Art. 85 2004 YLR 1941
Art. 85 2004 YLR 1941
Art. 85 2004 YLR 1941
2004 Y L R 1941
14–18 minutes
2004 Y L R 1941
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2004 Y L R 1941 about:reader?
Hakim Khan v. Aurang Zeb and another PLD 1975 Lah. 1170;
Muhammad Ashraf v. Syed Ghulam Murtaza and others 1993 CLC
185 and Mst. Begum through legal heirs and 27 others v. Allah
Ditto 2000 CLC 744 cited
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2004 Y L R 1941 about:reader?
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2004 Y L R 1941 about:reader?
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2004 Y L R 1941 about:reader?
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2004 Y L R 1941 about:reader?
very beginning and this term has been interpreted in the cases of
Abdul Kadeer Miah alias Abdul Quader Molla v. Amir Hussain PLD
1965 Dacca 369; Atiq ur-Rehman (Minor) and 7 others v.
Muhammad Ibrahim and 2 others PLD 1982 Lahore 62 and Taj Din
and two others v. Ghulam Muhammad and another PLD 1982
Lahore 177. The learned counsel, elaborat ing his arguments,
urged that on Issue No.2 trial Court had decided that the suit is not
maintainable but the Appellate Court while accepting the appeal of
the respondents, has not reversed the findings on Issue No.2 thus
in presence of these findings, their suit could not have been
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2004 Y L R 1941 about:reader?
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2004 Y L R 1941 about:reader?
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2004 Y L R 1941 about:reader?
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2004 Y L R 1941 about:reader?
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