AI Studies Learner Discussion

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Discussion and conclusion

Our research question focused on examining how students and instructors

perceive the impact of AI systems on learner–instructor interaction (inter alia,
communication, support, and presence) in online learning. Although the
growing body of AIEd research has been conducted to investigate the useful
functionalities of AI systems (Seo et al., 2020b; Popenici & Kerr, 2017; Zawacki-
Richter et al., 2019), little has been done to understand students’ and
instructors’ concerns on AI systems. Recent use of AI systems in online
learning showed that careless application can cause surveillance and privacy
issues (Lee, 2020), which makes students feel uncomfortable (Bajaj & Li, 2020).
In this study, we found that students and instructors perceive the impact of AI
systems as double-edged swords. Consequently, although AI systems have
been positively recognized for improving the quantity and quality of
communication, for providing just-in-time, personalized support for large-
scale students, and for improving the feeling of connection, there were
concerns about responsibility, agency, and surveillance issues. In fact, what
students and instructors perceive negatively often stemmed from the positive
aspects of AI systems. For example, students and instructors appreciated AI’s
immediate communication, but at the same time they were concerned about
AI-based misunderstandings or misleadingness. Although students and
instructors valued the just-in-time, personalized support of AI, they feared that
AI would limit their ability to learn independently. Students and instructors
valued the social interaction cues provided by AI, but they are uncomfortable
with the loss of privacy due to AI’s excessive data collection. As shown in
Table 6, this study provides rich opportunities to identify the boundaries
beyond which AI systems are perceived as “invasive.”
Table 6 Summary of the boundaries beyond which AI systems are
perceived as invasive, and their potential solutions

