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2nd Edition

Christian R. Hirsch • James T. Fey • Eric W. Hart

Harold L. Schoen • Ann E. Watkins
Beth E. Ritsema • Rebecca K. Walker • Sabrina Keller
Robin Marcus • Arthur F. Coxford • Gail Burrill

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Copyright © 2008 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Except as
permitted under the United States Copyright Act, no part of this publication may be
reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or
retrieval system, without prior permission of the publisher.

This material is based upon work supported, in part, by the

National Science Foundation under grant no. ESI 0137718.
Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not
necessarily those of the Foundation.

Send all inquiries to:

8787 Orion Place
Columbus, OH 43240-4027

ISBN-13: 978-0-07-861521-4 (Student Edition) Core-Plus Mathematics

ISBN-10: 0-07-861521-6 (Student Edition) Contemporary Mathematics in Context
Course 1 Student Edition

Printed in the United States of America.

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Core-Plus Mathematics 2
Development Team
Senior Curriculum Developers Advisory Board Collaborating Teachers
Christian R. Hirsch (Director) Diane Briars Mary Jo Messenger
Western Michigan University Pittsburgh Public Schools Howard Country Public Schools,
James T. Fey Jeremy Kilpatrick
University of Maryland University of Georgia Jacqueline Stewart
Okemos, Michigan
Eric W. Hart Robert E. Megginson
Maharishi University of University of Michigan
Management Graduate Assistants
Kenneth Ruthven
Allison BrckaLorenz
Harold L. Schoen University of Cambridge
University of Iowa Christopher Hlas
David A. Smith University of Iowa
Ann E. Watkins Duke University
California State University, Michael Conklin
Northridge University of Maryland
Mathematical Consultants
Deborah Hughes-Hallett Jodi Edington
Contributing Curriculum University of Arizona / Harvard Karen Fonkert
Developers University Dana Grosser
Beth E. Ritsema Anna Kruizenga
Western Michigan University Stephen B. Maurer
Swarthmore College Diane Moore
Rebecca K. Walker Western Michigan University
Grand Valley State University William McCallum
University of Arizona
Sabrina Keller Undergraduate Assistants
Michigan State University Doris Schattschneider Cassie Durgin
Moravian College University of Maryland
Robin Marcus
University of Maryland Richard Scheaffer Rachael Kaluzny
University of Florida
Ashley Wiersma
Arthur F. Coxford (deceased)
Western Michigan University
University of Michigan
Evaluation Consultant
Gail Burrill Norman L. Webb
Michigan State University University of Wisconsin-Madison
(First edition only)
Technical Coordinator
Principal Evaluator James Laser
Steven W. Ziebarth Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University

Core-Plus Mathematics 2
Field-Test Sites
Core-Plus Mathematics 2 builds on the strengths of the 1st edition, which was shaped by multi-year
field tests in 36 high schools in Alaska, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky,
Michigan, Ohio, South Carolina, and Texas. Each revised text is the product of a three-year cycle
of research and development, pilot testing and refinement, and field testing and further refinement.
Special thanks are extended to the following teachers and their students who participated in the
testing and evaluation of 2nd Edition Course 1.

Hickman High School Oakland Junior High School Sauk Prairie Middle School
Columbia, Missouri Columbia, Missouri Sauk City, Wisconsin
Peter Doll Teresa Barry Julie Dahlman
Erin Little Janine Jorgensen
Holland Christian High Christine Sedgwick
School Dana Sleeth South Shore Middle School
Holland, Michigan Holland, Michigan
Jeff Goorhouse Riverside University Lynn Schipper
Tim Laverell High School
Brian Lemmen Milwaukee, Wisconsin Washington High School
Mike Verkaik Cheryl Brenner Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Alice Lanphier Anthony Amoroso
Jefferson Junior High School Ela Kiblawi Debbie French
Columbia, Missouri
Marla Clowe Rock Bridge High School West Junior High School
Lori Kilfoil Columbia, Missouri Columbia, Missouri
Martha McCabe Nancy Hanson Josephus Johnson
Paul Rahmoeller Rachel Lowery
Evan Schilling Sauk Prairie High School Mike Rowson
Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin Amanda Schoenfeld
Malcolm Price Lab School Joel Amidon Patrick Troup
Cedar Falls, Iowa Shane Been
James Maltas Kent Jensen
Josh Wilkinson Scott Schutt
Dan Tess
North Shore Middle School Mary Walz
Holland, Michigan
Sheila Schippers
Brenda Katerberg

