Animal Science Swine Production
Animal Science Swine Production
Animal Science Swine Production
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Artiodactyla
FAMILY: Suidae
SPECIES: Scrofa/vittatus
SUB-SPECIES: domesticus
Sus scrofa - is a wild hog of continental Europe from which most domestic swine have been derived.
Sus vittatus - was the chief, if not the only species of the East Indian pig that contributed to domestic swine.
1. The Philippine Native Swine
• Indigenous animals belong to a large undefined population of individuals without any uniform traits usually
ascribed to a breed.
• The local pig or Philippine Native pig belongs to this category, as they are small and lack the anatomical
symmetry of standard breeds.
• General characteristics: Small and late maturing, mostly solid black or black and white have small ears, sway back
and with weak pasterns.
2. Purebreeds
1. Landrace
• First Landrace swine was developed in Denmark for the production of high quality bacon.
• The Landrace breed is white in color, although black skin spots or freckles are rather common.
• It is known as the longest breed of swine (16 to 17 ribs).
• This breed is known for its prolificacy and mothering ability under Philippine condition.
• Weak legs and pasterns especially on the hind leg. Some strains of Landrace have narrow body and
long legs depending on the country of origin.
2. Yorkshire/Large White
• English bacon breed which had its origin in Yorkshire and neighboring countries in Northern England.
It was developed by selection and crossing with Leicester hog which was a white hog.
• The present Large White was developed in England.
• Yorkshire should be entirely white in color.
• Yorkshire sows are noted as good mothers (Mother Breed).
• They not only farrow or raise large litters, but are great milkers.
• The pigs are excellent foragers and compare favorably with those of any other breed in economy of
• Some individuals in this herd are relatively short and with big belly and they tend to develop
carcasses with excess back fat.
3. Duroc
• The Duroc breed of hogs had its origin in the eastern United States and in the Corn Belt.
• It would seem presumptuous today to attempt to identify the foundation stock of the breed, which
was originally called the Duroc-Jersey.
• Duroc has solid colors, ranging from very high light golden to very dark red that approaches the color
of mahogany.
• The head is small in proportion to the body and the jowl is medium in size. The length of its legs is
proportional to the depth and length of its body.
• Duroc is considered a superior breed in terms of growth rate and feed efficiency. It has a good
muscle quality and is probably the most resistant to stress.
• Some individuals have a strong tendency to have a well arched back which is undesirable because
this animal do not stay long in the breeding herd.
• Unsound front and hind legs that may lead to stiff gilt or lameness are also encountered in some
4. Pietrain
• Pietrain, Belgium, the village from which the breed takes its name, was the birthplace of the breed.
• This breed may be appropriately called the "muscle" pigs because it is well known for its outstanding
muscle development in the ham, loin and shoulder.
• The backfat is very thin. The motherly ability is well within acceptable level.
• Because of the relatively well-muscled ham, the number one problem of this breed is usually
weakness of the hind legs which do not develop as fast as the ham muscle. This breed is also known
for being a slow grower and being highly susceptible to stress.
5. Hampshire
• Hampshire breed traces its origin to Southern England.
• But the first Hampshire Swine Record was organized in Boone country Kentucky, just across the Ohio
River from Cincinnati.
• The most striking characteristic of the Hampshire is the white belt around the shoulder and body
including the foreleg.
• Feed efficiency, length and ham-loin percent of this breed is excellent.
• Low liter size at birth and at weaning, poor mothering ability and latte maturing. Being black is also
an objection because it is associated with thick backfat is also an objection because it is associated
with thick backfat and with difficulty in dressing/cleaning during slaughtering.
6. Berkshire
• South Central England, principally in the countries of Berkshire and Wiltshire.
• The distinct peculiarity of the Berkshire breed is the short and sometimes upturned nose.
• The color is black with six white points, four white feet, one point on the forehead; and another on
the switch of the tail.
• This breed has a small liter size at birth and at weaning, late maturing, thick backfat and the black
7. Poland of China
• South-western Ohio in the fertile area known as the Miami Valley. It is also known as the "Hot Type"
of "big Type Poland China."
