Mechanism Induced Training
Mechanism Induced Training
Mechanism Induced Training
LIM, C., E. A. NUNES, B. S. CURRIER, J. C. MCLEOD, A. C. Q. THOMAS, and S. M. PHILLIPS. An Evidence-Based Narrative Review
of Mechanisms of Resistance Exercise–Induced Human Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 54, No. 9, pp. 1546-1559,
2022. Skeletal muscle plays a critical role in physical function and metabolic health. Muscle is a highly adaptable tissue that responds to re-
sistance exercise (RE; loading) by hypertrophying, or during muscle disuse, RE mitigates muscle loss. Resistance exercise training (RET)–
induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy is a product of external (e.g., RE programming, diet, some supplements) and internal variables (e.g.,
mechanotransduction, ribosomes, gene expression, satellite cells activity). RE is undeniably the most potent nonpharmacological external var-
iable to stimulate the activation/suppression of internal variables linked to muscular hypertrophy or countering disuse-induced muscle loss.
Here, we posit that despite considerable research on the impact of external variables on RET and hypertrophy, internal variables (i.e., inherent
skeletal muscle biology) are dominant in regulating the extent of hypertrophy in response to external stimuli. Thus, identifying the key internal
skeletal muscle–derived variables that mediate the translation of external RE variables will be pivotal to determining the most effective strat-
egies for skeletal muscle hypertrophy in healthy persons. Such work will aid in enhancing function in clinical populations, slowing functional
decline, and promoting physical mobility. We provide up-to-date, evidence-based perspectives of the mechanisms regulating RET-induced
keletal muscle plays a critical role in physical function, nonpharmacological external means of increasing skeletal mus-
athletic performance, and metabolic health, and low cle mass (2) and is an external system variable. In contrast, in-
muscle mass is associated with greater mortality in ternal variables are inherent systemic or, more often, local
healthy adults and adults with comorbidities (1). The regulation (within the muscle) biological processes that mechanistically
of skeletal muscle mass is influenced by several variables that underpin hypertrophy in response to external stimuli like RET
can broadly be categorized into external or internal system var- (Fig. 1). An important question is to what extent manipulation
iables. Resistance exercise training (RET) is the most potent of external variables influences internal variable responses to
affect the outcome—hypertrophy. In our view, identifying
the key skeletal muscle molecular targets activated by resis-
tance exercise (RE) that, with repetition, will underpin RET-
Address for correspondence: Stuart M. Phillips, Ph.D., Department of Kinesi-
ology, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy is critical.
At the molecular level, RET-induced skeletal muscle hyper-
FIGURE 1—The formulation of external vs internal variables for skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Although external variables (input) are indispensable to
activate internal variables for skeletal muscle hypertrophy (output), the response of internal variables stimulated by external variables is the key determi-
nant of skeletal muscle hypertrophy. The size of the color squares reflects the extent of the variables’ contribution to muscle hypertrophy. We are uncertain
of the nature of the interaction between the variables and have shown them as multiplicative (•); however, we acknowledge that the function could be ad-
ditive or more complex (i.e., an unknown function) relationship.
protein balance. In contrast, extended periods of negative net (5). In the presence of mechanical stimuli, phospholipase Cγ1
protein balance (MPB > MPS) manifest as skeletal muscle at- colocalizes around focal adhesion kinase (FAK)—a densely
rophy, which occurs under a variety of systemic scenarios, localized protein within the costamere—and catalyzes the con-
such as reduced physical activity and bed rest, or local, includ- version of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate to phospha-
ing limb immobilization (3). Importantly, many chronic dis- tidic acid (PA) in HEK293T cells (6,7). The synthesized PA
eases, including cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disor- activates the HIPPO pathway effectors Yes-associated protein
der (COPD), cardiovascular disease, sepsis, uremia, and 1 (YAP) and transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding
burns, also have muscle-wasting components (4). Therefore, motif (TAZ) through signaling cascade (7). YAP and TAZ
identifying the mechanisms that regulate muscle protein turn- not only control cell growth in Drosophila melanogaster and
over to favor net anabolism is as pertinent a mission clinically some mammalian tissues (8,9) but also regulate myoblast prolif-
as it is for athletes and possibly more so. eration and differentiation (10,11). Furthermore, although no
The molecular control of MPS and MPB is complex, and mechanistic link has been elucidated regarding YAP and mech-
many protein signaling cascades dictate net muscle protein bal- anistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (TORC1) signaling, ani-
ance. Nonetheless, we are still deciphering what signals trigger mal studies demonstrated that elevation of YAP expression is
rises in MPS and thus could potentially contribute to skeletal sufficient to augment skeletal muscle mass during inhibition
muscle hypertrophy. The purpose of this review is to provide of mTORC1 via rapamyci (12,13). Also, YAP and TAZ may
an up-to-date synopsis of the main molecular mechanisms reg- play a role in mechanically induced anabolic signaling through
ulating RET-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy in humans. the elevated expression of the genes Slc7a5 and Slc3a2 (14).
These genes encode for proteins that are the leucine amino acid
transporters, which could sensitize mechanically loaded muscle
to leucine stimulated MPS (14). In addition, PA may indirectly
As an external stimulus, RE results in mechanical loading of modulate skeletal muscle hypertrophy via the HIPPO signaling
skeletal muscle; however, the mechanisms by which skeletal pathways and activate mTORC1 (15). Researchers demon-
muscle ‘senses’ and then initiates responses culminating in hy- strated that RE was sufficient for elevating local PA concentra-
pertrophy are still being unraveled (5). Several protein com- tion and inhibiting the production of PA ablated markers of
plexes have been identified as candidate mechanosensors that mTORC1 activity after mechanical overload of skeletal muscle
act as molecular transducers during myofiber contraction. The (15). In sum, costamere-based protein sensors may be necessary
extracellular matrix is thought to play a critical role in for hypertrophic signaling in the immediate postexercise period.