Overview of Course 1

Patterns of Change develops student ability to recognize and Lesson 1 Cause and Effect
describe important patterns that relate quantitative variables, Lesson 2 Change Over Time
to use data tables, graphs, words, and symbols to represent
the relationships, and to use reasoning and calculating tools Lesson 3 Tools for Studying
to answer questions and solve problems. Patterns of Change
Lesson 4 Looking Back
Topics include variables and functions, algebraic expressions
and recurrence relations, coordinate graphs, data tables and
spreadsheets, and equations and inequalities.

Patterns in Data develops student ability to make sense of Lesson 1 Exploring
real-world data through use of graphical displays, measures Distributions
of center, and measures of variability. Lesson 2 Variability
Topics include distributions of data and their shapes, as Lesson 3 Looking Back
displayed in dot plots, histograms, and box plots; measures
of center including mean and median, and their properties;
measures of variability including interquartile range and
standard deviation, and their properties; and percentiles and

Linear Functions develops student ability to recognize and Lesson 1 Modeling Linear
represent linear relationships between variables and to use Relationships
tables, graphs, and algebraic expressions for linear functions Lesson 2 Linear Equations
to solve problems in situations that involve constant rate of and Inequalities
change or slope.
Lesson 3 Equivalent
Topics include linear functions, slope of a line, rate of Expressions
change, modeling linear data patterns, solving linear Lesson 4 Looking Back
equations and inequalities, equivalent linear expressions.

Overview of Course 1

Vertex-Edge Graphs develops student understanding of Lesson 1 Euler Circuits:
vertex-edge graphs and ability to use these graphs to Finding the Best
represent and solve problems involving paths, networks, and Path
relationships among a finite number of elements, including
Lesson 2 Vertex Coloring:
finding efficient routes and avoiding conflicts.
Avoiding Conflict
Topics include vertex-edge graphs, mathematical modeling, Lesson 3 Looking Back
optimization, algorithmic problem solving, Euler circuits and
paths, matrix representation of graphs, vertex coloring and
chromatic number.

Exponential Functions develops student ability to recognize Lesson 1 Exponential Growth
and represent exponential growth and decay patterns, to Lesson 2 Exponential Decay
express those patterns in symbolic forms, to solve problems
that involve exponential change, and to use properties of Lesson 3 Looking Back
exponents to write expressions in equivalent forms.

Topics include exponential growth and decay functions,

data modeling, growth and decay rates, half-life and
doubling time, compound interest, and properties of

Patterns in Shape develops student ability to visualize and Lesson 1 Two-Dimensional
describe two- and three-dimensional shapes, to represent them Shapes
with drawings, to examine shape properties through both Lesson 2 Polygons and
experimentation and careful reasoning, and to use those Their Properties
properties to solve problems.
Lesson 3 Three-Dimensional
Topics include Triangle Inequality, congruence conditions for Shapes
triangles, special quadrilaterals and quadrilateral linkages,
Lesson 4 Looking Back
Pythagorean Theorem, properties of polygons, tilings of the
plane, properties of polyhedra, and the Platonic solids.

Overview of Course 1

Quadratic Functions develops student ability to recognize Lesson 1 Quadratic Patterns
and represent quadratic relations between variables using Lesson 2 Equivalent Quadratic
data tables, graphs, and symbolic formulas, to solve problems Expressions
involving quadratic functions, and to express quadratic
Lesson 3 Solving Quadratic
polynomials in equivalent factored and expanded forms.
Topics include quadratic functions and their graphs, Lesson 4 Looking Back
applications to projectile motion and economic problems,
expanding and factoring quadratic expressions, and solving
quadratic equations by the quadratic formula and calculator

Patterns in Chance develops student ability to solve problems Lesson 1 Calculating
involving chance by constructing sample spaces of equally- Probabilities
likely outcomes and to solve more complex probability Lesson 2 Modeling Chance
problems by using simulation or geometric models. Situations
Topics include sample spaces, equally-likely outcomes, Lesson 3 Looking Back
probability distributions, mutually exclusive events, Addition
Rule, simulation, Law of Large Numbers, and geometric


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