Importance of Periodontal Phenotype in Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry: A Systematic Review
Importance of Periodontal Phenotype in Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry: A Systematic Review
Importance of Periodontal Phenotype in Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry: A Systematic Review
Background Periodontal phenotype is regarded to be one of the key factors influencing the efficacy of restorative
therapies in dental practice. The objective of the systematic review was to explore the importance of thin and thick
periodontal phenotypes and how they affect the outcome of periodontal and restorative therapies by looking at a
number of academic publications from various online databases.
Methods Following the PRISMA guidelines (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review standards), relevant
data will be searched and retrieved from three significant scientific databases, including PubMed, EBSCO, and Scopus.
The articles with full texts that matched the keywords and published in English between 2018 and 2023 were taken
into consideration.
Results The majorities of these articles were based on the type of periodontal phenotype and their impact on
periodontal and restorative treatment outcomes were selected. The initial search yielded a total of 530 articles.
Only 273 were relevant to the review’s objectives, and these were considered for determining eligibility. Only 20
publications were eligible for analysis.
Conclusion Understanding these anatomical aspects of periodontal phenotype is crucial to both periodontology
and restorative dentistry. The clinical outcome of restorative, prosthetic, orthodontic, surgical, and periodontal
therapies is determined in large part by the periodontal phenotype, which also plays a significant role in clinical failure
or success in dental treatments.
Trial registration This study protocol registered with the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews
(PROSPERO) dated 16th June 2023 with the registration ID CRD42023432568.
Keywords Periodontal phenotype, Periodontics, Restorative dentistry
Mohan Kumar P
[email protected]
Saurabh Chaturvedi
[email protected]
Giuseppe Minervini
[email protected]
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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P et al. BMC Oral Health (2024) 24:41 Page 2 of 10
randomized controlled trials evaluating and comparing the use of role of periodontal phenotypes on restorative
the importance of periodontal phenotype in restorative and periodontal treatment outcomes was defined.
and periodontologyy were included, controlled clini- The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for System-
cal trials assessing the impact of periodontal phenotype atic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) standards were used
on restorative and periodontal treatment outcomes, and when identifying research. Figure 1 provides a flow chart.
any original research papers, case studies, and systematic The first step in the research identification process was
reviews on the periodontal phenotypes both in restor- to search three internet databases: PubMed, EBSCO, and
ative and periodontology were included. Research articles Scopus.
written in languages other than English, studies that don’t The data extraction was done by two examiners and
adhere to the objectives of the review’s research, techni- the method followed for data extracted was based on the
cal remarks, short communications, editorial letters, and public sources like journal articles, clinical trials that give
mini-reviews were not included. useful information about methods and results of included
This study protocol registered with the International articles. The collected data was used to develop outlines
Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROS- of tables and figures that will appear in the review to
PERO) dated 16th June 2023 with the registration ID facilitate the design of data collection forms.
CRD42023432568. Based on the research publications A quick keyword search produced a total of 906 results.
that were available and our understanding of the subject, Only 530 publications were left after the initial screen-
we came up with a list of keywords. The significance of ing to be examined in accordance with the objectives
the terms “periodontal phenotype”, “gingival phenotype”, of the systematic review. Only 395 papers were sought
and “bone morphotype” in periodontal and restorative for retrieval, of which 273 were relevant to the review’s
treatment techniques was investigated. objectives or criteria, and these were considered for
The following terms used in the PubMed, EBSCO, and determining eligibility. From all the studies that were eli-
Scopus databases: gible, only 20 publications that provided comparative and
“phenotype“[All Fields]) AND (“treatment systematic reviews on periodontal phenotypes and their
outcome“[MeSH Terms] OR (“treatment“[All Fields] impact on periodontal and restorative treatment out-
AND “outcome“[All Fields]) OR “treatment outcome“[All comes were chosen. (Fig. 1) The included research papers
Fields]) and reviews are summarized with concluding remarks
periodontal[All Fields] AND (“phenotype“[MeSH based on their study purpose and significance. Table 1
Terms] OR “phenotype“[All Fields]) AND periodontal[All lists the features of the research papers considered in this
Fields] AND (“treatment outcome“[MeSH Terms] OR systematic review.
(“treatment“[All Fields] AND “outcome“[All Fields]) OR
“treatment outcome“[All Fields]) Risk of bias assessment
periodontal [All Fields] AND (“phenotype“[MeSH This systematic review utilized the Cochrane Risk of Bias
Terms] OR “phenotype“[All Fields]) AND restorative[All Tool to evaluate any potential risks of included articles
Fields] AND (“treatment outcome“[MeSH Terms] OR consisting of randomized clinical trials and ROB-ME
(“treatment“[All Fields] AND “outcome“[All Fields]) OR tool (Risk Of Bias due to Missing Evidence in a synthe-
“treatment outcome“[All Fields]). sis) to evaluate any potential risks in included systematic
The Rayyan website was used for the research selec- reviews. This risk assessment tool enabled us to create
tion procedure. Results of searches from other databases papers of the highest caliber with solid conclusions. The
that are duplicates will not be included. Inappropriate following criteria were used to evaluate the subjective
abstracts and titles will also be disregarded. The collected risk of bias in relevant articles and classify it into one of
studies will be examined comprehensively to ensure they three levels based on factors like sequence generation,
satisfy the predetermined inclusion and exclusion stan- allocation concealment, participant blinding, blinding
dards. They will then be evaluated for potential bias and outcome, incomplete data outcome, and selective out-
incorporated into the qualitative synthesis (Systematic come reporting. There were approximately 86.66% low
Review). risk judgments, 8.33% equivocal judgments, and 5% high
risk judgments, according to the Cochrane risk of bias
Results assessment tool (Fig. 2).
