Mechanic Diesel-Volume I of II-TP

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Revised LEVEL
in 2017 -4

Volume I of II





Post Box No. 3142, CTI Campus, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032
Sector : Automotive
Duration : 1 Year
Trade : Mechanic Diesel - Volume I of II - Trade Practical - NSQF level 4

Developed & Published by

National Instructional Media Institute

Post Box No.3142
Guindy, Chennai - 32
Email:[email protected]

Copyright © 2019 National Instructional Media Institute, Chennai

First Edition : December 2019 Copies : 500
First Reprint : March 2021 Copies: 1000



The Government of India has set an ambitious target of imparting skills to 30 crores people, one out of every
four Indians, by 2020 to help them secure jobs as part of the National Skills Development Policy. Industrial
Training Institutes (ITIs) play a vital role in this process especially in terms of providing skilled manpower.
Keeping this in mind, and for providing the current industry relevant skill training to Trainees, ITI syllabus
has been recently updated with the help of Mentor Councils comprising various stakeholder's viz. Industries,
Entrepreneurs, Academicians and representatives from ITIs.

The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI), Chennai has now come up with instructional material to
suit the revised curriculum for Mechanic Diesel - Volume I of II - Trade Practical - NSQF Level - 4 in
Automotive Sector under annual Pattern. The NSQF Level - 4 Trade Practical will help the trainees to
get an international equivalency standard where their skill proficiency and competency will be duly recognized
across the globe and this will also increase the scope of recognition of prior learning. NSQF Level - 4
trainees will also get the opportunities to promote life long learning and skill development. I have no doubt
that with NSQF Level - 4 the trainers and trainees of ITIs, and all stakeholders will derive maximum benefits
from these IMPs and that NIMI's effort will go a long way in improving the quality of Vocational training in the

The Executive Director & Staff of NIMI and members of Media Development Committee deserve appreciation
for their contribution in bringing out this publication.

Jai Hind

Director General/ Addl. Secretary
Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship,
Government of India.

New Delhi - 110 001

The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) was established in 1986 at Chennai by then Directorate
General of Employment and Training (D.G.E & T), Ministry of Labour and Employment, (now under Directorate
General of Training, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship) Government of India, with technical
assistance from the Govt. of the Federal Republic of Germany. The prime objective of this institute is to
develop and provide instructional materials for various trades as per the prescribed syllabi under the Craftsman
and Apprenticeship Training Schemes.

The instructional materials are created keeping in mind, the main objective of Vocational Training under
NCVT/NAC in India, which is to help an individual to master skills to do a job. The instructional materials are
generated in the form of Instructional Media Packages (IMPs). An IMP consists of Theory book, Practical
book, Test and Assignment book, Instructor Guide, Audio Visual Aid (Wall charts and Transparencies) and
other support materials.

The trade practical book consists of series of exercises to be completed by the trainees in the workshop.
These exercises are designed to ensure that all the skills in the prescribed syllabus are covered. The trade
theory book provides related theoretical knowledge required to enable the trainee to do a job. The test and
assignments will enable the instructor to give assignments for the evaluation of the performance of a trainee.
The wall charts and transparencies are unique, as they not only help the instructor to effectively present a
topic but also help him to assess the trainee's understanding. The instructor guide enables the instructor to
plan his schedule of instruction, plan the raw material requirements, day to day lessons and demonstrations.

IMPs also deals with the complex skills required to be developed for effective team work. Necessary care
has also been taken to include important skill areas of allied trades as prescribed in the syllabus.

The availability of a complete Instructional Media Package in an institute helps both the trainer and
management to impart effective training.

The IMPs are the outcome of collective efforts of the staff members of NIMI and the members of the Media
Development Committees specially drawn from Public and Private sector industries, various training institutes
under the Directorate General of Training (DGT), Government and Private ITIs.

NIMI would like to take this opportunity to convey sincere thanks to the Directors of Employment & Training
of various State Governments, Training Departments of Industries both in the Public and Private sectors,
Officers of DGT and DGT field institutes, proof readers, individual media developers and coordinators, but for
whose active support NIMI would not have been able to bring out this materials.

Chennai - 600 032 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR


National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) sincerely acknowledges with thanks for the co-operation and
contribution extended by the following Media Developers and their sponsoring organisations to bring out this
Instructional Material (Trade Practical) for the trade of Mechanic Diesel under Automotive Sector for ITIs.


Shri. S. Devakumar _ Principal (Retd)

Govt.I.T.I. Nettapakkam - Pondicherry.

Shri. K. Thaniyarasu _ Principal

Govt.I.T.I. Viralimalai

Shri. W. Nirmal Kumar _ Training officer

Govt.I.T.I. Manikandan

Shri. A . Thangavelu _ Asst.Training officer (Retd.)

Govt.I.T.I. Guindy

Shri. A . Duraichamy _ Asst. Training Officer

Govt.I.T.I. Coonoor

Shri. Srinivas Prasad _ J.T.O

Govt.I.T.I. Bangalore - 27

Shri. Sreeramulu _ J.T.O

Govt.I.T.I. Mysore - 07


Shri. K. Srinivasa Rao _ Joint Director,

NIMI, Chennai - 32

Shri. S. Gopalakrishnan _ Assistant Manager,

NIMI, Chennai - 32

NIMI records its appreciation for the Data Entry, CAD, DTP operators for their excellent and devoted services in
the process of development of this Instructional Material.

NIMI also acknowledges with thanks the invaluable efforts rendered by all other NIMI staff who have contributed
towards the development of this Instructional Material.

NIMI is also grateful to everyone who has directly or indirectly helped in developing this Instructional Material.



The trade practical manual is intented to be used in practical workshop . It consists of a series of practical
exercises to be completed by the trainees during the Course of the Mechanic Diesel Trade supplemented and
supported by instructions/ informations to assist in performing the exercises. These exercises are designed
to ensure that all the skills in compliance with NSQF LEVEL - 4 syllabus are covered.

This manual is divided into Seven modules. The distribution of time for the practical in the Seven modules are
given below.

Module 1 Safety workshop practices 50 Hrs

Module 2 Measuring & marking Practice 100 Hrs
Module 3 Fastening & Fitting 125 Hrs
Module 4 Electrical and Electronics 100 Hrs
Module 5 Arc & Gas welding 75 Hrs
Module 6 Hydraulics and Pneumatics 50 Hrs
Module 7 Specifications and service equipments 25 Hrs
Total 525 Hrs

The skill training in the shop floor is planned through a series of practical exercises centred around some
practical project. However, there are few instances where the individual exercise does not form a part of project.

While developing the practical manual a sincere effort was made to prepare each exercise which will be easy
to understand and carry out even by below average trainee. However the development team accept that there
is a scope for further improvement. NIMI looks forward to the suggestions from the experienced training faculty
for improving the manual.


The manual of trade theory consists of theoretical information for the Course of the Mechanic Diesel Trade.
The contents are sequenced according to the practical exercise contained in NSQF LEVEL - 4 syllabus on
Trade practical. Attempt has been made to relate the theoretical aspects with the skill covered in each exercise
to the extent possible. This correlation is maintained to help the trainees to develop the perceptional capabilities
for performing the skills.

The Trade Theory has to be taught and learnt along with the corresponding exercise contained in the manual
on trade practical. The indications about the corresponding practical exercises are given in every sheet of this

It will be preferable to teach/learn the trade theory connected to each exercise atleast one class before
performing the related skills in the shop floor. The trade theory is to be treated as an integrated part of each

The material is not for the purpose of self learning and should be considered as supplementary to class room


Exercise No. Title of the Exercise Page. No.

Module 1 : Safety workshop practices

1.1.01 Identify the machines/equipment in diesel mechanic trade 1

1.1.02 Identify Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) 2

1.1.03 Workshop maintenance 5

1.1.04 Handling and testing of workshop equipments and disposal of used engine oil 7

1.1.05 Demonstrate occupational safety and first aid 9

1.1.06 Practice on fire safety 14

1.1.07 Practice on fire extinguishers 15

1.1.08 Practice on saving electrical energy 18

Module 2 : Measuring, marking & Practice

1.2.09 Marking practice on the given job 21

1.2.10 Measure wheel base of a vehicle 25

1.2.11 Check the valve spring tension 27

1.2.12 Practice on Removing wheel lug nuts 28

1.2.13 Practice on handling workshop tools and power tools 29

1.2.14 Practice on measuring outside diameters 40

1.2.15 Practice on measuring height by using depth micrometer 44

1.2.16 Measure valve spring free length 45

1.2.17 Practice on measuring inside diameter by using telescopic gauge 46

1.2.18 Practice on measuring cylinder bore 48

1.2.19 Practice on measuring runout and end play of crank shaft 49

1.2.20 Practice on measuring cylinder head flatness 51

1.2.21 Measuring piston ring end gap and piston to cylinder clearance 52

1.2.22 Perform engine vacuum test 53

1.2.23 Check tyre air pressure 54

Module 3 : Fastening & Fitting

1.3.24 Exercise No 24 left in syllabus

1.3.25 Cleaning and checking the fastners 55

Exercise No. Title of the Exercise Page No.

1.3.26 Removing broken stud/bolt 58

1.3.27 Practice on using various cutting tools 59

1.3.28 Practice on hacksawing and filing 67

1.3.29 Practice on soldering and brazing 69

1.3.30 Practice on making gaskets 72

1.3.31 Practice on marking and drilling 74

1.3.32 Practice on forming internal & external threads 81

1.3.33 Practice on reaming a hole 86

1.3.34 Practice on making rectangular tray 91

1.3.35 Practice on pipe bending and pipe fitting 94

1.3.36 Practice on soldering & brazing of pipes 98

Module 4 : Electrical and Electronics

1.4.37 Practice on soldering wires 100

1.4.38 Practice on measuring electrical parameters in circuits 104

1.4.39 Practice on continuity test 106

1.4.40 Diagonize electrical circuits 109

1.4.41 Check the electrical circuit using test lamp 112

1.4.42 Test voltage drop in a circuit 114

1.4.43 Trouble shoot electrical circuit problem 116

1.4.44 Cleaning and top - up of lead acid battery 118

1.4.45 Check the specific gravity of a battery 119

1.4.46 Charge the battery 121

1.4.47 Practice parasitic battery drain test 124

1.4.48 Check the relays and solenoid 125

1.4.49 Test power and signal connectors 127

1.4.50 Practice on testing diodes 131

1.4.51 Construct and test logic gates 136

Module 5 : Arc & Gas welding

1.5.52 Practice on arc welding 139

1.5.53 Practice on gas welding 146

Exercise No. Title of the Exercise Page No.

Module 6 : Hydraulics and Pneumatics

1.6.54 Practice on non destructive test 152

1.6.55 Identification of hydraulic and pneumatic components 157

1.6.56 Tracing and Studying of hydraulic circuits 159

1.6.57 Tracing and studying of air brake system 163

Module 7 : Specifications and service equipments

1.7.58 Identify the different types of vehicle 165

1.7.59 Studying vehicle specification data 166

1.7.60 Identification of Vehicle Information Number (VIN) 168

1.7.61 Studying of garage service equipments 169


On completion of this book you shall be able to

• Check & perform measuring & marking by using various

measuring & marking tools. ( Vernier callipers, micrometre, tele-
scope gauges, dial bore gauges, dial indicators, straightedge,
feeler gauge, thread pitch gauge, vaccum gauge, tire pressure

• Plan & perform basic fastening & fitting operation by using correct
hand tools, machine tools & equipment.

• Trace and test all electrical & electronic components & circuits and
assemble circuit to ensure functionality of system.

• Join components by using Arc & Gas welding.

• Trace & test hydraulic and pneumatic components

• Check & interpret vehicle specification data and VIN, select &
opearte various service station equipment.

FIRST SEMESTER Duration: 06 Months

Learning Professional Skills

Week Professional Knowledge
Outcome (Trade Practical)
No. (Trade Practical)
with Indicative hrs.

Apply safe working 1. Demonstration of Machinery used in - Importance& scope of

practices in an automotive the trade. (05 hrs) Mechanic Diesel Trade
work shop. 2. Identify safety Gear/PPE (Personal Training.
Protective Equipments) and their - General discipline in the
uses (10 hrs) Institute
3. Importance of maintenance and - Elementary First Aid,
cleanliness of Workshop. (05 hrs) Occupational Safety & Health
4. Demonstration on safe handling and - Knowledge of Personal Safety
Periodic testing of lifting equipment, &Safety precautions in
and Safety disposal of used engine handling Diesel machine
oil. (10 hrs.) - Concept about House Keeping
5. Demonstration on health hazards, & 5S method.
occupational safety &first Aid. (05 - Energy conservation process
hrs) - Safety disposal of Used engine
6. Demonstration fire service station to oil, - Electrical safety tips.
provide demo on Fire safety. (05 hrs) - Safe handling of Fuel Spillage,
7. Perform use of fire extinguishers. (05 - Knowledge of Fire Safety
hrs) &Fire extinguishers used for
8. Energy saving Tips of ITI electricity different types of fire
Usage. (05 hrs) Hand tools and their .- Safe disposal of toxic dust,
uses - safe handling and Periodic
testing of lifting equipment

3-4 Check & perform Measuring 9. Perform marking using all marking Hand & Power Tools:-
& marking by using various aids, like steel rule with spring - Marking scheme, marking
Measuring & Marking callipers, dividers, scriber, punches, material-chalk, Prussian blue.
tools(Vernier Calliper, chisel etc. on MS Flat/Sheet Metal. - Cleaning tools- Scraper, wire
Micrometer, Telescope (17 hrs) brush, Emery paper,
gauges, Dial bore gauges, 10. Measure a wheel base of a vehicle - Description, care and use of
Dial indicators, straightedge, with measuring tape. (08 hrs) Surface plates, steel rule,
feeler gauge, thread pitch 11. Measure valve spring tension using measuring tape, try square.
gauge, vacuum gauge, tire spring tension tester (10 hrs) Callipers-inside and outside.
pressure gauge.) 12. Perform to remove wheel lug nuts Dividers, surface gauges,
with use of an air impact wrench (08 scriber,
hrs) - Punches-prick punch, centre
13. Operate General workshop tools & punch, pin punch, hollow
power tools. (07 hrs) punch, number and letter
punch. Chisel-flat, cross-cut.
Hammer- ball pein, lump,
mallet. Screw drivers-blade
- Screwdriver, Phillips screw
driver, Ratchet screwdriver. Allen
key, bench vice & Cclamps,
- Spanners- ring spanner, open
end spanner & the combination
spanner, universal adjustable
open end spanner. Sockets &
- Pliers - Combination pliers,
multi grip, long nose,
flatnose, Nippers or pincer
pliers, Side cutters, Tin snips,

Circlip pliers, external
circlips pliers.
- Air impact wrench, air ratchet,
wrenches- Torque wrenches,
pipe wrenches, Pipe flaring &
cutting tool, pullers-Gear and

5-6 -do- 14. Perform measuring practice on Cam height, Systems of measurement,
Camshaft Journal dia, crankshaft journal - Description, Least Count
dia, Valve stem dia, piston diameter, and calculation, care & use of -
piston pin dia with outside Micrometres. Micrometers- Outside, and
(05 hrs) depth micrometer,
15. Perform measuring practice on the height - Micrometer adjustments,
of the rotor of an oil pump from the surface - Description, Least Count
of the housing or any other auto calculation, care & use of
component measurement with depth Vernier Calliper.
micrometer. (05 hrs) - Telescope gauges, Dial bore
16. Perform measuring practice on valve spring gauges, Dial indicators,
free length. (05 hrs) straightedge, feeler gauge,
17. Perform measuring practice on cylinder thread pitch gauge, vacuum
bore, Connecting rod bore, inside diameter gauge, tire pressure gauge.
(ID) of a camshaft bearing with Telescope
gauges. (05 hrs)
18. Perform measuring practice on cylinder
bore for taper and outof-round with Dial bore
gauges. (05 hrs)
19. Perform measuring practice to measure
wear on crankshaft end play, crankshaft
run out, and valve guide with dial indicator.
(05 hrs)
20. Perform measuring practice to check the
flatness of the cylinder head is warped or
twisted with straightedge is used with a
feeler gauge. (05 hrs)
21. Perform measuring practice to check the
end gap of a piston ring, piston-to-cylinder
wall clearance with feeler gauge. (05 hrs)
22. Perform practice to check engine manifold
vacuum with vacuum gauge. (05 hrs)
23. Perform practice to check the air pressure
inside the vehicle tyre is maintained at the

7-8 Plan & perform basic recommended setting. (05 hrs) - Different types of metal joint
fastening & fitting 25. Perform practice on general cleaning, (Permanent, Temporary),
operation by using checking and use of nut, bolts, & studs etc. methods of Bolting, Riveting,
correct hand tools, (05 hrs) Soldering, Brazing, Seaming
Machine tools & 26. Perform removal of stud/bolt from blind hole. etc.
equipments. (05 hrs) Fasteners
27. Perform practice on cutting tools like - Study of different types of
Hacksaw, file, chisel, Sharpening of Chisels, screws, nuts, studs & bolts,
center punch, safety precautions while locking devices, Such as lock
grinding. (10 hrs) nuts, cotter, split pins, keys,
28. Perform practice on Hacksawing and filing circlips, lock rings, lock
to given dimensions. (15 hrs) washers and locating where
29. Perform on Soldering & Brazing. (10 hrs) they are used. Washers &
30. Perform practice on making various Gaskets chemical compounds can be
like oil sump, intake manifold, water pump, used to help secure these
tappet cover etc. (05 hrs) fasteners. Function of

Gaskets, Selection of
materials for gaskets and
packing, oil seals. Types of
Gaskets – paper, multilayered
metallic, liquid, rubber, copper
and printed.
Thread Sealants-Various
types like, locking, sealing,
temperature resistance,
antilocking, lubricating etc.

Cutting tools
- Study of different type of cutting
tools like Hacksaw, File-
Definition, parts of a file,
specification, Grade, shape,
different type of cut and uses.,
OFF-hand grinding with
sander, bench and pedestal
grinders, safety precautions
while grinding.

Limits, Fits & Tolerances

- Definition of limits, fits &
tolerances with examples
used in auto components

9-10 -do- 31. Perform practice on Marking and Drilling Drilling machine
clear and Blind Holes, Sharpening of - Description and study of Bench
Twist Drills Safety precautions to be type Drilling machine, Portable
observed while using a drilling machine. electrical Drilling machine, drill
(10 hrs) holding devices, Work Holding
32. Perform practice on Tapping a Clear and devices, Drill bits.
Blind Hole, Selection of tape drill Size, Taps and Dies
use of Lubrication, Use of stud extractor. - Hand Taps and wrenches,
(15 hrs) Calculation of Tap drill sizes for
33. Perform practice cutting Threads on a metric and inch taps. Different
Bolt/ Stud. Adjustment of two piece Die, type of Die and Die stock.
Reaming a hole/ Bush to suit the given Screw extractors.
pin/ shaft, scraping a given machined Hand Reamers
surface. (25 hrs) – Different Type of hand reamers,
Drill size for reaming,
Lapping, Lapping abrasives,
type of Laps.
-do- 34. Perform practice on making Rectangular Sheet metal
Tray. (08 hrs) - State the various common
metal Sheets used in Sheet
35. Perform pipe bending, fitting nipples union Metal shop Sheet metal
in pipes (08 hrs) operations
36. Perform Soldering and Brazing of Pipes. - Shearing, bending, Drawing,
(09 hrs) Squeezing
- Sheet metal joints
- Hem & Seam Joints
Fastening Methods -
Riveting, soldering, Brazing.
fluxes used on common
joints. Sheet and wire-

Trace and Test all Basic electricity
12 37. Perform practice in joining wires using
Electrical & Electronic - Electricity principles,
soldering Iron. (08 hrs)
components & circuits - Ground connections,
38. Prepare simple electrical circuits,
and assemble circuit to - Ohm's law, - Voltage, Current,
measuring of current, voltage and
ensure functionality of Resistance, Power, Energy.
resistance using digital multimeter. (08
system. - Voltmeter, ammeter,
Ohmmeter, Multimeter,
39. Perform practice continuity test for fuses,
- Conductors & insulators,
jumper wires, fusible links and circuit
Wires, Shielding, Length vs.
breakers. (09 hrs)
resistance, Resistor ratings
- The blow lamp its uses and
pipe fittings.

13 40. Perform diagnose series, parallel, series- - Fuses & circuit breakers,
parallel circuits using Ohm’s law. (05 hrs) - Ballast resistor,
41. Check electrical circuit with a test lamp. - Stripping wire insulation,
(05 hrs) - cable colour codes and sizes,
42. Perform voltage drop test in circuits using - Resistors in Series circuits ,
multimeter, measure current flow using - Parallel circuits and
multimeter /ammeter. (07 hrs) Seriesparallel circuits,
43. Check circuit using of service manual - Electrostatic effects,
wiring diagram for troubleshooting (08 hrs) Capacitors and its
- Capacitors in series and

44. Execute cleaning and topping up of a lead - Description of Chemical

14 -do-
acid battery. (05 hrs) effects, Batteries & cells,
Lead acid batteries & Stay
45. Perform testing battery with hydrometer. Maintenance Free (SMF)
(02 hrs) batteries,
46. Perform connecting battery to a charger - Magnetic effects, Heating
for battery charging and checking & effects, Thermo-electric
testing a battery after energy, Thermistors, Thermo
charging. (08 hrs) couples,
47. Measure and Diagnose the cause(s) of - Electrochemical energy,
excessive Key-off battery drain (parasitic Photo-voltaic energy, Piezo-
draw) and do corrective action. (05 hrs) electric energy,
48. Perform test of relay and solenoids and Electromagnetic induction,
its circuit. (05 hrs) - Relays, Solenoids, Primary &
Secondary windings,
Transformers, stator and rotor
49. Identify and test power and signal Basic electronics:
-do- connectors for continuity (05 hrs) - Description of
50. Perform test and identify different type of Semiconductors, Solid state
Diodes, NPN & PNP Transistors for its devices - Diodes,
functionality (10 hrs) - Transistors, Thyristors, Uni
51. Construct and test simple logic circuits Junction Transistors ( UJT),
OR, AND & NOT and Logic gates using - Metal Oxide Field Effect
switches. (10 hrs) Transistors ( MOSFETs),
- Logic gates-OR, AND & NOT
and Logic gates using
16-18 Join components by using 52. Perform practice to make straight beads Introduction to welding and
Arc & Gas welding. and Butt, Lap & T joints Manual Metal Heat Treatment
Arc Welding. (50 hrs) Welding processes
53. Set Gas welding flames and perform - Principles of Arc welding, brief
practice to make a straight beads and description, classification

joints by Oxy – Acetylene welding and applications.
(25 hrs) - Manual Metal Arc welding -
principles, power sources,
electrodes, welding parameters,
edge preparation & fit up and welding
- Oxy – Acetylene welding - principles,
equipment, welding parameters,
edge preparation & fit up and welding
- Basic knowledge about advance
welding process & equipments like
MIG, TIG, Spot Welding, Plasma
Cutter. Heat Treatment Process
- Introduction, Definition of heat
treatment, -
- Definition of Annealing, Normalizing,
Hardening and tempering. –
- Case hardening, Nitriding, Induction
- Flame Hardening process used in
auto components with examples.
19-20 Trace & Test Hydraulic 54. Perform liquid penetrant testing Non-destructive Testing Methods
and Pneumatic method and Magnetic particle - Importance of NonDestructive Testing
components. testing method. (15 hrs) In Automotive Industry, Definition of
55. Identify of Hydraulic and pneumatic NDT,
components used in vehicle. (10 - Liquid penetrant and Magnetic
hrs) particle testing method – Portable
56. Tracing of hydraulic circuit on Yoke method
hydraulic jack, hydraulic power Introduction to Hydraulics &
steering, and Brake circuit. (15 hrs) Pneumatics
57. Identify components in Air brake - Definition of Pascal law, pressure,
systems (10 hrs) Force, viscosity. Description,
symbols and application in
automobile of Gear pump-Internal &
- single acting, double acting & Double
ended cylinder; Directional control
valves2/2, 3/2, 4/2, 4/3 way valve,
Pressure relief valve, Non return valve,
Flow control valve used in
- Auto Industry - History, leading
21 Check & Interpret Vehicle 58. Identify of different types of Vehicle. manufacturers,
Specification data and VIN (05 hrs) - Development in automobile industry,
Select & operate various 59. Demonstrate of vehicle trends, new product.
Service Station specification data . (05 hrs) - Brief about Ministry of Road transport
Equipments. 60. Identify of vehicle information Number & Highways,
(VIN). (05 hrs). - The Automotive Research
61. Demonstrate of Garage, Service Association of India (ARAI), National
station equipments.- Vehicle hoists Automotive Testing and R&D
– Two post and four post hoist, Infrastructure Project (NATRIP), &
Engine hoists, Jacks, Stands. (10 Automobile Association.
hrs) - Classification of vehicles on the basis
of load as per central motor vehicle
rule, wheels, final drive, and fuel
used, axles, position of engine and
steering transmission, body and
load. Brief description

- Uses of Vehicle hoists – Two post
and four post hoist, Engine
hoists, Jacks, Stands.

22-23 Project Work/ Industrial Visit-

Broad area:
a) Maintenance of cooling system (radiator leakage by brazing and precautionary measures)
b) Maintenance of intake and exhaust system.
c) Maintenance of Battery.
d) Electrical Wiring harness of a vehicle
e) Vehicle brake system (Hydraulic & Air) & Hydraulic Power Steering

24-25 Revision

26 Examination

Automotive Exercise 1.1.01
Mechanic Diesel - Safety workshop practices

Identify the machines/equipment in diesel mechanic trade

Objective: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the air compressor, jib crane, bench drill.


Tools / Instruments
• Drilling machine - 1 No.
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No.
Equipments/Machines Materials
• Air compressor - 1 No. • Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Jib crane - 1 No. • Soap oil - as reqd.

1 Take the participants around the workshop.
2 Identify the major workshop machinery like
compressor, drilling machines.
3 Explain the constructional features and the use of
compressor, air receiver.
4 Explain the use of compressed air and its applications.
5 Explain bench drilling machine, pillar drilling machine.
6 Explain through display charts, the features of all
equipments in an Automotiveworkshop.
Air compressor (Fig 1)

Compressor is an equipment to produce compressed air

at required pressure through air hoses.
Jib crane (Fig 2)
Jib crane is used to transport the objects, from one place
to another shop floor.

Sensitive bench drilling machine. (Fig 3)

For normal drilling, the work-surface is kept horizontal. If
This machine is capable of drilling holes up to 12.5 mm the holes are to be drilled at an angle, the table can be
diameter. The drills are fitted in the chuck or directly in tilted.
the tapered hole of the machine spindle.

Automotive Exercise 1.1.02
Mechanic Diesel - Safety workshop practices

Identify Personal Protective Equipments (PPE)

Objective : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the four basic catagories of safety sign
• identify the meanings of the safety sign
• read and interpret the different types of personal protective equipments from the chart.

TASK 1 : Safety sign

• Identify the safety sign from the chart.

Instructor may provide various safety signs
chart categories and explain their categories • Record the name of the category in table1.
and their meaning, description. Ask the trainee
• Mention the meaning description of the safety sign in
to identify the sign and record in table
Table 1
Fig No. Basic categories/ safety sign Meaning - descriptions
Get it checked by your instructor

TASK 2 : Personal protective equipments

Note: The instructor may provide or arrange

the different types of personal protection
equipment or chart and explain how to identify
and select the PPE devices suitable for the work
and ask the trainees to write names in the given

1 Read and interpret the personal protective equipments

by visually on real devices or from the charts.
2 Identify and select the personal protection equipment
used for suitable type of protection.
3 Write the name of the PPE to the corresponding type
of protective safety equipments in Table 2.

