Ultimate Preposition Practice

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Topic- Prepositions
Q1-Fill blanks with suitable Prepositions:

1. We must abide ....Our promise.

2. Forests in India are abound . wild animals.
3. He is absorbed.. reading some report.
4. Abstain. .eviland do g00d.
5. The judge acceded. my request.
6. These terms are not acceptable.... Us.
7. He was accused.. theft.
8. Try to be accurate . y o u r predictions.
9. am not accustomed. .taking coffee.
10. Are you acquainted . . . her?
11. The judge acquitted him ...theft.
12. Let us act . their advice.
13. The school is adjacent. the Post
14. He was admitted. School last year.
15. He had great affection. . .his mother.
16. The school is affliated. ..the Board of Higher
17. The old woman is afilicted . . . . a severe
18. The rat is afraid. the cat.
19. The king agreed.. the minister.
20. Do you agree. this proposal?
21. She aims. becoming a writer.
22. We alighted... he train.
23. This flat has been allotted.. me.
24. The teacher was very angry.. the student.
25.I am very angry. . h i s misbehavior.
26. You will
answer... your action.
27. There was an argument... wO neighbours.
28. The moon does not shine... ts own light
29. The city is teeming tourists in December.
30. When he was moving. his office, he was
attacked. 31. The snake moved. the grass.
32. The shopping complex was ablaze. .. Colourful
ights. 33. One has to account. ones actons.
34.T had to adjust. hostel life.
35.Are my conditions agreeable one.. you?
36. The narrow road runs. he hills.
37. The question is. . much importance.
38. Worshipping the son is prevalent. . . the tribes.
39. There is no infomation...his income in the report.
40. He sawa snake lying .. his chair.
41. The cat r a n . . . the wall.
42. All should abide. . . he law.
43. The leader is accused. . .inciting hatred.
44. He had a great admiration . . . . the poet.
45. The old man sat .. the fire.
46. She broke the miror m a n y pleces.
47. He is very anxious. t h e examination result.
48. Ihey apologized. y o u for their mistake.
49. We appealed....her for help.
50. He appealed... the judgment.
51.The vilagers applied..... the bank for a loan.
52. He was appointed... the post of vice-president.
53.Ido not approve..... h e lifestyle.
your extravagant
lawyer argued. judge on the point.
54. The
55. The students arrived.. ....the venue in time.
56. The king was ashamed. ..is unworthy sons.
57. The manager Is assoclated.. this fim.
58. We assure you..Our help.
59. Please attend... WhatI say.
60. She has only one servant. . attend her.
61. He is an authority . Literature.
us aval
62. Let ourselves.. .this opportunity.
63. Are you aware. t n a t case?
64. The dog barked.. the stranger.
65. The convict begged. ...mercy.
66. The assembly began. .prayers.
67. The next unit begins . p a g e 50.
68. Do you believe... ghosts?
69. These books
belongs.. KOger.
70. They are bent . . creating trouble.
71. Beware ..mitations.
72. He was blamed.
73. She was blessed.. a son.
74. Do not be blind . . your faults.
75. She boasts.. ..her riches.
76. The ship is bound. Japan.
T7. She is busy ...her sons.
78. He ate rice....curyY.
79. The cat jumped.. the table.
80. The temperature was... Zero
81.A black cat was standing . t h e car.
82. He pushed the
83. The pond abounds.
84.I am accustomed. .living a simple life.
85. The General admire the soldierS t h e i r courage.
86. The boy slept.. .a tree.
87. It has been raining
..ast nignt
88. His condition is deteriorating.yesterday.
89. The fire was still blazing ..he hill.
90. When I came, my mother was standing..the gate.
91. The soldiers drove. he gate.
92. The judge absolved him . . . . a n y blame.
93. Are you acquainted.. those people?
94. Site has adomed her room.. colourful lights.
95. Ihe crow tiew. . . her head.
96. It is six o'clock..my watch.
97. She has spent all her life....Chennai.
98. They called on him.. his office.
99. She is capable.. mprovement.
100.He Is very caretrul.. . . . nis cloes.
101.Why shouldn't my mother care. .me?
102.There is no cause. anxiety.
103.What is the cause. this trouble?
104.Jaipur is celebrated. it's old buildings.
105.The beggar was charged....theft.5th March.
106.Our examination commences.
107.Please commit this number . .

