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Test Series 15 Dec 2023

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Electric charges and Fields
º Electric Charge: It is a basic property of matter due to º Principle of Superposition: The net force on any charge
which it produces and experiences electric and magnetic due to number of other charges is the vector sum of all the
> It is a scalar quantity. forces exerted on the given charge by allother charges
> ItsS.l. unit is Coulomb (C). individually.
> Like charges repel each other and unlike charges Thus, net force on q, due to charges q,, 43, qa ... is given
attract each other. by
> There are two types of charges: positive and
negative. F=F2 +F3 tF14t...
> Charge on glass rodor cat's fur is called
positive/vitreous Electric Field: The region or space around acharge in which
> Charge on plastic rod or silk is called an another charge go experiences a force is called electric
charge. field.
> Charges have some properties which are, additive, > It is a vector quantity.
property, quantisation of charge and conservation of Its S.I. unit is N/C.
charge. Its dimensions are [MLT VAT or [MLTA-)
Additive Property: Total charge on a body is equal to the > Electric field does not exert any force on the charge
algebraic sum of all the charges placed on different parts which produces it.
of the body. Electric field exerts a force on any other charge placed
Consider a system which consists of three charges namely in it.
91, -9 and q, hence, net charge willbe: > The direction'of a force on positive charge is the
direction of electric field.
For n charges, the net charge will be:
........ + g,
Electric Field Intensity: Electric field intensity (E) at a
º Quantisation of Charge: It is the property by virtue point is defined as the force (F) experienced by a unit
of which all free charges exist in integer multiple of an positive test charge (g) placed at that point.
elementary charge i.e., electron.
Mathematically, q=tne where, n is an integer F
and e=1.6 x 10 19c
º Conservation of Charge: The net charge on an isolated º Electric Field due to a Point Charge q:
system remains constant. However, charge may be 1
transferred from one part of the system to another. E=
ºElectrostatic Induction: The redistribution of charges
takes place in the uncharged body due to the presence of a Electric Field Lines: Electric field lines are smooth curves
charged body near it.This iscalled electrostatic induction. such thata tangent drawn at any point on the curve gives
º Coulomb's Law: It states that the force between two the direction of electric field at that point.
points like stationary charges (9 and g) is directly Characteristics of Electric Field Lines:
proportional to the product of the charges and inversely > Electric field lines originate at positive charge and
proportional to the square of the distance between them. terminate at negative charge. They do not form closed
> Electric field ines do not exist inside conductors i.e.,
E=0 insidea conductor.
F=k2 > Electric field lines do not cross each other. If they do, it
means two diretions of electric field at a single point
1 which is absurd.
where, k= =9x 10° N-m²/c? Electric Field lines originate and terminate normally
4Te0 from the surface of aconductor.
and &=8.85419 x 10-12 c'/N-m2 'E' (electric field) is stronger where electric field lines
kis the dielectric constant and e, is called the permittivity are crowded and 'E' is weaker where they are farther
of free space. apart.
> Number of electric field lines drawn are proportional > Volume charge Density: It is the ratio of
to magnitudeof the charge. unit volume of a bulk material. charge per
º Electric Dipole: A pair of equal and opposite charges
separated by smalldistance constitutea dipole. AQ (in C/m²)
e.g., NaCl, H,O etc. molecules. AV
º Electric Dipole Moment(p): Electric dipole moment is > Electric Field due to charge
defined as the product of magnitude of either charge (q) Distribution:
and distance between the two charges (2 a). 1
() E, =
i.e., p=q(2a)
> Its S.I. unit is Coulomb-metre (C-m). 1
> it is a vector quantity. (i) E, =
> Direction of pis from - qto + 4.
4TE0 allas
Torque ona Dipole in a Uniform Electric Field: 1
T=One force x perpendicular distance between the forces (ii) Ep
T= qEx 2asin 9 or t= pE sin 0 (: p=q(2a))
> Torque rotates the dipole and aligns its axis in the
> Gauss's Theorem: The total electric flux passing throuah
direction of E. 1
º Electric Field of an Electric Dipole: aclosed surface is times the total charge enclosed in
() For points on the axis:
the surface.
E= 1 2p
4neo (r i.e., enclosed
() For point on equatorial plane: E