mechanotransducing signals into biochemical signals that ulti- Titin is a large elastic protein structure that spans half the
mately regulate the control of skeletal muscle mass (5). length of each sarcomere from the Z-disk to the M-band (16)
Costameres connect the extracellular matrix to the sarco- and is a primary contributor to the passive force generated during
lemma of the myofiber, are localized at the Z-disk, and act to eccentric contraction (17). Titin contains a stretch-activated ki-
transduce force from the sarcomere to the extracellular matrix nase domain, and the stretch of the sarcomere during myofibrillar
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contraction exposes several amino acids in the ATP-binding downstream targets. Skeletal muscle hypertrophy has been cor-
pocket of titin, thereby activating the protein kinase (18). On related with basal MPS (27) and RE-induced S6K1 (28) and
the other hand, the role of titin during concentric contraction re- 4EBP-1 phosphorylation (29). Notably, mTORC1 activation
mains undefined. Because of its mechanosensory properties, titin contributes to increases in MPS, but acute short-term (i.e.,
has been proposed to serve as a mechanosensors and regulator of within hours) RE-induced increases in MPS are not always cor-
anabolic stimuli (19,20). However, no existing mechanisms are related with chronic RET-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy
known connecting titin and mTORC1 signaling. In contrast, titin (29). Mitchell et al. (29) observed no correlation between un-
activation is related to autophagy signaling via muscle ring-finger trained men’s acute post-RE MPS rates and muscle hypertro-
protein (Murf )1/2-proteasome and therefore may be involved phy after 16 wk of RET. Damas et al. (30) further demonstrated
in protein turnover and regulation of muscle mass (21,22). that the MPS after a single bout of RE at baseline were not cor-
Filamin-C Bag3 is another Z-disk localized protein structure related with the percent change in vastus lateralis CSA (%Δ VL
that has been linked with the regulation of muscle size in re- CSA) after 10 wk of RET in young men; however, the MPS af-
sponse to mechanical stimuli (13). Filamin-C is a V-shaped ho- ter a single bout of RE at weeks 3 and 10 was positively corre-
modimer protein and, in response to mechanical loading, is pro- lated with the %Δ VL CSA after 10 wk of RET. The authors
posed to interact with Bag3 and, together, regulate two known suggested that RE-induced increases in MPS rates largely at-
hypertrophic mechanisms. First, Bag3 increases mechanical- tenuate muscle damage in the early stages (~3 wk) of RET
induced activation of YAP through binding-inhibition HIPPO but, after that, support hypertrophy (30). Overall, mTORC1
suppressor proteins such as large tumor suppressor kinase 1 seems to play a role in RET-induced skeletal muscle hypertro-
(LATS1) and angiomotin-like protein 1 (AMOTL1), augment- phy, but the mechanisms underpinning this complex process
ing anabolic signaling (12,13,23). Second, Bag3 can increase likely extend beyond merely stimulating mTORC1.
MPB by signaling chaperone-assisted cell autophagy of dam- Translocation to the lysosome is critical for mTORC1 activa-
aged Z-disk proteins, a function that may be necessary for adap- tion (31), and the intracellular positioning of mTORC1 after an-
tation and skeletal muscle hypertrophy (5). Also, Hoffman et al. abolic stimuli has been increasingly studied (32). RE induces
(24) reported increased phosphorylation of Filamin-C and Bag3 mTORC1 translocation to the lysosome, and the mTORC1–
after high-intensity exercise in human muscle; Filimin-C and lysosome complex subsequently translocates to the cell mem-
Bag3 form a mechanosensory complex that may regulate mus- brane with a proclivity for capillaries (33). mTORC1 relocation
cle hypertrophy. It appears titin, and Filamin-C Bag3 may play to the cell periphery may promote MPS because of increased
a significant role in regulating muscle mass; however, the proximity to upstream activators, translation initiation factors,
mechanisms are far from being understood. and microvasculature (i.e., nutrients) (32). Albeit after endurance
exercise, work in trained young men suggests that colocalization
of mTORC1 with upstream activators could specifically regulate
myofibrillar protein synthesis (34), which would certainly
The mTOR complex includes a serine/threonine kinase that contribute to RET adaptations. The potential impact of nutri-
centers two protein complexes in mammals—mTORC1 and ent provision (33,35,36) and anabolic properties of the lyso-
mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2). Both complexes contain the some (reviewed elsewhere [37]) remain avenues for future re-
subunits DEP-domain–containing mTOR-interacting protein search on spatial regulation of mTORC1 after exercise.
(DEPTOR) and mammalian lethal with SEC13 protein 8 Rapamycin-insensitive, in addition to rapamycin-sensitive
(mLST8) (25). However, mTORC1 and mTORC2 differ in components of mTOR signaling, may also contribute to RE-
rapamycin sensitivity, functions, and additional subunits. induced increases in MPS and hypertrophy (38), and this no-
Broadly, mTORC1 is characterized as a rapamycin-sensitive tion is supported by evidence from preclinical models. In rats,
regulator of cell size with the subunits regulatory-associated rapamycin administration ablated RE-induced increases in
protein of mTOR (Raptor) and proline-rich AKT substrate MPS completely at 6 h post-RE but only partially 18 h post-
40 kDa (PRAS40) (25). Upstream stimuli, such as nutrients RE (39); furthermore, rapamycin administration did not
(i.e., leucine), growth factors (i.e., insuline-like growth factor- completely ablate RET-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy
1 (IGF-1)) and mechanical stimuli (i.e., RE), are converted to (40) In a cornerstone article, Drummond et al. (41) observed
intracellular signals and subsequently detected by mTORC1 that rapamycin blunted MPS in humans after acute RE, partic-
subunits, such as Raptor (25). Conversely, mTORC2 is charac- ularly ~1 h post-RE. Although chronic rapamycin administra-
terized as a rapamycin-insensitive regulator of cytoskeletal tion is not feasible in humans, these data cumulatively suggest
structure and cell survival with the subunits: rapamycin- that rapamycin-insensitive processes impact MPS several
insensitive component of mTOR (Rictor), mitogen-activated hours post-RE and chronic RET adaptations. Interestingly,
protein kinase (MAPK)-interacting protein (mSIN1), and pro- AZD8055, an inhibitor of both mTOR complexes, completely
tein associated with Rictor 1 or 2 (PROTOR 1/2) (26). inhibited RE-induced increases of MPS in rats (42), and tripar-
The mTORC1-induced increases in MPS have been a focal tite motif-containing 28 (TRIM28) has recently been identi-
point in the context of skeletal muscle hypertrophy, and eukary- fied as a rapamycin-insensitive regulator of mechanical load-
otic translation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 (4EBP-1) induced hypertrophy (43). Mechanical stimuli activate Ras
and p70S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) are two frequently investigated kinases that subsequently activate extracellular signal-regulated
kinases (ERK), which phosphorylate TSC2; thus, MAPK-ERK1/ numbers of ribosomes are available to translate mRNA. Impor-
2 signaling may be an additional mechanism by which mTORC1 tantly, mTOR-dependent and mTOR-independent mechanisms
senses mechanical stimuli (26). ERK1/2 also phosphorylates ki- regulate translational efficiency and capacity (39).
