Documentation Practices in Agile Software Developm
Documentation Practices in Agile Software Developm
Documentation Practices in Agile Software Developm
Abstract—Context: Agile development methodologies in the and customer involvement. Over the past decade, numerous
software industry have increased significantly over the past software developers have adopted the ASD model [33]. This
decade. Although one of the main aspects of agile software concept of agile is gained by different agile methodologies like
development (ASD) is less documentation, there have always been
conflicting opinions about what to document in ASD. Objective: Scrum, eXtreme Programming (XP), Crystal, Lean, Dynamic
This study aims to systematically identify what to document Systems Development Method (DSDM), and Feature-Driven
in ASD, which documentation tools and methods are in use, Development (FDD). Documentation has a lower priority
and how those tools can overcome documentation challenges. than working software in Agile practices [27]. Some agile
Method: We performed a systematic literature review of the practitioners consider code as its documentation. As a result,
studies published between 2010 and June 2021 that discusses
agile documentation. Then, we systematically selected a pool the information that is recorded in documentation (documented
of 74 studies using particular inclusion and exclusion criteria. information, henceforth) may not be well maintained, result-
After that, we conducted a quantitative and qualitative analysis ing in inadequate information for the team to understand
using the data extracted from these studies. Results: We found development tasks [40]. Another reason for less focus on
nine primary vital factors to add to agile documentation from documentation is that it consumes time that could have been
our pool of studies. Our analysis shows that agile practitioners
have primarily developed their documentation tools and methods allocated in development [70].
focusing on these factors. The results suggest that the tools and As modern software systems are complicated, developers
techniques in agile documentation are not in sync, and they revisit the system more often. Trivial maintenance work is
separately solve different challenges. Conclusions: Based on our assigned to junior developers who have little experience with
results and discussion, researchers and practitioners will better the code. As a result, lack of documentation hinders inter-
understand how current agile documentation tools and practices
perform. In addition, investigation of the synchronization of these team building and knowledge loss [78]. In addition, users of a
tools will be helpful in future research and development. software product expect quality results [2]. Considering these
Index Terms—Software Engineering; Agile Software Develop- scenarios, agile documentation plays a significant role in ASD
ment; Documentation; Systematic Literature Review [70], [71]. Moreover, offshore agile development is widespread
nowadays, and documentation is one of the key factors to
I. I NTRODUCTION make offshore agile development successful [58]. Therefore,
Software documentation is an integral part of software developers should document the features of each iteration to
development. It works as a communication medium between help future developers refactor them into smaller tasks.
developers of a team and is utilized as an information reposi- The practitioners working on agile documentation have
tory by maintenance engineers [76]. Documentation elucidates implemented different documentation strategies to overcome
how the system is structured, its functionalities, and the design the issues raised by the lack of documentation. They have
rationale [70]. Software documentation should be included as identified different key elements that developers should doc-
part of software development and is sometimes called “com- ument such as user stories, functional requirements, source
mon sense” [26]. Even outdated document serves a purpose code, etc [10], [13], [43]. They have also developed various
and may be helpful [26]. However, the incomplete, wrong, tools and models such as wikis, simul loco, doxygen, etc to
clumsy, abstruse, outdated, and inadequate document often document these elements effectively [9], [55], [66]. In this
leads to the unpopularity of software documentation among the paper, we focus on understanding the pivotal information to
developers [4]. Regardless of the application type, almost all document in agile and the existing techniques and tools that
medium to large software projects produces a certain amount result in document optimization. We conducted a systematic
of documentation [76]. literature review from existing research and analyzed them to
ASD is an iterative approach that helps teams deliver answer our research questions mentioned in section II. Our
value to their customers faster and more efficiently. It is findings will benefit any agile practitioners and developers to
immensely applied in both industry and academia [54]. This optimize their documentation effort and help researchers in
incremental approach maintains a strong focus on project goals further study.
