Janman English Aug 2022
Janman English Aug 2022
Janman English Aug 2022
JANMAN | AUG-2022 | 1
Chhattisgarh first
State exports Low unemploy- New investment
grow manifold ment rate destination
Dhanesh Diwakar
2 | AUG-2022 | JANMAN
The revolutionary era in education begins in Chhattisgarh with the truly world-class education not just for Kavita but for every child. Free
education is being provided to the children of economically weaker families so that no one is deprived for the opportunity to realize their dreams.
JANMAN | AUG-2022 | 3
In this issue we have covered the story of two women self help
groups one from Korba and other from Bakawand in Bastar region
who will receive international ‘Grit’ award in Singapore. These
women are the living example of the fact that when provided with
correct opportunity women can do wonders.
Bhupesh Baghel
Chief Minister, Chhattisgarh
4 | AUG-2022 | JANMAN
Cover Story
In the past 3 years, Chhattisgarh’s export
has increased to Rs.25241.13 crore in the
FY 2021-22 from Rs.9067.92 crore in FY
The boy that brought everyone together
Every single citizen’s life is precious to us, we will incur
all expenses of Rahul’s education:CM
Revamping school education in Chhattisgarh
These schools have been founded with idea that our
children can receive education provided by the...
As per the state government,
Chhattisgarh’s export has increased by
In the past t a time when the national about 2.45 times in the last three years.
three years, economy is going through This growth is due to the measures taken
rough phase, Chhattisgarh by the state government for export
is setting new milestones of promotion under the new industrial policy
export has financial stability. Deep- year 2019-24.
increased to rooted in support from the rural economy
Rs.25241.13 that, in turn, has been supported by the Data says that exports rose to Rs
state government’s special schemes and 25,241.13 crore in the financial year 2021-
crore in the FY policies, Chhattisgarh has managed to 22 as compared to Rs 9067.92 crore in
2021-22 from solidify its financial fort. fiscal 2019-20. The iron and steel exports
Rs.9067.92 also have witnessed an increase of
Chhattisgarh is the state in India with the about 7.5 times while rice exports have
crore in FY lowest unemployment rate, and its export increased by 4.68 times. The exports of
2019-20 has also increased drastically. aluminum have also jumped two-fold in
the year 2021-22 as compared to the year
JANMAN | AUG-2022 | 7
Chhattisgarh first :
State exports swells
about 2.45 times
It is worth mentioning that several
industry-friendly provisions have been
made in the new industrial policy 2019- Chhattisgarh State exports
24 of Chhattisgarh. In addition to ease
of doing business and a single window 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
system, several relaxations have been
given to industries. Provision has been Rice 2228.10 1827.01 5487.16 8559.12
made to give special concession in taxes
to the products exported from the state Iron 1508.36 981.12 3423.06 7386.13
and subsidy on the transportation cost of
the products to be exported from the unit Iron & Steel Pro. 272.55 363.96 547.53 347.78
level to the nearest port.
Aluminum 3282.39 3072.03 3159.76 6026.48
Due to the provisions of export promo-
tion in the industrial policy of the state, a Total 8709.35 9067.92 17199.97 25241.13
significant increase has been registered
8 | AUG-2022 | JANMAN
in the exports of the state between the exports have increased by about 4.68
year 2019-20 and year 2021-22. The export of rice, iron and steel times. In 2019-20, rice worth Rs 1827.01
and aluminum and aluminum crore was exported from Chhattisgarh.
According to the information received products has increased progres- Similarly, rice worth Rs 5487.16 crore was
from the state Industries department, the sively in the last three years. exported in 2020-21 and Rs 8559.12 crore
total exports from Chhattisgarh stood in 2021-22.
at Rs 9067.92 crore in the financial year
2019-20. Of this, rice export share is Rs products). The export of iron and steel products has
1827.01 crore, iron and steel Rs 981.12 increased almost 7.5 times in three years.
crore, and aluminium and aluminium The state government has rolled out a In 2019-20, the iron and steel exports
products Rs 3072.03 crore. special transport grant to export-oriented stood at Rs 981.12 crore. It increased
industries. The state provides assistance almost three-fold in the year 2020-21
Similarly, in the financial year 2020-21, equal to the actual freight charges from with the export of iron and steel worth Rs
the exports stood at Rs 17,199.97 crore the place of manufacture of the product 3423.06 crore. Similarly, in the year 2021-
including Rs 5487.16 crore of rice, Rs to the place of export. According to the 22, there was an increase of more than
3423.06 crore of iron and steel, and Rs Industrial Policy, the maximum limit of two times as compared to the year 2020-
3159.76 crore of aluminum and aluminum assistance will be Rs 30 lakh per annum, 21. In 2021-22, iron and steel products
products. which will be available till the period of worth Rs.7386.13 crore were exported.
the Industrial Policy 2019-24. Various
There has been a significant increase in other measures are also being taken by Similarly, the export of aluminum and
exports from the state in the financial the state government for export promo- aluminum products has increased almost
year 2021-22 as well. Exports stood at tion. two-fold in three years. The aluminium
Rs 25241.13 crore in the financial year and aluminium products exports stood at
2021-22 including Rs 8559.12 crore (rice), The export of rice, iron, steel, aluminum, Rs 3072.03 crore in 2019-20, Rs 3159.76
Rs 7386.13 crore (iron and steel), and Rs and aluminum products has increased crore in 2020-21, and Rs 6026.48 crore in
6026.48 crore (aluminum and aluminum progressively in the last three years. Rice the year 2021-22.
he policies and initiatives of Chhattisgarh do not keep vaults in
CG Government the State government led by their homes. Once they earn money,
Chief Minister Bhupesh Bahgel they promptly start completing their
policies did in the past three years have led to a pending needs like repairing the
very rapidly growing market in Chhat- house, new clothes for the family,
wonders tisgarh. Be the real estate market, buying a new mobile or ornaments
bullion market, or cloth market, they for their wives, getting a new bike,
all are doing well. etc.
