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AYUSHDHARA ISSN: 2393-9583 (P)/ 2393-9591 (O)

An International Journal of Research in AYUSH and Allied Systems

Review Article


Gupta Monika1*, Gudipudi V.S.S.N Sarvabhouma1, Pujar Rashmi2, S Gopikrishna3
*1Post Graduate Scholar, 2Assistant Professor, 3Professor and Head of Department, Department of Roga
Nidana and Vikruti Vijnana, Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital
Hassan, Karnataka, India.


Dhatusamyata, Guna, Ayurveda emphasises on maintaining the healthy life and curing the
Shatpadartha, Trisutra. disease of diseased. Various Siddhantas (Principles) have been
mentioned in Ayurveda Treatise. Shatpadartha is one among the
*Address for correspondence Siddhantas which hold basis for Dhatusamyata (equilibrium in bodily
Dr. Gupta Monika humours). Guna (attributes) is one amongst Shatpadartha explained in
Post Graduate Scholar, classical texts, which is Nischestyaa (inactive) remains with Samvayi
Department of Roga Nidana and Sambandha (inseparable relation) in Dravya. Acharya Charaka has
Vikruti Vijnana, enlisted 41 Guna and classified them into Sartha Guna, Paradi Guna,
Shri Dharmasthala Gurvadi Guna and Prayatnadi Guna. Trisutra Ayurveda shows marked
Manjunatheshwara College of relation with Guna Siddhanta. The concept of Guna Siddhanta forms an
Ayurveda and Hospital Hassan, underlying source of principles in practice to infer the Trisutra i.e. Hetu
Karnataka, India. (Etiological factors), Linga (Symptoms) and Aushada (Treatment). The
present article aims to confer the clinical understanding of Guna
[email protected]
Phone: 9149445839 Siddhanta based on Samhita to provide an insight by Hetu, Linga, Aushada
and bring about Dhatusamyata.

Karya Karana Siddhanta has been explained Linga and Aushada) has been explained.[8] Guna
in Ayurveda treatise. Karanas which are defined as entity is considered as the cause of Vriddhi of
cause are required to bring out Karya i.e. Chikitsa Doshas as well as Vyadhi of Shareera which depends
and goal of Chikitsa is to attain Dhatu Samyata. To upon Trisutra Ayurveda. The present study aims to
bring about Dhatu Samayata, Shatpadarthas elucidate the concept of Guna in perspective of its
(Karanas) are marked as essential.[1,2] importance in Hetu, Linga and Aushada to attain
Shatpadarthas have been mentioned as Samanya, Dhatusamyata.
Vishesha, Guna, Dravya, Karma and Samvaya. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES
Among which Dravya is Pradhana and possesses To understand the Guna Siddhanta in
specific property which are termed as Guna.[3] The clinical practice wsr to Trisutra Ayurveda.
word ‘Guna’ is derived from the Dhatu ‘Guna
Amantrane’, which means it attracts towards
itself.[4] Guna entity stands for both physical and Concepts related to Gunas are analysed in
chemical property[5] and are classified under perspective of their clinical application from
various categories as per various Acharyas (Table Ayurvedic literature, internet source and various
1). Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshana and Aturasya journals. Further understanding has been proposed
Vikara Prashamanam is the objective of Ayurveda. in regard to title.
To attain this objective, Trisutra Ayurveda (Hetu,

