BAS-4 T323 Session 8

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Business Academic Skills

Session 8
Presentation preparation

Lecturer: Anna Loseva

[email protected]
Today we will...
● Discuss what makes a presentation successful
● Interview our classmates for audience analysis
● Organize our knowledge about presentation structure
and preparation process
● Practice building a presentation outline
Team discussion. Remember NOSTUESO!
Create a table in your presentation outline document and
take notes!
What makes a successful presentation? Use your ideas based on HW7 and make 2 lists.
Things we can do BEFORE (planning) Things we can do DURING (delivery)
1. Prepare answers for Qs that audience 1. Use body language
might have 2. Suitable pace - not too fast, not too slow
2. Carry out research carefully 3. Intonation!
3. Create slides (balance visuals and text)
4. REfer to visual aids in the slides
4. Create a clear outline
5. Avoid fillers (ummm, errrm)
5. Identify the importance of each section
6. Be confident!
7. Do a rehearsal 7. Calm down and breathe!
8. Anticipate and prepare for unexpected 8. Eye contact
situations 9. Use the room space
9. Choose the right type of attention
10. Prepare interaction!
11. Check the facilities
12. KNOW your content!
Informative type 1: Tools & Mechanisms
Informative type 2: Process & Procedure
Informative type 3: Incidents
Informative type 4: Ideas
❖ Tools & Mechanisms

Which of the 4
types is ❖ Process & Procedure
YOUR group
presentation? ❖ Incidents

❖ Ideas
The audience of your
group presentation is…
❖ To give suitable info to
Audience analysis: the audience (what they
are looking or want or


❖ To adjust language &


❖ Meet them where they

❖ What they want/need to
Audience analysis: know; interests

WHAT do we need
to know? ❖ Current knowledge about
your topic

❖ Personality
info/demographic factors:
age, gender, occupation,
social status, financial status
Audience analysis interviews
In your teams, make brief notes to present your
idea to other groups
Select the team representative
(a.k.a. the interviewer)
Interview another team.
Note down their answers.

Interview rounds
are timed by Anna.
Discuss the audience analysis results with
your team!
Save the interview results for HW!
Building a STEP 1: Create a
PURPOSE statement.

presentation STEP 2: Formulate

your CENTRAL idea.
outline STEP 3: Organize your
MAIN points.
STEP 1: ● It is a complete
Create your specific sentence.
● It contains one idea
purpose statement only.

= what you want your ● It uses

audience to have measurable/
accomplished by the end
of the presentation.
Only for you! verbs.
By the end of our presentation, the
audience will be able to <DO WHAT?>
Presentation topic: How can gender equality in the workplace be achieved?


By the end of our By the end of our

presentation, the audience presentation, the audience
will be able to list 3 ways to will be able to understand
bring gender equality to the more about different ways to
workplace. bring gender equality to the
Use BLOOM’s TAXONOMY verbs to help you

Image source:

● It is a complete sentence, and
never a question.
STEP 2: ● It contains one idea only.

Formulate your ● It has a subject (who or what

central idea the speech is about) and a focus

(specific, key emphasis about
= the essence of the the subject).
● It is stated in the intro and
repeated in the conclusion of
your presentation.
1. Making spaghetti is an easy process.
2. Gender equality can be achieved through some
actions of the company managers.
Let’s practice: Turn this question into an appropriate central idea.

How can you become a better student? →

Becoming a better student requires
● Express points in
complete sentences
STEP 3: ● One point = one key
Develop and organize idea
your main points ● Check that all points
develop the central
to help your audience follow
along idea
● State points in parallel
grammar structure
1. Each point is a complete sentence
2. Each point focuses on 1 specific idea
3. Each point develops and explains the central idea
4. Parallel grammar structure is used
Presentation structure
❏ Generates interest by attention-grabbers a.k.a.
HOOKS (startling facts, stories, questions, quotes,
images, references to the audience/presentation
occasion, humour)
❏ Offers clear benefits for the audience/need for
information (why is this worth our time?)
❏ States the central idea
❏ Previews main points
❏ Develops main points with verbal & visual support
❏ Use 3-4 main points max in your BAS presentation
❏ Uses transition and signposting language (transition
in content & speakers)
❏ Restates central idea
❏ Summarizes main points
❏ Has a meaningful, impactful
Presentation prep:
You need to give a
presentation about
Vietnamese food.

Image source:

Your audience is foreign
tourists in Vietnam.
Presentation prep:
Work with your team to
create a draft outline
for your imaginary
Your specific, GOOD
PURPOSE statement Image source:

is provided!
3 presentations topics
TOPIC #1: Making spring rolls.

TOPIC #2: The cuisine of the northern, southern and central Vietnam.

TOPIC #3: The symbolism of traditional Tet dishes.

Group 4
Purpose Statement #2: By the end of this presentation, the audience will be able to compare & contrast
the cuisine of the northern, southern and central Vietnam.
Central idea: The cuisine of the northern, southern and central Vietnam differ greatly.
Main points:
(1) The cuisines of Vietnam differ in local ingredients.
(2) The cuisines of Vietnam differ in taste preferences.
(3) The cuisines of Vietnam differ in styles of cooking.
Hook that can be used to start the presentation (to use in the intro):
Did you know that in Vietnam people eat half-hatched eggs called Hột Vịt Lộn.
Audience benefits/need for information (1 sentence to say in the intro):
Help foreigners plan their trip to Vietnam: where and what to eat, what to expect from
the cuisine of each region.
Looking ahead to Session 10:

● Presentation REHEARSAL (with slides)

● Presentation outline submission on Canvas (Anna’s template)
TO-DO LIST for Session 10
❖ HW9 (group submission): Group presentation outline

Submit a link to a Google document with the detailed

outline of your group presentation. Use this template
for this HW.
Enable commenting for Anna to receive feedback in
your file.
Group task
Improve your
presentation outline!

Copy the template

and fill it out!
Assessment criteria for this presentation will include:
GROUP points (10/15):

❏ Content, Structure & Organization

❏ Visuals & Design
INDIVIDUAL points (5/15):

❏ Delivery
TO-DO LIST for Session 9, Part 1
❖ READ for QUIZ: Unistep Chapter 11 (very short!); Braun et al. Modules 4
and 5
❖ Individual project report: DRAFT (link in the spreadsheet, allow
comments for “anyone with the link” for in-class peer feedback workshop).
Use the template shared in Session 7.
Your draft document should include:
(a) Your report topic (PROBLEM that needs to be solved should be
(b) Detailed IMPROVED PAIBOC analysis for your report
(c) Main report sections (=body) with the draft of their content
TO-DO LIST for Session 9, Part 2
❖ HW8 (individual submission): Three-column research notes
As you work on your report draft, create a three-column note table with
your research notes on the sources that you have read/want to use for
your individual project. Include at least 3 sources in this HW assignment.
Your draft document should include:
1) The topic of your report
2) APA formatted references for each source
3) Required word count of HW8: minimum 450 words

To help you organize and present your three-column notes, turn to Unistep:
- p.123 - content of the three columns (WHERE? WHAT? SO WHAT?)
- p.124-125 - example
- p.215-219 - further, more detailed and analytical example
Thank you
see you next week!
[email protected]

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