The Relationship Between Anxiety and Self-Esteem Among Senior High School Students
The Relationship Between Anxiety and Self-Esteem Among Senior High School Students
The Relationship Between Anxiety and Self-Esteem Among Senior High School Students
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4 authors, including:
Jhoselle Tus
Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc.
All content following this page was uploaded by Jhoselle Tus on 16 June 2022.
The Relationship Between Anxiety and Self-Esteem Among Senior High School Students
Elisha Mae Batiola*, Nicole Boleche, Savanah Waverly Falcis, Jhoselle Tus
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
Self-esteem can influence educational success, and educational success can also be influenced by
self-esteem. Hence, high self-esteem has been recognized as a key predictor of academic success in
students. Thus, this study investigates the relationship between self-esteem and anxiety of senior high
school students. Employing descriptive-correlational design with 194 senior high school students
enrolled in private schools during the school year 2021-2022. Based on the statistical analysis, there
is a correlation between self-esteem and anxiety (r.=.125).
Keywords: Anxiety, Self-esteem, Online Learning, Covid-19 Pandemic, Senior High School
1. Is there a significant relationship between the self- that abuse using Facebook are often to have lower self-
esteem and anxiety of the senior high school students? esteem than to students who knows to use it properly.
Thus, his findings provide empirical evidence of the
influence of abusive usage of Facebook on school
Literature Review related achievement of students. Furthermore, his
findings help to know more about the self-esteem
factors that influence students' Facebook abusive
usage and student's accomplishments.
When students are a part of a supportive and
In the study of Akoul (2021), he mentioned that people
comfortable environment where they feel accepted and
tend to have more self-esteem when they accomplish
valued, they recognize the value of school activities
the outcome that matches or exceed their aspirations.
(Suan, 2020). It is also a need for all individuals. For
the school, affiliation is about achievement. As a Based on the study of Sa et al., (2019), In the freshman
result, meeting that desire is quite important and can year of healthcare students, a large percentage of them
reach students. Students who do not meet the material have low self-est eem. Stress related with
criteria have reduced self-esteem as a result. psychopathology research and development may put
such students more vulnerable.
Sari et al. (2018) explained that one's self-esteem are
considered to shape with lifelong learning experiences According to Crocker and Wolfe (2001) as cited in
and dynamic processes that reflect one's unique Rosi et al., (2019), people’s self-esteem become more
perspective and traits. stable as they get older, and their vulnerability in
everyday life, reduced.
According to Jordan et al., (2017), self-esteem appears
to be important to our mental and physical health. Hawi and Samaha (2016), found that a single SMAQ
Studies have shown that it increases performance in model has outstanding psychometric features and
specific areas, such as education, and has a good effect strong internal consistency. In terms of relationships,
on our physical fitness and mental stability as well as abusive social media usage determined to be adversely
social acceptance. related with self-esteem and significantly correlated
with life satisfaction. Moreover, pathway investigation
According to Sadaat et al., (2012), as cited in the study revealed self- esteem mediates the effects of abusive
of Arshad et al., (2015), academic and household self- social media usage on life fulfillments.
esteem demonstrated a direct and positive link with
student school related accomplishments at a Rey et al., (2011) as cited in Bibi et al., (2016),
significant. conducted an empirical study investigating
adolescence emotional intelligence, self-esteem, and
As mentioned in the study of Abdullah (2000) as cited fulfillment in life. Base to their findings, life happiness
in Arshad et al., (2015), regression analyses indicated is favorably connected with perceived emotional
that qualitative independent variables did not features, particularly mood clarity and recovery, and
accurately predict an objective measure of student self-esteem is also significantly correlated with
academic achievement. Sufficient psychology adolescent life satisfaction. Furthermore, youngsters
indicates that students' low motivation and self-esteem who had a better vibe awareness and emotional
lead to a lack of desire in pursuing high academic restoration is probably to have favorable impact on
achievement and a lack of passion for contributing evaluation in self process, increase self-esteem also on
positively and effectively to the country's life happiness.
According to the study of Malle and Horowitz (1995)
According to the findings of Geel et al., (2018), as cited in Bibi et al., (2016), People who have high
individuals who experienced abuse by their peers has self-esteem have a better perspective of themselves
been shown to have long-term negative effects on self- and are much more productive and mentally healthy
esteem, but it's also possible that low self-esteem than people with poor self-esteem. People’s self-
might result to individuals becoming victims. awareness is dependent on one's perspective, but other
people's perceptions are also relevant.
