Final Project - MC170202807-Lastest Updated
Final Project - MC170202807-Lastest Updated
Final Project - MC170202807-Lastest Updated
Employee’s Performance
Asad Ali
To fulfilled of the
Requirement for the degree of
Yasir Zeb
Instructor Business Admin-HRM/MGT,
Virtual University of Pakistan. Lahore Campus
I declare that, this research project for the degree of Master of Human Resource Management
(MHRM) at Virtual University of Pakistan to the faculty of Management Sciences has been
submitted by me. This is my own work and material after reading the previous research articles
and surveys.
Asad Ali
Table of Contents
S.N Particulars
1 Introduction of the Project (1)
2 Job Enrichment (1.1)
3 Job Enlargement (1.2)
4 Employee Performance (1.3)
5 Objectives of the Research (2)
6 The Research Significance (3)
7 Research’s Methodology (4)
8 Type of Research (4.1)
9 Data Collection Resources (4.2)
10 Data Collection Tools (4.3)
11 Subjects/Participants (4.4)
12 Samplings Technique (4.5)
13 Convenience or accidental sampling (4.6)
14 Data processing and Data analysis (4.7)
15 Data Analysis (5)
16 Gender of the Respondent (5.1)
17 Age Bracket (5.2)
18 Educational Level (5.3)
19 Job Category (5.4)
20 Length of Service in the Organization (5.5)
21 Task Structuring (5.6)
22 Job Arrangement (5.7)
23 Job Meaningfulness (5.8)
24 Employee Performance (5.9)
25 Findings (6)
26 Conclusion (7)
27 Recommendations (8)
28 Questioner
29 References
1. Introduction of the Project
Job enrichment and job enlargement are the ladders which are normally used to make the
employees feeling that the organization is really owning them and these kinds of things increase
their performance on the job. Involving the employees to executive functions in the job is called
job enrichment. This kind of things causes to the achievement of the employees’ performance.
Due to enhance the job pressure in the working place, it is common to change the job activities
of the employees on the job place and make them able to work at every level of the organization.
This kind of things can be enhanced the performance of the employees and reduces the cost of
supposed that routine / regular job activities can create boring environment at the workplace and
it causes lake of motivation’s level for employees. But on the other side job enlargement is the
key tool that can reduces the boring environment and enhances the motivation which will cope
which employees feel self-motivated towards their job. Job satisfaction happen when
employees feel they are having job constancy, career advancement and a very comfortable work
and life balance. However, job enrichment and job enlargement can satisfy or can dissatisfy
employees. It totally depends on how employees can be able to enlarging their jobs and doing the
extra task. In that case employee might take job enlargement as a positive attitude towards
civilizing their experiences or might take negative attitude and feels that they are doing jobs
without any reward. There are hundreds of employees working in retail sector (Carrefour
Pakistan Private Limited) in top, middle and lower level and there are huge numbers of jobs
performed day by day to accomplish the targets of variance departments. Every employee is
supposed to be ready to achieve extra tasks in their job’s role. So we can say that job enrichment
Job Enrichment
Job Enlargement
Employee Performance
Involving the employees to executive tasks of the higher position is called job enrichment, and
furthermore we can say that job enlargement allow to any worker / employee to perform more
and more task happily by having the equal rank. The job enrichment can be able to increases the
self-actualization, self-control and self-respect of the employee. This kind of things causes
success of employee’s performance. The job enrichment can also enhance the motivation
intensity of the employee as well as performance of employee. Job enrichment should empower
Job enlargement shows that the increases the competition among different kind of organizations.
The attitude of the employees towards their work is referred to as psychological work climate
There are number of discussions among the industrialists and researchers in the current era about
identifying the factors that are affecting the employee performance. Taylor (1911) was the only
earliest contributors who identified the factors that influenced the performance of the employee
during working conditions. He recognized the concept of financial man which mean that the
income level and reward system prevailed in any business is mainly the feature that can improve
the performance level of employees. They all gave a boost in that literature to improve the
employee performance. Theorists identified four major factors that may affect the employee
Job Autonomy.
Organizational Support .
Training .