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.1.02 3

Table 2
S.No. Name of the PPE Hazards Type of protection

Get it checked by your instructor.

TASK 3 :
Instructor may brief the various types of 1 Identify the occupational hazard to the corresponding
occupational hazards and their causes. situation with a potential harm given in table3.

Table 3
S.No. Source or potential harm Type of occupational hazards

1 Noise
2 Explosive
3 Virus
4 Sickness
5 Smoking
6 Non control device
7 No earthing
8 Poor house keeping

Fill up and get it checked by your instructor.

TASK 4 : PPE Instruction and uses

1 Some cleaning agents are toxic. Refer to the information 4 Always wear protective clothing and the appropriate
about handling; use and storage of chemicals that may safety equipment.
be hazardous, follow any recommendations made by
5 Make sure that you understand and observe all
the supplier before using it.
legislative and personal safety procedures when
2 Do not use flammable cleaners or water on electrical carrying out the following tasks. If you are unsure of
equipment. what these procedures are, ask your instructor.
3 Make sure designated walkways are kept clear of any

4 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.1.02

Automotive Exercise 1.1.03
Mechanic Diesel - Safety workshop practices

Workshop maintenance
Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• carryout the maintenance of equipment
• clean the tools and equipment.


Tools / Instruments Materials

• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Cleaning solvent - as reqd.
• Washing powder - as reqd.
• Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Brush - as reqd.


TASK 1 : Maintenance of tools and equipment

1 Clean tools and equipment and work more efficiently. 6 Keep your work area cleanly. This will help you work
At the end of each working day clean the tools and more efficiently and safely. (Fig 2)
equipment used and check them for any damage. If
you note any damage, tag the tool as faulty.
2 Electrical current can travel over oily or greasy
surfaces. Keep electrical power tools free from dust
and dirt and make sure they are free of oil and grease.
3 All workshop equipment should have a maintenance
schedule. Always complete the tasks described on
the schedule at the required time. This will help to
keep the equipment in safe working order.
4 Store commonly used tools in an easy-to-reach
5 If a tool, or piece of equipment, is too difficult to be
returned, it could be left on a workbench or on the
floor where it will become a safety hazard. (Fig 1)

7 Have a waste bin close to your work area and place

any waste in it as soon as possible.
8 Dispose of liquid and solid waste, such as oils, coolant
and worn components, in the correct manner.
9 Do not pour solvents or other chemicals into the
sewage system. This is both environmentally
damaging and illegal.
9 Always use chemical gloves when using any cleaning
material because excessive exposure to cleaning
materials can damage skin.
10 Some solvents are flammable. Never use cleaning
materials near an open flame or cigarette.
11 The fumes from cleaning chemicals can be toxic, so
wear appropriate respirator and eye protection
whereveryou are using these products.
TASK 2 : Cleaning hand tools, jack, power tool and machinery

1 Clean hand tools. Inspect any electrical cables for dirt, oil or grease,
and for any chafing or exposed wires.
Keep your hand tools in, clean condition with two sets
of cabinet. One cabinet should be lint-free to handle With drills, inspect the chuck and lubricate it
precision instruments or components. occasionally with machine oil.
The other should be oily to prevent rust and corrosion. 4 Clean air powered tools.
2 Clean floor jacks. Apply a few drops of oil into the inlet of your air tools
every day. Although these tools have no motor, they
Wipe off any oil or grease on the floor jack and check
need to do regular lubrication of the internal parts to
for fluid leaks. If you find any leaks, rectify the leaks
prevent wear.
and top up the hydraulic fluid.
5 Clean hoists and heavy machinery.
Occasionally, apply a few drops of lubricating oil to
the wheels and a few drops to the posts of the safety Locate and checklist or maintenance record for each
stands. hoist or other major piece of equipment before carrying
out cleaning activities.
3 Clean electrical power tools.
Keep power tools clean by brushing off any dust and Clean operating mechanisms and attachments
wiping off excess oil or grease with a clean rag. of excess oil or grease.

6 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.1.03

Automotive Exercise 1.1.04
Mechanic Diesel - Safety workshop practices
Handling and testing of workshop equipments and disposal of used engine
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• demonstrate safe handling of lifting equipments
• do the periodic testing of lifting equipments
• safety measures in disposal of used engine oil.

Tools / Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Oil - as reqd.
Equipments • Water - as reqd.
• Kerosene - as reqd.
• Air compressor - 1 No. • Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Vehicle - 1 No.


TASK 1 :
Check the test certificate. Check the equipment

The lifting equipment is subjected to statutory 1 Carry out regular periodic checks on the service ability
Testing and Certification. (Fig 1) the test of all of the hydraulic lifting equipment. (Fig 2)
calibration certificate should be attached to,
or displayed near the lifting equipment that it
refers to. Before using this equipment, make
sure that the most recent inspection record is
still within the prescribed time limit, and
ensure that the certificate has not expired.

2 Refer to the manufacturer's handbook to find out how

often they recommend maintenance tests and make
sure that these occur.
3 Check whether the test equipment for its proper
4 Ensure that there are no leakage in the hose, control
M/s. ABCD. valves and oil pump
Vehicle Hoist Service. 5 Before operating the lift, ensure that the car is correctly
044-12345678. placed in the platform.
Chennai - 78. 6 Check whether it is lifting properly.
SERVICE. 7 And also check whether it is holds the oil or not.
Date Serviced: 20/05/2018 Note : Vehicle hoist is not included in the
equipments list. This practical can be give at
Next Service : 19/05/2019 any service station.

8 After the commpletion of the work, lower the ram to

its normal position.
TASK 2 :

1 Wear protective clothing, such as gloves, mask, shoes,

apron etc.,
2 Do not spill any oil or grease on the ground.
3 Put your used motor oil in a clean plastic container
with a tight lid. Never store used oil in a container that
once held chemicals, food, or beverages.
4 Do not mix the oil with anything else, such as
antifreeze, solvent, or paint.
5 Take used motor oil to a service station or other location
that collects used motor oil for recycling.

Recycled used motor oil can be re-refined into

new oil, processed into fuel oils and used as
raw materials for the petroleum industry.

6 While storing used oil, meant for disposal keep them

in a separate place with proper identification mark in
the container. (Fig 1)

Never keep the used oil near the hot area or

near flame.

While transporting ensure that there is no

spillage of oil. (Fig 2)

7 Maintain a record of oil disposed for reference and

record as shown in Table below.


SI. No Date Qty per can No of cans Total qty. disposed Remarks
(litre) delivered in litres

1 Example 23 - 7 -18 2 05 100

2 - - - -

8 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.1.04

Automotive Exercise 1.1.05
Mechanic Diesel - Safety workshop practices
Demonstrate occupational safety and first aid
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• rescue breathing for an unconscious victim of different condition
• perform treatment for stopping of bleeding.

TASK 1: Prepare the victim to receive artifical respiration

Assumption - For easy manageability, Instructor 3 Bring the victim safely to the level ground, taking
may arrange the trainees in group and ask necessary safety measures. (Fig 1)
each group to perform one method of 4 Start artificial respiration immediately without delay.
resuscitation. Do not waste too much time in loosening the clothes
or trying to open the tightly closed mouth.
1 Loosen the tight clothing which may interfere with the
victim’s breathing. 5 Avoid violent operations to prevent injury to the internal
parts of the victim.
2 Remove any foreign materials or false teeth from his
mouth and keep the victim’s mouth open. 6 Send to a doctor immediately.

TASK 2 : Resuscitate the victim by Nelson’s arm - Lift back pressure method

Nelson’s arm - lift back pressure method must

not be used in case there are injuries to the
chest and belly.

1. Place the victim prone (that is face down) with his arms
folded with the palms one over the other and the head
resting on his cheek over the palms. Kneel on one or
both knees near the victim’s hand. Place your hands on
the victim’s back beyond the line of the armpits, with
your fingers spread outwards and downwards, thumbs
just touching each other as in( Fin 1).
2 Gently rock forward keeping your arms straight until
they are nearly vertical, and steadily pressing the
victim,s back as shown in (Fig 2) to force the air out of
the victim’s lungs.
3 Synchronise the above movement of rocking back- 4 As you rock back, gently raise and pull the victim’s
wards with your hands sliding downwards along the arms towards you as shown in (Fig 4) until you feel
victim’s arms, and grasp his upper arm just above the tension in his shoulders. To complete the cycle, lower
elbows as shown in (Fig 3). Continue to rock back- the victim’s arms and move your hands up to the initial
wards. position.

5 Continue artificial respiration till the victim begins to
breathing naturally. Please note, in some cases, it
may take hours.
6 When the victim revives, keep the victim warm with a
blanket, wrapped up with hot water bottles or warm
bricks; stimulate circulation by stroking the insides of
the arms and legs towards the heart.
7 Keep him in the lying down position and do not let him
exert himself.

Do not give him any stimulant until he is fully


TASK 3: Do not use this method in case of injuries to victim on the chest and belly.

1 Lay the victim on his belly, one arm extended direct upon the lower ribs of the victim to force the air out of
forward, the other arm bent at the elbow and with the the victim’s lungs as shown in (Fig 2).
face turned sideward and resting on the hand or 4 Now swing backward immediately removing all the
forearm as shown in (Fig 1). pressure from the victim’s body as shown in (Fig 3)
2 Kneel astride the victim, so that his thighs are between thereby, allowing the lungs to fill with air.
your knees and with your fingers and thumbs positioned 5 After two seconds, swing forward again and repeat the
as in (Fig 1). cycle twelve to fifteen times a minute.
3 With the arms held straight, swing forward slowly so
that the weight of your body is gradually brought to bear

10 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.1.05

6 Continue artificial respiration till the victim begins to
breathe naturally.

TASK 4 : Resuscitate the victim by mouth-to-mouth method

1 Lay the victim flat on his back and place a roll of 4 Take a deep breath and place your mouth over the
clothing under his shoulders to ensure that his head is victim’s mouth as shown in (Fig 4) making airtight
thrown well back. (Fig 1) contact. Pinch the victim’s nose shut with the thumb
and forefinger. If you dislike direct contact, place a
porous cloth between your mouth and the victim’s.
For an infant, place your mouth over his mouth and
nose. (Fig 4)

2 Tilt the victim’s head back so that the chin points

straight upward. (Fig 2)

5 Blow into the victim’s mouth (gently in the case of an

infant) until his chest rises. Remove your mouth and
release the hold on the nose, to let him exhale, turning
your head to hear the rushing out of air. The first 8 to
10 breathings should be as rapid as the victim responds,
thereafter the rate should be slowed to about 12 times
a minute (20 times for an infant).

3 Grasp the victim’s jaw as shown in (Fig 3), and raise it If air cannot be blown in, check the position of
upward until the lower teeth are higher than the upper the victim’s head and jaw and recheck the
teeth; or place fingers on both sides of the jaw near the mouth for obstructions, then try again more
ear lobes and pull upward. Maintain the jaw position forcefully. If the chest still does not rise, turn
throughout the artificial respiration to prevent the tongue the victim’s face down and strike his back
from blocking the air passage. sharply to dislodge obstructions.
Sometimes air enters the victim’s stomach as
evidenced by a swelling stomach. Expel the
air by gently pressing the stomach during the
exhalation period.

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.1.05 11

TASK 5 : Resuscitate the victim by Mouth-to-Nose method

Use this method when the victim’s mouth will

not open, or has a blockage you cannot clear.

1 Use the fingers of one hand to keep the victim’s lips

firmly shut, seal your lips around the victim’s nostrils
and breathe into him. Check to see if the victim’s chest
is rising and falling. (Fig 1)
2 Repeat this exercise at the rate of 10 - 15 times per
minute till the victim responds.
3 Continue this exercise till the arrival of the doctor.

TASK 6 : Resuscitate a victim who is under cardiac arrest (CPR) cardio pulmanory.

4 Place the palm of one hand on the centre of the lower

In cases where the heart has stopped beating,
part of the breastbone, keeping your fingers off the ribs.
you must act immediately.
Cover the palm with your other hand and lock your
1 Check quickly whether the victim is under cardiac fingers together as shown in (Fig 3).

Cardiac arrest could be ascertained by the

absence of the cardiac pulse in the neck
(Fig 1) blue colour around lips and widely
dilated pupil of the eyes.

5 Keeping your arms straight, press sharply down on the

lower part of the breast bone; then release the pressure.
(Fig 4)

2 Lay the victim on his back on a firm surface.

3 Kneel alongside facing the chest and locate the lower
part of the breastbone. (Fig 2)

6 Repeat step 5, fifteen times at the rate of atleast once

per second.

12 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.1.05

7 Check the cardiac pulse. (Fig 5) 10 As soon as the heart beat returns, stop the
compressions immediately but continue with mouth-
to-much resuscitation until natural breathing is fully
11 Place the victim in the recovery position as shown in
(Fig 7). Keep him warm and get medical help quickly.

8 Move back to the victim’s mouth to give two breaths

(mouth-to-mouth resuscitation). (Fig 6)

Other steps
1 Send for a doctor immediately.
2 Keep the victim warm with a blanket, wrapped up with
hot water bottles or warm bricks; stimulate circulation
by stroking the insides of the arms and legs towards
the heart.

9 Continue with another 15 compressions of the heart

followed by a further two breaths of mouth-to-mouth
resuscitation, and so on, check the pulse at frequent

TASK 7 : Treatment for bleeding victim

1 Determine the location of the bleeding.

2 Elevate the injured area above the heart if possible.
3 Apply direct pressure to the bleeding area with sterile
4 Keep the pressure on for 5 seconds.
5 Check to see if the bleeding has stopped if not apply
further pressure for 15 minutes.
6 Clean the wound.
7 Bandage the wound with pad of soft material. (Fig 1)
8 Advice victim to take treatment from doctor.

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.1.05 13

Automotive Exercise 1.1.06
Mechanic Diesel - Safety workshop practices
Practice on fire safety
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to;
• as a leader of the group
• as a member of the fire-fighting team.


• Fire extinguishers - 1 No each.
(different type)


General procedure to be adopted in the event of fire. If taking instructions.

1 Raise an alarm. Follow the method written below for - follow the instructions, and obey, if you can do so
giving an alarm signals when fire breakes out. safetly; do not risk getting trapped.
- by raising your voice and shouting Fire! Fire! to If giving instructions.
call theattention of others.
- assess the class of fire
- running towards fire alarm/bell to actuate it.
- send for sufficient assistance and inform the fire brigade
- other means.
- locate locally available suitable means to put out the
2 On receipt of the alarm signal. fire
- stop working. - judge the magnitude of the fire, ensure emergency exit
paths are clear of obstructions and then attempt to
- turn off all machinery and power.
evacuate. (Remove explosive materials, substances
- switch off fans/air circulators/exhaust fans. (Better that can serve as a ready fuel for fire within the vicinity
switch off the main) of the fire break)
3 If you are not involved in fighting the fire. - fight out the fire with assistance to put it out, by naming
the person responsible for each activity.
- leave calmly using the emergency exit.
5 Report the fire accident and the measures taken to
- evacuate the premises.
put out the fire, to the authorities concerned.
- assemble at a safe place along with the others.
Reporting all fires however small helps in the
- check if anyone has gone to inform about the fire
investingation of the cause of the fire. It helps
break to the concerned authority.
to prevent the same kind of accident occuring
- close the doors and windows, but do not lock or again.
Note : Perform this exercise with the support
4 If you are involved in fire fighting.
of fire service station.
- take instructions/give instructions for an organised
way of fighting the fire.

Automotive Exercise 1.1.07
Mechanic Diesel - Safety workshop practices
Practice on fire extinguishers
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• select the fire extinguisher according to the type of fire
• operate the fire extinguisher
• extinguish the fire.


Tools / Instruments Materials

• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Old tyre - as reqd.
• Wood, Paper, Cloth & Grease - as reqd.
• Gas and Liquified gas - as reqd.
• Cut - Models of fire extinguisher - as reqd. • Metal and Electrical equipment - as reqd.
• Fire extinguisher (different type) - as reqd.

1 Alert people surrounding by shouting fire, fire, fire when 2 Inform Fire Service or arrange to inform immediately.
you observe fire. (Fig 1a) (Fig 1b)

3 Open emergency exit and ask them to go away.
Do not allow people to go nearer to the fire
(Fig 1c & 1d)
4 Put "Off" electrical power supply. 5 Analyze and identify the type of fire. Refer Table1.


Class 'A' Wood, paper, cloth, solid material

Class 'B' Oil based fire (grease, gasoline, oil) &

liquefiable solids

Class 'C' Gas and liquefied gases

Class 'D' Metals and electrical equipment

Assume the fire is 'B' type (flammable 9 Pull the safety pin from the handle. (pin located at the
liquefiable solids) top of the fire extinguisher) (Fig 3)

6 Select CO2 (carbon dioxide) fire extinguisher

7 Locate and pick up CO2 fire extinguisher. Check for its
expiry date.
8 Break the seal. (Fig 2)

10 Aim the extinguisher nozzle or hose at the base of the

fire. (this will remove the source of fuel fire) (Fig 4)

Keep your self low.

11 Squeeze the handle lever slowly to discharge the agent

(Fig 5)
12 Sweep side to side approximately 15 cm over the fuel
fire until the fire is put off.

Fire extinguishers are manufactured for use

from the distance.
16 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.1.07
1 While putting off fire, the fire may flare up.
2 Do not be panic so long as it put off promptly
3 If the fire doesn't respond well after you have used up
the fire extinguisher move away your self away from
the fire point.
4 Do not attempt to put out a fire where it is emitting
toxic smoke, leave it to the professionals.
5 Remember that your life is more important than properly.
So don't place yourself or others at risk.

In order to remember the simple operation of

fire extinguisher.
P.A.S.S. This will help to use fire extinguisher.
P for pull.
A for aim.
S for squeeze.
S for sweep.

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.1.07 17

Automotive Exercise 1.1.08
Mechanic Diesel - Safety workshop practices
Practice on saving electrical energy
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• prepare the table and list the device used in ITI building
• calculate the amount of energy that is required in the ITI premises on day to day basis
• perform different way of energy conservation.


TASK 1 : Determine the energy conservaton

1 Survey the ITI building premises for lights, fans and 2 Use the table- 1 below for listing the devices with their
other appliances. actual energy ratings (wattage) and hours of use.
Table 1

Applications Approimate No of Total Average No. of Approximate

Load (watts) equipment load hours days in a units / months
(watts) / day month

A B C=AxB D E Unit=CxDxE/1000

CFL Lamp 5




Regular lamp 25




Tube lights 36


Table fan / 60

Ceiling fan 100

Exhaust fan 150

Air conditione 1000


Refrigerator 150
(165 liters)

(210 liters) 270


Other 200

3 Record and compare the current year consumption with
last year consumption and determine the saved energy
in Table 2.
Table 2

Month Last year (A) Current Year (B) Units saved / Excess (B-A)
No. of Units Bill Amount No. of Units Bill Amount Amount Saved / Excess
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs) (B-A)













TASK 2 : Perform different way of energy conservation

1 Make sure you are not still using tungsten light bulbs.
Replace them with CFL bulbs. CFLs reduce energy
consumption by about 75% completed with tungsten
bulbs, and they last longer.
2 Upgrade older fluorescent light fittings with modern high
frequency fluorescent fittings. (Fig 1)

4 Lighting in class rooms can use a lot of electricity,

which costs money. Classrooms can often be lit with
daylight instead. (Fig 3)
5 It is best to open the blinds when possible, and switch
3 Post a friendly reminder in each room to prompt off the lights whenever there is enough daylight.
students and teachers to turn off lights when not in
6 At the end of every day, turn off computers and screens.
use. (Fig 2)
7 Turn off the screens between classes, at break time,
and at lunch time.
8 Use the Power-Saving options in your computer
operating systems. (Fig 4)

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.1.08 19

13 Start by reading the meters at the beginning and end
of each day for the first week, and weekly from then on
14 Make a project to keep records of the meter readings
and draw graphs of consumption per month, and
compare each month with the same month last year.
Compare the total for the year too.
15 By measuring and monitoring your energy and water
use, you are more likely to be able to reduce costs.
16 use eco-friendly materials and place recycling bins in
all rooms.
17 Water costs money, so savings it is a good idea.
18 Install water displacement devices in WC cisterns.
19 Turn off urinals during the holidays, or install
automaticsystems to turn off the urinals.
20 Repair leaking taps. (Fig 6)


9 If your classroom is too hot and the heating is on, don't 21 Start a ITI sustainability club and promote energy
open the window to get rid of the heat. Turn the efficiency within the building and community.
thermostat down instead. 22 They are either no-cost or low-cost measures. By
10 Give some thought to what can be switched off before implementing the above Top-Ten Energy Saving Tips,
holidays, mid-term breaks and weekends, especially your ITI management can save money.
long weekends.
11 Printers, copiers, overhead projectors, computers,
electrical water heaters, water boilers, and lots of other
things can be switched off. (Fig 5)
12 Read your electricity, gas, oil and water meters often;
at least monthly.

20 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.1.08

Automotive Exercise 1.2.09
Mechanic Diesel - Measuring & Marking practice
Marking practice on the given job
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• draw lines on metallic surfaces by scribers
• draw parallel lines on metallic surfaces by jenny calipers
• draw parallel lines with a surface gauge supporting the job against the angle plate
• draw angles with a simple protractor and scriber
• bisect the angles with a divider
• draw circles with a divider
• draw curves and tangents with dividers steel rule and scribers
• register the profile by dot punching
• punch the centre of the circle with a centre punch and ball-peen hammer.


Tools / Instruments
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Surface gauge & Depth gauge - 1 No.
• Outside, Inside & Jenny caliper - 1 No.
• Scriber, Divider, ‘V’ groove - 1 No. each
• Surface plate - 1 No
• Bevel Protactor - 1 No.
• Centre punch & Angle plate - 1 No. Materials
each • Chalk powder - as reqd.
• MS Plate - as reqd.

Marking 1

1 Check the raw material for its size and its squareness. 4 Scribe two lines by joining points ab and cd, using a
steel rule and scriber. (Fig 2)
2 Apply copper sulphate solution on one side of the job
and allow it to dry. 5 Punch witness marks and complete 'Z' shape
3 Scribe parallel lines to the edges 'x' and 'y' using a
surface gauge. (Fig 1)

Marking 2
To avoid confusion, do not scribe the line 6 Apply the marking medium on the other side of the job
longer than necessary. and allow it to dry.
7 Mark the centre lines of three circles and one
semicircle using the jenny caliper.
16 Mark all the parallel lines to the edges using the surface
17 Also mark the starting points of the Vee groove.
18 Set and lock the bevel protractor at 55°.
19 Butt the bevel protractor on to the edge of the job and
mark one side of the Vee groove. (Fig 6)

8 Punch all the four centres using a 30° prick punch.

(Fig 5)
9 Open and set the divider to 5 mm. (Fig 3)

Make sure that both the legs of the divider are

of equal length.

10 Draw two circles of ø10 using the divider. (Fig 4)

20 Continue the same procedure and complete the 44°

Vee groove.
21 Complete the Vee block marking.
22 Bisect any two sides of the triangle formed by the 55°
Vee groove, and get the centre and radius of the circle.
(Fig 7)

23 Draw the circle on the 55° Vee groove. (Fig 8)

11 Set the divider and draw ø12 circle and R35 semicircle.
12 Punch witness marks on the circles and semicircles.

Reuse the same material for marking 3 and 4

Marking 3
13 File and finish one of the marked surfaces flat and
14 Apply copper sulphate solution on the finished side. 24 Similarly draw the circle on the 44° Vee groove.
15 Butt the job against the angle plate. 25 Punch witness marks.

22 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.2.09

Marking 4
26 File and finish the other surface flat,deburr and apply
the marking medium.
27 Scribe the centre lines and parallel lines to the edges
'x' and 'y'. (Fig 9)

31 Draw all the four circles using a divider.

32 Draw R8, R8 and R10 curves a little more than the
length required.
33 Draw two tangents close to the edges of the 'x' and 'y'
circles using a steel rule and scriber. (Fig 10) and
complete the marking as per shape given.
34 Punch witness marks.
28 Set 97° on the bevel protractor.
29 Mark 97° line through point '0' and get the centres of
the other two circles. (Fig 10)
30 Punch centre marks on all the four circles.

Skill sequence

Marking parallel lines using surface gauge

Objectives: This shall help you to
• mark parallel lines using a surface gauge
• set the surface gauge to any height dimension.

• Check the free movement of the scriber and other • Make sure that the job has no burrs and has been
sliding units. properly cleaned.
• Clean the base of the surface gauge. • Apply a thin and even coating of the marking media.
• Keep the surface firmly on the surface plate. • Butt the job against the angle plate.
• Rest the steel rule against the angle plate and set the • Hold the job in one hand and move the scriber point
scriber to the size to be marked. (Fig 1) touching the surface across the work and mark.
(Fig 2)

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.2.09 23

Marking lines parallel to the edge of the job
Objectives: At the end of the exercise you shall be able to;
• mark parallel lines using a jenny caliper.

Apply marking medium on the surface to be marked. Incline slightly and move the jenny caliper with uniform
speed and mark lines.
Set the jenny caliper to the size to be marked (i.e.
dimension) with the help of a steel rule. (Fig 1) Make witness marks on the lines marked using a 60°
prick punch. The witness marks should not be too close
Transfer the set dimension to the job. (Fig 2)
to one another.

Note to the instructor : Provide old exercise and models as much as possible to the trainess for acquiring
measuring skills with simple measuring instruments.

24 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.2.09

Automotive Exercise 1.2.10
Mechanic Diesel - Measuring & Marking practice
Measure wheel base of a vehicle
Objective: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• measure the wheel base of a vehicle.


Tools / Instruments Equipments

• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Vehicle - 1 No.
• Measuring tape and Plumb bob - 1 No
• Cotton waste - as reqd.


1 Place the vehicle on a plain ground (Fig 1) 6 Use the plumb bob and mark the vehicle front wheel
centre (from the side view of vehicle) on the ground.
(Fig 2)

2 Make the wheels straight ahead

3 Apply the vehicle hand brake
4 Apply wheel chokes on front and rear wheels
5 Close all the doors

7 Similarly mark the vehicle rear wheel centre (from the

same side view of the vehicle) on the ground
8 Measure the wheel base using measuring tape
between the two markings

Skill sequence

Practice on use of tape and plumb bob

Objective: This shall help you to
• measure wheel base front overhang and rear overhang.

Select the correct measurement tape (Fig 4) Keep the tape straight till the other end of the marked line
Select the proper length of measuring tape Note down the measurement line of the tape coincide
Release the lock of the tape & pull it out for measurement with the marked line on the ground

Front end of the tape should be coincide with the centre Take the measurement & check with the manufacturer's
mark line on the ground specified wheel base data. (Fig 5)

Measure the distance between centre of front wheel so
center of rear wheel, which wheels are in straight ahead
position. This is wheel base. (Fig 3)
Measure the distance between center of from LH tyre to
center of front RH tyre. This is wheel track. (Fig 3)
Measure the distance between center of front wheel to
the farthest point of the vehicle in front direction. This is
front overhang. Measure the distance between center of
rear wheel to the farthest point in the rear (normally rear
bumper). This is rear overhang. (Fig 3)

26 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.2.10

Automotive Exercise 1.2.11
Mechanic Diesel - Measuring & Marking practice
Check the valve spring tension
Objective: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• check the spring tension on spring tester.


Tools / Instruments Materials

• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Kerosene - as reqd.
• Valve spring - as reqd.
• Work table - 1 No.
• Coil spring tension tester - 1 No.


