2023 November P1 Markscheme
2023 November P1 Markscheme
2023 November P1 Markscheme
November 2023
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November 2023
Question Paper Log Number P69533A
Publications Code 1MA1_1H_2306_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2023
General marking guidance
These notes offer general guidance, but the specific notes for examiners appertaining to individual questions take precedence.
1 All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the last candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the first.
Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the principles by which marks will be awarded; exemplification/indicative
content will not be exhaustive. When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme to a candidate’s response,
the response should be sent to review.
2 All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded; mark schemes should be applied positively. Examiners should also be
prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit according to the mark scheme. If there is a wrong
answer (or no answer) indicated on the answer line always check the working in the body of the script (and on any diagrams), and award
any marks appropriate from the mark scheme.
Questions where working is not required: In general, the correct answer should be given full marks.
Questions that specifically require working: In general, candidates who do not show working on this type of question will get no
marks – full details will be given in the mark scheme for each individual question.
4 Choice of method
If there is a choice of methods shown, mark the method that leads to the answer given on the answer line.
If no answer appears on the answer line, mark both methods then award the lower number of marks.
5 Incorrect method
If it is clear from the working that the “correct” answer has been obtained from incorrect working, award 0 marks. Send the response to
review for your Team Leader to check.
8 Probability
Probability answers must be given as a fraction, percentage or decimal. If a candidate gives a decimal equivalent to a probability, this
should be written to at least 2 decimal places (unless tenths).
Incorrect notation should lose the accuracy marks, but be awarded any implied method marks.
If a probability fraction is given then cancelled incorrectly, ignore the incorrectly cancelled answer.
9 Linear equations
Unless indicated otherwise in the mark scheme, full marks can be gained if the solution alone is given on the answer line, or otherwise
unambiguously identified in working (without contradiction elsewhere). Where the correct solution only is shown substituted, but not
identified as the solution, the accuracy mark is lost but any method marks can be awarded (embedded answers).
10 Range of answers
Unless otherwise stated, when an answer is given as a range (eg 3.5 – 4.2) then this is inclusive of the end points (eg 3.5, 4.2) and all
numbers within the range
14 Misread
If a candidate misreads a number from the question. eg uses 252 instead of 255; method or process marks may be awarded provided
the question has not been simplified. Examiners should send any instance of a suspected misread to review.
Guidance on the use of abbreviations within this mark scheme
P process mark awarded for a correct process as part of a problem solving question
oe or equivalent
sc special case
indep independent
6 3
1 1 2 6 2
5 2 4 1 2 4
1 2
60 3
20 1200 60
4 240 12
1200 + 60 + 240 + 12 = 1512
A1 for digits 1512
A1 (dep on M1) for correct placement of the decimal point into their final
2 (a)(i) 1 B1 cao
(ii) 1 B1 oe
or for 2×2×2×2×2×2 or 64
A1 for 26 Accept n = 6
Paper: 1MA1/1H
Question Answer Mark Mark scheme Additional guidance
3 (a) 22 × 3 × 13 M1 for a complete method to find prime factors; could be shown in a Condone the inclusion of 1 for this mark
complete factor tree with no more than one error or by division by prime
factors with no more than one error
or for 2, 2, 3, 13 (1)
A1 22 × 3 × 13 or 2 × 2 × 3 × 13 oe
(b) 26 M1 for a correct factor tree for 130 (or 156 if not credited in part (a)) with Condone the inclusion of 1 for this mark
no more than one arithmetic error
or for listing factors of 156 or 130, at least 4 correct for either (with no 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 13, 26, 39, 52, 78, 156
more than 1 incorrect in either list), could be in factor pairs 1, 2, 5, 10, 13, 26, 65, 130
or for the prime factors of 130 (2, 5, 13) (or 156 if not credited in part
