GIZ Virtual Tourism
GIZ Virtual Tourism
GIZ Virtual Tourism
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Executive Summary
This document was written by Biljana Aljinović (IUCN consultant), with contributions from Ulrika
Åberg (IUCN), Carla Danelutti (IUCN) and Anna Spenceley (IUCN WCPA Tourism and Protected
Areas Specialist Group (TAPAS)).
This document was developed in the framework of the Sustainable Tourism and Protected Areas
in a Post-COVID World project implemented by IUCN in partnership with Planeterra Foundation
with support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on
behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Virtual tourism, also known as digital or online tourism, is the use of technology to allow people
to experience a place or an event remotely. It combines the notion of virtual reality and travel by
offering an immersive experience of an activity, location or destination through the use of
technology¹. In recent years, the tourism sector has adopted this approach for the advertising of
products and services with the aim of increasing its competitiveness in the market².
The offer and the use of such experiences peaked during the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions in
2020 as an alternative to in person travel³ and has been on the rise ever since⁴, stimulated by
technological innovation and the re-conceptualization of leisure-seeking behaviour⁵. Nature-
based virtual tours represent an important segment of this trend, as they seek to provide a way
for people to experience natural attractions such as PCAs from their homes, increasing their
knowledge of the destination while inspiring future travel plans⁶. As a result, we have witnessed
many PCAs across the globe engaging in developing virtual solutions both during the pandemic
lockdown and afterwards⁴ ⁶.
Virtual tourism uses technology such as augmented and virtual reality (VR) and other mixed
systems based on digital technologies and human interaction⁷. Virtual experiences can include
the use of simple 360-degree images or more complex and elaborated content, such as live
broadcasted tours of the destination organized by local actors onsite³ and immersive sensory
experiences through gamificationᵃ ⁸. Numerous applications and online platforms are available to
experience virtual travel, ranging from simple solutions such as Zoom and Google Earth⁵ to more
complex applications that use VR viewers, such as Oculus⁷. The tours can be provided either for
free or for a fee. Payment options can include subscription services, one-off payments for virtual
classes or live experiences, payment for exclusive use of a video or photograph, and donations⁴.
Steps to design a virtual tour in a PCA consist in selecting the appropriate technology to use (VR,
augmented reality, mixed methods, other innovative methods), defining the content to be
promoted, designing and developing the digital tool, and finally promoting the tool online⁷. In this
process it is important to ensure that the content and the approach are aligned with the
conservation objectives of the PCA, much like with any other PCA tourism product. Virtual tour
participants expect to experience the local culture and way of life, nature and wildlife, a feeling of
actually being in the destination (sense of connection), social interaction, and active
participation⁹. Factors influencing these experiences include information, quality, technology
acceptance, and affective involvement – all these have significant effects on people’s attitudes
and behavioural intentions¹⁰. This is very relevant for the PCA context, where environmental
education, influencing behaviour and inspiring conservation action often represent important
elements of storytelling.
ᵃ The process of adding games or game-like elements to something so as to encourage participation (Merriam-Webster).
Virtual tourism in PCAs (and in general) is still a relatively new concept and more systematic
research is needed to investigate this experience from the perspective of different tourism actors
(managers, planners, local providers and tourists)¹⁵. With this in mind, this publication relies on
currently available knowledge and offers a brief insight on some of the long-term opportunities
associated to this type of tourism, along with some of the challenges that have been identified so
far. It also highlights several good practice examples that have been designed to provide benefits
for PCAs and the surrounding communities.
VR in a travel agency
© Tonodiaz (Freepik)
Research has shown that virtual tourism has a significant potential to inspire visitors to pursue
conservation actions. A recent study applied to the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Site
reveals that a nature-based tourism experience delivered via 360-degree VR technology can
potentially be as effective as a real-life experience in influencing conservation behaviours¹⁶. It
means that individuals do not need to be exposed to (and potentially impact upon) natural
environments to adopt actions known to protect such environments. Participants also claimed
they felt a connection to the site that was ‘realistic and pervasive’ during their virtual snorkel
experience¹⁶. Another study, based on the use of simulated VR, obtained similar results,
showcasing that digitally rendered spaces in virtual environments can effectively strengthen the
feeling of connection with nature, and consequent intentions to support its protection¹⁷.
A virtual experience can also potentially generate revenue for destinations and reduce the
impacts of seasonality¹. For many PCAs that rely heavily on international tourism in terms of
revenue and financial stability, virtual tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic represented an
opportunity to partially compensate for losses and ensure support for conservation actions and
livelihoods⁴, but these benefits can go beyond this exceptional situation. Virtual experiences
could be a valuable alternative revenue source also in the long run, either directly through pay-to-
view access or indirectly through stimulating philanthropic donations¹⁸. Although most virtual
tours in PCAs seem to be accessible free of charge, more elaborated experiences that involve
active participation of local guides, tour operators and/or more advanced technology can be
offered at a fee. Data on income (and distribution of income) generated by these activities are
scarce for the moment, but some examples show benefits that do touch upon conservation needs
and livelihoods. In Africa, virtual safaris were found to contribute to conservation resilience by
helping to alleviate the impacts of funding deficits, and assisted with business recovery in the
short term¹⁸. The andBeyond travel company reported a 150,000 USD income from virtual tours
during the 2020-2021 season, which were used to provide support for research activities in the
private reserve where activities took place, as well as income for guides and an NGO that
supports rural communities surrounding PCAs where the company operates⁴.
