Scce 2014 09 Ethikos Hodroff
Scce 2014 09 Ethikos Hodroff
Scce 2014 09 Ethikos Hodroff
By Matthew B. Hodroff
Online commerce, credit card issuers, and global cor- type of policy ends up hurting the consumer, and eroding
porations have permanently degraded customer service, or trust in the entire marketplace.
what was left of it, to little more than a dream or memory. As technology expands, it creates the opportunity for
Technology has expanded so that business transactions can commerce to grow, but it also expands the opportunity for
happen in the click of a mouse or a swipe of your card at the these one-and-done type businesses to solve consumer issues
pump, never involving any human interaction. This dehu- with technology. These “Self Service Technologies”1 provide
manizing process encourages a fair market, better prices for these businesses essentially a cost free way to create the
goods, and convenience, but cripples the customers’ ability to first hoop to deal customer complaints, issues, or concerns.
resolve any issues with ease or satisfaction. Many businesses Companies often create these hoops in layers within cus-
now incorporate “satisfaction programs” into their business tomer service, which customers must encounter sequentially
model, understanding that consumerism is not driven by before they will typically find any resolution. The businesses
customer satisfaction as much as before a boom in Internet that adopt this approach knowingly embrace the fact that
sales. What does this mean for the consumer? Businesses all consumers, at some point, will eventually give up any
realize they will lose your business at some point so instead hope of receiving satisfaction or resolving problems they
of trying to retain you, they look to capture the business encounter through customer service.2 Because they know
of the other “you” leaving a competitor. They do this buy that you will eventually give up, they purposefully make it
offering incentives to new customers, similar to when you difficult to get the help or answers a consumer actually wants.
buy a new phone and get a great deal, but are then stuck with Some companies do not even have phone numbers and do
service for two years. This creates the business customer not offer any help over the phone! Instead, by providing a
service program for these companies of: Just Say No. This frequently asked questions page and some generic examples