1 Clean the spring to be tested

2 Place the spring (1) vertically on the spring tester.
(Fig 1) Ensure that the moveable spindle (2) does not
touch the spring (1).
3 Note down the height of the spring (1) on the graduated
scale (4). This is the free length of the spring.
4 Press the spring (1) by moving the column (2)
downward. The gauge (3) will show the load on the
spring. Press column (2) till the testing load (spcified
by the manufacturer) is obtained.
5 Note down the height of the spring (1) at the testing
6 Replace the spring, if the free length of the spring and
the height at the testing load (or either of these two) is
less than the minimum limit specified by the Note down the free length of the spring and
manufacturer. the height of the testing load in Table 1.

Table 1

SI. No. Free length of used spring Testing load height of spring

Automotive Exercise 1.2.12
Mechanic Diesel - Measuring & Marking practice
Practice on removing wheel lug nuts
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• handle an air impact wrench
• loosen and tighten wheel nuts
• set the required torque.


Tools / Instruments
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No.
• Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Air impact wrench - 1 set.
• Wheel nut - as reqd.
• Vehicle - 1 No.
• Air Compressor unit - 1 No.

9 Set the direction of spin forward or backward with the
1 Park the vehicle on level ground.
help of wrench lever.
2 Apply Hand Brake.
10 Set the torque by turning the valve to increase or
3 Close all the doors. decrease.
4 Put wheel chocks to all the wheels. 11 Insert impact socket on the wheel lug nut.
5 Remove the wheel cap. 12 Trigger the switch of the impact wrench to loosen and
remove the wheel lug nuts.
6 Check the Air impact wrench is connected to the Air
lines. 13 After removing all wheel nuts, place one or two nuts
on the wheel bolt to avoid slipping of the wheel while
7 Select correct size of socket/special socket for wheel
jackup the vehicle for wheel removing.
lug nut which can with-stand sudden impact force (six
point Impact Socket).
Do not use an Impact wrench to tighten the
8 Fit the socket on the Air-impact wrench. (Fig 1) wheel lug nuts
Wear ear protection device such as ear muffs
and ear plugs
Wear safety glasses for eye protection
Apply a few drops of oil to inlet of the air
impact wrench before using
Ensure there is no air-leakage on the line and
adequate air pressure is available.

Automotive Exercise 1.2.13
Mechanic Diesel - Measuring & Marking practice

Practice on handling workshop tools and power tools

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify screw driver for specific purpose and handle it
• identify spanner & wrenches for specific purpose and handle it
• identify pliers for specific purpose and handle it
• tightening locking devices
• make flare joints & fittings
• select the puller for removing gear and bearing from shaft.


Tools / Instruments
• Car washer - 1 No.
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No.
• Jack mechanical and hydraulic - 1 No.
• Screw driver - 1 Set.
• Hydraulic press - 1 No.
• Ring and D/E spanners - 1 Set.
• Flaring equipments - 1 No.
• Pliers - 1 Set.
• Kerosene - as reqd.
• Pullers - 1 No.
• Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Air compressor - 1 No.
• Pipe - as reqd.
• Steel wire - as reqd.

TASK 1 : Identify the screw driver for specific purpose

Checking the condition of the fastener to be removed 5 Select the longest suitable screwdriver with that size
1 Clean the surface of the fastener to be removed by of tip. (Fig 2)
using kerosene, of banian cloth. Make sure your hands and the handle are dry
2 Check the cornering faces of the fastener for any wear and not greasy.
or damage.
3 If it is found good, then proceed as follows
4 Select the correct size screwdriver to suit the screw
slot. (Fig 1)

6 Hold the screwdriver with its axis in line with the axis
of the screw.
7 Guide the blade with the left hand. Apply a little
pressure with the right hand to keep the tip in the slot.
(Fig 3)

Standard screwdrivers (Fig 5) can be dressed

by filing if they are worn out. Begin filing on
the end of the tip. After dressing, the tip must
be symmetrical about the axis of the blade.
All corners must be square. The end must be
at right angles to the axis in both planes.
8 Twist firmly and steadily.

Keep the tip centered in the slot and the axis

of the blade in line with the axis of the screw.
Always brace small works against the bench
or other firm support before using a
Never hold a small work in your hand while
using a screw driver.

9 Turn large screws, use a screwdriver with a square

blade. Apply extra twisting force with the aid of a close
fitting spanner. (Fig. 4)

Never use pliers or toothed wrenches to apply

twisting force to a screwdriver. 12 Use offset screw driver (Fig 6) in a restricted place.
13 Reverse the screwdriver after one end to get on quarter
10 A Standard screwdriver blade should be ground to 9° turn on .
so that the faces will be almost parallel with the sides
of the screw slot. The end of the blade should be made 14 Use the other end to get the next quarter turn and so
as thick as the slot in the screw will permit. on.

Do not grind the blade to a chisel point, as it

has a tendency to slip out of the screw slot.

11 Grind the width on both sides to an angle of 11°. The

width should be equal to the diameter of the head.

Never grind screwdrivers on a silicon carbide

grinding wheel.

30 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.2.13

Keep pressing the tip into the slot as you turn.
15 Use ratchet screwdriver (Fig 7) for quick turning.
16 Keep the left hand on knurling, right hand on the ratchet

Change the direction of control depending on

your movement.
Phillips (cross-recess) screwdrivers (Figs 8 &9)

TASK 2 : Identify spanner & wrenches for specific purpose

Identifying the correct size of the tool

1 Determine the distance across the flats of a nut or

bolt to be removed. (Fig 1)

Handling the Tool excess clearance will cause

slipping of spanner & fasteners corners gets
2 Decide the size of the spanner. 4 Select the correct size of the socket. (Fig 3)
3 Choose the spanner that allows sufficient room without 5 Take a sliding offset handle and insert the drive
excess clearance for use. (Fig 2) attachment with square driving ends of a socket.

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.2.13 31

9 Insert the ring spanner on the bolt or nut.
10 Keep the position of the shank perpendicular to your
forearms which enables you maximum leverage.
11 Use D.E. Spanner where ring spanner is not suitable.

Always try to pull the spanner.

6 Insert the socket wrench on the bolt or nut and confirm If you are forced to push the spanner, use the
whether it inserts fully. base of your hand and keep your hand open.
7 Keep the position of the handle perpendicular to your
Use both hands for large spanner.
forearm which enables you maximum leverage.
8 Pull the socket handle and drive out the nut/bolt head. Keep yourself balanced and firm to avoid
If the socket wrench is not usable for that
particular fastener, then use ring spanner.
(Fig 4)

TASK 3 : Handling of Plier

1 Select a component with lock wire to nut, which is to

be removed.
2 Use the combination plier flat grip for untwist the lock
3 After untwisting, pull the lock wire from the nut.
4 Remove the nut with proper spanner.
5 Select a brake pipe line to be removed from a junction.
6 Hold the brake pipe line with serrated pipe grip portion
at combination pliers. (Fig 1)
7 Select proper size of proper double open end spanner
& remove the union nut.
8 Select a 3 mm electrical wire to be cut.
11 Select a steel wire to be cut. (Fig 3)
9 Place the wire between joint cutters at the point which
12 Place the steel wire in between side cutter.
is to be cut. (Fig 2)
13 Press the handle to cut the wire.
10 Press the handle to cut the wires.
14 Select a nut with tab washer to be removed.

32 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.2.13

19 Remove the nut with proper spanner.
20 Select a wire to be trimmed.
21 Place the end of the wire to be trimmed by end cutting
plier in between the cutting end. (Fig 6)

22 Apply pressure on handles to cut the wire.

23 Select the steel wire to be cut close to the component
24 Cut the steel wire by slip joint multi gripplier applying
pressure on the handles.
25 Use the cutting pliers to spread the cotter pin.
26 Select a stead with lock nut, from which lock nut has
to be removed.
27 Hold the stead by locking pliers adjusting the screw
15 Unfold the tab washer with help of flat nose pliers.
in the handle lock with lever.
(Fig 4)
28 Use a proper spanner to remove the locking nut.
29 Select a wire which has to be converted into loop.
30 Hold the wire between the jaws. (Fig 7)

16 Use a proper spanner to remove the nut.

17 Select a cylindrical component with nut.
18 Hold the cylindrical shaft with help of slip joint pliers
jaws. (Fig 5)
21 Form a loop by tuning the round nose pliers.

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.2.13 33

Skill Sequence

Tightening locking devices

Objective: This shall help you to
• use different types of locking devices correctly.

Split pin (Fig 1) Outside circlip or snapping (Fig 3)

Tighten the nut (1) at the specified torque. Hold an outside circlip shaft end (1) with the help of an
external circlip plier (2).
Check the bolt’s (2) holes and nut’s (1) slot alignment, if
not aligned, align the hole by tightening the nut (1) slightly. Press the external circlip plier (2) so that the circlip (1)
will enlarge in diameter.
Insert a new suitable split pin (3) in the slot and hole. So
that the loop on vertical plane. While sliding, set it in the shaft groove (3). Ensure that
the circlip sits squarely in groove (3) and rotate freely.
Drive the split pin (3) fully inside with the help of a copper
drift or rod and hammer. Take out the plier (2).

Wire ring hose clamp (Fig 4)

Spread open the long side of the split pin and bend it on Clean the outside surface where the hose-pipe is to be
the nut. set.
Inside circlip or snap ring (Fig 2) Apply grease inside the starting end surface for easy
Hold an internal circlip on hole face (1) with the help of an insertion.
internal circlip plier (2). Set the wier spring hose clamp (1) on the hose-pipe (2).
Press the circlip (1) with the help of the plier (2) so that Slide the hose-pipe (2) on the metal pipe (3).
its diameter will be smaller than the hole diameter.
Press the hose clamp (1) with the help of a plier (4) and
slide it on the joint of the hose-pipe (2) and metal pipe (3).
Take out the plier (4)

In this position insert the circlip in such a manner that it

will sit squarely in the groove (3).
Take out the plier (2) after checking rotation of clip.

34 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.2.13

Skill Sequence

Handling of pipe flaring & cutting tools

Objective: This shall help you to
• cut a G.I. pipe using a pipe cutter.

Measure the required length of pipe and mark it with chalk. Rotate the pipe cutter around the pipe. (Fig 4)

Keep the pipe in the pipe vice and tighten it. (Fig 1)

After two or three turns use the jacking screw to apply

pressure on the cutting wheel. (Fig 5)
Fit the pipe cutter on the G.I. pipe (on the scribed line)
and tighten the jacking screw so that the cutting wheel is
touching the pipe. (Fig 2)

Keep rotating the pipe cutter around the pipe. Increase

the pressure to the cutter by repeating the cycle until the
pipe is cut through. (Fig 6)

Ensure that the pipe is kept horizontal and

parallel to the serrations such that the marking
is visible at the top.

Rotate one or two turns to ensure that the cutting wheel

is sitting exactly on the scribed line at 90° to the pipe.
(Fig 3)

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.2.13 35

Support the pipe with your left hand so that the free end Remove burrs using a pipe reamer. (Fig 9)
of the pipe does not fall. (Fig 7)

The cut portion of the pipe will appear as

Check that the pipe ends are square. (Fig 10)
shown in Fig 8.

Skill sequence
Make flare joints and test them with flare fittings
Objectives: This shall help you to
• flare the end pipe
• joint flare nut with flare fitting and test it.
Brake line pipes / Fuel pipe lines / Air conditioner pipe Examine the pipe flaring tool. Make sure that you
lines are sometimes jointed to fittings by making a flared understand how it works before starting to flare the end of
connection. a pipe.
The end of the pipe is opened out to form a cone (Fig 1). Make sure that the end of the pipe is free of rough edges
before flaring
Always place the special flare nut on the pipe first before
flaring. Place the pipe in the tool (Fig 2). Make sure that you
a) Place the flare nut on the pipe
b) Chose the correct size hole in the flaring tool to fit hte
pipe; (there are 5 holes to fit different sizes of pipe.)
If the pipe is 1/4 inch (6mm) in diameter, postition the
pipe so that the end is at least 2 mm above the top of the
flaring block (Fig 3). (This distance is calculated as “pipe
diameter divided by 3”; i this case, 6mm divided by 3=
2 mm).
Tighten the nuts at each end of the flaring block (see
36 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.2.13
Oil the cone and slowly screw it into the end of the pipe.

The end of the pipe will be formed into a flare

(Fig 4).

Fit the yoke to the flaring block (Fig 3)

Unscrew & remove the flaring block remove the flared pipe
from the block.
Examine the flare. If it has cracked, the cone was screwd
down too quickly.
Make sure that the flare is the correct size. It should just
fit inside the flare nut. If it is too loose, cut off the flare and
start again
Use 3 mm instead of 2 mm. Repeat until the flare is the
correct size for the flare nut - not too loose and not too

Observation Table 1

Sl. No. Skills Remarks

1 Checking flaring Cracked/uneven/too small/too long/incorrect

2 Number of attempts One/two/three

Note : Repate the steps to the sizes of copper tube

Joining with flare fittings

Put thread seal tape on the thread
Push back the flare nut and place the flared tube on the
fitting, then tighten the flare nut using adjustable wrench
or suitable double end spanner.
Tighten the one end of the tube to the cylinder with the
flare nut. (Fig 5)
Connect a pressure gauge at the other end of the tube
with flare nut.

Do not give more pressure while tightening

since this will spoil flare.
Make sure that they should not be loose in the
Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.2.13 37
Observation Table 2

Sl. No. Skills Remarks

1 Selection of correct fittings Correct/not correct

2 Joining method Excellent/good/fair
3 Time taken Less/very less/more

If there is no leak, the pressure in the pressure gauge will

The pressure will be shown in the pressure remain constant.
If it decreases, check the joints with soap solution foam.
Then close the cylinder valve. Major leaks will make noise Leak will bubble, then tight the joints. If it stands still then
and that nut needs to be tightened. there is no leak.

Observation Table 3

Sl. No. Skills Remarks

1 Selection of tools Excellent/Good/Average

2 Detecting leak and arresting Excellent/Good/Average

38 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.2.13

Skill sequence
Handling of puller, gear & bearing
Objectives: This shall help you to
• select, install to use a puller for removing gear from shaft
• select install to use of puller for removing bearing from shaft.

Identify the object to be removed, i.e. Gear / Bearing.

Determine the size of the Gear / Bearing to be removed.
Choose a puller according to Gear / Bearing i.e, 2 or 3
Jaw & External or Internal Jaw puller.
Unscrew the forcing screw of the puller to the optimum
Split open the jaw of the puller.
Position the jaws of the puller over gear as shown in the
diagram. (Fig 1)

Position the tip of forcing screw on the shaft, as shown in

the diagram. (Fig 2)
Tighten the forcing screw till the forcing screw end touches
the shaft.
Check the puller is not going to slip of from the center of
shaft & readjust if necessary.
Tighten the forcing screw till the gear comes all of the

Always wear proper personal protective gear
(i.e gloves, safety glasses)
Never use a tool to strike the puller. Hitting
the puller may cause if to break.
Applying heat to the puller may damage it.

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF - 4) - Exercise 1.2.13 39

Automotive Exercise 1.2.14
Mechanic Diesel - Measuring & Marking practice

Practice on measuring outside diameters

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• measure cam height using outside micrometer
• measure camshaft journal diameter using outside micrometer
• measure crankshaft journal diameter using outside micrometer
• measure valve stem diameter using outside micrometer
• measure piston pin & piston skirt diameter using outside micrometer.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Outside micrometer (0 - 25mm) - 1 No. • Camshaft - 1 No.
Equipments • Crankshaft - 1 No.
• Valve - 1 Set.
• Work bench - 1 No. • Piston - 1 Set.
• V blocks - 1 Pair • Piston pin - 1 Set.
• Cotton waste - as reqd
• Kerosene - as reqd


TASK 1 : Check the cam height

1 Check the camshaft visually for crabs Measuring on Cam height, Camshaft Journal
dia, crankshaft journal dia, Valve stem dia,
2 Clean the camshaft using a small brush with
piston diameter, and piston pin dia with
recommended cleaning solvent
outside Micrometers.
3 Clear sludge and gum deposit
8 Using a micrometer, measure the cam lobe height and
4 Blow out the passages with compressed air with the record the results in a table 1 below (Fig 1)
help of micrometer measure the reading
5 Before taking the measurement, ensure that
micrometer is adjusted for zero setting
6 Record the main scale reading and thimble reading
7 Check the cam shaft at 2 or 3 places on the table and
arrive at the observed value.

Table 1

Component Name Main scale Reading Coinciding Thimble Least count Result
scale (div)
(a) (b) (c) R = a + (b x c)

Cam lob height 0.01

TASK 2 : Check the cam shaft journal diameter

1 Inspect the journal diameter of the camshaft and record

the results in a table 2 below. (Fig 2)

Table 2

Component Name Main scale Reading Coinciding Thimble Least count Result
scale (div)
(a) (b) (c) R = a + (b x c)

Cam shaft journal 0.01


TASK 3 : Check the crankshaft journal diameter

1 Use a micrometer to measure crankshaft journal
diameter at two places, 180 apart and at two points
along its length. Record the result in a Table 3.
2 Put the bearing caps at their respective places with
the same bolts.
3 Clean the crankshaft using a small brush with the
recommended cleaning solvent.
4 Clear sludge and gum deposits from the drilled oil
passages in the crankshaft by the wire brush.
5 Blow out the passages with compressed air

With the help of a micrometer measure the

journal diameter at ‘1’ ‘2’ ‘3’ & ‘4’. The
difference in reading between '1' & '3' and '2'
& '4' will give the ovality. (Fig 1)

6 Measure the oil clearance between the crankshaft main

journal and the bearing shell.
Table 3

Component Name Main scale Reading Coinciding Thimble Least count Result
scale (div)
(a) (b) (c) R = a + (b x c)

Crank shaft journal 0.01


Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.2.14 41

TASK 4 : Check the diameter of the valve stem

1 Use a micrometer to measure the diameter of the valve

stem and record the results in a table 4 below. (Fig 1)

Table 4

Component Name Main scale Reading Coinciding Thimble Least count Result
scale (div)
(a) (b) (c) R = a + (b x c)

Valve stem 0.01


TASK 5 : Check the piston & piston pin (Fig 5 & Fig 6)

1 Use a micrometer to measure the piston diameter at

right angles to the piston pin center line, and at a
position 52 mm (2.05 in.) from the top of the piston
head and record the results in a table 5 below. (Fig 1)

Table 5

Component Name Main scale Reading Coinciding Thimble Least count Result
scale (div)
(a) (b) (c) R = a + (b x c)

Piston diameter 0.01

42 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.2.14

2 Use a micrometer to measure the external diameter
of the piston pin and record the results. (Fig 2)

Table 6

Component Name Main scale Reading Coinciding Thimble Least count Result
scale (div)
(a) (b) (c) R = a + (b x c)

Piston pin diameter 0.01

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.2.14 43

Automotive Exercise 1.2.15
Mechanic Diesel - Measuring & Marking practice

Practice on measuring height by using depth micrometer

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• measure the height of the rotor of an oil pump.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Oil pump rotor body - 1 No.
Equipments • Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Kerosene - as reqd.
• Depth micrometer - 1 Set.


TASK 1 : Measure the depth of the oil pump body

1 Check the zero reading of the depth micrometer.
(Fig 2)
2 Fix the frame surface with surface of the oil pump rotor
3 Rest your left hand on the surface of the work being
measured and hold the anvil to touch the surface.
(Fig 1)
4 Turn the micrometer thimble with your thumb and finger
until you feel the anvil to touch the surface of the oil
pump rotor body.
5 Read the actual reading hidden by thimble.

When you are satisfied with the feel.

Lift the micrometer carefully from the gap.
Zero graduation of the sleeve is on the top.
(Fig 2)

Rotor type oil pump

6 Measure the actual reading in the gap between housing

surface to rotor’s surface.(Fig 3)
7 Measure the actual reading the height of the rotor from
the surface of the oil pump housing

Automotive Exercise 1.2.16
Mechanic Diesel - Measuring & Marking practice

Practice on measuring the valve spring free length

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• measure the valve spring free length.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Valve springs - as reqd
• Valve spring tester - 1 No. • Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Kerosene - as reqd.


1 Clean the valve spring to be measure.

2 Clean the spring tester. (Fig 1)
3 Place the spring (1) vertically on the spring tester as
shown in the fig. Ensure that the moveable spindle (2)
does not touches the spring (1).
4 Note down the free length (height) of the spring (1) on
the graduated scale (4).
5 Compare the valve spring free length with service
manual specified limit.

Automotive Exercise 1.2.17
Mechanic Diesel - Measuring & Marking practice

Practice on measuring inside diameter by using telescopic gauge

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• measure the cylinder bore diameter using telescopic gauge
• measure the connecting rod big end diameter using telescopic gauge
• measure the camshaft bearing inside diameter using telescopic gauge.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Engine block - 1 No.
Equipments • Cotton waste - as reqd.

• Out side micrometer - 1 No.

• Telescopic gauge - 1 Set.


TASK 1 : Measure the inside diameter of a bore using telescopic gauge

1 Clean the cylinder bore with a piece of cloth.

2 Measure the approximate size of the cylinder bore.
3 Select the suitable range of a telescopic gauge.
4 Press the moving leg gently and place it inside the
cylinder bore.
5 Release the pressure and allow both the legs to touch
on the wall of the cylinder bore.
6 Keep the telescopic gauge perpendicular to the
diameter of the cylinder bore. (Fig 2)
7 Move the gauge slightly inside the hole and correct ‘
8 Lock the telescopic gauge.
Remove it gently from the cylinder bore.

Transfer the measurement to an outside micrometer and


Take the measurement at A1, A2 and note down. (Fig 1)

Take the measurement at B1 , B2 and note down.

SI. No. A B The difference of measurement between A1 - B1 and

A2 - B2 are the ovality
1 A1 B1

2 A2 B2 The difference in measurement between A1 - A2 and B1 -

B2 is the tapper.
A = NonThrust side.
Note down the maximum ovality and tapper. If any one of
it is found more than the specified limit by the
B = thrust side.
manufacturer, then recommend for reboring or replacement
of the liner.

TASK 2 : Measure the connecting rod big end diameter using telescopic gauge

1 Measure the approximate size of connecting rod bore

with steel rule.
2 Select a suitable range of a telescopic gauge(1)
(Fig 1).
3 Press the moving leg gently and place it inside the
connecting rod bore (2).
4 Release the press and alow both the legs to touch on
the wall of the connecting rod bore (2).
5 Keep the telescopic gauge perpendicular to the
diameter of the connecting rod bore.
6 Move the gauge slightly inside the connecting rod bore
and get the correct feel.
7 Lock the telescopic gauage (1).
8 Remove it gently from the connecting rod bore.
9 Transfer the measurement to an o/s micrometer & read
compare the reading with service manual specified
TASK 3 : Measuring practice on inside diameter of a cam-shaft bearing with telescopic gauge

1 Measure the approximate size of cam-shaft bearing 6 Move the gauge slightly inside the cam-shaft bearing
(2) with steel rule. & get the correct feel.
2 Select a suitable range of a telescopic gauge (1). 7 Lock the telescopic gauge.
(Fig 1)
8 Remove it gently from the cam-shaft bearing.
3 Press the moving legs gently and place it inside cam-
9 Transfer the measurement to an o/s micro-meter &
shaft bearning (2).
read the measurement and compare with manufactures
4 Release and press and allow both legs to touch on standard specification.
the wall of the cam-shaft bearing (2).
5 Keep the telescopic gauge perpendicular to the
diameter of the cam-shaft bearing.

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.2.17 47

Automotive Exercise 1.2.18
Mechanic Diesel - Measuring & Marking practice

Practice on measuring cylinder bore

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• remove the connecting rod with piston
• clean the cylinder bore
• measure the cylinder bore diameter, wear/ovality/tapperness with a micrometer and bore dial gauge.


Tools / Instruments Materials

• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Banian cloth - as reqd.
• Bore diagauge - 1 No. • Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Paper - 1 No.
Equipments • Pencile - 1 No.
• Engine block - 1 No.


Checking taper ovality of cylinder bore. (Fig 1) Select the correct size of extension rod (1) which is more
Clean cylinder bore with a piece of cloth. than measuring range.

Measure inside diameter of the bore with an inside micro Assemble the extension rod on the stem of the dial test
meter indicator (2) and with the help of 75-100mm outside
micrometer set “0”.
Press the spring loaded plunger end (3).
Tilt the bore gauge and insert into the bore, check gauge
parallel to measuring spindle note the needle returning
Take measurement at (5) with the bore gauge and note
down the reading.
Take another reading at 6 & 4 note down the reading.
Repeat above at three places (9, 8 & 7).
The difference in measurement between (9) & (5), (8) &
(6) and (7) & (4) is ovality. The difference in measurement
between (9) and (8), (8) and (7), and (9) and (7) is taper.
Note down maximum ovality and taper. If any one of them
is more than the specified limit, recommend for reboring/
replacement of liner.

Automotive Exercise 1.2.19
Mechanic Diesel - Measuring & Marking practice

Practice on measuring runout and end play of crank shaft

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• check wear of crank shaft
• check end play of crank shaft


Tools / Instruments Materials

• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Banian cloth - as reqd.
• Out side micrometer - 1 No. • Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Feeler gauge - 1 No. • Crank shaft - 1 No.
• Dial indicator - 1 No. • Valve guide - 1 No.
• Magnetic base - 1 No. • Fly wheel - 1 No.
• Diesel Engine - 1 No.
• Work bench - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Check wear of crank shaft (Fig 1)

Place two ‘V’ blocks (1) on the surface table (2). Bring the dial indicator (4) at the centre of the shaft (3)
Place the shaft(3) on the ‘V’ blocks and adjust the distance Push the dial indicator’s (4) needle on the shaft so that
between the ‘V’ blocks in such a way that on either side the needle shows some deflection.
of the ‘V’ block the shaft does not over hang more than 1/
Adjust the indicator’s needle to ‘O’ position by rotating
10th of its total length
the dial.
Rotate the shaft (3) by hand and note down the deflection
of the needle. This will give the bend of the shaft at the
Repeat the above steps at three places, so as to cover
the complete length of the shaft (3).
Note down the maximum wear at all the places.

Replace the shaft, if the maximum bend at any

one or more places is found more than the
limit specified by the manufacturer.

Place the dial indicator with the magnetic base (5) on the
surface table.

TASK 2 : Checking crankshaft end play (Fig 1)

Fix the magnetic base (10) on the cylinder block (11) or Note down the crankshaft end play and compare with the
on inspection table. manufacturer’s specifications.

Set the dial gauge (12) on the crankshaft flange (13)

Set the dial gauge for ‘O’ (zero).
By using the lever (14) move the crankshaft forward and
TASK 3 : Check the wear of valve guides
Place the dial indicator with a magnetic base on the face 1 Set the position of the needle of the dial indicator to
of the cylinder head (Fig 1). zero (Fig 2).
2 Move the valve in a radial direction away from the dial
indicator as far as possible (Fig 3).

3 Possition the contact point of the dial indicator on the

edge of the valve head (Fig 3).
4 Move the valve in a radial direction towards the dial
indicator as far as possible (Fig 3).
5 Note the distance of movement on the dial indicator.

If the distances is greater than the maximum

clearance of the valve in the valve guide,
replace the valve guide. This is called service
Note : All ‘lubricant must be removed from the
outside of the inlet and exhaust valve guides
before the valve seal in installed. Do not cut
valve seat before the valve guide is installed.

50 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.2.19

Automotive Exercise 1.2.20
Mechanic Diesel - Measuring & Marking practice

Practice on measuring cylinder head flatness

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• check flatness of surface by straight edge and feeler gauge.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tools kit - 1 No. • Cylinder head - 1 No.
• Straight edge - 1 No. • Banian cloth - as reqd.
• Long leaf feeler gauge - 1 No. • Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Work table - 1 No.

