Class 11 SST Ch-1
Class 11 SST Ch-1
Class 11 SST Ch-1
இந்த வடிய
ீ ோ இந்தி மற்றும் ஆங்கிலத்தில் கிடைக்கிறது.
Renaissance 2.0
New Dawn of Education
Why do we need a Constitution?
1. To provide a set of basic rules that allow for minimal coordination amongst
members of a society.
2. To specify who has the power to make decisions in a society. It decides
how the government will be constituted.
3. To set some limits on what a government can impose on the citizens. These
limits are the fundamental in the sense that government may never
trespass them.
4. To enable the government to fulfil the aspirations of a society and create
conditions for a just society.
Renaissance 2.0
New Dawn of Education
Fundamental identity of people
#The Indian Constitution does not make ethnic identity a criterion for
Renaissance 2.0
New Dawn of Education
The Authority Of A Constitution
The authority of people who enact the constitution helps determine in part
its prospects for success.
The more a constitution preserves the freedom and equality of all its
members, the more likely it s to succeed.
Well crafted constitution fragments power in society intelligently so that no
single group can subvert the constitution. The Indian constitution, for
example, horizontally fragments power between Legislature, Executive,
Successful constitutions strike the right balance between preserving core
values and adapting them to new circumstances. Indian constitution is also
referred to as ‘A Living Document’ because of the possibility to change the
Renaissance 2.0
provisions and the limits on such changes to ensure that it will survive as a
document respected by people.
The principles of constitution were forged during the long struggle for
freedom. The constituent assembly was giving concrete shape and form to
the principles it had inherited from the Nationalist Movement.
The best summary of the principles that the nationalist movement brought
to the constituent assembly is the Objective Resolution moved by Pandit
Nehru in 1946.
Based on this resolution, our constitution gave institutional expression to
these fundamental commitments: Equality, Liberty, democracy,
sovereignty and a cosmopolitan identity.
Renaissance 2.0
New Dawn of Education
Objective Resolution
To foster unity of the nation and to ensure its economic and political security, to
have a written Constitution, and to proclaim India as a Sovereign, Democratic
To have a federal form of government with the distribution of powers between
the Centre and the States.
To guarantee and secure justice, equality, freedom of thought, expression,
belief, faith, worship, vocation, association and action to all the people of
To provide adequate safeguards for minorities, backward and tribal areas and
depressed and other backward classes.
To maintain the integrity of the territory of the Republic and the sovereign rights
on land, sea and air according to the law of civilized nations.
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To attain rightful and honored place in the world and make willing contribution
to the promotion of world peace and the welfare of mankind.
Renaissance 2.0
New Dawn of Education
Important Questions
1. What is Constitution?
2. Why do we need Constitution? Give four reasons.
3. Why is it necessary for a country to have a clear demarcation of powers and
responsibilities in the constitution? What would happen in the absence of such a
demarcation? (NCERT)
4. Why is it necessary for a constitution to place limitations on the rulers? Can there be a
constitution that gives no power at all to the citizens? (NCERT)
5. What makes a Constitution effective?
6. How does a Constitution express the fundamental identity of people?
7. Explain the composition of constituent assembly.
8. “Indian constitution is neither rigid nor flexible” explain this statement.
9. Which constitutional measures enable the Indian government to fulfil the aspirations of
10. With the help of system of checks and balances, explain that Indian institutional design is
a balanced one.
11. Mention at least one provision borrowed from constitution of below mentioned
countries:- Britain, Ireland, France, USA
12. Why is constitution called as supreme law of the land?
13. How does a constitution allow for minimal coordination amongst members of the
14. What is objective resolution? Who introduced it and when?
To Be Continued…