The purpose of this research is to investigating the impact of job enlargement on employees'
motivation as well as job satisfaction in the retail sector. With the help of efficient Job design
researcher can be able to make valuable recommendations for the top of the organization so that
they can improve motivation and job satisfaction of the employees. The objectives of the
1. We would be able to increase our information related to job enlargement in terms of job
2. To look at the rank of working job enlargement amongst the employees in the retail
3. To evaluate that how future job enlargement can affects on the job satisfaction of
4. To examine the impact of job extension on the motivation of employees in the retail
5. To recommend how the Retail Sector as an organization can better maintain and improve
6. To recommend valuable techniques for the managers that can follow to motivate as well
7. To learn consequence of work and life balance in achieving the business sustainability.
8. To learn the role of job enhancement and job extension in work & life balance and
This research is very important and beneficial for the organizations as it provides the knowledge
to handles a technique that can effects the motivation level of employees as well as satisfaction
level which are necessary to accomplish productivity and boost-up the performance as well. The
1. Many research studies have handled the connection between motivation and satisfaction
with other variables. However, the effect of job extension has not been sufficiently
studied. So, the significance of learning comes from the individuality of studies in this
2. The study conclusion can be used by other business divisions to better understanding the
3. This study will provide the knowledge to the managers and top level management which
will be very helpful. Via these guidelines they will know how they can utilize the
4. The researcher will work on other related issues that affect level of motivation and job
satisfaction and will participate with local conferences and publish the research in an
international journal.
4. Research’s Methodology
For this study I have to be use primary data and secondary data. Primary data will be gathered
from one to one interview / acquired the questionnaire filled from Carrefour’s employees
through conducting personal interview & questioners, and secondary data will be collected
through internet, previous research articles and from the My main focus will be on questioners
Primary Sources:
Field Observation
Secondary Sources:
Data Collected from other research articles.
Data will collects through social medial like Google or LinkedIn articles.
Questionnaires must be used to calculate the impact of job enhancement, job extension on the
variable. These questionnaires are then properly examined one by one. Further more data could
4.4 Subjects/Participants
The respondents of this study are employees from the Carrefour Pakistan Private Limited who
are Human Resources expert, mangers, line mangers, and supervisor even labor level staff also.
Population is 600 employees, and I actually successfully gets 299 people’s feedback from said
organization. Sample size can be minimum 8 to 10 employees (For Every Designation &
Division except Managers). To acquire feedback from managers I will fully try to get at get my
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4.5 Samplings Technique:
As we know we have two types of sampling techniques like “Probability Sampling” and “Non-
probability sampling”
1. Probability Sampling:
Random sampling.
Stratified sampling.
Systematic sampling.
2. Non-Probability sampling:
Purposive sampling.
Expert sampling.
Diversity sampling.
Snowball sampling.
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4.6 Convenience or accidental sampling
based on their availability. Purpose of choosing this sampling technique is, I can get easy access
to the said company’s employees for one to one meeting and get my questionnaire also filled.
In this research as i have questionnaires for my data collection and only the impact of job
enrichment and job enlargement on the employee satisfaction keeping employee performance as
intervening variable will be judged. Furthermore study can also be done on the other factors that
can have direct or indirect impact on employee satisfaction. I have to be used MS Excel to
compile the data and apply the Correlation statistical test to acquire the research findings and
5. Data Analysis
This section of research article describes the data analysis and explanation that has been done in
line with the main goal for this study which was establishing the effect of job enlargement on
performance of employees at Carrefour Pakistan Private Limited. This research study has been
implemented a quantitative approach. The results have been obtained in form of numbers and
percentages. 299 respondents were submitted their views successfully via questioner.
The participants were requested to state their gender. The outcome is presented in table number
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Table Number 1:
Female 15 5
In table number 1 we can see that, majority 95% of the respondents are male and rest 5% are
females. These shows that majority of the employees who worked in Carrefour Pakistan Private
The participants were requested to state their age bracket. The outcome is presented in table
number 2.
Table Number 2:
26 to 35 Years 80 27
36 to 45 Years 49 16
46 to 54 Years 18 6
13 | P a g e
In table number 2 most of the respondent 48 % were aged between 18 to 25 years old, 27%
respondents were aged between 26 to 35 years old, 16% respondent were aged between 35 to 45
years old, 6% respondent were aged between 46 to 45 years old, 2% were 55 years old or above.
This shows that most of the employees working in Carrefour Pakistan Private Limited are young
The participants were requested to state their level of education. The outcome is presented in
table number 3.
Table Number 3:
Secondary Level 10 3
Intermediate Level 46 15
Masters Level 90 30
In table number 3 out of this result, most of the respondents 38% were graduate, 30% were
masters level educated, 15% were intermediate level, 13% were high school level and only 3%
respondent were under Metric. This shows that Carrefour Pakistan Private Limited have
educated employees.