15000 17199.97
8709.35 9067.92
Year : 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Chhattisgarh first:
Untouched by rampant
Janman Report @ Raipur
6.9% Month
January 22,
Feb 22,
Estd. Labour
Unemployment March 22, 0.33 6890976.00
April 22, 0.73 6852302.00
Rate in India May 22, 0.61 6627511.00
unemployment rate in the country was where launched which have produced
registered in Haryana at 26.0 percent. very promising results on the ground.
Besides Haryana, high unemployment Keeping in mind the abundant paddy
rate was registered in Jammu and Kash- production in Chhattisgarh and its sur-
mir - 20.9 percent, Rajasthan 19.1 per- plus produce, the industrial policy has
cent, Bihar 18.8 percent, Jharkhand-14 provisioned special incentives for the
percent, Tripura - 13.0 percent, Goa- production of Biofuel/Ethanol produced
13.7 percent, Punjab 7.7. by using surplus paddy.
The Congress government has been in Best Performance ( Top 5 ) It also puts special efforts to promote
power in Chhattisgarh for about three Chhattisgarh 0.8 the manufacturing of herbal medicines
and a half years. The emphasis of the Madhya Pradesh 2.0 and forest produce-based manufactur-
Bhupesh Baghel government has al- Gujarat 2.2 ing industries. Besides, pharmaceuti-
ways been the introduction of schemes Uttar Pradesh 3.3 cal industries, industries based on
to balance the urban and rural economy Punjab 7.7 robotics, artificial intelligence, IT &
and create new employment opportuni- IT-enabled services, and biotechnol-
ties for everyone in society. ogy are also the priority of the State
Immediately after the formation of
the new government, the government For this, a new special category of in-
waived off farmer’s taxes which clearly dustries of “High Priority” has evolved.
outlined the commitment of the current Also, the current government has
government toward the financially evolved a better system for collection
weaker section. Poor Performance ( Top 5 ) of forest and agricultural produces,
Haryana 26.9 processing and value addition at the
Later, Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana, Rajasthan 19.1 local level, the establishment of rural
Godhan Nyay Yojana, Suraji Gaon Bihar 18.8 industrial parks, and several others to
Yojana, Narva-Garwa-Ghurva-Bari Jharkhand 14.0 provide better employment opportuni-
Programme, Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Delhi 8.9 ties.
Bhumiheen Krishi Mazdoor Nyay Yojana
12 | AUG-2022 | JANMAN
Janman Report @ Raipur The Department of Administrative
Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG)
Quickly making its way into the list of Government of India also appreciated
developed states, Chhattisgarh has this achievement. The state government
once again proved that the state means was lauded for ‘quality redressal’. Out
serious business. The Bhupesh Baghel of 62,738 applications received in the
government has been keen on using last five years till June 3 2022, 60,998
digital technology for addressing and applications were redressed.
solving the problems faced by people in
the state. For speedy redressal of public griev-
ances, frequent meetings were taken by
Chhattisgarh has resolved 97 percent of the Chief Secretary of Chhattisgarh and
grievances applications received in the necessary guidelines were issued to the
CPGRAMS (Centralised Public Grievance departmental officers. As per official
Redress and Monitoring System) portal, information, every day from 12 noon to 1
By the month of developed by the Government of India. pm, a hearing is conducted through video
June this year 97 conferencing to resolve the registered
percent of CPGRAMS is an online platform avail- cases. For this, eight district headquar-
able to the citizens 24x7 to lodge their ters are connected with the state min-
applications grievances to the public authorities on istry through video conferencing every
received on the any subject related to service delivery. day. In the hearing session, applicants
Centralised It is a single portal connected to all the from remote districts also present their
Ministries/Departments of Government grievances. Applications received are
Public Grievance transferred online to the respective state
of India and States.
Redress and governments. The cases of this portal
Monitoring System Every Ministry and state have role-based are reviewed from time to time by the
DARPG of the Government of India and
(CPGRAMS) have access to this system. CPGRAMS is also
accessible to the citizens through a stan- the Prime Minister’s Office. This informa-
been effectively dalone mobile application downloadable tion has been given by the Government
addressed through the Google Play store and a mo- of India during the ‘Review meeting of all
bile application integrated with UMANG. the States’.
JANMAN | AUG-2022 | 13
state emerging as
invest Rs 4,126
crore for setting
up industrial
made in the state under the MoU for system has been implemented to provide
the establishment of new industries. By various clearances to the industries.
hhattisgarh has rapidly May 2022, production has started in 11
emerged as an invest- industrial units established in the state. While many services have been made
ment priority destina- A capital investment of Rs 1385 crore has online, ‘practical provisions’ have
tion for major industrial been made in the establishment of these been made for the allotment of land to
houses in India. In the industries, which have employed around industries and freeholding of land. Under
past three and half years, 178 MoUs 1974 people. the Ease of Doing Business scheme, the
have been inked with different industries process of various types of approval,
under which capital investment of over So far, a capital investment of Rs 2741 license, and registration has been simpli-
Rs 90,077 crore is proposed. Also, an crore has been made by the entrepre- fied by using state-of-the-art information
investment of 4,126 crores has already neurs in the industrial units that are under technology-driven systems to simplify
happened in the state. construction in the state. It is worth the procedures of the concerned govern-
noting that under the leadership of Chief ment departments for the establishment
The “industrial- and investor-friendly” Minister Mr.Bhupesh Baghel, Chhat- of new industries. Arrangements have
policy of the Chhattisgarh Government tisgarh’s new industrial policy has come been made to complete all the processes
has created a conducive environment for into effect, which has created a favorable within the stipulated time frame. Before
the establishment of new industries and environment for the establishment of in- the formulation of the new industrial
businesses in the state. According to the dustries and businesses in the state. The policy, practical provisions have been
information received from the Commerce rules related to the establishment of new made in consultation with various indus-
and Industries Department, a capital industries have been simplified under the trial associations, and industrialists.
investment of Rs 4,126 crore has been Ease of Doing Business. A single window
14 | AUG-2022 | JANMAN
borewell near his house. As soon as
the news regarding this incident was
he story of the boy who reported, the district administration team
survived after being trapped rushed to the spot.