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AYUSHDHARA, 2019;6(5):2407-2314
Table 1: A Classification of Guna
Classification of Guna
Acharya Charaka 41 Sartha Guna (5)
Paradi Guna (10)
Guruvadi Guna (20)
Prayatna Guna (6)
Acharya Sushruta 20
Acharya Vagbhatta 20
Acharya Chakrapani [3] Vaisheshika Guna (Adhibhoutika Guna), Samanya Guna
(Adhibhoutika Guna and Aatma Guna (Adhyatmika Guna)
Yogendranath Sena [7] 42 41 Gunas +Mana
Vedanta Nagarjuna [5] Has mentioned Sheetoshnadi Dasa Karmanya Gunas
Sidhanta Chandrodaya [6] Has mentioned Aalasya as Guna
Kanaada 17
Nyaya Darshana 24
Vedanta Darshana innumerable
In Ayurveda, Shatpadarthas (Samanya, For example; Reduction in Chala Guna of Vata
Vishesha, Guna, Dravya, Karma and Samvaya) are causes Alpa Chesta as a symptom.
responsible for every phenomenon so is termed as Guna in Aushada
Karanas. Guna is one such entity which has Thorough examination of the patient is the
inseparable relation with Dravya. Ayurveda initial step which is followed by planning
affirmed Tri Sutra (Hetu, Linga and Aushada) as appropriate therapeutics.[12] Before administration
helpful components to treat disease. Karanatva of of any Dravya in treatment, details of Dravya
Guna depends upon Trisutra and there is marked (Nama, Rupa and Guna) should be known by
relation between them. [8-9] physician.[13] Each Dravya possesses specific
Guna and Tri Sutra Ayurveda property without which it does not have its
Guna in Hetu significance. For example, Vardamana Pippali
Hetu is defined as a cause or reason. Rasayana possesses Laghu-Tikshana Guna, Katu
Synonyms of Hetu are mentioned as Nimitta, Rasa, Madhura Vipaka and produces Agnideepana,
Ayatana, Karaka, Karta, Karana, Pratyaya, Amapachana, Vatashamaka and Rasayana effect and
Samuthanam, Mulam and Yoni.[10] Chakrapani is marked as drug of choice in Amavata.[14] Gunas
opines that successful treatment depends on proper are not only helpful in curative aspect even also in
understanding about Hetu of the disease. For preventive aspect.[15] As little fire kindled gradually
example, intake of excess of Madhuradi Dravyas with grass or cow dung becomes stable so in case of
manifests with Kaphaja Vikara due to Guru, Sheeta Agni after Shodhana following of Peyadi Krama
and Snigdha Guna. To treat the disease the Nidana makes the Agni to digest all types of food, it is based
has to be evaluated and avoidance of those Nidana on Guna Prabhava. Even the Guna Karma of Anna
i.e. Nidana Parivarjana Chikitsa to be adopted as Dravya has also been described in Annapana
one of the treatment modality.[11] Vidhi.[16] Thus Guna in Aushada as well as in Ahara
Guna in Linga has its significance.
Linga is defined as characteristic or sign. Enumeration of Guna
Linga, Akriti, Lakshana, Cinha, Samsthana, Vyanjana Acharyas has enlisted 41 Gunas into Sartha
and Rupa are mentioned as synonyms.[11] Lakshanas Guna, Paradi Guna, Gurvadi Guna and Prayatanta
are manifested based on increase or decrease in Guna (Table 2).
Gunataha, Dravataha and Karmataha of Doshas.[3]

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Gupta Monika et al. Clinical Aspect of Guna Siddhanta with Special Reference to Trisutra Ayurveda
Table 2: Enumeration of Guna
Sartha Gunas (5) Paradi Gunas (10) Gurvadi Guna (20) Prayatnadi Guna (6)
Shabda Paratva Guru-Laghu Sukha
Sparsha Aparatva Sheeta-Ushna Dukha
Rupa Yukti Manda-Teekshana Buddhi
Rasa Sanskara Snigdha-Ruksha Iccha
Gandha Samyoga Sthira-Sara Dwesha
Samkhya Mridu-Kathina Prayatna
Vibhaga Visada-Picchila
Parinama Slakshna-Khara
Prithakatva Sukshma-Sthula
Abhyasa Sandra-Drava
Sartha Guna: Sartha means having an object to Clinical Understanding of Sartha Guna
serve the purpose. To serve the purpose or to For instance Asatmendriyartha Samyoga of
acquire valid knowledge Pramanas have been Karnaendriya as Hetu, Shabda Asehshnuta in Rasa
mentioned in classics.[17] Pramanas are essential Kshaya (symptom)[18], Paravat Eva Kujana in
tool which are helpful in Roga and Rogi Pariksha. Kshataja Kasa (sign)[19] as Lakshana can be inferred
Pariksha is a Pramana by which objects are rightly with Shabda Guna. Various drugs have their specific
known. Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa and Gandha morphological features such as Gunja, which makes
Guna are described as Sartha Gunas. With the help rattling sound it can be identified easily with
of Sartha Guna, Pariksha can be done and various Shabda Guna. In view of Chikitsa, Yoga Nidra is
Lakshanas (symptoms) of diseases can be based on sound effect.
diagnosed (Table 2). Sartha Gunas are predominant Similarly some of the other examples have
of Panchamahabhutas and are perceived by been discussed below (Table 2) to illustrate
Panchagyanendriyas. Specific finding of diseases can significance of Sartha Guna. Thus Sartha Guna has
be perceived by utilising Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa and its significance in accessing etiological factors, signs
Gandha Guna and Pramana (Pratyaksha Pramana and symptoms, identification and treatment of
and Aptopdesha Pramana) except the Rasa Guna disease.
which has to be detected through Prashana
Pariksha and Anumana Pramana.
Table 2: Relation of Sartha Guna, Hetu, Lakshanas and Chikitsa
Artha Guna Hetu Linga Dravyas Chikitsa
Shabda Asatmendriyartha Paravat Eva Gunja (Abrus precatorius) Yoga Nidra in
(Sound) Samyoga of Kujana in produces rattling sound Manasika Rogas
Karnaendriya Kshataja Kasa
Sparsha Asatmendriyartha Ushna Sparsha Kapikacchu (Mucuna Vedana Sthapana
(Touch) Samyoga of in Jwara pruriens) known by its touch Dravyas in pain
Twakendriya management
Rupa Asatmendriyartha Haridra Netra Eranda (Ricinus communis) Trataka to maintain
(Visual) Samyoga of Mutra Twak in known for its appearance the concentration
Chakshurendriya Kamala (Panchangula)
Rasa Asatmendriyartha Tikta Amla Ikshu (Saccharum Gandusha, Kavala in
(Taste) Samyoga of Udgara in officinarum) is sweet in taste Mukhapaka, Gala Roga
Rasanendriya Amlapitta
Gandha Asatmendriyartha Kunapagandham Gandhaprasarini (Paederia Dhupana, Nasya
(Smell) Samyoga of in Kardama foetida) imparts bad odour Karma in Urdwa
Ghranendriya Visarpa Jatrugata Rogas,
Sangyasthapana drugs
Paradi Guna: The word Paradi refers to Para and Adi Guna. Para means superior and Adi refers to other
nine Gunas. Paradi Gunas are Paratva, Aparatva, Yukti, Samkhya, Samyoga, Vibhaga, Prithakatva, Parinama,
Samskara and Abhyasa. There are many factors on which accomplishment of treatment depends; Paradi
Guna is one among them.[3]

