ARIBAH Constitution and ByLaws

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Established 2023 Adopted 2023


Section 1. Official Name. This organization shall be known as Alicia’s Responsible

Individuals for Better Adolescents Health in Alicia Bohol. Throughout this document, this
organization shall be referred to as ARIBAH.

Section 2. Use of Official Name. The official name or initials ARIBAH shall be used in all
official documents, policies, and correspondences, as well as in the Official Receipts of the
organization and its affiliate Subordinate Peer Networks.

Section 3. Slogan. The ARIBAH shall carry the slogan “Empower, Educate, Elevate:
Champions for Adolescent Health, Today and Tomorrow ” as a declaration of the dedication
of the volunteers to the organization’s main advocacy and to the organization itself.

Section 4. Use of Slogan. The Slogan shall be used and written as a footer in all official
documents, policies, and correspondences of the organization at all levels.

Section 5. Core Values. The ARIBAH shall carry the core values of “Hollistic Wel-being,
Empowerment, and Prevention and Education” and shall be used and written as header
in all official documents, policies, and correspondences of the organization at all levels.

Section 6. Official Seal. The ARIBAH shall have this official seal:
Section 7. Description of Official Seal. The ARIBAH Official Seal symbolizes the key
components of a comprehensive approach to promoting the well-being of adolescents and
young people. Together, they represent a set of interconnected themes addressing various
aspects of sexual and reproductive health, gender dynamics, and the prevention of specific
challenges faced by young individuals.

Section 8. Use of Official Seal. The official seal shall be used in all official documents,
policies, correspondences, official receipts, and publication materials of the organization at
all levels.

Section 9. Any Local Peer Network which will use the ARIBAH logo in activities or
documents listed as prohibited and illegal shall be given with corresponding charges.

Section 10. The Commission on Population Region VII shall enact a policy on the use of
ARIBAH insignias and symbols with a list of activities prohibited to use them and
corresponding charges for those who will violate the policy.


Section 1. The organization envisions to become a center of empowered youth leaders

championing the implementation of Adolescent Health and Development Program of
POPCOM Regional Office VII in the communities, unity in diversity, and harmonious
environment to attain sustainable adolescent health and development.

Section 2. The organization shall pursue to produce empowered and peace-loving leaders
equipped with leadership knowledge and skills and passion for volunteerism.

Section 3. The organization strive to attain sustainable adolescent health and development
through youth empowerment.

Section 4. The organization shall have the following objectives:

a. To aid and assist the adolescents and youths to become better citizens by making
them aware of their responsibilities to their God, their Country, and their Fellow
b. To mold the adolescents in order to achieve their goals in life and exercise their full
potential by capacitating them on various life skills;
c. To educate the youth on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) even in
a non-formal education setting, and normalize respectful dialogue on sexual and
reproductive health matters in order to avoid sexual and non-sexual risky
d. To equip the adolescents and youth to be effective and efficient peer educators in
their respective localities;
e. To orient the adolescents and youth on the different programs, projects, and
activities for the information dissemination and promotion of ASRH advocacy,
including Mental Health Awareness;
f. To help local government units (LGU) in decreasing the cases of Teenage Pregnancy,
HIV, AIDS, STIs, suicide, and other health-related concerns among adolescents;
g. To uphold inclusive youth involvement for the fulfilment of their vital role in nation-
h. To assist the Government and other youth organizations in their function through
i. To establish a peer educators network in every barangay, municipality, city, and
province in Central Visayas;
j. To organize and promote solidarity and cooperation among the volunteers of the
organization and other youth and youth-serving organizations;
k. To undertake other activities not contrary to the laws of the Republic of the


