Electrical Circuits-1 Lab Viva Questions and Answers

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(1) State Ohm's law

Ans: Ohm’s law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly
proportional to the voltage across the two points. Ohm’s law formula is written as; V ∝ I Therefore, V
= RI where R is a constant called resistance. R depends on the dimensions of the conductor and also
on the material of the conductor. Its SI unit is Ohm (Ω)..

V/I = constant

(2) Is Ohm's law a universal law?

Ans: No. It is not a universal law. It fails on semi conductor and for resistances at very low

(3) What happens if voltmeter is connected in series in a circuit?

Ans: A voltmeter is an tool for finding the potential difference between two points. Hence the
voltmeter is connected between the two points. More over the voltmeter has a very high resistance.
Hence the current in the circuit is very much reduced.

(4) Aim of the Ohm's Law Experiment?

Ans: To study current—voltage relationship (i.e. to verify Ohm's Law) using an ammeter and a
voltmeter; and, hence to find the resistivity of the given resistor.

(5) Applications of Ohm’s Law


1. It is widely used in circuit analysis. It is used in ammeter, multimeter etc.

2. It is used to design resistors. It is used to get the desired circuit drop in circuit design.
3. Advanced laws such as Kirchhoff’s Norton’s law, Thevenin’s law are based on ohm’s law.
4. Electric heaters, kettles and other types of equipment working principle follow ohm’s law.
5. A laptop and mobile charger using DC power supply in operation and working principle of
DC power supply depend on ohm’s law.

(1) In Superposition theorem, while considering a source, all other voltage sources are?

Ans: In Superposition theorem, while considering a source, all other voltage sources are short
circuited. This theorem is valid for linear systems.

(2) Statement of super position theorem

Ans: in any linear, bilateral network where more than one source is present, the response across any
element in the circuit, is the sum of the responses obtained from each source considered separately
while all other sources are replaced by their internal resistance. Superposition theorem is a circuit
analysis theorem that is used to solve the network where two or more sources are present and

(3) Can The Superposition Theorem Be Applied To Non-linear Circuits?

Ans: No, The Superposition Theorem Can Only Be Applied To Non-linear Circuits.

(4) Is The Superposition Theorem Applicable To Power?

Ans: The Requisite Of Linearity Indicates That The Superposition Theorem Is Only Applicable To
Determine Voltage And Current, But Not Power. Power Dissipation Is A Nonlinear Function That
Does Not Algebraically Add To An Accurate Total When Only One Source Is Considered At A Time.

(5) What Is The Superposition Theorem?

Ans: Superposition Theorem Is A Circuit Analysis Theorem That Is Used To Solve The Network
Where Two Or More Sources Are Present And Connected.

(6) Statement of thevenin’s theorem

Ans: Thevenin’s theorem states that a linear and bilateral network can be replaced by an equivalent
circuit consisting of a voltage source ‘VTh’ in series with a resistance ‘RTh’.

(7) Applications of Thevenin’s Theorem

1. Ans: To determine Change in Load Voltage

2. To predict range of load voltage variation due to change in load resistance.
3. To obtain Norton’ equivalent circuit.
4. To determine Maximum power that can be transferred to Load from the network.
(8) What are the limitations of Thevenin's theorem?

Ans: If the circuit consists of non linear elements, this theorem is not applicable. The unilateral
networks it is not applicable. There should not be magnetic coupling between the load and circuit to
be replaced with the thevinin's equivalent.

(9) Advantages of thevinins theorem


1. It reduces a complex circuit to a simple circuit viz a single source of e.m.f.

2. Eth in series with a single resistance RTh.
3. It greatly simplifies the portion of the circuit of the lesser importance and enables us to view
the action of the output part directly.
4. The theorem is particularly useful to find current in a particular branch of a network as the
resistance of that branch is varied while all other resistances and e.m.f source remain constant.

(10) Which theorem is also known as the dual of Thevenin’s theorem?

Ans: Norton’s theorem is also known as the dual of Thevenin’s theorem because in Norton’s theorem
we find short circuit current which is the dual of open circuit voltage-what we find in Thevenin’s

(11) Statement of Norton’s theorem

Ans: It states that any two terminal linear network or circuit can be represented with an equivalent
network or circuit, which consists of a current source in parallel with a resistor. It is known as
Norton’s equivalent circuit. A linear circuit may contain independent sources, dependent sources and

(12) Norton’s theorem is true for

Ans: Norton’s theorem works for only linear circuit elements and not non-linear ones such as BJT,
semiconductors etc.

(13) Isc is found across the

Ans: According to Norton’s theorem, Isc is found through the output terminals of a network and not
the input terminals.
(14) Norton resistance is found by?

Ans: Ideal current sources have infinite internal resistance hence behave like an open circuit whereas
ideal voltage sources have zero internal resistances hence behave as a short circuit. So, to obtain
Norton resistance, all voltage sources are shorted and all current sources are opened.