108.We complained. .him.
109.Love is compared . a blind man.
110.He competed..US for the scholarship.
111.The passengercomplained..
ticket-checker. 112.He complains...
the station-master against a
pain in the stomach every day.
113.Do you have any complaint...him7
114.1 am sorry I cannot comply. S u c h demands.
115.He was condemned.. .death.
116.He is confident..
117.I was confined . . bed with fever.

118.She congratulated me.

119.This sectionconsists. ..ffty students.
.my success.
120.They are content.. .thelr lot.
121.We contributed fifty rupees . . t h e fund.
122.Be courteous . . . .
123.we always count.... . your nep.
124.This medicine will cure you..malaria.
125.He lived in the apartment.US.
126.The baby was about to fall . . h e table.
127.I walked in front .. he school gate.
128.He is
abstaining.. dinks.
129.The judge acquitted him . t h e murder charge.
130.The captain had an advantage . . h e other
131.The speaker spoke.morning till
132.There is nothing9
new...her plan.
133.Dlvided the bananas. the two children.
134.Take the old bridge . h a t river.
135.The purse is lying t h e table.
136.He r a n . t h e bridge.
137.These terms are not
acceptable.. s manage.
138.The secretary is adamant..changing the venue for the
if she studies with
meeing. 139.It is . . .her advantage
you. 140. The cat ran. h e road.
141.She left . our in the evening.
142.There is no substance. what he says.
143.The hospital has been named .Gandhij.
144.The rabbit suddenly ran . the hole.
145.We deal.. mported clothes.
147.You can depend . me.
148.They were deprived. heir freedom.
149.Everybody is desirous .going abroad.
150.He is devoid.. . any sense of responsibility.
151.Many people dle .Cancer.
152.Some people die malnutrition.
153.We differ ..you on this point.
154.Our plans are quite different. . yours.
155.He took a dislike .me
156.He devoted himself . .studies.
157.The master dispensed. the servicesof his
servant. 158.She was disgusted e ..

159.He disposed... his old car.

160.My parents are doubtful . . . my success.
161.Let us do our duty . O u r country.
162.The teacher is displeased . . m e .
163.You are too eager. . h eresuts.
164.Tom ls not eligible . t h i s post.
165.He is endowed. a strong will.
166.I was enlisted .. he army.
167.The scheme ended.fallure.
168. They are engaged .

169.The hunter slept . tree.

170.Theteacher s always accesslble.his
pupls. 171.We had to adapt ourselves
. C i t y lite.
172.The teacher advised him..changing his
school. 173.The stream flows..the bridge.
174.My mother has been away . Sunday.
175.The teacher has no control . . . . h e r class.
176.The thief was leaning ..ne wall.
177.The ladder is standing. the tree.
178.Keep this book.. the table.

179.The oficerwas killed.

accident. 180.The beggar is addicted
. train

181.The school is afllated. he State Board.
182.The cat jumped.the wal.
183.Thetrain left.. three. the
afternoon. 184.The brothers are warned to desist
185.The manager was
SUch activitles.
t n e trade unions.
186.There ls a hill.. OUr village.
outskirts of the
187.The planeflew. the
city. 188.He left the college...his own
189.He Is engaged.. rich gin.
190.She entrusted the box . . . t h e servant.
191.He proved equal. h e task.
192.The thief escaped Jall.
193.We take strong exception. your
remarks. 194.we excluded him.. .Our team.
195.She had no excuse. .remaining absent from
196.l agreement with the
entered.. an
197.Our cricket team was exposed ...criticism from all quarters.
198.The servant is very faithful. . his master.
199.I am familiar ...his tricks.
200.Dont you have faith . .me?
201.Delhi ls famous..ts monuments.
202.Sillkworms feed . ulbery leaves.
203.We fought..Our Independence.
204.Please fill this tumbler .water
205.You are not fit . . t h e post.
206.He flew . . a rage at her insuiting
words. 207.Children are fond. SWeets.
208.Nobody is free....faults.
209.They furnished the library ...books.
210.He has to feed the cow. g r a s s , twice a day.
211.He is adept. . managing croWds.
212.I am afrald.. COCkroaches
213.The brothers live. . . t h e same roof.
214.The child rushed my room yesterday.
215.He was afrald.. .telling the truth.
216.Do you have the evidence..him?
217.He kept the bicycle.. ..the wall.
218.She moved herself. h e lbrary.
219.The judge has acted. . Ccordance ith
rules. 220. The hospital is adjacent . my
221.We are agitating .high taxes.
222.He makes no pretensions. t h e wealth of his
leaming. 223.Ihe terronsis l a y . Wait for the minister.
224.She chosethis saree in preference..another.
225.The purchasing power . . money has depreciated.
226.The front seats are reserved. .specialguests. 227.He

