Worksheets 12 - 14 April
Worksheets 12 - 14 April
Worksheets 12 - 14 April
Activity 1
Activity 2
A. reptiles.
B. mammals.
C. fish.
D. Amphibians.
A. an archaeologist.
B. a radiologist.
C. a paleontologist.
D. an anthropologist.
1.4 A period in the earth’s history where global temperatures plummet and there
is extensive glaciation is known as. . .
Give the correct biological term for each of the following description. Write only the
term next to the question number (2.1 to 2.3) in your ANSWER BOOK.
2.1 The movement of land masses during the history of the Earth.
2.2 Large reptiles that became extinct about 65 million years ago.
2.3 A transition fossil that has both reptile and bird features. (3)
3.1 The most recent eon A. Archaen
B. Phanerozoic
3.2 Used to estimate the age of a fossil A. Relative Dating
B. Radiometric dating
3.3 Hard bodied animals that had shells A. Brachiopods
B. Arthropods.
(3 x 2 = (6)
(i) Prokaryotes
(ii) First modern birds
(iii) Fish with jaws
(iv) Early tetrapods (4)
4.2 Multicellular life appeared about 1 billion years ago. Name the eon
that corresponds to this. (1)
4.3 At which number, 1 or 2, would eukaryotes have appeared?
Explain your choice. (3)
4.4 During the period between 543 MYA and 488 MYA, an important
evolutionary event occurred, which is evidenced in the fossil record.
4.5 Life on Earth has experienced several mass extinctions over the
course of time.
(i) Name the period during which the greatest mass extinction of life
had occurred?
(ii) Identify the cause of this extinction.
4.6 “The start of Cenozoic era marked the dawn of the age of mammals.”
6. Devonian [1]
Act 2
1.1 A
1.2 C
1.3 C
1.4 D (8)
2.1 Continental Drift
2.2 Dinosaurs
2.3 Archaeopteryx (6)
3.1 B only
3.2 B only
3.3 A only (6)
4.1 (i) E (1)
(ii) A (1)
(iii) D (1)
(iv) C (1)
4.2 Proterozoic (1)
4.3 2 All multicellular life is eukaryotic, so eukaryotes would have
to had evolved before multicellular life did approximately 1 000
mya. (3)
4.4 (i) Cambrian explosion / accept BIOLOGICAL Big Bang
A large diversity of life forms appeared in a relatively short
period of time. (3)
(ii) Increase in level of oxygen in the atmosphere or warmer
climate. (1)
4.5 (i) Permian (1)
(ii) Sustained volcanic eruptions (1)
4.6 (i) Number of mammal species increased from the start of the
Cenozoic era (2)
(ii) Mass extinction of dinosaurs occurred at the end of the
Cretaceous period so there were fewer predators that preyed
on mammals
Death of dinosaurs meant that open ecological niches existed
and there was less competition for resources.
[TOTAL: 40]