Busa2001 2023 Sem2 Newcastle
Busa2001 2023 Sem2 Newcastle
Busa2001 2023 Sem2 Newcastle
MISSION: Our mission is to advance responsible and impactful business knowledge. To achieve
our mission, we develop life ready graduates and build global and local partnerships through
ethical and innovative practices.
Course Description Big Data Analytics is regarded as one of the important emerging
technologies in different fields of business including accounting,
economics, finance, marketing, and management. Big data refers to
data sets with large sizes that are beyond the ability of traditional data
management software tools. While traditional data processing
technologies are inadequate, practical knowledge addressing
challenges of huge or complex data handling in terms of their analysis,
transformation, visualisation and prediction is paramount in
businesses. This course introduces students to various massive data
sets that can be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured and
sourced from multi-media, social media, cloud platforms, web, IoT and
traditional economic and business databases. Students will apply data
mining and natural language processing tools to these big data to gain
business insights such as hidden patterns, untold facts, unknown
correlations, market trends, and customer preferences. Big data from
social media and financial statements now play a significant role in
extracting information for making informed business decisions related
to understanding customer behaviours and financial investments. Case
studies on big data analytics will be utilised to design and communicate
concepts and techniques used in business decision making.
Development Goals
Contact Hours Integrated Learning Session
Face to Face on Campus
One (1) hour lecture and Two (2) hour(s) Lab workshop per Week for
Full Term. Lecture will be starting from Week 1 and workshop will be
starting from week 2.
Unit Weighting 10 units
Assumed Knowledge BUSA1001 Introduction to Business Information Systems
Workload Students are required to spend on average 120-140 hours of effort
(contact and non-contact) including assessments per 10 unit course.
Please refer to the course CANVAS site for details of teaching staff for ALL course
offerings. The primary contact for courses is the Course Coordinator, whose details are
listed on the course CANVAS site.
Student Consultation A minimum of one (1) hour of consultation per week. Please see
course CANVAS site for details of time and location.
Course Learning On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Outcomes 1. Discuss and evaluate fundamental concepts and principles in big
data analytics;
2. Discuss the key concepts, benefits, and challenges of big data
3. Demonstrate skills in processing and utilising social media data
and finance data; and
4. Critically evaluate data sources, data sets, and inferences made CRICOS Provider
from big data analytics. 00109J
BUSA2001: Big Data Analytics - 2023
This course has 3 assessments. Each assessment is described in more detail in the sections below:
aids and be loaded onto the Discussion Board immediately prior to the presentation.
Weighting 30% (25% for written report + 5% for presentation)
Length 1000 words report and 10 minutes presentation
Due Date Tuesday of Week 11 by 11:59 pm
Submission Method Online via Turnitin
Assessment Criteria The report and your presentations will be assessed using a rubric (see CANVAS) that will
give details of the criteria and relevant aspects.
Please note: Self and Peer Assessment: A single mark is given for the group
assignment. This mark will then be moderated by "self and peer assessment" using the
SPARKPlus software so that individual group members may receive different marks. Any
moderated individual mark received by each group member is based on contribution to
the assignment and, more importantly the ability to work with others.
Individually group members are required to submit a self and peer assessment through
SPARK within 24 hours of the due date. Failure to complete SPARK will result in a mark
of zero. The criteria for the self and peer assessment are found along with the
instructions on how to use SPARK on CANVAS. Please note: NO SPARK NO MARK.
Return Method Online
Feedback Provided On CANVAS
Course Content Topics in the course include but are not limited to the following:
1. Understanding context of big data
2. Principles of big data analytics
3. Collecting and processing social media data
4. Collecting and processing financial data
5. Inferences made from big data analytics
Sedkaoui, S. (2018). Data Analytics and Big Data, John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9781786303264
Online ISBN: 9781119528043
Please refer to the course CANVAS site for details of additional required resources.
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BUSA2001: Big Data Analytics - 2023
Week Topic Class Preparation Workshop Activities
1 Understanding of From Data Lecture 1 content, Chapter 1 Intro to big data and analytics
to Big Data and the difference
between data and big data
2 Big Data: A Revolution that Lecture 2 materials, Chapter 2 Workshop: with Python and
Changes the Game introduction to analyse big data in
Hadoop environment
3 Big Data Analytics Lecture 3 materials, Chapter 3 Multiple linear regression using MS
excel and Installing Anaconda
4 Applications of big data Chapter 4 Familiarities with Anaconda
analytics environment for analytics
5 Processes of big data analytics Lecture 5 materials, Chapter 5 Practical Exercise -Random Forest,
6 Machine learning for big data Lecture 6 materials, Chapter 6 Practical Exercise - Decision Tree,
analytics Random Forest
Naive Bayes
7 Supervised versus Lecture 7 materials Practical Exercise - Gradient
Unsupervised Algorithms Boosting
K-Nearest Neighbour
Assessment 1 Due
8 Supervised versus Lecture 8 materials Practical Exercise - Logistic
Unsupervised Algorithms for Regression
examples Support Vector Machine
9 Applications and Examples of Lecture 9 materials, Chapter 8 Practical Exercise - Logistic
Big data analytics Regression, Support Vector
10 Predictive Analytics and Lecture 10 materials, Chapter 7 Practical Exercise - Support Vector
applications Machine
11 Augmented Analytics Lecture 11 materials, Chapters 7- Practical Exercise - Deep learning
8 methods
Assessment 2 Due
12 Future applications (Industry Lecture 12 materials Practical Exercise - Deep learning
4.0 and Society 5.0) for methods
Analytics 4.0
13 Revision Revision activities and exam
If a lecture/class is scheduled on a public holiday, a make-up lecture may be announced by the course
coordinator on the course CANVAS site.
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BUSA2001: Big Data Analytics - 2023
School Office Newcastle Business School – Callaghan, Newcastle City & Online
NU Space
409 Hunter Street
[email protected]
+61 2 4921 5511
Grading Scheme This course is graded as follows:
Range of Grade Description
85-100 High Outstanding standard indicating comprehensive knowledge
Distinction and understanding of the relevant materials; demonstration of
(HD) an outstanding level of academic achievement; mastery of
skills*; and achievement of all assessment objectives.
75-84 Distinction Excellent standard indicating a very high level of knowledge
(D) and understanding of the relevant materials; demonstration of
a very high level of academic ability; sound development of
skills*; and achievement of all assessment objectives.
65-74 Credit Good standard indicating a high level of knowledge and
(C) understanding of the relevant materials; demonstration of a
high level of academic achievement; reasonable development
of skills*; and achievement of all learning outcomes.
50-64 Pass Satisfactory standard indicating an adequate knowledge and
(P) understanding of the relevant materials; demonstration of an
adequate level of academic achievement; satisfactory
development of skills*; and achievement of all learning
0-49 Fail Failure to satisfactorily achieve learning outcomes. If all
(FF) compulsory course components are not completed the mark
will be zero. A fail grade may also be awarded following
disciplinary action.
This course outline was approved by the Head of School. No alteration of this course outline is permitted without Head of School
approval. If a change is approved, students will be notified and an amended course outline will be provided in the same manner as
the original.
© 2023 The University of Newcastle, Australia
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