is giving French lessons. . .

exchange for
Englsh lessons.
228.The office staff were seated. h e bottom of the long
table. 229.Many talian words are derived.. . Latin.
230.The amy was altered to deal . . t h e disorder In

the city. 231.Get..

232.She cannot get .
he facs.
with him.
233.Our new teacher is gifted.. 9ood voice.
234.Mohan is good. Mathematics.
235.1 shall be grateful . you for your help.
236.He is
greedy.. noney.
237.We must guard
ourselves.. .VICes.
238.The judge found her guilty
239.1 do not hanker . . riches.
240.The child is hard..hearing.
241.We h e a r d . . . your success.
242.Always be honest..your business.
243.Let us hope.........the best.
244.We are hopeful.. . 0 u r success.
245.The natives are not hostile..Outsiders.
246.Peter is the only heir . . h i s father's estate.
247.lgnorance of law is no excuse .breaking it.
248.Sheis ill. fever.
249.The child is impatent.... milk.
250.The judge imposed a heavy fine. .him.
251.You are impressed.. .her speech.
252.The teacher tried to impress ..Us the need of good
habits. 253.I am indebted . . . m y friend for timely help.
254.This plastic chair is inferior. h a t wooden
chair. 255.He appealed. ..the High court.
256.He was annoyed. .her for wasting his time.
257.The students benefit . the new method of
258.we are
teaching. bound.. he SChool
259.We should care h e needy.
260.He has competed. . . . h e great athletes In
Indla. 261.She has a craving .mported
262.she was deceived. belleving that she was
safe. 263.His father died

264.The land was .. .the
farmers. 265.The economic factors enter
. . t h e contract.
266.He was then taced. a n Immediate
problem. 267.The magazine hada feature
. . lagore.
268.The mother is fussing . he daughter.
269.Sheis hanging. . h e central library waiting for her
friend. 270. The tour costs around ten thousand rupees inclusive
. the flight.
271.They insisted. our having dinner
them. 272.College students joined.
march. 27T3.we won the match. .
he protest
O u r competitors.
274.The MughalGarden opens. t h e public In
February. 275. The house is infested. . ts.
276.Smoking is injurious.. health.
277.1 am inclined . . . g i v e him leave.
278.Do not
indulge. gosSip.
279.We are indebted. you tor this favour.
280.Buddha inspired his followers. oble ideals.
281.The teacher is inquiring. h e case.
282.We enquired...him about these matters.
283.She i n s i s t s . . m y staying in the village.
284.Are you interested. .this course?
285.Hard work is indispensable. success.
286.She never interfered . . . m e in my work.
287.I invested a lot of money..
. .business.
288.He introduced me. ***.S riend.

289.1 am very intimate. my elder sister.

290.Have you any infuence . ..the
principial? 91.The teacher has no influence
.. nIS pupls. 292.Neighbours are jealous
o ********.One another.

293.They Jeered..
************************* .
294.Just let me jot... .. y o u r address.
295.Our neighbours joined . . . . t h e celebrations.
296.He jumped. . the first offer of a job.
297.Never jump ....hasty conclusions.
298.My brother is junior. . . y o u by one year.
protested... he unjust treatment
300.He just scraped. .his examinatilon.
301.He was unsatisfied. .his results.
302.The teacher is answerable...the Principal.
3031 applied. ob in the factory.
304.5eware. becoming to0 strict.
305.The points..brief, are given below.
306.I walked fast to catch up .. er.
307.New cars comply.
noms. 308.He has
emisslon reduction
always been critical . . .