60 feet below the surface
for about 105 hours in a Dist Administrations’ response
defunct borewell in Janjgir
Champa district of Chhattisgarh is the Taking the lead in the rescue operation
story that unites us. In current times District Collector Jitendra Kumar Shukla
when fragmentation in our society and and his team arranged an oxygen supply
lives is brazenly open, the efforts pulled and delivered it to the child through
by everyone to save the audibly impaired a pipe. The activity of the child was
and mute boy Rahul Sahu were nothing monitored through a camera. As soon as
less than humongous. From the dark and the news broke Chief Minister Bhupesh
damp borewell pit emerged real heroes Baghel took note of the situation and
that defy the divisions and are living personally called family members of
proof that together we can do wonders. Rahul Sahu and assured them of the
The team of professionals consisting of boy’s rescue. Rahul was provided juice,
at least 500 people from NDRF, SDRF, bananas, and other food items while he
Army, district administration, and many was trapped in the depth of the borewell.
other agencies put in earth moving effort Oxygen was supplied inside the bore-
to save the 11-year-old, audibly impaired well, and special cameras were installed
and voiceless child Rahul Sahu. Most im- inside the borewell for monitoring him.
portantly Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel Emergency medical arrangements were
was closely monitoring the situation and made and ambulances were deployed at
was in constant touch with the district the spot. In addition to the state disaster
Collector, giving necessary instructions management team, National Disaster
from time to time. Management (NDRF) team came from
Cuttack, Odisha, and Bhilai to join in the
How did it happened? rescue operation. Army Colonel Chinmoy
Pareek was engaged in this mission with
It all started on June 10 in Pihrid village of his team. Every effort was made to get
Malkharoda block under Janjgir-Champa the child out safely.
district, when Rahul fell into an open
JANMAN | AUG-2022 | 15
The Incident
Rahul Sahu (11) falls into a dry bore-
well in Pihrid village of Janjgir Champa
district Chhattisgarh on June 10
40 hrs to
break through
18 ft wide rock
Rescue & Opreration Boy is Saved
The boy unable to District admin im- 18 feet
speak or hear is mediately swings
trapped 80 feet below into action and
the surface begins rescue work
Inside the bore most important was that Rahul shouldn’t Banana because it was easy to tie with
go beyond 60 ft. Another important ob- rope and put into the borewell. Rahul was
From the camera put inside the bore- servation was that Rahul cried for some not able to catch water bottles. A person
well, it was known that Rahul was not time and then suddenly got acclimatized cannot survive long without water, so
stuck in the center of the borewell but a to the surrounding. He started playing a pack of Frooti was supplied inside.
cave-like structure on side of the bore. with the mud, scratching the mud on the Amazingly Rahul picked up the Frooti and
He was sandwiched between two rocks. corners of the stone and looking upward relished it through the straw. He liked
As explained by the family, the bore as if he was searching for some natural Banana and Frooti.
had two parts one- 8 inches wide and light.
60 ft deep while, another 20ft deep Initial failures and snake in the
but 6 inches wide and Rahul was on the The food challenge
juncture of these two. One small mistake bore
could have pushed Rahul to another 20 ft
deep bore. From the very beginning, the Providing food to Rahul was another chal- On the second day, Mukesh from Gujarat
thing that rescuing agencies considered lenge. The administration started with reached the spot. He was an expert in
JANMAN | AUG-2022 | 17
getting weaker and lost the energy to lift digging a hole of 60 ft started with full
his hand. A snake and a few frogs were energy. Initially, the team got soft soil so
seen in the borewell. This scared all. digging was easier and fast. As soon as
Nobody had any idea whether the snake the team went deep, hefty rocks came
was poisonous or not, but after the on their path, and breaking them took
80 feet open successful evacuation, it can be said that quite a good amount of time.
& deep
borewell they acted as boy’s friends.
Rahul: a special child
Bringing agencies & equipment
Rahul is a special child who doesn’t
60 feet
On the first day, the district administra- even know how to wear pants or act on
tion called up the team of SDRF and listening. He understands only through
NDRF. NDRF teams are stationed at Bhilai signs. This was a setback for the rescue
Robot was used and Cuttack. They were going to take a team as Rahul cannot lift his hands to
to contineously few more hours to reach Pihrid. SDRF is hold ropes or actively respond to meas-
80 feet
monitor Rahul
stationed at Bilaspur and Raipur, so they ures used by the rescue team. Oxygen
were mobilized immediately. Within half cylinders were placed at the mouth
an hour, two JCBs were arranged along of the tunnel. One small accident also
Illustraion: Dhanesh Kumar Diwakar
with the loader. Malkharoda has a good occurred where the sudden breakage of
number of crushers. This went in favor an oxygen cylinder’s knob caused small
as most of the pieces of machinery were head injuries to Dhansay Kurre and Sushil
Rahul trapped
60 feet below quickly mobilized. The Machinery that Gabel engaged in the rescue operation.
surface was used in operation is a long list. It This forced the administration to take
includes all sorts of equipment Stone some extra measures to avoid pressure
breaker JCB Tractor Core cutter Driller changes in the tunnel. Slopes were dif-
Hydra Stone splitter(sent by IAS Mayank ficult to walk and carry equipment. SDO,
Chaturvedi from Raipur), Cable laying PWD Rakesh Dwivedi fractured his leg in
machine (sent by IAS Bheem Singh and this difficult terrain.