Research identification and selection A quality assessment using the CASP (Critical
The search strategy employed for this systematic review Appraisal Skill Program) scale checklist was done to
aimed to locate research publications from 2018 to 2023 determine the strengths and limitations of the chosen
that are pertinent to answering the research issues asso- studies by evaluating their methodologies. All CASP
ciated with the review’s objectives. The date last searched checklists will check the validity, results and clinical rel-
was August 2023. As part of the plan, the search field for evance of included articles of this systematic review.
P et al. BMC Oral Health (2024) 24:41 Page 4 of 10
Fig. 1 Demonstrates flow diagram of the study selection process as indicated by the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and
Table 1 (continued)
Sl. Cita- Type of Kind of Number of Intervention Outcome measures and summary
No tion study Clinical trial Participants
17 [46] A case A prospec- 10 Microsurgical In presence of sufficient periimplant supporting tissues and when indi-
series tive case roll-in-envelope cated, the roll-in-envelope flap (RIE) seems to yield superior outcomes
series flap reducing pain/discomfort compared to connective tissue grafts.
18 [49] An original A ran- 26 Zirconia Zirconia abutments exhibited better results than titanium abutments
research domized abutments in terms of the peri-implant tissues. Moreover, in those with a thin
controlled phenotype, zirconia provided improved gingival esthetics.
clinical trial
19 [50] A case A Retrospec- 14 Vestibular Inci- Treatment of multiple gingival recession defects with vestibular inci-
series tive Case sion Subperi- sion subperiosteal tunnel access (VISTA) and subepithelial connective
Series osteal Tunnel tissue grafts (SCTG) led to stable gingival thickness gains and shows
Access promise as a strategy for phenotype modification therapy.
20 [51] An original A Controlled 41 Connective tis- There are no significant differences in the outcomes of immediate
research Clinical Trial sue graft implant placement for patients with different soft tissue phenotypes.
a favourable relationship between the maxillary anterior Positive features of thick gingival tissue quality that
teeth KTW and GT. Several studies assessed the rela- have been documented in the literature include resis-
tionship between periodontal phenotype and gingival tance to trauma and recession, superior soft tissue han-
thickness. In most research evaluating maxillary anterior dling properties compared with thin tissue, promotion
teeth, periodontal phenotype, GT, and KTW were found of creeping attachment, reduction in clinical inflamma-
to be positively correlated with each other. The litera- tion, and improvement of predictable surgical outcomes.
ture generally indicates that in the anterior maxilla, GT Thick soft tissue is thought to be able to survive because
and periodontal phenotype are linked. There is little and of its large extracellular matrix and collagen content as
inconsistent data available for locations other than the well as its improved vascularity [39–44].
anterior maxilla [31–38]. The success of restorative dentistry greatly depends
on the periodontal health, which is dependent on the
P et al. BMC Oral Health (2024) 24:41 Page 7 of 10
Using vestibular incision subperiosteal tunnel access
(VISTA), In 2023, Min S. et al. conducted a research to
notypic modification therapy measure following treat-
ment of various gingival recession disorders. Multiple
Interpretation of evidence
Appropriate recruitment
Author details
in dental students with healthy periodontal tissues using 1
Department of Periodontics and Implantology, Vishnu Dental College,
cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). According to West Godavari, Vishnupur, Bhimavaram 534202, Andhra Pradesh, India
the study’s findings, thick PP predominated in the sample Department of Periodontics and Community Dental Sciences, College of
Dentistry, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia
examined, and in all measurements tested, gingival thick- 3
Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, College of Dentistry, King Khalid
ness was always thinner than bone thickness [62–74]. University, Abha, Saudi Arabia
Within the parameters of the current systematic review, Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, King Khalid
University, P.O.Box 3263, Abha 61471, Saudi Arabia
the prevalence of different periodontal phenotypes is 5
Department of Biomedical and Surgical and Biomedical Sciences,
associated with successful periodontal and restorative Catania University, Catania 95123, Italy
treatment outcomes. Understanding the significance of Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical
and Technical Sciences (SIMATS), Saveetha University, Chennai, Tamil
periodontal phenotypes can be used to create aesthetic Nadu, India
results for individuals who needed restorative and peri- 7
Multidisciplinary Department of Medical-Surgical and Dental Specialties,
odontal therapy operations. University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Caserta 81100, Italy
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