• Modern Poland China is black in color with six distinct white points, the four feet, poll of the head
and switch of the tail.
8. List of other Purebreds
a. Spotted
b. Limousine
c. Chester white
d. Hereford
e. Tani worth
f. Large black
g. Chinese Taiho pigs
• Fujian
• Meishan
• Jan Xiang black
• Erhuallian
• From China, considered Taiho pigs, deriving their name from the Taiho Lake
• Slow growing and fat, but have a very good taste, resistant to some diseases
• The Meishan breed is known for its wrinkled face and skin.
• Meishan pigs are perhaps one of the most prolific breeds of pig in the world
o Large litter size of 15-16 pigs.
Upgrading: native pigs bred with foreign breeds
• Diani - upgrade of native pigs (Batangas) with Berkshire
• Kaman - upgrade of native pig (Batangas) with Duroc
• Berkjala - 5/8 Berkshire and 3/8 Jalajala pig (Rizal)
• Miracle Pig – 1/2 Large White 1/4 Landrace 1/4 Native
Hybrid pigs or synthetic breeds
• Do not have distinguishing physical characteristics which differentiate them from other group of pigs.
• Most of them are white with good muscle development.
• Examples are: Babcock, Camborough, Cotswold, Hypor, Seghers, Minnesota No.1, Niew Dalland
A. Sow Herd Enterprise
Farrow to feeder operation
- This type of operation starts with a pregnant gilt/sow to produce pigs weanlings, which are sold to other
raisers who grows then until the marketable weight is achieved.
Farrow to finish operation
- The producer in this type of operation also starts with a pregnant gilt/sow to produce the breeders stocks,
specifically junior boars and replacement gilts.
B. Growing-Finishing Enterprise
- The swine raiser in this type of operation starts with feeder/weanlings and carries them to slaughter, weight
of about 80 to 90 kg.
C. Board-for-Hire-Enterprise
- The producer in this type of operation starts with a young boar, which he grows and trains to breeder age.
- The boar is used to breed the gilts/sows in the community for a fee.
• It is one of the most important animals in a pig enterprise.
• A board will generally produce 15 to 20 times as many offspring per year as do breeding female in the herd.
• A period of at least 1 to 2 months before the breeding season begins is enough time for the boar to get adjusted
to the new environmental
In a multiple farrowing program, the recommended number of boars needed for a given sow population is as follows:
a. Two services per sow per heat period.
- 15 sows or less - One boar if boar is at least 15 months old
- 15 - 25 sows - Two boars
b. One service per heat period
- 20 sows or less - One boar if young boar
- 30 sows or less - One boar if boar is at least 15 months.
Prior to Pregnancy
- Under good management, sows have tremendous capability to produce 2.3 liters per year or over 20 pigs
Mating System
Mating system vary as to amount of labor involved, ease of obtaining accurate breeding records and facility
1. Artificial Insemination
2. Hand Mating
- This is the preferred mating system.
- The operator checks for heat and takes the female in heat to the boar.
Its advantages are:
a. The operator knows for certain that the females were bred b. Accurate breeding dates can be recorded
b. The operator can accurately check for return to heat
c. Boar use is regulated
d. Anestrus problems can be determined earlier
e. A more accurate sire breeding performance can be calculated
f. Fewer boars are required for the same number of females
Note: The main disadvantages are that more labor and closer observation are required.
Note: The main disadvantage of pen-mating is that record of breeding dates, boar services rate and female return to heat
dates are often unknown expect when the headsman observes a mating.
Heat Detection
Proper and accurate heat detection is important for a successful mating system.
A. Physical Signs
✓ Vulva maybe swollen and red
✓ Clear viscous vaginal discharges
✓ Restless and grunting
✓ Mounting behavior
✓ Frequent attempts to urinate with little or no discharges
B. Techniques
Haunch-Pressure Test: The operator should approach the sow from behind and rub her sides and thigh.
Riding-the back-test: This technique is applied by riding or merely pressing the back of the animal.
Semen-on-the-snout test: This test is particularly important in artificial insemination although it can be applied
in natural breeding.
Teaser boar: Allowing a boar but preferably one that has been vasectomized to mount the sow.
