Listening Unit 2 Answers

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Unit 1: Listening Activity No.

Quality Daily Newspapers:
The Daily Telegraph 1855 990,000
The Times 1785 690,000
The Guardian 1821 410,000
The Financial Times 1888 450,000
Quality Sunday Newspapers:
The Sunday Times 1822 145,000
The Observer 1791 480,000
The Sunday Telegraph 1961 830,000
Popular Daily Newspapers:
The Daily Express 1900 1,000,000
The Sun 1964 3,730,000
The Mirror 1903 2,130,000
Daily Mail 1896 2,470,000
Popular Sunday Newspapers:
News of the World 1843 4,100,000
Sunday Mirror 1963 1,880,000
The People 1881 1,390,000
The Mail on Sunday 1982 710,000
Sunday Express 1918 850,000

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 1

1. Riley 2. Peter 3. 6 years 4. IELTS
5. 6 6. listening, writing, speaking 7. speaking

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 2

1. Computer Science 2. well-paid 3. big effect 4. Arts
5. D 6. Medicine 7. Dentistry 8. Engineering

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 3

Conversation 1
1. 4217845 2. Mary 3. Have a night out/invitation
4. See a film, eat out 5. Friday
Conversation 2
1. 2045789 2. Mary 3. Peter
4. Part 5. coming over

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 4

1. showers 2. west 3. 3 4. 4
5. Northern Ireland 6. East 7. 2 8. 8
9. Coast of England 10. sunshine 11. winds
12. Northern Ireland 13. -10 14. -3

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 5

1. Pratley 2. 14 Twyford 3. 5638995
4. A bank clerk

Listening for IELTS 127

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 6
1. Yes 2. One 3. Toilet and Bathroom
4. Four 5. No 6. No
7. ₤200 8. The first day 9. ₤350
10. 4093378

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 7

1. Butcher 2. Anthony 3. Male
4. 14 April, 1966 5. Italian 6. To study English
7. 35

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 8

1. Handbag 2. oval 3. black and white 4. ₤250
5. 2:30pm 6. coffee shop 7. Janet Thomas 8. 25 King Street
9. 4237689

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 9

1. Sutton 2. Leeds University 3. English
4. 1990 5. Secondary School Teacher 6. 1992-1993
7. 1990-1992 8. ₤500 a month 9. ₤600 a month
10. four

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 10

Message 1
1. Bill 2. 10pm 3. 8:30am
4. 235669 5. Mary Roberts
Message 2
1. 237561 2. Henry Grey 3. Tom
4. 10:30 tomorrow 5. 5:30 6. 488992
Message 3
1. 345714 2. Linda 3. Film
4. School Gate 5. Lunch time 6. 4440456
Message 4
1. 409267 2. Linda 3. The school Hall 4. 8:30

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 11

1. By car/Drive 2. By bike/Ride 3. 5 miles
4. 20 miles 5. A few blocks 6. 15-20 minutes
7. 15 minutes 8. Yes 9. No
10. No 11. More buses 12. Better subway system

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 12

1. Job application/Applying for job 2. Mr. Bradshaw
3. Penny Jacobs 4. UEA/University of East Anglia
5. Sociology and Foreign Languages 6. French, Italian
7. 3; 6 8. 9:30am, Friday 9. 6th floor
10. degree; birth

128 Listening for IELTS

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 13
1. Wood 2. Caroline 3. Air Stewardess
4. Over 4 years 5. B. Sc. Mathematics 6. Travel, Reading, Languages
7. 4 including English

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 14

1. New York 2. Great Western Bank 3. Ellen Robbins
4. 3021 Sagebrush Drive 5. VO233779 6. ₤300
7. $450 8. Elton John 9. 8
10. Telegraphic Transfer 11. Telegraphic Transfer

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 15

1. British Council 2. Cheque Book 3. 4% 4. ₤250
5. Passport 6. Signature

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 16

1.  2. a music teacher 3.  4. a freelance designer
5. London 6. cousin 7.  8. 
9. girlfriend

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 17

1. 6593427 2. ₤50 per week 3. single 4. B,C
5. one month's rent 6. front door key 7. 11 pm. 8. the tube station
9. 46 West Avenue 10. 4:30 pm tomorrow 11. Julia Smith

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 18

1. Julia Smith 2. cuts, bruises, shock 3. housewife 4. Susan Thomas
5. 2nd March 6. Police notified/ Family notified

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 19

Name of the Place Location Date of Eruption No. Of People Died
Vesuvius Italy 79 A.D. 2000
Cotopaxi Ecuador 1877 1,000
Krakatoa Indonesia 1883 36000
Mount Pelee Martinique 1902 38000
Mount St. Helens Washington State 1980 60
Mount Tambora Indonesia 1815 12000

Unit 2: Listening Activity No. 20

1. 6438186 2. ₤40 a week 3. single 4. bathroom. Kitchen 5. Mondays
6. 11 pm. 7. the tube, buses 8. 2nd of April 9. 34 Church Road 10. 8 pm

Unit 3: Listening Activity No. 1

1. some water 2. Boil 3. Warm 4. the teapot
5. the boiling water 6. a few minutes 7. milk into 8. the tea 9. sugar

Listening for IELTS 129

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