nases involved in protein translation (Fig. 2), such as p90 ribo- Ribosomal biogenesis has emerged as a regulatory of RET-
somal protein S6 kinase (p90RSK) and MAP kinase-interacting induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy (47). Given that rRNA
kinase 1 (MNK1), although these may be mTORC1-dependent makes up ~85% of total RNA (48), any change in total RNA
processes (26). Both ERK1/2 and mTORC1 may be required concentration reflects changes in ribosomal biogenesis. Work
to stimulate MPS maximally after RE (41). In sum, the in preclinical synergist ablation (SA) models of skeletal mus-
mTOR-related signaling pathways play a major role in skeletal cle overload demonstrate that increased total RNA concentra-
muscle anabolism, and the precise contributions of mTORC1 tion is associated with skeletal muscle hypertrophy (47). Ac-
and mTORC2 continue to be refined. knowledging that SA models are pertinent for identifying
potential cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating rapid
skeletal muscle hypertrophy, the extent of hypertrophy with
SA is extreme and in the range of 40%–70% hypertrophy
A ribosome is a protein- and RNA-containing (ribosomal within days (49) to weeks (47). Such rates of hypertrophy do
RNA–rRNA) molecular machine that plays an indispensable not reflect magnitudes of muscle growth observed in human
role in protein translation. A translationally competent ribo- models of RET. Work from animal models (39) suggests that
some (80S) contains two subunits (one large (60S) and one both translational efficiency and capacity are important in sus-
small (40S)), formed by the intricate association of over 80 taining increases in MPS. However, recent work from Kotani
ribosomal-associated proteins and 4 rRNAs (44). Ribosome et al. (50) showed no increase in MPS, although three bouts of
biogenesis consumes a large proportion of cellular energy RE was sufficient to increase ribosomal content.
and is the only molecular process requiring coordinated activa- In RE-trained humans, one bout of RE resulted in no mea-
tion of all three RNA polymerases (45). The RE-induced in- surable increase in total RNA content, despite elevated rates
crease in MPS occurs via two mechanisms (46). Increased of MPS (46). Indeed, markers of ribosomal gene expression
translational efficiency is an increased rate of messenger and transcription plateau after ~2 wk of RET (51) and, in some
RNA (mRNA) translation with a fixed pool of ribosomes, instances, return to baseline after 12 wk of RET (52). It raises
whereas increased translational capacity occurs when increased the possibility that the rise in ribosomal content in response to
FIGURE 2—Overview of mTORC1-related protein synthesis pathways. Multiple signaling cascades converge on mTORC1 and contribute to protein trans-
lation. Cytosolic leucine and arginine relieve inhibition on GATOR2 by Sestrin2 and CASTOR1, respectively, and subsequently promote mTORC1-
induced protein synthesis via GATOR2–GATOR1–Rag signaling. Mechanical stress causes Cγ1 to colocalize around FAK, catalyzing Ptdlns(4,5)P2 con-
version to PA, and subsequently activates the HIPPO pathway (YAP and TAZ). Filamin-C and Bag3 interaction also activates the HIPPO pathway. The
HIPPO pathway promotes mTORC1 signaling via the suppression of PTEN. The PI3K–Akt–TSC signaling cascade regulates mTORC1 signaling via Rheb,
although Akt can directly promote mTORC1 signaling via PRAS40. AMPK and REDD1 inhibit mTORC1 via TSC; AMPK can also inhibit mTORC1 di-
rectly via Raptor. mTORC1 promotes protein synthesis by activating several translational and ribosomal components, and Ras–MEK–ERK 1/2 signaling
converges on common factors. 4EBP-1, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1; Akt, protein kinase B; AMPK, AMP-activated protein
kinase; Arg, arginine; eEF2, eukaryotic elongation factor 2; eIF4B, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4B; eIF4E, eukaryotic translation initiation fac-
tor 4E; eIF4G, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4G; ERK 1/2, extracellular signal-related kinase 1/2; FAK, focal adhesion kinase; IGF-1, insulin-like
growth factor 1; Leu, leucine; MEK, mitogen-activated protein kinase; MNK1, MAP kinase-interacting kinase 1; mTORC1, mechanistic target of rapamy-
cin complex 1; p70S6K, p70 S6 kinase 1; p90RSK, p90 ribosomal protein S6 kinase; PI3K, phosphoinositide 3-kinase; PRAS40, proline-rich AKT substrate
40 kDa; PtdIns(4,5)P2, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate; PTEN, phosphatase and tensin homolog; Raptor, regulatory-associated protein of mTOR;
REDD1, regulated in development and DNA damage responses 1; Rheb, Ras homolog enriched in brain; rpS6, ribosomal Protein S6; TAZ, transcriptional
coactivator with PDZ-binding motif; TSC, tuberous sclerosis complex; YAP, Yes-associated protein 1.
