. The syntax of this model consists of providing
references, determining basic questions, producing arguments, argumentation sessions,
designing projects, drawing up schedules, implementing projects, compiling reports,
testing results, and evaluating experiences. The syntax of the project-based argumen-
tative learning model with a blended learning approach is applied to the lesson plan
design of biotechnology materials and environmentally friendly technology consisting
of 3 meetings to allocate time for pre-project, project implementation, and post-project.

C. Develop and Validation

The syntax design further became the basis for developing a project-based argu-
mentative learning model with a blended learning approach described in Table 2. The
learning model syntax is incorporated into the lesson plan which is then validated by
the expert and revised according to the advice of the experts. The quality measured by
competent experts so that the results of the product can be accounted [14].
996 N. Hasnunidah et al.

Fig. 2. E-worksheet based on project-argumentative learning model with blended learning


In the development of interactive e-worksheet products, there are 3 parts, namely

the introduction, content, and closing which are also adapted to the project-based argu-
mentative learning model with a blended learning approach. The introduction consists
of core competencies, basic competencies, and achievement indicators, and learning
objectives. The content section contains learning steps, namely providing references,
determining basic questions, argument production, argumentation sessions, designing
projects, compiling schedules, implementing projects, compiling reports, testing results,
and evaluating experiences. The results of the development of e-worksheets can be seen
in Fig. 2.
The validation of e-worksheet based on project-argumentative learning model syn-
tax includes material, construction, and language validation by expert validators using
the validation sheet instrument (Table 3). Validators are 2 lecturers and 2 science prac-
titioners (teachers) who also provide advice related to e-worksheets. The improvement
e-worksheet validation based on expert recommendations is declared feasible to use,
so the next stage is to conduct a limited trial stage. The e-worksheet validation results
reached an average of 99% with valid categories and worthy of being implemented in
learning with improvements for product perfection. Improvements are made in accor-
dance with the suggestions and criticisms of validators. The achievement of content
validation if it has fulfilled the relationship between the material and the content and
basic competencies as well as the suitability of teaching materials and basic competencies
that must be achieved by students [15].
The e-worksheet construct validation gets an average percentage of 98% with cate-
gories valid and feasible to implement. The validity of interactive e-worksheet construc-
tion is reviewed from the aspects of conformity with the ideal format, appearance, the
suitability of the e-worksheet with project-based argumentative syntax with a blended
learning approach, and conformity with argumentation skills. The e-worksheet from the
development has fulfilled the first aspect with an achievement indicator that already has
a cover, foreword, table of contents, bibliography, availability of basic competencies and
indicators, and has space to write answers on interactive e-worksheets in liveworksheets.
Developing a Project-Argumentative Learning Model 997

Table 3. Syntax and interactive e-worksheet validation results

No. Aspect Percentage (%) Average Criteria

Expert Teacher
1 Content 99 98 98 Valid
2 Construct 99 98 98 Valid
3 Language 100 98 99 Valid
All Average 99 Valid

Language validation of interactive e-worksheet languages with project-based argu-