Check engine head flatness by feeler gauge
1 Clean the cylinder head surface to be checked.
(Fig 1)
2 Place part (1) on a plain surface, so that surface, to
be checked, faces upward.
3 Keep the straight edge (2) on surface and press the
straight edge at the centre with your left hand.
4 Insert the feeler gauge (3) leaves between the straight
edge (2) and the surface.
5 Note down the thickness of the thickest leaf/leaves
which can be inserted between the straight edge (2)
and the surface. This thickness gives the maximum 7 Recommend for resurfacing/replacement of parts (1) if
face out in that direction. maximum face out in any one or more directions is
6 Repeat the above steps in 4 directions and note down more than the limit specified by the manufacturer.
the maximum face out in all the 4 directions.

Automotive Exercise 1.2.21
Mechanic Diesel - Measuring & Marking practice

Measuring piston ring end gap and piston to cylinder clearance

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• check the piston ring end gap
• check piston to cylinder wall clearance.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tools kit - 1 No. • Piston - 1 No
• Feeler gauge - 1 No. • Piston rings - 1 No.
• Engine block with liner - 1 No.
• Banian cloth - 1 No.
• Diesel engine - 1 No. • Cotton waste - 1 No.
• Work table - 1 No.

Check end gap of piston ring and piston to cylinder 7 Insert long leaf feeler gauge between piston and cylinder
wall clearance with the feeler gauge (Fig 1) bore.
1 Clean the cylinder bore (1) thoroughly.
If it is tight, reduce the thickness of feeler
2 Insert the piston ring inside the cylinder bore squarely. gauge and verify with the bore piston.
3 Use a bore piston to place the piston ring square in If the bore piston moves very free, increase
the liner/bore. the feeler gauge thickness.
4 Insert feeler gauge and measure the piston ring end
gap (4). 8 Calculate the thickness of feeler gauge, which allows
movement of piston with a slight pressure.
5 Remove the piston ring and Clean the cylinder bore.
6 Insert the piston without piston ring inside the cylinder This thickness is the piston to cylinder wall
bore. (Fig 1) clearance match the same with the company

9 Remove the piston from the cylinder bore.

Automotive Exercise 1.2.22
Mechanic Diesel - Measuring & Marking practice

Perform engine vacuum test

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• check the engine vacuum test.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 Set. • Rubber hose - as reqd.
• Vacuum gauge - 1 No. • Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Paper A4 sheet - 1 Sheet.
Equipments • Pencil/Pen - 1 No.
• Running Engine Petrol / Diesel - 1 Set.


1 Warm up the given engine.

2 Connect the vacuum gauge to the intake manifold
(disconnect vacuum booster is used) (Fig 1).

3 Read the vacuum gauge reading at idle speed, normal

speed & high speed.
List the reading (measurement) one by one.

Adjust the gauge damper until needle moves

easily without excessive flutter.

Normal reading: needle between 15 and 22 in holding

steady. (Fig 2)
Blown head gasket: A regular drop of fair magnitude
Intake leak: A low, steady reading can be caused by an can be caused by a blown head gasket or wrapped head
air intake manifold or carburetor mounting flange gasket the block surface.
Deduct 1 inch for each 1,000 feet of elevation.

Automotive Exercise 1.2.23
Mechanic Diesel - Measuring & Marking practice

Check tyre air pressure

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• check existing tyre pressure on a vehicle.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tools kit - 1 No. • Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Tyre pressure gauge - 1 No. • Air valve - as reqd.
• Air pressure inflating unit - 1 No. • Valve cap - as reqd.
• Air valve remover - 1 No.
• Running Vehicle - 1 No.


1 Remove valve cap / clean the valve externally.

Some equipments than the facility to preset
2 Insert tyre pressure gauge & take the reading. (Fig 1) the air pressure. Once the preset pressure is
3 Compare with the recommended pressure. achieved, it automatically trips.

4 Check if tyre needs inflation or deflection. 6 Check if the air valve is leaking.
5 If it is to be inflated, insert the air inflator & watch the 7 If there is no leak, replace the cap.
tyre pressure reading in the gauge.
1 Never check tyre pressure, when tyre is hot
after a long run.
2 Ensure there is sufficient air in Air tank and
free from contamination like water, oil, dust

Automotive Exercise 1.3.25
Mechanic Diesel - Fastening & Fitting
Cleaning and checking the fastners
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• fasten castle nut on axle shaft
• fasten self locking nut on propeller shaft
• fasten hexagonal nut on two flat surfaces
• fasten hexagonal nut with collar on tappet cover.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Spanner (DE & Ring) - 1 Set each. • Kerosene & Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Nose plier, copper drift - 1 Set each. • Axle shaft and castle nuts - as reqd.
Equipments • Propeller shaft and self locking bolt - as reqd.
• Hexagonal nut with washers - as reqd.
• Work bench & vice - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Fasten castle nut

1 Clean the Axle Shaft threaded end.
2 Note down the thread size & type of thread.
3 Select the proper size of castle nut. (Fig 1)
4 Tighten the castle nut by hand, one or two threads
5 Select proper spanner for tightening the castle nut.
6 Tighten the castle nut.
7 Align the Axle Shaft hole and slot of the castle nut.
8 Insert a split pin through the Axle Shaft hole & slots of
castle nut.
9 Spread the split ends of the split pin.

TASK 2 : Fasten self locking nut

1 Clean the flange of the propeller shaft.

2 Select the proper size of nut & bolt to be fitted.
3 Insert the bolt into the slot of the flange.
4 Tighten the self locking nut by hand one or two threads
only. (Fig 1)
5 Select proper spanner for tightening the self locking
6 Tighten the self locking nut.

Do not overtight on the self locking Nut

TASK 3 : Fasten hexagonal nut 4 Place a flat washer at the threaded end.
1 Select the two flat surface components to be fastened. 5 Select the correct spanner to tighten the particular
size of that nut.
2 Select a proper size of hexagonal Nut & Bolt. (Fig 1)
6 Tighten the hexagonal nut.
7 Select a same size of hexagonal lock nut.
8 Tighten the lock nut by holding the earlier tighten nut
with spanner.

Correct size of ring spanner should be used.

Nut & Spanner should be free of oil and dirt.

3 Insert the Bolt in the hole of matching components.

TASK 4 : Fasten hexagonal nut with washer.

1 Clean the Bolts of Tappet cover.

2 Select proper size of hexagonal nut with caller. (Fig 1)
3 Tighten the hexagonal nut with collar by hand one or
two threads only.
4 Select proper spanner for tightening the nut.
5 Tighten the nut with specified torque.

Do not overtighten.
Safety: Avoid using oversized spanner from
slippage and getting hurt.

Skill sequence

Fastening of stud
Objectives: This shall help you to
• measures the pitch of the thread
• select the correct size of stud
• fasten the given jobs with stud.

Select the components to be joined. (Fig 1) After tightening the stud lock the stud shank with the vice
grip plier.
Use two spanners to remove the nuts from stud.

Studs are used in assemblies which are to be

separated frequently.

Safety precaution:
Before inserting the stud. Taps holes & stud
threads to be cleaned properly.
Measure the thread with the thread Pitch Gauge
(Fig 2)
Select the correct size of stud, according to the tapping Select the stud of internal thread to be measured.
on the component.
Clean the surface of the thread.
Insert the stud on the tap and turn, the stud use 2 nuts to
lock the stud. Select any one of the blade from the screw pitch gauge.

Tighten the stud with help of a proper spanner.

56 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.25
Place the blade on the thread to be measured. (Fig 3)
If the pitch matches with the thread then the pitch of the
thread will be the same as marked on the blade.
If not, select other blades and identify the blade
perfectlymatches with the thread.
The number marked on the blade which matches perfectly
the same will be the pitch of the thread. For accurate results, the full length of the stud
to be placed on the threads.

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.25 57

Automotive Exercise 1.3.26
Mechanic Diesel - Fastening & Fitting
Removing broken stud/bolt
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• remove the broken stud below the surface using the ezy-out (stud extractor).


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tools kit - 1 No. • Cylinder block with broken stud - 1 No.
• Tap wrench - 1 Set. • Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Stud extractor - 1 Set.


1 File flat on the top surface of the stud. (Fig 1)

As the ezy-out penetrates into the stud, the grip

increases and gradually the broken stud
2 Locate the centre and centre punch it. portion unscrews.
3 Select the ezy-out and the recommended drill size 8 Replace a new stud in position after lubricating the
from Table 1. threads.
4 Drill a hole on the centre punch mark. (Fig 2) 9 File two sides of the studs flat above the surface.
10 Use a wrench and unscrew to remove the broken stud
out. (Fig 4)
Table 1
Recommended drill and Ezy-out size for the extraction of
broken stud and bolt.
Suitable for Drill size to Ezy-out No. to
screw size be used be used
1/8" to 1/4" 5/64" (2 mm) 1
5 Check the hole is perpendicular.
(3 to 6 mm)
6 Set the ezy-out (stud extractor) on the drilled hole.
Over 1/4" to 7/64" (2.8 mm) 2
(Fig 3)
(6 to 8 mm)
Over 5/16" to 5/32" (4 mm) 3
(8 to 11 mm)
Over 7/16" to 1/4" (6.3 mm) 4
(11 to 14 mm)
Over 9/16" to 17/64" (6.7mm) 5
7 Turn it anticlockwise by a tap wrench. (Fig 4) 3/4"
(14 to 19 mm)
Automotive Exercise 1.3.27
Mechanic Diesel - Fastening & Fitting
Practice on using various cutting tools
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• cut a mild steel flat along a straight line using a hack saw
• flat filing practice along with flatness checking
• cut the given m.s. sheet in to two pieces along its length using chisel
• sharpening of chisel in grinder
• sharpening of center punch in grinder
• safety precaution in grinding tools.

• Check the size of the given M.S flat Job.
• Apply copper sulphate solution and allow it to dry
• Layout lines as per drawing using a scriber taking
measurement from the edge and punch mark the lines
using a dot punch and hammer.
• Cut by hacksaw along the lines.
• Remove burrs, if any by filling.
• Mark lines as per drawing using a paper template and
puch mark the line. (Fig 1)

Skill Sequence

Holding the workpiece

Objectives: This shall help you to
• holding the work piece
• fixing of hacksaw blades.

Holding the workpiece: Position the metal to be cut

according to the cross-section i.e a plate, a pipe or a
channel for hacksawing.
As far as possible the job is held so as to be cut on the
flat side rather than the edge or the corner. This reduces
the blade breakages. (Fig 1, 2 and 3)

The selection of the blade depends on the shape and

hardness of the material to be cut.
Pitch selection: For soft materials such as bronze, brass
soft steel, cast iron etc. use a 1.8 mm pitch blade. (Fig.4)
For steel use a 1.4 mm pitch. For angle iron, brass tubing,
copper, iron pipe etc. use a 1 mm pitch blade. (Fig.5)
For conduit and other thin tubing, sheet metal work etc.
use a 0.8 mm pitch. (Fig 6)

60 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.27

Fixing of Hacksaw Blades: The teeth of the hacksaw
blade should point in the direction of the cut and away
from the handle. (Fig 7)

The blade sholud be held straight, and correctly tightened

before starting.
While starting the cut make a small notch. (Fig 2)
Notch means a small groove on the job surface.
The cutting movement should be steady and the full length
of the blade should be used.

Skill Sequence

Filing and hacksawing

Objectives: This shall help you to
• file M.S. channel
• cutting pipe by hacksaw.

• Check the material size 155 x 75 x 40 mm equal angle

MS channel. (Fig 1)

• Hold the file handle with thumb will be placed firmly to

grip the file, left leg will be in forward direction right leg
will 300 mm from the front leg. Also check the height
of your vice should be on the level of your elbow as in
Fig 3.
• Hold the job in bench vice grip firmly from width of the
channel. (Fig 4)
• Remove all the rust from all the surfaces by the edge
of file, clean by cotton waste. (Fig 2)
Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.27 61
• Open the job and start on (D) (Fig 6) side filing as
directed previously. Check the squareness along with
(A). (Fig 8)

• Place file on the job and start filing while file will go in
forward direction develop pressure on job, at return
stroke release (Fig 5) the pressure and changes the
place file and go for next area. (Fig 6) Like that
complete operation and check flatness with the help
of trysqure blade.

• Open the job and start on (C) side filing as directed

previously. Check the squareness along with (A,B&D).
(Fig 9)
• Open the job and start on (F) side filing as directed
• Open the job and start on (A) side filing as directed previously. Check the squareness along with (AB&D).
previously. Check the squareness along with (B). (Fig 10)
(Fig 7)

62 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.27

• Atleast two to three teeth should be in contact with
the work while cutting. Select fine pitch blade i.e 0.8 or
1 mm pitch for thin work and for cutting pipes. (Fig.
• Turn and change the position of the pipe while
hacksawing (Fig.12b)

• While cutting pipes by hacksawing a paper template

is made and wrapped over the pipe to get the line of
cut marked on the circumference of the pipe.
• Apply pressure only during the forward stroke. • Normally, a coolant is not necessary while hacksawing.
(Fig 11)
Do not move the blade too fast. While finishing
a cut, slow down to avoid breakage of the
blade and injury to yourself and others.

Skill Sequence

Cutting M.S. sheet by chisel

Objectives: This shall help you to
• cut the M.S. sheet by chisel
• sharp the chisel
• sharpen the centre punch
• check the centre punch angle.

Cutting M.S.sheet by chisel chisel approximately for 80% of the length of the first cut
and again make a cut. This is done to ensure that the
A hard and strong support is essential under the sheet to cutting action continues progressively along the marked
ensure the chisel properly penetrates into the job and cuts line and no portion of metal will be left uncut. In addition
the sheet. (Fig 1) the cutting edge of the chisel can be positioned properly
along the line of cut which will avoid a zig zag cutting.
The chisel has to be held vertically to get an effective cutting (Fig 2)
Proceed to make cuts by the flat chisel as explained above
Sometimes the job is clamped to the work bench or to the until the entire length (i.e 150mm) of the job is cut on the
steel pad by “C” clamps so that the job will not slip while punch marked line.
chiselling. After making cut on the marked line, move the

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.27 63

Sharpening the chisel
Rock the point slightly on both sides in an arc (B) to provide
Chisels will become blunt due to use. For efficiency in a slight convexity at the cutting edge. This will help to
chipping, the chisels are to be re-sharpened regularly. avoid digging in of the sides while chipping.
(Fig 3)
Keep moving the chisel across the face (C) to prevent
formation of curves and grooves at the cutting edge.
(Fig 6)

Chisels are sharpened on grinding machines. (Fig 4)

Inspect the tool-rest. If there is too much of a gap between
the tool-rest and the wheel, adjust it, and position it as
close to the wheel as possible. (Fig 5)
Ensure that there is sufficient coolant in the
After re-grinding many times, the cutting edges
While grinding, rest the body of the chisel on
become too thick. Such chisels are unsuitable
the tool-rest (A), and allow the point to touch
for resharpening. They should be forged and
the wheel.
brought to shape before grinding.

Check the wheel guards are in place, and are

securely fastened.

64 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.27

Grind 4 mm chamter on face (Horizontal or Vertical
Inspect the condition of the grinding wheel for
breakage and cracks.
Press workpiece against the wheel with a setting angle or
Wear safety goggles.
45°, in doing so, turn it speedily and uniformly arround its
When switching on the grinding machine, axis.
stand aside until the wheel reaches the
Grind on a 50 mm long taper proceeding from the other
operating speed.
face horizontal positon:
Dip the chisel frequently in the coolant to avoid overheating. The right hand guides the workpiece, the left fore finger
Overheating will draw the temper of the chisel. lies between the workpiece and the grinding support - press
workpiece in horizontal direction against the wheel, turn it
Clean by grinding, If the chisel-head is mushroomed.
speedly as well as turn it forward and back.
Use only the front of the grinding wheel. Do not grind on
Grind the point - vertical position (Fig 9)
the sides. (Fig 7)
(i) Centre punch 60°
(ii) Scribing / Prick punch 40°
Press against the wheel only slightly with quick turning
or it arround its axis.
Check it finally for angle accuracy (as per drawing).

Report to instructor, if any damage to the grinding wheel

is noticed.

Do not use cotton waste or other material for

holding the chisel while grinding.

Sharpen the centre punch

Arrange workplace & prepare working material. (Fig 8)

Saw the round material to length (only if a original tool is

not available).
Face grind on one face:
Press the workpiece in vertical direction against the wheel
and turn it slowly arround its axis.

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.27 65

Check the centre punch angle Move the punch into light contact with the rotating wheel
or the grinder with the centre line or the punch forming
Sharpen a centre punch hold the end of the punch between
about it 45° angle with the face or the wheel. This will give
the index finger and thumb or one hand as shown in
the approximate 90° included angle required for a centre
Fig 10, resting that hand on the tool rest or the grinder.
Rotate the punch as shown by the direction arrow in Fig
10 with the thumb & index finger or the other hand
Keep the point cool by using only light pressure on the
wheel and by frequently dipping the punch in a can of
cooling water.
Sharpening a prick punch in the same way only with the
exception that the included angle should be 30° other than
90°, the angle between the centre of this punch and the
wheel should be about 15°.

66 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.27

Automotive Exercise 1.3.28
Mechanic Diesel - Fastening & Fitting
Practice on hacksawing and filing
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• mark straight lines using a scribing block
• cut on marked lines using a hacksaw blade.


1 Check the raw material for its size. 4 Drill a pilot hole for concave profile.
2 File flat and square to finish the block 55 x 10 x 80. 5 Saw cut to remove the excess metal for the profile.
3 Mark centre lines for the holes as per drawing. 6 File with flat file the two sides.

68 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.28

Automotive Exercise 1.3.29
Mechanic Diesel - Fastening & Fitting
Practice on soldering and brazing
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• make a joint by soft soldering
• brazing with M.S. plate.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 Set • Wire brush - 1 No.
• Blow lamp - 1 No. • Solder - as reqd.
• Eye protector - 1 No. • Flux - as reqd.
• Soldering Iron - 1 No. • M.S. plate - as reqd.
• Gas welding plant - 1 No. • Brazing rod - as reqd.
• welding work table - 1 No.

TASK 1 : Soft soldering
1 Clean the area to be joined thoroughly. 4 Dip the edge of the bit in flux (solder-acid). (Fig 2)
2 Where a lap joint is required on mild steel, both sides 5 The tip is tinned by rubbing it along the solder. (Fig 3)
of the top lap should be cleaned and tinned, to assist
heat transfer when soldering.
3 Heat the copper of the soldering iron until the flame is
bright green. Keep the edge of the copper bit upward.
(Fig 1)

6 Place the sheet on a soldering bench. (Fig 4)

7 Apply the flux on the area to be joined.
8 Heat the soldering iron until the flame is green, keep
the tip of the copper bit upwards.
9 Dip the point into the flux. This will remove the oxide
film from the tinned faces.
10 Apply the solder to the point. (Fig 5)
11 Apply the bit to the work.
12 Spread the solder evenly on the surfaces.
13 Keep the tinned face of the bit flat, to obtain maximum,
heat transfer.
14 Apply more solder as required.
15 Turn the sheet over and tin the other lap area in the
same manner.
16 Using a wet rag, clean off the excess flux.

TASK 2 : Brazing

1 Cut the sheets as per drawing and file the edges to be 10 Finish the joint in one run only.
joined square.
11 Clean the joint and inspect for weld defects like porosity
2 Clean the joint area. etc and for slight root penetration and proper bonding.
3 Set the sheets as a square butt joint without root gap 12 Select the nozzle No.5 and 1.6mm** silicon bronze
4 Select nozzle, filler rod, gas pressures, flux. filler rod.

5 Set oxidising flame. 13 Apply flux to the filler rod.

6 Use leftward technique. 14 Set the oxidising flame.

7 Preheat the sheets and joint area to about 800°C. 15 Manipulate the blowpipe and filler rod with flux applied
on it using proper angles to fill the bell mouther groove.
8 Dip the hot filler rod in flux and melt the filler rod into
the joint ensuring proper wetting conditions. 16 Clean and remove the flux residue.

9 Avoid application of too much heat into the joint. 17 Inspect for external weld defects.

70 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.29

Skill Sequence

Objective: This shall help you to
• brazing of MS sheet.

Brazing of MS sheet
Oxidising flame is used to avoid evaporation of zinc while After establishing the molten pool the flame is withdrawn
brazing. (Fig 1) slightly (Fig. 2) to permit the deposited metal freeze
partially. Again reintroduce the filler rod to melt further
The blow pipe and filler rod is held at angles as shown in
deposit. Observe the brazed area carefully to ensure proper
Fig 1.
bonding is obtained and a uniform weld size is achieved.
To avoid crater at the end of the weld the filler rod is
continued to be added into the molten pool at the finishing
point and the flame is withdrawn.

A No.3 size nozzle is used as the base metal is not melted,

but heated to around 800°C.
Direct the flame to the joint edges and tack weld at the
ends and centre of the joint. (Fig 1) It is essential to remove any unused and residual flux on
Preheating the sheets to the correct temperature helps in the finished weld to avoid corrosion later on.
proper wetting/spreading of the filler metal into the joint to Check the joint for proper bonding of filler metal with the
get good bonding. (Fig 1) basemetal and proper root penetration by the filler metal.
The flame has to be directed only on the melting filler Check for weld defects like surface porosity, etc.
rodor the weld deposit in order to prevent oxidation or
overheating of MS sheet.

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.29 71

Automotive Exercise 1.3.30
Mechanic Diesel - Fastening & Fitting
Practice on making gaskets
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• make and fit engine sump gasket.


• Trainees tool kit - 1 No.
• Cork sheet - as reqd.
• Hollow punch - 1 No.
• Joining sheet - as reqd.
• Wooden block - 1 No.
• Packing paper - as reqd.
• Hammer (250 kg) - 1 No.
• Grease - as reqd.
• Scissor - 1 No.
• Cotton waste - as reqd.
Equipments • Shell lock liquid - as reqd.
• Work table - 1 No.
oil sump, intake mani fold,
water pump tappert cover - as reqd.


• Clean the oil sump and place it on the working table

(Fig 2)
• Select the gasket meterial (Press pan sheet).
• Apply marking media on the joint of sump.
• Place the gasket material on the joint of sump.
• Apply hand press on it.
• Remove the gasket sheet from the pan.
• Place it on a plain and even wooden plank.
• Punched of its meterials with the help of hammer &
cut it with scissor.
• Place the prepared gasket on the oil sump joint.
• Check the shape and size of the gasket
• Punched the stud holes by ball pein hammer/hollow
• Select the gasket material depend on its function and
component. (Fig 1)

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.30 73

Automotive Exercise 1.3.31
Mechanic Diesel - Fastening & Fitting
Practice on marking and drilling
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• file surfaces flat within + 0.5 mm
• file angular surfaces
• chamfer edges by filling
• file concave surfaces
• file convex surfaces
• drill through holes.


1 Check the raw material for its size. 5 Mark horizontal, vertical angular curved lines as per
the drawing using scriber block and dividers.
2 File flat the top face first.
6 Fix the M.S. plate in a vice.
3 File the two adjacent sides flat and square to each
other as well as with top surface. 7 File the radius and angle.
4 Mark the dimension as per the drawing file and finish 8 Locate the centres for holes to be drilled.
the block. 9 Drill 5mm and 10mm through holes as per drawing.
10 File with knife edge file to finish the surface.
Skill sequence

Drilling through hole

Objective : This shall help you to
• drill through hole to the required size.

Method of Drilling
Check the given raw material for its size. Feed the drill and drill through hole. (Fig 3)
Mark and locate the centres for the hole to be drilled.
Mount the job in the machine vice on the parallels and
clamp it securely to the drill-press-table. (Fig 1)

Set the spindle speed of the drilling machine to the nearest

calculating r.p.m.

Set the work table (Fig 2) in such a manner that a drill can
be fixed and removed without disturbing the vice or the Remove drill from the machine without disturbing the set
job. up.

Fix 14.5 mm drill and drill through hole.

While drilling use cutting fluid.

Release the drill frequently from the hole for the chips to
be flushed out by the cutting fluid.
Remove the drill and job from the machine. (Fig 4)

Fix the centre drill on the drilling machine spindle and

align with the centre mark on the job.

Spot the hole location with a centre drill.

Remove the centre drill and fix 8 mm drill for pilot hole.
Start the drilling machine.

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.31 75

Skill sequence

Drilling blind holes

Objective : This shall help you to
• drill blind holes to the required depth using the depth stops.

Method of controlling depth of blind holes

While drilling blind holes, it is necessary to control the Add the initial reading to the depth of the blind hole to be
feed of the drill. Most machines are provided with a depth drilled.
stop arrangement by which the downward movement of
Initial Reading + Depth of Hole = Setting
the spindle can be controlled. (Fig 1)
Adjust the stop next to the required setting, using the
Tighten the lock nut to prevent the setting from being
Start the machine and feed the drill. When the stop nut
reaches the arm the blind hole is drilled to the required
depth. (Fig 3)

Most depth stop arrangements will have graduations by

which the advancement of the spindle can be observed.
Generally the blind hole depth tolerances are given up to
0.5 mm accuracy.
Setting for drilling blind holes
For blind hole-depth setting, first the work is held on the
machine and the hole is located correctly. While drilling, release the drill frequently from
The drill is started, and it drills until the full diameter is the hole for the chips to be flushed out by the
formed. Note down the initial reading at this point. (Fig 2) cutting fluid.

Do not drill on a light component without

clamping. If not clamped, the job will rotate
along with drill.

76 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.31

Skill sequence

Re-sharpening a twist drill

Objectives : This shall help you to
• re-sharpen a twist drill
• test the drill that has been re-sharpened by drilling a through hole.

A twist drill can be successfully sharpened on a bench or

pedestal grinder by adopting the following procedure.
Check that the surface of each wheel is running true and
that the wheels are dressed clean.

Ensure that the tool-rests are adjusted correctly

and tightened. (Fig 1)

Wear safety goggles.

Stand in a comfortable position in front of the machine.

Hold the drill at about one quarter of its length from the
point, between the thumb and the first finger of the right
Keep both elbows against the side.
Position youself in such a way that the drill makes a angle
of 59° to 60° to the wheel face. (Fig 2)
Hold the drill level. Twist it until one cutting edge is horizontal
and parallel to the wheel face. (Fig 3)
Swing the shank of the drill slightly downwards and to the
left with the left hand. The right hand is on the tool-rest.
Watch the cutting edge against the wheel. Note that, as
the shank swings down, the cutting edge comes slightly
upwards and away from the wheel face. (Fig 4 & Fig 5)

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.31 77

Supply a slight forward motion to your hands.

This will bring the flank of the point against the wheel to Lift the drill off the wheel face. Retain the grip on the drill
produce a lip clearance. with the right hand.

Coordinate the three movements of swinging down, Make such inspection or checks as are necessary. Move
the right hand back on the tool-rest in the same position
twisting clockwise and forward movement. These
as before.
movements should not be heavy movements. If
Hold the drill shank again in the left hand with the elbows
they are performed correctly, they will produce a
against the side. The drill will locate back against the
cutting edge that has the correct lip clearance and wheel face in the same position and at the same angle as
cutting angle. before.

Practice these movements against a stationery wheel, Points to be considered when sharpening drills
using a new or correctly sharpened drill.
Grind as little as possible from the drill. Remove only
Notice how only a small movement is required to produce
enough to sharpen the cutting edges.
the required clearance.
Rough down the drill point with a coarse grit wheel when
Also not that, if the drill is twisted too far, the other cutting
the edges are badly chipped. (Fig 7)
edge will swing down to contact the wheel face.
Proceed now to sharpen one edge, removing as little metal
as possible.
Procedure to obtain equal angles
Move the drill back, clear of the wheel face.
Turn the drill over without moving the position. This presents
the second edge to the wheel face at the same angle as
the first cutting edge.
Proceed to sharpen the second cutting edge, using the
same amount of drill movement as before. When these
actions are carried out carefully, the drill will be sharpened Never re-sharpen a cracked or split drill.
with equal cutting angles. The lip clearance will be correct
and equal. Avoid overheating the drill.