Full size table

First, although AI systems improve instructional communication due to the

anonymity it can provide for students, students were concerned about
responsibility issues that could arise when AI’s unreliable and unexplained
answers lead to negative consequences. For instance, when communicating
with an AI Teaching Assistant, the black-box nature of the AI system leaves no
choices for students to check whether the answers from AI are right or wrong
(Castelvecchi, 2016). Accordingly, students believe they would have a hard
time deciphering the reasoning behind an AI’s answer. This can result in
serious responsibility issues if students apply an AI’s answers to their tests but
instructors mark them as wrong. As well, students would find more room to
argue for their marks because of AI’s unreliability.
Acknowledging that AI systems cannot always provide the right answer, a
potential solution to this problem is to ensure the system is explainable.
Explainability refers to the ability to offer human-understandable justifications
for the AI’s output or procedures (Gunning, 2017). Explainability gives students
the opportunity to check whether an AI’s answer is right or wrong by
themselves, and in doing so can make AI more reliable and responsible
(Gunning, 2017). Explainability should be the boundary that determines
students’ trust and acceptance of AI systems. How to ensure the explainability
of AI systems in the online learning communication context will be an
interesting research topic. For example, instead of providing unreliable
answers that may mislead or confuse students, AI systems should connect
students to relevant sources of information that students can navigate on their
Second, while AI systems enable some degree of personalized support, there
is a risk of over-standardizing the learning process by prescribing how an
engaged student would or should act. Despite the fact that students
appreciate the support that they could potentially receive from AI systems,
students also worry that canned and standardized support would have a
negative influence on their agency over their own learning. Instructors are
similarly wary of the fact that too much support from AI systems could take
away students’ opportunities for exploration and discovery. Many instructors
were concerned that students could lose opportunities to learn new skills or
learn from their mistakes.
A solution to mediate this challenge may be to keep instructors involved. The
role of AI systems in online education should not be to reduce learning to a
set of canned and standardized procedures that reduce the student agency,
but rather to enhance human thinking and augment the learning process. In
practice, adaptive support is often jointly enacted by AI systems and human
facilitators, such as instructors or peers (Holstein et al., 2020). In this context,
Baker (2016, p. 603) tried to reconcile humans with AI systems by combining
“stupid tutoring systems and intelligent humans.” AI systems can process large
amounts of information quickly, but do not respond well to complex contexts.
Humans cannot process information as AI systems do, but instead they are
flexible and intelligent in a variety of contexts. When AI systems bring human
beings into the decision-making loop and try to inform them, humans can
learn more efficiently and effectively (Baker, 2016). The human-in-the-loop is
the solution to ensure students’ perceived agency in online learning. How to
balance artificial and human intelligences to promote students’ agency is an
important research direction (e.g., goldilocks conditions for human–AI
interaction; Seo et al., 2020a).
Third, even though AI strengthens the perceived connection between students
and instructors, students are uncomfortable with the measurement of their
unconscious behavior, such as facial expression analysis or eye tracking, as it
feels like surveillance. While most students liked the Virtual Avatar system
(Scenario 9) where AI simply delivers student facial expressions and body
language to the instructor via an avatar, students declined to use the AI Facial
Analytics (Scenario 11), which might miss the nuance of social interaction by
flattening and simplifying it in a way that might cause more confusion.
Interpreting social interaction from unconscious behavior could be the
boundary beyond which AI systems are perceived as “invasive.” Students felt
uncomfortable about being represented by their unconscious behavior
because they did not know what their gaze or face was doing. Stark (2019)
described facial recognition as the plutonium of AI: “[facial recognition] is
dangerous, racializing, and has few legitimate uses; facial recognition needs
regulation and control on par with nuclear waste.” Students complained about
their presence being represented by the interpretation of the AI system. In a
similar vein, the instructor negatively felt the AI system’s involvement in
interpreting the meaning of student behavior.
Establishing clear, simple, and transparent data norms and agreements about
the nature of data being collected from students and what kind of data is okay
to be presented to instructors are important considerations for future research
(Ferguson, 2019; Tsai et al., 2020).
While this study revealed important findings and implications for using AI
systems in online learning, the study recognizes some limitations that should
be considered when interpreting the patterns of the results. First, although this
study attempted to capture various forms of AI systems in online learning
based on the ideations from HCI designers and AI experts, it might be possible
that other kinds of AI systems exist. Different AI systems might offer different
insights. As such, further studies can be conducted with different kinds of AI
systems. Next, students’ and instructors’ perceptions of AI systems could be
affected by different disciplines. In the current study, we recruited students
and instructors in diverse majors and subjects. Although this helped us to
generalize our findings from participants with diverse backgrounds, there’s
more room to investigate how students and instructors in different disciplines
perceive AI systems differently. In our findings, we anecdotally found that
instructors in humanities-based fields were more concerned about rapport
with students and students’ creativity in courses compared to other disciplines.
In order to fully investigate this, future research should consider the different
learner–instructor interaction needs of participants from different majors (e.g.,
engineering vs. humanities).
Another limitation is that the study was conducted by reading the storyboards,
rather than directly interacting with AI systems. This might have limited
participants’ perceptions about the AI systems. If participants have continuous,
direct interactions with the AI systems in the real world, their perceptions may
change. As such, future researchers should examine students’ responses to
direct exposures of AI systems. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways.
For example, one could conduct a lab experiment using virtual reality, the
wizard-of-oz method, or the user enactment method to see how students
actually respond to AI systems. It would also be meaningful to conduct a
longitudinal study to understand whether and/or how student perceptions
would change over time.

Theoretical implications

This study provides theoretical implications for a learner–instructor interaction

framework by highlighting and mapping key challenges in AI-related ethical
issues (i.e. responsibility, agency, and surveillance) in online learning
environments. Researchers have requested clear ethical guidelines for future
research to prevent AI systems from accidently harming people (Loi et
al., 2019). Although several ethical frameworks and professional codes of
conduct have been developed to mitigate the potential dangers and risks of AI
in education, significant debates continue about their specific impact on
students and instructors (Williamson & Eynon, 2020). The results of this study
increase our understanding of the boundaries that determine student and
instructor trust and acceptance of AI systems, and provide a theoretical
background for designing AI systems that positively support learner–instructor
interactions in a variety of learning situations.