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unaccustomed exercise is initially rapid and is nonspecific to that rDNA copy number was positively correlated with 45S
the exercise stimulus. Nonetheless, as RET progresses, ribo- pre-rRNA expression 24 h after a bout of RE. Furthermore, af-
somal content declines, as does non–stimulus-specific mRNA ter a bout of RE, hypomethylation was observed at rDNA en-
content, the protein synthetic response becomes more efficient hancer(s) sites and binding domains for the transcription factor
and specific to the exercise stimulus, and translational effi- MYC (60), which is implicated in RNA polymerase I activity
ciency is elevated (Fig. 3) (53). Brook et al. (54) recently ob- and ribosome biogenesis. A limitation with the studies men-
served integrated (i.e., days to weeks) RNA synthesis, which tioned previously is that the lack of a control group makes it dif-
would predominantly reflect ribosomal biogenesis, was in- ficult to discern how much change is due to the intervention
creased above basal rates over the 0- to 6-wk period with (i.e., RET), and how much change is simply due to random er-
RET, whereas MPS was not significantly increased above basal ror (61,62). Nonetheless, although the work is suggestive that
level during this period; however, this observation does not nec- differential responders to RET exist and that ribosomal bio-
essarily mean that ribosomal biogenesis is not relevant for RET- genesis may be an important determinant for explaining differ-
induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy (55). In sum, protein syn- ential responders to RET, the current data are, in our view, in-
thetic responses and transcriptional programs rapidly adapt to conclusive, and future work is required.
the RET stimulus, and further increasing translational capacity
would not be required and would likely decline. The pertinent
question is, do underlying changes in translational capacity with
RET limit skeletal muscle hypertrophy? With the advent of “omics” technologies providing a global
RET may lead to a heterogenous hypertrophic response and unbiased perspective on understanding molecular trans-
across individuals. Phillips et al. (56) clustered individuals ducers of skeletal muscle adaptations, we know that exercise
who had completed 20 wk of RET into quartiles of RET- results in changes in the abundance of more than 2000 gene
induced changes in lean body mass and demonstrated that indi- transcripts (of a possible 45,000 known genes) (63). Also,
viduals with the greatest hypertrophy had a downregulation of the changes in abundance (64) and the ratio of posttransla-
genes encoding ribosomal proteins. In addition, several studies tional modifications of proteins in skeletal muscle can be de-
demonstrated similar increases in RNA content between indi- tected (e.g., ~10,000 phosphorylation sites) (43). The incorpo-
viduals who show no change, or a profound increase in skeletal ration of next-generation sequencing (i.e., RNA sequencing)
muscle hypertrophy, after RET (57,58). Furthermore, the genes to correctly interrogate the breadth and the complexity of the
encoding rRNAs (45S and 5S) are tandemly repeated, meaning mammalian transcription is limited (65); for example, the top
individuals have numerous copies of rRNA genes; interest- 1% of most highly expressed protein-coding genes commonly
ingly, there seems to be significant individual heterogeneity in encompass up to 40% of sequencing reads (66). Furthermore,
rDNA copy number (59). Figueiredo et al. (60) demonstrated grouping differentially expressed genes into functional categories
FIGURE 3—A proposed framework of changes in MPS, translational capacity, and muscle fiber CSA in response to RET. The overarching concept is that
initial increases in MPS are a biological response to support remodeling of damaged muscle protein and eventually muscle hypertrophy. A, The early-stage
increases in MPS are sustained partly by a concomitant elevated translational capacity to support the remodeling of damaged structural and contractile
elements of the muscle proteome. B, After the attenuation of exercise-induced muscle damage, there is a reduction in the contribution of MPS to the remod-
eling of proteins related to the structural and architectural apparatus toward contractile muscle proteins. C, After a relatively short period of time, the rates
of MPS are subsequently regulated by the adaptive increase in translational efficiency. D, The result is a detectable increase in skeletal muscle size and mass.
All these responses are designed to support an expansion of the muscle protein pool, that is, fiber CSA. The schematic and legend are adapted (with per-
mission) from McGlory et al. (53). A.U., arbitrary units.
(e.g., Gene Ontology, Ingenuity pathway analysis) without utiliz- the concentrations of which are moderately (usually well
ing a robust statistical approach to account for sampling biases within the diurnal variation of the hormone) and transiently in-
can make any analysis unreliable (67). However, one can reliably creased for 15–30 min after RE, have been proposed to be in-
quantify 30–40,000 RNA species with microarray technology ternal stimuli having causative roles in RET-induced skeletal
(63), and when modeled properly, the variation in RNA could muscle hypertrophy (72). However, despite numerous studies
explain up to 73% of protein abundance changes (68). designed to probe this question directly, our group and others
Pillon et al. (69) used published transcriptomic profiling data have found no support for the thesis that acute changes in se-
sets (n = 66) with more than 1000 individuals and demonstrated rum anabolic hormones induced by RE are mechanistically re-
2000 genes affected by RET. Also, Gene Ontology analysis sponsible for skeletal muscle hypertrophy (28,73) or incre-
characterized that RET mainly upregulated the mRNA genes ments in MPS (74). Notably, serum cortisol (i.e., a catabolic
involved in extracellular matrix remodeling. However, despite hormone for skeletal muscle) was the only hormone shown
the large sample size, Pillon et al. (69) assessed changes in gene to be associated with the change in type II fiber CSA resulting
expression in response to a RET regime without incorporating from RET (75).