Use a drill angle gauge to check that the cutting angle is Apply light pressure against the wheel face. Lift the edge
correct (118° for mild steel), the cutting edges are of equal clear of the wheel face frequently. This allows the air stream
length and the lip clearances are equal and correct produced by the wheel to cool the drill point. (Fig 8)
(about 12°). (Fig 6)

78 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.31

Cooling a drill rapidly by quenching in cold
water may cause cracking of the cutting edge.
The cutting edges and angles are equal
Re-sharpening of very small drills required great skill. They The drill has produced a hole of the correct size.
require proportionally less movement to produce the
cutting angles. Any looseness of the drill in the hole means: (Fig 11)

Set the spindle revolution of the drilling machine to give a

cutting speed of 25 to 30 meters per minute. A drill that
has been re-sharpened correctly will: (Fig 9)

The cutting edges are of uneven length

The drill has produced an oversized hole.
A drill that has been ground with uneven or too great a
clearance will
Produce two evenly curled chips from its cutting edges.
Tend to chatter during starting
Require only moderate pressure to feed it into the work.
Produce an out-of round hole.
If the drill fits without any play it means that (Fig 10)

Skill Sequence

Following the safety precautions while using drilling machine

Objectives: This shall help you to
• follow personal safety
• follow drilling machine safety
• follow job safety
• follow drill bit safety.

Wear a dress suitable for work Use a brush to clean the chips and swarf.
Ensure that the spindle head and table is locked properly. Select proper cutting speed according to material.
The workpiece and the drill should be rigidly held. Select proper cutting fluid according to material.
Switch off power when not in use. Remove the workpiece only after getting cooled or with a
Clean and oil the machine after use.

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.31 79

While fixing the drill in a socket or sleeve, the tang portion Before Drilling ensure that Drill point tip properly sits on
should align in the slot. (Fig 1 & Fig 2) This will facilitate the punched marking of the job (Fig 4)
the removal of drill or sleeve from the machine spindle.

While removing the drill from the sockets/sleeves, don't

allow it to fall on the table or jobs. (Fig 5)

Ensure the belt safe Guard properly placed before Drilling

(Fig 3) Use a drift to remove drills and sockets from the machine
spindle. (Fig 6)

80 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.30

Automotive Exercise 1.3.32
Mechanic Diesel - Fastening & Fitting
Practice on forming internal & external threads
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• file surfaces flat within + 0.5 mm
• file angular surfaces
• chamfer edges by filling
• file concave surfaces
• file convex surfaces
• drill through holes.


1 Check the raw material for its size. 10 Countersink ø 8 and ø 10 holes with 90° countersink
as per standard. (Refer to the table.)
2 File and finish the plate 80 x 11 x 80 within + 0.2 mm.
11 Countersink ø 7 and ø 9 mm holes with 120°
3 Locate centres for holes to be drilled, tapped and countersink as per5 standard. (Refer to the table.)
12 Cut M6 internal thread in the four ø 5 mm drilled holes.
4 Centre punch the centres.
13 Countersink 120° all the four ø 6.8 mm holes on both
5 Drill five, ø 5 mm tapping drill size holes for M6 tapping. sides as per drawing.
6 Drill five, ø 6.8 mm tapping drill size holes for M8 14 Cut M8 internal threads in all the five ø 6.8 mm drilled
tapping. holes with M8 taps.
7 Drill four ø 8 mm through holes as per drawing. Enlarge 15 Check M6 and M8 tapped holes with the supplied M6
by drilling ø 10 mm the 2nd and 4th hole of the second and M8 screws, respectively.
16 Hold cylindrical blank on vice.
8 Drill five ø 7 mm through holes as per drawing.
17 Cut M4 external thread using M4 dies on part 2.
9 Enlarge the 2nd and 4th holes by drilling ø 9 mm on
the 4th row

Skill sequence

Internal threading of through holes using hand taps

Objectives: This shall help you to
• determine the tap drill sizes for internal threading
• cut internal threads using hand taps.
Determining the tap drill size
For cutting internal threads, it is necessary to determine Hold the work firmly and horizontally in the vice. The top
the size of the hole (tap drill size). This can be calculated surfaces should be slightly above the level of the vice
using a formula or can be chosen from the table of tap drill jaws.
This will help in using a try square without any obstruction
Drill the hole to the required tap drill size.
while aligning the tap. (Fig 2)
Do not forget to give the chamfer required for aligning and
starting the tap. (Fig 1)

Use soft jaws while holding the finished surface on a vice.

Fix the first tap (Taper tap) in the wrench.

Too small a wrench will need a greater force to turn

the tap. Very large and heavy tap wrenches will not
give the feel required to turn the tap slowly as it cuts.

82 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.32

Position the tap in the chamfered hole vertically by ensuring Make corrections, if necessary. This is done by exerting
the wrench is in the horizontal plane. slightly more pressure on the opposite side of the tap
inclination. (Fig 6)
Exert steady downward pressure and turn the tap wrench
slowly in a clockwise direction to start the thread. Hold
Never apply side pressure without giving a
the tap wrench close to the centre. (Fig 3)
turning motion to the tap.

Check the tap alignment again with a try square.

When you are sure of starting of the thread, remove the Fit the tap wrench, and tighten without disturbing the tap
tap wrench without disturbing the tap alignment. alignment.
Check and make sure the tap is vertical, use a small try Make one or two turns and check the alignment.
square for help. Place the try square in two positions, 90° The tap alignment should be corrected within the first few
to each other. (Fig 4 & Fig 5) turns.
After the tap is positioned vertically, turn the wrench lightly
by holding the ends of the wrench handles without exerting
any downward pressure. (Fig 7)

While turning the wrench, the movement should be well

balanced. Any extra pressure on one side will spoil the
tap alignment and can also cause breakage of the tap.
Continue cutting the thread. Turn backwards frequently,
about quarter turn to break the chip. Stop and turn
backward also when some obstruction to movement is
felt. (Fig 8)

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.32 83

Remove chips from the work with a brush.
Use a cutting fluid while cutting the thread.
Check the threaded hole with a matching screw.
Cut the thread until the tap is fully inside the hole being
Clean the tap with a brush, and place it back on the stand.
Finish and clean up using intermediate and plug tap. The
intermediate and plug tap will not cut any thread if the tap
has entered the hole fully.

Skill sequence

Internal threading blind holes using hand taps

Objective: This shall help you to
• cut internal threads in blind holes.
Drilling a blind hole
Determine the tapping drill size using the table for tapping Thread the blind hole until the nut touches the plate surface.
drill sizes.
Remove the chips from the hole frequently, using a flattened
Drill a blind hole (Fig 1) using the depth stop arrangement.
and bent wire.
The depth of the tapping hole should be slightly more than
the depth of the required thread. Finish tapping the hole with intermediate and bottoming
tap. Set nut to control the depth of thread. (Fig 3)

Procedure for threading

Remove metal chips, if any, from the blind hole by turning
it upside down and slightly tapping it on a wooden surface.

Do not clear chips by blowing as it can cause

injury to your eyes.

Screw a matching nut on the first tap to act as a depth

stop. (Fig 2)

84 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.32

Skill sequence

External threading using dies

Objective: This shall help you to
• external threading using dies.

External threading using dies Make sure that the die is fully open by tightening the centre
screw of the die stock. (Fig 4 & Fig 5)
Check blank size
Blank size = thread size - 0.1 x pitch of thread
Fix the die in the die stock and place the leading side of
the die opposite to the step of the die stock. (Fig 1)

Use false jaws for ensuring a good grip in the Start the die, square to the bolt centre line.
Apply pressure on the die stock evenly and turn in the
Project the blank above the vice-just the clockwise direction to advance the die on the bolt blank.
required thread length only.
Cut slowly and reverse the die for a short distance in order
to break the chips.
Place the leading side of the die on the chamfer of the
work. (Fig 2 & Fig 3)
Use a cutting lubricant.

Increase the depth of the cut gradually by adjusting the

outer screws.
Check the thread with a matching nut.
Repeat the cutting until the nut matches.

Too much depth of cut at one time will spoil

the threads. It can also spoil the die.

Clean the die frequently to prevent the chips

from clogging and spoiling the thread.

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.32 85

Automotive Exercise 1.3.33
Mechanic Diesel - Fastening & Fitting
Practice on reaming a hole
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• ream through hole with a hand reamer
• check the reamed hole by using a plug gauge.

1 Hold the job in a vice. 4 Ream the hole by using sufficient coolant.
2 Select the correct type and size of reamer 5 Give uniform hand feed while reaming.
3 Hold the reamer in tap wrench 6 Check the hole with a 'Go' and 'No-Go' plug gauge.

Skill sequence
Reaming drilled holes using hand reamers
Objective: This shall help you to
• ream through holes within a limits and check reamed holes with cylindrical pins.

Determining the drill size for reaming

Use the formula, Apply cutting fluid.
Drill diameter = reamed hole size. (undersize + oversize) Turn the tap wrench steadily and slowly, maintaining the
[Refer to the table for the recommended undersizes in downward pressure. (Fig 3)
related theory on drill sizes for reaming. (See table 1.)]
Procedure for hand reaming
Drill holes for reaming as per the sizes determined.

Do not turn in the reverse direction for it will

scratch the reamed hole. (Fig 4)

Place the work on parallels while setting on

the machine vice. (Fig 1)
Chamfer the hole ends slightly. This removes burrs, and
will also help to align the reamer vertically. Fix the work in
the bench vice. Use vice clamps to protect the finished
surfaces. Ensure that the job is horizontal. (Fig 2)

Fix the tap wrench on the square end and place the reamer Ream the hole through. Ensure that the taper lead length
vertically in the hole. Check the alignment with a try square. of the reamer comes out well and clear from the bottom of
Make corrections, if necessary. Turn the tap wrench in a the work.
clockwise direction applying a sligh downward pressure
at the same time. Apply pressure evenly at both ends of Do not allow the end of the reamer to the strike
the tap wrench. on the vice.

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.33 87

Remove the reamer with an upward pull until the reamer is
clear of the hole. (Fig 5)
Remove the burrs from the bottom of the reamed hole.
Clean the hole. Check the accuracy with the cylindrical
pins supplied.

Skill Sequence

Scraping curved surfaces

Objective : This shall help you to
• scrape and test curved surfaces.

A half round scraper is the most suitable scraper for

scraping curved surfaces. This method of scraping differs
from that of flat scraping.
For scraping curved surfaces the handle is held by hand
in such a way as to facilitate the movement of the scraper
in the required direction. (Fig 1)

After each pass, change the direction of cutting. This

ensures a uniform surface. (Figs 3 & 4)

Pressure is exerted with the other hand on the shank for

Rough scraping will need excessive pressure with longer
For fine scraping, pressure is reduced and the stroke length
also becomes shorter.
Cutting action takes place both on forward and return
strokes. (Fig 2)
During the forward movement one cutting edge acts, and
on the return stroke, the other cutting edge acts.

88 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.33

Use a master bar to check the correctness of the surface
being scraped. (Fig 5)

Apply a thin coating of Prussion blue on the

master bar to locate the high spots.

Skill sequence

Sharpening scrapers
Objectives : This shall help you to
• sharpen a half round scraper.
• sharpen a three-square scraper.

Sharpening half round scrapers

Locate the two cutting edges on the rounded back (Fig 1)
for the half round scrapers.

Re-sharpened by grinding the bottom surface, when the

cutting edge is blunt.
Check the cutting edges are formed by the bottom surface,
and the flat surfaces are ground on the rounded back of As far as possible avoid grinding of the edges.
the scraper. (Fig 2) (Flat surface ground on the rounded back.)

These scrapers have triangular cross-section which tapers

to a point. (Fig 5)

The centre of each face is hollow and this makes sharpening

Grind the bottom surfaces with a slight curve. This helps easy. (Fig 6)
the cutting edges to make point contact on the surfaces
being scraped. (Fig 3)

Rub the bottom surface with a rocking motion on the

oilstone for re-sharpening. (Fig 4)

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.33 89

The angle of each cutting edge is 60°.

Re-sharpening is done on an oilstone and the method

adopted is similar to that for the half round scraper.

While grinding, the movement should be such that it tapers

to a point with a uniform movement.

The cutting edges of three-square scrapers are likely to

be overheated quickly as they are very thin.

Apply only light pressure.

Maintain the cutting edge width to about 3 mm. (Fig 6)

A three-square scraper is very sharp instrument

and has to be handled carefully.

Flatten the sharp tip for about 1 mm for safety

while handling. (Fig 7)

90 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.33

Automotive Exercise 1.3.34
Mechanic Diesel - Fastening & Fitting
Practice on makeng rectangular tray
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• develop a rectangular tray by the parallel line method
• shape and size the sheet metal using straight snips
• make single hemming using a man's anvil
• bend the sheet to 90° using a Tin man's anvil
• solder lap joint maintaining uniform flow of solder and penetration.

Skill Sequence

Mark lines parallel to an edge

Objective: This shall help you to
• mark a straight line on the sheet.

Mark off two 'V' marks from the datum xx at a distance as Scribe the line towards you with a proper inclination of the
required by measurement, using a steel rule and a scriber. scriber on the level edge of the straight edge. (Fig 3)
Datum xx is at right angle to datum yy. (Fig 1)

The line AB is the parallel line to the datum xx. (Fig 4)

Set the straight edge in between the 'V' marks and press
with your fingers. (Fig 2)

Draw parallel lines as per dimensions following the above


Skill sequence
Cutting sheet by snips
Objective : This shall help you to
• cut sheet metal by a straight snip.

Hold the sheet by one hand, and with the other hand, hold Maintain the gap in between the blades, less than 20°.
the snip handle at the end, and place the upper blade of (Fig 2)
the snip on line by keeping a smaller opening angle.
(Fig 1)

92 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.34

If the blade gap is more than 20°, shears cannot be gripped If you use the full length of the blade by a single stoke,
properly. (Fig 3) then the cutting or shearing line will not be straight.
(Fig 6)

Keep less metal (sheet) as far as possible on the left

Keep the blade perpendicular to the surface of the sheet hand side at the time of-cutting the sheet. (Fig 7)
metal. Hold the snips straight. (Fig 4)

Where stops are not fitted, care should be taken not to

pinch the palm of the hand between the turned-in ends of
Caution the handles when closing the cutting blades.
Do not use the full length of the blade by a single stroke.
(Fig 5)

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.34 93

Automotive Exercise 1.3.35
Mechanic Diesel - Fastening & Fitting
Practice on pipe bending and pipe fitting
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• prepare a layout for pipe bending job
• bend the pipe to the desired angle using pipe bending fixture
• check the bend pipe for the correctness of angle.

1 Cut the pipe end square with a pipe cutter. 4 Set the roller on the bending arm by adjusting the screw
and lock nut.
2 Remove the burr from inside and outside of the pipe
5 Bend the pipe as per drawing
with a reamer.
3 Fix the bending machine in a benchwise and ensure it 6 Check the correction of the second bend.
is tightened properly.

Skill Sequence

Bend the pipe to the desired angle using pipe bending fixture
Objectives: This shall help you to
• prepare the pipe to the desired angle using fixture.
• bend pipe using hydraulic bending machine
• fitting union in pipes.

File the pipe ends and check up its squareness. (Fig 1)

Check the inside dia. of the pipe by using steel rule.

Select the standard former to suit the size of the pipe.

(Fig 4)
(Fig 2)

Take the reading of inside diameter from 10cm. Measure

the length of the pipe as per drawing & measure in
difference between initial & final readings. Fix the bending machine in a benchvice and ensure it is
tightened properly. Locate the tube stop bar at the required
r = radius of bend (i.e) 150mm position. (Fig 5)

Ø = angle of bend
l = length of curved portion

, L = Total length,

= L1 + l + L2
Mark off the beginning and the end of the bend from the
centre line. (Fig 3)

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.35 95

Set the roller on the bending arm by adjusting the screw
and lock nut. (Fig 6)

Bend the pipe by pulling the bending arm towards your

body. (Fig 7)

Bending 120° by hydraulic bending machine

Fit the pipe former on to the cylinder arm. (Fig 12)

The sleeve bends the pipe round the former as the bending
arm is pulled. The back stop holds the tails end of the pipe
in position. (Fig 8)

Place the pipe between the forming head plates and

against the former. (Fig 13)
Check the bend for squareness use a set square as shown.
(Fig 9)

Support the pipe and fit dollies (or rollers) between the
upper and lower plates of the forming head. Locate them in
position by inserting pins through the plates and the
Check level of former and first leg (90o bend) with spirit level dollies. (Fig 14)
by placing spirit levels as shown in Fig 10.
Check the angle of bend and radius using standard
template. (Fig 11)

96 Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.35

Fitting union in pipe line
Hold the pipe in a vice.(Fig 18)
Apply sealing compound over the nipple thread (Fig 18).


Close the pressure release valve on the pump body then

start pumping to push the former against the pipe. (Fig 15)

Adjust the pipe wrench to suit the union sleeve nut.
Screwing the union nut on the nipple threads.
The same process repeated to the another nipple with nut.
Apply sealing compound on the union threads.
Hold both nipple with nut by pipe wrench.
Tighten the nut up to air tight. (Fig 19)
Turn the pressure release valve anti-clockwise to release
the pressure in the hydraulic cylinder. When the arm has 19
moved back about 6 mm to 10 mm close the pressure
release valve to hold the ram steady. (Fig 16)

o o
Check both bends 90 and 120 by placing pipe on the
layout. (Fig 17) MDN1311HJ

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.3.35 97

Automotive Exercise 1.3.36
Mechanic Diesel - Fastening & Fitting
Practice on soldering & brazing of pipes
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• lay copper pipes using different jointing methods
• capillary joint (end feed capillary fittings)
• capillary joint (internal solder ring fittings).
• braze copper with M.S tube


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 Set. • M.S. Tube - as reqd.
• Soldering Iron - 1 No. • Solder - as reqd.
• Blow lamp - 1 No. • Brazing rod - as reqd.
• Tong - 1 No. • Flux - as reqd.
Equipments • Water - as reqd.
• Bucket - as reqd.
• Work bench - 1 No.
• Anvil - 1 No. • Sand paper - as reqd.
• Oxy - acetylene welding set - 1 No. • Silver braging flex - as reqd.
• Silver braging rod - as reqd..
• Copper tube - as reqd.
• M-3 tube - as reqd.
• Clean cloth - as reqd.


TASK 1 : Capillary fitting

1 Cut the pipe end. Square with a pipe cutter.
2 Remove the burr from inside and outside of the pipe
with a reamer.
3 Clean the outside of pipe and inside of the fitting with
sand paper.
4 Apply a thin film of flux to the outside of pipe and inside
of fittings with brush.
5 Insert the pipe into the fitting cup till the pipe end
touches the base of the fitting cup.
6 Apply heat to the pipe and fitting.
7 Add the solder to the side which is opposite to the
heat when the flux begins to boil. (Fig 1)
8 Wipe of excess solder.

TASK 2 : Using capillary joint (Integral solder ring fitting) (Fig 1)

1 Cut the pipe with a cutter. 4 Apply flux on outside surface of pipe and inside of
2 Remove the burr from inside the pipe with a reamer.
5 Heat the fittings and pipe until a complete ring of solder
3 Clean the outside of the pipe and inside of the fittings
appears at the mouth of the fittings. Fig. 2.
with sand paper.

6 Allow the joint to cool without disturbance.
Non manipulate compression fittings
7 Cut tube to correct length.
8 Remove burrs from pipe and fittings.
9 Insert tube into fittings until it makes contact with the
tube stop.
10 Choose the correct size grip jaw.
11 Compress the fitting until the grip jaw stops.
12 Check the joints by pulling them apart with the hands.
Manipulate compression fittings
13 Slip the compression fitting nut and compression ring
over the tube.
14 Flare the end of the pipe.
15 Place the cone end of adopter piece on the flared pipe
16 Engage the compression nut onto the body thread.
17 Tighten with spanner.

TASK 3: Brazing

1 Place the tube in V- guide of cutter

2 Tighten the thumb screw until considerable pressure
is applied
3 Revolve the cutter slowly around the tube so that the
sharp cutting wheel feeds gradually on the tubings to
apply pressure thumb screw till tube is completely cut
4 Ream and file the edges of the tubing
5 Use sand paper to clean the outer surface of the tube
and clean inside by wire brush
6 Make a paste of sliver brazing flux by mixing it with
little bit of water and apply a thin coat of flux to outside
of the fitting
7 Insert the pipe into MS pipe and see that the fit is not
too easy (Fig 1)
8 Clamp the pipe in the flaring block and mount the block
in the vice
9 Light the oxy - acetylene torch using the spark lighter
10 Heat the connection at safe distance from the joint
until the water vapourizes
11 Continue heating until the flux turns milky and finally
turns clean (Fig 2)
12 Apply th esliver solder to both edges of the MS tube
until the solder flows on both pipes
13 Remove silver solder rod and allow the joint to cool
14 After cool the assembly and test the connector to 10.5
kg/cm2 pressure.

Automotive: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF - 4) - Exercise 1.3.35 99

Automotive Exercise 1.4.37
Mechanic Diesel - Electrical and Electronics

Practice on soldering wires

Objective: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the air compressor, jib crane, bench drill, sparkless tester and wheel balancer.


• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Wooden plank - as reqd.
• Crimping plier - 1 No. • Solder - as reqd.
• Blow lamp - 1 No. • Brick - as reqd.
• Tong - 1 No. • Insulating sleeve - as reqd.
• Combination plier - 1 No. • Flux - as reqd.
• Lug socket - as reqd.
Materials • Cloth/Cotton tape - as reqd.
• Cotton waste - as reqd. • Grade sandpaper - as reqd.
• Copper and Aluminium conductors - as reqd.


TASK 1 : Prepare the crimping joints with connector

1 Strip off the required length of insulation from the cable

that suits the terminal size. (Fig 1)

Be sure hot to cut or damage the wire core,

and use correct size wire stripper blade.
(Fig 2)

2 Twist the strands of the wire slightly clockwise. (Fig 3)

3 Clamp the spade connector with the crimping pliers in
the matching position of the jaws. (Use a suitable spade
connector and crimping plier.) (Fig 4)
4 Insert the wire far enough in the connector.
6 Check whether the connector is located in the middle
5 Apply slight pressure to create a light impression on of the band of the connector, and, if necessary, make
the connector. final adjustments.
7 Apply sufficient pressure in the handle to press the
connector fully. (Fig 5)

8 Check whether the prepared crimping joint is firm by

pulling the cable and connector.
9 Repeat the crimping of connectors for various sizes of
copper and aluminium conductors of different lengths.

TASK 2 : Solder the cable lugs by using blow lamp

1 Solder a lug to a copper conductor. (Fig 1) 6 Light the blowlamp and let it emit a blue flame. (Fig 4)

2 Clean the inner surface of the cable lug using 00 grade

3 Put the cable lug to one end of the cable and mark the
cable according to the depth of the cable lug. Add about
2 mm to the marking. 7 Apply a thin coat of flux to the cable end.
4 Remove the insulation from the cable and clean the 8 Tin the cable end by monitoring the blowlamp on the
strands. (Avoid damage to the strands of the cable solder stick and by allowing the molten solder to fall
while skinning.) (Fig 2) on the bar stranded cable end. Place a clean tray below
the cable end to collect the excess solder.

5 Wrap a cloth/cotton tape on the insulation of the cable

to a length of 30 mm and wet it with water. (Use
minimum water to wet the cloth/tape. Do not allow water
to drip). (Fig 3)

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.37 101

9 Apply a small quantity of flux inside the lug socket. Tin
the lug by melting the solder stick to fill the socket and
collect the excess molten solder in the tray. (Fig 5)
10 Apply some flux to the cable end and socket interior.
(Fig 6)

14 Remove the extra solder from the lug and the cable by
wiping with a piece of cotton cloth while the solder is
still hot.
11 Fill up the socket of the lug with the molten solder. 15 Keep holding the cable and lug until the solder
12 Monitor the blowlamp flame on the socket; insert the solidifies.
cable in the socket and hold the cable vertically.
Do not use water to cool the lug.
13 Remove the blowlamp and hold the cable and socket
without shaking. (Fig 7)

TASK 3 : Solder the cable using soldering iron

1 Clean the strands and get a copper face free from 5 Solder the end with clamp face with molten solder.
2 Insert the wire end as shown in the Fig 1. 6 Hold the clamp horizontally and solder the split and
close the split with solder.
7 Hold the clamp as shown in the Fig 13 and solder
around the cable without melting the insulating sleeve.

Wound the insulation material with a wet cloth

near the soldering end to prevent melting.

Soldering the circuit wire terminals

1 Remove the insulation as shown in the Fig 2 without
cutting conductor strands.

3 Hold the clamp in a vice in between two wooden blocks

to prevent heat flow to vice.
2 Connect a soldering iron of 300w/220v to an AC supply
4 Connect a 1000w/220v soldering iron to an AC source. and keep the iron on a brick.
Keep the iron on a brick.
3 Clean the copper strands with emery paper.
Do not over heat the iron. Overheating would 4 Twist the end neatly.
impair wetting of iron. Wetting means coating
5 Keep the end on a wooden plank.
soldering iron with solder.

102 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.37

6 Wet the iron with soft solder. 11 Keep the iron so that a wide area of contact is achieved
for better heat transfer to obtain a molten flow of soft
Do not over heat the iron solder.
12 Wait for solidification of solder and inspect the result.
7 Coat the end with solder.
Repeat the same operation for other terminal
8 Insert the end into the small loop on the eyelet terminal. soldering.
9 Fold the terminal tabs one by one and crimp with a Insulting the wires and cables
For small wires and cables various sizes of
10 Now keep the clamp on wooden plank.
insulation sleeves are available. These sleeves
can be inserted before soldering the terminals.

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.37 103

Automotive Exercise 1.4.38
Mechanic Diesel - Electrical and Electronics

Practice on measuring electrical parameters in circuits

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• form DC series circuits and verify its characteristics
• form DC parallel circuits and verify its characteristics.


• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. Materials
• Ohmmeter/Multimeter - 1 No. • Wires 4mm - as reqd.
Equipments • Insulation tape - as reqd.

• Battery 12V, 6V - 1 No..


TASK 1: Connect DC series circuit (Fig 1) and Verify its characteristics

1 Form a circuit as shown in the Fig 1. 4 Switch off the supply, connect the ammeter and
voltmeter as shown in the Fig 2. Switch on the supply
and measure voltage V1 and current I1, through R1.
5 Switch off the supply, connect the ammeter and
voltmeter as shown in the Fig 3. Switch on the supply
and measure the voltage V2 and the current I2 in R2.

