493-Article Text-1131-1-10-20200520
493-Article Text-1131-1-10-20200520
493-Article Text-1131-1-10-20200520
Review Article
Karya Karana Siddhanta has been explained Linga and Aushada) has been explained.[8] Guna
in Ayurveda treatise. Karanas which are defined as entity is considered as the cause of Vriddhi of
cause are required to bring out Karya i.e. Chikitsa Doshas as well as Vyadhi of Shareera which depends
and goal of Chikitsa is to attain Dhatu Samyata. To upon Trisutra Ayurveda. The present study aims to
bring about Dhatu Samayata, Shatpadarthas elucidate the concept of Guna in perspective of its
(Karanas) are marked as essential.[1,2] importance in Hetu, Linga and Aushada to attain
Shatpadarthas have been mentioned as Samanya, Dhatusamyata.
Vishesha, Guna, Dravya, Karma and Samvaya. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES
Among which Dravya is Pradhana and possesses To understand the Guna Siddhanta in
specific property which are termed as Guna.[3] The clinical practice wsr to Trisutra Ayurveda.
word ‘Guna’ is derived from the Dhatu ‘Guna
Amantrane’, which means it attracts towards
itself.[4] Guna entity stands for both physical and Concepts related to Gunas are analysed in
chemical property[5] and are classified under perspective of their clinical application from
various categories as per various Acharyas (Table Ayurvedic literature, internet source and various
1). Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshana and Aturasya journals. Further understanding has been proposed
Vikara Prashamanam is the objective of Ayurveda. in regard to title.
To attain this objective, Trisutra Ayurveda (Hetu,
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