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According to Cata T., Patel P. and Sakaguch T.

(2013) on “QR Code: A New

Opportunity for Effective Mobile Marketing, Journal of Mobile Technologies,

Knowledge and Society, Vol. 2013 (2013)” they stated that;

“Quick Response Code, widely known as “QR”

code, is a two-dimensional digital image that
can be easily scanned by any mobile device’s
camera. Once scanned, it will quickly direct to
the data embedded in the code. Today, the
QR code gained major commercial popularity
due to mobile technology.”
The authors said that “QR” Code is being recognized as the future of

scanning. It is widely known worldwide today. The convenience of the “QR”

Code is essential in today’s world wherein we are entering the computer era or

generation where almost all things functions using a technology.

According to Jain et al. (2014) on “Biometrics Verification: a Literature Survey”

she said that;

“Human verification has traditionally been

carried out by using a password and/or ID
cards. These methods can be easily
breached, for password can be guessed and
ID card can be stolen, thus rendering them
unreliable. Biometrics refers to identifying a
person based on his or her physiological or
behavioral characteristics; it has the capability
to reliably distinguish between an authorized
person and an imposter.”
The above remark tells us that people get used to using password. The main

thing is that passwords can easily be breached or hacked. Biometrics according

to the author is used to identify a person based on his or her unique

characteristics which he or she only has.

According to Kearney, C. (2014) on “A Response to Intervention Model to

Promote School Attendance and Decrease School Absenteeism” he said that;

“Regular school attendance is foundational to

children’s success but school absenteeism is

a common, serious, and highly vexing


The above statement tells us that student’s absenteeism is a growing

problem for parents and teachers. In line with the study, school attendance

using “QR” Code will prevent students from cutting classes and reducing the


According to Alshareef, A. and Alkilany A. (2015) in their study on “Toward a

student information system for Sebha University, Libya”they stated that;

“A student information system deals with all

kinds of data from enrollment to graduation,
including program of study, attendance record,
payment of fees and examination results to
name but a few. All these data need to be
made available through a secure, online
interface embedded in a university’s website.
To lay the groundwork for such a system, first
we need to build the student database to be
integrated with the system.”
The above statement states that student information is crucial to a school’s

security. These data needs to be made available through a secure and private

system to prevent loss and theft.


According to Cortez, C. Badwal J. and Hipolito J. (2016) in a book called

“Lecture Notes on Software Engineering” they stated that;

“Biometric is considered as one of the most

effective method when it comes to security.
Biometric is an automated technique of
recognizing a person based on his physical
attributes which includes face, fingerprint,
hand geometry, handwriting, iris, retinal, vein,
and voice.”

This article states that biometrics plays an important role in today’s security

measures. From face to fingerprint to iris, these methods are useful to prevent

unwanted attacks from hackers. In connection in the study, the student’s

security will be assured.

According to an article by Human Development Network(2013) talking

about“Spatial Analysis to Identify Disparities in Philippine Public School

Facilities.” They said that;

“Industrial development is rapidly progressing

in the provinces situated in the northern island
of Luzon, and is very slow among the
provinces in the southern island of Mindanao.
Poor transportation networks exacerbated
further the alienation of those areas that are
distant from the urban centers.”

The above statement tells us that Industrial development in Luzon is swiftly

growing while remote areas experience poor network transportation. The

proposed study will ease their struggle in terms of traditional way of going to

offices and school.

According to Cricket Santiago of Fujitsu Philippines (2017) in an article about

“Philippine enterprises should step up measures for cyber security.” stated that;

“While this [problem] is the easiest to remedy,

lax security will continue leading to breaches
that can be easily avoided. However, a
number of enterprises in the Philippines don't
carry out simple, yet vital housekeeping tasks
that cut down on risks."

The statement above says that the Philippines lack security in most places

that leads to unwanted events, “QR” Code scanning and the newest ways to

prevent hacking and theft is to implement high-end security in schools and

offices nationwide.

According to Limpag M. (2013) in an article regarding “Philippine tourism info

made available through QR codes.” stated that;

“The project showcases journalism that takes

full advantage of new technology to deliver
information to people. With the project, people
are able to read on their phone or tablet about
historic events right at where these
With the Philippines getting more attention from neighbor countries, technology

should be more implemented to attract tourism in our country. This system will

help them access facilities with ease and trusted security.

According to a study conducted by TNS (2013) regarding that “More Filipinos

now using Internet for news, information–study.” stated that;

“More Filipinos are using digital media for

news and information rather than listening to

radio or reading newspapers and magazines.”

This article discussed the importance of internet in line with the current trends

and news in a country. People tend to use digital gadgets to learn information

instead of reading newspapers.

Review of Related Studies

This section presents both the Foreign and Local related studies that the

researchers studied. It includes related articles on the proposed system. The

proponents checked some articles, books, news, and proposals that can help

improve the groundwork of the study.


As stated in an article entitled “Web Based Student Information Management

System.” By Bharamagoudar, S. (2013). She stated that;

“The design and implementation of a

comprehensive student information system
and user interface is to replace the current
paper records.”
The statement above tells us that paper records are a thing in the past in

most of today’s work. Managing student information using computer will lessen

the work of a user and will have better insurance.

