health problems, anyone can be affected by it. This disease will be a problem in
terms of social interaction, especially for those students who suffer from it. Social
support and social interaction are one of the most important factors in predicting
the physical health and well-being of everyone, people with greater depressive
symptoms report more frequent negative social interactions and react more
strongly to them.
times. However, when these emotions are felt intensely over a long period, they
can be concerning, especially if they affect the student's social, family, and
academic life. Although it is difficult for anyone to be optimistic when they are
depressed, depression can be treated and some things can be done to help a
gender, health history, and genes. However, it is quite common in older children
others may express a desire to harm or even kill themselves. However, a sudden
feeling of sadness or unhappiness does not necessarily mean that they are
relationships it may indicate that they require the assistance of mental health
depression and it is not recognized, which can result in social and behavioral
habits, and low self-esteem. Students who have these diseases run the risk of
Because anxiety and depression can impair working memory, making it difficult
to retain new information and recall previously taught material, these conditions
Students are prone to depression; school is the place where they interact
most of the time because they spend their day at school. It is a place where they
interact with different people. According to Nezlek (1994) “People who were
classified at risk for depression had fewer rewarding interactions than people
who were not at risk.” That is why students who have less social interaction at
school can be identified as the main subject of this study. Therefore, it is only an
however, is the central place for bullying, children enter both junior high school
and senior high school. Bullying is also one of the factors that trigger Emotional
bullying interventions has been limited, and any success has been in changing
children’s knowledge and perceptions, rather than behavior.” This leads us to ask
how the school can most effectively support the development of social
simply push away. Victims are at high risk of later physical and emotional
distress that may cost their lives. Consequently, Mental illness has become the
et al., (2020) “Six million Filipinos live with Depression and Anxiety. Because of
this, the country has the third highest rate of mental disorders in the Western
Pacific” (Martinez et al., 2020). Also, the Philippine World Health Organization
(WHO) Special Initiative for Mental Health conducted in 2020 showed that “≥ 3.6
Filipinos who suffer from depression keeps increasing every year, we should
which consists of three themes: First is familial problems, wherein the family
rejects or disowns the family member who suffers from a mental disorder
and optimism about the severity of the disorder, wherein the mentally ill either
chronic course, wherein people without mental illnesses apply an acute illness
model to those ill and expect a full recovery in the short term. (Tanaka, Tuliao,
Tanaka, Yamashita, & Matsuo, 2018). Moreover, depression and anxiety should
listeners and comforters of the mentally ill, not castigators. Filipinos must also
In this study, we will know how Emotional depression can affect the social
life of a student in terms of their social interaction in the school. Tupi National
envisions the student’s brighter future through values and moral groundings that
students from Junior to Senior High School. This study will be conducted
become a chronic mental illness and yet it is curable with natural treatments such
as therapy and even simple support to those who suffer from it. That is why this
research is mainly focused on finding out who amongst the students are suffering
and experiencing Depression so that the school can raise awareness and aid
solutions to this social issue that mainly affects the youth and students.
This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies on the research
topic about Emotional Depression to the students of Grade 12 HUMSS in terms of their
Related Literature
secondary to lack of certain chemicals in your brain like, serotonin, which can make a
person’s frame of thought very depressed, for no precipitating reason at all. Sometimes
it can have very subtle symptoms, such as a loss of interest in your present activity or
Major depressive disorder typically involves two or more weeks of a sad mood or
lack of interest in life activities with at least four other symptoms of depression such as
anhedonia and changes in weight, sleep, energy, concentration, decision making, self-
esteem, interaction, and goals. Major depression is twice as common in women and has
Incidence of depression decreases with age in women and increases with age of men.
Depression is pre-pubertal boys and girls occurs at an equal rate (Sheila L. Videback,
hopelessness, is linked to suicide and suicide attempts. Substance abuse is also now a
major problem among children and teenagers and may be related to depression.
Sometimes the depression has a biological cause, and anti-depressant medication have
at times been successful in helping depressed children and youths to overcome with
their problems. In many cases, however, no biological cause can be found. Depression
loved one, separation of one’s parents, school failure, rejection or a chaotic and punitive
in social interaction skill and elf-control techniques and teaching them to view
Types of depression
clarify the type of depression you have, your doctor may add one or more specifiers. A
specifier means that you have depression with specific features, such as: (Mayo Clinic
Organization, 2018).
that used to bring pleasure and associated with early morning awakening,
worsened mood in the morning, major changes in appetite, and feelings of guilt,
agitation or sluggishness.
exposure to sunlight.
depression include:
Genetics: If there is a history of depression in your family, then you are more
cut a link as it is with genetic diseases like, for example, cystic fibrosis or
depression does not mean that you will automatically become depressed. There
Hormones: Certain changes in your hormonal balance can make you more likely
changes associated with giving birth to a child or people who have certain thyroid
Early Trauma and Abuse: People who went through traumatic events during
later in life.