1 º Applications of Gauss's Law

Net electric field E
> Electric field () due to an infinitely long straight
uniformly charged wire
If r>>>a, then E= I: p=qx2ap] E=
º Electric Flux (0e): The number of electric field lines
passing through any surface area held in the electric field Where, = Linear charge density
is called electric flux (o). r= Perpendicular distance from the charged wire.
ie, og=E ds > Electric field (E) due to auniformly charged infinite
> It is a scalar quantity. plane sheet
> Its S.. unit is Nm C or V-m.
ºContinuous Charge Distribution: The region in which E=
charges are closely spaced in a continuous manner is said 2¬0
tohave continuous distribution of charge. Where, o = Surface charge density
> Linear charge Density: It is the ratio of charge per unit > Electric field intensity due to two equally and oppositely
length of a long wire.
AQ (in C/m) charged parallel plane sheet of charge at any point
> Surface charge Density: It is the ratio of charge per E= (between the two plates or
unit area of a surface. inside the plates.)
AS (in C/m E=0 (Outside the plates)

Practice Exercise
?1Multiple Q3. A negatively charge object Xis repelled by another
NChoice Questions charged object Y. However an object Zis attracted
Q1. Electricity produced on rubbing is: to object Y. Which of the following is the most
a. static electricityb. electromagnetic possibility for the object Z? (CBSE 2021 Term-1)
C. Current electricity d. None of these
02. When 10* electrons are removed from a neutral a. positively charged only
plate, the electric charge on it is: b. negatively charged only
a, -1.6 C b. +1.6 C G. neutral or positívely charged
c. 10c d. 10-19 d. neutral or negatively charged
Q4. Three charges q, -q and qo are placed as shown Q10. Five equal charges each of value q are placed at the
in figure. The magnitude of the net force on the corners of a regular pentagon of side a. The electric
charge qo at PointO is 1 field at the centre of the pentagon is:
(CBSE 202 1 Term-1)

-QtA 9

b C. 24 d. zero

a. 0 b. 2kq9% Q1. Which of the following figures represens the

electric field lines due to a single negative charge?

(2kq90 d 1ko b

Q5. If acharge on the body is 1 nC, then how many

electrons are present on the body? C.
a. l6 x 1019 b. 6.25 x 109
c. 6.25 x 1027 d. 6.25 x 1028
Q6. Coulomb's law relates two charges and distance
between them describing the electric force as Q12. Two point charges +8q and -2q are located x = 0
being: and x= Lrespectively. The point on X-axis at which
net electric field iszero due to these charge is:
a. proportional to the sum of the charges
b. inversely proportional to the distance between [CBSE SOP 2021-22 Term-1]
a. 8L b. 4L C. 2L d. L
C. proportional to the product of the charges and Q13. An electric dipole of moment pis placed parallel to
inversely proportional to the distance the uniform electric field. The amount of work done
d. proportional to the product of the charges and in rotatingthe dipole by 90° is:
inversely proportional to the square of distance a. 2p¬ b. pE C. pE2 d. zero