IAS Sambit Mishra from Raigarh), Casein
pipe of 8 mm and support from Korba The 105 sleepless hours
was provided by IAS RanuSahu, Bore
uccess- drilling machine, Stone breaker/ driller,
Pneumatic driller, DG set, Fire brigade, Since the rescue operation began, most
Hyva Loader, Generator, Cutting and people did not get a chance to properly
When machine failed Within 3-4 hours NDRF team reached out
to Rahul. Rahul was good and looked all
around with open eyes. The health team
The rock splitter machine failed at the was ready with Doctors and Ambulances.
crucial point and the driller was used as Police forces were on alert to contain the
an alternative to drilling the rock. The crowd of thousands. A green corridor was
machine worked but very slowly. On the created for Rahul and all medical authori-
second day, the team tried hard to get a ties in Bilaspur were on alert and ready.
rock splitter but it wasn’t available any- 5 specialists Doctors were deployed to
CM makes time from his schedule where. The distance between the bore take care of and examine Rahul.
to monitor the rescue work. and the tunnel was around 18 ft. It took
more than 40 hours to break and reach
After surviving the nightmare of 105 hours, Rahul is back to his family
JANMAN | AUG-2022 | 19
Living up to the
direct recruitment in the districts. As
per the announcement of Chief Minister
hhattisgarh government Bhupesh Baghel, 9623 educated youth
has begun the process of Abujhmadia, Pahari Korva, Birhor,
of recruiting youths from Baiga, Kamar, Pando, and Bhujia living in
Particularly Vulnerable Chhattisgarh will be benefitted from this
Tribal Groups (PVTGs) into decision.
the state service. Chief Minister Bhu-
pesh Baghel during his ongoing ‘Bhent During a meeting of the Chhattisgarh
Mulakat’ program in Jashpur district an- Tribal Advisory Council held on 27 August
nounced to provide jobs to the educated 2019 under the chairmanship of Chief
youths from PVTGs. Minister Bhupesh Baghel, it was decided
that a survey of all the educated eligible
PVTGs are tribal groups that have some youth of ‘Special Backward Tribes’ should
specific features such as dependency be conducted, and action should be
on hunting, gathering for food, having a taken to appoint the educated youth of
pre-agriculture level of technology, zero these tribes as per their eligibility.
or negative growth of population, and
an extremely low level of literacy. These In compliance with this decision, an order
groups are called Particularly Vulnerable was issued by the General Administra-
Tribal Groups. tion Department to recruit eligible youth
of special backward tribes against the
Chhattisgarh General Administration to which the educated youth of special vacant posts of direct recruitment in the
Department (GAD) has already issued backward tribes will be recruited as per district, as per their eligibility.
an order in this connection according their eligibility for the vacant posts of
20 | AUG-2022 | JANMAN
the state capital Raipur.
English Medium
School is the
brain child of
Chief Minister
Bhupesh Baghel
and is known for
its high-quality
and quality
JANMAN | AUG-2022 | 21
used to give Rs 1,200 per month bus as from Gotatola village. officers have been instructed to ensure
the diesel prices soared up we now have quality education and excellent infra-
to pay Rs 1,500 per month,” Rakesh 76 new Atmanand schools from structures in the new upcoming schools.
Sinha said.
the current session Excellent infrastructure for the students
Before the COVID period 2020, there and high-quality education are the two
were two private English medium schools Considering the overwhelming response main USPs of Swami Atmanand English
in Gotatola but the financial difficulties to Atmanand school, the state govern- Medium School, that have soared the
during the pandemic forced them to shut ment has decided to open 76 new At- school’s craze, he said.
down. It was then the Atmanand school manand Model English Medium Schools
was established in Mohla town. across the state. During Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel’s
mega public relations drive ‘Bhent
“The school is very good, the Principal, Currently, there are 171 Atmanand English Mulakat’ at multiple locations he received
teachers, and school staff are very Medium Schools in the state, and once numerous request to open Swami
friendly and responsible. They keep us the 76 new schools start functioning, Atmanand School. These schools have
updated about the studies of our chil- the total number of Atmanand schools all modern facilities like mordern class
dren,” he added. will reach 247. Also 32 Swami Atmanand rooms, well maintained play grounds of
Model Hindi medium schools are already different sports, well-equipped labora-
According to other parents in the village functioning in the state. Chhattisgarh tory and other aminities. These schools
earlier for good education they had no School Education Minister Dr. Premsai have become very popular in Chhattis-
other option but to send their children to Singh Tekam informed as per the instruc- garh as parents even in rural regions are
Rajnandgaon which is about 50 km away tion of Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel the eager to sent their children here.
22 | AUG-2022 | JANMAN
oming from a farmers’ fam- Swami Atmanand English Medium School the opening of more schools. With new
ily, Chhattisgarh Chief Min- clicked. This school has been founded schools opening across the state, it is
ister Bhupesh Baghel has a while keeping in mind the idea that estimated that 30,000 more school
very good understanding of our children could receive an education children will have access to quality edu-
the real condition of educa- provided by the best private schools. cation. At present, more than 1.25 lakh
tion at the grass root level. So, when he The school was named after Swami students are receiving quality education
took the oath of Chief Minister about Atmanand who did wonders in Abujhmad in English medium free of cost in the 171
three and half years back, improving the for educating tribal children,” the Chief operational Swami Atmanand Schools.
school education landscape in the state Minister said. Initially, three schools
was one of his main plans. Today the were opened in Raipur, and seeing the Priority to girls
state government-run Swami Atmanad overwhelming response, 52 more schools
Excellent English Medium School in were launched in different districts of
Chhattisgarh is pushing private schools the state. Now we have 171 Swami To promote equal learning opportunities
to second place in terms of infrastructure Atmanand English Medium Schools and free from gender-based discrimination,
and quality education. the state government has announced 76 50 per cent of the seats are reserved
new Swami Atmanand Excellent English for girls. In case seats remain vacant,
Atmanand Genesis Medium Schools across the state. With they will be allotted to boys. Children
this addition total number of Swami from economically weaker sections will
Atmanand Excellent English Medium be given priority for admission - parents
Talking with people during the ongoing Schools in Chhattisgarh has reached 247. have to produce income certificates.