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5.4 Job Category:
The participants were requested to state their job’s Category. The outcome is presented in table
number 4.
Table Number 4:
Management 28 9
Non-Management 260 87
The result in table number 4 shows that majority 87% of the respondents were non-management
employee, 9% were Management staff while only 4 % belongs to executive level employees.
The participants were requested to state their level of education. The outcome is presented in
table number 5.
Table Number 5:
1 to 3 Years 112 37
4 to 6 Years 67 22
7 to 10 Years 28 9
15 | P a g e
Total 299 100
In Table 5, 37% respondents had served with the company between 1 to 3 years, 25% served
below 1 year, 22% served between 4 to 6 years, 9% served between 7 to 10 years and 6 % served
Under this research project the researcher determined many aspects regarding job enlargement.
Task Structuring.
Job Arrangements.
Job Meaningfulness.
Employee Performance.
The researcher required to find out several aspects to task structuring that contributed to
Table Number 6:
16 | P a g e
Sr. Particulars Mean Deviation
Task Structuring
The employees are clear about their tasks in all the
organizational levels.
1 4.090301003 1.106056956
Employees understand the process and procedures.
2 4.093645485 0.877339493
Employees are motivated to perform their task.
3 3.976588629 0.80858672
The management has the role to analyze and
restructure a task.
4 3.983277592 0.757327489
The organization has well defined task structure.
5 4.153846154 1.024732862
In table number 6, as we case assume that or we can say that most of employees as mean value is
4.09 were well awarded with their tasks. The mean values 4.0936 employees were agreed with
the question number 2 (Employee Understand the process and procedures). The mean value
3.976 employees were agree as they are motivated to perform their task the mean value 3.983
employees were agreeing with the question number 4 (The management has the role to analyze
and restructured a task.). The mean value 4.1538 employees were strongly agreed with question
number 5 (The organization has well defined task structure) By keeping in view the “Task
Structuring” portion of the questioner it is observed that most of the employees are agree even
strongly agree and happy to get extra task and to perform them for their career advancement.
17 | P a g e
Task Structuring
Number of Clicks against each option
Options Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Options
Strongly Disagree 12 0 2 1 6 1
Disagree 15 20 12 13 25 2
Neutral 53 42 53 43 26 3
Agree 73 127 156 175 102 4
Strongly Agree 6 110 76 67 140 5
Total 9 299 299 299 299
Task Structuring
150 146
130 127
110 102
Strongly Disagree
90 Disagree
73 76
67 Neutral
53 53
50 43 Strongly Agree
30 2526
1215 12 13
10 6
0 2 1
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
Strongly Disagree 12 0 2 1 6
Disagree 15 20 12 13 25
Neutral 53 42 53 43 26
Agree 73 127 156 175 102
Strongly Agree 146 110 76 67 140
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5.7 Job Arrangement:
The researcher required to find out several aspects to Job Arrangements that contributed to
Table Number 7:
Sr. Particulars Mean Deviation
Job Arrangement
The finding shows that company merges many aspects of job like planning, controlling and
execution; the mean value is 4.24 employees were strongly agreed with that. The findings also
showed that management was entrusted in planning and controlling, the mean value 4.086
employees were strongly agreed. The mean value 4.050 were employees were strongly agreed
with the question number 3 (Employees are responsible for task execution). The mean value
3.682 employees were agreed that with question number 4 (Employees are offered opportunities
for the career advancement). The mean value 3.989 employees agreed that as they enjoyed work-
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life balance. Overall job arrangement section shows that most of the employees are happy and
agreed with that. Further graphical analysis is as under for more clarification:
Job Arrangement
Number of Clicks against each option
Options Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Options
Strongly Disagree 0 0 0 7 6 1
Disagree 8 13 13 38 25 2
Neutral 42 37 60 61 38 3
Agree 119 160 125 130 127 4
Strongly Agree 130 89 101 63 103 5
Total 299 299 299 299 299
Job Arrangement
170 160
130 130 127
130 125
110 101 103
90 Strongly Disagree
70 60 61 63
50 42 38 38 Agree
25 Strongly Agree
13 13
8 7 6
10 0 0 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
Strongly Disagree 0 0 0 7 6
Disagree 8 13 13 38 25
Neutral 42 37 60 61 38
Agree 119 160 125 130 127
Strongly Agree 130 89 101 63 103
20 | P a g e
5.8 Job Meaningfulness:
The researcher required to find out several aspects to Job Meaningfulness that contributed to
Table Number 8:
Sr. Particulars Mean Deviation
Job Meaningfulness
Employee possesses a set of various skills.