(15) Applications of Norton's theorem

Ans: When you have very complicated networks, with many resistances or impedances and you want
to calculate the voltage between any of them, or the current that flows through it, Norton's theorem
simplifies the calculations, since as we have seen, the network can be replaced by a smaller and more
manageable circuit.

(16) Statement of maximum power transfer theorem

Ans: Maximum power transfer theorem states that the DC voltage source will deliver maximum
power to the variable load resistor only when the load resistance is equal to the source resistance.

(17) The maximum power drawn from source depends on

Ans: The maximum power transferred is equal to {E2/4*RL}. So, we can say maximum power
depends on load resistance.

(18) Name some devices where maximum power has to be transferred to the load rather than
maximum efficiency.

Ans: Maximum power transfer to the load is preferred over maximum efficiency in both amplifiers
and communication circuits since in both these cases the output voltage is more than the input.

(19) Applications of Maximum Power Transfer


1. In a public address system, the circuit is adjusted for maximum power transfer by making
load resistance (speaker) equal to the source resistance (amplifier). When source and load
have the same resistance, they are said to be matched.
2. In car engines, the power delivered to the starter motor of the car will depend upon the
effective resistance of the motor and the internal resistance of the battery. If the two
resistances are equal, maximum power will be transferred to the motor to turn to the engine.

(20) What is the advantage of maximum power transfer theorem?

Ans: The maximum power theorem, better known as the maximum power transfer theorem, is an
essential tool for ensuring successful system design. Put simply, this theorem states that the maximum
power that can be transferred from source to load is 50%, which occurs when source impedance is
exactly matched to load impedance.

(21) What is milliman’s theorem?

Ans: In electrical engineering, Millman's theorem (or the parallel generator theorem) is a method to
simplify the solution of a circuit. Specifically, Millman's theorem is used to compute the voltage at the
ends of a circuit made up of only branches in parallel.

(22) Statement of milliman’s theorem

Ans: Millman’s theorem states that in any circuit, if the number of voltage sources is connected in
series along with internal resistances in the circuit which are in parallel, afterward these voltage
sources may be changed through a single voltage source in series with a resistor.

(23) Advantages & Applications of milliman’s theorem


1. This theorem is used to a circuit that has a set of current and voltage sources as the voltage
source is changed into a current source & vice versa
2. This Millman’s theorem is applicable for determining the voltage across a set of parallel
branches, wherever there are sufficient voltage sources present to prevent a solution using the
method like series-parallel reduction.
3. It is very easy to utilize because it doesn’t need the utilization of instantaneous equations.
4. This theorem is frequently used for circuits that use many op-amps to signify complex circuit

(24) Disadvantages of milliman’s theorem


1. This theorem is not used for the circuits which include impedances among the independent
2. This theorem is not used for the circuit that has a dependent source among the independent
3. This theorem is not applicable when the circuit includes two independent sources.

(25) What is reciprocity theorem?

Ans: In any circuit or network, the flow of current is because of a single voltage source within any
specific branch of circuit is equivalent to the current value within the original branch wherever the
voltage source was arranged once the source is moved to that specific branch of the circuit.

(26) Applications of reciprocity theorem


1. Equality of Directional Patterns

2. Equivalence of Transmitting and Receiving Antenna Impedances

(27) Limitations of reciprocity theorem


1. The limitation of this theorem is that it is applicable only to single-source networks and not in
the multi-source network.
2. The network where reciprocity theorem is applied should be linear and consist of resistors,
inductors, capacitors and coupled circuits.
3. The circuit should not have any time-varying elements.


(1) Statement of KCL

Ans: At any moment, the algebraic sum of flowing currents through a point (or junction) in a network
is Zero (0) or in any electrical network, the algebraic sum of the currents meeting at a point (or
junction) is Zero (0). This law is also known as Point Law or Current law.

(2) Statement of KVL

Ans: In any closed path (or circuit) in a network, the algebraic sum of the IR product is equal to the
EMF in that path.

(3) Applications of Kirchhoff’s Laws


1. They can be used to analyze any electrical circuit.

2. Computation of current and voltage of complex circuits.

(4) Advantages of Kirchhoff’s Laws


1. Calculation of unknown currents and voltages is easy.

2. Simplification and analysis of complex closed loop circuits becomes manageable.

(5) Limitations of Kirchhoff’s Laws

Ans: The limitation of Kirchhoff’s both laws is that it works under the assumption that there is no
fluctuating magnetic field in the closed loop. Electric fields and emf could be induced which causes
the Kirchhoff’s loop rule to break in presence of a variable magnetic field.

(6) What is the difference between Thevenin and Norton theorems?


1. Norton’s theorem uses a current source, where as Thevenin’s theorem uses a voltage source.
Thevenin’s theorem uses a resistor in series, while Norton’s theorem uses a resister set in
parallel with the source.
2. Norton’s theorem is actually a derivation of the Thevenin’s theorem.
3. The Norton’s resistance and Thevenin’s resistance are equal in magnitude.
4. The Norton’s equivalent circuit and Thevenin’s equivalent circuit can be easily interchanged.

Ms S. Jareena

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