Some studies suggest that virtual tourism can be considered as an element of sustainable
tourism in terms of reducing unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions from transportation¹³ and
minimising disturbance to species and habitats by omitting physical tourism infrastructure¹⁵ and
limiting negative impacts from visitors. However, this is only valid for users that choose to visit a
site virtually instead of travelling there in person, as it happened during the pandemic lockdown.
In normal conditions, virtual tourists can represent additional ‘visitors’ on top of the actual visitors
on site, which could even result in an increase of the overall greenhouse gas emissions
associated to PCA visitationᵇ. More research is needed to confirm the correlations and impacts of
virtual tourism in terms of climate change and conservation objectives of in-situ environmental
Virtual tours allow potential customers to get acquainted remotely with a destination and
preview some of the attractions in the area, which can be useful to inspire future travel³ ¹⁹ and
serve as a tool for trip planning. Virtual tourism has been observed to have a strong influence on
people's on-site destination choices and can be used as an effective marketing tool to promote
destinations¹³. When considering this strategy to promote a PCA, it is important to evaluate
beforehand whether increasing the number of visitors is appropriate, sustainable and in-line with
the site’s conservation objectives. Areas that are subject to mass tourism and overcrowding
might need to design the narrative around their virtual products carefully and send a clear
message about the impacts of human presence in the area.
Virtual tourism manages to break the spatial, temporal, monetary and other barriers related to the
conditions of a destination and enables the experience of travelling to those who cannot do it in
person¹, thus reaching larger audiences. In the case of PCAs, experiences like virtual tours can
bring those who have limited access to nature, closer to nature²⁰. They can provide 'virtual
accessibility' especially for the elderly and disabled with limited mobility¹³, and to children who
cannot travel independently⁴.
Virtual travel can also represent an opportunity to visit a particularly remote or inaccessible PCA
or easily experience activities that would require specific physical condition or certification to do
so in person. For example, virtual marine experiences, such as the ones offered in the Hawaiian
Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuaryᶜ, provide a unique opportunity to expose a
wider audience to what lies beneath the ocean’s surface and the need to protect it.
ᵇ i.e., greenhouse gas emissions from online activity associated with virtual tourism.
Creating and maintaining virtual tours can be expensive and time-consuming, as they
require the use of often advanced digital technologies and highly specialised human
resources. Although precise information on cost estimates is limited and depends much
on the type of virtual experience to be developed, the budget that is required is
estimated as ‘medium to high’⁷. A study on the development of ecotourism in Russian
protected areas estimated that setting up a virtual ecological tour using 5D technology
would require 4 people (2 videographers, 1 photographer and 1 programmer) and an
initial cost equivalent to around 11-12,000 EUR²¹.
New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service developed a series of interactive, 360-
degree video toursᶠ narrated by Aboriginal rangers in national parks across the region, with the
aim of connecting the viewers to the rich Aboriginal culture and traditions and their role in the
conservation of these areas. The tours were initially developed in 2017 with an educational
purpose as part of the award-winning WilderQuest Learning program, and are now available
online for the wider public as a promotional tool. An Aboriginal digital agency provided the
rangers with specialist training in advanced 360-degree video and drone technology for virtual
reality production.
Based on the insightful albeit limited knowledge presented in the previous sections, as a
concluding remark we highlight 5 key recommendations for PCA managers aimed to support
their decisions when planning virtual tourism activities in PCAs:
Ensure local engagement and benefit-sharing: involving PCA staff and local
communities in the design and roll-out of virtual tourism contributes to support
1 livelihoods, stimulates their sense of ownership, and offers local insight for
curious virtual travellers. For that, building local capacities through targeted
trainings is key (particularly for people that are not IT-savvy), as is using local
knowledge to provide virtual tourism content and experiences.
characteristics required for virtual tourism must be carefully analysed and
planned. Factors such as remoteness can impact internet access options and
influence the final format of the tour (e.g. live-broadcasted vs. pre-recorded).
¹ Sousa Martins, C., Carvalho Ferreira, A., Silva Pereira, C. & Barbosa Sousa, B. (2022) Virtual tourism and
challenges in a post pandemic context. In: ICT as Innovator Between Tourism and Culture (pp.122-137),
IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8165-0.ch008
² De Oliveira, R. K. & Correa, C. (2017) Virtual Reality como estratégia para o marketing turístico. Virtual
Reality, 10(23).
