SAS 4 Human Rights and Dignity

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NST 022: National Service Training Program

Student Activity Sheet: Lesson #4

Lesson title: Human Rights and Human Dignity Materials:

Learning Targets: Pen and Student Activity Sheets
At the end of the module, students will be able to:
1. Understand the Importance of Human Dignity
2. Identify different rights of a Filipino Citizen References:

A. CONNECT (10 mins)

Good day students! How are you today? Thank you for your strong commitment and
dedication in finishing your activities. Today, we will move to another topic and it is about
Human Rights and Human Dignity.

We, people of the Philippines, give highest value to the dignity and fullness of life of the
person and share a common aspiration for human rights—even as we speak different
languages and dialects, profess different spiritual beliefs and uphold different ideologies.

We assert that human and peoples’ rights are our fundamental, inherent and inalienable
rights to life, dignity and development. We recognize that these rights are universal,
interdependent and indivisible
and are essential to fulfil and satisfy our civil, political, economic, social, cultural, spiritual
environmental needs. They are what make us human. For a start, please provide your
response to the question provided below.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

NST 022: National Service Training Program
Student Activity Sheet: Lesson #4

Provide at least 5 basic rights that you enjoy as a human being. Can the state take this
away from you?

B.COACH (Do and Think)(70mins)

What is a Human Dignity?

At its most basic, the concept of human dignity is the belief that all people hold a special value
that’s tied solely to their humanity. It has nothing to do with their class, race, gender, religion,
abilities, or any other factor other than them being human.

The State has the duty to safeguard and assure the dignity of its peoples as individuals and as
members of communities and ensure their capacity for self-development. The State should
formulate policies, enact laws and provide mechanisms that are in conformity with universal
human rights standards.

The diversity and plurality of the Philippines must be safeguarded through respect and
tolerance. The State must respect and promote harmony and understanding between and
among individuals, communities and peoples. It must uphold non-discrimination among peoples
regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, physical ability, sexual orientation, social
beliefs and political convictions. Cultural traditions and institutionalized power shall not serve as
justification for any form of violence, abuse, neglect, or deprivation of human and peoples’

What is a Human Right?

Human rights are norms that aspire to protect all people everywhere from severe political, legal,
and social abuses. Examples of human rights are the right to freedom of religion, the right to a
fair trial when charged with a crime, the right not to be tortured, and the right to education.

Rights of A Filipino Citizen

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

NST 022: National Service Training Program
Student Activity Sheet: Lesson #4

We have the right to life, liberty, security and property. We have the right to a transparent,
competent and impartial justice system, free from influence and corruption, where wrongs are
redressed and justice is dispensed fairly, speedily and equitably. We must have equal access to
courts and adequate legal assistance. We must be treated equally before the law regardless of
political, social and economic status.

We have the right to live in a democracy and are entitled to enjoy its benefits. The right to
representation, participation and decision-making about individual and community concerns
shall be
recognized and maintained. The protection of life, liberty and property, the upliftment of
conditions and the promotion of the general welfare are essential prerequisites of a truly


We have the right to enjoy the highest standard of health. The State shall ensure that its citizens
be adequately nourished and free from hunger. The State has the obligation to establish a
social housing program and protect the people from unjust evictions from their homes.
Protection and
assistance shall be accorded marginalized families and vulnerable sectors of society.

We have the right to a nationalistic and independent economic policy protected from foreign
domination and intrusion. We have the right to a self-reliant economy based on national
industrialization. We have the right to resist all forms of oppressive and unreasonable trade
liberalization, to oppose a subservient debt management strategy, and to repudiate all foreign
that do not benefit the people. The State shall develop efficient and effective debt management

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

NST 022: National Service Training Program
Student Activity Sheet: Lesson #4

strategies that will benefit the people and shall give preferential treatment to local capital.

We have the right to self-determination. This right provides us with the freedom to develop
as peoples, preserve our culture and retain our national identity. Our peoples shall not be
into assimilation, nor shall forced evacuation, dislocation and displacement resulting from
development aggression and other State policies should be allowed. We have the right to resist
form of political, economic, social or cultural domination by resorting to any legitimate means.

Human rights are universal, inalienable and indivisible. They are dynamic and continue to evolve
response to the growing needs, concerns and aspirations of individuals and communities. These
rights are enriched in the course of the struggle for their full recognition. The human and
rights affirmed in this declaration are wholly consistent with contemporary international
Nothing in this declaration shall be used to negate or deny any other rights – whether specified
inferred found in national or international human rights instruments.

The Human and Peoples' Rights Declaration of the Philippines is being used as the contribution
of the
Working Group for an ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism to the drafting of the ASEAN Human

Do: Directions: Look and read a news article here in the Philippines that threatens, violates or
discusses any of the mentioned rights above. Share on the box the news and explain how it
violates or threatens the rights of a Filipino citizen.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

NST 022: National Service Training Program
Student Activity Sheet: Lesson #4

Headlight of the News Article Right Violated

Think: From the news article that you’ve found in the Do activity and after identifying what
certain rights were violated or threatened, share here on how we can protect that right to
preserve human dignity.


C. CHECK (10 mins)

As a PHINMA student, how can you help defend the rights of those who can’t defend

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

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