Q7. The force between two small charged sphere

Q14. Two point charges placed in a medium of
having charges of 1 x 107 Cand 2 x 10 Cplaced dielectric constant 5 are at a distancer between
them, experience an electrostatic force 'F. The
20cm apart in air is: electrostatic force between them in vacuum at the
a. 4.5 x 10-N b. 4.5 x 10- N
same distance r will be:
c. 5.4 x10-N d. 5.4 x10N a. 5F b. F C. F/2 d. F/5
Q8. Two charges q and-3q are fixed on X-axis separated by Q15. Two parallel large thin metal sheets have equal
distance d. Where should a third charge 2q be placed surface densities 26.4 x 10 /m of opposite
from A
such that it willnot experience any force? signs. The electric field between these sheets is:
-3q a. 1.5 N/C b. 1.5 x 10-b N/C
C. 3x 10-10'N/C d. 3 N/C
A d
Q16. Figure shows electric field lines in which an electric
d-Vd d+3d dipole p is placed at shown. Whichof the following
2 2
statements is correct? (NCERT EXEMPLAR)
d+3d d-3d
2 2

Q9. Aforce of 2.25 N acts on a charge of 15 x 10 C.

The intensity of electric field at that point is:
a. 150 NC-! b. 15 NC a. The dipole will not experience any force
c. 1500 NC-! d. 1,5 Nc-! b. The dipole willexperience a force.towards right
c. The dipole will experience a force towards left 024. Which statement is true for Gauss law: [CBSE SOP]
d. The dipole will experience a force upwards a. All the charges whether inside or outside the
Q17. If an electric dipole is placed in a uniform electric Gaussian surface contribute to the electric
field, it experiences: b. Electric flux depends upon the geometry of the
a. torque only Gaussian surface.
b. net force only c. Gaus5 theorem can be applied to non-uniform
c. both torque and net force electric field.
d. neither torque nor net force d. The electric field over the Gaussian surface
18. An electric dipole placed in a non-uniform electric remains continuous and uniform at everypoint.
field can experience: (CBSE 2020) Q25. Five charges q1, 92, 43, 94 and q; are fixed at their
a. a force but not a torque
positions as shown in figure, S is a Gaussian surface.
b. atorque but not a force
C. always aforce and atorque The Gauss's law is given by E.dS 9
d. neither aforce nor a torque
Q19. Ifo=Surface charge density,[ =electric permittivity, Gaussian surface

then dimension of : g1

a. electric force b. electric field intensity q2

C. presSure d. electric charge
Q20. A cylinder of radius r and length l is placed in
an uniform electric field parallel to the axis of
the cylinder. The total flux for the surface of the
Which of the following statement is correct?
cylinder is given by:
a. zero b.
C. Enr< d. 2Err2 a. E on the LHS of the above equation will have a
Q21. The electric flux througha closedGaussian surface contribution from q. q5 and qz while q on the RHS
depends upon: (CBSE 2020) will have a contribution from g, and qu only

a. net charge enclosed and permittivity of the b. E on the LHS of the above equation will have a
contribution from all charges while qon the RHS
b. net charge enclosed, permittivity of the medium will have a contribution from q, and q, only
and the size of the Gaussian surface
C. net charge enclosed only c. E on the LHS of the above equation will have a
d. permittivity of the medium only
contribution'from all charges while q on the RHS
22. If the net electric flux through aclosed surface is will have a contribution from g, q3 and q5 only
zero, then we can infer that: (CBSE 2020)
a. no net charge is enclosed by the surface d. Both E on the LHS and gon the RHS will have
b. uniform electricfield exists within the surface contribution from q, and q, only
C. electric potential varies from point to point inside
the surface Q26. The electric field components in the given
d. charge is present inside the surface figure are E, =ax, E, = E,-0 in which a = 800
23. The electric flux through the surface: NCm The charge within the cube, if net flux
(NCERT EXEMPLAR) through the cube is 1.05 Nmc, is (Assume,
a=0.1 m):