Drug Abuse: Just like some prescription medications can cause depression,
certain illegal drugs can also cause these symptoms to occur. Treating co-
can become difficult to sort out whether they use drugs as a means of escaping
Pain and Illness: Pain and illness are associated with an increased risk for
depression for a few different reasons. First of all, the illness itself may create
become depressed about the state of their health as they face lingering pain, loss
Death and Loss: The stress caused by a death or any other extreme loss can be
dependent on others, pessimism and being self-critical are all associated with a
Interpersonal Conflict: Going through conflicts with friends and/or family can be
stressful, increasing the changes that a person who is prone to depression may
Stress: Major life events—and that can include "good" events like getting
married or "bad" events like losing a job—all may create stress. When we are
stressed, our cortisol levels rise, possibly affecting the transmission of the mood-
As you can see, depression can a very complicated condition, with certain factors,
a tendency for becoming depressed more easily when a person is faced with certain
Communicating with depression is tough; depression comes into your life and
robs you of your ability to communicate well with people. When you become less
depression making you more depressed. Therapists, doctors and family members
encourage you to use assertive communication, but unless you truly understand it,
being assertive is a challenge. People with depression tend to shift between passive
depression. People with greater depressive symptoms report more frequent negative
social interactions and react more strongly to them. It remains unknown, however,
whether reaction strength differs depending on whether social interactions are positive
friends, is truant from school with others, has “bad” companions, freely,
over talkative.
the most effective treatment for depressive disorders. There is no one specific type of
therapy that is better for the treatment of depression. The goals are combined therapy
relationship such as grief, role dispute and role transition. Behavior therapy seeks to
increase the frequency of the client’s positively reinforcing interactions with the
social skills. Cognitive therapy focuses on how the person thinks about the self, others,
and the future and interprets his or her experiences. (Sheila L. Videback, 2006)
development and how to gain self-confidence. A Psychiatry consult will help Neurosis is
medication that will bring back the chemical balance on a patient’s brain so that it can
they’re struggling. Lack of awareness about symptoms of depression can cause people
to consider their feelings normal or dismiss them as a time-limited struggle. The stigma
of seeking treatment for depression can also cause people to attempt to overcome
treatment independently.
Depression seldom gets better without treatment, and it can actually worsen
overtime. Research shows that both antidepressant medications and cognitive therapy
(1) As a teacher, when you make a rule or give an instruction, think through it
before you give it. Tell the child the consequences of meeting or not meeting your
expectation and be consistent in applying the consequences. Before telling the student
what to do, you must consider whether doing it is appropriate and important, whether
the consequences are reasonable and desirable, and whether or not you can follow
through with the consequence. (2) If you want to help the student you must be willing to
extend love, affection, and structure – appropriate rules, clear expectation and
gradual improvement. The goal is to help the student, get their behavior smoothed out
enough for them to live happily and independently in the mainstream of society. (Gines,
1. Start fresh. Other teachers may see your class roster and warn you about a
particular student, but if what they have to say is negative it can taint your perception of
that student before you have even met them. If you see a conversation starting to go
this way, reframe it in a positive light. Ask what worked best, or what that teacher would
have done differently if they got to do it over. It’s up to you to develop your own
2. Draw on past experiences with students, but don’t necessarily rely on them.
The start of the school year brings a fresh crop of children and teenagers with different
backgrounds, personalities, and problems. Think about techniques that worked last year
for dealing with some of your “difficult” students, but stay open to new approaches.
3. Put yourself in the right frame of mind. Most students who have emotional
themselves, focusing, and staying still. Avoid deeming them “attention seekers,” or
angry, or afraid are probably not too concerned about missing papers or homework
that they sometimes or often had trouble concentrating, and 91 percent reported that
they were sometimes or often easily distracted. If your workload allows, it might be
written directions instead of verbal ones so students can refer back to them. If you are
using technology in the classroom, use the reminder or task tools that are available.
assignments that are due in two days instead of the following day. Don’t lower grades
for non-academic reasons like messy handwriting, especially with younger children.
