Psychology-Memory & Its Types
Psychology-Memory & Its Types
Memos'y he facalty
he boain by whic! dodta
inpomaatim b ehcoded,stoved
and vetyteve when needed.
9t The setention
inoomatien o the
Tume fos fhe
Puapb se in urcing
hcosding tSperling
capacty 12 es
SENSOR EMORY but tott degaaded
vey quutPy
Sensosy mamosy holcds imkomtin, deiled rom the JOn3es,
an tem beceied.
s than me Cona an
it Fos ou a
uCods beree hosgitlirg,suggesc
it uns soved inSTM. On the ofhe hand n can emembeé
7 urbtbs kox maruy yeas through veptitioni this
inosndion tbe stoed in LTM
LTM encods inhawmtion Samantirally.
ELsodic Dlaxyst h postLIM.whch
tenpt lo caplu inormation Such a
wi pisodic mumasy, indiudunls ahe able t secall
Speike euerb such aj bisthdpy patiey aweddings.