Practical implications

This study has practical implications for both students and instructors.
Interestingly, most of the negative experiences with AI systems came from
students’ unrealistic expectations and misunderstandings about AI systems.
The AI system’s answer is nothing more than an algorithm based on
accumulated data, yet students typically expect the AI system to be accurate.
These misconceptions can be barriers to the effective use of AI systems by
students and instructors. To address this, it is important to foster AI literacy in
students and instructors without a technical background (Long &
Magerko, 2020). For example, recent studies have published guides on how to
incorporate AI into K-12 curricula (Touretzky et al., 2019), and researchers are
exploring how to engage young learners in creative programming activities
involving AI (Zimmermann-Niefield et al., 2019).
Furthermore, in order to minimize the negative impact of AI systems on
learner–instructor interaction, it is important to address tensions where AI
systems violate the boundaries between students and instructors (e.g.,
responsibility, agency, and surveillance issues). We proposed that future AI
systems should ensure explainability, human-in-the-loop, and careful data
collection and presentation. By doing so, AI systems will be more closely
integrated into future online learning. It is important to note that the present
study does not argue that AI systems will replace the entire role of human
instructors. Rather, in the online learning of the future, AI systems and humans
will work closely together, and for this, it is important to use these systems
with consideration about perceived affordances and drawbacks.
Availability of data and materials
The full set of storyboards and an example of our codes can be viewed
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The authors would like to thank all students, instructors, and AI experts for
their great support and inspiration.
This study was financially supported by Seoul National University of Science &
Author information
Authors and Affiliations

1. Department of Applied Artificial Intelligence, Seoul National University

of Science and Technology, 232 Gongneung-ro, Gongneung-dong,
Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea
Kyoungwon Seo
2. Department of Computer Science, The University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada
Joice Tang & Dongwook Yoon
3. Faculty of Education in Science and Technology, Technion-Israel
Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Ido Roll
4. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Sidney Fels


KS: conceptualization, methodology, investigation, writing—original draft,

visualization, project administration; JT: conceptualization, methodology,
investigation, data curation, writing—original draft, project administration; IR:
writing—review and editing, conceptualization; SF: writing—review and
editing, supervision, project administration, funding acquisition; DY: writing—
review and editing, conceptualization, supervision, project administration. KS
and JT contribute equally. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Kyoungwon Seo.

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Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

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Appendix A: summary of the AI experts’ information

Table 7 Summary of the AI experts’ information

Full size table

Appendix B: speed dating interview script

1. Introduction
 Hello, thank you for taking time for this interview today. We’re really
looking forward to learning from your experience with online learning.
 Today, we’ll be discussing a set of 11 storyboards that are related to AI
systems for online courses. When reading the storyboards, try to think
about them in the context of your discipline and experiences. Our goal is
to reveal your perceptions of AI in online learning.
 For your information, the interview will take about 60 min. The interview
will be audio recorded but will be confidential and de-identified.

2. For each storyboard

 Do you think this AI system supports learner–instructor interaction? Yes,
no, or do you feel neutral? Why?
 [When the participant is a student] Would the incorporation of this AI
system into your courses change your interaction with the instructor?
 [When the participant is an instructor] Would incorporating this AI
system into the course change how you interact with students?
 Do you have any reservations or concerns about this AI system?
3. After examining all storyboards (capturing participants’ holistic point of
 Of the storyboards shown today, which AI systems do you think would
work well in your online classroom? Why? Also, which ones wouldn’t
work well?
 How do you think the adoption of AI would affect the relationship
between students and the instructor?

4. Conclusion
 Do you have any final comments?
 Thank you for taking the time to interview with us today. We really
appreciate that you took time to participate in our study and share your
expertise. Your insights were really helpful.
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Seo, K., Tang, J., Roll, I. et al. The impact of artificial intelligence on learner–
instructor interaction in online learning. Int J Educ Technol High Educ 18, 54
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 Received20 April 2021
 Accepted29 July 2021
 Published26 October 2021
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Artificial intelligence
 Boundary
 Learner–instructor interaction
 Online learning
 Speed dating
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 Sections
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 Abstract
 Introduction
 Background
 Materials and methods
 Findings
 Discussion and conclusion
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