As for Pereira, J. on an article entitled “The integration of barcode scanning

technology into Canadian public health immunization settings.” She said that;

“Barcode scanning technology enhances
patient safety, reduces errors involving drug
administration, and increases the timeliness
and accuracy of medication-related

In line with the statement above, hospital and school are similar in terms of

student involvement in the safety and accuracy of the information that the

system has. Barcode scanning helps the system recognize the precise

information of a student.

According to Yu-Cheng Lin andWeng-Fong Cheung (2014) in an article entitled

“Developing mobile 2D barcode/RFID-based Maintenance Management

System” They stated that;

“By using 2D barcode and Radio Frequency

Identification (RFID) technologies, this study
presents a novel system called Mobile 2D
Barcode/RFID-based Maintenance
Management (M-BRMM) system to improve
lab equipment and instrument maintenance
management and provides a maintenance
information sharing platform.”

The statement said above reminds us that the future is here and we should

all beware of it, 2D Barcode and RFID is the newest way of maintaining the right

information of a system.

Coronel C., Morris S., (2017) entitled “Database System: Design,

Implementation, and Management”. They stated that;

“The database is a very important part of the

information system.”

Database is a very necessary part of an information system, database carries all

the data in a system and should not be by any matter, harmed or damaged. A

backup is also a must for programmers.

According to a study by Ali, S., Haider, Z., et al. (2013), and a quote by Graetz

(1995) entitled “Factors Contributing to the Students’ Academic Performance: A

Case Study of Islamia University SubCampus.” They stated that;

“A student educational success contingent

heavily on social status of student’s parents/

guardians in the society.”

The above quote said that a student’s success relies on their parents’

consent, in relation to our system, student’s information will always be shown to

their parents to let them notify any status of their child.


According to Maggay, J. (2017) in his study entitled “Biometric Attendance

Monitoring System of Cagayan State University – Lasam Campus, Philippines”

he said that;

“Many industries and institutions are already

using biometric in monitoring the attendance
of employees which really saves time and
prevents time theft that leads to cost saving.
Biometric technology offers advanced
verification of employees because it identifies
people through physical measurements of
unique human characteristics such as
fingerprints. Employee attendance verification
is a major use of biometrics today.”

The author said that many industries are already in touch with biometrics in

monitoring attendance of employees. In line with our study, we proposed a title

that monitors not only the students’ attendance but accessing the school


According to Belesario, C., in his title about “The development of QR ID

Verification Code System that will ensure the safety of valuable information and

data of every student and faculties in the institution” he said that;

“Automated ID had image capturing facility

and requirements of an ID and there is no
need of hand written ID Card. QR Code is
attached into ID card and personal details can
be found by scanning the QR code with QR
Identity application in your computer.”

Automated ID capturing method is now the thing in some schools nationwide,

implementing this will not only make the school up-to-date but also security of

students will be accountable for.

According to Presado, J. (2016) in her study on “The Level of Security

Management in the University of Eastern Philippines” she stated that;

“Schools, universities, and colleges may it

private or public are not exempted from the

harsh environment.”

According to the statement above, many schools, universities and colleges

struggle in finding a way to prevent harsh attacks, physical or not. It can harm

people. This study denotes the main gate security to further stabilize the safety

of the students using “QR” Code as their way of entering the campus.

According to Hattie in her following quote;

“An analysis of the meta analyses of

computers in schools indicates that computers

are used effectively.”

In line to the statement above, the following conditions should be consolidated to

fulfill technology in a school.

According to Ongpin, J. in his study about “Science, Technologyand Innovation:

Trends” he discussed that;

“ICT is an umbrella term that includes any

communication device or application,
encompassing radio, television, cellular
phones, computer and network hardware and
software, satellite systems and so on”

In the said words above, ICT is taking over our daily lives positively. The science

of inventing new ways to ease a certain job is a trend in today’s society. In line

with the study, we implement the use of new and innovative materials not to

show but to secure the safety and privacy of every people inside an



From the different literature and studies that the proponents have clustered, they

were able to explain and understand the significance of each article relating to

the proposed system. The idea of having QR Code in our campus will be

another step towards the future of technology and security of each of us.

Biometric technologies are usually thought as implementation of pattern

recognition algorithms, since it is aimed at identifying humans. It, therefore,

adapts methods and algorithms from computer vision, but it is not restricted to

visual images. Recently, the other direction of the biometrics, namely biometric

synthesis, has obtain more attention. Synthesis, or rendering biometric

phenomena from their corresponding computer models, is somewhat opposite to

identification, which require signal processing with the purpose of featuring the

models used for recognition. However, we could generate a synthetic face from

its corresponding computer model. Such a model could include muscular

dynamics to model facial expressions.The different researches also proved how

the biometrics affects the lives of the people today in a positive manner.The

accuracy and efficiency of a system still depends on how it is programmed. The

system design or the user interface must be understandable. The proponents

considered this matter to be able to implement a good system.


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