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AYUSHDHARA, 2019;6(5):2407-2314
Clinical Understanding of Paradi Guna
Acharya Charaka has opined that without prior knowledge of Paradi Guna, Chikitsa cannot be
possible thus Paradi Guna has been mentioned as Chikitsa Siddha Upaya.[20] Upaya is an excellence of
physician and pharmacist. Charaka has quoted Upaya is supremacy of Karta, Karana and Karya Yoni i.e.,
Bhisak, Aushada and Dhatu Vaishamya respectively. It can be interpreted as follows (Table 3).
Table 3: Clinical Aspect of Paradi Guna
S.No Paradi Meaning Example
1. Paratva Superior Collection of drug depends on Paratva and Aparatva Guna. For
2. Aparatva Inferior example Khadira as Kushtaghna (Paratva), Anupa Desha
3. Yukti Application/ Selection or administration of specific drug to treat the disease
intelligent weighing depends on Yukti. For example Usage of Taila in Vattika diseases,
of circumstances Ghrita in pattika diseases, Madhu in Kaphaja diseases [21]
4. Samkhya Enumerate Number of ingredients in formulation, combination of two or more
drugs, no of times the drug has to be given, is carried out by
Samkhya Guna. For example Navayasa Loha has 9 ingredients[22]
5. Samyoga Conjunction Quality with two or more combination of drugs specifies Samyoga
Guna. For example administration of Mishraka Sneha in Kaphaja
6. Vibhaga Apportionment Differentiation between diverse objects. For example Three
Vibhaga of Kukshi.
7. Prithakatva Widely Apart Differential diagnosis of various diseases, Amsha Amsha Kalpana of
Doshas, subtypes of diseases is application of Vibhaga Guna.
8. Parimana Measurement Parimana Guna indicates weightage, dosage. To explain this, Matra
has been explained in context of Ahara Matra, Aushada Matra by
Acharya charaka.
9. Sanskara Preparation/ Modification of original property of drug and changing it into
Refining multiple forms to treat different diseases or increase/decrease in
concentration of drug signifies the Samskara Guna. For example
Dadhi is Shotha Kara but after Manthana is Shotha Hara.[24]
10. Abhyasa Doing act Acharya Charaka has explained Abhyasa in sense of practice. For
continuously example in Vaidya Guna.
Also another word for Abhyasa in Samhita is Oka. Concept of
Satmya and Oka Satmya is applied aspect of abhyasa guna. In
treatment aspect, Sahastra Bhallataaka Prayoga in Rasayana
Adhyaya is another example for Abhyasa Guna.
Gurvadi Guna: Gurvadi Guna refers to Guru and Adi Gunas. Guru means heavy and Adi refers to other 19
Gunas. Acharyas have mentioned classification of Gurvadi Gunas (Table 4). Kaviraja Gangadhara has
mentioned it as Sharirika Guna.[5] Knowledge of Gurvadi Guna provides better way to diagnose and treat
Table 4: Gurvadi Gunas
Acharya Charaka[3] Guru (Heavy), Laghu (Lightness), Seeta (Cold), Usna (Hot), Snigdha (Oily), Ruksha
Acharya (Dry), Manda (Dull), Tikshna (Sharp), Sthira (Firm), Sara (Moving),Mridu (Soft),
Vagbhata[25] Kathina (Hard), Visada (Clear), Picchila (Sliminess), Slakshna (Smoothness), Khara
(Roughness), Sukshma (Subtle), Sthula (Gross), Sandra (Dense), Drava (Fluidity)
Acharya Vyavayi Guna, Vikashi Guna, Ashukari (Chala), Sugandha (Manda), Daurgandha
Sushruta[26] (Teekshana) can be accommodated under 20 properties.