³ Fritz, B. & Zamaraite, I. (2022) Training manual on the creation and promotion of sustainable tourism
products. RESTART MED! Revitalization of Sustainable Tourism Across Regions in the Mediterranean
Project, ENI CBC MED Programme, 319 pp.
⁴ European Union (2021) Virtual protected area experiences in Africa: status and potential for post-COVID-
19 resilience. ISBN 978-92-76-50187-9, DOI: 10.2841/687007, 25 pp.
⁵ Kinseng, R.A., Kartikasari, A., Aini, N., Gandi, R. & Dean, D. (2022) COVID-19 and the emergence of
virtual tourism in Indonesia: A sociological perspective. Cogent Social Sciences, 8(1), 2026557, DOI:
⁶ Spenceley, A. (2021) The future of nature-based tourism: Impacts of COVID-19 and paths to
sustainability. Luc Hoffmann Institute, 53 pp.
⁷ Open Calabria (2022) Guidelines on most innovative practices for the promotion and commercialisation of
sustainable tourist destinations. Med Pearls project, ENI CBCMED Programme, 110 pp.
⁸ Oberprieler, K., Jackson, A., Boa-Amponsem, M. & Sebright, S. (2021) Using Gamification for nature
conservation, Luc Hoffmann Institute, 29 pp.
⁹ Repo, R. & Pesonen, J. (2022) Identifying the Main Service Elements for Customer-Oriented Live Guided
Virtual Tours. In: Stienmetz, J.L., Ferrer-Rosell, B., Massimo, D. (eds) Information and Communication
Technologies in Tourism 2022. ENTER 2022. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-94751-4_19
¹⁰ Godovykh, M., Baker, C. & Fyall, A. (2022) VR in Tourism: A New Call for Virtual Tourism Experience
amid and after the COVID-19 Pandemic. Tourism and Hospitality 3, 265–275. DOI:
¹¹ Hambro Dybsand, H.N. (2022) ‘The next best thing to being there’ – participant perceptions of virtual
guided tours offered during the COVID-19 pandemic. Current Issues in Tourism, DOI:
¹² Talwar, S., Kaur, P., Nunkoo, R. & Dhir, A. (2022b) Digitalization and sustainability: virtual reality tourism
in a post pandemic world. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2022.2029870
¹³ Lu, J., Xiao, X., Xu, Z., Wang, C., Zhang, M. & Zhou, Y. (2021) The potential of virtual tourism in the
recovery of tourism industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. Current Issues in Tourism, DOI:
¹⁴ Verkerk, VA. (2022) Virtual Reality: A Simple Substitute or New Niche?. In: Stienmetz, J.L., Ferrer-Rosell,
B., Massimo, D. (eds) Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2022. ENTER 2022.
Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-94751-4_3
¹⁵ Kask, S. (2018) Virtual reality in support of sustainable tourism: experiences from Eastern Europe. PhD
thesis, Estonian University of Life Sciences.
¹⁶ Hofman, K., Hughes, K. & Walters, G. (2021) The effectiveness of virtual vs real-life marine tourism
experiences in encouraging conservation behaviour. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, DOI:
¹⁷ Ahn, S. J., Fox, J., Dale, K. R. & Avant, J. A. (2015) Framing virtual experiences: Effects on environmental
efficacy and behavior over time. Communication Research, 42(6), 839–863. DOI:
¹⁸ Barker, J. & Rodway-Dyer, S. (2022) The elephant in the Zoom: the role of virtual safaris during the
COVID-19 pandemic for conservation resilience. Current Issues in Tourism, DOI:
¹⁹ El-Said, O. & Aziz, H. (2022) Virtual Tours a Means to an End: An Analysis of Virtual Tours’ Role in
Tourism Recovery Post COVID-19. Journal of Travel Research, 61(3), 528–548. DOI:
²⁰ Soliman, M., Peetz, J. & Davydenko, M. (2017) The impact of immersive technology on nature relatedness
and pro environmental behavior. Journal of Media Psychology, 29(1), 8–17. DOI: 10.1027/1864-
²¹ Kryukova, E.M., Khetagurova, V.S., Mukhomorova, I.V. & Zelenov, V.V. (2020) The development of
ecotourism in Russia using modern information and telecommunication technologies. In: Proceedings of
International Conference on Finance, Entrepreneurship and Technologies in Digital Economy (FETDE
2020), European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences, DOI: 10.15405/epsbs.2021.03.49
²² Sussamann, S. & Vanhegan, H. J. (2000) Virtual Reality and the Tourism Product: Substitution or
Complement? Realidade Virtual no Turismo: Entretenimento ou Mudança de Paradigma? Rosa dos Ventos,
11(4), 908-921.
²³ Verma, S., Warrier, L., Bolia, B. & Mehta, S. (2022) Past, present, and future of virtual tourism-a literature
review. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 2(2), 100085, ISSN 2667-0968,
DOI: 10.1016/j.jjimei.2022.100085