physiological changes, including, critically, skeletal muscle hy- Hypotheses for the potential role of acute changes in ana-
pertrophy. Thus, whether these changes in gene abundance play bolic hormones mediating skeletal muscle hypertrophy origi-
a role in hypertrophy is unknown. Indeed, Raue et al. (70) iden- nate from the observation that RE is an effective physiological
tified that over 600 genes correlated with muscle growth and stimulus for GH release (76). During an RE session, serum
strength changes after 12 wk of RET. However, many of the GH levels increase 10–20 min after initiation and peak at the
growth-related genes were generic features of exercise adapta- end of the RE, returning to baseline values about 30 min
tion(s) (70) and not specific to RET-induced skeletal muscle post-RE (76). A relevant question is whether GH is a mediator
hypertrophy, per se (56). Rather than averaging transcriptional of muscular growth at all? For example, GH infusion studies
responses across a cohort of individuals, we propose that if we mimicking the response to RE show stimulation of MPS and
leverage individual responses (i.e., skeletal muscle hypertro- decrement in MPB (77). However, RE-induced increase in se-
phy) to a RET regime, one can determine the transcriptional rum GH was not associated with MPS (78). Furthermore, there
signature specific to skeletal muscle hypertrophy. was no additional effect in quadriceps protein synthesis and
We recently discovered a set of 141 genes correlated with the circumference during a RET program even when young men
muscle growth response to chronic muscle loading in humans administered 40 μg·kg−1 of GH for 12 wk (79). Similarly, one
(n = 100) (63). The signature showed that muscle loading regu- bout of RE increased serum IGF-1 levels from 40–50 (resting
lated the untranslated regions (UTR) of mRNA (length of their levels) to 60–70 nM (74). However, the increased IGF-1 levels
3′ or 5′UTR), and this regulated-UTR length was closely corre- returned to the basal level within 30 min of post-RE (76), and
lated with muscle growth, despite levels of mRNA remaining un- there was no correlation between systemic changes in the
changed (>1000 genes) (63). For example, the increase in length IGF-1 level and MPS (74) or skeletal muscle hypertrophy over
of BCAT2 3′UTR or EXT1 5′UTR was strongly related to gain time (29,74). In addition, IGF-1 (15 μg·kg−1·d−1) administered
in muscle mass after RET. Ours was the first study linking UTR for 1 yr in older women, who usually have lower basal GH
regulatory events to skeletal muscle hypertrophy via RET; thus, it and IGF-1 than young adults, did not change body composi-
provided potential clues to the reported discordance between tion (or any other measured outcome variable) compared with
mRNA and corresponding protein levels (64). Also, perform- a placebo group (80). Therefore, changes in serum GH or IGF-1
ing within-individual paired muscle tissue analysis in this in response to RE or exogenous administration do not seem to
study strengthened the reliability of the obtained results by re- influence skeletal muscle hypertrophy.
ducing the response heterogeneity by ~40% (71). Our study Sex steroids are anabolic hormones that have been repeat-
identified that RET activated the genes associated with extra- edly investigated in skeletal muscle hypertrophy studies. Tes-
cellular matrix remodeling, angiogenesis, and mitochondria tosterone is an androgenic hormone, and previous studies have
(e.g., FKBP1A, BCAT2, NID2) as central pathways for muscle been shown that exogenous administrations of testosterone in
growth (63). Collectively, utilizing transcriptome technology supraphysiological doses to healthy eugonadal men (81,82)
and leveraging individual heterogeneity in response to RET and replacement doses to hypogonadal men (83,84) signifi-
may help determine molecular regulators for RET-induced cantly increase muscle mass and lean body mass. Also, admin-
skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Nonetheless, the best approach istration of testosterone adjuvant to RET promoted muscle mass
to determine the molecular responses to RET will be to perform increase in older adults who have lower baseline levels of en-
reliable gene expression profiling that is complementary to reli- dogenous testosterone (85). RE endogenously increases the sys-
able high-throughput protein expression methods. temic concentration of testosterone by 2–4 times above baseline
for ~15–30 min in healthy young men (86). Contrary to exoge-
nous testosterone administration, this transient ~30 min spike in
serum testosterone has a minimum impact on daily testosterone
physiological fluctuation, and it is far lower (4- to 6-fold) than
Canonical ostensibly anabolic hormones (e.g., testosterone, the concentrations reached by exogenous administrations of tes-
growth hormone (GH) and its various isoforms, and IGF-1), tosterone (Fig. 4) (86). Furthermore, we have repeatedly shown
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FIGURE 4—A comparison of the changes in exogenous vs endogenous testosterone in serum. A, Schematic of the circadian changes of serum testosterone
throughout 11 d showing the effect of one bout of RE in healthy young men (RE-induced ~30 min testosterone peak; based on data from Willoughby and
Taylor [87]). In addition, a representation of the effect of an intramuscular testosterone injection (200 mg testosterone enanthate) vs a schematic of the nor-
mal diurnal variation in testosterone concentrations throughout a given week (based on data from Dobs et al. (88)). B, Cumulative AUC of serum testos-
terone over the first 7 d comparing 1) DV changes, 2) DV + 1 bouts of RE, and 3) 200 mg T enanthate. The schematic is adapted (with permission) from
Schroeder et al. (86). AUC, area under the curve; DV, diurnal variation; T, testosterone.
no association between changes in systemic testosterone con- via examination of ultrastructural changes, including z-band
centrations and skeletal muscle hypertrophy response to RET streaming or muscle swelling (edema) (94). Many, however,
(73,75). Instead, we have shown that androgen receptor (AR) rely on indirect measures of proxy markers such as elevation
content in skeletal muscle seems more relevant as a variable in muscle soreness and creatine kinase (CK) activity in the
to predict the hypertrophic response to RET (73). In addition, blood, which is not a measure of damage per se. There is con-
it has been shown that RE increases AR binding to DNA, im- troversy regarding the validity of raised serum CK levels after
proving anabolic signaling (89). It is also worth noting that RET as a relevant marker of myofiber damage and its relation-
healthy eugonadal women, with ~10-fold lower circulating tes- ship to MPS and hypertrophy (95). Damas et al. (95) demon-
tosterone than men, show similar relative hypertrophy and strated that MPS, in addition to markers of muscle damage (se-
strength gains in response to RET (90), which is an observation rum CK activity, indirect) and Z-disk streaming (direct), was
that is difficult to reconcile with testosterone being a mechanis- highest after RE in untrained persons early in a RET program;
tically important, rather than a possibly permissive hormone in however, neither measure was well correlated with MPS or
RET-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy. RET-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Nevertheless, after
Estrogen may also be a relevant hormone acting to augment 10 wk of RET, the acute MPS was correlated with the degree
hypertrophy by decreasing muscle damage caused by exercise of muscular hypertrophy observed, despite significantly lower
and upregulating anabolic signaling pathways relevant to muscle muscle damage (95). Thus, muscle damage, which is progres-
anabolism (e.g., insulin/IGF-1 and PI3K/Akt signaling) (72). sively mitigated with chronic RE, is a poor proxy for MPS
However, there is no consensus on the role of estrogen in RET- and skeletal muscle hypertrophy (95).
induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Variables like the men- After RE, SC responds by activating the myogenic program
strual cycle phase and the testing of subjects before or after men- to proliferate and either return to quiescence or differentiate,
opause are certain variables to control and investigate in future donating their nuclei to the existing myofibers (96). Damas
studies (91). We speculate, however, that the role of estrogen in et al. (97) reported increased SC content during the first week
skeletal muscle hypertrophy will follow the pattern of other an- of RET, showing the more significant RET-induced muscle
drogenic hormones and be related to intrinsic muscle variables damage. However, there was no correlation between the SC
(receptor density and postreceptor signaling) as we and others content and MPS throughout RET (97), suggesting that SC
have observed with testosterone and AR content (28,92). may serve a more prominent role in myofiber repair during
the initial stages of RET than the latter stages of RET showing
muscle hypertrophy, which is contrary to previous dogma that
muscle damage is concomitant and a prerequisite for muscle hy-
Muscle damage can significantly increase inflammatory pertrophy (98). Recent work from Roman et al. (99) demon-
mediators in skeletal muscle and induce satellite cell (SC) acti- strated that local muscle damage can be repaired independent
vation (93), affecting muscle regenerative processes. The gold of SC through a mechanism related to nuclear migration. This
standard method for assessing RE-induced muscle damage is alternative myofiber-autonomous repair mechanism challenges
the role that SC may play in acute local muscle damage as or even a plausible combination, influences RET-induced ana-
myonuclear migration was sufficient for the local delivery bolic signaling or hypertrophy.
of mRNAs necessary for efficient repair of the damaged sar- Reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide have been men-
comeres (99). tioned as potential mediators of skeletal muscle hypertrophy
Muscle damage induced by RE triggers an inflammatory re- by activating MAPK signaling pathways and SC, respectively
sponse characterized by the release of several mediators (93) (110). In addition to recognizing that evidence supporting this
and proinflammatory cytokines (e.g., tumor necrosis factor claim is scarce, it is critical to consider the vast regulatory net-
alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin (IL) 1β)) that are known reg- works involved with RE-induced activation of MAPK (111)
ulators of proproteolytic activity in skeletal muscle. In com- and SC (112) activated by mechanotransduction. Based on
parison, preclinical studies have shown that IL-1β and TNF-α existing evidence, MAPK and SC activation should be recog-
have proproliferative effects in myoblast cells through nized for their anabolic effect rather than reactive oxygen spe-
mechanisms involving IL-6 and prostaglandins (100), and cies and nitric oxide production per se.
myotubes treated with IL-6 upregulate mTORC1 signaling Given that there are over 4200 metabolites in human serum,
and myotube protein synthesis (101). Nevertheless, when any metabolite may be directly/indirectly associated with ana-
tested in humans, daily ingestion of anti-inflammatory med- bolic signaling for muscle growth. However, the exercises that
ication during RET was reported to have no effects on mus- result in a lesser degree of skeletal muscle hypertrophy relative
cle thickness in young (102) and hypertrophy in older adults to RE (e.g., endurance or higher-intensity interval or sprint ex-
(103). Our group found a correlation between the concentra- ercise) also result in significant increments in several metabo-
tion of the IL-6 post-RE and changes in myofiber CSA in lite concentrations similar to, or greater than, RE (113,114),
subjects submitted to RE (28). Therefore, inflammatory me- further suggesting that metabolites are not the primary drivers
diators might play a role in skeletal muscle hypertrophy, but of muscle hypertrophy.
this field demands further research exploring intrinsic and
local mechanisms.
Metabolites produced during muscular contractions have been As opposed to being the exclusive domain of athletes and
posited to be potential internal determinants of RET-induced bodybuilders, it is abundantly clear that RET is a useful thera-
skeletal muscle hypertrophy (104). Because marked changes in peutic modality in clinical care. Importantly, we are beginning
metabolite concentrations always accompany RE (or any other to gain critical mechanistic insight into how RET can affect
form of muscle contraction), several different molecules are diseased muscle to impart a less catabolic phenotype and
proposed to be involved in gene expression (105) and distinct greatly improve clinical outcomes. We highlight here some
protein signaling pathways (104). However, no causative re- relevant and newer advances in these exciting areas.
search shows that any metabolite is a viable signaling candi- Muscle loss in clinical illness(es) (e.g., cancer, COPD, car-
date for triggering skeletal muscle anabolism in humans. diovascular disease, sepsis, and burns) and aging is, in part, a
Elevated lactate, hydrogen ion, inorganic phosphate and re- result of rates of MPB chronically exceeding rates of MPS.