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Gupta Monika et al. Clinical Aspect of Guna Siddhanta with Special Reference to Trisutra Ayurveda
Clinical Understanding of Gurvadi Guna
Table 5: Clinical Aspect of Gurvadi Guna
Gurvadi Meaning Hetu Linga Aushada
Guru Heavy Intake of excess of Madhura Tandra in Kapha Jwara, Guru Cha Apatarpana
Dravyas does Vriddhi of Guruta in Pandu Roga Chikitsa in Prameha
Kapha Dosha causes Sthoulya
Laghu Light Laghu Ahara as Hetu in Vataja Krushata in Laghu Cha Santarpana
Jwara Apatarpanottha Vikara Chikitsa in Karshaya
Sheeta Cold Sheeta Pana causing Swasa Sheeta Abiprayata in In Daha, Sheeta Guna
Roga Pittaja Jwara Dravyas are used
Ushna Hot Excessive consumption of Santapa in Jwara Agruvadi Lepa in Jwara
Ushna Bhojana causes Pittaja
Snigdha Unctuous Snigdha Bhojana causing Snigdha Varchas in Snehana therapy
Santarpana Janya Vikara Sneha Siddha
Ruksha Dry Ruksha Pana causing Gulma Twak Rukshata in Baluka Sweda in
Kushta Amavata
Manda Dull Manda Dadhi causing Manda Vedana in Manda Guna Dravyas for
Raktapitta, Mandagni Kaphaja Vrana Dosha Shamana in Krsha
causative factor for all disease and Daurbalya persons
Tikshana Sharp Teekshana Aushada as Hetu of Daha in Kushta Tikshana Guna of
Vataja Chardi Madhya in Madyatya,
Shodhana therapy
Sthira Firm Sthira Anna causing Granthi Alpa Cheshta in Stambhana therapy,
Visarpa Apatantraka, Gatra Bruhmana Dravyas
Saada in Pandu Roga
Sara Moving Atya ambupana in Bahudrava Sarana in Haritaki with Sara Guna
Udakodhara Atisara helps in Anulomana
Mridu Soft Due to improper Mridu Sparsha in Mridu Sweda for
administration of Sneha leads Pittodara Sthaulya patients
to manifestation of Sneha
Kathina Hard Atikatina Ahara in Kathinya in Amavata, Langhaniya Dravyas,
Sannipatijja Atisara Kathinya in Visphota, Rukshaniya Dravyas
Kathina Udara in
Visada Clear Visada Guna of Apana Vata is Atopa in Pakwashaya Mudga having Vishada
affected in Anartava Gata Vata, Anga Guna and mitigates Pitta
Sphutana in Sarvanga Kapha, Ropana Dravyas
Kupita Vata
Picchila Slimy Picchila Bhojana as Kaphaja Picchila Mutra in Madhura Rasa heals the
Jwara Hetu Kaphaja Prameha wounds in Kshata Heena
by its Picchila Guna
Slakshana Smooth Dadhi Sevana in Pitta Kapha Slakshanata in Slakshna is useful for
Prakopaka Nidanas Mandala Kushta healing ulcers
Khara Rough Atikhara Ahara in Sannipataja Khara Swara in Vataja Vamana and Madhu