‘Bhent-Mulakat’ campaign, the Chief Also, 25 per cent of the seats are re-
Minister told the interesting story behind More students to benefit served for students from the BPL (Below
the scheme. “During the COVID phase, I Poverty Line) category. If applications
took a meeting of senior state adminis- outnumber availability, students will be
trative officers. I said that in the past 20 The number of seats in each class has selected through a lottery. Seats are also
years you were not able to make a single been increased from 40 to 50 to meet reserved for beneficiaries of ‘Mahtari
school (government school) where your the demand. The high demand has em- Dular Yojana’.
children could study. Then the idea of boldened the Chief Minister to announce
This school has been founded with idea that our children
could receive an education provided by the best private
schools. The school was named after Swami Atmanand who
did wonders in Abujhmad by educating tribal children...
JANMAN | AUG-2022 | 23
To promote equal
learning oppor-
tunities free from
discrimination, 50
per cent of the
seats are
reserved for girls.
And they
24 | AUG-2022 | JANMAN
did it!
nala in Korba district were selected for
the prestigious Grit Award that was given
wo women self-help groups out during the ESG World Summit held in
from Chhattisgarh have July this year.
made it to the international
stage. They have received For this significant achievement, Chief
the prestigious Minister Bhupesh Baghel and
international ‘Grit Award’ Forest Minister Moham-
given for Sustainable mad Akbar have
They have Development, Pov- congratulated all the
received erty Alleviation, and Van Dhan Kendra
Women Empower- groups, including the
ment in Singapore. State Minor Forest
international ‘Grit Produce Association.
Award’ given for The SHGs are sup- It is worth mentioning
Sustainable ported by Chhattisgarh that Chhattisgarh has
State Minor Forest Pro- received these awards in
Development, duce (Trading & Develop- the categories of sustain-
Poverty Alleviation ment) Co-operative Federation able development, poverty
and Women Limited. One of them is located in Naxal- alleviation, and women empowerment.
sensitive Bastar while the other is in the
Empowerment in rural part of the Korba district. Singapore’s CorpStage and the ESG
Singapore. Research Foundation aim to expand the
The Van Dhan Vikas Kendra Bakawand in goals and impacts of the ESG criteria
Jagdalpur district and another in Donga- (Environmental, Social, and Corporate
JANMAN | AUG-2022 | 25
Governance factor) of development and than 200 institutions all over the world,
to establish the Sustainable Develop- representatives of large institutions,
ment Goals set by the United Nations to investors from entrepreneurial banks,
give awards to global entities after a very social workers, social organizations,
rigorous examination of any institution. environmentalists, and government
This year also nominations for these
awards were received from entrepreneurs Padmini Baghel, President of Bakavand
across the world under the category of Women Self Help Group informed that
‘Sustainable Development Goals’ and every day they process about 10 quintals
winners were selected based on rigorous of cashew and make more than Rs 200
testing and analysis of proposals on a per day which translates to an additional
three-phase testing parameter over three income of Rs 5,000 to Rs 5,500 per
months. month.
The ESG Grit Awards ceremony was held “During the COVID period the VDVK
in Singapore on 22nd and 23rd July. Two Bakawand came as huge support as all
women members of each of the winning the means of income had stopped but
self-help groups travelled to Singapore the VDVK kept functioning. Padmini’s
to receive the prize. Ms. Saroj Patel and husband is a farmer. From the income
Phool Bai Neti from Donganala and Ms. she gets from Bakawand VDVK she is
CGMFPF records
1300% growth since
Chhattisgarh State Minor Forest
Producer Co-operative Federation
Ltd is a Chhattisgarh government and
Tribal Co-operative Venture dedicated
to Tribal Development and Forest
Resource Conservation Through
Sustainable Harvesting of Minor For-
est Produce. The federation has 1.35
million co-operative members and
is involved in various kinds of works
like procurement and warehousing of
the forest produce, trading, process-
ing, and product marketing for the
tribal people. Chhattisgarh has 7.4
percent forest cover but the federa-
Padmini Baghel and Bela Bai Kashyap supporting her child studying in English tion accounts for 72 per cent of minor
from Bakavand travelled to Singapore medium school in Jagadalpur, which was forest produce procured across India.
to receive the award. This was the first earlier a dream for her family. She is In 2021 the federation generated Rs
time in their life that they ventured out of happy to be a part of this group. Similarly 50.20 crore from the trading of minor
India. The delegation was led by, Manag- other members of the group were also forest produce. It also got Rs 755
ing Director, CGMFPF Jitendra Shukla. The able to support thier financial needs from crore through Tendu leaf trading. As
award function hosted representatives the income gererated from Van Dhan per official data, there has been 1300
from 150 countries, executives from more Vikas Kendra. percent growth in minor forest produce
revenue growth from 2018 to 2021.
26 | AUG-2022 | JANMAN
odhan Nyay Yojana is a
unique scheme in India
that has changed the
ordinary cow dung from
mere animal excreta to a
lucrative source of income. The impact
Women SHG of the scheme which is the brainchild
earned 12 lakhs of Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel is
already thriving on the ground level.
by selling cow
dung and So far, the state government has
vermicompost. purchased cow dung worth Rs 145 crore
from farmers across the state. The
Man buys dung purchased from farmers is used in
smartphone for manufacturing vermicompost and super
his wife with the compost at Gothans built under the
Narva Garva Ghurva aur Badi scheme-
money earned
another flagship scheme of the Chhat-
by selling cow tisgarh government.
A hallmark of how people are fulfilling
their needs by selling cow dung was
seen in Patna village of Baikunthpur
block in Korea district of northern
JANMAN | AUG-2022 | 27
Chhattisgarh recently. Chief Minister has boosted the confidence of women Godhan Nyay Yojana across the state
Bhupesh Baghel was in Patna village who are walking side by side with men during his ongoing Bhent Mulaqat cam-
during his BhentMulaqat campaign. Dur- in terms of contributing to their family paign. “With this scheme, the income of
ing the discussion with the local people expenses. Expressing happiness over rural people has increased, and employ-
here, the beneficiaries of Godhan Nyay this, ment opportunities have also increased.
