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Part 8 Predictive Maintenance Shorcut

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Centrifugal pump

Maintenance and
Predictive Maintenance

Part 8

Predictive Maintenance - PdM

Predictive Maintenance is important
• is the use of inspection,
diagnostics, and ƒ decreases downtime from
historical data to equipment failure
anticipate equipment ƒ reduces the magnitude of
failure or maintenance. equipment repair
• It can be based on ƒ reduces labor costs
calendar, condition associated with equipment
monitoring (hour repair
meters, temperature, ƒ better conserves assets
cycle vibrations and and extends their useful life
others) or tests. ƒ improves overall product
ƒ reduces scrap rates and
the associated costs 2

Potential Failure (PF)
• is an identifiable physical condition (P) which indicates that an
item is going to fail (or is starting to fail) Most failures modes
(age-related or random) exhibit a sign of the potential failures
b f
before ffunctional
ti l ffailure
il (F) occurs.
The length of time
between a potential failure
and a functional failure
depends on the failure
process (failure mode and
operating conditions) and
the inspection method
gy and
diagnostic experience). is
the inspection frequency is
usually established from
experience and data

Scheduled predictive
• One it is possible to define a clear potential failure condition;
• two, the length of time from detection to failure (P-F interval) must be consistent
to be useful;
• three, P-F interval must allow enough time for inspection and reaction;
• four, it is practical to monitor for the condition at intervals less than the P-F
interval. If these conditions cannot be all met then don’t do scheduled predictive
tasks for this condition or failure mode

Functional Failure

Basic PdM Function
• These are scheduled measurement of
variables such as noise level,, visual levels,,
operating variables (temperature, pressure),
leakage, condition, productivity levels, and
quality of product produced. These all can
be used to determine condition of equipment
and need for further inspection or scheduled

The four major categories of

predictive techniques
1- Condition monitoring technologies.
2- Techniques which detect potential failures
on the basis of product quality variations.
3- Process monitoring techniques.
4- Inspection techniques based on the
human senses (limited)

Condition Monitoring Technologies
Vibration analysis
Today vibration analysis can be applied to virtually any
piece of rotating equipment. Vibration measurements
can identify commonly encountered defects such as
rotor unbalance, coupling misalignment, mechanical
looseness, and rolling element bearing defects

Vibration Analysis
Analysts are then able to identify problems and trends
by knowing the relationship between frequency and
General Analysis Method
‰Frequencies are usually tied to particular component failure (bearings,
imbalance, gears, etc.)
‰ Trends are the dominant form used Pattern Recognition
‰ Association using different technologies is used to isolate and classify

Some Conditions Monitored

• Roller Bearing – cracks, ƒ Roller and ball bearings
pits, and roughness and give distinctive early
p signs
g of wear
• Rotating Machines –
unbalance and ƒ sleeve bearings are not
deterioration of parts as distinctive because
they keep parts from
• Shafts –bends, bows,
impacting because of
cracks, misalignment and
lubrication films
coupling problems
• Sleeve Bearing – Wear ƒ manufactures do not
• Loose Parts have the same bearing

IR Thermography
• Temperature and thermal behavior is a
critical factor to both the maintenance
and operating process. Regardless if
talking about the condition of plant
processing machinery, power generation
equipment, distribution equipment or the
characteristics of materials and
f b i t d parts
fabricated t in
i process, ttemperature
isusually an important parameter to

IR Thermography
• One thermal parameter,
p g temperature
is probably the most
measured variable in
industrial process
monitoring and control.
• Almost all failures of
mechanical and
electrical equipment will
cause a change in the
equipment’s Thermography or Infrared (IR) can
temperature signature measure this change and allow an analyst
to draw conclusions about equipment
health or verify a problem found with
another technology

The applications
• Monitor infrared (IR) energy
• Steam / refrigerant leaks
emitted by equipment hot-
• Insulation damage, moisture
• Detects traditional heat- • Roof leaks & damage
related problems: • Defective
D f ti Steam
St trap
• Overheating bearings, • Loose electrical power connections
spindles & motors


Ultrasonic Leak Detection

• While thermography
allows technicians to Applications
Ultrasonic leak has a wide variety of other
detect light that the eye
applications including lubrication,
cannot see, ultrasound cavitation, acoustical emission, bearings,
allows them to detect corona/arcing inspections, etc.
sounds that the ear
‰ compressed air, compressed gas,
cannot hear and
• Ultrasonic’s most frequent ‰ vacuum systems
‰ Bearing Inspection - Condition of
application is to find leaks bearing & lubricant
i compressed
in d air,
i ‰ Boilers, Condensers, Jacketed
compressed gases, steam Vessels, Heat Exchangers, Valve
Blow-by etc.
distribution, and vacuum ‰ Pump Cavitation
systems ‰ Water Leaks
‰ Refrigeration Leaks


more than just analysis. Oil and Wear Particle Analysis
It involves:
• Lube Specification
p Fluid Analysis
y (Oil,
( Grease, Fuel,
Coolant, etc.)
• Receipt Verification it to a strategy for contamination
• Storage and control and filter performance
disbursement monitoring
ekeeping… Proper Oil Change
Grease Technique 9 Predictive Maintenance (PdM) - What is
• Sampling the health of my machine?
• Oil Analysis – 9 Proactive Maintenance (PaM) -
Profiling contaminant control technology.
9 If being used for PM purposes, sample
• Implementation & frequencies are typically bi-annual or
Follow Up annual.
• Lube Disposal 9 If deployed as a PdM technique, sample
frequency will be monthly to quarterly.