1. Youth – refers to persons whose age ranges from fifteen (15) to thirty years old (30)
as defined in Republic Act No. 8044
2. Adolescent – refers to people aged 10-19 years and can be categorized as early
adolescent (10-13 years old), middle adolescent (14-16 years) and late adolescent
(17-19 years)
3. Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) – refers to the physical and
emotional well-being of adolescents and includes their ability to remain free from
unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortion, STIs (including HIV/AIDS), and all forms of
sexual violence and coercion.
4. Adolescent Health and Development Program – refers to one of the key component
programs of the Philippine Population Development Program (PPDP) that aims to
prevent early and repeated pregnancy among adolescents.
5. Peer Facilitator – refers to a graduate of LPET of POPCOM VII who successfully
completed the Follow-up Peer Facilitators Training, Events Management Training
on ASRH Issues.
6. Peer Educator – refers to a graduate of LPET of POPCOM VII who successfully
completed the Follow-up Peer Educators Training, Public Speaking Training on
ASRH Issues
7. Peer Coach – refers to a graduate of LPET of POPCOM VII who successfully
undergoes the evaluation test and completed the Peer Educators Training on ASHR
Issues, Communication Skills Training, Psychological First Aid Training, and
Training of Trainers.
8. Adolescent Health Youth Advocate (AHYA) – refers to a graduate of LPET of
9. Heart to H.E.A.R.T Talk – refers to the brainchild communication program of POPCOM
VII that talks about the H.E.A.R.T. issues of adolescents and teens such as
HIV/AIDS/STI, Early Sexual Encounters, Adolescent Sexuality, Reproductive Health,
and Teenage Pregnancy
10. Ladderized Peer Education Training (LPET) – refers to the four-level basic training
and workshop program customized by POPCOM VII to build the youths’ capacity
and ensure quality and continuity of learning. It is given to any youth or those
between the age of fifteen to thirty years old that will undergo four levels of training
such as Level 1: Open Space, Level 2: Peer Facilitation, Level 3: Peer Education, Level
4: Peer Interpersonal Communication and is a prerequisite to facilitating and
conducting any Adolescent Health and Development Program.
11. U4U Teen Trail – refers to the communication campaign to prevent early sex among
teens, aiming to increase their knowledge on delaying sexual debut, preventing teen
pregnancy, and avoiding STIs.
12. Parent-Teen Talk – refers to the highly interactive and participative adult learning
strategy that aims to educate and enhance the skills of parents as well as
adolescents in a two-way communication about sexual and reproductive health


Section 1. Any individual who meets the following qualifications shall be eligible to become
a member of the organization:
a. Youth aged 13-30 years old and of good moral character;
Residing in any Baranagy of the municipality within the area of jurisdiction of Alicia;
b. A graduate of the AHDP Ladderized Peer Education Training.
c. Must accomplish the membership form and comply the requirements.

Section 2. The membership shall be: active.

A. Active Member:
Any person qualified as prescribed in Section 1 of the Constitution and sponsored by
an active member in good standing.

Section 3. The ARIBAH shall have this Organizational Structure:

Section 5. A member can voluntarily withdraw through a request letter signifying his/her
intent of membership withdrawal from the organization addressed to the President of
ARIBAH. Upon receiving the letter, the President will refer the matter to the organization
adviser. After the deliberation of the said adviser, a notice of approval of his membership
withdrawal in the organization will be released and shall be final and irrevocable.

Any member of this organization may, after due process, be suspended for not more than six
(6) months or be removed from the organization by majority vote of the members of the
Committee on Grievance and Disciplinary Action with the concurrence of the Regional
Officers which shall be final and executory on any of the following grounds:

a. Absence from the regular meeting of without valid or justifiable cause for two (2)
consecutive times or accumulated absences of four (4) within a period of twelve
(12) months;

b. Members who got pregnant at the age of 19 years old and below can be removed
after due process. Members who got pregnant through other circumstances such as
rape and abuse can only be suspended for the meantime and shall be assisted by
the organization in accessing psychosocial support and intervention.

Meanwhile, those who are suspended after giving birth can become a member again of the
organization through a letter of intent sent to its local peer network.

a. Conviction by final judgment of a crime involving moral turpitude; and violation of

existing laws against graft and corruption and other civil service laws, rules and
regulations; and

b. Failure in the discharge of his or her duty or has committed abuse of authority.

Section 7. There shall be an advisor of the organization who shall be selected by the
President concurred by the Officers. Former members of the organization whose age is
more than thirty years old shall be given a priority by the council to be appointed as the
Municipal Advisor.


Section 1. The ARIBAH shall have the following officers:
1.1 President
1.2 Vice President for Advocacy Affairs
1.3 Secretary
1.4 Assistant Secretary
1.5 Treasurer
1.6 Auditor
1.7 PIO’S
1.8 ASRH Module Development Chairperson
1.9 Mental Health (MH) Development Chairperson
1.10 Peer Network Representatives
1.11 Advisers
1.12 Trainers

Section 1. The organization shall be constituted as follows:

1. The President shall have the following functions and powers:

1.1 He or she shall be the highest authority of the Organization and shall supervise
and conduct all the business and affairs of this organization as directed by its
Constitution and By-Laws.
1.2 He or she shall preside all meetings of the ARIBAH and shall perform all such
duties incidental to the Office of the President and preserve order therein.
1.3 He or she shall represent the organization in regular and special meetings and
activities called upon by local, provincial, regional, and national institutions
through a direct channel of information.
1.4 He or she shall sign all documents, resolutions, and other communications of the
Peer Network.
1.5 He or she shall direct and oversee the implementation of programs, projects, and
activities of the organization.