Yojana told the Chief Minister how this Our mothers and sisters have become
scheme is bringing a positive change in Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel con- financially empowered,” he said.
their lives. gratulated the women and wished them
luck. Similarly, Rajwade, a resident of As to the state government, Chhat-
Neelam Kushwaha, a member of the village told that he had sold 97 tisgarh is facing an acute shortage of
the women’s self-help group named quintals of cow dung and received Rs chemical fertilizers and only 44 percent
Chhindiya, told the Chief Minister that 19,000. From this money he had pur- of the state’s chemical fertilizer demand
the women of the group have been chased a Smartphone for his wife. has been met in this financial year.
regularly preparing vermicompost
from cow dung, from which they have Expressing happiness over this, the “Given the shortage of chemical fertiliz-
earned Rs 10.50 lakh. The group has Chief Minister said that it is a matter of ers, there is a need to promote ver-
also earned Rs 1.80 lakh additionally great happiness that the rural populace micompost. Chemical fertilizers should
by selling earthworms. In this way, the is fulfilling their desires and getting be made available to the farmers as
women of this group have earned over financially empowered by schemes run per their demand. If chemical fertilizers
Rs 12 lakh. by the state government. are not available, then vermicompost
should be made available to the farm-
They have utilized this money for their According to the Chief Minister he has ers,” the Chief Minister said.
house construction. She further said it received showers of appreciation for
28 | AUG-2022 | JANMAN
a school student Rinki Yadav got her
hands on the mic. She told the Chief
Chhattisgarh magine high school girls Minister that she travels to Sakola village
complaining to a Chief Minister for studying with her friends. The bus
Chief Minister is about unfair bus fares charged conductor charges extra fare from them
on an extensive to them and within hours they and on several occasions, the conduc-
tour of state for get their money back. It may tor, reasoning lack of change refuses to
seem like a bit far-fetched Bollywood return the remaining money. Moreover,
understanding flick but is actually true. if the students ask for their money back,
and assessing the drivers and conductors misbehave
the impact of The Chhattisgarh Chief Minister is on an with them.
extensive tour of the state to understand
and assess the impact of programs/ poli- The Chief Minister took note of the
implemented by cies implemented by his government at complaint and instructed the district ad-
his government the grass root level. ministration to act as per the provisions
at the grassroot of the Motor Vehicle Act. Within three
This incident happened during a program hours the administration completed the
level. at Kotmi village in Marwahi legislative action and got the girl’s money back. The
assembly, about 260 km from the state happy girl then expressed hearty thanks
capital Raipur. The Chief Minister was to Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel.
interacting with residents of Kotmi when
JANMAN | AUG-2022 | 29
CM Bhupesh Baghel could not stop himself from ploughing the field during his Korea district visit
30 | AUG-2022 | JANMAN
n independent and rapidly The women were filled with delight at
CM Bhupesh Baghel with ‘dhenki’ the progressing rural indus- the decision of the remittance of the loan
traditional rice making machine trial unit was the dream of - The Forest Department had provided
Mahatma Gandhi. Chhat- a cyclic loan of Rs. 50 Lakh to the Indira
tisgarh government under Van Mitan Group Kulgaon for building the
the leadership of Chief Minister Bhupesh Gandhi Gram rural industrial park. When
Baghel is striving hard to achieve the the Chief Minister visited the park and
dreams of Mahatma Gandhi. saw the amazing creativity being em-
ployed at work, he decided to remit the
For Mahatma Gandhi, the real develop- cyclic loan of Rs. 50 Lakh. The women
ment began in rural India and villages. were delighted to hear the announce-
After forming the government in 2018, ment made by the Chief Minister and
Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has kept thanked him profusely.
villages and rural people at the center
while creating welfare schemes. The Layer farming caught CM’s at-
flagship schemes of the government
like Narva Garva Ghurva aur Bari, Rajeev tention
Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana, Godhan Nyay
Yojana, Hat Bazar Clinic, and others are Chief Minister inspected the work of
all focused on the rural people. layer farming and egg production through
a cage system at Adarsh Gauthan in
Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel recently the park. Women of Sheetla Self Help
visited Kanker to inaugurate the first Group told the Chief Minister that 150 to
rural industrial park - Gandhi Gram 180 eggs are produced here every day
Kulgaon. He then said we can feel Gandhi through layer farming which is sold at
Ji’s dream being realized. He further said Anganwadi. So far, they have earned a
that instructions were given to develop profit of Rs 50,000. The Chief Minister
Gauthans as employment centers so that also flagged off a vehicle containing 10
the larger population can be connected quintals of floating fish feed manufac-
to the various employment-oriented tured by the Women Self Help Group.
activities. The Gandhi Gram Kulgaon is He also took a stock of the Dona-
a beautiful example of how beneficial it Pattal manufacturing unit. About 10,000
can be in offering employment opportuni- dona-pattals are being manufactured
ties to people on a large scale. here every day by Jai Budhadev Group.
Saraswati Self Help Group is processing
He procured rice from Dhenki. The Chief Pulses and Jai Seva Group is processing
Minister said that it is our beautiful tradi- Turmeric, Chilli, etc. Similarly, the Chief
tion that also retains the quality of the Minister also interacted with the women
paddy. He also inspected the employ- getting training in Handloom Textile Train-
ment-generating activities of the various ing Center. Along with this, goat rearing
self-help groups. activities are also being done here.
JANMAN | AUG-2022 | 31
1st state to integrate Aadhar with
hhattisgarh has been
rapidly improving the
license & registration services
transport services and how
Any person living in Chhattisgarh volun-
people experience them.
tarily authenticating ‘Aadhaar’ can access
The state government is
19 services related to driving licenses and
pioneering several new services for the
vehicle registrations. With the launch of
first time in India for its citizens.
this service, Chhattisgarh has become
the first state in the country where the
First state to provide online 1-A Transport Department has integrated
Provide online
1-A certificate 1 certificate driving license and registration-related
services with Aadhaar.