2 Close the switch 'S', measure the current 'I' and voltage
3 Enter the measured values in Table No.1.

6 Draw a circuit diagram showing the position of 'A' and

'V' in the circuit to measure the current I3 and voltage
V3 across R3.
7 Connect and measure I3 and V3 across R3.
8 Enter the measured values in Table 1.
9 Verify the characteristics of current, voltage and total
Table 1

Values Total circuit R1=10 R2= 20 R3= 10

Current I= I1 = I2= I3=

Voltage V= V1 = V2= V3=

Res. R= R = = R1= = R2= = R3= =

TASK 2 : Connect DC parallel circuit (Fig 4) and Verify its characteristics
5 Close the switch 'S4' and switch 'S1' in branch 1.
6 Read the ammeters 'A4' and 'A1' and record the values
in Table 2.
7 Close the switches 'S4' 'S1' and 'S2' in branch 2.
8 Read the ammeters 'A4' 'A1' and 'A2' and record the
values in Table 2.
9 Close the switches 'S4' 'S1' and 'S2' in branch 3.
10 Read the ammeters 'A4' 'A1' 'A2' and 'A3' and record
the values in Table 2.
1 Form the branches 1, 2, 3 by connecting the torch 11 Repeat the above steps after clamping the torch lamp
lamps L1, L2, L3 (150 mA, 6v) with a holder, an ammeter in any one branch with 6v 300 mA lamp and record the
A4 (500 mA) and switch 'S4' in series Fig 4. results in Table 2.
2 Connect the lamp terminals of the three branches 12 Repeat the exercise by replacing all the three 'lamps
together. with holder' by 'wire-wound resistors' (two numbers of
100 ohms and one of 150 ohms).
3 Connect the leads of each branch together and also
connect with the lead of the switch S4. 13 Verify the characteristics of current, voltage and
4 Form the circuit as shown in circuit diagrams with
voltmeter (V), ammeter (A4), switch 'S4' and battery.

Table 2
Sl. I1 I2 I3 ITotal Switches closed Components in the
No. branches

1 S4, S1 3 lamps of 150 mA.

2 S4, S1, S2 ,,

3 S4, S1, S2, S3 ,,

4 S4 ,,

5 S4, S1 2 lamps of 150 m

and one lamp 300 mA.

6 S4, S1, S2 ,,

7 S4, S1, S2, S3 ,,

8 Resistors - two 100 ohms

and one 50 ohms.

9 S4, S1, S2 ,,

10 S4, S1, S2, S3 ,,

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.37 105

Automotive Exercise 1.4.39
Mechanic Diesel - Electrical and Electronics

Practice on continuity test

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• check the fuses of all the lighting units
• find out the open and short circuits in the lighting circuit
• use of jumper wire
• check the fusible links
• check the circuit breakers.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Auto fuses - as reqd.
• Multimeeter - 1 No. • Test lamp - 1 No.
• Wire cutter - 1 No. • Cable/Wire - as reqd.
Equipments • Fusible links - as reqd.
• Circuit breaker - as reqd.
• Battery 12V - 1 No..
• Vehicle - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Check the fuses of all the lighting units

1 Check the battery for its charge.

2 Connect the test lamp clip to a good ground.
3 Touch the probe of the test lamp on either end of the
fuse. If the test lamp lights, the fuse is in good

If the test lamp lights only while touching one

side that means the fuse is defective. If the test
lamp does not light even on touching both the
sides that means the power source is not on or
the ground connection is bad.

4 Remove the fuse from its spring clip. Check whether

it is blown or not.

If it is blown we can see through the glass tube.

If the fuse is blown due to short circuit the

colour of glass tube becomes black (1) and the
fuse wire melts like small balls. (Fig 1)

If the fuse is blown (2) due to overload the fuse

wire is simply cut off. (Fig 2)

TASK 2 : Fine out open and short circuit in the lighting circuit
1 Check the wiring for open circuit by connecting an
2 Trace the open circuit and rectify.
ohmmeter between the two terminals.
3 Check the wiring for short circuit with the test lamp.
If there is an open circuit the ohmmeter reading (Fig 1)
will be more.
If there is a short circuit the test lamp will glow
before the circuit is completed and also the
fuse will be blown off.

TASK 3 : Identify the fuse unit in the panel board (Fig 1)

1 Engine 7.5 A : Alternator voltage regulator (IG terminal),
fuel cut solenoid, intake shutter, indicator light.
2 Heater 20 A : Heater blower motor, air conditioner.
3 Tail 15 A : Instrument panel lights, license plate lights,
parking lights, tail lights.
4 Head (RH) 15 A : High beam indicator light, right hand
5 Charge 7.5 A : Alternator voltage regulator, (L terminal),
discharge warning light.
6 AC 20 A : Air conditioner.
7 HAZ-HORN 15 A : Emergency flashers, emergency
flasher indicator lights, horn, turn signal indicator lights,
turn signal lights. 12 Radio 7.5 A : Radio, stereo cassette tape player
8 Head (LH) 15 A : High beam indicator light, left hand 13 Gauge 7.5 A : Back-up lights, engine temperature
head lights. gauge, fuel gauge, warning lights, warning buzzers.
9 CIG 15 A : Cigarette lighter, clock digital type. 14 Dome 7.5 A : Clock (digital type), interior light.
10 Wiper 15 A : Windshield wipers and washer. 15 16 7.5 A and 15 A : Spare fuses
11 Stop 15 A : Stop light 16Write the name of the parts in the Table 1.
Table 1

SI. No. Lable No. Name of the Parts and its rating

1 2
2 5
3 4
4 1
5 3
6 11
7 15
8 12
9 14
10 6
11 7
12 9
13 13
14 16
15 10
16 8

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.39 107

TASK 4 : Jumper Wire
1 Park the vehicle, on level ground and apply hand brake.
2 Open the bonnet and secure with the holding lever.
3 Place the fully charged battery adjacent to the vehicle
discharge battery.
4 Connect the two battery terminal in parallel by using
jumber wire cables as shown in Fig 8.
5 Start the vehicle run for some times.
6 Disconnect the jumber cables from the vehicle battery
7 Now the vehicle will run with its own battery.
8 Close the bonnet, securely.

TASK 5: Checking of fusible link

1 Visually inspect the fusible link for burnout, disconnect,
and damaged.
2 Check with the multimeter for continuity test.
3 Replace the fusible link if damaged, burnout or

Replacing fusible links (Fig 1) is little bit

complex than simply pulling a fuse, since they
are bolted in place and are sometimes difficult
to reach.
And also it is very important to use the correct
Using the right tools and finding the blown replacement of fusible link’s size and length.
fusible link location is important.
Never replace fusible link with normal electrical

108 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.39

Automotive Exercise 1.4.40
Mechanic Diesel - Electrical and Electronics

Diagonize electrical circuits

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• check the DC series circuit joints
• check the DC parallel circuit joints
• DC series parallel circuit.


Tools/Instruments Equipments
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Battery 12V - 1 No..
• Multimeeter - 1 No.
• Ohm meter - 1 No.
• Wires 4 mm - as reqd.
• Insulation tape - as reqd.


TASK 1 : DC series circuit

1 Prepare the D.C series circuit diagram

2 From a circuit as shown in the Fig 1.

3 Close the switch ‘S’, measure the current ‘I’ and voltage
4 Enter the measured values in Table 1.
5 Switch off the supply, connect the ammeter and
voltmeter as shown in the Fig 2. Switch on the supply
and measure voltage V1 and current I1 through R1 .
6 Switch off the supply, connect the ammeter and
voltmeter as shown in the Fig 3. Switch on the supply
and measure the votage V2 and the current I2 in R2 . 8 Connect and measure I3 and V3 across R3 .
7 Draw circuit diagram showing the position of ‘A’ and‘V’ 9 Enter the measured values in Table 1.
in the circuit to measure the current I3 and voltage V3
across R3 .

Table 1

Values Total circuit R1 = 10 R2 = 20 R3 = 10

Current I= I1 = I2 = I3 =

Voltage V= V1 = V2 = V3=

Resistance R= R1 = R2 = R3 =

TASK 2 : DC parallel circuit

1 Prepare the D.C parallel circuit diagram 5 Close the switch ‘S4’ and switch ‘S1’ in branch 1.

2 Form the branches 1,2,3 by connecting double contact 6 Read the ammeters ‘A4’ and ‘A1’ and record the values
single filament 20W bulbs L1, L2, L3 with a holder, an in Table 2.
ammeter A4 of 0-30 Amp DC (1 Amp.DIV) and switch 7 Close the switches ‘S4’ , ‘S1’ and ‘S2’ in branch 2.
‘S4’ in series. (Fig 4)
8 Read the ammeters ‘A4’ ‘A1’ and ‘A2’ and record the
values in Table 2
9 Close the switches ‘S4’, ‘S1’, ‘S2’, and ‘S3’ in branch
10 Close the swiches ‘S4’, ‘S1’, ‘S2’ and ‘S3’ in branch 3.
11 Read the ammeters ‘A4’ ‘A1’ ‘A2’ and ‘A3’ and record
the value in Table 2.
12 Repeat the above steps after clamping the torch lamp
in any one branch with 6v 300 mA lamp and record the
results in Table 2.
3 Connect the lamp terminals of the three branches 13 Repeat the exercise by replacing all the three ‘lamps
connect with the lead of the switch S4. with holder’ by wire-wound resistors’ (two numbers of
100 ohms and one of 150 lhms).
4 Form the circuit as shown in circuit diagrams with
volmeter (V), ammeter (A4), switch ‘S4’ and battery.

Table 2

Sl. No. I1 I2 I3 I Total Switches closed Components in

the branches

1 S4, S1 3 lamps of 1.7

Amps each
2 S4, S1, S2 ”
3 S4, S1, S2, S3 ”
4 S4 ”
5 S4, S1 2 lamps of 1.7 Amps
lamp and one 300mA

6 S4, S1, S2 ”
7 S4, S1, S2, S3 ”
8 S4, S1 Resistors two-one 100
ohms and another 150
9 S4, S1, S2 ”
10 S4, S1, S2, S3 ”

110 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.40

TASK 3 : DC Series parallel circuit.

Prepare the D.C series parallel circuit diagram

1 Calculate the voltage and currents for the series parallel
circuit shown in Fig 5. Enter the values in Table 3.
2 Calculate the total resistance RT and total current Is for
Vs = 50V and enter in Table 4.
3 Set the value of the rheostat resistances equal to the
value given in Fig 6 (i.e. R1 = 25 ohms, R2 = 300 ohms,
R3 = 40 ohms and R4 = 60 ohms by measuring the

resistance value between one end and the variable point
of the rheostat)
4 Form the circuit and measure the voltage and current.
Record them in your note book. 5 Calculate the value of RT from Vs and Is and record them
in your note book and Compare with the value obtained
in step 3.

Table 3

VRI IS I2 VR2 I3 VR2 I3 VR3 R3+R4 R2 (R3+R4)

Vs = 50V Calculated
R1 = 25W Values
R2 = 300W
R3 = 40W Measured
R4 = 60W Values

Table 4

Calculatee Values RT = R1 + R1 {R2  (R3 + R4)} =

Measured Values

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.40 111

Automotive Exercise 1.4.41
Mechanic Diesel - Electrical and Electronics

Check the electrical circuit using test lamp

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• check the electrical circuits with the test lamp
• solenoid electrical circuit with a test lamp
• check the wiper motor electrical circuit.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Wires 4 mm - as reqd.
Equipments/Machinery • Insulation tape - as reqd.

• Battery. Test lamp - 1 No..

• Starting motor with solenoid - 1 No..
• Brake light assembly - 1 No..


TASK 1 : Solenoid circuit

1 Check the brake light and solenoid switch visually . If 5 Check the battery cable from the solenoid switch
there is any damage externally, replace. terminal (4) to the starting motor terminal (6). Tighten
it if found loose. (Fig 2)
2 Check the brake light switch terminal (1)&(2) and clean
It. (Fig 1)


6 Check the wire connection from the solenoid switch

terminal to the starting switch (7).
7 Connect the test lamp to the brake light switch terminal
(1 & 2). If the switch is not closed, the lamp will glow.
8 Disconnect the cable wires from the solenoid switch.
9 Connect one end of the test lamp with the solenoid
switch terminal (3) and ground the other end of the test

10 It will burn, but this test will not indicate short circuit.

3 Check the wire connections from the brake light switch 11 Connect one end of the test lamp with starter switch
terminals (1 & 2) to the brake light lamp. Tighten, if terminal and the other end to the earth with switch
they are found loose. open. If the lamp burns birght, the solenoid is shorted.
Replace the switch.
4 Check the battery cable connections from the battery
(5) to the solenoid switch terminal (3). Tighten, if they
are found losse.

TASK 2 : Condenser checking

• Check the fibre head for wear; if necessary replace it. • Put on the switch (1). If the bulb glows the condenser
Connect the condenser as shown in the Fig 1. One must be replaced by a new one.
side of the double pole, double throw switch (1) must
• If the bulb is not glowing then the condenser is in proper
be connected to the main, and the other side must be
connected to the condenser (2) and test bulb (3) in
series. • Visually, check the cam, and replace, if required.
• Check the magneto coils for open and short cirucit
with the help of an AVO meter. If found damaged replace
the coil with a new one.


TASK 3 : Testing wiper motor circuit

• To measure the supply voltage, connect the wiper as

shown in Fig 1. Switch on the motor and meaure the If the reading is low, check the battery cable
voltage between the motor supply terminal (2) and the connections and the panel switch (1).
good earthing point with a volmeter.
• Disconnect the cable rack and measure the no-loand
running circuit with an ammeter connected in the supply
line. (2.5 A to 3.5 A)
No-load test

• Connect the wires to the motor and effect supply check

at what voltage the motor starts functioning no-load.

For a 12 volt system the motor should start

running from 4 volts.

Checking the cable rack

• Check the maximum force to move the cable rack by
hooking the spring balance.

The maximum permissible force is 2.7 kgs.

Final checking
• Test the wiping speed of the motor. It should be between
45 and 50 cycles/minute.

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.41 113

Automotive Exercise 1.4.42
Mechanic Diesel - Electrical and Electronics

Test voltage drop in a circuit

Objective: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• test voltage drop in a circuit.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Fuse - as reqd.
• Voltmeter MC 0 - 300 V - 1 No. • Switch - as reqd.
• Multimeter - 1 No. • Cable/Wire - as reqd.
• Auto electrical wiring circuit - 1 No.
• Battery - 1 No.

Voltage Drop Test in Head light circuit

1 Clean all the terminals, connectors in the auto electrical 4 Connect (+)ve lead to the input terminal of the motor.
wiring circuits
5 Connect (-)ve lead to the battery +ve terminal
2 Check, whether battery is fully charged condition.
6 Reed the voltage in the multimeter.
3 Connect the multimeter at shown in Fig 1 in the auto
electrical wiring circuit. 7 Remove, clean and refit (or) Replace the terminal if
voltage drop exceed 0.2 V.
8 Select a low scale on the voltmeter.
Measuring voltage drop in head light circuit
1 Connect the voltmeter across the part of the circuit in
which high resistance is suspected.
2 Measure the voltage drop across the HL ground.
3 Connect the voltmeter positive lead to the HL ground
and Negative lead to the -ve terminal of battery.
(Fig 2)
4 Measure the voltage drop shown in meter.
5 Compare the measured value with the rated value.
6 Replace, Clean and reconnect the lead if the voltage
drop excel W o.2 Volt.
7 Repeat the same volt drop test task to check the voltage
drop in all the other Electrical accessories.

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.42 115
Automotive Exercise 1.4.43
Mechanic Diesel - Electrical and Electronics

Trouble shoot electrical circuit problem

Objective: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• test the auto electrical components by using vehicle wiring circuits.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Fuse - as reqd.
• Test lamp - 1 No. • Switch - as reqd.
• Multimeter - 1 No. • Cable/Wire - as reqd.
• Auto electrical wiring circuit - 1 No.
• Battery - 1 No.

1 Identify the electrical (1-34) Components in the vehicle 6 Draw the lighting circuit.
by using the Automotive wiring circuits as shown in
7 Place the auto wiring board on the work bench.
Fig. 1.
8 Connect with battery.
2 Draw the starting circuit.
9 Check its function.
3 Draw the ignition circuit.
4 Draw the charging circuit.
5 Draw the flasher circuit.

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.43 117
Automotive Exercise 1.4.44
Mechanic Diesel - Electrical and Electronics

Cleaning and top - up of lead acid battery

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• clean the battery terminals and the body of the battery
• check the level of the electrolyte and top-up
• check the specific gravity of the electrolyte with hydrometer
• measure the cell voltage & the battery voltage.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Distilled water - as reqd.
• Hydrometer - 1 No. • Vaseline - as reqd.
• Multimeter - 1 No. • Cotton rag - as reqd.
• Lead acid battery 6V or 12V 80AH - 1 No. • Sand paper - as reqd.
Equipments • Soda bicarbonate - as reqd.

• Battery Charger - 1 No.


Cleaning and Top-up of lead acid battery.

1 Clean the battery terminals, if corroded, with sandpaper:
if sulphated, clean with wet cotton waste or with soda

Do not damage the battery terminal by

scraping with any metal strip.

2 Unscrew all the vent plugs and check the level of the

Do not clean the battery top surface keeping
the vent plugs open. The accumulated dirt may
fall inside the cells and form sediments.

3 Top up the electrolye to the marked level in all the cells

with distilled water.

No electrolyte to be used to top up battery.

4 Open seal cap of battery and keep Hydrometer inside.

Pump electrolyte upto reference mark.
5 Check the initial specific gravity of the electrolyte of
each cell using a hydrometer (Fig 1)

Automotive Exercise 1.4.45
Mechanic Diesel - Electrical and Electronics

Check the specific gravity of a battery

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• clean the battery terminals and the body of the battery
• test the battery with a hydrometer
• test the battery with a volt meter.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Vaseline - as reqd.
• Hydrometer - 1 No. • Battery acid - as reqd.
Equipments • Distilled water - as reqd.

• Vehicle - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Check the specific gravity and open circuit voltage test

1 Disconnect the negative cables first from the battery

2 Disconnect the positive cables from the battery
3 Remove the mounting clamp nuts.
4 Lift the battery from the vehicle.
5 Clean the top of the battery with water and cotton rag.
6 Clean the battery terminals by a non-metalic wire brush
or emery-paper.
7 Check and top up the electrolyte level with distilled
water. (if necessary)
8 Keep the battery on a leveled wooden workbench.
9 Remove all the vent plugs.
10 Hold the hydrometer vertically. (Fig 1)
Table 1
11 Place the nose of the hydrometer in the cell. Ensure
that the nose is dipped in the electrolyte. 1 2 3 4 5 6

12 Press the rubber bulb of the hydrometer.

13 Release it to draw the electrolyte upwards. Ensure
that the electrolyte does not come into the bulb.
14 Note the float level which is floating in the electrolyte. 16 Repeat the same procedure for all the cells and record
15 Record the reading in Table 1. the readings.

19 The voltmeter should read atleast 13.2 volts per battery.
The above reading should not vary more than
After carrying out the above tests compare the readings
25 points between cells.
with the manufacturer's specifications. Recharge/
Protect your hands and clothes from the battery replace the battery if it is in poor condition.
20 Clean the vent holes and tighten all the vent plugs.
17 Connect the leads of the DC voltmeter (2) to the battery
21 Smear the battery terminals with Vaseline.
terminal (+ve to -ve). (Fig 2)
22 Place the battery in its position in the vehicle.
23 Tighten the battery mounting clamp nuts.
24 Clean the battery lugs with baking soda solution and
25 Connect the battery +ve cable first and tighten it.
26 Connect the battery -ve cable and tighten it.
27 Start the engine. Check whether the battery supplies
sufficient current.

Disconnect the ground cable (-ve cable) first.

This will minimize the possibility of arcing and
a resultant battery explosion.

18 Take the reading from the voltmeter and record.

120 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.45

Automotive Exercise 1.4.46
Mechanic Diesel - Electrical and Electronics

Charge the battery

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• connect the battery to charger
• constant current method
• constant volt method.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 Set. • Vaseline - as reqd.
• Hydrometer - 1 No. • Battery acid - as reqd.
• Volt meter - 1 No. • Cable/Wire - as reqd.
Equipments • Distilled water - as reqd.
• Cotton rag - as reqd.
• Battery charger - 1 No. • Water emery - as reqd.
• Vehicle - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Battery charging

1 Place the battery on the charging table.

2 If the battery is not sealed, check the electrolyte level
in all of the cells and adjust the level if necessary.

Do not attempt to charge a battery that appears

to be frozen or if ice crystals are visible in the
electrolyte. Allow the battery to become
unfrozen fully before charging is attempted.

3 If the battery is sealed battery, check the built in

hydrometer. Do not attempt to charge the battery if
the indicator appears clear or light yellow. (Fig 1)

The negative (-) lead must be connected to negative

(-) terminal.
7 Turn on the charger switch.

4 Clean the battery terminals and the battery top. On some chargers, the timer must be set to
turn on the charger.
5 Consult an appropriate manual and determine the
charging rate and time for the battery. 8 Adjust the charging rate.
6 Turn off the charger switch. (Fig 2 & Fig 3) 9 Adjust the timer.
Connect the charger leads to the battery. The positive 10 Check the charging rate and the battery temperature
(+) lead must be connected to the positive (+) terminal. after the battery has been charging for about 15
minutes. Adjust the charging rate if required.
11 Continue charging until the allotted time or until the 12 Turn off the charger switch.
battery is fully charged.
13 Disconnect the charger leads from the battery.

Watt rating 5 Amperes 10 Amperes 20 Amperes 30 Amperes 40 Amperes 50 Amperes

Below 2450 10 Hours 5 Hours 2 ½ Hours 2 Hours - -

2450-2950 12 Hours 6 Hours 3 Hours 2 Hours 1 ½ Hours -

Above 2950 15 Hours 7 ½ Hours 3 ¼ Hours 2 Hours 1 ¾ Hours 1 ½ Hours

To avoid damage, charging rate must be

reduced or temporarily halted if:

Electrolyte temperature exceeds 125F.

Violent gassing or spewing of electrolyte
Battery is fully charged when over a two hour
period at a low charging rate in amperes all
cells are gassing freely and no change in
specific gravity occurs. For the most satisfactory
charging, the lower charging rates in amperes
are recommended.
Full charge specific gravity is 1.260-1.280
corrected for temperature with electrolyte
level at split ring.

TASK 2 : Constant current method

1 Connect all the batteries in series as shown in Fig 1. 2 Connect the charger to batteries.
3 Set the voltage rate in charger according to no. of
4 Charge the battery.
5 Switch off the battery charger
6 Test the specific for gravity of each battery.
7 Record the reading in Table. 1

122 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.46

Table 1

Cell 1 2 3 4 5 6

TASK 3 : Constant Voltage method (Fig 1)

1 Connect all the batteries in parallel as shown in Fig 1 9 Check the battery, for discharge, externally as follows
10 Switch off the ignition switch
11 Check and clean the impurities and contaminated water
layer on the top of the battery
12 Clean the top surface of the battery after topup the
13 Check any loose contact between battery post &
14 Check any loose contact in the auto vehicle wiring circuit
15 Check and Replace the defective contact of all switches
in the vehicle
16 Check and clean the shulper formation of battery
2 Connect the charger to batteries. terminals
3 Set the current rate by varying the voltage to be charged. Table 2
4 Charge the battery till full charging
Cell 1 2 3 4 5 6
5 Switch off the battery charger Battery
6 Record the readings in Table 2.
7 Parasitic draw (Switch off) of battery
8 Check the battery for self discharge by checking the
battery charged condition periodically. 3

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.46 123

Automotive Exercise 1.4.47
Mechanic Diesel - Electrical and Electronics

Practice parasitic battery drain test

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• check the causes of parasitic draw of battery
• rectify the parasitic draw.


Tools/Equipments/Instruments Materials/Components
• Trainee’s tool kit • Sandpaper - as reqd.
• Battery hydrometer - 1 No./each. • Cleaning cloth - as reqd.
• Lead-acid storage battery, 6V or • Banking soda - as reqd.
12V 80Ah - 1 No./each. • Petroleum jelly - as reqd.
• Distilled water - as reqd.
• Cleaning brush, 2 inch - 1 No./batch.


TASK 1 : Check the specific gravity and open circuit voltage test

1 From the name plate or from the code number on the 3 Check for the pressure of vent plugs. If absent record
cell identify and record the following in O&T sheet; in O&T sheet.
• Manufacturer 4 Open the vent plug. Check and record the specific
• Outputvoltage gravity of electrolyte in each cell.
• Number of cells
• Type number 5 Using battery hydrometer check and record the specific
• Ah capacity gravity of electrolyte in each cell.

2 Check the battery terminal and metal links for the 6 Measure and record the voltage across each cell and
following defects if any, and record defects if found; the total voltage across battery terminals.

• Broken or lifted terminals If cell voltage is less than 1.6, that cell is called
• White or grey colour sulphation on and near the Dead cell.
• Salt formation on the battery top 7 Get your readings checked by your instructor.
• Cell links cracked
• Cracked or warping of batter top

TASK 2 : Remedies for parasitic draw of battery

1 Clean the impurities and contaminated water layer on 5 Keep the battery terminals free from sulpher formation.
the top of the battery
2 Clean the top surface of the battery after topup. If acceptable causes to discharge of battery
is also causes to parasitic draw of battery
3 Check & tight the loose contact terminals
4 Replace the defective switches. If the discharge rate of battery is more than
0.050 A at Ideal condition is said to be parasitic
draw of battery.

Automotive Exercise 1.4.48
Mechanic Diesel - Electrical and Electronics

Check the relays and solenoid

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• check the condition of the solenoid switch in the starting system
• check the condition of the relay in the wiring circuit.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Fuse - as reqd.
• Test lamp - 1 No. • Switch - as reqd.
• Multimeter - 1 No. • Cable/Wire - as reqd.
Equipments • Insulation tape - as reqd

• Vehicle - 1 No.
• Battery - 1 No.


TASK 1: Checking solenoid switch

1 Check the solenoid switch terminals (3&4) and clean 3 Check the battery cables from the solenoid switch
them. (Fig 1) terminals (4) to the starter motor terminals (6). Tighten
it if formal loose.
4 Check the wire connection from the solenoid switch
terminals to the starting switch (7).
5 Connect the test lamp to the brake light switch terminal
(1&2). If the switch is not closed, the lamp will glow.
6 Disconnect the cable wires from the solenoid switch.
7 Connect one end of the test lamp with the solenoid
switch terminal (3) and ground the other end of the
test lamp.
8 It will burn, but this test will not indicate short circuit.
9 Connect one end of the test lamp with starter switch
2 Check the battery cable connections from the battery terminal and the other end to the earth with switch
(5) to the solenoid switch terminals (3). Tighten if found open. If the lamp burns bright, the solenoid is shorted.
loose. Replace the switch.

TASK 2 : Checking the relay in horn circuit

1 Disconnect the electrical connection from the horn. 6 Start the full resistance in the circuit. Slide the knob
relay (5) as shown in Fig 2. to increase or decrease the voltage on the relay winding.
2 Loosen the mounting nuts of the horn relay and remove
If there is an error when the relay point closes,
adjust by bending the armature spring post
3 Check the condition of the horn relay using a rheostat
[Increasing the spring tension increases the
and volt meter.
closing voltage]
4 Connect the rheostat (1) in series to the battery and
horn relay (3) (Fig 3) 7 Replace the relay, if necessary.
5 Connect the volt meter (2) across the winding of the 8 Place the horn relay in its position and tighten the
relay (3) to measure the closing voltage as shown in mounting nuts.
Fig (3)
9 Refit the spring and the horn switch.
10 Fit the retainer and press it.
11 Connect the wires to the switch of the horn relay and
sound the horn. Checking HL & Wiper motor relay.
12 Operate the horn switch and test for the correct horn Repeat the Task of checking the Relay.

126 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.48

Automotive Exercise 1.4.49
Mechanic Diesel - Electrical and Electronics

Test power and signal connectors

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the power and signal connector
• verify selected connector continuity.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Cable connector - as reqd.
• Multi meter - 1 No. • Sensors - as reqd.
Equipments • Insulation tap - as reqd.
• Cables - as reqd.
• CRDI - Engine with all accesorres - 1 No.
of electronic unit


Power & signal connection for continuty

Open circuit check
• Loose connection of connector
• Poor contact of terminal (due to dirt, corrosion or rust
on it, poor contact tension, entry of foreign object etc.
• Wire harness being open

Check for loose connection (Fig 1)

1 Disconnect negative cable from battery.
2 Check each connector at both ends of the circuit being
checked for loose connection (Fig 1). Also check lock
condition of connector if equipped with connector lock.