309.Alreadytheirfirst production had been decded

.and failure.310.Shecould tell the difference.SUCCess
311.His attempt to surpass others was doomed
failure. 312.There is an examination for entrance
313.She failed. her attempt the me.
314.One can fight ....CorTuption.
315.Crowds gaped .. . the film stars.
316.He had always hankered ..Owning a spacious
house. 317.I am indebted. . . y o u tor your
318.It is an instrument. .measuring heat.
319.Hard work Is the key.... SUCCess.
320.Have you begin to key . . the annual report?
321.Be kind . t h e poor.
322.Who is
knocking..the door?
323.The woman knocked. ..vase with her stick.
324.I knoW..their holiday plans.
325.1 have some knowledge . ..English.
326.Always keep. t h e left.
327. could not keep .. he pretenses any longer.
328.Try to keep the child's attention. h e sweet.
329.The social workers labou.. a just cause.
330.He lacks. experience.
331.The government is lax ..mplementing the new
he mieeng. L.IE PIEOsid ******************"
ended in a draw. 343.There is an opening.
in our scho0ol.
344.She quarrelled. .her friends.
345.He sighed.. Satisfaction.
346.We are used ...dealing with such
calamites. 347.He has an appointment
t h e Chaiman.
348.The Principal does not approve .

.old methods.
349.The bil. . . o u r dinner came to five hundred
rupees. 350.He brooded...his past actions.
351.There was enough cause. ejoNCing.
b0ok consists. ten chapters.
353.The public cried out...he high taxes.
354.He failed to make a decision. tHiSs issue.
355.The recent raid could make life-difficult . . . a
..ciminais. 356.He was due.
357.He is envious. m y success.
358.They wish to remain faithful.. their
heritage. 359.She sometimes tights..her
360.1 get along well . m y fmends.
361.You are no match......him.
362.He met. many obstacles.
363.Let us not meddle. he affairs of others.
364.His motive...coming here is not known.
365.The country moums. its dead.

366.The conditonof the child moved her

367.Peter is Sam's
. tears. married..
younger sister.
368.1 am in need . . . . a n honest advice.
369.There is an acute need.. fence around the
garden. 370.He is negligent ..his work.
371.She was negligent. .her duties.

372.They have narrowed..on two candidates after the

interview. 373.Good health is
..happiness. 374.t is not
necessary.you to call the doctor immediately. 375.He is
notonous. his nude
376.Aways be obedient..your parents.
377.1 objected.his going out.
378.She is obliged.US.
379.She felt offended.. .his remarks.
380.We are
open.. SUggestions.
teacher has a very
381.The high opinion..her.
382.Why should we be opposed...them?
383.The boss was offended....the typist at his

384.His corrupt practices will be
385.Do not be
386.Our shop is not insured...fire.
387.The camels were laden..gold.
388.We shoOuldnot meddle. .official
matters. 389.Our rivers are overloade.
toxic waste.
390.My mother is recuperating.. serious
llness. 391.The guard was out..Sight.
392.She has a weakness... weets.
393.I felt ashamed.. my Ignorance.
3941 do not want to argu.you.
395.The light green colour blends well.the
background. 396 As she tumed, she
bumped...her friend.
397.He changed his..his night clothes.
398. congratulate you. yOur promotlon.
399. Regular exercdse is the best cure.. Weight
gain. 400.He is dedicated. . . h i s work.
401.He had to dip.... his savings.
402.He Is duty at the
. school
403.He is estranged. . his father.
404.Let us partake . the birthday cake.
405.I cannot part . . m y money.
406.You must participate.
activitles. 407.The boy persists
l i n g lies.
408.We pine . What is not.
409.The principal presided.....the
meeting. 410.We prevalled.them to go
411.She fell a prey ...cancer
412.His wife has passion . music.
413.Have pity. the poor.
414.He took pity ....the poor.
415.A book was presented..him.
416.He was presented a special
award. 417.Ihis news Is very painful
. my father. 418.The road is paralel
419.She parted . . . her father.
420.Thiscustom is peculiar....this
reglon.421.She is polite . . h e r
422.Pulp fiction is popular.. ndian
readers. 423.Let us pray to God. .his
safe return.
424.Poverty with honest life is preferable...a
425.He be calm in
life. pretends.
426.We are proud ..our school.
427.A woollen blanket protect you . cold.
428.He proved false ..his friends.
429.We must always
family. 430.He was prohibited .
entering the room. 431.Let us proceed
O U r Work.