duced phosphocreatine are all elevated with muscle contrac- Specifically, proteolysis through the ubiquitin–proteasome
tion (106). Based on this mechanism, it has been suggested system (UPS) has been considered a primary mechanism of
that the reduced blood pH may promote muscle growth by po- muscle loss during clinical illness (115). Concomitantly, re-
tentiating GH release and increasing motor unit (MU) recruit- duced PI3K–AKT/mTORC1 pathway activity has been con-
ment to maintain force output (107). Nonetheless, as pointed sidered the main mechanism underpinning an attenuated
out in a preceding section of this review (see RE-Induced MPS response (115). Our understanding of mechanistic pro-
Acute Changes in Systemic Anabolic Hormones), changes in cesses underlying muscle loss during illness is mostly derived
serum levels of GH (and its various isoforms) after RE are from animal studies. Thus, much remains to be discovered
not correlated, mechanistically incongruent, and with stimula- about these complex mechanisms, particularly in humans,
tion of MPS (we note that collagen-predominant tissues like and there are currently no successful pharmacological treat-
bone are markedly sensitive to GH) or hypertrophy (73,74). ments to prevent muscle wasting. However, previous studies
Furthermore, no additional muscle hypertrophy was observed have reported that RET can increase lean body mass, or pre-
after RET with blood flow restriction—the RET model used to vent further losses, in several clinical populations, including
elevate metabolites production by limiting blood flow— cancer patients and survivors (1), patients with renal disease
compared with traditional RET (108). Rather, RET with blood (116), and patients with Parkinson’s disease (117). Notably,
flow restriction showed weaker higher threshold MU recruit- RET counteracts skeletal muscle wasting and thus may be
ment (109). In addition, increased lactate concentration in characterized as mitigation of muscle loss rather than true hy-
plasma does not induce an additional increase in MPS (74) or pertrophy in several clinical populations. Also, previous stud-
CSA by MRI (76) after RE and RET, respectively. Overall, ies highlighted the association between low muscle mass and
little-to-no evidence exists to suggest that any single metabolite, poor clinical outcomes, such as treatment tolerability and survival
MECHANISMS OF EXERCISE-INDUCED HYPERTROPHY Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise® 1553
in cancer patients (118,119). Understanding the mecha- mechanosensors). However, regular exercise training improved
nisms driving RET-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy could MPS response and reduced ceramide in obese patients with
improve therapeutics to improve clinical outcomes during higher muscle ceramide content (127). Reduced physical activity
clinical illness. during clinically illness attenuates the activation of anabolic path-
In many diseases (cancer, sepsis, diabetes, COPD, heart way downstream (e.g., HIPPO and mTOR) that can be promoted
failure, and burns), increased systemic concentrations of by mechanical stimuli (i.e., loss of mechanotransduction). Also,
inflammatory markers (e.g., TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6) have the increased level of inflammatory markers and glucocorticoids
been shown to coordinate the changes in different mecha- decrease the activation of anabolic signaling pathway (PI3K–
nisms regulating muscle protein turnover and muscle regen- AKT/mTOR signaling) and inactivate FOXO transcription
eration (4). The increase in proinflammatory cytokines may factors, thereby promoting gene expression–associated pro-
promote proteolysis by stimulating the UPS and decreasing tein degradation. Although more complex mechanisms are in-
MPS (120). Also, high systemic levels of proinflammatory volved in the muscle loss during clinical illness, improving the
cytokines can negatively impact ribosomal biogenesis in deteriorated variables, explained previously, that may be able
skeletal muscle and myogenesis (121). Although RE-induced to be improved by RET could be an effective strategy to main-
inflammation seems trivial in regulating the hypertrophic re- tain muscle mass in disease patients.
sponse in healthy young (102) and older adults (103), exposure Although aging is not an illness per se, there are undoubt-
to substantially higher or chronically elevated concentrations of edly factors common in aging and certain disease states that
systemic inflammatory markers during illness is associated are likely playing a role in the age-related sarcopenic loss of
with lower muscle mass or blunted MPS response (122). Thus, muscle mass such as increased inflammation factors (128)
reducing the resting concentration of proinflammatory agents and loss of proteostasis (129). Besides that, although multifac-
and elevating circulating levels of anti-inflammatory cyto- torial in origin, reduced number and regenerative capacity of
kines (e.g., IL-1 receptor antagonist, soluble TNF-receptor, SC (130,131), fiber denervation (132), and deregulated intra-
IL-10), such as with regular RET, may attenuate muscle loss cellular communications (e.g., GH/IGF-1, testosterone, and
in clinical illness. myostatin) (72,133) have been considered as a cause of muscle
Elevated systemic levels of glucocorticoids (e.g., cortisol) loss in aging. Although a deep exploration of the mechanisms
have been observed in many diseases (cancer, sepsis, diabetes, that underpin sarcopenic muscle loss cannot be undertaken
renal disease, COPD, and heart failure), and this increment can here, we refer the reader to a recent review on the topic
happen because of exogenous therapeutic administration or (134). A common finding that occurs with aging and in many
endogenous cortisol secretion as part of the stress response muscle wasting disease states is that the response of MPS to
to the disease state (4). The excessive glucocorticoid level in normally robust anabolic stimuli is attenuated. This so-called
systemic circulation activates protein breakdown signaling, in- anabolic resistance of MPS, noted in response to RE and pro-
cluding FOXO1, FOXO3, NF-κB, and reduces PI3K–AKT/ tein ingestion (i.e., hyperaminoacidemia), likely relates to cel-
mTORC1 signaling pathway activity, thereby inducing mus- lular mechanisms and signaling responses being attenuated. In
cle atrophy (123). However, 7-wk RET increased thigh CSA addition, a persistent but low-grade, sterile inflammatory state
measured by computer tomography in renal transplants pa- (inflammaging) is likely also playing a role in suppressing
tients receiving prednisone therapy (124). Also, because a di- MPS and possibly increasing proteolysis by activating UPS
minished capillary number was shown in such patients, the (135). Previous studies have shown that these age-related neg-
previous study suggested the reduced muscle perfusion (i.e., ative adaptations in skeletal muscle could be alleviated by per-
delivery of amino acids and oxygen) as a reason for atrophy forming RET, resulting in an increase in SC number (130), in-
during clinical illness (124). Our laboratory also found the nervating MU (136), and reduction of inflammation (137).
lower capillary number and reduced angiogenesis-related Also, despite the presence of anabolic resistance and low-
markers protein expression in coronary artery disease patients grade inflammation, older persons almost invariably experience
with reduced SC number and abnormal muscle fiber–type gains in strength with RET but a lesser degree of hypertrophy
shifting (125). However, 4 and 12 wk of stair climbing- relative to their younger-age counterparts (138). Nonetheless,
based high-intensity interval training improved the compro- RET is a powerful consistent stimulus that should be a primary
mised muscle characteristics (125). form of exercise prescribed to counteract age- and disease-
In addition to altered metabolism, clinical illness patients related muscle loss. Figure 5 outlines several factors that are
experience significantly reduced physical activity. Muscle disuse likely to play a role in age-related sarcopenic muscle loss, in-
can negatively modulate skeletal muscle remodeling leading to cluding, in our view, a primary contributor, which is periodic
muscle atrophy by decreasing the anabolic signals activated by disuse events (2).