2. The Vice-Presidents shall have the following functions and powers:

2.1 Vice President for Advocacy Affairs (external operations)

2.1.1. He or she shall aid the President in the discharge of his/her duties and
perform all the duties as stated in Article VI by the President or that the
organization may require.
2.1.2. He or she shall manage and ensure the smooth and efficient external
operations of the organization such as the conduct of various programs,
projects, and activities.
2.1.3. He or she shall attend all meetings called upon by the organization
through a direct channel of information.
3. The Secretaries shall have the following functions and powers

3.1 Secretary - Internal Functions

3.1.1. He or she shall prepare the agenda of each meeting and shall issue all
notices of meetings.
3.1.2. He or she shall call the roll in all meetings.
3.1.3. He or she shall draft resolutions, ordinances, and other documents
pertaining to any affairs for the betterment of the organization and its
3.1.4. He or she shall keep a true record of the minutes and shall have the
records ready for examination at any time the organization may direct.
3.1.5. He or she shall repeat every question before the membership after
discussion is closed and before the vote is taken on said question.
3.1.6. He or she shall carry on all correspondence, answer all
communications, issue all applications, serve them at the order of the
organization and read all communications before the organization.
3.2. Assistant Secretary - External Functions
3.2.1. He or she shall possess and safekeep the seal of the organization
membership cards, correspondences, awards, or certificates emanating from
the organization.
3.2.2. He or she shall serve as the organization’s Registrar.
3.2.3. He or she shall gather all news of this organization during each meeting
and present to the membership a semestral accomplishment report.
3.2.4. He or she shall approve, deny, or alter all articles for publication or
accomplishment reports for submission.
3.2.5. He or she shall perform other duties and functions as the President
may direct.

4. The Treasurer shall have the following functions and powers:

4.1. He or she shall receive all fees, dues, monetary donations,
contributions, and other income and provide a receipt therefor.
4.2. He or she shall keep a true record of all such income and deposit all
such income into the organization’s financial accounts.
4.3. He or she shall submit a report of all receipts of income and the
deposit of such receipts at every regular meeting.
4.4. He or she shall prepare quarterly and annual reports of receipts of all
income and the deposits of such income for audit purposes.
4.5. He or she shall maintain in his/her possession a perpetual file of the
true records of the receipts and deposits of all income of the organization.
None of these receipts may be destroyed without the written consent of the
Executive Committee.

4.6. He or she shall notify the Registrar/Assistant Secretary of all

members who are delinquent in dues, and/or indebted to the organization.
4.7. The record of the Treasurer shall be open for audit at any time by the
Auditing Committee led by the Auditor.

5. The Auditor shall have the following functions and powers:

5.1 He or she shall audit all accounts, receipts and expenditures or uses of
funds and property owned or held entrust by the organization.
5.2 He or she shall make financial assessments, carry out auditing matters
with the Treasurer, and submit written reports of these to the President.
5.3 He or she shall conclude auditing every quarter or anytime necessary.
5.4 He or she shall Perform other tasks if the need arises as determined
by the President.
6. The Public Information Officer shall have the following functions and powers:

6.1 He or she shall oversee the implementation of activities of the local

chapters pertaining to Public Communication.
6.2 He or she shall lead the conduct of activities that will promote the
organization and its advocacy to the public through multi-media
engagements, media publication, arts, and other information channels.
6.3 He or she shall provide essential information, necessary
announcement, and updates as developments change to the Network
6.4 He or she shall coordinate details with peer organizations heads and
relevant individuals.

Section 2. The term of office of elected officers shall be two (2) years. Elections shall be
conducted every second semester of the Regional Peer Educators Conference (RPEC) of
every two (2) years.


Section 1. Any youth aged (13) fifteen to (30) thirty years old can join the organization
through the Ladderized Peer Education Training (LPET).