In our research methodology, we followed the directions
proposed by Kitchenham and Charters [45]. We have divided
Search string
our research review into four steps, namely planning, conduct-
ing, and reporting the review results. ((("Document Title": "agile" OR "Abstract": "agile")
AND ("Document Title": "document*" OR "Abstract":
A. Planning
"document*")) OR ("Document Title": "document*
We have planned this review by confirming the need for tools" OR "Abstract": "document* tools"))
such a review and have proposed our research questions ac-
cordingly. Our planning phase includes search strategy, search
string, and inclusion/exclusion criteria.
1) Research questions: We pose the following research conferences and journals, and published within the time frame
questions to drive this study. 2010 - 2021. The published papers should describe the agile
documentation approach, tools, or knowledge relevant to our
• RQ1: Which information do agile practitioners doc-
RQs. Therefore, we did not include any opinion, viewpoint,
keynote, discussions, editorials, comments, tutorials, prefaces,
• RQ2: Which documentation generation tools and
anecdote papers, and presentations. In addition, we excluded
methods do agile practitioners use?
the papers that did not discuss agile documentation or agile
• RQ3: How can the tools and methods overcome the
documentation tools but may discuss agile software develop-
documentation challenges in agile software develop-
ment methods as a side topic.
2) Search strategy: After defining the need for this sys- B. Conducting the review
tematic review and research questions, we started to carry Once we agreed on the protocol, we started our review
out the formulation of a search strategy based on the guide- properly. This section discusses the findings of our search and
lines provided by Kitchenham and Charters [45]. In Table extracted data from relevant databases and sources.
I we broke down the question into individual facets i.e. 1) Study search and selection: We searched the IEEE
population, intervention, and constructed search string using Xplore database against our search query and search criteria
Boolean ANDs and ORs. We initially fetched studies from the and fetched 206 studies. In round 1, the first author immensely
electronic databases and then explored them through reference analyzed the titles and abstracts of the fetched studies based
searches (snowballing) to seek other meaningful studies. After on the inclusion criteria. After the first round, we came out
that, we applied our inclusion and exclusion criteria to the with 77 papers, and most of these studies covered all the
fetched studies involving a different number of researchers, as inclusion criteria. A critical part was to ensure the papers did
explained in Section II-A4. not come from opinions, discussions, editorials, comments,
3) Search criteria: The search criteria used for this review tutorials, prefaces, and presentations as per the exclusion
consist of three parts - C1, C2, and C3, defined as follows: criteria. In round 2, we inspected the full-text review of the
• C1: We constructed the C1 string, which enables the papers based on all inclusion and exclusion criteria. We read
keyword agile either in the title or abstract. the papers fully a few times where there were disagreements
• C2: The C2 string is made up of keywords such as and required consensus. We excluded 23 papers based on the
document or document* either in title or abstract. exclusion criteria. Finally, to satisfy the inclusion of relevant
• C3: We constructed the C3 part, which enables keywords primary studies as much as possible, we performed backward
such as tools or document* tools either in the title or and forward snowballing following the guideline provided by
abstract. Wohlin [84] and included 20 more papers in our list of primary
The boolean expression: C1 AND C2 OR C3 studies. The final pool of selected papers was 77.
We provided our search string in Table I. 2) Data extraction: We followed the data extraction strat-
Another key thing to note is that we have filtered out the egy of Kitchenham and Charters [45] and came up with a data
result fetched from the search query by applying the checkbox extraction form that we designed to collect all the information
feature of the IEEE Xplore database. In this case, we filtered needed to address the review questions. We set a few quality
out publication topics such as internet, organizational aspects, evaluation criteria, such as
computer-aided instruction, DP industry, computer science ed- • How well was data collection carried out?
ucation, educational courses, knowledge management, mobile • Is the research design defensible?
computing, security of data, business data processing, and • How much are the findings credible?
teaching not relevant to our research. • Is the research scope well addressed?