Busalim (2019), investigated the influence of abusive
use of Facebook and self-esteem on student’s According to Filippello et al., (2019), person who have
accomplishments. According to the findings, students high self-esteem set higher expectations for themselves
and just only believe that they are good enough if they Nail et al. (2015) surveyed with teachers and parents
satisfy them, and results to develop self-esteem and found that excessive anxiety is associated with poor
academic involvement. grades and poor academic performance at school.
According to the findings of Ugwuanyi et al., (2020), According to the study of Haller et al., (2015), anxiety
emotional intelligence, self-esteem, and self-efficacy has been reported to have a significant negative impact
are strong predictors of student academic achievement on academic success, grades, well-being, as well as
in mathematics. As a result, emotional intelligence, other domains of the student.
self-esteem, and self-efficacy were found to be the
most important indicators of learners' arithmetic The study of Ardan et al., (2020), the COVID19
achievement. Furthermore, students were encouraged outbreak has an influence on students practicing
to teach their friends how to improve their emotional physical distance. Students are concerned about being
intelligence, self-esteem, and self-efficacy. exposed to COVID19, and so as a result, students are
less capable of completing daily tasks, with much
Anxiety more than half experiencing mild to severe anxiety.
Student’s mental health is severely impacted when
Nadeem, Ali, and Zaidi (2012) as cited in Ajmal and facing a public health crisis, and they demand attention
Ahmad (2019), investigated the impact of anxiety on and support from communities, families and higher
academic success at the University of Bahawalpur in education institutions to maintain physical distance.
Pakistan. A closer look at the results of this analytical
data reveals that anxiety affects a student's academic According to the study of Ozdin and Ozdin (2020),
performance. The results show that increased anxiety regression analysis found that women's gender, living
reduces academic performance in both boys and girls. in urban areas, and have previous mental illness were
risk factors for anxiety. Living in an urban area has
According to Pekrun et al., (2007) as cited in England been found to be a risk factor for depression.
et al., (2017), anxiety is an emotional and prospective Moreover, women's gender, associated chronic illness,
sensation that encountered by students when they are and history of mental illness were found to be a risk
afraid of failure (value) and are moderately convinced
factors for health anxiety.
of their capability to control outcomes.
Bendau et al., (2021), stated to their study that people
According to Zusho et al., (2003); Akgun and
with mental illness, especially those with generalized
Ciarrochi, (2010); England et al., (2017), several other
anxiety disorder, are much more likely to experience
studies have shown that the lower the student's grade,
pandemic-related mental distress, exaggerating
the higher the level of anxiety they’ve got.
potential threats. It may be evaluated and suggests that
As mentioned to the study of England et al., (2019), it needs to be addressed with prophylactic and
although kids with social anxiety difficulties are more therapeutic interventions.
likely to have classroom communication anxiety, not
Islam et al., (2020), mentioned that this study is the
all individuals who have contextual classroom
first to show that the effect of continuing pandemic in
communication anxiety also have persistent social
the majority of Bangladeshi college students were
anxiety. Test anxiety is a common concern that
suffering from depression and anxiety. Academic,
students have. It is the fear of receiving a poor grade.
professional concern, and also financial anxiety plays a
According to Awadalla et al., (2020), they focused on role in the rise in anxiety and depression among
the high prevalence of depression and anxiety among university students.
students, as well as the apparent negative impacts on
academic research. They can have a negative impact According to the findings of Jugo (2020), the findings
on students' academic participation. revealed that communicative activities, corrective
feedback, and interacting with English speakers cause
According to Gonzálvez et al., (2019), students who significant anxiety among Filipino learners, but
has excellent family functions were less anxious. writing exer ci ses, poor self -insight, and
Family function have a serious effect on trait anxiety incomprehensive can cause moderate anxiety. Foreign
and GAD, and discursively affected state anxiety. So language anxiety has a significant negative association
that, stronger family function can help college students with all kinds of anxiety, and simple regression
feel less anxious in the midst of this COVID19 analysis demonstrated that foreign language anxiety is
pandemic. a significant predictor of English competency.