(() (i) (ii) (iv)

a. in figure (iv) is the largest
b. in figure (ii) is the least a. 9.30x 10-12 c
in figure (i) is same as in figure (i)but is smaller b. 9.27 x 1012 c
than figure (iv) C. 6,97 x 10-12 c
d. is the.same for allthe figures d. 6,97 x 1012 c
Q33. Q32. Q 30. Q statement a ? 28. Q
31. 29. Q 27. Q
ReasonAssertionto time. on Reasonof attract
presence Assertion
charged. charged.
Reason Assertion
between direction Reason Assertion
move (A):Amoves
ReasonAssertion the d. C.
Type d. c. b. a. the
isolated A d.hollow electric
b. a.
give thatother Assertion
BothAssertion Reason
(A). Both Reason (A). Both Mark the plane
directed directed infinitely
fromthe other point infinitely
plane c.
rod (Q.Nos.
or along to of
(R): one charge (R): (R): (R): gets Assertion Assertion AssertionAssertion the conducting charge field
charges (R): of of the (R) side
(A): repel (A): two (A):
the Onthe charged. (A): (R) radially
radially perpendicular long Gaussian
Electric Force a In On (A) correct29-38): intensity
Electric third The bodies, glass positively When is of +q,
due each Coulomb If
electricdirection a
negative rubbing, is is the and the
is therenegative (A ) true not (A ) (A ) (A)
charged sheet
th e on
to charge. force rod. correct choiceas: towards away
lines other we and is planeplane.placed
electric field other
vector any bothexists field. but the and and In for:
charged followed Reason from wire
of charge attraction
with charge charge
of electrons ru b the to
ReasonReason Reason
correct explanation Reason the to is: The
force atcharges, of the the
field. a sum a the the is
point notwhich attraction
them glass following point field a
cross due (CBSE electric
a in and ( R) bya plane EXEMPLAR)
(NCERT used
of affected force an from (R) (R) (R) point plane
two are explanation charge at
superimpose taken all to two may 2021 electric the rod is are ar e
statement but a to
each false. of charge
the a bodies acts field. silk with false. Assertion true questions, and point d calculate
one number charges silk true towards from
other. forces by not Term
in field cloth gets away P
ata the are the silk, and on an
be 1) ofbut of

Q47. 46. 0 Q45. Q44, 43. Q Q41. 2 Assertion38. Q Q37.

42. 0 40. 0 39. Q 36. Q 35. Q 34. Q
radius Electric
conductor is charges
Net point inside is Twopotential S.I. to Ansurface
field. electric.
the (g=-1.6x10.Awillrodbe electric Questions
charge.A TheNType Fill Reason be the 2and charge Reasonequal. ThenAssertion force
alsoarespherical intersect
Reason other.
newtonReason Assertion
per electric electricdecreasing
field.is Assertion
the point A filled charge silk x
electrostatic unit stable electric applied surface
point When is
it expression in entering the gives
inner "2.
tlux vacuum. cloth per
charge of of (R): Vm (R): electric (R): (R):
The field (R):
by equilibrium energy
electric Q the conductors (A):
surface sphere is some charges dipole radius to
Gauss's is (A): unit (A): the
Tangent (A): (A):
is rubbed 0.053
verify.respectively. Surface Negative order
a a The
direction No
intensity As surfaces
ratio .s*is When .......oa rotated enclosed Blanks closed The area. field Electric
placed dielectric,
field field is R. C), q= unitof force of
to of are with surface tw o potential.
that internalof inplaced .will the If C
then ne
theorem C. electric
chargeintensities of at gradientof
the inside space
separated is from any is and field
at uniform
a remainsame. is surface different of electric electric also is
of quantity. radius by the
glass a The charge a
surface the the inside a due electric point vector along
the between unstable in flux density a is
radiuscentre positively a force Gaussian charge electrostatics charge vector
outer is rod to are near lines always
by electric uniform emanating densities
radii field. of intensity is
fieldquantity, electric the
charge some doubled, 8 electric
surface 'r between the on has enclosed their of quantity.
of equilibrium x is direction
and spherical the equal are force normal
a charged chargesdistance field, electric a 10 surface
density hollow
charge equal. of line hence
will two then glass may and two
its of by out to can
of of to
((+ d) =3
1. (a) static electricity or 21-2ld-d' =0
2. (b) +1.6 C
Charge of one electron, e -1.6 x 10C
2d ty4d²+Bd2 d, N3d
So, total charge removed from neutral plate, q= ne
- 10x(-1.6 x10) =-1.6 C (-d+Bd
Since, charge on neutral plate is zero and -1.6 C 2

charge is removed from it. i.e. q=0-(-1.6) =1.6 C. 9. (c) 1500 NC

Thus, now it has +1.6 C charge. F 2.25F
Electric field, E= :1500 NC-1
3. () neutral or positively charged 9 15x 10-4c