432.Thestudents protested.
policy. 433.I have tallen out

434.They fought . . properny.
435. glanced.. ..your letters this
morning. 436.The school was abuzz
437.1do not indulge..
438.we interceded ..
ating ice cream.
h i m with the
principal. 439.The culprit s stll.arge.
440.They mocked.. Our players.
441.His article drew a paralle... ndia and
China. 442.There was a reductlon. .school
fees. 443.He never spoke. the team again.
444.He has been associated
fOreigners. 445.She balanced fund
.. earning.
446.He was blind..anger
447.He was burning aage
448.He checked in . . the hotel .. SIX
o'clock. 449. They are in contact the police.
450.There was a curse. his house.
451.There is a great demand...fresh juice.
452.She was rather disappointed. his
reaction. 453.He has qualiied
. ne
454.Let us not quarrel ..one another.
455.Peter is quick . gures.
456.She quoted many verses..the Gita.
457.Please recommend him to the manager
. he post. 458.She reconciled ..her brother.
a serious llness.
459.He has recovered..
460.He is reduced. .. a skeleton.
461.The case was refered. the Minister.
leaderwas released....
463.I have great regard .
al the seniors.
the teacher's
464.The boy paid very ite regard
advice. 465.They rejoiced.heir success.
466.How are you related . my aunt?
467.The medicine relieved me .
468.You may rely .

469.This drug is a sure remedy . yphoid.
470.Piease remember . i v e your parents my
regards. 471.He revenged himself. his enemies.
472.Who is responsible . this delay?
473.They have .....respect our elders.
474.They are respectful ..their elders.
475.The soldier was rewarded.. the Vir Chakra for his
bravery. 476.He ruled. the hearts of the masses.
477.They had to economize.. he college
expenses. 478.1 hate being excuded ..rom
family discussions. 479.His face was familiar
480.Shewas fishing..COmpliments.
481.Our decision went. the management
policy. 482.What makes people hungry
483.He is not inferior. .his team mates.
484.She is not interested. music.
485.It i s . . t h e law to drink and drive.
486.The project is shelved . . . t h e moment.
487.He refused to partake. he feast.
488.We should refrain . udging others.
489. He had specialised . Computer
engineering. 490.We are astonished . hiss
491.The dog is barking t h e stranger.
492.The good result bodes well .. uture.
493.Hearing the news, he burst. ears
494.I am paid .. Cheque.
495.Workers should have control
production. 496.0ur security dependent

. .. .vigllance. 497.This shrine is sacred

many sects.
498.Always be satistied . . . your lot.
499.We saved her . . . drowning.
500.His parents searched.. him everywhere.
501.The teacher sent. he monitor.
502.The judge sentenced him . . . . . death.

503.This plant is very sensitive...touch.

504.They set out ... a journey.

505.He was shocked. he news of his son's death.

b06.5newasshort..money towards the end of the
month. 507.she is sick. .her poverty.
508.The knife he has shown me was simllar.
one. 509.the younger boy is
slow. .speech.
510.His brother is sioW ..anthmenc.
511.We shall stand . OUr leaders.
512.She stared...him.
513.we shall stick. . OUr post at all cost.
514.They were shocked . he news.
515.I tosubmit..the orders
colleague. 516.He succeeded..
of my senior
Winning a prize.
517.The old man succumbed. ..his injuries.
518.This amount is not sufficient.
project. 519.He
felt Sure...SUCCes5.
520.Food was supplled the
. . . . .