1 4.107023411 0.729473587
Employee get job allocation is based on the skills and
2 3.986622074 0.847314131
Employee enjoys job autonomy in the organization.
3 3.91638796 0.910250535
The organization dose performance appraisal to
improve the quality of input of employees.
4 4.18729097 0.809987376
Employees are highly motivated in their work.
5 4.170568562 0.901715374
The result shows that the mean value 4.107 employees were strongly agreed to possess a set of
various skills. The mean value 3.986 employees were agreed with the question number 2
(Employee get job allocation on the skills and knowledge. The mean value 3.916 employees
were agreed with the question number 3 (Employees enjoys job autonomy in the organization).
The mean value 4.187 employees were strongly agreed with the question number 4 (The
organization dose performance appraisal to improve the quality of input of employees). The
mean value 4.1705 employees were strongly agreed that they are highly motivated in their work.
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Overall this section of survey shows that job meaningfulness plays very important role in
Job Meaningfulness
Number of Clicks against each option
Options Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Options
Strongly Disagree 0 7 0 0 1 1
Disagree 14 6 14 8 13 2
Neutral 23 49 95 51 55 3
Agree 179 159 92 117 95 4
Strongly Agree 83 78 98 123 135 5
Total 299 299 299 299 299
Job Meaningfulness
190 179
170 159
150 135
130 123
110 95 95 98
92 Q1
90 83 78
70 Q3
49 51 55
50 Q4
30 23 Q5
14 14
7 6 8 13
10 0 0 0 1
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Q1 0 14 23 179 83
Q2 7 6 49 159 78
Q3 0 14 95 92 98
Q4 0 8 51 117 123
Q5 1 13 55 95 135
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5.9 Employee Performance:
The researcher required to find out several aspects to Employee Performance that contributed to
Table Number 9:
Sr. Particulars Mean Deviation
Employee Performance
The organization reward good performance.
1 3.929765886 1.005897181
I met deadlines as set.
2 4.688963211 0.511851418
The organization offers frequent training and
3 development programs to improve performance. 4.123745819 0.686449392
The tools and resources needed to do my job are
4 sufficient. 3.989966555 0.899235133
The organizational culture provides a conductive
5 environment to work. 4.16722408 0.780721564
The top management is supportive and this encourages
6 employees to achieve their targets. 3.953177258 0.826053287
The result shows that most of the employees the mean value 3.929 employees were agreed that
the organization gives reward to the good performer. The mean value 4.688 employees were
strongly agreed that they met their deadline as set. The mean value 4.123 employees were agreed
with the question number 3 (The organization offers frequent training and development program
to improve performance). The mean value 3.989 employees were agreed with the question
number 4 (The tools and resources needed to do my job are sufficient). The mean value 4.167
employees were strongly agreed with question number 5 (The organizational culture provides a
23 | P a g e
conductive environment to work). The mean values 3.953 employees were strongly agreed with
question number 6 (The top management is supportive and this encourage employees to achieve
their targets). Overall the result of this section of survey shows that job enrichment and
Employee Performance
Number of Clicks against each
Options Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Options
Strongly Disagree 7 0 0 0 0 0 1
Disagree 14 0 2 20 6 19 2
Neutral 78 7 48 62 52 52 3
Agree 94 79 160 118 127 152 4
Strongly Agree 106 213 89 99 114 76 5
Total 299 299 299 299 299 299
Employee Performance
225 213
24 | P a g e
Correlation results are as under:
We calculated correlation coefficient results via calculating accumulative mean values of “Task
Structuring” Job Arrangement” & Job Meaningfulness. On the other side we find the mean value
of “Employee Performance”. After finding all these values we applied formula through MS excel
0.25 results showed that positive but weak correlation of job enrichment and job enlargement on
employee performance. We can say if any change happened in one dimension then it will
Table number 10
Model Summary
The result in Table 10 exposed that the coefficient of determination was 0.068 which indicated
that job enrichment and job enlargement explain 6.80% variations in the employee performance.
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Analysis of Variance
Table Number 11
Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 2.302 3 0.767 7.175 .000b
By keeping in view the employee performance is as dependent variables and other are
independent variables, the result in Table 11 represented that the regression equation utilized in
this research was important since it contained predictive values. P-value was smaller than 5%,
Model Coefficients
Table number 12
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
26 | P a g e
Job Meaningfulness 0.139 0.045 0.182 3.063 0.002
Job enrichment and job enlargement were positively connected to employee performance (0.108,
0.09, and 0.182 respectively). This indicated that a single increase in any of these variables can
Note: The results of the correlations and regression analysis shows that Job enrichment and job
enlargement imposed positive impact on employee performance in short we can say that Job
enrichment and job enlargement plays very positive role on employee’s performance.
