Gwentry Proposal
Gwentry Proposal
Gwentry Proposal
In learning English, speaking is one of the difficult skills to deal with for
their thoughts, feelings, ideas and are able to respond to messages with others. This
means that all language learners must be able to speak English in order to
communicate with each other. When we talk about English speaking skills,
pronunciation plays an important role. Especially when you speak English, correct
regularly. English pronunciation is one of the most difficult skills to acquire and
learners have to spend a lot of time to improve their pronunciation Garcia (2007).
speak and is also one of the most important features of language teaching. Good
pronunciation leads to learning while poor pronunciation causes great difficulties
are some problems that english learning, such as they were lack of pronounciation
researchers have encountered problems with some students who have difficulty in
sounding out words correctly. These students often have difficulty pronouncing
certain sounds, such as vowels, and difficult consonants. This can affect their
students may feel less confident when speaking in front of the class or interacting
researchers using shadowing techniques through videos so that students can more
listen to video and then they repeat after watch. Students are encouraged to follow
the speaker on video as soon as possible by only having a short time to delay it.
where students try to guess the words they hear and clearly say the words while
words that they listen indirectly they will get the new vocabulary and how to
in the classroom because this technique can make students enthusiastic about
can listen carefully to native English speakers and analyze the word stress.
Moreover, students must imitate closely the original sources. These learning
processes are able to lead students to practice their pronunciation a lot. Shadowing
is one of the techniques that can be used to give more input to practice
The current study was conducted at SMK Dharma Bhakti for several
reasons. First of all, the results of the preliminary study conducted by the research
showed that students of SMK Dharma Bhakti still face some problems in learning
pronunciation among others, they feel bored during the teaching and learning
teaching and learning process still needs to be developed in a more effective way
technology such as mobile phones and YouTube is rarely practised. Therefore, the
1.2 Research question
Based on the research question, the purpose of this study is to find out the
implementing of this technique will be very useful and appropriate for the process
This research has limitations that only focus on the use of videos from
several movie scenes that will be taken on YouTube to be applied with the
also was limited to the students of pre-basic level at SMK Dharma Bhakti
1. Theoretically
The results of the research can be used to enrich the theories and methods
regarding the use of the shadowing technique for the development of the
2. Practically
pronounce. On the other hand, for the learners, the research findings
provide a direct
contribution to their language development in the arcas of speaking, listening and
would be defined to remove any doubt in understanding the title of the research.
1.6.1 Speaking
situation or the activity to report acts or situation in precise words or the ability to
research, speaking skill related to the students in how students pronounce the word
1. Pronunciation
(1964). In addition, the way how students speak and listen to video in shadowing
2. Shadowing Technique
2.1 Pronounciation
rhythm, voice quality, and, in its broadest sense, attention to gestures and facial
expressions that are closely related to the way we speak language Fraser (2001).
outlined below is essential for teachers so that they understand how these
different aspects work, but learners do not necessarily need to cover the
the sentence level (the most significant words tend to be stressed), and at
the contrastive level (the most significant words carry greater stress)
Fraser, (2001).
from their native tongue and possibly unwittingly offending others Fraser
convey meaning make up the phonemes that make up the English sound system
(combinations of two vowel sounds), triphthongs, which are three vowel sound
b) Articulation
Articulation is the physical movements of the tongue, lips, teeth and jaw
that produce the speech sounds that form words and sentences. It can also be
therefore makes
it easier for everyone to understand what is being said, and it makes the
c) Accent
and refers to the sound that exists in a person's language Behravan (2012). Accent
d) Flow
pauses to convey their message more effectively. When someone speak with
unnecessary pauses it might be made their partner feel confused. Another example
() or point (.) then they do unnecessary pauses it might be so odd when they
pauses again when they see a comma or point in next few words.
e) Preparedness
pronounce a word like how it must be sound they must be well prepared like
learners should spend lots of time, to improve their pronunciation Garcia (2007).
someone with bad English pronunciation may mispronounce the words, which
message. Based on the statement above, we can conclude that having a good
Pronunciation did not mean imitation of a native accent, but referred to pronounce
are talking not only about the difficulty of finding the right words and using the
correct grammar but also about the difficulty of finding and expressing ideas in a
new language.
grown up speaking their home tongue. The common problem of learning English
pronunciation caused by the differences between the sound system of the two
video right after you hear it. You act like an "echo" or "shadow" (hence the name
"shadowing"), you listen to the words and then say them back out loud.