mentative models gained a percentage of 99% with valid and feasible categories with
minor improvements. Validators make suggestions requiring sentence improvement,
word writing, and proper use of punctuation. Good, precise, and easy-to-understand
language for students is very important in the preparation of teaching materials and is
the main requirement that must be met in making e-worksheets [16, 17]. Development
products can be used after validation by experts who have met valid criteria on aspects
of content, construction, and language.
The next stage of this study is a limited trial to find out the practicality given to learners
outside the product implementation research sample with 15 respondents. The imple-
mentation of interactive e-worksheets on biotechnology materials and environmentally
friendly technologies with project-based argumentative models implemented in blended
learning was tested using observation instruments. The implementation of observations
was carried out by 2 people as observers who are science teachers by filling out obser-
vation sheets in the form of questions related to the suitability of achieving learning
achievement using e-worksheets. The results of the observation of the implementation
of interactive e-worksheets implemented in learning have an average total percentage
of 90% (Table 4). Therefore, the achievement of the implementation of the syntax of
the project-based argumentative learning model with a blended learning approach is
Good implementation is seen in students who have enthusiasm in following the stages
of learning in groups such as identifying problems, collecting research data, building
tentative arguments, conducting argumentation sessions, compiling reports, holding peer
reviews, and revising peer review reports. The learning process of students is carried out
with zoom meeting activities and face-to-face activities. Zoom meetings are conducted
by teachers in providing assessments, identifying tasks, collecting data, and making
tentative arguments with discussions in breakout rooms according to their respective
groups. In the task identification activity, obtained an average percentage score of 97%.
It can be said that in the activities of students interested and actively participating in
learning. Furthermore, at the time of the activity collecting data and the creation of
tentative arguments obtaining a very high percentage average. At this stage, it is carried
out by grouping students in breakout room discussions and guiding students in managing
and analyzing data accompanied by explanations, evidence, and reasons. The learning
process carried out using Zoom meetings has obstacles, namely students have difficulty
998 N. Hasnunidah et al.

Table 4. The results of observations on the implementation of learning

Observer Percentage of Syntax Implementation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Observer 1 93 96 100 100 75 85 96 70
Observer 2 94 98 100 100 87 81 91 74
Average 93 97 100 100 81 83 94 72
Total 90

Table 5. Students’ responses to e-worksheets

No Assessment Indicator Persentase Kriteria

1 Attractive 90 Very High
2 Usefulness 90 Very High
3 Readability 91 Very High
Average 90 Very High

in accessing the internet. This is due to limited networks for students who live in areas
where internet networks are difficult.
The next activity is an argumentation session, students carry out activities directly
providing their arguments in groups. In this activity, the percentage yields an average
percentage of 92%. Furthermore, on the activity of preparing the report. Furthermore,
the stage of preparing the report, at this stage students make a report based on the results
of the investigation that has been carried out. The creation of the report is typed in a piece
of paper. At this stage it acquires an average value with a percentage of 92%. The sixth
stage is the review of the report, which is carried out by collecting the report and then the
report is given an assessment by his peers. The process of reviewing the report is carried
out with instructions and directions by the teacher. At this stage, the average value with
a percentage of 90% is obtained. After the review is carried out, the next stage is the
report revision process. In this process, students are asked to correct the report on the
results of the investigation that has been made and assessed by their peers. This stage of
learning gained a percentage of 72%. Next the last stage, which is the stage of reflective
discussion at this stage concludes about what they have learned during the investigation.
From several stages of the project-based argumentative learning model that has been
implemented using this interactive e-worksheet of biotechnology material, all activities
are carried out well with a total average percentage of 90% with a high category.
Students’ responses to the e-worksheet are interactive by using a questionnaire that
aims to find out the attractiveness, usefulness and readability of the e-worksheet devel-
oped by the researcher. The results of the student questionnaire on the e-worksheet are
concisely contained in Table 5. Students feel more pleased with learning that used online
worksheets hence they are more active in online learning and try better to complete tasks
Developing a Project-Argumentative Learning Model 999

[18]. In the project-argumentative learning model with a blended learning approach that
implemented in e-worksheets on biotechnology and eco-friendly technology topics are
interesting and easy to understand by students. In addition, the language used is clear
and communicative.
The development produces project-argumentative model with a syntax consisting
of providing references, determining basic questions, producing arguments, argumen-
tation sessions, designing projects, compiling schedules, implementing projects, com-
piling reports, testing results, and evaluating experiences. This model can complete the
shortages of PjBL in limited knowledge cause of restricted project topic with sharing
discussions through TAP argumentation procedure.

Acknowledgment. We acknowledge the support from schools in South Lampung who have
allowed us to research and a deep thank you to the University of Lampung for funding support,
facilities, and publication opportunities at the international conference.

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