4) Inclusion and exclusion criteria: As per the guidelines In addition to the RQs and quality evaluation criteria, the
of Kitchenham and Charters [45] we have set inclusion and form included the data as (i) name of the reviewer, (ii) date
exclusion criteria based on our research questions. Here, we of data extraction, (iii) title, (iv) authors, (v) journal, (vi)
only considered papers that are in English, published in publication details, (vii) future work, (viii) limitations, (ix)
year of publication, (x) methodology, (xi) data analysis, (xii) 7) System architecture: Some documentation tools have
validation technique, (xiii) relevancy and xiv) space for addi- evolved to document architecture [10], [31]. Architecture
tional notes. This data extraction was performed independently works as the backbone of the entire system [10]. Documenting
by the first and second authors. architecture is one of the most complicated and challenging
3) Data synthesis: After the data extraction, we combined parts of software development [31].
and summarized the results of the included primary studies 8) API reference guides: To understand the usage and
according to the guidelines of Kitchenham and Charters [45]. integration of API, APIs should have comprehensive docu-
Our data synthesis includes both quantitative and descriptive. mentation. Good API reference guides make the APIs easier to
For the descriptive synthesis, we tabulated the data based on maintain and helps onboard new developers to the team [75].
research questions. In this case, we synthesized what type of 9) Test specification: It is tough to demonstrate large-scale
information and tools are used in agile documentation. On systems solely using test cases in the industry. Testing needs
the other hand for quantitative synthesis, we again developed more mature documentation to keep track of the test cases,
a tabular form for research questions. These tables were user scenarios, and bugs [10].
structured to highlight similarities and differences between
study outcomes. Later the data of these tables were represented B. (RQ2) Which documentation generation tools and meth-
by bar charts and pie charts. ods do agile practitioners use?
In order to answer this research question, we first explored
III. R ESULTS the current tools and methods used in ASD from our primary
In this section, we present our findings. We address each pool of studies and found a total of 23 tools and methods.
research question from RQ1 to RQ3. Next, we categorized them based on their document type and
found ten categories. Table III lists categories alongside their
A. (RQ1) Which information do agile practitioners docu- tools and Figure 1 shows the percentage of tools under each
ment? category. We also listed the studies that reported the tools and
methods. Moreover, we mentioned the role of each tool or
Table II summarizes our findings of documented informa- method in the right-most column of the table.
tion. Our primary pool of studies consisted of interviews, sur-
veys, case studies, experiments, and statistical analysis. Many
agile practitioners, graduate students, and software engineers
directly participated in these studies. We collected the findings
from these studies and grouped them. The following sections
briefly describe each element of Table II.
1) User stories: User stories function as the shortcut for
more formal documentation and require more details [29]. On
the other hand, they represent the small, concise user-driven
features and hence need to be documented [56].
2) Functional requirements: End-users define these re-
quirements and expect them as facilities when they interact
with the system. Therefore, these functionalities focus more
on the technical aspects that need to be implemented [57].
3) Non-functional requirements: The success of an agile Fig. 1. Categorisation of documentation tools/methods
project depends on the non-functional requirements, which
are also referred to as quality requirements [12]. These re- 1) Source code based documentation: Source code-based
quirements are quality constraints that must be satisfied by the documentation can mitigate certain risks [32]. This category
system. So, failure to meet these requirements compromises consists of 6 tools, and these tools mainly focus on how
the entire system and makes it useless [23]. software practitioners can generate documentation from source
4) Source code: The source code should be documented for code comments. These tools cover the functionalities of some
traceability and deriving the code that does not perform [10]. of the popular documentation generation tools like JavaDoc or
5) UI structure: These are wireframes and sometimes are Docstring and offer some additional features [44].
documented externally. However, they can be the basic layouts 2) Wiki based documentation: When developers consider
of application screens and the product owner usually provides straightforward and flexible documentation options in agile,
these wireframes [13]. they consider wiki-based documentation in the first place
6) Technical debt: If a system needs fixes or updates, it because the primary goal of the wiki is to minimize the devel-
is best to document them currently. Similarly, it is best to opment–documentation gap by making documentation more
document them in the case of technical debt. As a result, future convenient and attractive to developers [80]. For example,
developers will be aware of that technical debt. Therefore, all sprintDoc and XSDoc are tools based on wikis and can be
instances of technical debt should be documented [36]. integrated with other tools such as the VCS IDE.
3) Scrum: Scrum is a lightweight framework for agile de- JavadocMiner is one of such NLP-based tools that developers
velopment and is very popular. Scrumconix supporting scrum can easily embed with Eclipse IDE [83].
proved to be a valuable and lightweight tool to document and
C. (RQ3) How can the tools and methods overcome the
understand a software project [59].
documentation challenges in agile software development?