Section 2. The LPET graduate who will signify as volunteer of ARIBAH shall be called as
Adolescent Health Youth Advocate (AHYA) required to attend a Volunteer Orientation and
Delegation (VOD) during the last day of the training to be informed of one’s roles and
responsibilities and be officially recognized as volunteer after taking the Oath of

Section 3. The official volunteer shall select a Volunteer Track (VT) during the VOD to identify
one’s contribution to the organization, according to the latter’s interest or ability.

3.A. Peer Facilitator – A peer facilitator shall be required to undergo the following:
a. LPET Level 1-4
b. Follow-Up Peer Facilitator’s Training on ASRH Issues
c. Events Management Workshop
d. Evaluation

3.B. Peer Educator – A peer educator shall be required to undergo the following:
a. LPET Level 1-4
b. Follow-Up Peer Educator’s Training on ASRH Issues
c. Public Speaking Workshop
d. Evaluation

3.C. Peer Coach - A peer counselor shall be required to undergo the following:
a. LPET Level 1-4
b. Follow-up Peer Educator’s Training on ASRH Issues
c. Communication Skills
d. Psychological First Aid
e. Training of Trainers
f. Evaluation

The Peer Coach before being certified as such shall undergo a Demo by
assisting at least one client in the Teen Center. Evaluation from the
Population Officer and of the client shall be conducted to proceed with the

The Peer Coach has the right to choose the module/course he/she would like
to proceed such as but not limited to: HIV Counselling, Voluntary Counselling,
and others.

Section 4. AHYA shall receive an Identification Card after the LPET to be recognized as
official volunteer of the organization and use it for the organization’s official purposes.

Section 5. Anyone who started to volunteer in the organization from fifteen to twenty-five
years old shall be encouraged to serve the organization for a maximum of ten years.

Section 7. Each volunteer shall be categorized into four different levels to identify one’s
of service in the organization:

7.1 Rookie Volunteer – those who newly graduated in AHDP or have served
the organization for at least a year.
7.2 Junior Volunteer – those who served the organization for two to three
7.3 Median Volunteer – those who served the organization for four to six
7.4 Senior Volunteer – those who served the organization for seven to ten

Section 8. All volunteers who will reach the minimum of five (5) years of active service in
the organization and have reached the age limit in accordance with Article IX Section 7
shall be presented with a Service Award during the annual Kaunlarang Pantao Awarding
Ceremony and become an Honorary Member.



Section 1. It is the duty of every volunteer to protect this Constitution and By-Laws and the
organization itself.

Section 2. It is the duty of every volunteer to obey the policies stated in this Constitution
and By-Laws and the policies that may be promulgated by the ARIBAH Council.

Section 3. It is the duty of every volunteer to abide and respect duly constituted authorities.

Section 4. It is the duty of every volunteer to participate in the activities and gatherings
initiated by the organization, by POPCOM, and other stakeholders upon formal invitation.

Section 5. It is the duty of every volunteer to contribute ideas to innovate the organization
and its programs.

Section 6. It is the duty of every volunteer to work hand-in-hand in promoting adolescent

sexual health development, to extend voluntary services, and to exercise healthy competition
to promote camaraderie.

Section 7. It is the duty of every volunteer to develop him/herself by participating in

different trainings conducted by the organization.

Section 8. It is the duty of every volunteer to mentor fellow volunteers to develop their
knowledge and skills related to the promotion of the Adolescent Health and Development
advocacy, support their volunteer experience, and continuously connect them to the

Section 9. All members shall hold themselves duty bound and expected to do all in their
power to maintain an interest in the network, forward its aims, purposes, objectives and to
uphold its aims.

Section 10. All members and persons under the jurisdiction of this network shall be bound
to abide by the decisions of this organization, its officers, Constitution and By-Laws, to
fulfill his/her obligation to the said organization and shall not maliciously injure in act or
deed, any other member in any manner.

Section 11. A member of the city and/or municipal network can participate in the election
for the Executive Committee positions in their city/municipal network. Elected members in
the city/municipal network can participate in the election for the Executive Committee
positions in their Provincial Network. Elected members in the provincial network can
participate in the election for the Executive Committee positions in the Regional Network.

Section 1. Every recognized volunteer of ARIBAH has the right to express his or her beliefs,
conviction, and opinions.

Section 2. Every recognized volunteer of ARIBAH has the right to attend all deliberations
and meetings of the organization.

Section 3. Every recognized volunteer of the ARIBAH has the right to access and examine
all official records or books of the organization during business hours.

Section 4. Every recognized volunteer of the ARIBAH has the right to due process in
defending him/herself from any accusation made by other volunteers.

