Chapter 10 Section 4 Crossword Puzzle
Chapter 10 Section 4 Crossword Puzzle
Chapter 10 Section 4 Crossword Puzzle
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Across 1. During the next decade, the United States exercised its
4. Before beginning work on the Panama Canal, the police power on several occasions. For example, when
United States had to get permission from Colombia, a 1911 rebellion in Nicaragua left the nation near
which then ruled Panama. When these negotiations bankruptcy, President _____, Roosevelt’s successor,
broke down, Bunau-Varilla helped organize a arranged for American bankers to loan Nicaragua
Panamanian ______ against Colombia. enough money to pay its debts. In return, the bankers
6. On November 3, 1903, nearly a dozen U.S. warships were given the right to recover their money by
were present as Panama declared its independence. collecting Nicaragua’s customs duties. (3 words)
Fifteen days later, Panama and the United States 2. The U.S. bankers also gained control of Nicaragua’s
signed a treaty in which the United States agreed to state-owned railroad system and its national bank.
pay Panama $10 million plus an annual rent of When Nicaraguan citizens heard about this deal, they
$250,000 for an area of land across Panama, called the revolted against President Adolfo Díaz. To prop up
_____. The payments were to begin in 1913. Díaz’s government, some 2,000 marines were sent to
10. Engineers identified two possible routes for the _____. The revolt was put down, but some marine
proposed canal. One, through Nicaragua, posed fewer detachments remained in the country until 1933.
obstacles because much of it crossed a large lake. The 3. Carranza demanded the withdrawal of U.S. troops, but
other route crossed through _____ (then a province of Wilson refused. War seemed imminent. However, in
Colombia) and was shorter and filled with mountains the end, both sides backed down. The United States,
and swamps. facing _____, needed peace on its southern border. In
11. Financial factors drew the United States further into February 1917, Wilson ordered Pershing to return
Latin American affairs. In the late 19th century, many home. Later that year, Mexico adopted a constitution
Latin American nations had borrowed huge sums from that gave the government control of the nation’s oil and
_____ to build railroads and develop industries. mineral resources and placed strict regulations on
Roosevelt feared that if these nations defaulted on their foreign investors. (3 words)
loans, Europeans might intervene. (2 words) 5. U.S. intervention in Mexican affairs provided a clear
14. The Monroe Doctrine, issued by President James model of American imperialist attitudes in the early
Monroe in 1823, had warned other nations against years of the 20th century. Americans believed in the
expanding their influence in _____. The Roosevelt superiority of free-enterprise _____, and the American
Corollary asserted, in 1904, that the United States had government attempted to extend the reach of this
a right to exercise international police power in the economic and political system, even through armed
Western Hemisphere. In 1913, President Woodrow intervention.
Wilson gave the Monroe Doctrine a moral tone. 7. Zapata—son of a mestizo peasant— was dedicated to
(2 words) _____. “It is better to die on your feet than live on your
15. Mexico had been ruled for more than three decades by knees,” Zapata told the peasants who joined him. Villa,
a military dictator, _____. A friend of the United a fierce nationalist, had frequently courted the support
States, Díaz had long encouraged foreign investments and aid of the United States. (2 words)
in his country. As a result, foreigners, mostly 8. As a result of these battles, Japan began to run out of
Americans, owned a large share of Mexican oil wells, men and money, a fact that it did not want to reveal to
mines, railroads, and ranches. While foreign investors Russia. Instead, Japanese officials approached President
and some Mexican landowners and politicians had Roosevelt in secret and asked him to mediate _____.
grown rich, the common people of the country were Roosevelt agreed, and in 1905, Russian and Japanese
desperately poor. (2 words) delegates convened in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. (2
17. The assassination of William McKinley in 1901 thrust words)
Vice-President _____ into the role of a world leader. 9. He was determined to make the United States the
Roosevelt was unwilling to allow the imperial powers predominant power in the Caribbean and Central
of Europe to control the world’s political and America. Roosevelt reminded European powers of the
economic destiny. In 1905, building on the Open Door Monroe Doctrine, which had been issued in 1823 by
notes to increase American influence in East Asia, President James Monroe. The _____ demanded that
Roosevelt mediated a settlement in a war between European countries stay out of the affairs of Latin
Russia and Japan. (2 words) American nations. (2 words)