A1 cao
Paper: 1MA1/1H
Question Answer Mark Mark scheme Additional guidance
4 (a) 3.5 P1 for a process to find the total length of the 5 sticks, eg 4.2 × 5 (= 21)
7 + 4x
or for forming an equation, eg = 4.2
A1 oe
(b) Explanation C1 for explanation If figures are given as part of the answer
Acceptable examples they must be correct, but can allow ft
it reduced the mean
my answer will be less
the answer will be 1
it will be 2.5 less
5 Angle constructed C2 for fully correct construction with all arcs drawn Full marks cannot be awarded if no
construction lines are seen
(C1 for line drawn within guidelines with no (or incorrect) construction arcs
or correct arcs drawn and no line seen)
Paper: 1MA1/1H
Question Answer Mark Mark scheme Additional guidance
6 144 P1 for using the ratio, The first two marks may be awarded in
eg x = 2y or 2y + 2y + y (= 180) or 2 + 2 + 1 (= 5 (parts)) either order
A1 cao
A1 cao
A1 cao
Paper: 1MA1/1H
Question Answer Mark Mark scheme Additional guidance
9 (a) Graph drawn B2 for a correct line drawn
(B1 for stating or plotting at least 2 points on the line eg (0, 0) and (4, 5) or
(4, 5) and (8, 10) or giving the equation of the line eg y = x )
(ii) Explanation C1 for explanation If figures are given as part of the answer
Acceptable examples they must be correct, but can allow ft
the number of cups of water per cup of rice
every cup of rice has 1.25 cups of water
for every 4 cups of rice there are 5 cups of water
10 25 10 10
P1 for showing πd = 10 or 2πr = 10 or r = or d =
P1 5 10 10 10
(dep P1) for using r = or r = or d = in πr² eg
2 2
(ii) 780 and 1200 B1 for 780 and 1200 correctly placed in the table
60 3
(b) M1 for a complete method eg 80 oe
A1 cao
2 2
A1 for y = − x − 1 oe eg 2x + 3y + 3 = 0 or y + 5 = − ( x − 6)
3 3
SC B1 for y = − x − 3 oe if M0 scored
Paper: 1MA1/1H
Question Answer Mark Mark scheme Additional guidance
13 187.5 5
M1 for or or 2.53 or 3 3
or 2 : 5
2 5 2.5
A1 oe Accept
14 17 −3
( )
3 1 1
for 27 3 = 3
27 or 32 or 272 or 3
729 or = 3
or 23
2 1
2 −3
or for correctly evaluating 27 3 or eg 9 or 8 seen
A1 cao
M1 for a complete method to find the gradient from tangent This mark can be awarded if the tangent
eg 50 ÷ (4 – 2) is drawn at t ≠ 3
A1 for answer in the range 22 to 28 or ft acceptable tangent Award 0 marks for a correct answer (in
the range) with no (or incorrect)
supportive working
Paper: 1MA1/1H
Question Answer Mark Mark scheme Additional guidance
16 (a) 4.5 P1 for initial use of formula, eg 6 = 8k
P1 for a full process to find P3 eg " " 6
A1 oe
(b) Explanation C1 for explanation If figures are given as part of the answer
Acceptable examples they must be correct, but can allow ft
Yes, the population will increase as k is over 1
She is correct because 1.05 > 1
Yes, each year the population will increase by 5%
Yes, because 0.75 + 0.3 = 1.05
Yes, a 0.3 increase is greater than the current 0.25 decrease
17 (a) (2x + 1)(3x– 4) M1 for (2x ± 1)(3x ± 4) oe or for brackets which when expanded give 2 out
of 3 terms correct
A1 cao
1 4 1 4
(b) − <x< M1 for two critical values with at least one correct, − or
2 3 2 3
or ft their critical values from (a)
1 4 4 1
A1 for − < x < oe eg x < , x > −
2 3 3 2
Paper: 1MA1/1H
Question Answer Mark Mark scheme Additional guidance
18 1 P1 for start of process to find the probability of spinner B landing on red
3 1 1 1 1 1
eg x = oe or or x =
4 24 24 4 6
P1 for process to find probability of one red and one not red
1 1 5 1 1 3
eg × (1 – “ ”) (= ) or (1 − ) " " (= )
4 6 24 4 6 24
A1 oe
19 (a) 18 and 162 M1 for a correct method, eg line drawn at 0.3 to sine curve or point(s)
marked on sine curve
A1 for answers in the range 15 to 18 and 162 to 165 and no incorrect values
P1 for cos −1 ( ) = 60 or cos B = −0.5
21 (a) Circle drawn B2 for drawing a circle centre (0,0) and radius 13 Circle could be drawn freehand as long
as it closely approximates to a circle
(B1 for drawing a circle centre (0,0) with radius ≠ 13 or a circle of radius 13
with a centre not (0,0) or an incomplete correct circle drawn)
A1 for both correct pairs of values correctly matched ft from (a) dep on B1 Accept values given as coordinates
Check graph for answers
Paper: 1MA1/1H
Question Answer Mark Mark scheme Additional guidance
22 3+ 2 13 + 9 2
P1 for start of process to find the common ratio, eg writes
3+ 2 2
39 + 27 2 − 18 2 2 − 26 2 39 + 27 2 − 26 2 − 36
eg or oe
9+6 2 −6 2 −4 2 2 9−8
Only mark scheme amendments are shown where the enlargement or modification of the paper requires a change in the mark scheme.
