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La Ticherina

Apoyo a Docentes frente a Grupo

Clase 1 – Handout
The weeping woman The weeping woman
1. A long time ago in a poor village there was a good-looking girl named Maria. 1. A long time ago in a poor village there was a good-looking girl named Maria.
She was the most beautiful girl in the world! And because she was so beautiful, She was the most beautiful girl in the world! And because she was so beautiful,
Maria thought she was better than everyone else. Maria thought she was better than everyone else.

2. One day, a young ranchero from a rich family came into her village. He was 2. One day, a young ranchero from a rich family came into her village. He was
handsome! And he could play the guitar and sing beautifully. Maria decided handsome! And he could play the guitar and sing beautifully. Maria decided
that he was the man for her! that he was the man for her!

3. She and the ranchero became engaged and soon they were married. At first, 3. She and the ranchero became engaged and soon they were married. At first,
things were fine. They had two children and they seemed to be a happy family things were fine. They had two children and they seemed to be a happy family
together. But after a few years, the ranchero went back to the wild life of the together. But after a few years, the ranchero went back to the wild life of the
prairies. He sometimes left town and was gone for months. And when he came prairies. He sometimes left town and was gone for months. And when he came
home, it was only to visit his children. He seemed to care nothing for the home, it was only to visit his children. He seemed to care nothing for the
beautiful Maria. Sometimes he said he wanted to marry a rich woman of his beautiful Maria. Sometimes he said he wanted to marry a rich woman of his
class. class.

4. Maria was a proud woman and she became very angry with the ranchero. She 4. Maria was a proud woman and she became very angry with the ranchero. She
also began to feel anger toward her children, because he paid attention to also began to feel anger toward her children, because he paid attention to
them, but just ignored her. them, but just ignored her.

5. One evening, Maria was walking with her two children by the river. The rancher 5. One evening, Maria was walking with her two children by the river. The rancher
came by in a carriage with a rich woman. He stopped and spoke to his children, came by in a carriage with a rich woman. He stopped and spoke to his children,
but he didn't even look at Maria. Then he left with the rich woman. but he didn't even look at Maria. Then he left with the rich woman.

6. When Maria saw that, she became terribly angry, and she turned against her 6. When Maria saw that, she became terribly angry, and she turned against her
children. She took her two children and threw them into the river! But as they children. She took her two children and threw them into the river! But as they
disappeared down the river, she realized what she had done! She ran down disappeared down the river, she realized what she had done! She ran down
the river and tried to save them. But they were gone. the river and tried to save them. But they were gone.

7. The next morning, the people found her dead by the river. But the first night 7. The next morning, the people found her dead by the river. But the first night
after they buried Maria, the people heard after they buried Maria, the people heard
the sound of crying down by the river. It the sound of crying down by the river. It
was not the wind, it was La Llorona crying. was not the wind, it was La Llorona crying.
"Where are my children?" And they saw a "Where are my children?" And they saw a
woman walking by the river. They called woman walking by the river. They called
her La Llorona, the weeping woman. her La Llorona, the weeping woman.

8. And now, parents tell their children not to 8. And now, parents tell their children not to
go out in the night because La Llorona go out in the night because La Llorona
might catch them. might catch them.

Ciclo Escolar 2023 - 2024

La Ticherina
La Ticherina
Apoyo a Docentes frente a Grupo

Clase 4 – Image Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl

Ciclo Escolar 2023 - 2024

La Ticherina
La Ticherina
Apoyo a Docentes frente a Grupo

Clase 4 – The legend of Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl: a love story