Sound Test: Use of chomping sounds of the boar.
The estrous cycle ranges from 17 to 24 days, with an average of 21 days. Estrous cycle is continuously manifested by the
individual unless interrupted by pregnancy.
Estrous = cycle
Estrus phase in the estrous cycle when a female is sexually receptive, "in heat"
Feeding Level
- Normally, 1.8 to 2.3 kg of balanced 14 percent crude protein ration will meet the daily nutrient requirements and
free of heavy parasite infestation.
The greater demand for feed in the last trimester of pregnancy can be satisfied by increasing the level of feeding to at
least 15 percent level of 2.0 kg for primigestation and light multigestation sows, and 10% for the fully grown or heavy
multigestation sows.
A. Signs of Farrowing
✓ She is restless, nervous and often bites the wall or stall partition
✓ She starts build a nest
✓ There is distinct swelling of the mammary apparatus
✓ There is slackening of the abdominal wall.
✓ Milk let - down: The presence of milk when the teats are stripped indicates that the sow will farrow within
24 hours.
B. Supervised Farrowing
The Need for an Attendant: The care and attention given to the piglets from the time they are farrowed until
they weaned are very important. An attendant should be presented to assists the newly born pigs and the sow if
• Reduced stillborn pigs
• Minimize crushing
• Prevent starvation
• Prevent predators
• Avoid cannibalism
• Minimize dystocia (difficulty in giving birth)
Health Care
• Inspect the sow's mammary apparatus for congestion, inflammation, laceration and other forms of injuries. If
these are presented watch out for MMA Syndrome.
• Metritis (Inflammation or Infection of the Uterus).
• Mesatitis (Inflammation of the Udder)
• Agalactica (Inadequate Supply of Milk).
Immediately after weaning the multiparous sows should be vaccinated against hog cholera at least twice a year.
Keeping Newly Born Piglets Warm and Comfortable to Keep Them Alive
• An estimate showed that 15% of the baby's pig body's heat is lost to the floor by conduction
• Roughly 10% thorough the normal evaporation of water from the respiratory tract and skin.
• Of the various sources of heat, it is believed that the straw that the straw bedding is still the most effective
means of providing the baby pigs with comfortable environment. It permits the piglets to alter their
environment in order to meet the needs of the moment.
• Correct environmental temperature is most critical during the first 6 days of post natal life when the thermal
insulation of the pig is at its lowest.
• The capacity of the pig to regulate body temperature starts to improve gradually only on the 7th day onwards up
to the 20th day when full important to provide the baby pigs supplemental heat to prevent serious losses from
• The presence of artificial heat source in the farrowing unit also helps prevent losses from crushing because it
attracts the baby pigs baby pigs prefer a temperature ranging from 30-31 °C for the first week at birth, 29°C to
30°C after the first week until the 6th week and declines as the pig grows older (26 to 30°C for 50 kg pigs and 17
to 22°C for a 100 kg pig).
• The removal of the primary sex organ of the male is done when the pigs are about two weeks from birth or
• When castrating pigs, age, health condition and susceptibility to stressful condition of the animal must be
Hog cholera is nearly 100 percent fatal to pigs of all ages, and its virulence resistance to antibiotics and other drugs for
treatment, and highly contagious nature make it difficult to control.
• Growing-finishing pigs are best-vaccinated 2 weeks after weaning or 1 week after deworming, if deworming
precedes vaccination.
• If pasturing is practiced, keep the pigs indoors until about 2 weeks when full immunity must have been attained.
• When using live-virus vaccines, observe extra care because improper handling may lead to serious hazards.
• It has been observed that when the shift in the feed is done abruptly, the pigs especially the young ones develop
diarrhea so that to avoid the problem it is important to shift them. gradually from one diet to another.
Feeding Systems
• Ad libitum feeding. Giving feeds without restriction and always available at any time.
• Restricted feeding. Controlled amount of feed given to the animals.
• Combination of ad libitum and restricted feeding. Fed ad lib until they reach the weight of 50 kg and fed restricted
until they are marketed. Maximizing the advantage of the growth curve.