Think of ways to gamify your lessons from time to time so they are more engaging for
learning. MHA recommends the Pax Good Behavior Game (especially for younger
students), the Positive Action Program, and the Raising Healthy Children Program.
These programs use social and emotional learning to deliver outcomes that matter later
in life such as less crime, lower rates of public assistance, improved employment
7. Find the good and praise it. Children and teens who are struggling with
emotional or behavioral problems find school extra hard and often deal with low self-
esteem. They may be extra sensitive and much harder on themselves than their peers.
Be genuine and generous in your praise and downplay their shortcomings. Assure them
that with hard work and practice, they will eventually find difficult assignments easier.
who still have trouble despite after school help or chances to correct their mistakes,
IEPs and 504 Plans can help structure the unique assistance they need to succeed.
Gently suggest these options to parents when appropriate – they may not even know
take them aside or out in the hall to explain the problem rather than reprimanding them
in front of their classmates. Ensure that they know the problem is with the behavior –
not them – and how you expect them to behave moving forward.
patience, kindness, and flexibility. Teachers bring a great deal of compassion to the
table to start with, but it can be easy to let it fall to the wayside when you’ve got a
classroom full of 30 students, 4 more lesson plans to get through, and can’t seem to get
everyone to stay on the same page. No one expects you to be a saint – just try your
11. Work with parents. Parents may see behaviors at home that you aren’t
seeing in school and vice versa. Keeping open lines of communication with parents will
create consistency in working with students who have emotional or behavioral struggles
and minimize misunderstandings. Make a plan that helps you communicate regularly
with parents who need more frequent contact than others so that they're in the loop with
what you're seeing in the classroom, and they can fill you in on what's going on at
12. Make time to take care of yourself. Find ways to de-stress on evenings and
weekends so you can bring your “A game” to the classroom. You might be the take-a-
hot-bath type or you might be the cross fit type – whatever works best for you. (Mental
This study seeks to find out the effect of Emotional Depression to the students of
1. What are the cause and effect of this problem to the students?
3. Did the students think that school can help them in their problem?
4. How many students have this problem and how do they interact in
during the school year 2022-2023. The respondents of the study are the students
of Grade 12 HUMSS students of Tupi National High School. The time scope
started on the month of October school year 2022-2023 until all the data needed
The findings of this study will give an idea to the school administration so
that they will be aware, as well as the parents, regarding in the number of
students who has been affected of Emotional Depression. From the said
awareness, the school can also create plans and programs to help the students.
The result of this study would be a reliable source of information, so that the
teachers, students and guidance councilor will understand the cases behind the
This chapter shows the methods of my study in conducting the research, in this
chapter it answers the Research design, Research locale, Research Instrument, Validity
Research Design
to determine the effects of emotional depression in terms of the social interaction of the
students in the school. The research design that is used in this study was Descriptive
design since it describes what is going on and exists. This will involve the ways to make
the survey as the primary activity to arrive to the purpose of the research. It is important
Research Locale
The study will be conducted in Tupi National High School. This school is located
in the Municipality of Tupi under the province of South Cotabato. Tupi National School is
overall population of 3,000 enrolled students from Junior to Senior High School. This
study will be conducted specifically on Grade 12 HUMSS students of Tupi National High
School. The respondents of this study are the Grade 12 HUMSS students of Tupi
Number of
Respondents Percentage (%)
Total 40 100%
Research Instrument
The research instrument that is used in this study is a Questionnaire survey. The
questionnaire used in this research is based on the Depression Screening test of Ivan
Goldberg, M.D. The questions in this research instrument aims to determine the
student’s coping mechanism and status of their lifestyle that may be a sign of an
occurring mental health problem. Therefore, the respondent’s personal information will
be confidential. This research instrument is useful and appropriate for this type of
First and foremost, in conducting the study, the researchers ask permission to
the teacher and principal for conducting a survey to the Grade 12- HUMSS students of
Tupi National High School. The researchers will submit a letter request and attached
documents to be used in the study that is reviewed and signed by the Dean of College
of Education. Secondly, upon approval of the school, the questionnaires will be given
directly to the respondents of the study. We will seek for guidance from the advisory
teacher assigned to Grade 12 HUMSS students while conducting the study. Lastly,
when all of the target respondents have provided response, the questionnaires will be
collected and tabulated for computation. Analysis and Interpretation of the results will be
Statistical Tools
The study used Descriptive design, and to be able to gather the data, the
researchers of this study used Quota sampling. In this type of sampling the researcher
Depression. The Statistical treatment of data used in the study was in this formula of:
P= x 100 to get the total percentage of the following answers needed in this study.