mechanical stimuli (i.e., mechanotransduction), such as the
mTOR signaling pathway (3). Disuse atrophy has been linked
to anabolic resistance in response to hyperaminoacidemia (i.e.,
feeding) (3). Furthermore, in vitro and animal model data (126) Skeletal muscle hypertrophy is a complex process resulting
indicate that ceramide accumulated during inactivity may in- from an intricate interplay between external and internal vari-
hibit factors downstream of PA (see the previous section on ables (Fig. 1), and RET is the most potent external variable
FIGURE 5—Representative factors that contribute to the anabolic resistance of skeletal muscle with aging and disease. This schematic is adapted (with per-
mission) from McKendry et al. (2). E, estrogen; T, testosterone.
that initiates a cascade of events that induce muscle hypertro- The search for molecular signatures identifying the tran-
phy (Fig. 6). Thus, understanding the internal variables acti- scripts involved in skeletal muscle hypertrophy, particularly
vated by RE could provide valuable insight to induce skeletal in clinical populations, creates several avenues for future in-
muscle hypertrophy. However, compared with preclinical vestigation. Activation of mTOR is clearly a key component
models, determining mechanisms from human studies is more of muscle anabolism, but additional factors also seem to con-
challenging because of various factors (e.g., limitation of mus- tribute to skeletal muscle hypertrophy beyond this protein ki-
cle tissue volume, experimental technical difficulty, ethics, nase. Ribosomal biogenesis (i.e., translational capacity) and
and more). Nevertheless, mechanotransduction, translational translational efficiency seem relevant and associated with acute
capacity, and transcription seem to be very promising in identi- RET responses in training-naive subjects, although the role of
fying key mechanisms for RET-induced skeletal muscle hyper- such variables in the long-term skeletal muscle hypertrophic re-
trophy in humans. Also, the anabolic mechanisms regulated by sponse requires further research. Studies applying new methods,
RET could be an important target to maintain muscle mass dur- using in vivo measurement of rRNA synthesis, might bring addi-
ing disease and aging in general, although there are more com- tional input to assess the role of translational capacity in skeletal
plex mechanisms interfering with muscle homeostasis. muscle hypertrophy, and endocrine-related factors, such as AR
FIGURE 6—Schematic illustration of the mechanisms underpinning skeletal muscle hypertrophy response to RET. After mechanical stimuli, phospholi-
pase Cγ1 colocalizes around FAK and catalyzes the conversion of Ptdlns(4,5)P2 to PA that activates the HIPPO pathway (YAP and TAZ). YAP and
TAZ promote the mTOR signaling pathway via the suppression of PTEN, regulate SC activation, and mediate the expression of L-type amino acid trans-
porter 1 (LAT1). Interaction between Filamin-C and Bag3 increases the activation of the HIPPO pathway. Translational capacity and efficacy via ribosome
are essential determinants for muscle hypertrophy. Besides increased gene expression during RE, the UTR of mRNA is regulated and closely correlated
with muscle growth. The AR content is associated with RET-induced hypertrophy, whereas RE-induced acute changes in serum testosterone show no as-
sociation with muscle growth. In human trials, RE-induced increased CK and inflammation factors have no effects on muscle hypertrophy. However, RET
reduces resting concentration of inflammation cytokines in aging and clinical illness. AR, androgen receptor; ECM, extracellular matrix; FAK, focal adhe-
sion kinase; IκBα, NF-κB inhibitor alpha; IKK, IκB kinase; LAT1, L-type amino acid transporter 1; mTOR, mechanistic target of rapamycin; MuRF 1,
muscle RING-finger protein 1; NF-κB, nuclear factor kappa light-chain enhancer of activated B; PGE2, prostaglandin E2; PTEN, phosphatase and tensin
homolog; RE, resistance exercise; RET, resistance exercise training; SC, satellite cells; TAZ, transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif; UTR, un-
translated region; YAP, Yes-associated protein 1.
MECHANISMS OF EXERCISE-INDUCED HYPERTROPHY Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise® 1555
content in skeletal muscle and female sex hormones, may yet the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Develop-
help us understand the role of these variables in skeletal mus- ment (CNPq; grant number 308584/2019-8). B. S. C. and A. C. Q. T.
are supported by Alexander Graham Bell Doctoral Canada Graduate
cle physiology and hypertrophy. More work is still required, Scholarships. J. C. M. is supported by an Ontario Graduate Scholarship.
but with the rapid development of technology, the up-to-date S. M. P. reports grants from US National Dairy Council and a re-
techniques in skeletal muscle, such as single-cell isolation search contract with Roquette, during the conduct of the study; per-
sonal fees from US National Dairy Council; and nonfinancial support
and single-cell RNA-seq (139,140), could be considered to ac- from Enhanced Recovery, outside the submitted work. In addition,
celerate to uncover the mechanisms underpinning RET- S. M. P. has a patent Canadian 3052324 issued to Exerkine and a
induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy in humans. patent US 20200230197 pending to Exerkine, but reports no financial gains
from these patents. C. L., E. A. N., B. S. C., J. C. M., and A. C. Q. T. declare
S. M. P. thanks the Canada Research Chairs Program, the Canadian no conflicts of interest. The results of the present study do not consti-
Institutes of Health Research, and Natural Science and Engineering Re- tute endorsement by the American College of Sports Medicine. The au-
search Council of Canada for their support during the development of thors declare that the study results are presented clearly, honestly, and
this work. E. A. N. is a tier 2 research productivity fellow supported by without fabrication, falsification, or inappropriate data manipulation.
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