3 Using a test male terminal, check both terminals of

the circuit being checked for contact tension of its
female terminal. by dirt, corrosion, rust entry of foreign
object, etc) (Fig 2)
At the same time, check to make sure that each
terminal is locked in the connector fully. (Fig 3)

4 Using continuity check or voltage check procedure
described in the following, check the wire harness for
open circuit and poor connection with its terminals.
Locate abnormality, if any. (Fig 4)

Continuity check
5 Measure resistance between connector terminals at
both ends of the circuit being checked (between A-1
and C-1 in the figure).
If no continuity is indicated (infinity or over limit), that
means that the circuit is open between terminals A-1
and C-1. (Fig 5)

Voltage Between:
C-1 and body ground: Approx. 5V
B-1 and body ground: Approx. 5V
A-1 and body ground: 0V
Also, if measured values were as listed below, it means
that there is a resistance (abnormality) of such level
that corresponds to the voltage drop in the circuit
between terminals A-1 and B-1.
Voltage Between:
C-1 and body ground: Approx. 5V
B-1 and body ground: Approx. 5V 2V voltage drop
6 Disconnec t the connector included in the circuit A-1 and body ground: Approx.3V
(connector-B in the figure) and measure resistance
between terminals A-1 and B-1. Short circuit check (Wire harness to ground) (Fig 7)

If no continuity is indicated, that means that the circuit 8 Disconnect negaive cable from battery.
is open between terminals A-1 and B-1. If continuity is 9 Disconenct connectors at both ends of the circuit to
indicated, there is an open circuit between terminals be checked.
B-1 and C-1 or an abnormality in connector-B.
Note : If the circuit to be checked is connected
Voltage check (Fig 6) to other pars, disconnect all connectors of those
If voltage is supplied to the circuit being checked, Voltage parts. Otherwise, diagnosis will be misled.
check can be used as circuit check.
10 Measure resistance between terminals at one end of
7 With all connectors connected and voltage applied to circuit (A -1 terminal in figure) and body ground. If
the circuit being checked, measure voltage between continuity is indicated, it means that there is a short to
each terminal and body ground. ground between terminals A-1 and C -1 of the circuit.
If measurements were taken as shown in the figure at
the left and results were as listed below, it means that
the circuit is open between terminals B-1 and A-1.

128 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.49

13 Dirt or corrosion on the terminals. The terminals must
be clean and free of any foreignmaterial which could
impede proper terminal contact.
14 Damaged connector body, exposing the terminals to
moisture and dirt, as well as not maintaining proper
terminal orienation with the component or mating
15 Improperly formed or damaged terminals.
Check each connector terminal in problem circuits
carefully to ensure good contact tension by using the
corresponding mating terminal.
If contact tension is not enough, reform it to increase
contact tension or replace.

11 Disconnect the connector included in circuit (connector

B) and measure resistance between A-1 and body
ground. (Fig 7)
If continuit is indicated, it means that the circuit is
shorted to the ground between terminals A-1 and
B-1.(Fig 8)

16 Poor terminal - to - wire connection. (Fig 11)

Check each wire harness in problem circuits for poor
connection by shaking it by hand lightly. If any abnormal
condition is found, repair or place.

Intermittents and poor connection (Fig 9, 10)

Most intermittents are caused by faulty electrical
connections or wiring, although a sticking relay or
solenoid can occasionally be at fault. When checking
it for proper connection, perfrom careful check of
suspect circuits for:
12 Poor mating of connector halves, or terminals not fully
seated in the connector body (backed out).
Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.49 129
17 Wire insulation which is rubbed through, causing an electronic control unit when its coupler is disconnected.
intermittent short as the bare area touches other wiring Attempt to do it may cause damage to it.(Fig 14)
or parts of the vehicle.
18 Wiring broken inside the insulation (Fig 12). This
condition could cause continuity check to show a good
circuit, but if only 1 or 2 strands of a multi-strand-type
wire are intact, resistance could be far too high.
If any abnormality is found, repair or replace.

Precautions for electrical circuit service

19 When disconnecting and connecting coupler, make

sure to turn ignition switch OFF, or electronic parts

may get damaged.
20 Be careful not to touch the electrical terminals of parts
which use microcomputers (e.g. electronic control unit

23 Never connect an ohmmeter to electronic control unit

with its coupler connected to it. Attempt to do it may
cause damage to electronic control unit and
sensors.(Fig 15)
24 Be sure to use a specified voltmeter/ohmmeter.
Otherwise, accurate measurements may not be
obtained or personal injury may result. If not specified,
use a voltmeter with high impedance (MV minimum)
or a digital type voltmeter.
25 When taking measurements at electrical connectors
using a tester probe, be sure to insert the probe (2)
from the wire harness side (backside) of the connector
(1).(Fig 16)
like as ECM, P/S controller, etc.). The static electricity
from your body can damage these parts.(Fig 13)
21 When disconencting couplers, don’t pull wire harness
but make sure to hold coupler itself. With lock type
coupler, be sure to unlock before disconnection. Attempt
to disconnect coupler without unlocking may result in
damage to coupler. When connecting lock type coupler,
insert it till clicking sound is heard and connect it
22 Never connect any tester (voltmeter, ohmmeter,) to

130 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.49

Automotive Exercise 1.4.50
Mechanic Diesel - Electrical and Electronics

Practice on testing diodes

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the type of package
• determine the forward to reverse resistance ratio of diodes
• identifying transistor
• testing transistor


Tools/Instruments/Equipments Materials/Components
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Assorted types of diodes/Transistor - 20 No./each.
• Multimeter - 1 No. • Blue,yellow,black Red colour
• Transistor - as reqd. Red colour sleeve wire - 10 cms.each
• Data book - 1 No. • Patch cords - as reqd.


TASK 1 : Identify diode package and terminals

1 Pick any one diode from the given assorted lot. Record 3 For the chosen diode referring to Chart 1, identify and
the code number printed on the diode in O&T sheet. put a small red colour sleeve over the anode terminal of
the diode.
2 For the chosen diode, refer chart 1 and identify and
record the type of package (such as glass/plastic/ 4 Repeat step 1 to 3 for atleast 5 diodes of different types
ceramic/metal etc.). and get your work checked by your instructor.

TASK 2 : Checking diodes using ohmmeter/multimeter

1 Set the ohmmeter/multimeter to x100 ohms range.

Carryout resistance-zero-setting of meter.

Choose other ohms range if necessary.

2 Pickup one of the identified diodes in Task 1. Connect

the ohmmeter probes across the diode terminals as
shown in Fig 1a. Record the resistance reading shown
by the meter in Table 1 of O&T sheet.
3 Reverse the meter probes connected to the diode as
shown in Fig 1b and record the reading shown by the
meter in the Table 1.
4 From the readings noted in steps 2 and 3, calculate
and record the ratio between forward and reverse
5 From the recorded information give your conclusion
about the condition of the diode. Use the tips given
below for making conclusion;
– In good diodes, resistance will be less than 100
ohms in one direction and very high or almost – Open diodes shows infinity/open in both directions.
infinity/open in the other direction. In the worst 6 Repeat step 2 to 4 for atleast ten more given diodes of
cases the ratio between low to high resistance different types.
could be at least 1:1000.
7 Get the work checked by your instructor.
– Shorted diodes show zero or very low resistance
in both directions. 131
Observation & Tabulation Sheet

Table - 1

Resistance value in Ratio between Condition

Code Number
Label printed on Type of forward and reverse of diode
Number package one opposite resistance FIT/UNFIT
direction direction

(Trainee) (Instructor)
132 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.50




Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.50 133


TASK 3 : Identifying transistor type and leads, referring to data manual

1 Take any one transistor from the given assorted lot,

enter its label number and transistor type number in
Table 1.
2 Refer to transistor data manual and find and record the
following details of the transistor in Table 1 of O&T
– Whether silicon or germanium
– Whether NPN or PNP
– Type of packaging or case outline (Example:
TO5,TO7 etc.)
Note: In some power transistors, the metal body
3 From the type of package recorded, the transistor data
itself will be the collector. In such cases mark
manual and draw the pin diagram indicating base,
‘C’ on the metal body using a pencil. All
emitter and collector for the transistor, in Table 1.
transistors will not have shield pin.
4 Put sleeves of suitable length, as shown in Fig 1, to the
identified pins of the transistor using the colour scheme 5 Repeat steps 1 to 4 for atleast five transistors of different
given below. types in the given lot and get your work checked by your
Base - Blue colour sleeve
Emitter - Red colour sleeve
Collector - Yellow colour sleeve
Shield - Black colour sleeve

1 Identify which terminal of the ohmmeter being used is 3 Clip the other meter prod to the emitter. Check if the
connected to the +ve terminal of the internal battery of base-emitter junction diode of transistor shows low
the meter. Set the meter range to Rx100W. resistance (few tens of ohms) or very high resistance
Ohmmeters in very low or very high ohms range can (few tens of kiloohms). Record your observation in Table
produce excessive current/voltage and may damage low 1.
power transistors while testing. 4 Reverse the polarity of the prod connected across the
2 Take a transistor whose pins are identified and sleeved base-emitter and check if the base-emitter junction
at Task 3. Depending on whether the chosen transistor diode of transistor shows low resistance or very high
is NPN or PNP, clip/hold the +ve or -ve of the meter prod resistance. Record your observation in Table 1.
to the base of the transistor as shown in Figs 2a and 2b.

134 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.50

5 From the recorded observations in steps 3 and 4, and
referring to the table given below, conclude and record,
the condition of the base-emitter junction diode of the
transistor as GOOD, open or shorted in Table 1 of O&T

Note: If the resistance of the junction measured

in both directions is high, in addition to the
condition of the junction given in table, one
other possibility is, your identified base pin
may be wrong. You may be measuring
resistance across emitter-collector. In case of
doubt, recheck the identified pins of the
transistor and repeat steps 2, 3 and 4.

Table 1

Resistance of P-N Resistance of P-N Condition of P-N

junction with meter junction with meter junction
prods in one direction in reversed direction

Low Very High Good

Low Low Shorted
Very High Very High Open (See note above)

6 Repeat the steps 2,3,4 and 5 and check the condition

of the base-collector junction diode of the transistor.
7 Measure the resistance across the emitter-collector
and record the observation as V-HIGH (> 1MW) or LOW
(< 500W).

Note: In a good transistor the resistance between

the emitter and collector will be very high. A
low resistance indicates that the transistor is

8 Clip the meter across the emitter-collector with correct

polarity as shown in Fig 3. Touch the base-collector 10 Repeat steps 1 to 9 for atleast five more transistors of
with moist fingers as shown in Fig 3 and check if the different types.
resistance shown by the meter decreases indicating 11 Get your work checked by your instructor.
that the transistor is turning ON. Record your observation
as YES or NO in Table 1 of O&T sheet.
9 From the observations recorded at steps 5,6,7 and 8,
give your conclusion on the overall condition of the
transistor under test.

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.50 135

Automotive Exercise 1.4.51
Mechanic Diesel - Electrical and Electronics
Construct and test logic gates
Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• connect the circuit with resistor and transistor
• construct AND, NOT, OR gate
• circuits and verify the truth table.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainees tool kit - 1 No. • Relay 12V - as reqd.
Equipments • Lamp 12V, 10W - as reqd.
• Switches - as reqd.
• Battery 12V - 1 No. • Resistors - as reqd.
• Transistor NPN 2A - as reqd.
• Wire - as reqd.


TASK 1 : Construct OR gate circuits and verify the truth table

1 Connect the transistors as shown in Fig 1.

2 Connect the switches in parallel.
3 Connect the bulb at the output.
4 Connect battery.
5 Operate the switches look at the bulb and make truth
table 1.
6 Get the work checked by your instructor.

Table 1
A B C ON/OFF condtion of bulb

0 0 0

0 0 1

0 1 0

0 1 1

1 0 0

1 0 1

1 1 0

1 1 1

TASK 2 : Construct an AND gate circuits and verify the truth table

1 Connect two on-off switch.

2 Connect 21 W/12 V bulb as load.
3 Connect battery 12V.
4 Connect solenoid 12 V (No) with suitable wires as
shown in Fig 1.
5 3 NPN 2A transistors connected with suitable resistors.
6 Operate the switches and look at the bulb for its
7 Prepare a truth table 1.
8 Get the work checked by your instructor.
Table 1

A B ON/OFF condtion of bulb

0 0

0 1

1 0

1 1

TASK 3 : Construct NOT gate and verify the truth table

1 Use 1 mm wires and make the NOT gate electrical

circuit (Figs 1 and 2)

12V 21W double contact bulb, 12V relay (B,L,S)

with the terminal normally closed tape.

2 Connect the 12V battery.

3 Connect the bulb at the output.
4 Operate the switches and look at the bulb for its
5 Get the work checked by your instructor.

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.51 137

Truth Table


0 (OFF) 1 (ON)

1 (ON) 0 (OFF)

138 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.4.51

Automotive Exercise 1.5.52
Mechanic Diesel - Arc & Gas welding

Practice on arc welding

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• prepare and set job pieces for straight line beading
• select the electrode, current and polarity for depositing the weld beads
• deposit uniform straight bead in flat position by arc welding
• maintain constant arc length, electrode angle and travel speed
• restart a broken arc and fill the crater properly
• remove and clean the slag and spatter from the weld bead using a chipping hammer and wire brush
• inspect deposited beads for any surface defects.


TASK 1 : Weld straight line beads on M S plate 10 mm in flat position

1 Prepare the plates to size (as per drawing) by Hacksaw Ensure the burning of the electrode is normal
cutting and grinding. and the arc is smooth.
2 Clean the plate surface (job) with a carbon steel wire
brush and remove the burrs by filing. 12 Readjust the welding current if necessary.

3 Lay out parallel lines on both sides of the job surface as 13 Use a short arc.
per sketch and mark with a centre punch. 14 Deposit straight line beads on the workpiece along the
4 Set the plate on the welding table in a flat position. punched line from the left hand end to the other end.
15 Hold the electrode at 700 to 800 to the line of weld. Move
Ensure the plate is contacting well with the it along the line of weld and towards the job at uniform
welding table and the earth clamp is not loosely speed.
connected with the work table.
16 Restart the bead whenever the arc is broken and ensure
5 Wear protective clothing (safety apparels). to fill the crater.
17 Fill the crater at the end of the bead without fail.
Ensure the filter glass of the welding shield is in
good condition. 18 Remove slag from the weld bead using a chipping
hammer and clean with steel wire brush.
6 Fix a 4 mm ø M.S. electrode in the holder. 19 Use a chipping screen while de-slagging.
7 Set the welding current to 150 to 160 amps approxi- 20 Inspect deposited beads for:
- uniform width and height - slag inclusion
8 Connect the electrode cable with the transformer weld-
ing machine. In case of a DC welding generator or - straightness
rectifier, connect it to the negative terminal. - uniform ripples - unfilled crater
9 Connect the earth clamp on the right extreme end of the - porosity
job/work table.
- undercut
10 Start the welding machine
21 Repeat the exercise on the otherside of the plate.
11 Strike the arc on a scrap piece for trial and observe the
current setting.

Skill Sequence

Weld straight line beads on 10mm MS plate

Objectives: This shall help you to
• prepare job piece for straight line beads
• select the electrode, current and polarity
• maintain constant arc, angle and trave speed
• remove slag for chipping hammer and wire brush
• inspite deposit beads.

Prepare a M.S. plate piece 100 x 150 x 10mm using a Always follow the current range according to
hacksaw and file. the diameter of the electrode, as given in the
electrode packet by the electrode manufacturer.
Mark straight line, punch the line keeping 15mm distance
in between. (Fig.1) Check for proper melting of the job and electrode on a scrap
metal piece.
Set the job on the welding table in a flat position with the
punched surface facing up.(Fig.1) Hold the electrode at an angle of 70° to 80° with weld line/
punched line. (Fig 2)
The bottom surface of the job should be perfectly
clean to get good electrical contact between
the job and the welding table.

140 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.5.52

The electrode should be moved towards the
job to maintain a gap between the tip of the
electrode and the molten pool. (Fig 4)
Welding screen glasses should be clean enough
to see the arc action on the molten pool and
punched line mark.
Listen to the arc’s steady sharp crackling sound
while welding. It indicates uniform burning of
the electrode.

When a DC welding machine is used connecting

the earth cable at the right end of the job or
work table will help to deposit the weld metal Adjust the travel speed by watching the electrode melting
at the correct place in the joint. rate and flowing through the molten pool to form the
deposited metal. The uniform travel speed of the electrode
Deposit straight line beads taking the punched lines as a along and towards the line of the weld gives a uniform bead.
guide maintaining:
Whenever the arc is broken a depression called
– the medium arc length (L) (i.e. equal to dia. of electrode crater is formed at the breaking point and this
used (d). If a DC welding machine is used then use of crater has to be filled first while restarting the
a short arc length will help to reduce the deviation of the arc. So clean the crater and generate an arc at
molten metal from its intended path. about 20mm ahead of the crater and return to
– correct travel speed (approximately 150 mm per minute) the crater at a faster rate.

– correct electrode position/angles.Fig 2 and 3 Build the deposit so that it fills the crater, then move the
electrode ahead. Fig 5.

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.5.52 141

Also after completion of each bead fill the crater as follows. Determine the causes for the above weld defects and use
Fig 6 the remedial/prevention methods in further deposits.
Check the deposited beads and note any variation in the:
– width and height using a template Fig 9.

Build the deposit on the crater so that it is the same level

as the welding bead.
– Let the arc length be shorter at the end of the run and
draw a small circle 2 to 3 times.
– Repeat Off and On the arc at the end to fill the crater
shown in Fig 6 – depth of fusion
Remove the slag and spatters from the weldment using a – straightness of the run
chipping hammer and wire brush, so that the metal surface
– check for surface defects such as slag inclusion,
of the bead is exposed for checking for any defects. (Figs
surface porosity, undercut, improper bead profile etc.
7 and 8)
(Fig 10)

142 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.5.52

Skill Sequence

Open square butt joint

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• set and tack-weld the pieces as open square butt joint
• hold the electrode at the required angle and move it at uniform speed along the joint
• clean and inspect the open square butt weld.

Tack at both ends is done so that the joint will be in proper

alignment (Fig 1). A higher current of 110 ampere current
is set to ensure good fusion of the edges and avoid defects
at the tacks.

The slag at the root of the first run will have to be cleaned
properly, otherwise slag inclusion defect will occur, when
welding is done on the otherside of the joint.

While depositing the second run ensure proper fusion to a

depth of 3 to 3.5mm is obtained so as to avoid lack of fusion
defect at the meeting point of the 2 beads. Fig.3
Selection of a 3.15mm dia. medium coated MS
electrode and 110 amps current setting will
help to maintain smaller molten pool.

Proper angles of electrode is essential to ensure the

molten slag can be kept away from the weld pool and the
fusion will be to the required depth. Fig 2

To get good ripple formation, to avoid more

metal deposition at the same place move the In both the runs molten puddle has to be controlled by
electrode steadily forward with a uniform speed proper mainpulation of the electrode to avoid slag inclusions
of travel. in the weld metal.

Be very careful to keep the centre line of arc exactly on the

centre of the edges to be fused so that both the edges of
the joint are fused simultaneously.

Skill Sequence

Fillet weld lap joint on MS plate 10mm

Objectives: This shall help you to
• prepare plate pieces by gas cutting and by grinding to size
• set plates as a lap joint and tack weld at both ends
• deposit root run of proper size and ensure penetration.
• clean and inspect the lap fillet weld for surface defects.

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.5.52 143

Setting and tacking the lap joint (Fig 1) Maintain 80° angle to the line of the weld and 45° between
the weld faces. (Fig 2)
Maintain a short arc to get uniform fusion and root

Avoid side-to-side movement of the electrode.

De-slag and clean the root bead thoroughly.

Deposit the final covering run with a 4mmø medium coated
MS electrode and 160 amp current.
Give side-to-side movement to the electrode not more than
2.5 times its dia.
Use the same electrode angle as was used for the root
Set the lap joint with an overlap of 25mm. bead.

The overlap may vary based on the plate Prevent the upper edge of the plate from
thickness. melting off by not allowing the arc to concentrate
more on the upper edge.
Tack-weld on both ends. (Fig 1) Ensure the 2 lapping
surfaces are perfectly cleaned and they contact each other Remove the slag with a chipping hammer.
properly. Use a 3.15mmø MS electrode with 120 amp Clean the weld with a steel wire brush.
current for tacking.
Inspect the lap fillet weld (Fig 3) and ensure:
Set the joint in a flat position using angle iron (Fig 2).

– it has equal leg length with slight convexity

– the upper edge of the plate has not melted off

Welding the lap fillet joint in flat position – it is free from surface defects.

Deposit root run with a 3.15mmø medium coated MS

electrode with 100-110 amp. current.

Skill Sequence

Fillet weld ‘T’ joint

Objectives: This shall help you to
• set and tack pieces in alignment as ‘T’ joint
• deposit root run in ‘T’ joint
• clean the weldment and inspect surface defects.

Setting and tacking of a ‘T’ joint (Fig 1) Tack-weld the pieces at both ends of the ‘T’ joint by using
a 3.15mm dia. medium coated M.S. electrode and 110/120
Set the pieces in alignment forming 92° between the plates
amps welding current.
Fig 1. This preseting to 920 is done to compensate the
effect of shrinkage forces when weld deposit cools down. Ensure the tacks are well fused at the root.

144 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.5.52

Proceed along the welding line with uniform travel speed
and short arc to get uniform fusion and root penetration.

The slag has to be removed thoroughly from

the root run so that the slag inclusion defect can
be avoided in the next run.

Use a slightly side-to-side weaving motion. (Fig.3) The

width of weave should give a leg size of 10mm.

Check the alignment of the ‘T’ joint after tacking.

Welding a ‘T’ fillet joint
Use a channel to place the joint in a flat position. (Fig 2)

Maintain the same electrode angle as in the root bead.

If the leg size is less than 10mm then deposit a

third run using the same technique used for the
second run.

Clean the final covering bead thoroughly.

Stop the electrode weaving for a moment at the toes of the
weld to avoid undercut. Fill the crater at the end of the bead.
Inspection of fillet weld
Inspect the fillet welds for defects, correct shape and size
of fillet and equal leg length on either side of the weld.

The electrode angle of 450 will help to fuse both

plates equally and the 800 angle will help to get
a good root penetration.

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.5.52 145

Automotive Exercise 1.5.53
Mechanic Diesel - Arc & Gas welding

Practice on gas welding

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the different equipment/parts of an oxy-acetylene welding plant
• move gas cylinder safely
• setup the oxy-acetylene gas welding plant connecting all components
• test for gas leadkages at all connections
• set the required gas pressures on the regulators
• ignite and extinguish the gas flame without backfire
• set neutral, oxidising and carburising flames
• close down the oxy-acetylene gas welding plant maintaining correct sequence
• observe all safe practices while using the oxy-acetylene gas welding plant.


Tools/Instruments Equipments
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Oxy-acetylene plant - 1 No.
• Spanner D/E - 1 No. • Regulator (Left and Right threads) - 1 No
• Cylinder key - 1 No. each.
• Pressure gauge - 1 No. • Nozzle cleaner - 1 No.
• Trolley - 1 No.
• Cotton rag - as reqd.


Setting up oxy-acetylene plant Fig 1 Move oxygen and acetylene cylinders with the caps from
the store to the gas welding area. An oxygen cylinder is
identified by the black colour painted on it. An acetylene
cylinder is identified by the maroon colour painted on it.
Also the oxygen cylinder will be taller than an acetylene
cylinder and the diameter of oxygen cylinder will be less
than the diameter of an acetylene cylinder.
Ensure full cylinders are kept separately from the empty
Position the gas cylinders in a trolley and secure them with
a chain.
Always keep the cylinders upright/vertically in the cylinder
stand/on the floor. (Fig 2)
While moving, the gas cylinder should be kept slightly
inclined to the vertical position and the protector cap used
to avoid damage to the cylinder valves. (Fig 3)
Do not roll the cylinder horizontally on the ground.
Remove the cylinder caps. Crack the gas cylinder valves by
quickly opening and closing them using the cylinder key.
Fig 4.
Dirt and dust particles from the cylinder valve sockets are
cleaned by cracking the cylinder valve. This will avoid
leadage of gas due to improper seating of the cylinder valve
and also to prevent the dust particles from entering into the
regulators which may cause damage to the regulators.

Ensure that your hands are free from grease or oil.
Connect the oxygen regulator to the oxygen gas cylinder
(right hand threads).
Connect the acetylene regulator to the acetylene gas
cylinder (left hand threads)
Ensure the pressure adjusting screws of both regulators
are in a released condition.
Be sure to connect the correct regulator on cylinders.
Acetylene connections have left hand thread and oxygen
has right hand thread.
The acetylene regulator connecting nut will have a groove
cut on it (Fig 6) and the pressure gauge dial will be of
maroon colour.

All threaded connections should be fixed initially by

tightening by hands and then only a spanner should be
used. This will help to avoid assembly with cross thread
leading to damage to threads.
Always stand opposite to the valve outlet while cracking the Always use the correct size spanner to prevent damage to
cylinders. (Fig 5) the threads. (Fig 7)

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.5.53 147

The hose-protectors protect against the return of gas from
the blowpipe to the rubber hoses. They act as non return
Adjusting the gas pressure
The gas pressure for both oxygen and acetylene has to be
adjusted at regulators accoring to the size of the nozzle.
The size of the nozzle is selected according to the material
and thickness.
Attaching blowpipe For adjusting the gas pressure, open the valves of both the
The other end of the hose-pipe is to be attached to the cylinders slowly by on turn and set the pressure on both
blowpipe inlets. (Fig 8) regulators as 0.15 kg / cm2 for small size nozzle tightening
the pressure adjusting screws. (Fig. 10) Ensure the blow
pipe control valves are kept open while setting gas pressure.

Fix the hose-protectors at the blowpipe ends. The hose- The pressure can be read on the working pressure of gas
protectors with a groove at the corners are fixed on the regulators.
acetylene hose-pipe and connected to the acetylene inlet
of the blowpipe. The hose-protectors without cutting marks Testing for leakage
are fixed on the oxygen hose-pipe and connected to the All connections must be tested for leakage.
oxygen inlet of the blowpipe. (Fig 9)

148 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.5.53

Open cylinder valves very slowly.
While setting pressure on the regulator, keep the blowpipe
control valve open for accurate setting.
Open the acetylene control valve 1/4 turn on the blowpipe
and ignite with a spark lighter. (Fig 12) Acetylene burns
using the oxygen in the atmosheric air with a black smoke.

Apply soap water solution for acetylene connections and

fresh water for oxygen connections. (Fig 11)

Avoid using any other source of fire other than the spark
Point the blowpipe in a safe direction in the open space,
away from you and others.
Increase the acetylene till the black smoke disappears.
(Fig 13)

Observe the flame and add oxygen by opening the oxygen

Use of soap water on oxygen connections may lead to fire control vlave of the blowpipe. Now a bright white cone starts
hazads. appearing at the tip of the nozzle. (Fig 14)
Never use matches or flame light during leakage test.
Lighting the flame
Attach the recommended size of nozzle to the neck of the
welding blowpipe i.e nozzle No.3.
Open the gas cylinders and adjust the recommended gas
pressure on the regulators.
The pressure of oxygen and acetylene is 0.15kgs/cm2 for
nozzle No.3.