4. (c) (2kq90 10. (d) zero

The electric field at the centre of pentagon would be
5. (b) 6.25 x 109 zero.

Given, q=1nC=lx 10c 11. (b)

and e- 1.6 x 10-19
From the property of quantisation charge.
q= ne 12. (c) 2L
n 9 lx10-9 Let pis the observation point at a distance rfrom point
e 1.6x10-19 charge -2qand at distance (L + ) from point charge
+8g. Given, net electric field intensity at pointp=0.
- 0.625 x 10 ×10-6.25x 109
6. (d) proportional to the product of the charges and Let electric field intensity at point p due to -2q =E,
inversely proportional to the square of distance
7. (b) 4.5 x 10- N and electric field intensityat point pdue to +8q =E,
Here. q=lx10'C, q=2 x 10 C. According to the question
r= 20cm = 20 x 10 m
Ej+E, =0
As F= q2
9x10x1x 10- x2x10-7
(20x 10-2)? or
1 1(-2q) 1 8q
--9-10°N-m?re| |4Te r2 4TEo (L+ r|
= 4.5 x 10- N 1

8. (b)
d+V3d 2 (+r
-34 or
A B or 2r =L+r
d or r =l
Let a charge 2q be placed at point P, at adistance l .:. pis at x= L+L=2L from origin.
from A, where charge qis placed, as shown in figure. 13. (b) pE
The charge 2q will not experience any force, when
force of repulsion on it due to q is balanced by force
Work, W= pE(cos®,- cos®,)
of attraction on it due to 3gat B, where AB= d. * pis placed parallel to the uniform electric field.
0, = 0°
(24)9) (29)(39) 0, =90° (given)
W = pE(cos0° - cos90)
=pE(1-0)= p¬
14. (a) 5F 21. (a) net charge enclosed and permittivity of the medium
1 4;92 22. (a) no net charge is enclosed by the surface
Force, F= .(1) 23. (d) is the same for all the figures
As per Gauss's theorem in electrostatics, the electric
Given, K=5 flux through asurface depends only on the amount
2 of charge enclosed by the surface. It does not depend
on size and shape of the surface. Therefore. electric
The electrostatic force between the charges in flux through the surface is the same for all figures.
24. (d) The electric field over the Gaussian surface
1 4;92
..(2) remains continuous and uniform at every point.
4ne (1) f2
25. (b) E on the LHSof the gIven equation will have a
: K=1for air or vacuum contribution from all charges while qon the RHS will
:. From eqs. (1) and (2). have a contribution from q, and q,only.
F'= FK When the point is on the diameter and away
F'=Fx 5=5F from the centre of hemisphere which is charged
15. (d) 3 N/C uniformly and positively. the component of electric
Surface charge density, field intensity parallel to the diameter cancel out. So,
the electric field is perpendicular to the diameter.
G=26.4x 10-12C
m? 26. (a) 9.30 ×10-12c

Electric field, E = By Gauss's law.

