Book A - 2

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Dress for success (p2) nominal clauses clothes and fashion linking and intrusive /r/
1.1 Talk about style and fashion metaphors
Give fashion advice

Trendsetting (p6) comparatives and superlatives experimenting with prefixes emphatic stress
1.2 Compare different trends and suffixes
Make a podcast or vlog

Café Hub Diet and lifestyle (p10) give it a go

1.3 Pitch your own business idea

UNIT REVIEW (p12) WRITING (pXXIV) Write a blog post | KEY SKILL Making your blog post successful
The story behind it (p14) narrative tenses describing art contrastive stress
2.1 Give a presentation about art
Talk about creative projects

Creative people (p18) future in the past ideas and inspiration questions for comment or
2.2 Talk about finding inspiration compound adjectives criticism
Describe a life-changing moment

Café Hub Art and design (p22) nowhere phrases

2.3 Discuss a work of art

UNIT REVIEW (p24) WRITING (pXXV) Write a review | KEY SKILL Writing concisely
Progressive design (p26) future structures sustainability sounding persuasive
3.1 Make predictions about the future forming verbs from adjectives
Use persuasive language to sell something

Better … or worse? (p30) negative inversion verb–noun collocations stress-shift words

3.2 Discuss progress and society
Evaluate costs and benefits

Café Hub Sustainability (p34) the ‘rule of three’

3.3 Discuss renewable energy

UNIT REVIEW (p36) WRITING (pXXVI) Write a persuasive email | KEY SKILL Persuasive techniques

Brain training (p38) conditionals without if conceptual metaphors adding information
4.1 Discuss improving the brain
Talk about future technology

Thinking and thought (p42) wishes and regrets science and research adding information or
4.2 Talk about regrets thinking changing the topic
Discuss intelligence

Café Hub Life-changing tech (p46) straight out of

4.3 Recount events

UNIT REVIEW (p48) WRITING (pXXVII) Write a report | KEY SKILL Hedging

21st century games (p50) the passive competition and cooperation expressing disbelief
5.1 Discuss problem-solving tasks
Discuss gaming and game design

Serious gaming (p54) passive reporting structures reporting verbs -ate words
5.2 Identify generalisations motivation and manipulation
Discuss ideas for solving a challenge

Café Hub Win or lose (p58) ellipsis

5.3 Plan a fundraising event

UNIT REVIEW (p60) WRITING (pXXVIII) Write a formal report | KEY SKILL Using depersonalisation


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read an article about how clothes affect the way you think discuss trends in clothes and fashion
listen to a conversation about how to look good for less SPEAKING HUB
KEY SKILL Listening for recommendations roleplay a conversation about fashion
read a blog post about the lifecycle of a trend compare trends from different time periods
KEY SKILL Using contrasts to work out meaning SPEAKING HUB
listen to a podcast about how to be a trendsetter plan and make a podcast or vlog
watch a video about veganism KEY SKILL Using circumlocution
watch someone pitching a business idea SPEAKING HUB
plan and give a short pitch

listen to a radio programme about a famous painting give a short presentation about a work of art
KEY SKILL Anticipating content before listening SPEAKING HUB
read a newspaper article about how the Eden Project was made tell a story about a project
listen to a conversation about how creative people get inspiration discuss suggestions for finding inspiration
read an article about famous people who were discovered by accident SPEAKING HUB
KEY SKILL Inferring meaning tell a story about a life-changing moment
watch a video about the London Design Festival KEY SKILL Managing a discussion
watch people giving their interpretation of a work of art SPEAKING HUB
discuss a painting

read a newspaper article about an architect’s plans for a city in the future discuss future developments and changes
listen to a conversation about smart materials SPEAKING HUB
KEY SKILL Listening to identify persuasive techniques persuade someone to buy a product
listen to a radio show about declinism discuss whether life is getting better or worse
read a magazine article about voluntourism SPEAKING HUB
KEY SKILL Reading to determine costs and benefits discuss the costs and benefits of a project
watch a video about seaweed farming in Bali KEY SKILL Maintaining a conversation
watch people discussing alternative fuels SPEAKING HUB
talk about the pros and cons of renewable energies

listen to a radio discussion about brain training compare products to boost intelligence
KEY SKILL Identifying logical fallacies SPEAKING HUB
read an article about brain augmentation discuss responses to hypothetical situations
read two articles about embarrassment talk about a time when you did something you regret
KEY SKILL Identifying different writing styles SPEAKING HUB
listen to part of a debate about the disadvantages of being highly intelligent have a debate about intelligence and education
watch a video about Neil Harbisson KEY SKILL Recounting events
watch someone tell an anecdote about a technology fair SPEAKING HUB
tell an interesting and complex anecdote

listen to a conversation about escape rooms suggest creative solutions to a problem

read a blog post about urban games SPEAKING HUB
KEY SKILL Understanding colloquial asides design an urban game
listen to a presentation about Game Theory talk about generalisations, expectations and assumptions
KEY SKILL Distinguishing generalisations from preferred solutions SPEAKING HUB
read an article about the gamification of life use gamification and game theory to solve a problem
watch a video about risk-taking in games KEY SKILL Building relationships
watch people come up with strategies while playing a game SPEAKING HUB
discuss and plan a fundraising event for a charity

Grammar Hub (pVI)   Vocabulary Hub (pXVI)   Communication Hub (pXX)   Irregular verbs (pXXIX)   Audioscripts (pXXX)


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