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AYUSHDHARA, 2019;6(5):2407-2314
Atisara Swarabheda having Visheshya Guna
as Khara causing
alleviation of Kapha
Sukshma Subtle Rajas Dhuma as Hetu in Vedana in Vata Vikaras Swedana Karma, Madhu
Shwasa Roga in Vamana Karma
Sthula Bulk Apathya Nimittija Ahara Sthula Purusha in Bruhmana Dravyas
causing Madhumeha Prameha
Sandra Dense Sandra Guna as Hetu in Sandra Srava in Sandra Guna in Kapha
Prameha Mamsagata and Kshaya, Sandra Guna in
Kaphaja Vrana Takra in Udara
Drava Fluid Swadu-Amla Drava Pana in Drava pureesha in Madhura Rasa due to its
Krimi Roga Grahani Drava Guna pacify
Prayatnadi Guna (Adhyatmika Guna)
Prayatnadi Gunas are attributed to Atman (knowledge of self). They are also termed as Adhyatmika
Guna. The Manas, Mano Artha, Buddhi and Atman constitute Adhyatmika Dravyas and its Guna are regarded
as Adhyatmika Guna. Prayatna, Buddhi, Iccha, Dwesha, Sukha, Dukha is Prayatnadi Gunas (Adhyatmika Guna).
Clinical Understanding of Prayatnadi Guna
Prayatnadi Guna is related to Trisutra Ayurveda and it specifies the metaphysical and spiritual
qualities (Table 6).[3] All these Gunas illustrate Manasika Bhavas and state of person.[4, 27]
Table 6: Clinical Aspect of Prayatnadi Guna
Prayatnadi Meaning Hetu Lakshana Aushada
Sukha Happiness Intake of Pathya In Dosha Paka Lakshana, By following Upashaya
Sukha Anubhuti can be felt as per disease, Sukha
and is attributed to Arogya can be achieved
Dukha Unhappiness Intake of Apathya or Dosha Dushti and Indulging in
Upadha is root manifestation of symptoms Anupashaya doesn’t
cause for Dukha relieve from Dukha
Iccha Desire Anna na Akansha Trishna Fulfilling the desire
causing Udakodhara
Dwesha Aversion Krodha in Ajeerna Bhaktadwesha in Krimi Trasana in Unmada
(Manasika Bhavas Roga, Deepa Dwesha in
Dushti) Pittaja Netraroga
Prayatna Effort or Excessively Indigestion due to intake Effect of the Dravyas
Karma indulging in intake of excess of Amla Dravyas which produce desired
of Amla Dravyas or undesired result
causing Amlapitta
Buddhi Intelligence Helps in knowing Buddhi Bhramsha in Required to plan
about the cause of Unmada appropriate treatment
disease condition, whether Daiva
conduct of person, Vyapashraya, Yukti
behaviour of person. Vyapashraya,
Satwavajaya Chikitsa to
be adopted

AYUSHDHARA | September - October 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 5 2412

Gupta Monika et al. Clinical Aspect of Guna Siddhanta with Special Reference to Trisutra Ayurveda
Dravya means substratum which possesses Commentary by Chakrapanidutta on Charaka
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Commentary by Chakrapanidutta on Charaka Sanskrit sansthan:2006.p.5,.7
Samhita of Agnivesha. Chikitsasthana; Chapter26 26. Susruta. Susruta Samhita With Ayurveda Tattva
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21. Vrddha Vagbhata. Astangasamgraha with Maharsi Susruta. Nidanasthana; Chapter 46.
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or Vrddha Vagbhata. Sutrasthana. Chapter1 27. Agnivesha, Charaka, Dridabala, Acharya YT.
verse 38. First ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Charaka Samhita with Ayurveda Deepika
Sanskrit sansthan: 2006.p.9 Commentary by Chakrapanidutta on Charaka
22. Agnivesha, Charaka, Dridabala, Acharya YT. Samhita of Agnivesha. Sharirasthana; Chapter1.
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Commentary by Chakrapanidutta on Charaka 1994. Pp.294.
Samhita of Agnivesha. Chikitsasthana; Chapter16

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Gupta Monika, Gudipudi V.S.S.N Sarvabhouma, Pujar Rashmi, S Gopikrishna. Clinical
Aspect of Guna Siddhanta with Special Reference to Trisutra Ayurveda. AYUSHDHARA,
2019;6(5): 2407-2414.
Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared

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AYUSHDHARA | September - October 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 5 2414

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