280 280
26 or q= eg = 1.05 x8.854 x 10-12c
-9.30 x 10-12c
26.4 x10-12 N 27. (d) infinitely long charged wire
3N/C 28. (a) directed perpendicular. to the plane and away
from the plane
16. (c) The dipole will experience aforce towards left When a point charge +q
The spacing between electric lines of force increases is placed. at a distance
from left to right. Therefore, E on left is greater than of d.from an isolated

Eon right. Force on +q charge of dipole is smaller and

conducting plane, Some
negative charge develops
to the right. Force on -q charge of dipole is bigger on the surface of the plane
and to the left. Hence, the dipole will experience a
force tOwards the left. towards the charge and an
equal positive charge develops on opposite side of
17. (a) torque only the plane. Hence, the field at a point P on the other
18. (c) always a force and a torque side of the plane is directed perpendicular to the
19. (b) electric field intensity plane and away from the plane as shown in figure.
20. (a) Zero 29. (c) When we rub a glass rod with silk cloth, electrons
dS from the glass rod are transferred to the silk cloth.
Thus the rod gets positively charged and the silk
gets negatively charged.
C 30. (d) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are false.
31. (b) Coulomb attraction exists-even when one body is
charged, and the other is uncharged.
32. (b) Force on any charge due to a number of other
Flux through surface A, charges is the vector sum of all the forces on that
A= Ex r2 charge due to the other charges, taken one at a
Flux through surface B, time. The individual forces are unaffected due to the
presence of other charges. This is the principle of
superposition of charges.
Flux through curved surface, C= |E.ds 33. (d) If electric lines of forces cross each other, then
-[E.dScos90° =0 the electric field at the point of intersection will have
two direction simultaneously which is not possible
Total flux through cylinder = A+ a+ c=0
34. (a) There is no potential gradient along any direction
parallel to the surface and hence no such electric
field parallel to the surface.
35. (b) The electric field intensity is equal to force
experienced by unit positive test charge qo placed at
that point ie,
Electric field lines of Electric field lines of a
a positive point charge negative point charge
thus E is also avector quantity
Read the given passage carefully nd give th)
Newton answer of the following questions.
q Coulomb 01. The cause of charging is:
36. (a) If the twoelectric lines of force can intersect each a. the actual transfer of protons
b. the actual transfer of electrons
other than at the point of intersection, we can draw
C. the actual transfer of neutrons
two tangents to the two lines of force. This would
d. None of the above
mean two directions of electric field intensityat the
point of intersection, which is not p0ssible. Q2. When a glass rod is rubbed with silk, then:
37. (b) As, oj =o2 (Given) a. negative charge is produced on silk but no charg
on glasS rod
or b. equal but opposite charges are produced on botl
4nr 4nr C. equal and similar charges are produced on both
d. positive charge is produced on glass rod but n
Then ratio of electric field intensities, charge on silk
03. A piece of paper appears to be attracted to i
E1 charged ebonite rod, even before they touch (se
E 4neo
fig.). The charge at A is:
charged rod
ie., E,=Ez
38. (a) According to Gauss's theorem in electrostatics.
Neutral piece
of paper

q= eo0 =8.85 x10 [8 x10-2x 10)

=53.10 x10C-0.053 uC.
39. quantisation 40. (+ 1.6 x10) a. positive,
42, decreases
b. may be positive or negative
41. flux C. no charge
43. (N/C) 44. decreases d. negative
45. zero 46. scalar Q4. What happens when a charged balloon is place!
47. 4:1 near another balloon of the same charge?
a. Attract each other b. Repel each othe
c. Neither attract nor repel d. All of these
?1Case Study Based Q5. The cause of quantisation of electric charges is:
NQuestions a. transfer of an integral number of neutrons
transfer of an integral number of protons
Case Study 1 C. transfer of an integral number of electrons
A charge is a property ässociated with the matter d. None of the above.
due to which it experiences and produces an
electric and magnetic field. Charges are scalar in Answers
nature and they add up like real numbers. Also, 1. (b) the actual transfer of electrons.
the total charge of an isolated system is always The cause of charging is the actual transfer
conserved. When the objects rub against each electrons from one body to the other.
other charges acquired by them must be equal and 2. (b) equal but opposite charges are produced on bo
opposite. When glass rod is rubbed with silk, glass rod los

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