• is a leading cause of machinery damage
and reduction in the oil’s ability to perform
properly. By controlling contamination, the
life of the lubricant and machine can be
extended greatly
Sources of contamination
Vents, breathers, filters and seals all offer an
avenue of contamination.
New lubes (the oil itself may be dirty upon
receipt), onsite oil storage (exposing the stored
lubricants to extreme weather conditions or
unclean environments can easily introduce water
contamination or airborne dust and debris) 14

• In a study, reported in Machinery
Lubrication November 2002, conducted
• 1991-1998 of hydraulic seal failures, the
most common root cause was fluid
• contamination: 21.4 percent.
• 51% of all motor outages are due to
Bearing Failure and most of those are due
• to lubrication. - Source: EASA, IEEE Data
• The
Th lif
life off an oilil iis reduced
d dbby 50% ffor
every 15 Degree rise above 140 deg F -
• Source: Arthenius equation for chemical
reaction rates


Oil Analysis
• Examine condition of lube oil (wear
particles, contaminants, viscosity) using
h or spectroscopy
• Detects many types of mechanical
health problems:
– Component wear (source can be
determined by particle type)
– Gasket / seal leaks
– Lubricant health for further service
– Trend analysis shows how equipment
degrades over time 17

• In a utility study published in 2001, 14% of

motors in plants that had a maintenance
program in place had at least one electrical
or mechanical problem. More than 19% of
motors in p plants without a maintenance
program in place had at least one electrical
or mechanical problem. Of the motors that
were found to have issues, 59% had
electrical issues, 5% had insulation to ground
problems and 37% had mechanical issues.
oto circuit
c cu t aanalysis
a ys s was
as used to detect a
can be used to trend all of the electrical
problems identified.


Surface Flaw Detection
• Examine material surfaces for
ti iti or cracks:
• Dye Penetrant Inspection
• Magnetic Particle Inspection
• Detect fatigue, wear or corrosion problems in
high-stress applications:
• Welds,
Welds shafts
• Lifting equipment
• Structures
• Boilers, compressors


Liquid Penetration
• Liquid penetrant testing is
often referred to as dye
penetrant testing and is
used to find surface flaws in
materials by using the ability
of certain liquids to migrate
into flaws open to the
• . This technique is applied to
• equipment (piping, pressure
vessels, storage tanks) to
evaluate their integrity
• (cracks, pitting, corrosion,
erosion, etc.)


Magnetic Particle
• Magnetic Particle Inspection
is a method that can be
used to find surface and
near surface flaws in
ferromagnetic materials
such as steel and iron
• Particle Inspection requires
that the part be magnetized
to a suitable level, while fine
ferromagnetic p
particles are
applied. Flux leakage fields
attract the particles to
surface or near surface
flaws to form indications


Sub-Surface Flaw Detection

• Examine material for sub-surface flaws
k porosity,
it etc.):
t )
• X-Ray Radiography
• Eddy Current Testing
• Ultrasonics
• Detects hidden material defects:
– Weld integrity (inclusions,
(inclusions penetration
penetration, porosity)
– Material corrosion/erosion (inside tank walls, pipes, etc.)


Ultrasonic inspection

• Ultrasonic inspection uses

sound waves of short
wavelength and high frequency
to detect flaws or measure
material thickness. It is used
on a
o aircraft,
c a , po
e sstations
a o s
generating plants, or welds in
pressure vessels at an oil
refinery or paper mill

Eddy Current
• Eddy current testing is an electromagnetic technique
and can only be used on conductive materials
• Commonly it is used in the aerospace, automotive,
marine and manufacturing industries


• The field of radiography consists of X-
Rayy and Gamma Rayy inspection.
p The
type of Ray is determined by the source
that is to be inspected. Often welds are
x rayed or one may use a Gamma
inspection on a distillation column to
ensure that all the trays are in place


Endscope (Borescope)
• Flexible endoscopes
enable viewing of
cavities and components
which are not accessible
in straight lines. Modern
flexible endoscopes
have excellent optical
features,, and mayy be
used to make high
quality photographs
and/or video recordings


Borescope Inspection Benefits
• Internal on-site visual • Internal on-site visual
checks without
checks without disassembly.
• External pperiods
• External
E t l periods
i d between schedule
between schedule inspection.
inspection. • Allows accurate
• Allows accurate planning and
planning and scheduling of
scheduling of maintenance actions.
maintenance actions. • Monitors condition of
• Monitors condition of internal components.
internal components. • Increases the ability to
predict the required
• Increases the ability to parts, special tools and
predict the required skilled manpower.
parts, special tools and
skilled manpower. 27



The End



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