Section 5. Every recognized volunteer of the ARIBAH has the right to exercise his/her right
to vote on matters relating particularly on open gatherings, General Assemblies, and
election period, provided that the latter is present on the said occasions.

Section 6. Every recognized volunteer of the ARIBAH has the right to complain for
disciplinary action on any officers through a formal communication to the Organizational
Development Committee.


Section 1. Any officer may be removed or suspended from office on any of the following
a. Culpable violation of the rules and regulations of the organization;
b. Dishonesty, oppression, misconduct while in position, gross negligence, or
dereliction of duty;
c. Abuse of authority;
d. Three (3) consecutive absences in regular and special meetings;
e. Involved in scandals and civil interdiction that may destroy the image of the
E.1. Those who got pregnant at 19 years old and below
E.2. Those who impregnated at 19 years old and below
Section 2. During the investigation, the officer in question will be suspended until all due
processes are undertaken by the Committee on Grievance and Disciplinary Action.

Section 3. If proven guilty and unworthy of his/her post, with due process and evidences,
the officer involved shall be removed or suspended upon the approval of the Committee on
Grievance and Disciplinary Action. Their decision shall be final and irrevocable.

Section 4. Suspended or removed officer can seek for second chance to be part of the
organization if social behavior change has been observed and is willing to promote and live
up to the advocacy.


Procedure of Operations and Funding Allocation

Section 1. The Local Government Unit shall designate and/or appoint an Adolescent Health
and Development Program (AHDP) Focal Person aside from the Local Population and
Development Officer/Designate.

Functions of AHDP Focal Person:

1. Shall assist in the operations of the AHDP Projects and Activities in the locality;

2. Shall ensure the functionality of the peer educators network in the locality;
3. Shall monitor and evaluate the programs, projects, and activities conducted by
the peer educators network in the locality;
4. Shall coordinate with POPCOM VII for AHDP implementation and submit
necessary reports.

The Local Government Unit are highly encouraged to allocate funds and provide logistical
and technical support in the implementation of AHDP projects and activities such as
Executive Orders/Resolutions/Ordinances institutionalizing the peer educators network
and providing funds for AHD programs.

Section 2. Management of Annual Dues and its Proceeds – The council shall pass a
resolution authorizing the President and the Treasurer to open a bank account as a
depository account of the organization. The proceeds of the fund through the collection of
annual dues shall be divided as 60% goes to the financial aid for the registered members
and for the activities of the regional council while the 40% shall be allocated to the
respective active peer network.

Section 1. This Constitution and By-Laws or any provisions thereof may be opened for
amendment or revision by any member of the Council through a resolution approved by
two- thirds (2/3) vote of the Council at any regular or special meeting.

Section 2. A Special Meeting or Constitutional Convention of all Representatives of the Peer

Networks and the Regional Council shall be called for the purpose of amending or revising
this Constitution and By-Laws, or any provisions thereof.

Section 3. Any amendment or revision of this Constitution and By-Laws, or any provisions
thereof shall be valid only when voted through a plebiscite where all members shall vote
between “Yes” or “No” options to approve or disapprove the Constitution and By-Laws.

Section 4. The counting of votes in the plebiscite shall be done through an Electoral
Committee wherein a particular Peer Network shall get one general vote in an option that
will be casted as majority in its area. Consecutively, a majority of nine out of fourteen
general “Yes” votes shall be needed to consider the Constitution and By-Laws as amended.

Section 5. Ratification of the amended or revised Constitution and By-Laws shall be done
not later than two months after the resolution to open for amendment or revision is


Section 1. Pertinent provisions of all other laws, rules and regulations contrary to or
inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws are hereby repealed or
modified accordingly.

Section 1. This Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect 15 days upon its approval and
shall supersede all previous Constitution and By-Laws of the Regional and affiliated Local
Chapters of ALAGAHD VII.

Section 2. Certified copies of this Constitution and By-Laws shall be furnished to all affiliate
Local Peer Networks, Partner Organizations, and Government Agencies concerned for their
information and guidance.


DECEMBER 20, 2023




Interim President
Alicia’s Responsible Individuals for Better Adolescents Health

I hereby certify to the correctness of the above-stated Constitution and By-Laws.


Vice President for Advocacy Affairs
Alicia’s Responsible Individuals for Better Adolescents Health


(Sgd.) June Hannah Butron

Alicia’s Responsible Individuals for Better Adolescents Health

Copy Furnished: As stated

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