Ajmal and Ahmad (2019) discussed the consequence anxiety and depression. The findings emphasized the
of distance learning, students experience high level of significant part of self-esteem to mindfulness, which is
anxiety because of the distance and they cannot advantageous effects on anxiety and depression.
discuss or share their concerns with their teachers in
day-to-day basis. Ela (2021), investigated on the link between speaking
anxiety and success among UNISMA English
Self-Esteem And Anxiety Department students in second semester. Furthermore,
the findings show that in a sample of 27 students from
Pantic (2014, as cited in Jan et al. 2017) explained the UNISMA English Department, there is no link
anxiety, depression, mental problems, and low self- between two variables: students' speaking anxiety and
esteem have all been caused by social networking their speaking achievement.
sites, especially Facebook. Thus, Seema and Kumar
(2018), social anxiety is negatively connected with Basco and Han (2016), aimed to identify if there was a
adolescent student self-esteem. In addition, adolescent relationship in students' self-esteem, motivation, and
men's self-esteem was neither higher nor worse than anxiety. The results show that students' levels of self-
those adolescent women. esteem, motivation, and anxiety differed significantly
depending on their gender and English competence.
According to the study of Murad (2020), a total of 334 Men showed stronger self-esteem and motivation, as
Jordanian university students were examined by well as lower anxiety levels, than women.
questionnaire for their self-esteem and social anxiety. Furthermore, there is a link between self-esteem and
The participants of this investigation had a low motivation, with higher levels of self-esteem
capacity of social anxiety and a high capacity of self- associated with greater motivation. On the other side,
esteem. Furthermore, there was a negative significant high levels of self-esteem are associated with low
correlation in the participants' self-esteem and their levels of anxiety.
level of social anxiety.
Nguyen et al., (2019), social demographic factors
Shamma (2015) conducted a study on self-esteem that linked to anxiety, depression, academic pressure, and
associated to social anxiety of students during the first suicidal ideas among secondary students in Vietnam
quarter of basic education in Homs, Syria. A sample of are being investigated to determine the prevalence of
426 students were tested for their social anxiety and low self-esteem. The study revealed that 19.4% of
self-esteem. The findings reveal, that the individuals' students found to have low self-esteem. Attending
self-esteem and social anxiety were found to have a additional classes has a contributing cause for low self-
strong negative correlation. Moreover, there was no esteem, but high academic burden, physical and
statistically significant difference in levels of social emotional abuse by parents or other family members
anxiety and self-esteem based on gender variables. were the major possible factors. The study also reveals
the statistically significant relationship in poor self-
According to Alati (2015), the correlation between esteem and increased anxiety, depression, and suicidal
self-esteem and social anxiety among English ideas among students.
freshmen were examined in a sample of 100 students.
As a result, high level of self-esteem and low level of
anxiety in participants were found. Furthermore, social Methodology
anxiety and self-esteem among the participants used to
have a negative correlation.
Research Design
Cheung 2006 as cited in Murad et al., (2020), wants to
figure out the factors that affects the level of social The researchers utilized correlational statistics to
anxiety among Chinese college students. Moreover, it measure and characterize the degree of relationship
aims to know how social anxiety affects self-esteem. between variables or sets of scores in this study
As a result, students who took night classes while (Creswell., 2012). They investigate for correlations
working full-time during the day were shown to have a between the characteristics of the respondents and
substantial level of social anxiety. Furthermore, the their expressed behaviors and opinions (Marczyk et
findings reveal social anxiety to have a statistically al., 2005).
significant influence in participant’s self-esteem.
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Corresponding: Elisha Mae Batiola
Email: [email protected]
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Elisha Mae Batiola:
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Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc.
Suan, MSLT, M. M. D., & Magallanes, C. I. (2020). Sense of
Belonging and Self-esteem of High School Students in a Catholic
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Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc.
Tus, J., Espiritu, N., Paras, N., Bartolome, R., Escoto, M.R., Deluna,
A., Agustin,J., Gado, S., Ayapana, M., & Mohamitano, A. (2021).
Jhoselle Tus:
Amidst the Online Learning: The Personality Traits and its
Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc.
Relationship to the Self-Esteem of Filipino Tertiary Students.
International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 11.
35-42. 10.6084/m9.figshare.17209430.v1.