Notes apply to both MLP papers and Braille papers unless otherwise stated.
The following tolerances should be accepted on marking MLP papers, unless otherwise stated below:
Angles: ±5º
Measurements of length: ±5 mm
Question Modification Mark scheme notes
5 Wording added ‘Look at the diagram for Question 5 in the Diagram Booklet. It shows’. Standard mark scheme
Wording removed ‘The’. Wording removed ‘lies’. Diagram enlarged. Cross changed to a dot.
6 Wording added ‘Look at the diagram for Question 6 in the Diagram Booklet. It’. Standard mark scheme
Wording removed ‘The diagram’. Diagram enlarged.
Diagram rotated such that ABC is horizontal.
Angles moved outside of the angle arcs and angle arcs made smaller.
Wording added ‘Angle DAB = x° Angle DBA = y° Angle DBC = w°’
7 Letter ‘x’ changed to ‘y’. Standard mark scheme but note change
of letter
9 Wording added ‘Look at the diagram for Question 9 in the Diagram Booklet. It shows a grid.’ Standard mark scheme
Wording added ‘on the grid in the Diagram Booklet’. Diagram enlarged.
Axis labels moved to the top of the vertical axis and to the left of the horizontal axis.
x and y labels moved to the top of the vertical axis and to the right of the horizontal axis.
Small squares removed. Right axis labelled. Open headed arrows.
11 Wording added ‘Look at the diagram for Question 11 in the Diagram Booklet. It shows an Standard mark scheme but note change
incomplete box plot diagram.’ Wording added ‘below’. Wording added ‘in the Diagram Booklet’. of 780 to 700 for the LQ.
Table enlarged and left aligned. Diagram enlarged. Label moved to the left.
Lower quartile changed from 780 to 700. For Braille i & ii added to table and answer.
In (a)(ii) wording added ‘There are two spaces to fill.’
15 Wording added ‘Look at the diagram for Question 15 in the Diagram Booklet.’ Standard mark scheme
Wording ‘Here is’ removed and replaced with ‘The diagram shows’. Diagram enlarged.
Axis labels moved to the top of the vertical axis and to the left of the horizontal axis.
d and t labels moved to the top of the vertical axis and to the right of the horizontal axis.
Small squares removed. Label right axis. Open headed arrows
Question Modification Mark scheme notes
19 Wording added ‘Look at the diagram for Question 19 in the Diagram Booklet. It’. (a) M1 line drawn at 0.75 to sine
Wording removed ‘Here is’. Diagram enlarged. curve or one correct value
Axis labels moved to the top of the vertical axis and to the right of the horizontal axis. A1 for answer in the range 45 to 59
Open headed arrows. Value ‘0.3’ changed to ‘0.75’ and 121 to 135
(b) Standard mark scheme
20 Wording added ‘Look at the diagram for Question 20 in the Diagram Booklet. It shows’. Standard mark scheme
Wording removed ‘Here is’. Wording added ‘BC = 5 cm BA = 10 cm AC = 5 √7 ’
Diagram enlarged.
21 (a) Wording added ‘Look at the diagram for Question 21 in the Diagram Booklet. It shows a grid.’ Standard mark scheme but note the
Value ‘169’ changed to ‘36’, to reduce the size of the circle the candidate draws, and such that the radius is now 6
grid fits in the Diagram Booklet. Diagram enlarged. Diagram cut at y=9, y=-9, x=9, and x=-9.
Small squares removed.
Axis labels moved to the top of the vertical axis and to the right of the horizontal axis.
21 (b) Value ‘169’ changed to ‘36’. Standard mark scheme but note the
solutions are now as follows:
x = 3.4, y = 5.0
x = –3.4, y = –5.0