4) User story: The user stories explain how the software
will work for the users and provide an essential source for the Agile methods or tools that have tried to address the chal-
design of the software according to user needs [1]. Methods lenges in dynamic contexts have gained much interest among
such as the COSMIC method [20], [65] can measure the practitioners and researchers [11]. Keeping that in mind,
quality of user stories to generate high-quality documentation. different researchers attempted to identify those challenges and
5) Traceability: Traceability tools like Trace++ support the built tools that provide on-demand solutions [25]. We listed
transition from traditional to agile methodologies. They offer all agile challenges in table IV that our previously mentioned
traceability between documents generated during conventional tools and methods attempted to resolve. Figure 2 represents a
software development and agile methods [28]. In addition, number of tools/methods that resolved a particular challenge.
TraceMan provides traces to critical agile artifacts [10].
6) API/Web service: In this category, we found a tool
called Docio which can generate API documents with I/O
examples [38]. This tool is more like the popular REST API
documentation generation tool Swagger but only supports the
C programming language [79].
7) Flow chart: A few tools emphasize providing mean-
ingful graphical diagrams either based on source code or
requirements [46], [69]. Flowgen, CLARET, and TCC are
some of the tools in this category.
8) Architectural: Experts ascertained the lack of documen-
tation and architectural design in agile projects [60]. Abstract
specification tool in this category assists the architects in or-
ganizing relevant information regarding the architecture while
creating design and architecture blueprints, thus reducing the
effort of documentation [31]. Also, Active Documentation Fig. 2. Number of tools/methods resolving a particular challenge
Software Design (ADSD) is an approach that enables incor-
porating domain documentation to agile development, while 1) Minimal documentation: One of the primary challenges
having the processes adaptive [67]. in agile documentation is to keep the documentation minimal
9) View based: View-based software documentation en- [16], [21]. Many documentation generation tools that generate
ables different perspectives on the software system and en- documentation from source code and chart, diagram, and
ables the explicit and simultaneous modeling of all of those flowchart-based documentation evolved to keep documentation
viewpoints as views in the documentation [11]. minimum and simple. Practitioners must keep minimal doc-
10) NLP-based: Researchers are aware of integrating mod- umentation to enhance agile software products, and the tool
ern NLP-based techniques and tools into the source code simul loco comments may answer this problem. Simul loco
comments where documentation is only available in the documentation is extremely useful [66]. Moreover, GitHub
form of source code comments. As a result, these tools di- plus Markdown support options so that reviewers can give a
rectly contribute to determining the quality of documentation. quick review, and it only takes a few minutes for a minor
update. A document can be improved easily and continu- of traceability relations combining the various artifacts [28].
ously [48]. Abstract specification tool proposes a considerably 5) Mediocre user stories: Although user stories are essen-
shorter abstract specification document, requiring minimal tial for ASD, people struggle to document high-quality user
documentation efforts and resulting in shorter documentation stories. Even user stories mentioned in the current dataset are
that is easier to review, update, and communicate [31]. of poor quality [19]. TraceMan produces high-quality user
2) Neglect of non-functional requirements: The effect of stories by having detailed traces of user store information [10].
requirements changes on the architecture is crucial. It was 6) Others: Some tools resolve the complex API documen-
difficult to trace precisely which architectural decisions had tation challenges by creating API documentation with ease
to be reconsidered because of the lack of traceability between [38]. In addition, there are some tools such as Scrumconix
the textual requirements specification documents and the archi- [59], and view-based software documentation that cover chal-
tectural models. TraceMan fixes this since the trace links are lenges posed in the area of scrum and view-based [11].
created during the artifacts’ creation. As a result, we can better
understand the functional and non-functional requirements IV. T HREATS TO VALIDITY
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development are flexibility, minimalism, and collaboration. study selection bias. We selected our primary pools of studies
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and focused architecture document [31]. were very precise, and we obtained a good number of papers.
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intensive labor work to generate and maintain traceable links. search string.
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