In Him
In Him
In Him
"Now the first d ~ y of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying
unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the Passover? And he said, Go
into the city to such a man, and say unto him, The Master saith, My time is at hand; I will
keep the Passover at thy house with my disciples."
Today is that day our Lord Jesus Christ offered that statement this same day. This was to
make you know that this Passover was not prepared in church or prayer houses, nor in the
bush, but He simply told the disciples to go to the city and to a certain man's house. Bread
was not taken with them. Where do you think the bread for the feast of Passover will come from?
Again He said, "He who eats with me in the same dish," and I ask, do you eat bread in the dish
with people? While we are here the Passover is being prepared and you have partaken ofthe
Passover with Him. He said, "Whosoever therefore shall break one ofthese least commandments,
and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom ofheaven: but whosoever
shall do ~ d teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. "( Matt. 5:19)
, This feast is not celebrated because we have money, or because we are worthy, it is not
performed for our well being, but it is done for a remembrance and also for people who were not
there that day to know what happened. It is said that when one sees the corpse, definitely tears
must come out ofthe eyes.
You can now see that He was not crucified on Friday but Thursday to avoid any
tumult. You will also note that this Passover was not prepared on that Wednesday but in
advance, and this further con:fL.'lllS His words to be the veritable truth. This afternoon of the
Passover started and according to the Jewish way ofcounting time, Thursday started a minute
after 6 pm of Wednesday evening and that was the start of His trial. Ifyou partake ofthis feast
at 5 p.m. or 6 p.m., it is not the Passover. After 6 p.m. the Passover takes place. If one dies and
is buried and you do not pour libation right in front of him, you have not poured it to him. If a
man dies on Monday and when you want to remember him, you do it on Tuesday, you are wrong.
That is why we do exactly what happened on that day at the appropriate time, whether humanity
believes or not. This shows you that Christ is the same today, tomorrow and forever. The
disciples asked our Lord Jesus Christ where the Passover would be prepared and the same
question has come up today. Do not term this question as asked by the Jews and Greeks but
regard it as asked by you now.
This question also goes to all Christendom: "Where are you going to prepare the
Passover?" The son of man is going into His glory and are we not to prepare the Passover? It is
not-calling Jesus Jesus, Lord ofLords and King of Kings but go into the world and ask of where
the Passover will be prepared? The direct answer is that you should go into the city and enter into
a certain man's house and make him know that the Teacher wants a place prepared for the
That is why Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is called Christ Universal Spiritual School
ofPractical Christianity. Nothing is added or subtracted and there is no studying but a practical
demonstration ofthe truth ofthings. As God has rightly said, any person who adds any word to
His word ofprophesy will have all the aftlictions in the Bible and will have his name removed
from the book ofHfe ..
Here in Brotherhood ofthe Cross and Star nobody adds and subtracts and this is why our
Lord Jesus Christ said that the Comforter will reveal to you all the truth. It is wrong to say that
Leader 0.0. Obu said this or that but say that our Lord Jesus Christ said it That is why when
people read through our publications, they would tell you that the Leader has confirmed that He
is not Christ, and now what are you about? It is Christ that had said, continue to say and will say
everything forever. The Passover will be prepared and eaten tonight, and as soon as you eat it,
you have taken on yourself the sins ofthe world, and you will surrender your lives as a ransom
for the salvation ofthe world as our Lord Jesus did. That is why on Wednesday we have the
Bible Class, Watch and Pray till 3 a.m. Then at 6 a.m. on Thursday starts the fasting, depicting
the time He was nailed to the Cross.
We have no other work to do but to unveil the events ofthat day to those who were not
there. You may have been there when this event happened and that is why it is always said that
we ofthe olden times have come back again. If you were not there then, how do you come by
these names, pastor, prophet, apostle and evangelist. Many ofyou do not know why you are
appointed,in these positions.
It is exactly what happened in the past that is re-established and a fulfilment ofthe
proclamation of our Lord Jesus Christ when He said that the Comforter shall teach you all things,
and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. "And God had set
some in the Church, first Apostles, second Prophets, thirdly Teachers, after these miracles; then
gifts ofhealing, helpers of governments, diversities oftongues (1 Corinthians 12:28) and this is
what you are seeing today done in Brotherhood ofthe Cross and Star, falling in line, with what
our Lord Jesus Christ had said when He said that the Comforter will open to you all the truth. All
that you have seen is the revelation ofthe glory ofour Lord Jesus Christ, not the glory of
anybody . You should not look for your personal glories, but that of Christ What is done here in
Brotherhood ofthe Cross and Star is what had been done, it is what we have to do and will be
done forever.
It is sorrowful that many members ofthe Brotherhood do not partake ofthe Watch and
Pray service, and the feast we conduct weekly, on every Wednesday, but they rather say that God
dwells in their hearts. Have you not heard what He has said? He said whoever does drink of my
blood and eats ofmy flesh will have eternal life. Again Jesus said to His disciples: If you watch
with me for an hour and ifyou watch and pray you will not enter into temptation. Watch out
and pray so that you will not enter into temptation.
Did the disciples not enter into temptation? Yes, they did because they did not watch and
pray. Our Lord Jesus Christ was arrested at 3 a.m. on Thursday, this is the reason we observe a
vigil night every Wednesday night to watch and pray at 3 a.m on the following day.
From 3 a.m. until 6 a.m. Our Lord Jesus Christ was tortured. This is exactly how we
conduct our system so that nothing is added nor subtracted. At 9 a.m. He was nailed on the Cross
and at 3 p.m., He shouted and gave up His Ghost, and finally at 6 p.m. on Thursday, His body
was removed by Joseph ofArimathaea.
!fyou take stock ofwhat happened to Him on the Cross you will realize that our Lord
Jesus Christ deserves to be worshiped, honored and respected, and we should worship Him with
reverence by refraining from sins. Here in the Brotherhood ofthe Cross and Star, people say that
we are worshiping man. We worship God. We honor God. If you say you are a Brotherhood and
at this night you are not here, what Brotherhood are you?
If you say that you were here for the Pentecostal Assembly and today you are not partaking in
the great feast, which type of Pentecostal were you coming to attend? Can you now see people
claiming to be in Brotherhood for twenty years without deriving any benefit?
If you preach and teach others to practice same you are the highest. Some Bethels do not
keep watch and pray at all, while in others they do it and stop at I a.m. Is that Watch and Pray?
Some Bethels do it without any feast. Is that what I teach you? Is that Watch and Pray?
Even here before Me some Pastors, Apostles etc., do not come to Watch and Pray. Is that
the way you can reward Christ? This manner of observing Bible Class Lesson will continue
Dear Brethren, I do not want to be tedious unto you, those who have ears let them hear.
May God add blessings
to His Holy words - Amen.
Fm:ly yc haw Itocly &lve.
(Matlhcw to;8)
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