Thousands of years ago, when the Aztec Empire dominated the Valley of Mexico, it Iztlaccihuatl:
was common practice to subject neighboring towns and to require a mandatory tax.
It was then that the chief of the Tlaxcaltecas, bitter enemies of the Aztecs, weary of __________________________________
this terrible oppression, decided to fight for his people’s freedom. __________________________________
The chief had a daughter named Iztaccihuatl: the most beautiful of all the
princesses, who had professed her love for young Popocatepetl, one of her father’s
people and the most handsome warrior. Both professed a deep love for each other, __________________________________
so before leaving for war, Popocatepetl asked the chief for the hand of Princess __________________________________
Iztaccihuatl. __________________________________
The father gladly agreed and promised to welcome him back with a big celebration __________________________________
to give him his daughter’s hand if he returned victorious from the battle. The brave
warrior accepted, prepared everything and departed keeping in his heart the
promise that the princess would be waiting for him to consummate their love. Iztlaccihuatl´s father:
Soon afterward a love rival of Popocatepetl, jealous of the love they professed to
each other, told Princess Iztaccihuatl that her beloved had died in combat. Crushed _______________________________
and overwhelmed by sadness, the princess died without even knowing that it was a _______________________________
lie. _______________________________
Popocatepetl returned victorious to his people, hoping to find his beloved princess. _______________________________
Upon arrival, he received the terrible news of the death of Iztaccihuatl. Devastated _______________________________
by the news, he wandered about the streets for several days and nights, until he _______________________________
decided he had to do something to honor her love and to assure the princess would _______________________________
not ever be forgotten.
He ordered a great tomb to be built under the sun, piling ten hills together to form
a huge mountain. He carried the body of his Princess in his arms, took her to the The love rival:
summit and laid her on the great mountain. The young warrior lovingly kissed her _______________________________
cold lips, took a smoking torch and knelt in front of his beloved to watch over her _______________________________
eternal sleep. From then on, they remain together, facing each other. Over time,
snow covered their bodies forming two enormous volcanoes that would remain
together until the end of time.
The legend goes on to say that when the warrior Popocatepetl remembers his
beloved, his heart – that preserves the fire of eternal passion – shakes and his torch
smokes. That’s why, even today; the Popocatepetl volcano continues spewing

Ciclo Escolar 2023 - 2024

La Ticherina
La Ticherina
Apoyo a Docentes frente a Grupo

Clase 4 – Handout Describing a person

Beautiful Young Slim Square Straight Dark Blue Large
Pretty Teenager Slight Oval Hooked Blond Green Small
Ugly Middle-aged Thin Round Flat Straight Black Crooked
Funny Old Skinny Triangular Long Curly Brown Grinning
Elegant Toddler Chubby Thin Small Wavy Expressive eyes Gap-toothed
Smart Child Fat Wide Big Long Shining Curved lips
Handsome Youthful Large Chiseled Wide nose Short Enchanting Thin lips
Gorgeous Mature Athletic Narrow Bald Intense
Attractive Ancient Curvy Diamond shape Beard, mustache Mysterious

Beautiful Young Slim Square Straight Dark Blue Large
Pretty Teenager Slight Oval Hooked Blond Green Small
Ugly Middle-aged Thin Round Flat Straight Black Crooked
Funny Old Skinny Triangular Long Curly Brown Grinning
Elegant Toddler Chubby Thin Small Wavy Expressive eyes Gap-toothed
Smart Child Fat Wide Big Long Shining Curved lips
Handsome Youthful Large Chiseled Wide nose Short Enchanting Thin lips
Gorgeous Mature Athletic Narrow Bald Intense
Attractive Ancient Curvy Diamond shape Beard, mustache Mysterious

Beautiful Young Slim Square Straight Dark Blue Large
Pretty Teenager Slight Oval Hooked Blond Green Small
Ugly Middle-aged Thin Round Flat Straight Black Crooked
Funny Old Skinny Triangular Long Curly Brown Grinning
Elegant Toddler Chubby Thin Small Wavy Expressive eyes Gap-toothed
Smart Child Fat Wide Big Long Shining Curved lips
Handsome Youthful Large Chiseled Wide nose Short Enchanting Thin lips
Gorgeous Mature Athletic Narrow Bald Intense
Attractive Ancient Curvy Diamond shape Beard, mustache Mysterious
Ciclo Escolar 2023 - 2024
La Ticherina
La Ticherina
Apoyo a Docentes frente a Grupo

Clase 6 – Mapa de México

Ciclo Escolar 2023 - 2024

La Ticherina
La Ticherina
Apoyo a Docentes frente a Grupo

Clase 6 – Description of a carácter

Ciclo Escolar 2023 - 2024

La Ticherina
La Ticherina
Apoyo a Docentes frente a Grupo

Clase 8 – Feelings and emotions

Ciclo Escolar 2023 - 2024

La Ticherina
La Ticherina
Apoyo a Docentes frente a Grupo

Description: The vampire was tall and thin. He was

Vampire old. He had a long face. He had big eyes, short hair
and a big mouth.
Characters Emotions: Anxious, furious

GDL Citizens

El árbol del

Mexican name The vampire tree Panteon de Belen in Gdl.

Key events

1The citizens of Guadalajara 2Babies were being attacked in the 3Babies were being attacked in the
were being stalked by a middle of the night and their middle of the night and their
bloodthirsty vampire. horrified mothers found the infants horrified mothers found the infants
lying dead in their cribs lying dead in their cribs

4There was one group of

citizens who were tired of
living in constant fear of 5Citizens killed the vampire
the vampire. and they dragged his body
to El panteon de Belen.

Ciclo Escolar 2023 - 2024

La Ticherina

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