Chhattisgarh is the first
state to provide an According to Transport Commissioner
fitness 2 online 1-A certifi-
cate required
Mr. Dipanshu Kabra, these facilities have
been started to make transport services
more accessible and hassle-free and to
for a learning
license. So improve the process of availing govern-
license and
registration 3 far 1.5 lakh
people in
ment services for Chhattisgarh’s citizens.
after Odisha which has recognized the
CFRR of the native forest dwellers. The
hey took the sacred vow 120 members of the aboriginal folks
of respecting lives and living in 29 families at Gudiapadar village
laid down bows and ar- which is surrounded by tall Saal trees,
rows before the sacred after knowing that the state government
forest goddess. For the has recognized their CFRR decided to end
tribal people living in Gudiapadar village the long custom of sacrificing animals to
located in the dense forest of Kanger their goddess - ‘Gudi Devi’.
Valley National Park in the Bastar region
of southern Chhattisgarh, hunting is one Shankar Barse, a member of the Gond
It may seem a
bit phantasmal
but we tribal
people have
strong believe
that we can talk
to our goddess
and do our work
only after taking
permission from
CM Bhupesh Baghel giving CFRR certificate to residents of Gudiapadar.
of the main occupations. However, they tribe, said- We asked our mother god-
arrived at this life-changing decision dess to permit stopping the animal
after the Chhattisgarh government led by sacrifice. We wanted to end this tradition
Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel recog- practiced by our forefathers, and Gudia-
nized their Community Forest Resource padar Devi Maa gave us her blessings.
Right – CFRR. We then offered our bows and arrows to
the goddess, he said.
Kanger Valley National Park is also the
home to Chhattisgarh’s state bird the “It may seem a bit phantasmal but we
endangered - Pahadi Maina. This decision tribal people have a strong belief that we
of 29 families living in Gudiapadar village can talk to our goddess and do our work
located about 350 km south of state only after taking permission from her,”
capital Raipur will help in maintaining the Shankar Barse explained.
food chain and improving bio-diversity.
Community forest resource is the
Chhattisgarh is the second state in India common forest land that has been
JANMAN | AUG-2022 | 33
Pahadi Maina is It can do precise mim- They will ensure, The Gond tribal
traditionally protected and conserved village are dependent on monsoon-based the eco-tourism that the state govern-
for sustainable use by a particular com- farming, (paddy, kodo kutki, pulses, ment has planned. The government is
munity. The community uses it to access and banana crops) and on minor forest also considering the idea to permit these
resources available within the traditional produce. people to do farming in a limited area.
and customary boundary of the village,
and for seasonal use of landscape in the Tribal people living in protected forest Kanger Valley National Park is famous
case of pastoralist communities. regions have traditionally practiced hunt- as the nesting place of the endangered
ing. Currently, there are several species - Pahadi Maina. Pahadi Maina is known
The Community Forest Resource Right of endangered animals living in those for doing an uncanny imitation of the
(CFRR) has been recognized under forests. This decision of Shankar Barse human voice, due to which it has been
Section 3(1)(i) of the Scheduled Tribes and his community living in Kanger Valley widely hunted and caged for a long time,
and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers National Park is going to help in saving thereby bringing it to the brink of extinc-
(Recognition of Forest Rights) Act (com- wildlife and forest. tion.
monly referred to as the Forest Rights
Act or the FRA). It provides for recogni- With CFRR recognizing the rights of the As per state government officials, the
tion of the right to “protect, regenerate Gond people of Gudiapadar on the land Gond families of Gudiapadar will be
or conserve or manage” the community they are living, it will help in ending the trained as ‘Maina Warrior’ who will work
forest resource. encroachment. The pledge to stop hunt- towards improving the habitat for Pahadi
ing will help the wildlife to thrive, and this Maina. These steps will certainly help in
These rights allow the community to for- is also a golden oppor tunity to promote improving the numbers of Pahadi Maina.
mulate rules for use of forest resources
and others and thereby discharge its
responsibilities under Section 5 of the
FRA. CFRR rights, along with Commu-
nity Rights (CRs) which include nistar
rights and rights over non-timber forest
products, ensure sustainable livelihoods
of the community.
Bhupesh Baghel has been spearheading
meaningful changes, that are transform-
enerations of tribal farmers ing the conditions on the ground.
in Abujhmad have been
bearing the pain of owning Landowners without records
the land sans any official
record. They would prac- Masiaram Kode, a farmer from Kohkam-
tice farming but had no access to secur- eta hamlet in dense forested Abujhmad,
ing farmer’s loans or selling paddy at the informed that he and several other farm-
support price. They had no option but to ers in Abujhmad were facing the same
sell their harvest in the open market for problem. Since Abujhmad was never
throwaway prices. surveyed, there was no mention of their
lands in the revenue records. So, they
However, the Chhattisgarh government were unable to draw benefits from any
under the leadership of Chief Minister government schemes. But now 61 vil-
lages of the Abujhmad region have been the Masahati Pattas, which will
surveyed and 5,000 villagers have been help them to avail the benefits of
provided with Masahati Patta- a kind of government schemes. KYC docu-
land record. As per Suman Usendi of Abu- ment was also distributed to the farm-
jhmad, earlier they were at the mercy of ers so that they could now take a loan
the weather for irrigation of their crops, from banks. Masahati Patta distributed
but after the allotment of Masahati to the farmers of Abujhmad has entitled dis- tributed
Pattas, solar pumps have been installed them to avail of various benefits of Masahti Khasra.
on their farms. Usendi said earlier that government schemes. Now besides get- All the remaining farmers are being
they used to sell their paddy in open ting seeds for various crops, farmers will surveyed and linked to Masahati Khasra
markets for Rs 10-15 per kg. Now they also be provided expert guidance by the as well.