6. Findings:
Relating to the many aspects of job enrichment and job enlargement, the most of the respondents
agreed that task structuring and job arrangement contributed towards improving the performance
of employees. Structuring the encouraged employees easy identification of tasks, understand the
process and procedures and motivate them to perform their tasks. As in above stated tables
results shows that most of the employees were agree and strongly agree.
Job arrangement encouraged employees to perform better as percentages showed in above table
mostly employees are agree and strongly agree. Effective job arrangements encourage employees
to perform various tasks at the same and we can say that it does can be multi-tasking. It also
gives the ability to employees for the management of their work and personal life balance. It is
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indicated that organization maintained a proper performance appraisal system to records the
Job meaningfulness also has the influence on employee’s performance. Most of the respondents
were agree and strongly agree as percentage shown in above stated table. As I studied many
research article related to my research project tease projects shows that job meaningfulness has
little impact on employee performance as the findings were natural by as I gets my questioner
filled I observed that most employees shows meaningfulness has good impact on employee
Job Performance, Getting the reward from the company is very much happy moment for every
employee and the finding of research is most of the people were agree and strongly agree with
that as it have a very huge influence on employee’s performance. Everybody meets their
deadline to get the good rewards from the organization. Every employee get training from the
organization and implement accordingly. Employees were used the available sources of the
company the try to achieve maximum results to get the good reward. It all happen with the help
of management support.
7. Conclusion
As per my point of view the conclusion of this study is the job enrichment and job enlargement is
another name of task structuring, job arrangement and job meaningfulness that contributed
towards employee performance. These three feature allow workers to familiar their everyday
jobs, recognize the processes & procedures, motivate them and to achieve the work and life
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balance, this also boosts the efficiency of employees, enthusiasm and assurance towards work
and accomplish their goals. With respect to job meaningfulness; multiple skills / multi-tasking,
job autonomy and performance appraisal did not fully justify an improvement in employees’
performance but job meaningfulness also have little impact on the performance of employees. As
all results of this study is already mentioned in above tables with proper results in percentage
8. Recommendations
As per my observation the top management of Carrefour Pakistan Private Limited should plane
more training and development programs for their managers of team leaders on the matter of job
enlargement and how it could be aligned to increase the performance of those employees who
were not happy with job enlargement. It is necessary for the top management that they need to
give the techniques to their managers and team leaders to handle all those employees and also
boots their performance as well via proper monitoring, controlling, job allocation to employees,
As Carrefour Pakistan Private Limited have very good reward system for the recognition of their
employee and with the help of this organization encouraging their employees to work hard and
perform their duties in very well way. Organization need to maintain this reward system in future
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Dear Employee:
I am grateful to you for your participation in the survey by giving your response on the attached
This questionnaire aims at collecting data regarding Effects of Job enhancement & Job extension
The information collected through this questionnaire will be kept confidential and will only be
Survey Guidelines:
Please respond to the question by marking the appropriate box, circling the relevant option or
write your responses in the provided space. This is not a test and obviously there is no right or
wrong answer but opinions. Kindly try to answer the survey questions frankly and honestly.
Your true honest responses are highly valuable to reach the true findings of the research study.
For each of the following statements, please indicate as per below stated ratings:
Strongly Agree -5
Agree -4
Neutral -3
Strongly Disagree-1
34 | P a g e
Sr Strongly Strongly
Particulars Agree Neutral Disagree
. Agree Disagree
Task Structuring
Job Arrangement
35 | P a g e
Employees are offered opportunities
4 5 4 3 2 1
for career advancement.
Job Meaningfulness
input of employees.
Employee Performance
36 | P a g e
to improve performance.
Personal Background
(a) Male ( )
(b) Female ( )
(a) 18 to 25 Years ( )
(b) 26 to 35 Years ( )
(c) 36 to 45 Years ( )
(d) 46 to 55 Years ( )
(a) Executive ( )
(b) Management ( )
(c) Non-Management ( )
37 | P a g e
4. What is your level of organization?
(b) 1 to 3 Years ( )
(c) 4 to 6 Years ( )
(d) 7 to 10 Years ( )
Thank you for your time and effort to complete this questionnaire
38 | P a g e
Thanks & Regards,
Asad Ali
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