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.5.53 149

Flame adjusting to set different types of oxy-acetylene
To adjust the neutral flame, and sufficient oxygen to make
the white cone clear and round. (Fig 15)

After continuous use of the blow pipe during welding the

nozzle may get blocked by metal particles or spatters. This
blockage has to be removed to get continuous flow of gases
by using a nozzle cleaner. (Fig 18)

The gas mixture from the blowpipe has equal volume of

oxygen and acetylene.
To adjust the oxidising flame, from neutral flame decrease
acetylene flow.
The white cone will become short and sharp.
The flame will produce a hissing sound and will have a short
length.(Fig 16)

Close the acetylene cylinder valve.

Close the oxygen cylinder valve.
Open the blowpipe acetylene valve and release all the gas
Open the blowpipe oxygen valve and release all the gas
Both the pressure gauges on the regulators should read
The gas mixture from the blowpipe has maore volume of
oxygen than acetylene. Release the acetylene regulator pressure adjusting screw.

To adjust the carburising flame, adjust the flame to neutral Close the blowpipe acetylene valve.
and then add acetylene. Close the blowpipe oxygen valve.
The white cone will become long surrounded by a feather Ensure
like portion.
- there is no fire around the equipment
The flame will burn quietly having more length. (Fig 17)
- the gas is completely exhausted by dipping the nozzle
The gas mixture from the blowpipe has move volume of in water.
oxygen than acetylene than oxygen.

150 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.5.53

Skill Sequence

Fusion runs without filler rod in flat position

Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• fusion runs without filler rod in flat position
• fusion runs with filler rod in flat position.

Fusion runs without filler rod in flat position

Repeat the above 4 more times to achieve
1 Mark and cut the M.S. sheet pieces of size 152 x 122 uniform fusion and better manipulation of blow
x 3.15mm using a hand lever shear. pipe.

Care should be taken to keep the fingers off Fusion run with filler rod in flat position
from the shearing blades. Wear gloves to avoid • Select and fix the nozzle size 5 and set acetylene /
injury. oxygen pressure 0.15 kg/cm2.
• Straighten the cut pieces by hammering on an anvil. • Select copper-coated, mild steel, (CCMS) filler rod of
ø1.6 mm.
• File and finish the sheet to dimensions as per drawing.
• Wear safety apparels and gas welding goggles.
• Mark and punch parallel lines on the sheet surface as
per sketch and set the job piece on the welding table in • Ignite the oxy-acetylene gases and set the neutral
flat position with fire brick support. flame.
• Select and attach nozzle size 3 to the blowpipe. • Hold the blowpipe on the right hand at an angle of 60°
- 70° with the punched line of the job and make a small
Wear safety apparels and gas welding goggles. molten pool at the right hand edge of the line.
• Keep the flame cone distance 2.0 to 3.0 mm above the
• Set acetylene and oxygen pressure 0.15 kg/cm2 on the
job surface.
• Hold the filler rod in the left hand, pointing near the
• Ignite the oxy-acetylene gases and adjust the neutral
molten pool with an angle of 30° - 40° with the line of
• Hold the blowpipe on the job at its right hand end at the
• Melt the base metal at the right end of a punched line
required angle.
and create a molten pool/puddle.
• Start heating the surface on the right end of the sheet
• Fuse the end of the filler rod by dipping at the centre of
with slight circular motion to the blowpipe and produce
the molten pool and add filler metal on the job surface
a molten pool on the marked line.
to form a weld bead.
• Move the blowpipe from right to left direction maintaining
• Move both the blow pipe and the filler rod towards left
a uniform speed and blow pipe angle.
with uniform speed along the punched line with a slight
• Avoid excessive concentration of heat at any one point. circular motion to the blowpipe.
• Move the filler rod up and down (piston like motion) at
If the metal becomes too hot, lift the blowpipe
a constant speed.
momentarily away from the molten pool.
• Add enough rod into the molten pool to build up the
Do not touch the inner cone with the molten
bead evenly in height and width.
pool, to avoid backfire and flashback.
13 Adjust the rate of travel of the blowpipe with the filler rod
12 Keep the molten pool in correct size by adjusting the to control the size of the bead and the required penetra-
rate of travel and giving slight circular motion to the tion/depth of fusion.
• Keep the filler rod end within the flame outer flame to
13 Stop at the left end and lift the blowpipe quickly. avoid oxidation.
14 Extinguish the flame and cool the blowpipe in water. • Stop at the left hand end of the punched line by filling the
15 Clean the fused surface with a steel wire brush and crater properly.
inspect for the uniformity of fusion runs. • Extinguish the flame and cool the nozzle.

If the speed of travel and blowpipe motion are • Clean the weld surface. Inspect for even ripples and
correct, the fusion runs will appear with uniform uniform width/height of weld bead.
width and even ripples. •
Repeat this for the remaining 4 more punched lines to
achieve better manipulation of blow pipe and filler rod.
Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.5.53 151
Automotive Exercise 1.6.54
Mechanic Diesel - Hydraulics and Pneumatics

Practice on non destructive test

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• conduct liquid penetrate testing
• conduct magnetic particle testing.


Tools/Instruments/Equipments Materials
• Electromagnetic yoke - 1 No. • Iron powder - as reqd.
• Engine block - 1 No. • Cleaning cloth - as reqd.
• Other auto components - as reqd. • Detergents - as reqd.
• Cylinder head - 1 No. • Organic solvents - as reqd.
• Dye penetrant, cleaning cloth
and detergent cleaner - as reqd.
• Wire brush, Putty knife - 1 No.


TASK 1 : liquid penetrate testing

1 To inspect for cracks, use a dye penetrant, to check

the combustion chambers, intake ports, exhaust ports
and cylinder block surface. (Fig 1)

The surface must be free of oil, grease, water,

or other contaminants that may prevent
penetrant from entering flaws.
2 Remove organic oils with cleaner. Remove scale, rust
and dirt by using scrach brissle with a putty knife and
wire brush. (Fig 2 & Fig 3)

Spray Cleaner/Remover directly on the surface,

saturating the contaminants area. Let it remain
for about 30 seconds, while organic soils

3 Wipe clean with a dry towel or cloth before the Cleaner/
Remover evaporates completely. Repeat until clean.

Important: Following the cleaning process,

allow sufficient time for the cleaner/Remover
to evaporate completely from cracks or other
surface openings before applying Dye
penetrant. (Fig 4 & Fig 5)

Dye penetrant is pulled into the crack by

capillary force.
After the dye has been given enough time to
penetrate the suspected area of defect or
cracking, use clean cloths and wipe the area
clean of dye as best you can.
6 Use the cloths repeatedly to wipe away the excess
dye. Once the test area is free of visible dye,spray the
aerosol cleaner on another clean cloth and wipe the
test area thoroughly and then let the cleaner evaporate.
Important: Do not spray Cleaner/Remover
directly on the surface to remove excess dye
penetrant. Doing so risks removing penetrant
from flaws.
7 Shake the spray vigorously can to restore fully the white
developer particle suspension.
8 Spraying is the ONLY recommended method of
applying developer.
9 Apply an even, light, slightly damp coating.
The goal is to spray a light, even coat which is
4 Once the surface has been thoroughly cleaned and slightly damp when it contacts the surface. It
dried, the apply penetrant material by spraying, should be slightly damp, so the volatile solvent
brushing, or immersing the part in a penetrant bath. will couple the flaw-entrapped dye penetrant
(Fig 6) to the powder and speed the penetrant's return
to the surface for viewing. (Fig 8)

5 Spray dye penetrant on a clean, completely dry surface.

Allow it to remain for 5 minutes/10 minutes.

This will allow the dye to penetrate the crack

more deeper if especially suspect there are
types cracks. (Fig 7)

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.6.54 153

10 Allow the developer for few minutes so that it pulls the 11 Spray the developer in 2 or 3 light applications, slightly
red colored dye from the crack (or cracks, in my case.) damp on contact from a distance of 8 to 12 inches.
12 Notice the dye being pulled out of the outside center
A red line, usually a meandering red line, will
head bolt hole at the top of block. Leave a little extra
show the crack or cracks. The red dye and
dye in that bolt hole to show how well the developer
white developer have a very high contrast,
can pull out the dye.
making the smallest of cracks easy to see. But
if the area looks like a field of snow, your part 13 Allow time for flaw indications to appear completely.
is good and acceptable for service. (Fig 9 & 10)
As soon as the developer has dried, indications
of flaws (if present) will appear. (Fig 1)
The need for a longer developing time is
essential if extremely tight cracks are

14 Observe a vertical crack at the head bolt hole which is

running to small water jacket hole above it that is
between the valves, and also observe cracks running
to the value seat inserts.

It is plain to see that the developer did a good

job of pulling the dye out of these cracks so
they could be seen.

14 Repair/Replace the part if you observe red lines on it.

15 Remove the white developer powder remaining on the
surface before subsequent processing or use of the
part. After this final step, the surface is extremely clean
and treat the metal to prevent corrosion.

Use respirator pad to avoid direct inhalation

of chemicals and vapours.

TASK 2 : Magnetic particle testing method

1 Clean the surface using detergents, organic solvents,

de-scaling soloutions, paint removers, sand or grit Surface preparation by grinding, machining,
lasting methods. or other methods may be necessary where
surface irregularities could mask the
interpretation (Fig 1)

154 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.6.54

2 Use electromagnetic yoke to magnetization with pole
spacing between 3 inches and 8 inches.

Shorter spacing to compensate for the

geometry of area being examined. (Leg
spacing less than 3 inches (76.2 mm) is not Accumulations of excess dry particles in
recommended due to the strength of the examinations shall be removed with a light air
longitudinal magnetic field at the poles.) stream from a bulb or syringe or other source
of low pressure dry air.
3 Place the Yoke shall be placed in contact with the
surface of the Engine block to be examined and The examination magnetization field shall be
energized. maintained while removing the excess
4 Apply the dry particles (Iron Powder) to the area
between the poles in one direction as shown in Fig 2.
7 Observe for any magnetic particle pattern on the surface
While maintaining the magnetic field .
of the part (Fig 4). This indicates cracks on the

5 Repeat the above procedure for other direction i.e 90

deg opposite to the previous direction as shown in
Fig 3.
6 Stop the application of the dry particles and remove
the excess of the examination medium before the yoke 8 Demagnetized the part and remove the iron powder
is de-energized. from the surface (Fig 5).

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.6.54 155

9 Clean the finished parts immediately and dry the parts
Demagnetization is necessary :
to prevent the chances of surface corrosion or wear
To prepare for inspection. between moving parts.
To prevent damage to moving parts.
To prepare for subsequent magnetization.
To prevent instrument interference.

156 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.6.54

Automotive Exercise 1.6.55
Mechanic Diesel - Hydraulics and Pneumatics

Identification of hydraulic and pneumatic components

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the hydraulic clutch components in a vehicle
• identify the components of pneumatic brake system in a vehicle.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Hydraulic oil - as reqd.
Equipments • Cotton waste - as reqd.

• Hydraulic clutch vehicle - 1 No.

• Pneumatic brake - 1 No.


TASK 1 : Locating of hydraulic clutch components on a vehicle

1 Place the vehicle on the level ground.

2 Support the vehicle tyre with stoppers (wooden block)
3 Apply hand brakes.
4 Open the bonnet.
5 Remove the negative battery cable.
6 Trace the hydraulic clutch system and locate the
components i.e. Master cylinder reservoir, Master
cylinder, Slave cylinder, Hydraulic lines and Throw-cut
7 Identify the parts in the system as shown in Fig 1.
8 Write the name of the parts in the Table 1.

Table 1

SI. No. Lable No. Name of the Parts

1 2

2 5

3 4

4 1

5 3

TASK 2 : Tracing pneumatic components in a vehicle

1 Identify the air compressor in the Fig. 1 which provide 5 Locate 2 front braker chambers and 2 rear brake
compressed air. chambers which pushes slack adjuster for application
of front & real bracker
2 Locate air tank , which receives the compressed air
from air compressor. 6 Locate black adjusters , for front & rear braker.
3 Locate unloader valve which unloads excess air, once 7 Layout diagram of air braker system.
the set air prssure is reached in air tank.
8 Identify air pressure gauge, which indicated the
4 Identify brake valve which permits air to flow, apply pressure of air, in the air tank.
brake, when brake pedal is pressed.
9 Write the parts in the table - 2

Table - 2

SI. No. Name of the Parts Location


158 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.6.55

Automotive Exercise 1.6.56
Mechanic Diesel - Hydraulics and Pneumatics

Tracing and Studying of hydraulic circuits

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the parts of hydraulic jack,
• identify the parts of hydraulic power steering
• identify the parts of hydraulic brake


Tools/Instruments • Hydraulic brake in vehicle - 1 No.

• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 Set.
• Bleeding kit - 1 No.
Equipments Materials
• Hydraulic jack trolley type - 1 No. • Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Hydraulic power steering in vehicle - 1 No. • Hydraulic fluid - as reqd.


TASK 1 : Hydraulic jack

1 Place the cut section model of the hydraulic jack on 2 Trace the hydraulic jack system and locate the
the work bench. (Fig 1) components i.e, re servoier, plunger, Non return valve
Ram, Relief valve and shut off valve,
3 Identify the parts in the system as shown in Fig 1
4 Write the name of the parts in the table 1
5 The following parts should be matched as given below
column (a), arm (b), fluid reservoier (c), Release valve
(d), out let valve (e) handle (f) plunger (g) & Inlet valve

Table 1

SI. No. Lablel word Name of the parts

1 f
2 d
3 b
4 g
5 e
6 a
7 c

TASK 2 : Tracing and Identify the hydraulic components in power assisted steering

1 Place the cut-section model of the hydraulic power 3 Locate the parts of the hydraulic power assisted steering
assisted steering (PAS) on the work bench. system (Fig 1) i.e. Suction line, Hose, Seal mount with
2 Draw the line diagram of hydraulic power assisted sealing ring, Cylinder, Piston rod, Steering gear, Return
steering system line, Piston, Pressure pad adjusting screw, High
pressure pump, Rack and Pressure lines
4 Write the name of the parts in the Table 1.
Table 1

SI. No. Lablel No. Name of the parts

1 2
2 5
3 4
4 1
5 3
6 11
7 6
8 9
9 12
10 7
11 10
12 13
13 8

160 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.6.56

TASK 3 : Identify the components of the hydraulic brake system
1 Place the cut-section model of the hydraulic brake line unions, Brake push-rod, Brake flexible hoses, Brake
system on the work bench. pedal return spring, Master cylinder, Hold down spring,
Brake lining, Brake steel pipe lines, Brake adjuster,
2 Draw the line diagram of hydraulic brake system.
Shoe return spring, Stop light switch,Hand brake lever,
3 Locate the parts of the hydraulic brake system (Fig 1) Pivot, Brake plate carrier, Wheel cylinder, Parking brake
and drum braking system. (Fig 2 & 3) i.e.Brake pipe cable, Brake shoe, Brake pedal, Lock nut and Clevis.

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.6.56 161

4 Write the name of the parts in the Table 1.

Table 1

SI. No. Lable No. Name of the Parts

1 2
2 5

3 4

4 1

5 3

6 11

7 15

8 17

9 12

10 18

11 14

12 19

13 6

14 20

15 7

16 9

17 13

18 8

19 10

20 15

162 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.6.56

Automotive Exercise 1.6.57
Mechanic Diesel - Hydraulics and Pneumatics

Tracing and studying of air brake system

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the components of pneumatic brake system in a vehicle.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 Set. • Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Vehicle with air brake system - 1 No.


1 Locate the parts of the pneumatic brake system. Air 2 Write the name of the parts in the Table 1.
tank, air compressor, unloader valve service reserviors,
protective valve or brake valve, hand control valve brake
chamber, air union.

Table 1

SI. No. Lable No. Name of the Parts

1 2
2 5

3 4

4 1

5 3

6 6

7 7

8 9

9 10

10 8

164 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.6.56

Automotive Exercise 1.7.58
Mechanic Diesel - Specifications and Service equipments

Identify the different types of vehicle

Objective: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the different types of vehicle.


1 Locate the type of vehicle name. (Fig 1)

a) Car b) Truck punjab body or straight truck c) Truck half
body d) Truck Flat form type e) Tractor f) Tractor with
articulated trailer g) Tanker h) delivery van i) Dumper truck
j) Station wagon k) Pick up l) jeep

2 Write the name of the parts in Table 1.

Table 1

Sl.No. Match Vehicle name Sl.No. Match Vehicle name

word word

1 b 11 i
2 a 12 f
3 e
4 d
5 c
6 g
7 h
8 l
9 k
10 j
Automotive Exercise 1.7.59
Mechanic Diesel - Specifications and Service equipments

Studying vehicle specification data

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the parts of the vehicle
• check the specification of the parts as per vehicle specification data.


Tools/Instruments Equipment
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Vehicle - 1 No.
• Compression gauge - 1 No.
• Measuring tape - 1 No. Materials
• Vacuum gauge - 1 No. • Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Bore dial gauge - 1 No. • Engine oil - as reqd.
• Hydro meter - 1 No. • Hydraulic fluid - as reqd.
• Voltage tester - 1 No.

Note : Instructor demonstrate of vehicle specification

Mahindra Balero GLX

Engine XD-3PF IDiesel

Type 4-stroke oversquare, 4WD : Semi-elliptical leaf
4-cylinder, in line type,stabilizer bar at front
Bore 94.0 mm
Stroke 90.0 mm Rear Semi-elliptical leaf type
Cubic Capacity 2498 cc Frame Rectangular tubular
Compression Ratio 23 : 1 section 5 intermediate
Max. Gross Power 72.5 hp at 4000 R.P.M. cross members (6
(DIN 70020) for IFS). Rear bumper
Max. Gross Torque 15.3 kg-m at 2000
Fuel Injection System Distributor pump Steering Power steering - worm &
Weight of Engine (dry) 200 kg with flywheel roller type with universal
and starter joints
Cooling System By Belt driven pump on
cylinder head, Turning Radius 5.4 mts.
thermostat controlled Clucth Hydraulic, single dry
Transmission 5-speed,All synchromesh plate 235mm (9.25” dia)
Ratios 1st Gear : 4.03 :1 Type Hydraulic with tandem
2nd Gear : 2.39 :1 master cylinder with
3rd Gear : 1.52 :1 vacuum assisted servo
4th Gear : 1.00 :1 Front 13 mm disc and calliper
5th Gear : 0.84 :1 type
Reverse : 3.76 :1 Rear Drum : 27.4 x 50.8 mm
Transfer Case For 4WD only (11” x 2”)
Ratios High - 1 : 1, Low - Parking Internal expanding type
2.48 :1 on rear wheels.Hand
Suspension lever and cable type.
Front 2WD : Independent, Axle
Coil Spring, Double Front IFS-2WD: Stub Axle
acting telescopic 4WD : Full flating hypoid
shock absorber and type
anti roll bar Capacity/Ratio 1000 kg / 4.88 : 1
Rear Full floating hypoid type

Capacity/Ratio 1700 kg / 4.88 : 1 Identify the vechicle parts and check the specification
of parts under guide line of instructor
Battery 12 volts, negative earth
Capacity 70 amp. hr
Alternator 65 amp. with built-in
regulator and vacuum
Drive Belt drive
Wheels and Tyres
Wheels Rim size 6J x 15
Tyre P215 / 75 R 15 radial
Fuel System
Capacity 60 litres fitted with
electrical float unit
Kerb weight 1615 kg (2 WD)
1695 kg (4 WD)
G.V.W. 2200 kg (2 WD)
2280 kg (4 WD)

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.7.59 167

Automotive Exercise 1.7.60
Mechanic Diesel - Specifications and Service equipments

Identification of Vehicle Information Number (VIN)

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the vehicle of identification number specification


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Measuring Tape - 1 No’s. • Cotton waste - as reqd.
Equipments • Paper - as reqd.
• Pencil - 1 No.
• Car - 1 No. • Eraser - 1 No.

General information for VIN

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is composed of 17
digits and classified into three large groups such as WMI,
VDS and VIS. Example:- MALBB5 IBC AMI 73752

Digt Passenger Car MPV BUS

1 Geographic Zone

WMI 2 Manufacturer

3 Vehicle Type

4 Series

5 Body Style and Version

VDS 6 Body Type

7 Restraint System GVWR Brake System

8 Engine Type

9 Check Digit / Drive Side

10 Model Year

VIS 11 Plant of product

12-17 Serial number

• WMI: World Manufacturer Identifier Check the VIN number in your institute vechicle under
guide line of instructor.
• VDS: Vehicle Descriptor Section
_ Place a car in a plain ground
• VIS : Vehicle Indicator Section
_ Apply hand brake and chock the wheels
• MPV: Multipurpose Passenger Vehicle (Ex :
MPV,SUV,RV) _ Identify the location of VIN number in your vechicle
• GVWR : Gross Vehicle Weight Rating _ Note the VIN Number of your vehicle on plain paper
_ Decode the VIN Number details as per the
Note: Vehicle code may be vary depend upon
manufactures general informations

Automotive Exercise 1.7.61
Mechanic Diesel - Specifications and Service equipmentss

Studying of garage service equipments

Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• operate the air compressor
• operate the hydraulic car hoist
• operate a car washer
• operate the mechanical/hydraulic jack and jack stand
• operate a grease gun
• operate an oil spray gun
• operate the mechanical press
• operate the hydraulic press
• operate the two post car hoist
• operate the four post car lift
• operate the engine hoist.


Tools/Instruments Materials
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No’s • Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Measuring Tape - 1 No’s. • Soap oil - as reqd.
• Car - 1 No.
• Air compressor - 1 No.

Air compressor (Fig 1) 1 Check the oil level.
2 Check the belt’s(1) tension connecting the motor(2)
and the compressor’s pulley(3).
3 Ensure that the belt guard is fixed in its position.
4 Drain the water through the drain plug (4) and tighten
the drain plug.
5 Inspect the electrical connections visually for
looseness, disconnections or cuts.
6 Switch ‘on’ the compressor
7 Observe the sound of the compressor. If any abnormal
sound is found, stop the compressor immediately.
(Consult your instructor)
8 Switch ‘off’ the compressor.
9 Hold the hose-pipe (5) and open the cock (6). Use
compressed air wherever needed.
10 Close the cock after using the compressed air.
Skill Sequence

Hydraulic car hoist

Objectives: This shall help you to
• operate service station equipments
Hydraulic car hoist (Fig 2)
Clamp the front and rear axle or check wheels.
Park the vehicle in the centre of the car hoist.
Open the air cock gradually and observe that the car
hoist(1) is moving upwards.
Close the cock when it reaches the required height.
Provide safety stands(2)underneath the hoist. Open the
outlet cock slowly so that the vehicle moves down without
jerk. Ensure that the hoist side rail sits firmly on the stand.
After finishing the required job, slightly open the inlet cock
and raise the car hoist slightly up. Close the inlet cock.
Remove the safety stands.
Ensure that nobody is present underneath the vehicle.
Open the outlet cock slowly so that the hoist comes down
without disturbing the vehicle’s position.
Remove the clamps/chocks and remove the vehicle from
the hoist.
Car washer
Check the oil level.
Place the jack under the vehicle in specified place.
Check the belt tension.
Rotate the screw gradually with the jack lever and lift the
Check the belt guard for its position. vehicle and in the case of hydraulic jack move the jack’s
Inspect the electrical connection visually for looseness, lever slowly so that the axle jacks up without any jerk.
disconnections or cuts. Place the suppor/horses below the chassis frame/axle.
Open the water tank. Lower down the jack and remove it.
Check the water level. After completing the specific job jack up again.
Hold the gun before starting the car washer. Remove the support/horses.
Switch ‘ON’ the car waher and adjust the pressure gauge Lower down the jack and remove it.
for the required pressure.
Open the water gun.
1 Never work under a vehicle supported only by a floor
Check the water jet and adjust for force and spray at an jack.
angle to body panel.
2 Lift saddles must be properly located and in secured
After completing the cleaning, stop the car waher. contact.
Close the water intake cock (water supply). 3 Always check for equipments, parts or personnel
Mechanical jack (Fig 3)/Hydraulic jack (Fig 4) beneath the car before lowering.

Park the vehicle on level ground. Jack stand (Fig 5)

In case of jacking up the front anxle, chock the rear wheels The height of the jack stand is adjusted by the ratchet
and vice versa. adjustment.

Check the free movements of threads in a mechanical Stands must be properly and securely placed.
jack by hand and in the hydraulic jack. Check the oil level
and its operations.

170 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.7.61

Close the air-hose connections and takeout the oil spray
Arbor press (Fig 7)

Grease gun (Fig 6)

Check for easy movement of the operating lever(1) and
rack if necessary lubricate.
Select the plate(3)according to the work.
Place the component on the plate.
Press the work slowly and listen for abnormal noise.
Hydraulic press (Fig 8)

Select the grease gun nipple accoring to the vehicle.

(Consult your instructor)
Check visually, the grease nipple holder for any damage.
Fill up the gun with the specified grease.
Close the grease gun and operate the lever till the grease
comes out continuously from the nipple with pressure.
Use the gun for the required purpose.
Oil spray gun
Check visually the oil spray gun nozzle, nozzle holder,
operating lever, air hose for any damage.
Clean the press.
Fill the spray gun with SAE20W/40 and kerosene mixture
in the ratio of 1:20. Check the oil level(1) if necessary topup with hydraulic oil

Connect the oil spray gun to the quick release coupler. Check the hydraulic press for its free function and leakage

Operate the oil spray gun. Lock the cylinder plunger releasing knob(2).

See that the oil is sprayed at pressure and spray over Adjust the bed(4) to the required height so that, after placing
panel joints and moving part only. the job, there will be 100mm clearance between the

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.7.61 171

plunger(6) and the bed(4). 3 Use the automatic arms locking and releasing device
while lifting and lowering.
Align the anvil(5) according to the job.
4 Set safty mechanism to prevent uneven lifting.
Place the job on the anvil(5).
5 Use the extra safty nut.
Select the distance piece in such a way that while pressing
the shaft/bush, it does not touch the body (minimum 10mm 6 Check the chain drive and operatethe lifting switch.
gap to be given between the plunger(6) and the distance
7 Use the anchoring bolts for safty. (Fig 9).
Four post lift
Place the distance piece on the shaft/bush. Ensure that it
does not touch the body. 1 Drive the vehicle on the leveled ramp of the four post
Operate the low pressure lever(7) and make the plunger(6)
to have a contact on the job, 2 Check the vehicle parked correctly are not on the romp
& use wooden block as a stoper
Operate the heavy pressure lever(8), observe the load on
the gauge(9) and the job simulaneously. Ensure the job 3 Check the vehicle door & glases are closed & pull up
comes out gradually. hand brake lever of vehicle.
If the load exceeds more than the specified limit, stop the 4 Drive the hydraulic cylinder in stable & lowering.
5 Offering pull range mechanical protection by using
Safety safety block
1 Shield brittle parts such as bearings to protect against 6 Connected by using steel cables, Forced synchronized
flying parts. movement of the lift in order to effectively prevent the
sloping of the vehicle
2 After finishing the work loosen the plunger releasing
knob(2). 7 4 Ton with extended run way length for LCV & Bigger
3 Remove the job and clean.
Two post lift hoist Fig 10

1 Park the vehicle in the centre of the electro mechancial.

2 Adjust and fix the telescopic two post lift lifting arm.

Engine hoist
1 Keep the vehicle on level ground.
2 If firm ground is not there use big wooden block under
the base of hoist.
3 Pull up hand brake lever of vehicle.
4 Place the hoist on firm ground & fix a rope to such part
of engine.
5 Lift the hoist slowly till free from the vehicle.
6 Slowly role the wheel hoist and lake hoist to work shop.
(Fig 11)

172 Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.7.61

Automotive : Mechanic Diesel (NSQF LEVEL - 4) - Exercise 1.7.61 173

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