would be able to register themselves at agriculture department.
co-operative society and sell their paddy IIT Roorkee is preparing land maps to
at minimum support price. Masahati survey covers 61 vil- survey the notified villages, the district
administration team first sends the
lages GPS location of the village to a team
Over 5,000 villages are benefit-
of experts in IIT Roorkee. The IIT team
ted. The 246 villages notified for the Masa- prepares and sends back an exact map
hati survey include 237 villages in the of the area. Then the revenue depart-
On the instructions of Chief Minister Orchha block and 9 villages in the Naray- ment determines and demarcates the
Bhupesh Baghel, the state government anpur block. So far, 61 villages in the boundaries of the village and the farms
is conducting a survey of villages in the Narayanpur district have been surveyed, on the map. Then the area is extracted
Abujhmad region on a priority basis. In which includes 9 unexplored villages by locating the field through software.
the Orchha block of Narayanpur district, in the Narayanpur block and 52 vil- This is followed by the determination
a revenue survey of 5,061 villages was lages in the Orchha block. Till now, more of the lease after the claim-objection
completed. These farmers were provided than 5,000 people have received the process.
36 | AUG-2022 | JANMAN
Looking after
Chief Minister’s
Urban Slum
Health Scheme
is reaching
those left in
people with no
or minimum
access to the
health services.
the lurch
More than 24
lakh people
have been ben-
efited by this
JANMAN | AUG-2022 | 37
Slum Health scheme. This scheme is cover 43 municipal councils and 111 Nagar
the brainchild of Chief Minister Bhupesh Panchayats as well. According to Sourabh
Baghel. Currently, there are 120 mobile Ramgariya, a resident of Ramgarh in
akshi was expecting a baby medical units covering 28 municipal cor- Udaipur block of Surguja district about
and like any expecting porations in Chhattisgarh and they have 300 km away from state capital Raipur,
mother, she needed regular provided medical services to 24,00,000 these units (MMU) are providing excel-
medical check-ups and patients through 34,370 camps so far. lent preventive and curative healthcare in
doctor’s attention. However, going to the remote regions as well.
hospital and waiting to meet the doctor Mohammad Salim Khan, a resident of
was exhausting for her. Byron Bazaar locality in the state capital “The doctors here do not discriminate
Raipur also visited the MMU to ad- against people and though it is free they
“Some friends told me about a medi- dress certain health issues. His experi- are very well attending the patients
cal bus that visits our locality at regular ence was very good. He said the staff and not putting people in unnecessary
intervals. So I went to check it and found of MMU was very competent and the hassle,” Ramgarhia pointed out. The
that it was fully equipped with lab ap- medicines provided by MMU doctors health infrastructure and facilities in
paratus, medicines, doctors for consulta- suited him very well. Chief Minister Chhattisgarh are rapidly increasing under
tion, nurses, and other facilities,” Sakshi Bhupesh Baghel launched the scheme the leadership of Chief Minister Bhupesh
said. It saved my time and money as doc- on November 01, 2020, for allowing Baghel. The state government through
tors are readily available here for free. financially disadvantaged persons to its innovative schemes like the MMU,
The staff promptly attends patients, she access better healthcare facilities. The Haat Bazar Clinic, Hamar Lab, and others
added while thanking the Chief Minister MMUs were well received by people and has expanded the medical facility to
for this service. The bus she was refer- considering the overwhelming response financially disadvantaged populace living
ring to is the mobile medical unit (MMU) the state government has planned to in urban as well as the rural region.
that runs under the Chief Minister’s Urban expand the services. The MMUs will now
24 Lakh
Janman Report @ Raipur We have decided to place the image of
‘Chhattisgarh Mahatari’ in all government
his is the image of Chhat- programs which is remind us of the glori-
tisgarh Mahatari (Mother ous history and culture of Chhattisgarh.
Chhattisgarh). The state Chhattisgarh is an agriculture-based
government has decided state and is known as the Rice Bowl of
that to promote the cultural India. This is the reason Chhattisgarh
identity of Chhattisgarh, the image of Mahatari is seen holding rice ears and
Chhattisgarh Mahatari will be placed a sickle. The crown she is wearing also
prominently in all government pro- resembles the headbands used by dif-
grams. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel ferent tribal people in the state. Clad in
announced this from his Twitter handle a green sari she is also wearing tradi-
on June 18. He wrote- The wealth and tional ornaments used by rural women in
prosperity of Chhattisgarh are from its Chhattisgarh.
farmers. Their prosperity comes from
the blessings of ‘Chhattisgarh Mahatari’.
he members of an interna-
tional organization working
on environmental issues
– ‘Climate Group’ met Chief
Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel
and invited him to participate in the
Climate Week NYC program scheduled
in New York from September 19 to 22,
2022. The delegation requested Chief
Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel to share
various innovative initiatives taken by
the Chhattisgarh government to make
Chhattisgarh a green, clean, eco-friendly, Amsterdam, and Beijing. Chhattisgarh Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana, and Godhan
and climate-friendly state. The Climate government under the leadership of Chief Nyay Yojana are aimed at strengthen-
Week NYC is a major annual gathering Minister Bhupesh Baghel has been con- ing and boosting the rural economy in a
of global leaders and is held every year stantly moving towards a green and clean green way. Under NGGB, vermicompost
on the sidelines of the United Nations Chhattisgarh. One of the major focus is being prepared at the village level by
General Assembly in New York. Climate areas of the Chhattisgarh government rural people. By June 2022 state govern-
Group is an International nonprofit is improving the rural economy through ment under Godhan Nyay Yojana has
organization founded in 2003, with public participation. Schemes like Narva purchased cow dung worth Rs 144.11
offices in London, New York, New Delhi, Ghurava Garuva aur Badi (NGGB), Rajiv crore from villagers across the state.
JANMAN | AUG-2022 | 39
40 | AUG-2022 | JANMAN
Slum Swasthya Yojana
Free & quality medical care for urban slum dwellers