521.The hungry were supplied ....food.
522.The soldiers would not surrender....ne

enemy. 523.He was suspicious.. all his

524.We sympathize. h e r in her troubles.
525.We should have no
people. 526.We listened to his discourse
. moral values. 527.Poor students are
engioie.. Scholarship. 528.There is no
reason . e a v i n g him behind.
529.1 am fascinated. the number of books in the
library. 530.All my b0oks fit ... my bag.
531.There is curfeW; we may have to go Classes fora
week. 532.He was
ignorant ner pläns.
533.The area was
infected.. mosquitoes.
534.Do not interfere. the security
procedures. 535.A good citizen always acts
h e law.
536.They called me
537.He is very partlal ...his friends...equest.
538.Admission forms are issued ..
539. He was. Suspicion for irregular practise.
540.1 shall attend . . you now.
541.He begged. .merey
542.It boils down . the company making high
profits. 543.The classroom buzzed . queston.
544.My cousins have a claim .. our property.
545.You need to be conversant .. .our customs.
546.She has no taste..music.
547.He took.drinking after his wife's death.
548.Let the talk . . h e matter.
549.They talked ..
550.We are very thankful ....you for your help.
551.He is tired...the game.
552.We are tired....Our excretions.
553.You must be true.
your word.
554.Trust.. God.
555.She trembled.. ear.
556.We have used . a l l the milk for tea.
557.Recycled waste is useful....many
purposes. 558.This book is not useful

559.The actress was vain . her pretty tace.

560.Do not be vexed.. me, for coming late.
561.1 am vexed . . his silence.
562.He was a victim. . his circumstances.
563.Peter and Tom vied . . . each other for the elocution
prize. 564.All the servants waited . .her.
565.A deputation waited .. h e Minister.
566.We wamed her . . t h e danger.
567.I like to dance.. westem music.
568.We are dependent ...Our parents.
569.We are disgusted ..the situation.
570.She emigrated ..AUstralia.
571.He was exempt.. manual work.
572.Short skirts are Out . . . . tashion.
573.He became fluent .. English.
574.1 graduated..Delhi University.
575. He was very impatient . S l o w leamers.
576.He has some influence . he police.
577.The police made an investigation .. .. his
death. 578.He is leaving Lverpool today.
579.1 got nervous . . . CrOssing roads at night.
580.She has a passion.. ndian music.
will resign association.
581. the
582.He seems to thrive .. controversy.
583.He should avail himself.. he opportunity.
584.Do you believe ....God?
585.She played piano . her childhood.
586.1 shall call. . h e President tomorow.
587.Theactor's good performance won . h i s
critics. 588.The king grew weary.. .nis
589.Sheis well-versed.. household chores.
590.He withdrew Tom.. h e contest.
591.1 was a witness ... he bomb blast.
592.We wonder . . . . t h e i r skill.
593.She is worthy..praise.
594.The soldiers did not yield. . . h eenemy.
595.He yeamed.. SuCcess all his life.
596.The reformer is full of zeal . . . h i s mission.
597.The young minister
was zealous..
improvement. 598.Be zealous . . a good cause.
599.The drain is clogged . . p l a s u c Dags.
600.Your views do not correspond. reality.
601.Last night I was . danger of being robbed.
602.He was desperate. i n the prize.
603.Our cat has a dislike. ..Our neighbours
dog. 604.The invitation was enclosed. .my
605.The teacher is experimenting . ots.
606.He was favour of introducing astrology in the
school. 607.I am fond . listening to music.
608.He grieved...
ternble tragedy.
609.There is a ban. . . Smoking in public places.
are used as an ingredientis imelevant
salads. 611.Your opinion
. h e present situation. 612.She did not listen
. ner fathers advice. 513.The birds were
nibbling t h e blue berries. 614.He did not pay
.. his stay in the hotel. 615.They have claimed
responsibllity...the exploSIons. 616.NoW America
is less tolerant.. . violence. 617.The doctor asked
me my health.
618.| belong . . a n organilsaton called
619.He borrowed some money. a

620.He is capable. d o i n g better.

621.The farmer came o u t . . h e forest.
622.She counselled us. u r future goals.
623.lt never dawned .. me that someone was
following me. 624.Your argument is devoid ... merit.
625.He distanced himself . . t h e
Association. 626.Do not indulge
627.He Is an expert.. dealing with school

problems. 628.We fear..the safety of our


629.Her way of life is fraught ...danger.

630.The small number grew ... a formidable
group. 631.They were impressed..
performance. 632.The merchant inquired . . . . h..my
daughter's health. 633.She was Iritated.

634.You must not look down . . t h e poor.
635.I have an objection.. .your going out at
night. 636.He persisted.. .his inquires.
637.Let us revert now . h e first point.
638.The Dlstrict Magistate was unavailable..the comment

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