They were instructed to repeat simultaneously what they focused on, which is
shadowing, in order to make sure they were only listening to one of the
shadowing includes listening to and repeating the input, it was then employed in
procedure where students must vocalize the speech as soon as they hear it, unlike
superficially related jobs like repetition. Repetition, on the other hand, is an offline
assignment that gives students time to think about and replicate what they have
sounds when shadowing, improving their speech perception of the target language
the auditory stimuli chunk by chunk while following the video stimuli as
following video tracks which involve immediate stimuli. The learners who use
method just need to hear what the speaker said and repeat what they heard as
accurately as possible.
Full Shadowing Students listen to video after that Imitate what they listen
Slash Shadowing The speaker let listeners identify the words they listen and
Silent Shadowing Students shadowing all the words with no voice and just
selected words.
Part shadowing + Students give coments from some words after they
Part shadowing + Students give some questions from se words After they
the level of the students. The following list shows that the technique is flexible
steps :
d. Synchronized Reading: Student imitate the video, read text aload, and
which is one of the problems faced by non-native listeners." Native speakers tend
to speak fast and use linking verbs to connect the speech, which makes the non-
native listeners difficult to follow. Learners try, follow, and pursue with quick
speeches; this can help them to get used to listening to quick speeches. In theory,
them listening better than before. Additionally, Sumarsih (2017) mentions the
benefit of using the shadowing technique, which covers activating bottom-up and
listen to a wide variety of acoustic features beyond the linguistic aspect. Students'
listening is different from hearing. In listening, the listeners must pay attention to
the speaker to catch what they say. Shadowing makes learners concentrate on
listening. Shadowing tasks challenge the listener by echoing every word of spoken
In this study, the author have found previous research that have a relavant
Thesis, by Isna Maziatul Fitriyah (2022). This study focusing to find out the use
Course Pare Kediri Where the subject of this research, which was carried out
academic year 2021- 2022. Pre test, treatment, and post test data collection
techniques were used to gather data, The hypothesis testing showed that the
Sumenep “Who also caried out by Kauna Bismie Abargiel (2021). This research
used a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental design. The data that has
been collected came from the pre-test and post-test of 35 8th grade students at
SMPN 4 Sumenep which were divided into experimental and control groups. A
total of 70 recordings were obtained from these participants. To determine the effect
of using the shadowing technique, the collected data were analyzed using the T-test.
The results showed that the significance value on the T-test was 0.016 < 0.05. This
the results it can be concluded that the use of shadowing techniques has a positive
The research conducted by the writer has similarities with the two previous
of the study above, both of which use shadowing technique with the research
research method and the same data collection techniques as the previous
researchers above, namely using pre-test and post-test. But on the other hand, this
research also has differences with previous studies where this research uses pre-
experimental design and the other used the same research design, namely pre-
experimental but three groups of pre-test and post-test while in this study using a
form of one group pre-test and post-test because this study did not use a
researchers conducted research on junior high school students while the subjects
data which is then analysed using mathematically based methods. The research
to minimise the risk to the reliability and validity of the research Nunan (1993).
Researchers will use a pre-experimental design with the form of one group pre-
test and post-test because researchers will only focus on one group and there is no
Class XI (Health) T1 X T2
T1 : Pre-Test
T2 : Post-Test
(Setiyadi, 2006)
3.2 Subject of the Research
The data collection technique used by the researcher in this study used a
Tets one (pre-test) and Test two (post-test) as a final test. The steps (procedures)
1. T1 (pre-test)
The researcher conduct pre-test for one meeting before giving treatment.
The students’ were given a video from youtube by the researcher. Each student is
given 1-2 minutes to shadowing the word on the video and 2-3 minutes to perform
recorder. After doing recording, the researcher give transcript and give score
2. T2 (post-test)
The researcher gave post-test to the students‟ like in pre-test given. The
students‟ were given a video video from youtube by the researcher. Each student
is given 1-2 minutes to shadowing the video from video and 2-3 minutes to
using recorder. After doing recording, the researcher gave transcript and give
In analysing the data in this study, researchers will use the Mean Score
formula from Sugiono (2010) to get the average results of the pre-test and post-
𝑀𝑒 = ∑ 𝑥 𝑖
The description of the above formula is as follows:
Sugiono (2010)